Product Functional Design Preface Getting Started User Tasks

component is by selecting the Object->Edition command from the contextual menu. 5. Repeat the same interactions to create another object (Object.2), save.
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Product Functional Design Preface Getting Started User Tasks Workbench Description Customizing

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Preface Functional design is a set of techniques whereby you define a system with respect to the interactions between the components making up this system. Prior creating a product with the tools allowing you to watch them onscreen as mechanical components, you have to define the bricks of your product and evaluate the interactions between them. How the system components interact is defined in the form of a graph which conveys how the components are related to each other and how the whole system behaves. CATIA Product Functional Design enables you to associate CATIA products and scripts with the system components as well as manage variants in the CATIA context. The Invention Machine Corporation TechOptimizer™ can be used as an add-in of CATIA Product Functional Design so that you can benefit from the capabilities of both products. To keep up with the material presented in this guide, it is better to have a prerequisite knowledge of the TechOptimizer 3.0 product. If need be, refer to the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

Getting Started Creating and Editing a Component Creating and Moving an Action Creating a Graph from a Sample

Like for most CATIA features, you: delete a component or an action by using the Delete command from the contextual menu edit a component or an action by double-clicking on it either in the tree or in the geometry or graph area, or by using the edition command from the contextual menu.

Creating and Editing a Component The component is the basic element of a graph. This task explains how to create and edit a component. Note that like most CATIA features, a component is deleted from the Delete command of the contextual menu. For how to create a component by using the IMC Add-In capabilities, see the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual. 1. In the Tools->Options->Digital Mockup->Functional System dialog box, A) check the options below: a) 'Empty' in Document contents at creation b) 'ASO' in Tree display B) select UML in the Graph options list. 2. In the standard tool bar, select the Start->Digital Mockup->Product Functional Design command. A simple tree with only OBJECTS and ACTIONS is displayed. 3. Click the displayed.

icon then click in the geometry area. The Object.1 box is

4. If need be, resize the object by using the toolbar or drag (left mouse button).


icon in the standard

5. Double-click Object.1 either in the tree (you must expand the OBJECTS node) or in the graph area. The object edition box is displayed. If need be, modify the object name in the edition box. Another way to edit a component is by selecting the Object->Edition command from the contextual menu. 6. Repeat the same interactions to create another object (Object.2), save your document, keep it open and go to next task.

Creating and Moving an Action An action is a link between a component referred to as the subject to another component intended to be modified by the action. This task explains how to create and move an action. For information on the SAO [Subject-Action-Object] principles as well as how to create either an harmful or a useful action by using the IMC Add-In capabilities, see the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

icon then select the subject component (Object.1 for 1. Click the example or its renamed version). The Action.1 is added to the subject component. 2. Drag the arrow representing the action to make it longer and move the arrow extremity to the Object.2 component. Click in the Object.2 area to drop the action extremity on Object.2. 3. Create a third component (Object.3) 4. Select the Action.1 extremity which is materialized by a green spot (default settings) and drag this spot to the Object.3 component. The Action.1 action has now Object.1 as its subject and Object.3 as its object. To move an action as a whole element and detach it completely from its initial subject and object, select the arrow representing the action right in the middle then drag it. To move either extremity of an action, select the green spot at the extremity you want to move and drag it to the component to be attached.

Creating a Graph from a Sample You can construct a graph: either from scratch. To do so, refer to Creating and Editing a Component and Creating and Moving an Action. or use a sample which is provided as an option at the document creation. This task explains how to construct a simple graph from a sample. The CATSystem document which is created can be re-used in the User Tasks. 1. In the Tools->Options->Digital Mockup->Functional System dialog box, A) check the options below: a) Sample Elements in Document contents at creation b) ASO in Tree display B) select UML in the Graph options list. 2. In the standard tool bar, select the Start->Digital MockUp->Product Functional Design command. The graph below is displayed:

3. Right-click the MyFirstSuperSystem object, and rename it in Finger by using the Object Edition command from the contextual menu. Repeat the same operation to rename MyFirstProduct in Tissue, Component1 in Piston and Component2 in Medicine. 4. Select the Useful Action action, and delete it by using the Delete command from the contextual menu. 5. Create the presses and moves useful actions as well as the saturates harmful

action as indicated below.

6. Save the created document. Note that document created with Product Functional Design has the .CATSystem extension.

User Tasks Linking a Product with a Component Linking a Product with a Script Creating a Variant

Linking a Product to a Component By associating a product with a component, you can check the consistency between the functional design of a product and its mechanical design. 1. Open the PfdSyringeAndFinger.CATSystem document. 2. Open the PfdSyringeAssembly.CATProduct document.

3. In the CATSystem document, select the Container object to be associated with a product. The Container object can be selected either from the tree or from the graph. icon, then select the SyringeContainer feature in the 4. Click the CATProduct document specification tree. In the CATSystem document graph, an icon is added to the Container object. 5. Repeat the same operation with the Piston object.

Linking a Script to a Component You can associate a script generated from the Generative Script product with a component. For information about how to write a script, see the Generative Script User's Guide. 1. Open the PfdSyringeAndFinger.CATSystem document. 2. Right-click the Container object, then select the Generative Script command from the contextual menu. The script editor is displayed. 3. Enter or copy/paste the script which is provided in the PfdSyringeContainer.CATGScript sample onto the editor, then click Generate. The document below is generated.

Creating a Variant Trimming is a technique for eliminating or simplifying elements in a product design. It is based on the idea that redistributing actions and eliminating components can make a system simpler, less expensive, more robust and easier to be manufactured. When you modify a CATSystem document by using trimming capabilities, you create variants. 1. In the Tools->Options-> Digital Mockup-Functional System dialog box, check the Free Edit option in the IMC tab. 2. Re-use the document you have just saved in Getting Started and add the objects and actions described on figure below:

You can also open the PfdSyringeAndFinger.CATSystem document. 3. Select the Create a Functional Variant command from the root contextual menu. The Variant.1 graph is displayed. Select the end of the presses.1 action which is located on the Piston component and drag it to the Container component. Select the origin of the (Piston) moves.1 (Medicine) action and move it to the Container component. Remove the Piston component as well as the directs.1 action. This is the graph you should obtain:

To go back to the initial Functional Description, select the variant in the tree, then select the Edit the Original Functional Description command from the contextual menu.

Workbench Description Product Functional Definition

Invention Machine Corporation

Product Functional Definition The Component icon. Click this icon then click in the geometry area to create a component. The Action icon. Select a component in the geometry area, then click this icon to create an action. The Link a Functional Definition icon allows you to link a product with a component. The Edit Parameters icon is not to be used in the present version.

IMC Add-In The Functional Purpose icon. See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual. The Functional SuperSystem icon. See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual. The Functional Component icon. See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

The Useful Action icon. See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

The Harmful Action icon. See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

Not to be used in the present version. The Trimming icon allows you to create a variant.

Not to be used in the present version.

Customizing To define your settings, access the Tools->Options->Digital Mockup-Functional system option. This option provides you with a two tabs whereby you can define the settings related to the user interface.

General Document contents at creation Empty After a File->New, you just see onscreen the tree with the OBJECTS, ACTIONS, PROBLEMS, CONCEPTS and VARIANTS nodes. Sample Elements In addition to the basic tree, you get onscreen a sample of a graph. Display of actions in tree A Only the action label is displayed (example: Generates). SAO The action is displayed in the form (example: Motor Generates Noise). ASO The action is displayed in the (->) form (example: Generates(Motor->Noise). Graph options UML Only objects and actions are displayed. IMC In addition to objects and actions, problems, variants and concepts are displayed.

Invention Machine Tools Tree Display See the TechOptimizer 3.0 Software Manual.

Trimming variant change mode Trimming wizard You create a variant by filling in a series of dialog boxes. Free edit You create a variant by manipulating the components and actions directly in the graph.