President's word

road from Tuddal and carry on up to Flistjønnskaret at .... (1460m). 881.PAVLICEVO Sedlo. (1339m). 846.Didyma Caves (1113m) ...... 91 CLEMENTS Edwin. GB.
33MB taille 2 téléchargements 366 vues
BIG Review 2006

Le mot du président / President’s word

Contents Changements/Changes 2

Joies et dangers de la croissance

Increasing pleasures and dangers

Official Listing/Liste

Le BIG en 2006 fêtera sans doute son 500e membre. Sans doute un personnage cycliste pour faire honneur au nombre rond.

The BIG in 2006 will surely have the honour of a 500 th member. Perhaps a wellknown cyclist to give a sense to a round number.

Resultats 2005/

Nous augmentons régulièrement depuis 3 ans de 80 unités supplémentaires, provenant de multiples horizons : tant mieux ! C’est un plaisir de partager cette passion de la belle ascension avec de plus en plus de monde.

We are increasing regularly with about 80 members more each year.coming from different countries : hurrah ! It’s a pleasure to share this passion of the beautiful climb with more and more people. But, because there is a « but », increasing also means some other consequences aside. The great number asks a louder administrative work, more debated decisions, more hasardous uses of the languages, Perhaps forgetting sometimes « the aim of our sky » in our challenge : the listing of the 1.000 and the human being, cyclist and passionated.

Mais, car il y a un « mais », la croissance comporte aussi ses dangers collatéraux. Le grand nombre implique une gestion administrative plus lourde, des décisions plus débattues, un échange linguistique parfois hasardeux. Au point parfois d’oublier « l’essence ciel » denotre challenge : la liste des 1.000 et le cyclogrimpeur humain et passionné. Notre challenge a aussi le challenge de la croissance : croître en restant convivial et passionné, être efficace sans être trop réglementaire, être organisé sans être coincé, garder une vie active et une ouverture aux idées à partir d’une liste a priori fermée : des buts, des idéaux à l’image de nos montées. Pentues et Difficiles, mais tellement enthousiasmantes lorsque, fatigués mais heureux, on atteint le sommet.

Our challenge has also the challenge of the increasing: to increase keeping friendship and passion, to be efficient without too much rules, to be organised without being too strict, to keep an active way and a good opening to the new ideas around a basically closed listing : some way, some goals, similar to our climbs. Slopy and difficult, but so enthusiastic at the end when, tired but happy, we reach the top. Daniel Gobert

Officiele Results 2005






Rendezvous Grenoble


Rendezvous Luxembourg




Monts de France


Google Earth


Zone 2: la Big-therapie Zone 3: The Ardennes Zone 4: The Schwarzwald Zone 5: Plateau de Beille Le Queyras Savoie Les Pyrenees Zone 7: Swiss Alps Balmberg Passhohe Rendezvous en St. Ursanne Zone 8: Austrian Cycling Tour Tour de Tirol Zone 9: Giro d’Italia Tre Cime de Lavaredo Madonna del Ghisallo Zone 10: Galyatetö Zone 11: Les Bigs Slovenes

Distribuée a tous les membres en règle. Sent to all members regurlarly subscribed. Brevet International du grimpeur. International Cycloclimbing Diploma. Zwischenstaatliches Kletterer Zeugnis. Internationaal Klimmersbrevet. Brevetto Internazional dello Scalatore. Diploma Internacional del escalador. Association des Monts de France. Super Grimpeur Franco-Belge. Editeurs: Martin Kool ([email protected]) and Hans Koedijker. Impression Revue/Reviews printing: Etienne Mayeur.



26 28 34 36 38 41 45 48 53 55 62 80 83 87 89 97 99

BIG Review 2006

Changements/Changes : Notre voie/our way Daniel Gobert The listing of the 1.000 BIGs is the base of our challenge. As a closed listing, it is coming from a choice. This choice could be fixed forever but this will not take care of the time and the hasard of the roads’destructions and constructions. The BIG has decided since a long time to stay this listing alive through annual changes. But we can’t decide something never mind how and why : those changes come from an internal votation inside the GIO, group of members according to the countries’representations and the changes’method has been longly debated in and out this small comity . Concerning the positive remarks, the fact that now, members don’t drive no more, long lost km’s for climbs without aim and without value. Concerning the negative remarks, the regret to have climbed some day a complicated climb now disappeared out the listing, thoughts like nostalgy, and finally some hard critics about the applied method and a kind of fear about the future. The GIO is conscious not to be at the top but tries to make its best for a large majority among the BIG’s members. It has understood the advices and will work now in two periods. Firstly, in two or three years, it will reorganise deeply some badly selected zones because not well known at the moment of the listing’s birth, Secondly, a great break on the changes through very restrictive obligations for the further suggestions. You’ll see that the new listing that you have in this review has included a new organisation of the zones 10 (almost) et 11 (back to see) by modifying 7 numbers, getting their names better, including some «national must » or replacing unridable climbs just discovered this year. Otherwise, the 5 annual changes show the appearance of the highest surfaced roads in Scotland and England (something that our listing must have), and the highest difference of level in southern Sweden. We’ll normally (but we will discuss about of course !) give a new organisation in the next two years in the zones 4 (bad balance) and 11 (not well known), giving also very strong restrictions to the abilty to suggest a change in the future. The GIO has the goal to give its member since the year 2008, a listing of 1.000 BiGs, without weakness, with a great stability and with all the european « musts ».

La liste des 1.000 BIGs est la base de notre challenge. Comme c’est une liste fermée, elle est issue d’un choix. Ce choix pourrait être fixé à tout jamais, mais ce serait ne pas tenir compte des aléas du temps et du hasard des destructions et constructions de routes. Le BIG a donc décidé depuis longtemps de faire vivre cette liste à travers des changements annuels. Mais on ne peut pas décider n’importe comment : ces changements sont donc issus d’un vote au sein du GIO, groupe de membres au prorata des inscrits par nations et les modalités de ces changements ont longuement été débattues en son sein et à l’extérieur. Les remarques positives témoignent d’une amélioration de la liste en préservant de plus en plus les membres d’effectuer un grand nombre de km’s pour des ascensions sans âme et sans valeur. Les remarques négatives témoignent du regret d’avoir effectué des ascensions compliquées, certes, mais disparues des listes et d’un brin de nostalgie, ainsi parfois que d’une critique forte de la méthode appliquée et d’une crainte à long terme. Le GIO est conscient de ne pas être au top mais vise le mieux pour le maximum de membres. Il a donc pris acte des différents avis et a décidé d’agir en deux temps. D’abord, en deux ou trois ans, réorganiser de manière forte des zones mal sélectionnées car peu connues au moment de la création de la liste. Ensuite, un gros frein sur les changements au moyen d’exigences très restrictives sur les futures propositions. Vous constaterez ainsi que la nouvelle liste qui est sous vos yeux dans cette revue a vu une réorganisation des zones 10 (surtout) et 11 (à revoir) en modifiant 7 numéros, soit en améliorant les dénominations de certaines ascensions , en amenant les « must » nationaux ou en remplaçant des impraticables juste découverts cette année. Vous constaterez par ailleurs que les 5 changements annuels permettent de voir apparaître notamment les plus hautes routes revêtues d’Ecosse et d’Angleterre (ce que notre liste devait avoir) et la plus grande dénivelée revêtue du sud de la Suède. On devrait a priori mais on va en discuter, réorganiser la zone 4 (déséquilibrée) et la zone 11 (peu connue) dans les deux années à venir, tout en restreignant de manière très accentuée les possibilités de propositions de changements ailleurs. Le GIO s’est donné comme but à partir de 2008 de soumettre à ses membres une liste des 1.000 BIGs sans faiblesse, stable et incontournable.


BIG Review 2006

The 5 changes of the year – les 5 changements de l’année

Changements / Changes List.1000 BIGs - 2006 28. GAUSTATOPPEN (1260m) The mountain road over Gaustatoppen between Rjukan and Tuddal is a spectacular scenic experience. You start off up the narrow, steep, twisting road from Tuddal and carry on up to Flistjønnskaret at an altitude of 1,260 metres, one of the highest mountain passes in Norway. Then you will be able to see Gaustatoppen towering magnificently above you on your left and Heddersvann lake and tors on your right. There is a marked trail from here up to the summit of Gaustatoppen. Then you pass Svineroi, where there is a turning off to the right to the area around Gausta and Kvitåvatn, where there are several hotels and other places of accommodation where you can stay and you can join in in the many activities organised here. From Svineroi, the road winds its way round hairpin bends down to Rjukan. La route de montagne Gaustatoppen qui s’enroule entre Rjukan et Tuddal est une expérience scénique spectaculaire. Vous commencez vers le haut de l'étroite route de Tuddal et continuez jusqu'à Flistjønnskaret à une altitude de 1.260 mètres, un des passages de montagne les plus élevés en Norvège. Alors vous pourrez voir Gaustatoppen dominer magnifiquement audessus de vous sur votre gauche ainsi que le lac et les massifs de roche Heddersvann sur votre droite. Il y a un sentier marqué d'ici jusqu'au sommet de Gaustatoppen. Alors vous passez Svineroi, où il y a plusieurs hôtels et

Tossebergsklätt en seems to be the highest difference of level of the south of Sweden. The top is 343m and the difference of level seems to be 280 meters. The length of the climb is ~ 2.4km. So the average gradient would be 11.5%

d'autres endroits de logement où vous pouvez rester et vous pouvez vous associer aux nombreuses activités organisées ici. De Svineroi, la route enroule à sa manièredes épingles à cheveux jusqu’en bas à Rjukan. 39. TOSSEBERGSK LÄTTEN (343m) In 1994 we drove from Stockholm up to Karlstad and from there up again in the direction of Sunne. We drove up to the top of Tossebergsklatten. As I recal it's a rather steep climb that winds around the mountain side. The surface is asphalt.


En 1994 nous avons roulé depuis Stockholm jusqu'à Karlstad et par là vers le haut encore dans la direction de Sunne. Nous avons gravi alors le Tossebergsklatten. C’est plutôt un raide ascension que les vents autour de la montagne grossissent. La couche de surface est asphaltée.

BIG Review 2006 Vous pouvez aller voir : le Tossebergsklatten est sûrement la meilleure dénivelée du sud de la Suède. Le dessus est 343m et la dénivelée semble être de 280 mètres. La longueur de l'ascension est d’environ 2.4km et le pourcentage moyen serait 11,5% 68. LOWTHER HILL (725m)

Lowther Hill is quite simply the highest surfaced road of Scotland. There with barrier stipulating his private aspect but as for much British d’ascensions, one can without hesitating to climb en.vélo. Station-radar at the top. The proof of the coating in the site below and the description which is made by it. Located on the border of South Lanarkshire and Dumfries and Galloway, Lowther Hill gives its name to a range of hills which form part of the Southern Uplands. Located 7 miles (11 km) east of Sanquhar, it is the 2nd highest peak within the Lowther Hills, rising to a height of 725m (2378 feet). Lowther Hill est tout simplement la plus haute route revêtue d'Ecosse. Avec barrière stipulant son aspect privé mais comme pour beaucoup d’ascensions britanniques, on

peut sans hésiter y grimper en vélo. Stationradar au sommet. La preuve du revêtement dans le site cidessous et la description qui en est faite. Placé sur la frontière de Lanarkshire et de Dumfries et de Galloway du sud, la colline de Lowther donne son nom à une gamme des collines qui font partie des montagnes méridionales. Placé 7 milles (11 kilomètres) à l'est de Sanquhar, c'est la 2ème crête la plus élevée dans les collines de Lowther, se levant à une taille de 725m (2378 pieds). 76. GREAT DUN FELL (848m) Great Dun Fell is quite simply the highest surfaced road of England. There with barrier stipulating his private aspect but as for much of British rises, one can without hesitating to climb en.vélo. Antenna radar-weather at the top. Helmuth Dekkers Great Dun Fell est tout simplement la plus haute route revêtue d'Angleterre. Avec barrière stipulant son aspect privé mais comme pour beaucoup d'ascensions britanniques, on peut sans hésiter y grimper en vélo. Antenne radar-météo au sommet. La preuve du revêtement dans le site cidessous et la description qui en est faite


736. PIAMBELLO (1079m)

Graphic : Salite – Text : Jules Dejace Monte San Martino in Culmine (1079m) Situé à 9 km à l'ouest du monte Piambello La montée, au départ de Cuveglio, est complètement asphaltée et en très bon état depuis quelques années Du point de vue sportif : nettement plus dur :10,5 km avec 785 m de dénivelée soit 7,5 % (qui deviennent 7,9 % si l'on tient compte d'une contrepente de 350m) avec des pointes de 14% et un tronçon continu de 2,5km à plus de 10%. Du point de vue touristique : En automne 1943, Au Monte San Martino , ont eu lieu les premiers combats entre la résistance antifasciste italienne et l'armée allemande. De là, belle vue sur les lacs, lac Majeur et ses satellites et lac de Lugano, sur les Préalpes lombardes et suisses et la chaîne des Alpes jusqu'à la Bernina à l'Est et au Finsteraarhorn au N-W. Monte San Martino in Culmine (1079m) long 8°45.5' lat 45°55.5'

BIG Review 2006 9 km to the West from Monte Piambello The climb starting from Cuveglio is completly surfaced and in good conditions. From sport point of view: Surely harder. 10.5km with 785m of level difference so 7.5% (even 7.9% if a 350m counterslope is considered) with local slopes of 14% and a part of 2.5km of continuous 10%. This climb is classified in category 4 (on 5) by A.Ferraris in the already quoted book. Touristic point of view: In autumn 1943, in monte San Martino, started the first fights between italians partisans and german army.. From there, view on the lakes, lago Maggiore and its satellites and lago di Lugano, on the lombardian and Swiss pre-alps and on the Alps chain up to Bernina to the East and to Finsteraarhorn to the N-W. The 7 reorganisations of the eastern zones – les 7 réorganisations des zones orientales 826.PRZEHYBA (1175m) 828.Przelecz SALMOPOLSKA (1200m) 843.TATLIAKOVO JAZERO (1370m) 844.Sedlo CERTOVICA (1238m) 846.MARTINSKE HOLE (1460m) 881.PAVLICEVO Sedlo (1339m) 846.Didyma Caves (1113m)


BIG Review 2006

Liste officielle 2006 01 - NORDIC COUNTRIES 1. Breiadalsheii 2. Öxnadalsheii 3. Námaskar 4. Mörudalsfjällgarar 5. Hellisheii 6. Oddskar 7. Almannáskar 8. Nordkapp 9. Guolasjavri 10. Saltfjellet 11. Umskardet 12. Trøn 13. Dovrefjell 14. Blåhö 15. Vestkap 16. Trollstigveien 17. Dalsnibba 18. Gamle Strynefjellsvei 19. Sognefjell Hytta 20. Valdresflya 21. Tyin Øsen 22. Fillefjell Pass 23. Osen 24. Nystölen 25. Stalheimkleiva 26. Aurlandsvegen 27. Hardangervidda 27, Gaustatoppen 29. Dyrskar Pass 30. Lysefjordsveien 31. Luossavaara 32. Ullådalen 33. Stekkenjokk 34. Flatruet 35. Sälens Högfjällshotellet 36. Vemdalskalet 37. Nipstugan Pass 38. Bispergs Klack 39. Tossebergsklätten 40. Hunneberg 41. Högkullen 42. Kilpisjärvi 43. Kaunispää 44. Pallastunturi 45. Rukatunturi 46. Tunturi-Ylläs 47. Vuokatti 48. Ukko-Koli 49. Ejer Bavnehöj 50. Himmelbjerget 05 - France 201. Roc Trevezel 202. Ménez-Hom 203. Ménez-Kerque 204. Montagne Locronan 205. Roc de Toullaëron 206. Ménez-Bré 207. Mûr-de-Bretagne 208. Moncontour 209. Cap Fréhel 210. Mont Dol 211. Mont Cassel 212. Mont Noir 213. Mont Tranet 214. Col du Loup 215. Mont Saint-Walfroy 216. Grand Wintersberg 217. Col du Donon 218. Champ du Feu 219. Col de la Grosse Pierre 220. Col de la Schlucht 221. Petit Drumond 222. Petit Ballon 223. Grand Ballon 224. Ballon de Servance 225. Ballon d’Alsace

Official listing 2006

02 - BRITISH ISLES 51. Sperrin 52. Spelga Dam 53. Gap of Mamore 54. Grianan of Aileach 55. Glengesh Pass 56. Cliffs of Moher 57. Connor Pass 58. Coomakesta Pass 59. Ballaghasheen Pass 60. Ballaghbeama Gap 61. Healy Pass 62. Mullaghanish 63. Slieve Bloom Mountain 64. Sally Gap 65. Wicklow Gap 66. Bealach Na Ba 67. Bealach Ratagain 68. Lowther Hill 69. Cairn Gorm 70. Lecht Road 71. Tom Dubh 72. The Strone 73. Devil’s Elbow 74. Glen Quaich 75. Carter Bar 76. Great Dun Fell 77. Westernhope Moor 78. Hartside Cross 79. Whinlatter Pass 80. Honister Pass 81. Hard Knott Pass 82. Wrynose Pass 83. Kirkstone Pass 84. Fleet Moss 85. Rosedale Head 86. Cow & Calf 87. Oxenhope Moor 88. Holme Moss 89. Snake Pass 90. Mam Tor 91. Bush Down 92. Exe Plain 93. Dunkery Beacon 94. Chineway Hill 95. Cheddar Gorge 96. Llanberis Pass 97. Horseshoe Pass 98. Bwlch-y-Groes 99. Devil’s Staircase 100. Gospel Pass

101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150.

03 - BENELUX Posbank Italiaanse Weg Oude Holleweg Cauberg Keutenberg Eyserbos Oude Huls Gulpenerberg Vijlenerbos Drielandenpunt Rodeberg Kemmelberg Koppenberg Kluisberg Oude Kwaremont Paterberg Muur van Geraardsbergen Mont Saint Aubert Barrage du Ry de Rome Triple Mur Monty La Gayolle Montagne de la Croix Col de Corbion Col du Sati Mur de Huy Signal de Botrange Ferme Libert Côte de la Redoute Col du Rideux Les Hézalles Col du Rosier Côte de Wanne Col du Stockeu Baraque de Fraiture Cheval de Bois Col d’Haussire Pied Monti Côte de Munshausen Mont Saint Nicolas Bourscheid Jardin-Tour Napoléon Côte d’Eschdorf Ferme de Masseler Herrenberg Gorges du Loup Altrier Côte d’Houwald Eoliennes de Pafebierg Birgerkraiz Mont Saint Jean

151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200.

04 - DEUTSCHLAND Hoch Elten Hermannsdenkmal Am Gericht Michelsberg Mützenich Schwarzer Mann Hohe Acht Krautscheid Steigung von Bremm Stumpfer Turm Erbeskopf Cloef Schaumberg Potzberg Donnersberg Trifels Hornisgrinde Schliff Kopf Löcherbergwasen Kandel Schauinsland Belchen Herzogenhorn Blauen Sirnitz Sattel Weißenbach Sattel Petersberg Kahler Asten Großer Inselberg Waßerkuppe Hohe Wurzel Großer Feldberg Katzenbuckel Sonnenberg Brocken Roßtrappe Auersberg Fichtelberg Schwarzriegel Großer Arber Oberjoch Paß Nebelhorn Riedbergpaß Allgaüer Berghof Keßelbergstraße Wallberg Straße Spitzing Sattel Südelfeld Hirschbichl Roßfeld

226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250.

251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275.

Chaise-Dieu Col de la République Crêt de l’Oeillon Col de Charousse Pas de Peyrol Col de Légal Col de Finiels Pré de la Dame Col de Meyrand Croix de Boutières Gerbier de Jonc Col de Serre-Mûre Chartreuse de Portes Col du Grand Colombier Crêt de Châtillon Mont du Chat Mont Revard Col du Granier Col de Porte Col des Arces Col de la Ramaz Col de l’Encrenaz Avoriaz Col de Joux-Plane Mont Salève

276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300.

Col de la Colombière Col de la Croix-Fry Col du Grand Cucheron Collet d’Allevard Col de la Madeleine Signal de Bisanne Cormet d’Arêches Cormet de Roselend La Plagne Col du Petit Saint-Bernard Col de l’Iseran Col de la Croix-de-Fer Col du Mont Cenis Chamrousse Alpe d’Huez Col du Galibier Col du Granon Pré Madame Carle Col d’Izoard Sommet du Bûcher Chapelle de Clausis Col de Tourniol Col du Rousset Col de Ménée Col du Noyer

Butte de Montenoison Mont Beuvray Mont de Sène Signal d’Uchon Butte du Suin Col de Favardy Mont Poupet Grand Taureau Mont Morond Mont d’Or Pic de l’Aigle Crêt Pela Col de la Faucille Crêt de Chalam Signal du Cuiron Relais de Planachat Col de Saint-Thomas Col du Chevalard Puy-de-Dôme Col de Guéry Col de la Croix-Morand Col de la Croix Saint-Robert Col du Béal Col de Baracuchet Col de l’Homme Mort


BIG Review 2006

301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375.

Mont Ventoux Mont Colombis Col du Pontis Col du Parpaillon Col de Vars Col d’Allos Col de la Cayolle Cime de la Bonette Col de la Lombarde Col des Champs Col de la Couillole Col de Rieisse Mont Aigoual Col des Faisses Pic de Nore Col de l'Espinouse Pic de Tantajo Mont Saint-Baudille Mont Saint-Clair Guidon du Bouquet Mont Faron Cirque de Vaumale Col de Valferrière Montagne de Doublier Col Saint-Martin Mont Vial Madonne d’Utelle L’Authion Col de Braus Artzamendi Col de Bagargui-Iraty Col de la Pierre Saint-Martin Col de Marie-Blanque Col d’Aubisque Col de Spandelles Pont d’Espagne Hautacam Luz-Ardiden Gavarnie Cirque de Troumouse Col du Tourmalet Lac d’Aumar Col de Beyrède Col d’Aspin Pla d’Adet Plateau de Beille Col d’Azet Col de Peyresourde Superbagnères Col de Menté Col de Portet d’Aspet Guzet-Neige Col d’Agnès Col de Péguère Prat d’Albis Montségur Col du Pradel Port de Pailhères Col de Puymorens Coma Morera Col de Jau Col de Mantet Roques Blanches Châlet-hôtel des Cortalets Tour de Madeloc Col de Serra Serra di Pigno Bocca di a Battaglia Haut-Asco Col de Prato Col de Lava Col de Vergio Bergeries de Grotelle Col de Verde Col de Bavella

376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450.

06 - ESPAÑA Monte Aloia Vixía Herbeira Alto de San Clodio Puerto del Buey Cabeza de Manzaneda Puerto de Ancares El Sestil Paso del Morredero Puerto de Foncebadón Puerto del Palo Pozo las Mujeres Muertas Puerto del Connio Monasterio de Obona Santuario del Acebo Puerto de Somiedo Puerto de San Lorenzo Puerto de Ventana L’Angliru La Cobertoria Puerto de la Cubilla Puerto de Pajares Puerto de San Isidro Collado de Los Bedules Puerto de Panderruedas Lagos de Covadonga Sotres Puerto de San Glorio Alto Campoo Puerto de la Palombera Puerto del Escudo Puerto Estacas de Trueba Portillo de Lunada Peña Cabarga Portillo de la Sia Puerto de Orduña Puerto de Urkiola Alto de Jaizkibel Alto de Azurki Alto de Hachueta Puerto de la Herrera Puerto de Urbasa Puerto de Lizárraga Higa de Monreal Orzanzurieta Puerto de Larrau Puerto de Somport Castillo de Loarre Collado de Sahún Cerler El Portillon Collado de la Bonaigua Llac de Sant Maurici Coll de Cantó Rasos de Peguera Coll de Pal Vallter 2000 Coll de Bracons Turó de l’Home Coll Formic Monasterio de Montserrat Arcalis Coll de Ordino Els Cortals Port d’Envalira Coll Cabris Bosc de la Rabassa Lagunas de Neila Cruz de la Demanda Moncalvillo Puerto de Cantohicado Laguna Negra de Urbion El Moncayo Puerto de Orihuela Puerto de Villaroya Mont Caró

451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. 510. 511. 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. 521. 522. 523. 524. 525.


Alto de Peñarroya Puerto Vidré Puerto del Remolcador Alto de Eslida Javalambre Puerto Viejo Portillo de Las Batuecas Peña de Francia El Travieso Puerto de Honduras Puerto de Tornavacas Puerto del Piornal Puerto de la Peña Negra Puerto de Serranillos Puerto de Mijares Puerto de Guadarrama Puerto de Navacerrada Puerto de la Morcuera Puerto de la Quesera Alto del Campello Puerto de Ares Puerto de Tudons Cerro Espuña Galilea Coll de Soller La Corbata Puig Major Monasterio de Cura Monasterio San Salvador Las Palomas de Ronda Gibraltar Alto de Cascajares Puerto del León El Almadén Mirador Cabra Montés Puerto Lobo Pico Veleta Puerto Haza del Lino Puerto de la Ragua Puerto de Tiscar Las Palomas de Cazorla Alto de la Sagra Puerto Padilla Calar Alto Las Cañadas Pico del Inglés Pozo de las Nieves Roque de los Muchachos Cumbrecita Garajonay Monte do Faro Portela do Homem Larouco Alto de Espinho Marofa Buçaco Torre Serra de Açor Alto do Trevim Santa Catarina Sao Mamede Marvao Capela San Macario Monsanto Alto de Sintra Serra da Arrábida Monte Foïa Alcana do Cume Serrada Encumeada Cabo Girao Pico Ariero Picos das Eguas Barrosa Caldeira

07 - SCHWEIZ 526. La Barillette 527. Col de la Givrine 528. Col du Marchairuz 529. Mont Tendre 530. Col de l’Aiguillon 531. Vue des Alpes 532. Le Chasseral 533. Mont Soleil 534. Noirmont 535. Montfaucon 536. Sur la Croix 537. Weißenstein 538. Balmberg Paßhöhe 539. Paßwang 540. Regensberg 541. Bachtel 542. Aula-Chia 543. Col de Jaman 544. Col des Mosses 545. Col de la Croix 546. Jaunpaß 547. Gurnigelpaß 548. Glaubenbergpaß 549. Glaubenbüelenpaß 550. Ächerlipaß 551. Melchsee-Frutt 552. Engstlenalp 553. Etzelpaß 554. Pragelpaß 555. Stoß 556. Schrina-Hochrugg 557. Buchs-Malbun 558. Ovronnaz 559. Col du Sanetsch 560. Lac de Zeusier 561. Crans-Montana 562. Gorneren 563. Fafleralp 564. Axalp 565. Große Scheidegg 566. Oberaarsee 567. Sustenpaß 568. Furkapaß 569. Oberalppaß 570. Klausenpaß 571. Tannenbodenalp 572. Pas de Morgins 573. Col de la Forclaz 574. Col des Planches 575. Monte Generoso 576. Barrage de Mauvoisin 577. Thyon 2000 578. Barrage de la Grande Dixence 579. Arolla 580. Glacier de Moiry 581. Chandolin 582. Mattmarksee 583. Simplonpaß 584. Nufenenpaß 585. Sankt-Gothardpaß 586. Lago di Naret 587. Lukmanierpaß 588. Lago Luzzone 589. Passo di Neggia 590. Passo del San Bernardino 591. Glaspaß 592. Lenzerheidepaß 593. Arosa 594. Flüelapaß 595. Ofenpaß 596. Albulapaß 597. Julierpaß 598. Juf 599. Berninapaß 600. Malbun

BIG Review 2006

601. 602. 603. 604. 605. 606. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675.

08 - ÖSTERREICH Millrütti Furkajoch Schattenlagant Hochtannbergpaß Berwang Hahntennjoch Bielerhöhe Fiß Pillerhöhe Kühtai Ehrwalderalm Kaunertal Rettenbachtal Timmelsjoch Mutterbergalm Speicher-Zillergründl Halltal Zillertaler Höhenstraße Saga-Alm Kitzbühler Horn Durchkaseralm Gerlospaß Staller Sattel Loferer Alpe Hochtor Neues-Luckner Haus Volkzeiner Hütte Oscheniksee Hochstein Dientner Sattel Gaisberg Straße Arthur Haus Zirknitztal Plöckenpass Jamnig Hütte Moldaublick Loser Hütte Stoderzinken Roßbrand Hochwurzen Tauernpaß Maltatal Katschberg Naßfeldpaß Poludniger Alm Turracher Höhe Falkertsee-Hütte Villacher Alpenstraße Kanzelhöhe Gerlitzen Oberst-Klinke Hütte Hochkar Schutzhaus Sölker Paß Gleinalmsattel Lammersdorfer Berg Gaberlsattel Klippitztörl Magdalensberg Großer Speikkogel Eisenkappler Hütte Seeberg Sattel Weinebene Jauerling Grubberg Zellerain Bürgeralm Rohrer Sattel Hocheck Hohe Wand Preiner Gscheid Sonnwendstein Stuhleck Auf der Schanz Auf dem Straßegg Ebenwaldhaus

676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750.

09 - ITALIA Breuil-Cervinia 751. Colle San Carlo 752. Colle del Nivolet 753. Colle Sommeiller 754. Colle delle Finestre 755. Colle Braida 756. Pian del Re 757. Colle dell’ Agnello 758. Colle di Sampeyre 759. Il Fauniera 760. Colle di Tenda 761. Prato Nevoso 762. Passo dello Spluga 763. Menarola 764. Passo di San Marco 765. Rifugio Barbara Lowrie 766. Val Malenco 767. Passo del Vivione 768. Passo del Mortirolo 769. Passo di Foscagno 770. Passo di Gavia 771. Passo dello Stelvio 772. Val Martello 773. Val Senales 774. Passo di Monte Giovo 775. Passo di Pennes 776. Merano 2000 777. Passo delle Palade 778. Passo della Mendola 779. Val Genova 780. Monte Bondone 781. Passo Manghen 782. Torri del Vajolet 783. Passo Furcia 784. Passo delle Erbe 785. Passo di Gardena 786. Passo di Sella 787. Passo Pordoï 788. Passo di Fedaïa 789. Passo di Valparola 790. Passo di Giau 791. Passo Duran 792. Forcella Cibiana 793. Tre Cime di Lavaredo 794. Monte Zoncolan 795. Monte Paularo 796. Passo del Cason di Lanza 797. Sella Carnizza 798. Mataïur 799. Piancavallo 800. Passo Tomba 801. Monte Grappa 802. Passo Porte del Pasubio 803. Passo di Campogrosso 804. Alpe Cheggio 805. Alpe Rossombolmo 806. Monte Camoscio 807. Il Mottarone 808. Passo Cuvignone 809. Campo dei Fiori 810. San Martino 811. Passo del Gran San Bernardo812. Monte Bisbino 813. Monte Legnoncino 814. Monte Croce di Muggio 815. Madonna del Ghisallo 816. Giogo di Bala 817. Malga Palazzo 818. Rifugio Alpo 819. Passo di Tremalzo 820. Prati di Nago 821. Telegrafo 822. Colle Garezzo 823. Poggio di San Remo 824. La Cipressa 825.


Capo Berta Passo di Melogno Monte Beigua Passo del Faiallo Passo della Bocchetta Passo del Penice Passo del Ghiffi Colle dei Due Santi Passo del Cirone Passo Lagastrello Passo di Pradarena San Pellegrino in Alpe Abetone Croce Arcana Passo della Futa Passo la Calla Passo dei Mandrioli Valico Monte Fumaïolo San Marino Abazzia La Verna Bocca Trabária Monte Amiata Monte Argentario Montefiascone Sella di Leonessa Forca Canapine Forcola di Presta Gran Sasso d’Italia Campo Felice Monte Midia Campo Staffi Campo Catino Passo Diavolo Forca d’Acero Valico Monte Godi Blockhaus della Maïella Monte Marrone Monte Sant’Angelo Abazzia di Montecassino Campitello Matese Sella di Perrone Monte Taburno Monte Vergine Vesuvio Monte Solaro San Pietro Monte Faito Monte Cervialto Monte Vulture Monte Cervati Monte Armizzone Colle del Dragone Monte Moschereto Passo Crocetta Botte Donato Colle d’Ascione Stazione Forestale-Latteria Monte Mancuso Passo de Pietra Spada Monte Alto Cocuzza Portella di Bova Erice Pellegrino Carbonara Femmina Morta Serra di Trearie Portella Mandrazzi Castelmola Etna Balestrieri Passo Punta Masiennera Sporting Club Monte Spada Arcu Correboi Genna Silana Serpeddi

10 - EAST & KARPATHI 826. Przehyba 827. Przel'ecz Okraj 828. Przel'ecz Salmopolska 829. Przel'ecz Krowiarki 830. Cyrhla nad Bialka 831. Pereval Uzhok’skij 832. Pereval Verec’kyj 833. Pereval Vyskovs’kyj 834. Pereval Jablonitski 835. Pereval Nimtchitch 836. Vrbatova Bouda 837. Spindlerova Bouda 838. Súchy Vrch 839. Cevernohorske Sedlo 840. Praded 841. Pancir 842. Klet’ 843. Tatliakovo Jazero 844. Sedlo Certovica 845. Slieszky Dom 846. Martinske Hole 847. Skalka 848. Sitno 849. Panske Sedlo 850. Dobogo-Kö 851. Galyatetö 852. Kekestetö 853. Varheg? 854. Bánkút 855. Misina 856. Pasul Prislop 857. Pasul Tihuta 858. Pasul Ciumarna 859. Pasul Rarau 860. Pasul Bicaz 861. Páltinis 862. Pasul Balea 863. Pasul Bran 864. Pasul Predeal 865. Pasul Bratocea 866. Petrohanski Prohod 867. Aleko-Vitosha 868. Trojanski Prohod 869. Sipcenski Prohod 870. Vratnik Prohod 871. Maljovica Complex 872. Rilski Manastir 873. Rozen Manastir 874. Popski Preslop 875. Mont Snezhanska

BIG Review 2006


BIG Review 2006

6 9 0 34 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 8 40 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 29 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 50 20 15 1 0 0 5 5 5 3 6 0 0 29 15 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 3 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0

24 50 47 0 12 22 5 5 17 15 13 14 17 31 50 6 39 4 4 18 7 7 15 14 4 12 21 6 25 21 50 40 50 16 49 1 33 40 18 31 40 50 10 12 22 45 27 14 38 0 23 26 8 2 46 7 36 9 4 25 6 3 45 15 0 16 29 50 7 1 6

6 30 19 5 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 1 2 0 50 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 3 1 0 0 45 28 44 9 38 1 8 8 12 28 27 28 18 0 2 24 5 1 17 1 1 2 0 0 25 8 6 0 0 3 0 8 15 0 0 2 3 4 0 0 0

65 83 127 54 10 24 2 13 54 21 11 7 24 9 164 11 29 8 9 36 4 3 53 15 8 12 27 0 79 75 167 131 173 26 139 77 121 170 5 99 102 17 36 8 39 82 175 17 33 96 73 51 3 7 44 134 145 3 25 31 69 76 28 27 40 2 67 67 2 56 6

- 10 -

9 5 7 41 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 14 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 5 3 29 41 79 4 18 2 10 12 0 7 7 0 6 4 1 36 47 1 19 2 6 0 0 0 1 17 9 0 0 0 1 5 2 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0

9 23 20 22 0 2 0 0 3 1 0 0 1 0 75 0 8 3 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 7 4 2 2 63 27 31 14 27 12 26 12 13 8 7 20 2 2 4 45 44 0 6 7 8 0 0 3 50 26 46 0 1 3 0 5 0 1 4 0 12 0 0 19 0

3 10 1 6 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 34 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 13 19 3 17 0 4 0 0 11 11 7 8 0 0 15 13 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 16 13 7 0 0 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 9 11 32 1 5 0 0 7 0 1 1 0 11 32 0 11 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 2 1 2 0 5 4 49 48 58 47 23 10 22 8 1 39 37 6 24 2 2 35 58 0 4 2 16 0 0 0 24 29 23 0 0 7 1 19 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 0 0

1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 42 43 17 19 0 0 0 0 17 17 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

4 5 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 30 35 8 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0

30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19 17 50 0 2 0 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 9 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Big 5

55 e

Big 6

17 e

Big 5

28 e

Big 5

32 e

Big ca

296 e

Big 1,3

166 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

313 e

Big 2,3

125 e

Big 0,9

214 e

Big ca

274 e

Big ca

296 e

Big 1

203 e

Big 1,5

153 e

Big 10

3 e

Big ca

337 e

Big 3,7

75 e

Big ca

353 e

Big ca

344 e

Big 1,5

158 e

Big ca

370 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 1,8

137 e

Big 0,5

250 e

Big ca

329 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 1,5

157 e

Big ca

387 e

Big 3,4 Big 3

87 e 102 e

Big 10

2 e

Big 9

4 e

Big 13

1 e

Big 5

57 e

Big 7

8 e

Big 3

103 e

Big 5

31 e

Big 6 Big 1,3

14 e 169 e

Big 6

24 e

Big 6

21 e

Big 3,9

71 e

Big 3,2

96 e

Big 0,8

224 e

Big 1,8

137 e

Big 7 Big 8

10 e 5 e

Big 0,6

241 e

Big 3,8

72 e

Big 3,1

97 e

Big 3,7

74 e

Big 2,1

126 e

Big ca

387 e

Big ca

377 e

Big 5

37 e

Big 6

22 e

Big 6

13 e

Big ca

377 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big 1,8

140 e

Big 2,1

129 e

Big 4

69 e

Big 2,7

113 e

Big 0,9

207 e

Big 1

196 e

Big ca

313 e

Big 3,6

81 e

Big 3,7

75 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 2

132 e

Big ca

377 e

Diff .Ctr y

0 13 7 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 19 0 7 0 2 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0

Dip lom . Cla sse men t

165 266 232 220 23 55 10 20 83 41 26 23 44 61 530 17 126 15 16 59 13 10 70 31 18 26 60 11 116 105 539 446 665 164 353 104 224 283 54 245 253 131 110 39 70 312 399 33 130 108 127 79 11 12 206 250 284 12 30 69 77 134 96 43 45 20 122 126 10 76 12


new 200 5

Bel Bel Bel Nor Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Fra Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Fra Bel Fra Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel D Bel NL Fra Bel NL SF Fra Bel Fra Bel NL Fra Fra Bel Fra Bel Fra Fra Bel Bel Fra Bel Bel Bel Bel Fra L



Tot al

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

Results 2005 Nat ion .

Resultats 2005

19 19 10 18 3 8 4 3 6 7 5 4 5 7 24 3 14 3 3 4 4 2 5 5 7 5 7 3 6 6 31 29 35 20 16 8 10 18 9 17 18 10 10 6 8 15 21 4 11 5 8 3 2 3 10 13 14 2 3 5 4 12 8 3 3 3 11 6 3 3 2

BIG Review 2006 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145


Fra Fra Bel Bel Fra Bel Fra Bel Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Bel Fra Bel Bel Esp Esp GB Ita NL Ita Fra Ita Ita Bel Bel NL Ita NL NL NL Ita Fra Bel CH NL Bel Bel NL Ita Ita Fra Ita Ita NL NL CH Bel NL NL Bel Ita Ita Ita Fra Bel NL Ita NL Fra Bel NL Fra NL Ita Fra Ita E E E NL Bel

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 9 4

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 12 35 36 9 21 13 32 0 0 0 0 0 23 2 18 24 33 32 0 0 50 0 0 0 8 38 26 43 0 12 25 49 0 9 45 29 16 13 23 39 17 0 0 0 16 22 22 6 21 50 24 13 0 0 0 0 33 1 0 5 16 35 5 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 40

2 0 2 8 0 1 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 19 6 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 19 0 1 1 16 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 15 2 0 2 0 3 2 2 4 0 40 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 4

100 12 64 121 93 7 124 29 15 151 71 0 0 14 47 7 17 100 18 17 31 67 35 51 29 43 21 46 82 0 28 33 70 26 138 102 85 59 5 35 81 42 0 85 31 41 30 42 86 2 56 32 11 38 53 16 45 74 14 31 0 28 50 0 74 30 0 46 17 18 11 0 110 21

- 11 -

38 1 0 5 0 0 8 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 1 0 3 92 38 0 0 7 8 2 8 7 0 3 6 0 1 3 14 0 5 26 14 47 0 7 14 3 0 28 2 10 1 11 4 0 12 0 0 1 2 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 0 0 28 20 11 38 0

19 0 0 35 2 0 22 20 0 31 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 29 11 20 15 19 14 0 16 17 3 14 42 0 3 15 11 17 22 34 56 5 0 2 14 14 1 0 3 24 15 20 63 0 21 1 0 15 37 0 0 6 1 7 0 1 8 0 2 44 0 0 6 0 0 0 35 0

7 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 20 27 2 4 1 11 0 1 2 0 4 19 0 0 0 2 7 0 0 5 0 0 3 3 4 1 5 2 8 0 14 12 0 13 0 0 22 11 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 17 0 0 1 0 0 0 7 0

23 0 2 48 3 0 18 1 0 20 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 53 36 3 61 28 50 1 53 61 9 10 33 40 4 22 40 64 8 55 16 16 1 18 31 68 15 12 29 94 3 34 9 0 20 12 12 97 66 22 0 17 9 26 0 3 14 0 5 68 10 0 32 13 0 0 28 0

3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 8 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 9 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 9 0 0 17 0 0 42 0 0 16 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

240 25 103 260 107 29 192 85 15 213 77 106 20 41 52 25 53 366 170 71 112 184 119 54 107 138 75 103 247 40 49 99 202 116 182 278 233 156 19 88 225 151 17 184 69 205 90 145 188 23 242 72 37 178 169 40 46 138 27 66 5 48 113 5 92 254 10 47 56 59 31 11 319 69

4 0 0 0 0 0 4 6 0 15 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 8 1 8 0 9 7 0 14 23 0 0 0 15 7 31 32 21 10 0 0 24 4 0 3 4 20 0 9 46 0 36 0 3 13 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 2 34 0 0 0 15 0 0 7 20

Big 6

26 e

Big ca

283 e

Big 2,9

105 e

Big 6

18 e

Big 3,1

98 e

Big ca

261 e

Big 5

41 e

Big 2,3

123 e

Big ca

353 e

Big 5

34 e

Big 2,1

129 e

Big 3

101 e

Big ca

313 e

Big 0,9

214 e

Big 1,2

173 e

Big ca

283 e

Big 1,3

172 e

Big 8

6 e

Big 5

51 e

Big 1,9

136 e

Big 3,2

94 e

Big 5

44 e

Big 3,5

85 e

Big 1,3

169 e

Big 3,1

98 e

Big 4,1

67 e

Big 2

133 e

Big 2,9

105 e

Big 6

23 e

Big 0,8

219 e

Big 1,1

182 e

Big 2,8

111 e

Big 5

40 e

Big 3,4

87 e

Big 5

46 e

Big 6

15 e

Big 5

27 e

Big 4

59 e

Big ca

321 e

Big 2,4

120 e

Big 5

30 e

Big 4

64 e

Big ca

337 e

Big 5 Big 1,8 Big 5

44 e 140 e 38 e

Big 2,5

118 e

Big 4,3

65 e

Big 5

42 e

Big ca

296 e

Big 6

25 e

Big 1,9

134 e

Big 0,7

228 e

Big 5 Big 5

49 e 52 e

Big 0,8

219 e

Big 1

194 e

Big 4,1

67 e

Big ca

270 e

Big 1,7

144 e

Big ca

417 e

Big 1,1

185 e

Big 3,3

91 e

Big ca

417 e

Big 2,6

116 e

Big 6

20 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 1,1

188 e

Big 1,4

165 e

Big 1,5

158 e

Big 0,5

250 e

Big ca

387 e

Big 7 Big 1,8

9 e 140 e

13 3 6 12 4 3 7 7 1 7 3 6 2 7 4 3 8 14 11 8 6 10 7 3 6 6 7 7 12 2 7 7 10 5 6 11 12 9 5 7 15 12 3 13 6 14 8 8 10 4 15 6 4 8 7 3 1 9 6 3 1 4 8 1 6 10 1 2 4 4 2 1 12 7

BIG Review 2006 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219


Fra Bel Fra CZ SK E E Fra Hun Eng Fra Fra Bel NL NL Bel Bel Bel CH NL S Bel Fra Bel Bel Bel Ita Fra Bel Fra Ita Ita NL Ita Bel Bel Bel Ita Fra NL Fra Fra E Ita Ita D D Bel Bel NL NL NL Ita Ita NL Ita E Eng CH E E Bel PL Fra Ita Ita Fra Ita E NL Fra Bel Bel NL

6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 43 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 9 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

10 26 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 23 0 2 37 11 12 11 26 3 0 35 0 33 0 24 27 8 35 0 7 0 0 0 23 0 10 10 18 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 46 15 15 42 42 36 20 2 0 16 0 26 0 0 25 0 6 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 16 1 22

0 105 0 2 0 12 1 7 1 3 8 38 6 32 0 39 0 0 11 60 0 31 0 58 9 94 1 7 0 14 0 4 5 11 0 7 0 49 26 18 0 38 6 34 0 118 21 25 22 48 0 11 7 91 0 18 0 22 0 94 0 0 0 9 0 1 0 5 0 38 0 38 1 38 0 0 0 51 0 26 0 39 0 76 0 13 0 16 0 11 50 97 15 69 1 35 22 60 20 38 10 47 0 1 0 41 0 5 0 30 0 5 0 55 0 38 0 0 0 49 0 9 0 8 0 0 0 7 0 10 0 8 0 51 0 7 0 0 0 7 0 44 1 6 0 7 5 2

- 12 -

85 0 0 0 0 25 26 3 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 2 7 22 1 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 0 3 19 0 0 0 0 3 10 2 1 0 6 0 0 0 26 4 0 21 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 0 0 0 0

18 0 0 0 2 12 7 0 0 48 9 2 14 0 1 0 5 0 56 6 17 0 16 6 6 0 42 0 1 16 1 2 0 0 1 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 23 3 63 42 0 30 1 1 0 16 15 1 9 8 0 11 7 0 0 0 10 9 6 3 10 0 0 0 0 6 4

2 0 0 0 9 12 4 0 0 71 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 4 14 0 0 2 3 0 3 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 36 15 0 26 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 2

34 0 0 6 4 15 23 1 0 24 3 11 49 0 0 0 0 0 51 9 33 2 10 0 0 5 76 0 0 7 40 29 0 19 1 1 10 16 5 0 1 0 0 40 23 60 45 0 25 11 9 7 58 38 3 31 6 2 3 5 0 5 0 7 15 36 1 44 4 0 0 3 2 8

0 0 0 6 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

311 28 12 20 21 112 141 43 8 286 44 86 211 19 27 15 55 10 166 126 133 113 154 89 121 24 257 18 30 181 50 40 24 24 50 50 72 16 62 36 40 79 32 84 37 358 203 54 217 125 104 28 124 61 50 45 121 47 14 107 15 19 1 28 34 50 65 66 10 11 45 26 16 43

4 7 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 51 5 0 26 0 0 4 16 0 3 13 30 18 0 4 23 5 43 0 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 59 19 0 2 34 19 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 19 0 5 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 19

Big 7

11 e

Big ca

262 e

Big ca

377 e

Big ca

313 e

Big ca

307 e

Big 3,2

94 e

Big 4,2

66 e

Big 0,9

207 e

Big ca

409 e

Big 6

12 e

Big 1

203 e

Big 2,4

122 e

Big 5

35 e

Big ca

321 e

Big ca

270 e

Big ca

353 e

Big 1,3

166 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 5

54 e

Big 3,7

75 e

Big 3,9

70 e

Big 3,3

91 e

Big 4 Big 2,5

62 e 119 e

Big 3,5

82 e

Big ca

289 e

Big 6

19 e

Big ca

329 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big 5

48 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 0,8

219 e

Big ca

289 e

Big ca

289 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 1,9

134 e

Big ca

344 e

Big 1,6

150 e

Big 0,7

233 e

Big 0,8

219 e

Big 2,1

126 e

Big 0,6

246 e

Big 2,3

124 e

Big 0,7

228 e

Big 7

7 e

Big 5

39 e

Big 1,3 Big 5 Big 3,7

169 e 33 e 78 e

Big 3

103 e

Big ca

262 e

Big 3,6

79 e

Big 1,5

153 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 1

196 e

Big 3,5

82 e

Big 1,1

188 e

Big ca

360 e

Big 3,1

98 e

Big ca

353 e

Big ca

321 e

Big ca

435 e

Big ca

262 e

Big 0,6

236 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 1,7

147 e

Big 1,7

144 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

387 e

Big 1

196 e

Big ca

274 e

Big ca

344 e

Big 0,9

207 e

10 3 1 5 7 8 11 4 2 15 4 8 11 4 4 2 9 2 8 15 11 12 5 10 11 3 10 1 3 7 4 4 3 2 5 5 8 1 5 3 2 3 2 4 3 12 9 4 11 11 8 5 7 4 5 4 8 5 2 8 2 3 1 4 3 3 6 5 2 2 2 5 4 8

BIG Review 2006 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293


Ita L Bel Fra Ita Bel NL Bel NL NL Bel Bel Bel Fra Bel Fra Bel Ita Ita Bel NL Bel Fra E Bel NL NL Bel Fra NL S Fra NL NL Eng Fra Bel PL Fra Bel NL E E Fra Fra Fra NL NL NL Ita NL Ita Fra Fra NL Bel Ita Bel NL E CH Fra E Fra Fra Bel NL NL Eng NL Ita Bel S E

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0

0 16 11 0 0 3 17 22 49 40 24 50 12 0 4 0 24 0 0 39 23 18 1 0 9 10 14 0 0 15 0 0 16 8 0 0 50 0 10 43 27 0 0 0 1 0 25 17 14 0 7 0 0 0 19 15 0 11 10 4 0 0 0 0 0 21 13 9 0 10 0 9 11 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 17 2 0 3 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

- 13 -

5 1 3 14 4 3 7 18 75 45 15 64 9 1 6 9 18 8 4 44 13 13 59 29 1 34 5 4 16 15 0 26 19 0 21 25 57 0 10 30 16 6 0 13 22 13 73 7 0 0 11 0 58 13 1 35 5 10 36 32 15 5 2 5 23 31 6 21 21 16 8 10 5 18

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 11 3 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 29 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 2 4 11 10 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 0 0 25 0 0 8 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 26

0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 31 0 27 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 6 6 1 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 15 0 0 0 56 5 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 12 0 0 5 32 0 0 0 0 3 0 6 5 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 4 0 1 0 0 0

22 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 22 30 1 15 0 0 0 0 2 2 10 15 12 1 9 11 0 0 1 10 2 1 0 0 8 4 0 0 28 9 0 10 1 13 0 1 0 0 25 3 0 5 0 1 34 0 1 8 29 0 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 6 3 0 18 1 0 3

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0

27 19 14 14 28 6 24 40 182 160 43 187 21 1 10 11 47 10 14 121 57 34 96 69 10 44 30 14 18 34 17 26 59 13 31 25 208 45 21 92 61 30 10 14 23 13 172 30 14 5 18 1 116 13 28 61 48 21 46 87 47 5 10 5 26 70 19 43 55 26 28 22 17 47

0 5 5 1 0 0 0 26 48 22 0 17 5 0 0 0 10 0 0 22 9 3 5 15 0 0 13 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 5 15 3 29 23 13 0 3 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 7 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 11 4 0 16 0 0 10 3 0 1

Big ca

270 e

Big ca

321 e

Big ca

360 e

Big ca

360 e

Big ca

262 e

Big ca

414 e

Big ca

289 e

Big 0,8

219 e

Big 5 Big 4 Big 0,9

46 e 58 e 207 e

Big 5

43 e

Big ca

307 e

Big ca

435 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

387 e

Big 1,1

188 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

360 e

Big 3,5

82 e

Big 1,4

164 e

Big 0,6

236 e

Big 2,7

113 e

Big 1,8

140 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 1

203 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big ca

360 e

Big ca

329 e

Big 0,6

236 e

Big ca

337 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 1,5

158 e

Big ca

370 e

Big 0,5

250 e

Big ca

283 e

Big 5

36 e

Big 1

196 e

Big ca

307 e

Big 2,6

116 e

Big 1,5

153 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

360 e

Big ca

296 e

Big ca

370 e

Big 5

50 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big ca

360 e

Big ca

417 e

Big ca

329 e

Big ca

435 e

Big 3,4

87 e

Big ca

370 e

Big ca

262 e

Big 1,5

153 e

Big 1,1

185 e

Big ca

307 e

Big 1

194 e

Big 2,4

121 e

Big 1,1

188 e

Big ca

417 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

417 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 1,8

137 e

Big ca

321 e

Big 0,9

207 e

Big 1,3

166 e

Big ca

274 e

Big ca

262 e

Big ca

303 e

Big ca

337 e

Big 1,1

188 e

2 5 2 1 4 2 3 3 12 8 5 12 2 1 3 3 8 2 2 10 8 5 5 3 2 3 10 2 2 5 3 1 6 4 5 1 8 7 3 9 9 4 1 2 2 1 12 7 2 1 3 1 7 1 7 5 4 2 3 2 0 1 3 1 3 8 4 6 10 3 4 3 4 4

BIG Review 2006 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367


Fra NL Bel Ita CH NL Ita Bel Fra Ita NL Ita Ita NL NL NL NL Bel Fra NL Hun Fra Fra E E E Ita Eng Bel Bel Ita Fra Fra NL Bel Bel Bel NL Lat E Bel Bel Ita Fra Fra Bel Fra NL NL Ita Fra NL E Bel NL Fra Bel Ita NL Ita NL Ita Ita NL NL A NL NL Bel US NL Fra Fra Fra

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 14 18 0 0 5 0 19 0 0 19 6 0 12 6 24 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 6 21 0 0 0 10 20 14 14 15 22 0 17 9 0 0 3 10 0 11 4 0 0 6 0 18 17 0 34 0 15 0 29 0 0 11 15 0 36 19 15 0 11 0 0 0

9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

- 14 -

35 16 12 16 11 7 4 0 32 4 12 15 0 14 16 68 3 1 15 1 16 16 86 12 17 29 19 2 0 1 0 20 3 0 69 67 7 12 4 18 5 1 0 12 37 8 24 5 4 0 11 8 19 9 17 10 14 5 7 1 67 7 2 19 1 18 40 31 1 2 4 31 47 41

0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 17 17 23 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 3 0 2 0 9 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 6

16 0 2 12 16 0 0 0 4 6 1 0 0 0 4 33 0 0 0 0 11 0 6 0 0 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 2 1 3 5 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 8 1 0 0 0 14 0 10 4 1 0 0 0 30 7 2 0 0 1 1 0 9

0 1 4 0 0 0 6 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 30 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 8 2 17 1 4 13 0 2 26 0 27 13 0 1 47 0 0 0 0 15 0 15 4 13 8 32 2 0 0 25 0 0 0 14 14 4 3 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 40 0 19 12 12 12 0 0 38 11 9 0 0 5 0 0 2

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0

65 41 38 45 28 16 23 19 41 37 32 48 13 26 31 230 3 1 15 7 59 16 114 33 47 66 63 5 6 22 25 20 3 12 129 102 26 39 33 27 23 12 22 15 51 18 25 17 10 17 11 14 49 32 35 10 50 59 25 30 113 24 14 30 16 124 101 62 16 6 21 33 62 58

8 7 6 0 0 4 1 3 4 2 1 14 0 0 0 46 0 0 2 0 16 0 56 13 18 21 9 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 11 16 11 0 11 0 7 0 20 1 8 0 0 3 1 0 0 6 1 0 17 0 16 5 18 3 0 11 1 10 7 6 3 2 4 4 4 5

Big 1,7

147 e

Big 0,9

214 e

Big 0,8

227 e

Big 1

196 e

Big ca

262 e

Big ca

344 e

Big ca

296 e

Big ca

321 e

Big 0,9

214 e

Big 0,7

228 e

Big 0,6

246 e

Big 1,1

185 e

Big ca

370 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 0,5

250 e

Big 5

29 e

Big ca

428 e

Big ca

435 e

Big ca

353 e

Big ca

412 e

Big 1,5

158 e

Big ca

344 e

Big 3,3

90 e

Big 0,6

241 e

Big 1,1

188 e

Big 1,7

144 e

Big 1,6

149 e

Big ca

417 e

Big ca

414 e

Big ca

303 e

Big ca

283 e

Big ca

313 e

Big ca

428 e

Big ca

377 e

Big 3,8

73 e

Big 2,9

107 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 0,8

224 e

Big 0,6

241 e

Big ca

270 e

Big ca

296 e

Big ca

377 e

Big ca

303 e

Big ca

353 e

Big 1,2

174 e

Big ca

329 e

Big ca

283 e

Big ca

337 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

337 e

Big ca

387 e

Big ca

360 e

Big 1,1

182 e

Big 0,6

246 e

Big 0,7

234 e

Big ca

394 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 1,5

158 e

Big ca

283 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big 3,3

91 e

Big ca

289 e

Big ca

360 e

Big 0,5

254 e

Big ca

344 e

Big 3,6

79 e

Big 2,9

109 e

Big 1,6

150 e

Big ca

344 e

Big ca

414 e

Big ca

307 e

Big 0,6

241 e

Big 1,6

150 e

Big 1,4

163 e

4 7 6 3 3 3 3 2 5 4 5 3 1 3 6 12 1 1 1 4 7 1 5 4 4 5 6 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 10 7 4 7 5 2 5 4 3 2 4 2 2 4 4 2 1 3 6 6 4 1 5 3 4 4 7 5 2 3 3 6 11 6 2 1 5 3 6 5

BIG Review 2006 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440


Fra Fra D E Fra Fra E Fra Bel Ita Bel Fra Ita Bel Fra Ita Ita Fra NL Bel E Fra Bel Fra Hun Bel NL NL Fra Fra E Bel Bel Fra Fra Fra E NL Ita Fra E NL Fra NL E NL E Hun Fra Bel Bel NL Fra Ita Bel Fra Fra Fra Hun Fra Fra Fra Ita Fra Fra Eng Fra NL NL D Bel Bel Ita

0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 5 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 16 0 0 5 0 0 13 9 23 0 0 3 0 0 20 0 40 22 2 0 4 0 0 10 19 19 0 0 0 8 6 14 7 0 0 6 0 0 0 15 0 10 0 19 0 0 0 22 16 24 15 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 30 0 3 14 18 0 11 13 0

0 16 0 4 0 3 1 49 0 2 0 75 0 7 0 11 0 19 0 19 4 67 0 1 1 49 0 4 0 15 0 20 0 16 0 43 10 90 0 11 0 20 0 4 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 1 30 2 14 0 10 0 2 0 12 0 4 0 5 0 23 0 17 0 11 0 1 0 14 0 2 0 15 0 0 0 20 0 2 0 3 0 5 0 3 0 10 0 0 0 17 1 18 0 27 10 37 3 102 0 2 2 31 0 17 0 35 1 93 0 0 0 24 0 7 0 34 0 0 0 94 0 94 0 1 0 38 0 16 0 0 3 10 0 1 0 7 0 4

- 15 -

0 0 0 45 0 2 15 0 0 0 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 33 0 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 8 0 0 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 15 0 6 0 0 0 2 30 0 10 0 0 6 0 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 11 14 0 8 2 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 15 15 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 6 0 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 2 0 3 11 0 11 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 5

0 0 1 30 0 6 6 2 0 43 14 0 31 0 0 51 3 6 43 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 7 15 24 17 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 0 2 9 0 18 0 0 9

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

16 4 20 153 2 95 28 13 32 79 169 1 102 7 15 77 39 49 273 33 41 4 4 12 1 14 50 42 10 2 17 12 12 37 24 11 5 23 21 16 2 37 2 13 9 22 18 18 19 44 43 97 165 26 101 19 35 117 4 24 8 34 3 156 156 8 45 45 20 34 12 20 18

3 2 3 12 1 12 2 2 4 9 3 0 1 4 3 8 7 4 58 14 3 1 2 1 1 3 5 5 4 1 2 0 4 4 2 2 2 3 6 2 1 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 8 8 10 2 9 2 1 7 2 1 2 1 1 6 6 2 5 5 3 4 2 2 3

Big ca

344 e

Big ca

424 e

Big ca

313 e

Big 4

63 e

Big ca

431 e

Big 2,7

115 e

Big ca

262 e

Big ca

370 e

Big 0,6

246 e

Big 2,1

126 e

Big 5

52 e

Big ca

435 e

Big 2,9

107 e

Big ca

412 e

Big ca

353 e

Big 2,1

129 e

Big 0,8

224 e

Big 1,1

182 e

Big 6

16 e

Big 0,6

241 e

Big 0,9

214 e

Big ca

424 e

Big ca

424 e

Big ca

377 e

Big ca

435 e

Big ca

360 e

Big 1,2

175 e

Big 0,9

213 e

Big ca

394 e

Big ca

431 e

Big ca

337 e

Big ca

377 e

Big ca

377 e

Big 0,7

228 e

Big ca

289 e

Big ca

387 e

Big ca

417 e

Big ca

296 e

Big ca

307 e

Big ca

344 e

Big ca

431 e

Big 0,7

228 e

Big ca

431 e

Big ca

370 e

Big ca

408 e

Big ca

303 e

Big ca

329 e

Big ca

329 e

Big ca

321 e

Big 1

203 e

Big 0,9

207 e

Big 2,7

112 e

Big 5

55 e

Big ca

274 e

Big 2,9

109 e

Big ca

321 e

Big 0,7

234 e

Big 3,4

86 e

Big ca

424 e

Big ca

289 e

Big ca

409 e

Big 0,6

236 e

Big ca

428 e

Big 4

59 e

Big 4

59 e

Big ca

409 e

Big 1

196 e

Big 1

196 e

Big ca

313 e

Big 0,6

236 e

Big ca

377 e

Big ca

313 e

Big ca

329 e

1 1 4 9 1 7 4 2 4 7 15 1 6 3 1 3 3 2 12 3 4 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 3 3 2 1 5 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 6 2 8 9 2 9 2 1 7 2 1 2 1 1 6 6 2 5 5 3 4 2 2 3

BIG Review 2006

Classement Classement N°

Lauréats B.I.G Stars



2 3




5 6


7 8 9 10 11


12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26


27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 44 46 46 48 49 50 51 52 52 54 55 55 57




35 144 46 146

57 38 107 386 2 75 172 137 41 56 100 40 122 72

3 309 112 37 4 194 81 158 256 55 117 192 104 78 120 231 93 115 228 106 175 125 266 90 378 126 164 420 1 34



Total 2005 665


539 530




399 366


358 353 319 312 311


286 284 283 278 273 266 260 257 254 253 250 247 245 242 240


233 232 230 225 224 220 217 213 211 208 206 205 203 202 192 188 187 184 184 182 182 181 178 172 170 169 169 166 165 165 164




7 7 15 4

4 14

Classement N° 1 191 2 386 3 316 4 15 5 155 6 228 7 309 8 120 9 172 10 122 11 137 12 195 13 107 14 106 15 166 16 259 17 158 18 227 19 68 20 112

32 58 13 0 43 34 0 0 23 0 36

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


7 46 24 2 11 2 15 26

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5 11 20 19 15 4 46 17 1 3 48

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

31 2 13 1 0 3 36 3 10 0 0

- 16 -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10



Total 2005 358 59 273 58 114 56 530 53 286 51 182 48 230 46 188 46 257 43 242 36 254 34 125 34 278 32 182 31 133 30 92 29 211 26 40 26 126 25 225 24 Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel Bel

665 539 530 446 353 278 266 260 253 245

Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra Fra

399 311 284 283 250 240 213 192 184 182

Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita Ita

257 205 178 169 151 138 124 119 116 112


319 312 273 254 247 242 230 225 206 202

BIG Review 2006

Statistics sér1 253 0,8%

sér2 525 1,6%

sér3 5194 16,3%

sér4 1244 3,9%

Evolution of the BIG’s number of members – Evolution du nombre de membres BIGs

Number MEMBERS 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005

500 400 300 200 100 0

TOT 6 17 24 28 36 37 42 48 54 56 60 87 91 96 126 158 170 193 277 360 440

sér5 13038 40,9%

sér6 1869 5,9%

sér7 2850 8,9%

sér8 969 3,0%

Claims in 2005 – Réussites en 2005

new 6 11 7 4 8 1 5 6 6 2 4 27 4 5 30 32 12 23 84 83 80

Average number of claims in 2005 for the 100 classed first in the general classification : 13,55 BIGs Average number of claims in 2005 for the 100 classed last in the general classification : 3,45 BIGs Average number of claims in 2005 for the 100 subscribed first in the general listing : 3,45 BIGs Average number of claims in 2005 for the 100 subscribed last in the general listing : 4,55 BIGs Average number of claims in 2005 for the 100 subscribed middle in the general listing : 7,65 BIGs Dispatching of the BIG’s members – Répartition des membres du BIG Pays / Country

TOTAL Belgique-België France Nederland Italia España England Suisse Deutschland Magyarorszag Sverige Luxembourg Polska Norge Suomi Finland Czech Republik Slovakija Latvia Österreich United States

- 17 -

TOT 440 135 100 80 57 31 7 6 5 5 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

sér9 4628 14,5%

sér10 363 1,1%

sér11 257 0,8%

sér12 568 1,8%

Total 31884 100%




291. Col du Galibier


290. Alpe d’Huez


301. Mont Ventoux


294. Col d’Izoard


287. Col de la Croix-de-Fer


341. Col du Tourmalet


286. Col de l’Iseran


132. Côte de Wanne


334. Col d’Aubisque


308. Cime de la Bonette


305. Col de Vars


225. Ballon d’Alsace


220. Col de la Schlucht


128. Côte de la Redoute


223. Grand Ballon


131. Col du Rosier


117. Muur Geraardsbergen


280. Col de la Madeleine


344. Col d’Aspin


713. Passo Pordoï


114. Kluisberg


115. Oude Kwaremont


697. Passo dello Stelvio


133. Col du Stockeu


306. Col d’Allos


BIG Review 2006

Octobre 2006

BIG Rendez-vous en Grenoble Plus de 1500 mètres de dénivelé avec une moyenne de 6 à 7% selon la variante (dont une avec un km à 8% encadré par 4 kms à 12% de moyenne). 1300 à 1500 euros points. Le tout en moins de 25 kms pour la plus longue et en évitant de prendre la première partie de la route principale beaucoup trop dangereuse pour les vélos. Vous y ajoutez un minimum de 3 cols, un panorama à couper le peu de souffle qu'il vous reste (à deux pas du final) sur toute la chaîne de Chartreuse et au-delà et vous aurez la certitude que le Charmant Som (prolongation du col de Porte) est un B.I.G. à ne rater sous aucun prétexte. D'autant qu'une petite feuille de route vous sera remise pour ne pas vous perdre dans les dédales de petites routes. Rendez-vous est donc donné aux membres régionaux (et aux autres !) à Grenoble le

dimanche 29 octobre 2006 à 9h00 sur le parking de l'Esplanade à l'entrée de la ville. Pour ceux qui le désirent, il y aura possibilité de se retrouver ensemble à midi pour se restaurer au col de Porte pour 20 à 25, prévoir alors l'éclairage pour être vu car fin octobre, il fait sombre à Grenoble dès 15h30. Et pour les plus affamés, la région regorge d'autres montées encore plus dures ou (et) encore plus belles (le St Eynard, Mt St Martin, Ezy…) Accès routier : Par le nord : autoroute LyonGrenoble sortie "centre ville, centre gares, Bastille" (les panneaux changeant souvent, c'est là où l'autoroute passe de 3 à 2 voies, prendre celle de droite). Au feu qui clôt l'autoroute (gaffe aux radars!), le parking est sur votre gauche. Par le sud et l'est : contourner

Grenoble par l'autoroute, direction Lyon/Valence. Sortie "ZI St Martin le Vinoux, ZA St Egrève". Faites le tour complet du rond point, et re-entrer sur l'autoroute direction "Grenoble Centre ville Bastille". Au feu qui clôt l'autoroute (gaffe aux radars!), le parking est sur votre gauche. Accès ferroviaire : Sortir de la gare par le hall, prendre la rue en face. Aux feux traverser l'Isère. A gauche, à droite, le parking est devant vous. Distance : 400m. Hébergements : profitez de l'offre "bon week-end en ville" qui permet d'avoir deux nuits pour le prix d'une toute l'année ( L'hôtel Gloria (** 0476 46 12 93 - la chambre double à 50 ) est situé entre la gare et le point de départ (dernière rue à droite avant le feu), à 250m de la sortie de l'autoroute, dans une rue calme. Les autres sont plus loin ou au cœur du centre ville.

Renseignements et inscription (pour le repas avant le 15/09/06): Pierre Chatel – 2 cours Jean Jaurès – 38000 Grenoble [email protected]

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BIG Review 2006

BIG Rendez-Vous Luxemburg Rheinland / La Petite Suisse Datum - Date: 6/7 mei (mai - may) 2006 manager: Marc Desender Start – Départ - Departure: Vertrekuur – Heure – Hour: Afstanden – Distance:

Echternach 8u30 110km - 170km

Zaterdag – Samedi – Saturday 6 mei (mai- may) 2006 BIG’s: 138 Munshausen 139 Mont Saint Nicolas 140 Château de Bourscheid 141 Jardin Tour Napoléon 142 Côte d’Eschdorf 143 Ferme de Masseler 144 Herrenberg 145 Gorges du Loup 146 Côte de Consdorf

Zondag – Dimanche – Sunday 7 mei (mai –may ) 2006 BIG’s : 161 Erbeskopf 162 Cloef Montclair 163 Schaumberg Overnachting mogelijk in de jeugdherberg van Echternach Possibilité d’hébergement à l’auberge de jeunesse d’Echernach Overstay possible in the youthhostel of Echternach Overnachting en ontbijt /Bed and breakfast/ Nuitée et petit déjeuner: 16,60 euro Avondmaal/Repas/Diner: 7,50 euro Niet-leden/Non-affiliés: 3 euro

Meer details in de newsletter van maart 2006/ Plus de détail dans la lettre électronique de mars 2006/ More details in the newsletter of mars 2006

Inschrijven voor eind maart 2006 / S’inscrire avant fin mars 2006 / Inscriptions before the end of mars 2006 - 19 -

BIG Review 2006

CHALLENGES CYCLOGRIMPEURS – CYCLOCLIMBING CHALLENGES OUR BROTHERS – NOS FRERES Parmi les challenges cyclogrimpeurs européens les plus réputés (CCC, OCD, UIC, MDF, …), le BIG a des challenges frères avec lesquels il s’est associé trouvant dans leur origine modeste et dans leur recherche du plaisir cyclogrimpeur passionné un

rapprochement incontournable. Sans nier ni la force ni l’intérêt de la Confrérie des Cent Cols ou de l’Ordre des Cols Durs basés sur des listes ouvertes sous forme de collection infinie d’objets déterminés sur des bases autres que cyclistes, le BIG se sent plus proche de

confréries comme l’Association des Monts de France offrant une liste fermée de monts français d’intérêt cycliste ou touristique, ou comme l’Union Internationale des cyclogrimpeurs (l’UIC italienne) offrant des cols ou des montées de légende d’une certaine altitude minimum, cyclotourisme garanti.

U.I.C UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLOSCALATORI REGOLAMENTO - Fondata nel 2002 Articolo 1- L'UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLOSCALATORI ( U. I. C. ) é un'Associazione che riunisce gli appassionati del cicloturismo in montagna (ciclisti scalatori di passi)… Articolo 14 - La corrispondenza generale concernente l'Associazione sarà indirizzata alla segreteria : ROSSINI Georges – 530 route de Publier - MORUEL - 74200 MARIN (France) Tel. e Fax : 00 33 / 4 50 26 59 85 - e-mail : [email protected]

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BIG Review 2006

Il Consiglio Direttivo Presidente Vice-Presidente Segreteria Generale e contatti internazionali Tesoriere Relazioni esterne e Bollettino Sociale Responsabile Commissione Tecnica Sito Web Consigliere

Tullio Pavanelli Giordano Castagnoli Georges Rossini Flavio Pagani Emanuele Bafico Carlo Colombo Piero Rota Tullio Forelli

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

An UCI-group during a rendezvous with the distinctive blue jersey of the association.

Un groupe d’UCIste lors d’un raduno avec le maillot bleu distinctif de l’association

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BIG Review 2006 Here are the results in the UIC of the BIG’s members also subscribed in this challenge. Voici les résultats des membres du BIG aussi inscrits dans ce challenge.

Le BIG s’est associé en 2005 avec l’UIC en se garantissant mutuellement un article concernant l’autre challenge dans sa propre revue (vous l’avez sous les yeux de notre côté) et en organisant conjointement en 2007 un rendezvous de cyclogrimpeurs en Italie. Qu’on se le dise !

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BIG Review 2006

ASSOCIATION des MONTS de France The BIG during the 90s has mixed its review with the association of the mounts in France. Since that time, we have always published the classification MDF in the BIG’s review. There are 100 mounts selected in France and man in this challenge must climb the most possible mounts among this listing. Médaille d'Or 1. PLAINE Patrick Médaille d'argent 2. LAVIEVILLE Bernard 3. LUCAS Eric 4. JACQUEMIN Alain 5. SEGUY Marc Brevet Lucho Herrera 6. MAYEUR Etienne 7. JACQUEMIN Dominique 8. JACQUEMIN Julien 9. JACQUEMIN Renaud Brevet Eddy Merckx 10. .BRUFFAERTS José 11. PELISSIER Michel 12. ADAM Jean-Pierre Brevet Charly Gaul 13. PIRET Véronique 14. MENARD Michel 15. BENISTRAND Claude 16. FEARN Hervé 17. CHEVALEYRE André 18. ALMANZOR Michel Brevet Jean Robic 19. CHIEUSSE Maurice 20. GOBERT Daniel Brevet Fausto Coppi 21. VERD Michel 22. BROUARD Claire 23. LIAUDON Marc 24. DOGLIANI Franck 25. GALES Roger 26. LEROY Fons 27. LEQUIEN Abel 28. BIOUD Marcel 29. LAURENT Jean 30. BENISTRAND Catherine 31. LAVASTRE Willy 32. GIRAUDIN Philippe 33. CATTIN Jean-Paul 34. KAUHANEN Raimo 35. CHAMINADAS Georges

100 99 98 88 84 (+13) 82 (+3) 79(--) 79(--) 79(--) 66 (--) 63 (--) 62 (+2) 59 (--) 55 (--) 52 (--) 50 (--) 50 (+7) 48 (--) 45 (--) 40 (+1) 35 (--) 33 (--) 32 (+32) 31 (--) 31 (--) 30 (--) 30 (--) 30 (--) 29 (--) 28 (--) 28 (--) 28 (--) 26 (--) 25 (--) 25 (--)

36. BERARD René 37. RIVIERE Daniel 38. GUERRY Patrick

25 (--) 25 (--) 24 (+12)

Membres 39. GEENENS Germain 23 (--) 40. VIDEAU Christian 21 (--) 41. VERHAEGHE Michel 21 (--) 42. HOEL Jean-Marie 21 (--) 43. SAUVAGE Danielle 20 (--) 44. ROCHER Jean-Louis 20 (--) 45. VANWATERSCHHOT Constant 19 (-) 46. MERVILLE Jacques 19 (--) 47. MAILLET André 19 (--) 48. DEJACE Jules 18 (+2) 49. GILLODES Alain 18 (+6) 50. LAVIEVILLE Jean-Pierre 18 (+1) 51. TOUSTOU Jacques 18 (--) 52. MAREUIL Bernard 18 (--) 53. VANOVERBEKE Joël 18 (--) 54. GALLET Charles 18 (--) 55. JOMAT Christian 17 (--) 56. BAUDON Régis 17 (--) 57. PECH Jean-Jacques 17 (--) 58. HONORE Patrick 16 (--) 59. NELPHE Jean-Luc 16 (--) 60. BAUDON Philippe 16 (--) 61. FAILLET Dominique 15 (--) 62. LUTGEN Jean-Marc 15 (--) 63. TIERENS Willy 15 (--) 64. BRIOT Joëlle 15 (--) 65. DUBESSAY Jean-Guy 15 (--) 66. BAUDON Hervé 15 (--) 67. BRENNER Karl 14 (+14) 68. LAVIEVILLE Mireille 14 (--) 69. GOY Gérard 14 (--) 70. POIVRE Roland 14 (--) 71. MINARD Philippe 14 (--) 72. LECORRE Christian 13 (+13) 73. CRINON François 13 (+13) 74. GILSON Paul 13 (--) 75. OUTIN Michel 13 (--) 76. GARIN Gérard 13 (--) 77. TIERTANT Jean 13 (--) 78. PATEREAU Pascal 12 (+12) 79. SOBCZAK Dominique 12 (+12) 80. HUBERT Emile-Pierre 12 (--) 81. WINLING Jean-Paul 12 (--) 82. BONHOMME Jean-Claude 12 (--) 83. MERCIER Jean 12 (--) 84. COURCOUX Serge 12 (--) 85. DUBESSAY Jeanine 12 (--) 86. TRECAT Jean-Marie 12 (--) 87. LEGAL Patrice 12 (--) 88. NEUGNOT Serge 12 (--)

Super-Grimpeur francobelge (30 names)

Brevet du Nordiste 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Jacquemin Alain 30 Jacquemin Dominique Jacquemin Renaud Jacquemin Julien 30 Bruffaerts José Lucas Eric Laviéville Bernard 30 Plaine Patrick Mayeur Etienne

30 30 30 30

Brevet du flandrien (plus de 20) 10. Séguy Marc 29 (+15) 11. Adam jean-Pierre 25 (+1) 12. Féarn Hervé 23 13. Gobert Daniel 21 14. Ménard Michel 20 (--) Membres (plus de 10) 15. Laurent Jean 19 16. Almanzor Michel 16 17. Vanoverbeke Joël 15 18. Lequien Abel 15 19. Geenens Germain 15 20. Bénistrand Claude 14 21. Lutgen Jean-Marc 12 22. De Corte André 12 23. Demol Michel 12 24. Gales Roger 12 25. Hoel Jean-Marie 12 26. Honoré Patrick 11 27. Plomb Rudy 11 28. Gallet Charles 11 29. Boucar Michel 11 30. Van den Moortel Karel 11 31. Maillet André 11 32. Verd Michel 11 33. Gilson Paul 10 34. Sauvage Danielle 10 35. Baudon Régis 10 36. Van Humbeek Frans 10 37. Tierens Willy 10 38. Laloux Michel 10 39. Trécat Jean-Marie 10 40. Kauhanen Raimo 10

Manager : Bernard LAVIEVILLE 42, rue Victor Commont F-80090 AMIENS Tel:

[email protected]

Vous pouvez trouver les listes des monts de France sur le site du BIG à la page , du super-grimpeur franco-belge et le site de l’UIC sur . Voici à droite une couverture de la revue BIG n°7 montrant à droite le cyclo logo des MDF

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BIG Review 2006

CHALLENGES CYCLOGRIMPEURS – CYCLOCLIMBING CHALLENGES OUR BROTHERS – NOS FRERES Parmi les challenges cyclogrimpeurs européens les plus réputés (CCC, OCD, UIC, MDF, …), le BIG a des challenges frères avec lesquels il s’est associé trouvant dans leur origine modeste et dans leur recherche du plaisir cyclogrimpeur passionné un

rapprochement incontournable. Sans nier ni la force ni l’intérêt de la Confrérie des Cent Cols ou de l’Ordre des Cols Durs basés sur des listes ouvertes sous forme de collection infinie d’objets déterminés sur des bases autres que cyclistes, le BIG se sent plus proche de

confréries comme l’Association des Monts de France offrant une liste fermée de monts français d’intérêt cycliste ou touristique, ou comme l’Union Internationale des cyclogrimpeurs (l’UIC italienne) offrant des cols ou des montées de légende d’une certaine altitude minimum, cyclotourisme garanti.

U.I.C UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLOSCALATORI REGOLAMENTO - Fondata nel 2002 Articolo 1- L'UNIONE INTERNAZIONALE CICLOSCALATORI ( U. I. C. ) é un'Associazione che riunisce gli appassionati del cicloturismo in montagna (ciclisti scalatori di passi)… Articolo 14 - La corrispondenza generale concernente l'Associazione sarà indirizzata alla segreteria : ROSSINI Georges – 530 route de Publier - MORUEL - 74200 MARIN (France) Tel. e Fax : 00 33 / 4 50 26 59 85 - e-mail : [email protected]

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BIG Review 2006

Il Consiglio Direttivo Presidente Vice-Presidente Segreteria Generale e contatti internazionali Tesoriere Relazioni esterne e Bollettino Sociale Responsabile Commissione Tecnica Sito Web Consigliere

Tullio Pavanelli Giordano Castagnoli Georges Rossini Flavio Pagani Emanuele Bafico Carlo Colombo Piero Rota Tullio Forelli

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

An UCI-group during a rendezvous with the distinctive blue jersey of the association.

Un groupe d’UCIste lors d’un raduno avec le maillot bleu distinctif de l’association

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BIG Review 2006

Here are the results in the UIC of the BIG’s members also subscribed in this challenge. Voici les résultats des membres du BIG aussi inscrits dans ce challenge.


cognome e nome 126 7

ABBÁ Christian BAFICO Emanuele

valichi 301 1295

provenienza BRESSO (MI) RAPALLO (GE)






BIAGIONI Alessandro






4 116







LUNEL (Francia)






COSTA Domenico




DEJACE Jules (matusa 2)




FRANCK Jacques (matusa 1)




BELGRADE-Namur (Belgio)


GODIO Fabrizio










LE HAVRE (Francia)






NEUPRÉ (Belgio)

















9 185 21 8 95 101 29 128 56

PAVANELLI Tullio PLAINE Patrick ROCCA Gasparo Sergio ROSSINI Georges (l'Alpino) ROTA Pietro RUDAZ André

82 467 1348

1055 271 3100 863 1 135 1296






SEDINI Eugenio









KAIN (Belgio)


TORO Gianluca







Le BIG s’est associé en 2005 avec l’UIC en se garantissant mutuellement un article concernant l’autre challenge dans sa propre revue (vous l’avez sous les yeux de notre côté) et en organisant conjointement en 2007 un rendez-vous de cyclogrimpeurs en Italie. Qu’on se le dise !


BIG Review 2006

ASSOCIATION des MONTS de France The BIG during the 90s has mixed its review with the association of the mounts in France. Since that time, we have always published the classification MDF in the BIG’s review. There are 100 mounts selected in France and man in this challenge must climb the most possible mounts among this listing. Médaille d'Or 1. PLAINE Patrick Médaille d'argent 2. LAVIEVILLE Bernard 3. LUCAS Eric 4. JACQUEMIN Alain 5. SEGUY Marc Brevet Lucho Herrera 6. MAYEUR Etienne 7. JACQUEMIN Dominique 8. JACQUEMIN Julien 9. JACQUEMIN Renaud Brevet Eddy Merckx 10. .BRUFFAERTS José 11. PELISSIER Michel 12. ADAM Jean-Pierre Brevet Charly Gaul 13. PIRET Véronique 14. MENARD Michel 15. BENISTRAND Claude 16. FEARN Hervé 17. CHEVALEYRE André 18. ALMANZOR Michel Brevet Jean Robic 19. CHIEUSSE Maurice 20. GOBERT Daniel Brevet Fausto Coppi 21. VERD Michel 22. BROUARD Claire 23. LIAUDON Marc 24. DOGLIANI Franck 25. GALES Roger 26. LEROY Fons 27. LEQUIEN Abel 28. BIOUD Marcel 29. LAURENT Jean 30. BENISTRAND Catherine 31. LAVASTRE Willy 32. GIRAUDIN Philippe 33. CATTIN Jean-Paul 34. KAUHANEN Raimo 35. CHAMINADAS Georges

100 99 98 88 84 (+13) 82 (+3) 79(--) 79(--) 79(--) 66 (--) 63 (--) 62 (+2) 59 (--) 55 (--) 52 (--) 50 (--) 50 (+7) 48 (--) 45 (--) 40 (+1) 35 (--) 33 (--) 32 (+32) 31 (--) 31 (--) 30 (--) 30 (--) 30 (--) 29 (--) 28 (--) 28 (--) 28 (--) 26 (--) 25 (--) 25 (--)

36. BERARD René 37. RIVIERE Daniel 38. GUERRY Patrick

25 (--) 25 (--) 24 (+12)

Membres 39. GEENENS Germain 23 (--) 40. VIDEAU Christian 21 (--) 41. VERHAEGHE Michel 21 (--) 42. HOEL Jean-Marie 21 (--) 43. SAUVAGE Danielle 20 (--) 44. ROCHER Jean-Louis 20 (--) 45. VANWATERSCHHOT Constant 19 (-) 46. MERVILLE Jacques 19 (--) 47. MAILLET André 19 (--) 48. DEJACE Jules 18 (+2) 49. GILLODES Alain 18 (+6) 50. LAVIEVILLE Jean-Pierre 18 (+1) 51. TOUSTOU Jacques 18 (--) 52. MAREUIL Bernard 18 (--) 53. VANOVERBEKE Joël 18 (--) 54. GALLET Charles 18 (--) 55. JOMAT Christian 17 (--) 56. BAUDON Régis 17 (--) 57. PECH Jean-Jacques 17 (--) 58. HONORE Patrick 16 (--) 59. NELPHE Jean-Luc 16 (--) 60. BAUDON Philippe 16 (--) 61. FAILLET Dominique 15 (--) 62. LUTGEN Jean-Marc 15 (--) 63. TIERENS Willy 15 (--) 64. BRIOT Joëlle 15 (--) 65. DUBESSAY Jean-Guy 15 (--) 66. BAUDON Hervé 15 (--) 67. BRENNER Karl 14 (+14) 68. LAVIEVILLE Mireille 14 (--) 69. GOY Gérard 14 (--) 70. POIVRE Roland 14 (--) 71. MINARD Philippe 14 (--) 72. LECORRE Christian 13 (+13) 73. CRINON François 13 (+13) 74. GILSON Paul 13 (--) 75. OUTIN Michel 13 (--) 76. GARIN Gérard 13 (--) 77. TIERTANT Jean 13 (--) 78. PATEREAU Pascal 12 (+12) 79. SOBCZAK Dominique 12 (+12) 80. HUBERT Emile-Pierre 12 (--) 81. WINLING Jean-Paul 12 (--) 82. BONHOMME Jean-Claude 12 (--) 83. MERCIER Jean 12 (--) 84. COURCOUX Serge 12 (--) 85. DUBESSAY Jeanine 12 (--) 86. TRECAT Jean-Marie 12 (--) 87. LEGAL Patrice 12 (--) 88. NEUGNOT Serge 12 (--)

Super-Grimpeur francobelge (30 names)

Brevet du Nordiste 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Jacquemin Alain 30 Jacquemin Dominique Jacquemin Renaud Jacquemin Julien 30 Bruffaerts José Lucas Eric Laviéville Bernard 30 Plaine Patrick Mayeur Etienne

30 30 30 30

Brevet du flandrien (plus de 20) 10. Séguy Marc 29 (+15) 11. Adam jean-Pierre 25 (+1) 12. Féarn Hervé 23 13. Gobert Daniel 21 14. Ménard Michel 20 (--) Membres (plus de 10) 15. Laurent Jean 19 16. Almanzor Michel 16 17. Vanoverbeke Joël 15 18. Lequien Abel 15 19. Geenens Germain 15 20. Bénistrand Claude 14 21. Lutgen Jean-Marc 12 22. De Corte André 12 23. Demol Michel 12 24. Gales Roger 12 25. Hoel Jean-Marie 12 26. Honoré Patrick 11 27. Plomb Rudy 11 28. Gallet Charles 11 29. Boucar Michel 11 30. Van den Moortel Karel 11 31. Maillet André 11 32. Verd Michel 11 33. Gilson Paul 10 34. Sauvage Danielle 10 35. Baudon Régis 10 36. Van Humbeek Frans 10 37. Tierens Willy 10 38. Laloux Michel 10 39. Trécat Jean-Marie 10 40. Kauhanen Raimo 10

Manager : Bernard LAVIEVILLE 42, rue Victor Commont F-80090 AMIENS Tel:

[email protected]

Vous pouvez trouver les listes des monts de France sur le site du BIG à la page , du super-grimpeur franco-belge et le site de l’UIC sur . Voici à droite une couverture de la revue BIG n°7 montrant à droite le cyclo logo des MDF

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BIG Review 2006

GOOGLE EARTH Jean Louis Smout Dear BIG brothers , Like many of you I stroll the internet in the search of new biking sites. But as an intense Google user I found this tool that’s very promising to illustrate our climbs in a more detailed and 3D way: the name is GOOGLE EARTH . Like you have seen I documented the Ottovan and Weritzalp part of my Swiis Alps 2005 reportage with Google earth images. So I decided to do this over for the most challenging climbs of last year Col de la Tourche (nr 1 in Switserland), Galm and Lac de Mayen, in addition with the steepest climb the famous Malgo Palazzo in Italy. Enjoy your self

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BIG Review 2006

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BIG Review 2006

GOOGLE EARTH Jean Louis Smout Dear BIG brothers , Like many of you I stroll the internet in the search of new biking sites. But as an intense Google user I found this tool that’s very promising to illustrate our climbs in a more detailed and 3D way: the name is GOOGLE EARTH . Like you have seen I documented the Ottovan and Weritzalp part of my Swiis Alps 2005 reportage with Google earth images. So I decided to do this over for the most challenging climbs of last year Col de la Tourche (nr 1 in Switserland), Galm and Lac de Mayen, in addition with the steepest climb the famous Malgo Palazzo in Italy. Enjoy your self

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BIG Review 2006

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BIG Review 2006

La Big-thérapie Par Jacques Franck Enhardi par mes prouesses dans la pénible ascension du Pic de l’Aigle, je me suis mis à rêver à d’autres exploits. Si à peine convalescent, j’ai déjà une ascension…..En mai, j’irai en Irlande ! J’espère y entraîner mon ami Jules qui devrait applaudir à ce projet. 6-7 Bigs possible ! Premiers pas. Réserver Ryanair. Bas prix et dépose à Shannon possible de Milan et de Charleroi en cinq minutes d’intervalle. C’est décidé. Fin mai nous irons perfectionner notre anglais. Premier contretemps. Je ne suis pas capable d’accompagner Jules et mes amis pour notre séjour provençal annuel. C’est donc, seul, sur les petites routes du Condroz que je m’efforce d’améliorer ma condition, de réapprendre l’effort à mon cœur et à mon vélo. Progressivement, j’arrive à me permettre 80 km. de balades. J’ose même gravir Chambralles et Redoute ! Moins vite qu’auparavant, mais avec grande joie ! Je ne me sens pas capable d’aller au rendez-vous BIG dans le Jura suisse. Jules, pour mon malheur, n’hésite pas. Il peut y compléter sa collection. Mais il en revient humide comme pas possible. L’Irlande c’est pour bientôt…. Mais Météo-France n’annonce que grisailles, pluies et averses…Mon ami n’aucune envie d’encore aller s’humidifier plus que permis. Quelques hésitations. Y aller ? Ne pas y aller ? Sachant que seul j’irai quand même, il décide de ne pas partir Me voici donc seul et convalescent sur le tarmac de Shannon airport. Il ne pleut pas. Première nuit dans un B & B de Limerick.

Premier matin irlandais : il ne pleut toujours pas. But du jour : atteindre Tralee pour être de suite auprès des péninsules et de leurs Bigs. Plein d’enthousiasme – et lesté de mon premier breakfast irlandais – je m’initie à la conduite à gauche. Je négocie facilement mon premier rond-point. Tout fier de cet exploit, je néglige un panneau directionnel…. Quelques cents mètres plus avant, je me trouve sur une autoroute ! Dans le bon sens heureusement. Frayeur me donne grande vitesse sur la bande des pneus crevés. Cinq kilomètres avant la première sortie ! Grand soulagement, mais je m’aperçois que je ne suis allé dans la direction opposée à celle de mon projet !! Me voici sur la Nationale 21 . Grande circulation, mais large bande réservée aux cyclistes. Toujours pas de pluie, malgré un ciel sombre. Je quitte la nationale pour de petites routes tranquilles, sinueuses qui pénètrent dans un paysage de plus en plus désert, de plus en plus vallonné. ( cols ?) Ciel de plus en plus noir. Premières gouttes irlandaises. De plus en plus nombreuses mais pays perdu jusque Tralee. Pas d’arrêt possible. Dégoulinant, j’ose quand même me présenter à l’entrée distinguée d’un B & B. J’y suis accueilli comme un lord, mon vélo respecté comme un pur sang. La nuit,

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quelques réveils inquiets laissent apercevoir des morceaux de lune. Pleuvra-t-il demain ? Météo France auraitil raison ? Face aux monts Brandon, je pédale au soleil, en longeant la mer….. alors que MétéoFrance…. Inespéré. ! Il me tarde d’arriver au pied de mon premier Big : le Connor Pass. Dur ? Pas dur ? J’y suis, j’y suis même très heureux. Cœur et vélo font bon ménage. Route étroite, voire très étroite au milieu d’un paysage aride. Pas un arbre. On se croirait au sommet d’un col alpin. Ne manquent que les marmottes. Derrière moi, vues magnifiques sur lacs, mer et Monts Brandon. Descente dans un autre pays. Verdure, pâturages, moutons, mer azurée bordée par les monts du Kerry oû demain peut-être….Dingle. Circulation dense. Les façades multicolores ne suffisent pas à me donner envie de dormir dans cette ville bruyante. Où aller ? Déjà prendre la route vers le Kerry ? Ou se glisser vers la pointe de la Presqu’ile ? Soleil aidant, j’opte pour cette solution. Pas de regrets. Logement parfait De bon matin, tour de la presqu’île. Vues magnifiques sur les Blaskets isles, sur la pointe de Dunmoore. Sur des criques sablonneuses aux vagues bruyantes.En prime, du soleil !.

BIG Review 2006

Lez lendemain, matin ensoleillé et deux bigs au programme. Le Ballagbeama Gap. Perdu au milieu de nulle part, collines désertes à gauche à droite. Roches et herbes rares. Quelques moutons égarés. Seconde épreuve, le Ballagasheen. Route déserte aux pentes variables.Vélo et moi-même ne sommes pas fiers. Deux, trois haltes avant d’atteindre le sommet. Pas gai dans la plaine jusque Waterville. Mais toujours soleil et nuages blancs.. Troisième Big du Ring of Kery : le Coomakesta. Facile. Pente régulière, pas très long. Mérite son rang de Big par la beauté du paysage, par l’image parfaite de la double selle du col. Toujours soleil et blancs nuages ! Dernier Big de ces presqu’îles : le Healy pass. Route étroite, sinueuse, sans voitures. Végétation basse, images de collines qui s’entrecroisent, de rocs épars, de lacs, des genêts en fleur. On a peine à croire que ce col ne dépasse pas les 300 mètres. Impression de haute montagne. Un de mes plus beaux !

Paysage complètement différent sur l’autre versant : pâturages d’un vert intense. Petite impression de paradis terrestre. Et toujours soleil et nuages blancs ! Si Jules n’avait pas écouté Météo-France … Ce matin, grisaille. Je franchis le Keimaneig Pass dans un nuage alors qu’il n’atteint pas les 300m. J’abandonne l’idée de conquérir le Mullaghanish . 680 mètres de haut, il se cache en plein nuage. Je glisse dans la Beautifull valley. Où je retrouve ciel bleu et blancs nuages. Un Big de perdu, il faut en retrouver un autre. Pourquoi pas les Cliff of Moher. Ils sont sur tous les dépliants touristiques, ils sont voisins des Burren dont on parle tant. Bus de Cork à Ennis. Ensuite, quelques kilomètres cyclistes pour loger à Corgolin. B & B de grande qualité. Gentillesse extrême du patron qui, le soir me conduit au village voisin pour me permettre de souper ! Le dixième matin, grisaille, pluie fine et dense. Pour toute la journée dit-on, pour toute la journée, elle sera ! Je prends un jour de repos complet dans

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cette agréable vila. Le lendemain, soleil et nuages blancs. En route pour les Cliffs et les Burren . Big de valeur touristique, à la portée des enfants…pour autant que le vent ne vous prenne de face en rafales. Le Mistral du coin ! Il arrive même à me faire tomber ! Retour par la traversée des Burren. Désert de pierres, marais et pâturages de piètre qualité. Solitude assurée ! Routes étroites, mais pas une seule voiture sur 30 km ! Le lendemain, retour cycliste à Limerick sur ravissants chemins campagnards. Voyage terminé. Ce 30 mai, au bar de l’airport, je commande et bois, solitaire, deux Whiskies à la santé de mes 75 ans Conclusions : Pays splendide, accueil parfait en B&B Bigs de qualités, les uns pour leurs difficultés d’autres pour leur beauté. Mais si vous souhaitez aller en Irlande, n’écoutez pas Météo France. Mon ami Jules le regrette encore…

BIG Review 2006

A long weekend in the Ardennes By Kevin Speed FRIDAY 29TH APRIL 2005 HUY TO REVIN Day 1: Start at 2878km, 126m at Revin. Distance today 150.63km, ride time 9 hours. Average speed 16.60 kph. Maximum speed 64.50 kph. Overall distance 2854 km at Huy, 3004 km ay Revin. Trip altitude total 1656 metres, maximum altitude 367 metres, 5% average climb, maximum climb 20% gradient. From Calais by train to Lille then connection for Liege as far as Huy (pronounced 00EE) and tackle „ The way of the Chapels ˆ Chemin de Chappelles. (Brevette International Grimpeur no. 125) The start of this is at Pied Monte du Huy and a fork right from here, Avenue du Condroz. Look out for the white painted ŒHUY‚ on the road to the right on the slight incline. As you round the bend to the right the road rises very steeply past a series of small white chapels on either side of the road, first on the right then later on the left until reaching the large church that crowns the top of the road. I missed it on the

way up and continued up the hill some way on the main road, took a right to La Sarte further up and came down the Wall of Huy. At the bottom I turned tail and went up again, taking 30 minutes to reach the top. Back down and returned to Gare Huy and the next train (11.09) back to Namur. The same guard was on the train that checked my ticket earlier and wondered what I was doing. Told him I got off to go up the hill and gave me a strange look, I completely understand and sympathise my own trivial pursuit ˆ but I enjoyed it! Down the escalator with the bike admiring the metal concourse of the huge station interior then left along the road

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heading for the river bridge then along the road heading for Dinant at midday. The ride today would be 150km or 81 miles from 12.00 until 19.30. The day I was here the road in the town on the other side of the Meuse was in the process of being gated off for an event. I just got through before the barriers were set. My next climb for conquest was the Three Wall Mount ˆ Triple Mur Monty (BIG No. 120) from the Namur to Dinant road up to Lustin village. To begin with there is a pleasant ride through the woods then a fork off to the right among the trees called Rue Monty. This is a steep road from the start but only for about a kilometre where it levels out on reaching Lustin village, first seen with a house perched on the road to the left on the edge of the climb. The main climb is at the beginning and end with a slightly easier gradient midway. I enjoyed the downhill after passing through the red brick village, taking the second right and along to Godinne. La Gayolle was my next objective, from Godinne back to the main road and along to Yvoir, took a sign for Crupet and passed to the left of a noisy and messy stone quarry where half the hill had already been excavated. The lorries going back and to had really messed the road up. As I had no guards on the bike it left me with a muddy streak up my racing top that I cleaned off later. I reached a quieter area with a campsite on the right and a road behind this. I noticed the café called Pied du Petit Gayolle and still hadn‚t twigged that Œpied‚ means Œfoot‚ and marked the base of the climb. Asked the way of a couple of people chatting over a garden wall and was directed

BIG Review 2006 up the road. One said it was far too steep for cycling and replied that was why I wanted to go up it ˆ again strange looks ˆ funny these cyclists. The way up is easy at first with views down to the road and camping around the small lake below. At the first of 3 hairpins it becomes steeper and leaves the valley behind then steeply up through some woods, two more bends to a clearing at the top. (BIG No. 121). Down to Evrehailles that I could see before me then further down to the road again at Yvoir and on to Dinant along the main road. Through the town and took a right up from the onion dome church on the river, along here for about 2km then took a right indicated Œcitadelle‚. An easy road to the top among houses, turned right by a football pitch and along the rough road to the citadelle. Asked where the Montagne de la Croix was in relation to this. Told to go back to the football pitch, turn right (continuing along the road I came up) and along for about 2km. Television masts and an indication to an ostrich farm mark the top! (BIG No. 122). Went on from here along the same road that continues downhill steeply to a junction indicating Neuchatel to the left or Beauraing to the right. I was a bit confused at this because if I took the right I would end up on the wrong side of the river for going on to Givet along the west side of the river heading south. Nothing for it, took this and back to the onion tower church, over the Meuse and left for Givet hugging the river passing more white cliffs and a Freyr chateau that is advertised as a mini Versailles. In Givet stocked up with orange juice and fruit from an Aldi store then left the river at Vireux and up passing through Treignes with its old cobbled streets and large church tower a bit out of proportion to the size of the village. Up then down to

Petigny then branched off to the right just before Couvin for the ride to Barrage du Rome. (BIG no. 119). The highest part of this road is after the dam on the road through Bois Couvin at 360 metres. Avoided the main road down to Revin at 19.30, stayed on the lane near to Bruly but continued along the quiet country road, mainly downhill then up a bit through Gue d‚Hossus to the busy road junction at Hiraumont then down a pleasant road to Revin and found a hotel for the night alongside the river . SATURDAY 30TH APRIL 2005 REVIN TO BERTRIX Day 2: Trip distance 111 km, ride time 7 hours, average speed 15.80 kph, overall distance 3114 km, trip altitude total 1882m, maximum altitude 520 metres, total altitude 20223 metres, average climb 5%, maximum climb 15% gradient. Difficult to find my way out of Revin on to the road for Mont Tranet. Out to the right past Place de la Republic then took a left fork over a disused railway track then immediately up through the woods. Soon passing the monument to the Marquis with black pigs flanking the memorial to the brave fallen from 1940 to 1944, their heroic resistance to the German occupation. Mont Tranet (BIG No. 213) is reached after about 3km of

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steady climbing, twists and turns at first through the woods with great views looking back to Revin. For the last kilometre the road becomes dead straight as it heads for the radio masts to the left, these mark the top of the climb. There is only a gentle rise up the kilometre and down the other way, heading east, the road drops gradually through the woods with hardly any view until a drop out of the woods to les Hautes Butts. A long sweep down from there to Montherme. I really enjoyed cycling along the Semnoy valley. The highlights were the Col du Loup, Bohan and its cafés, Rochehaut and the view down to Frahan surrounded by the loop of the river Semoy and watching the paragliding from here, also Col du Corbin and down to Bouillon. The Col du Loup was reached from Tilhay and along to the sleepy village of Navaux and steeply up through the woods followed by a long grind uphill to the col and the junction of roads. Nice to be greeted by a French col marker only ever personally seen in the French Alps before now. Steeply down to les Hautes Rivieres, a place with an exotic name but doesn‚t look too interesting! On from there to Bohan with loads of cyclists lounging at the cafes by the river bridge then over the Col des Fiances du Chatelet 235 metres. From Bohan to Membre followed by the Col de la Haizette 277 metres, Vresse to Mesnes and to Rochehaut after turning off at

BIG Review 2006 Alle. Over the Corbion and arriving in Bouillon sweeping downhill and through a tunnel under the castle I stopped for Duvel beer, taking in the view of the castle along the river. Asked the way for the minor road taking in the next pass over to Dohan. The pass topped by a 12th century chapel called Notre Dame of Walcourt, it was steep ride up for a kilometre above the town, lined with houses most of the way then open farmland. I had a painful ride as the shorts became sweaty in the heat and developed blisters. Dropped down through the Bouillon forest along a lane to Four Ways (les 4 Chemins) and enjoyed a pleasant hour along country lanes to Carignan then along the main road to Margut and up the short but steep St Walfroy Ermitage (BIG no. 215) then returned the same way to Dohan and through Auby, steep down and up on the main road then off to the left for the road to Bertrix. I caught a train from here having already cycled the St Hubert pass to the north of here back in 1980 ˆ 25 years ago! The train went a short way to Libramont then caught a connection a few minutes later and settled down for the comfortable trip to Liege via Namur. Found a quiet hotel in the city not too far from the station but the girl in there had no other staff with her and wasn‚t able to man the desk and make a meal so I wandered the city streets a short way and found a good place to have a pasta and a couple of beers. SUNDAY 1ST MAY 2005 LIEGE TO TROIS PONTS Day 3: Trip distance 128 km, altitude reading at Trois Ponts 302 metres, ride time 8 hours, average speed 15.90kph, maximum speed 19.50kph, total overall distance 3242 km, total trip

altitude today 1937 metres, maximum elevation 737 metres, average climb 4%, maximum climb 20%, total elevation 2697, top elevation 1905. To the station for the train to Luxembourg, getting off at Aywaille half an hour later. From Aywaille I asked the way to Remouchamps as unsure of my direction, Aywaille station is in a side road off the main road and there are no signposts. Five minutes to Remouchamps then right at a roundabout that has a railway coal wagon in the centre on the main road towards Spa. Off to the right, over a river bridge and under the motorway bridge. Totally ignored the turning off to the right parallel to the motorway ˆ at my own peril ˆ as this was the correct road up to the La Redoute (BIG No. 128). Instead I pedalled on up the logical way, straight on and up but then the road petered out into a track. With a few twists and turns (I think 6) on the way up then following a hedge to the left I emerged just below the top of the road below the radio mast. It would have been much easier on the road as I found out on the way down later so came up again to do it the right way. Well that BIG was truly conquered! I pushed the bike up the one kilometre up the track, took a photo at the top of the road then back down.

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Noticed there is a one-way system halfway down because of a sharp bend and narrow road. I really should have noticed the painted road near the motorway bridge. Back over the river and left on the N697 on the long grind out of Remouchamps towards Spa as the road gains higher ground into the Ardennes. At the crossing of the N606 a Belgian cyclist told me my best route would be to go south to Haute Desnie then north again to avoid the steep hill down and up. I said I would do that not wanting to ignore a local‚s advice. After a chat he went on his way and I continued straight on down and up the steep hill ˆ Œcos I like the hills. After that it was glorious sweep down the hill in open country into Spa. It was really warm now but fully energised after a meal I negotiated the town streets and took the road up to the airdrome. Once there I turned off to the left just after it and cycled the quiet road through the dense woods of Bois de Hatrai, really pleasant. When I met the main road thought if I continued following the cycle path route I would be on the right track from Cokaifagne to Xhoffraix. How wrong I was! The way became a very rough track following the Hogne stream along what seems to be a disused railway track. I left this at a bridge as I scrambled up

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the embankment first the bike then the panniers, then down to a clearing over the Hogne over a wooden bridge and wooden walkway, past a group of horse riders and on to a forest road to emerge at a lane where there‚s a choice of ways. I asked some women (wo)manning the drinks/eats stand for the cycling event that I found myself taking part in where the route was from here to Signal de Botragne. They looked at me strangely as I was miles away from it! I was told to continue to the left into Solwaster ˆ after some drinks and biscuits from them. After the village with its quiet pub and church it was up and down then steeply up to Jalhay. From here along the N672 to the right to Bella Croix. At the time this was being resurfaced and the road for about 4km was just a wide, dusty, pebbly track going slightly up on to the busy N68 coming up from Eupen. The road I was on was closed but a few cars passed me, just as well as they created a lot of dust in the air as they passed. On joining the N68 though I

was back in the flow of traffic crossing the heathland here at the highest point in Belgium. It was very warm and needed a stop at the Mt Rigi café on the right side of the road before the left turn to Belgium‚s highest point at Signal de Botragne BIG No. 126. I had a coke and shared the bench with a few Germans. We had a chat and they seemed surprised that I was from England, congratulating me on my attempt at German conversation. I freshened up then moved on the short way to the road pass. Took the obligatory photos then back down to the road junction only this time I took a left for the long freewheel down to Malmedy and up the hill to the right to get to the Malmedy road pass (BIG No. 127). From Malmedy the way was level then uphill as far as the bridge under the motorway then an easy road along to Stavelot. Up the Stockau road turning off to the north along a cobbled street past an old castle keep then up to some houses and to the left. I soon found the Stockeu

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indicated as a street sign. Into bottom gear, past houses to emerge in the woods. Past a large house on the left then leaving the houses behind I reached a metal monument to Eddy Merckx. Half of his profile and half a bike embedded in an upright flat stone surface to the right of the road at the top of the climb. (BIG No. 133) It‚s a steep road up to this point but only for about 2km. From here it‚s less steep to the top on a quiet lane in farming country. Down from here to Wanne where there is a monument to American paratroopers and the Belgian resistance in the war. At this point there‚s a signpost, a quick check of the map and decided to go right for Grand Halleaux and the Wall of Wanne (BIG No. 132). This is a short steep section along the road to the village and steeper coming from that direction. Down the roads pass and right in Grand Halleaux to emerge on the road for Trois Ponts (Three Bridges). A steady downhill all the way and found a hotel on the corner of a street at a

BIG Review 2006 reasonable price. I booked in at the room and left my bags there and continued on with camera and map north to La Gleize then took a right for Col du Rosier (BIG no. 131). The road rises steadily to the top then a long down to the right into Andrimont and on to Ruy and Roanne, all farming villages. It‚s a steep road down to Ruy then back along the easy road to Trois Ponts in the gathering dusk. I ate at another hotel at a bridge (presumably one of the three bridges) and had tagliatelli with ham and cheese, and washed it down with a Hoegaarden beer and a Duvel. Back to the hotel at only to find the main door locked and the place in darkness, however I had a key to get through the door to the rooms. Stone plaque at top of Col du Redoute (BIG 128) reads; Dans Cette Plaine Aeulieven aout 1943 un parachutage auprofit de la resistance. In English; On this plain, Aeulieven August 1943 parachutists landed to aid the Resistance. MONDAY 2ND MAY 2005 TROIS PONTS TO LUXEMBOURG Day 4: Trip distance 134km, ride time 8 hours, average speed 16.30kph, maximum speed 50kph, overall distance 3377km, trip altitude 1994 metres, maximum altitude 596 metres, average climb 3%, maximum climb 14%, total altitude 22217 metres, top elevation 2762 Heading for the station then up the road as it winds up out of Trois Ponts for about 3km to reach the high point before Aissomont (BIG no. 130). There is an adventure play park outward-bound centre up here on the left, a wooden structure. Great views across to the east from the top. I went back down the same way and collected my bags from the hotel then out

along to Manhay, the road rises steadily to this point for quite a distance. When there I wanted to try an Ardenne coffee at the pub on the crossroads, this was coffee and rum in a quaint earthenware flat pot held by the sides between thumb and forefinger, accompanied by a small tub of thick cream. This woke me up! Col du Rideaux was my day‚s first objective with Baroque du Frature (BIG No. 134) en route. This is only a short climb to the south, steady but not difficult for 7km along an interesting road. Felt slightly merry on the uphill from here! Back down to Manhay then took a left then right almost immediately on the downhill to Mormont. It‚s a steep rise to the village, very quiet crowning the hill then off to the left along a leafy lane down to Fanzel, took a left at the bottom, over the stream then right and a steep rise along Pierrestraat for 2km and 30 minutes to the top of the Col du Rideaux (BIG No. 129), marked by another radio mast to the right of the road among the trees. There is a road junction and a signpost to Heyd and a board here indicating the name of the pass. I turned tail and rode steeply down the same way. From here I had a labourious ride against the wind to Fisenne following the Aisne stream and through woods and open country to Dochamps then up to Samree. Emerging on to the main road, I took a right and careered

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down hill heading for La Roche but turned off to the left halfway down at a post indicating a forest road and the next pass of the day, the Haussier. It‚s a short steep section under the trees for 1.5 km then reaching a sign on the left indicating the top of the pass and the only Cotacol sign seen on this trip I leaned the bike in the ditch before it and took the obligatory photo then enjoyed a long downhill into La Roche, arriving at a campsite on the Houffalize road then turned right into the town. Perhaps the other Cotacol signs are in Flanders ˆ will have to wait and see some future year. The Haussier was the favourite pass of my tour; I really enjoyed cycling through the woods and the long descent on a good smooth narrow road down into La Roche. I stopped a while for a coffee and had a wander round the town. It rained for the first time since arriving in Belgium but this didn‚t last long. I back tracked to the campsite and along the Houffalize road and took a right in Maboge over the stream by a campsite to Pied Monte (BIG No. 137) and my last pass. I had to work at this, as it was steep. I returned the same way, along to Nadrin then followed the river, watching the kayaking on the right and down to Houffalize. I stopped at a café to a campsite on the right and had a cheese and ham roll and slaked my thirst in the heat with an orange juice and a

BIG Review 2006 coffee then on for the last stage of my tour. In Houffalize I asked in the tourist office in the small centre for the best road to Clervaux as there are a few roads radiating out from this point. I was directed off to the right and up a hill but before that stopped to take a photo of a German Tiger tank on display with its barrel pointing up and a large shell standing next to it. From there up the hill then into open country after the village of Tavigny with its chateaux, took a photo here. I crossed the border among open fields. The area seems so different from the Belgian Ardennes that was now behind me, this was a gap between them and the Luxembourg Ardennes reached on entering Clervaux. Along the country lanes through Troine and Crendal entering the Luxembourg like walking through the back door. The main road I joined was heading for St Vith but I took a right for Clervaux by a row of huge wind propellers. Steeply down to the town and had a look round and checked the time of the train at Clervaux station. Had a beer at the hotel opposite the station to celebrate and boarded the train to Luxembourg City arriving in good time to bike to the hostel just before dark. I had a smashing pasta meal in the hostel washed down with a couple of beers. I chatted with a Dutchman who thought English people were Œcool‚ but he disliked Germans and Americans. The pub in the hostel closed at 23.00 and wondered if I would like to join him round town to find a pub. I declined because I needed to get up early in the morning and wanted to be clear headed. I needed to go for an early train at 08.00 ˆ the only direct train to Cologne that I could take a bike on. I had a terrible night at the hostel, as there was a huge German snoring in a lower bunk and because of his size

nobody dared disturb him. I even had earplugs in but they didn‚t serve the purpose so I‚m sure nobody else in their slept. He was just so loud. I retreated outside into the corridor and slept on the floor with duvet and pillow. More noisy Germans from the dormitory opposite the corridor waked me at 06.00. I can see why the Dutchman didn‚t like Germans. TRAIN TIMES FROM TROIS PONTS TO LUXEMBOURG: Trois Ponts 18.11, Vielsalm 18.21, Gouvy 18.32, Troisvierze 18.43, Clervaux 18.53, Drauffet 18.59, Wilwerwiltz 19.02, Kautenbach 19.07, Ettelbruck 19.19, Mersch 19.30, Luxembourg 19.45 followed by another train at the same times 2 hours later. TUESDAY 3RD MAY 2005 LUXEMBOURG TO HOLMES CHAPEL There was no problem going for the early train. I had loads of time after breakfast and for the warden to bring my bike from the garage under the hostel. I had a look around the cliff walls below the main city streets. Here is where the Romans built their fortifications. It now a protected UNESCO site. Putting the bike on the German train was no problem as there was plenty of space ˆ for bike and people. Most of the way along the Moselle and the Rhine I had the carriage to myself. I had a problem on Cologne purchasing a suburban line train ticket for myself and the bike from the automatic ticket machine. I queued up for ages in the DB ticket office then was told to buy it at the machine but I couldn‚t understand how to operate it. Finally somebody helped and directed me away from the red

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machine to the orange one around the corner. He helped me buy the tickets at 2.60• each for me and bike. I had to stand on the train all the way, holding the bike. The trip took about 40 minutes to the airport ˆ Koln Conrad Eidenuer. I dismantled the bike outside the airport, strapped the front wheel to the frame, removed the pedals, flattened the tyres, turned the bars parallel to the frame and placed it in a plastic bike cover bought from Wilkinson‚s store for £3.99. Secured it with furniture tape and nylon string. The pannier bags I strapped together and checked them in. The bike had to go through the oversize baggage X-ray machine and said goodbye to it until it reached Liverpool. Toyed with the idea of taking a taxi to Runcorn as the bike was neatly packaged but decided against. It took time to undo but after re-assembling the bike I cycled along to Runcorn with only a few minutes to wait for a train to Crewe but had a  hour wait there for my connection. I arrived home at 21.30. After a bath and pasta I collapsed into bed, glad to be home ˆ and it‚s a workday tomorrow! Total tour was 507 kilometres (316.50 miles) averaging 79 miles a day. Started at 2878km, finished at 3385km

BIG Review 2006

Het Zwarte Woud Martin Kool In september 2002 vertrokken we voor 4 dagen naar het Zwarte Woud. Hans Koedijker, Philip Hul en dit jaar ging ook Jean Pierre Notten mee. Natuurlijk ging Math Hul, de vader van Philip, weer mee om ons mentaal te ondersteunen. Philip en Jean Pierre staan hoog in het BIG klassement en hier in het Zwarte Woud waren weer enkele BIG colletjes te verdienen. Op 26 september vertrokken Hans en ik naar Maastricht waar we de nacht bij Philip doorbrachten. Bij het ochtendgloren vertrokken we op 27 september richting Waldkirch iets boven Freiburg.

Dag 1 Rond 13 uur arriveerden we daar. Er stond een leuke maar zware tocht op het programma naar Schonau. In Schonau had Philip voor 2 nachten geboekt in Hotel Vier Loewen. Ik zag behoorlijk tegen deze trip op omdat ik al een maand lang nauwelijks had gefietst. Tijdens een familieweekend in Enter had ik tijdens een stom

partijtje voetbal mijn knie verdraaid. Eigenlijk was die knie nog steeds niet goed hersteld. Maar goed, vanuit Waldkirch begonnen we aan de beklimming van de Kandel. Een 11 kilometer lange klim waarbij de stijgingspercentages niet beneden de 8 procent kwamen. De spieren waren nog stram van de lange autorit en we hadden nauwelijks kans om ons warm te trappen voor de Kandel (1202 meter). Toch voelde ik me prima in deze 1e Zwarte Woud beklimming. Ik kwam super boven en had een lekker gevoel in de benen. Er volgde een mooie afdaling en een lang vlak gedeelte langs de plaatsen Sankt Peter, Kirchzarten en Oberried. Daarna begon de loodzware klim van de Schauinsland. Hier was het met mij gedaan. Op het vlakke stuk voelde ik de benen al vollopen. Tijdens de klim ter hoogte van het Wildpark moest ik er (na 53 km.) de brui aan geven. Hans, Philip en Jean

Pierre reden gestaag verder en wisten de Schauinsland (1182 meter) te bedwingen. Math en ik zorgden ervoor dat de auto van Hans vanuit Waldkirch naar Schonau gebracht werd. Hans had er na de Schauinsland ook genoeg van en ging solo naar Schonau. Philip en Jean Pierre beklommen nog de Wiedener Eck (1314 meter). Moe maar voldaan was iedereen rond 7 uur in het Hotel. Dat hotel was weer een schot in de roos. Een prima kamer met dito bed, een goede menukaart en een wellicht nog betere wijnkaart. Kortom we lieten het ons goed smaken.

Dag 2 Het zag er weer fantastisch uit. Het was strakblauw maar behoorlijk fris. Overal lag rijp op de weilanden. Een prima fietsdag dus. Ook vandaag weer geen kans om lekker warm te trappen. De eerste klim, de Weissenbachsattel (1090 meter) begon bijna direct voor het hotel. De Weissenbachsattel was een klim van zo’n 8 kilometer. Niet

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BIG Review 2006 al te steil maar toch naar het einde toe pittig. De laatste 2 kilometer schommelden tussen de 9 en 11 %. Boven aangekomen reden we via Herrenschwand, Todtmoos. Oberlehen en Menzenschwand naar de Schluchzee. Een prachtig bergmeer. Onderweg reden we regelmatig langs plekken waar al sneeuw lag. Aan het meer lag een super hotel/restaurant genaamd Auerhahn. Het hotel was nog maar enkele jaren oud. We besloten om hier te lunchen. Het lange wachten op de lunch bleek aangenaam omdat een zeer aantrekkelijke kelnerin ons afleidde. Na een voortreffelijke maaltijd vertrokken we voor de klim naar de Feldberg en Herzogenhorn. Een mooie geleidelijke klim voerde ons naar de Feldberg waarna we aan de beklimming van de Herzogenhorn begonnen. Al na enkele kilometers bleek dat de echte top slechts met de MTB was te beklimmen. Na een foto direct maar weer terug. Een lange afdaling richting Todtnau volgde. Daarna was het een fluitje van een cent naar Schonau. Totaal vandaag 75 kilometer gefietst.

Dag 3 De laatste dag stond in het teken van de thuisreis. ’s Morgens inpakken en eerst

afreizen naar Badenweiller. Dit bleek de trainingsstandplaats van de Duitse Telecomploeg te zijn. In Badenweiller werden de fietsen weer van de rekken gehaald en voegden we nog 2 BIG colletjes aan ons totaal toe te weten de Sirnitzsattel/Kreuzberg en de Hochblauen. Vanuit Badenweiller bedwongen we eerst het Sirnitzsattel (1079 meter). Het was een klim van een kilometer of 10 met een gemiddeld stijgingspercentage van rond de 7 procent. We kwamen allemaal makkelijk boven. Boven aangekomen keerden we na de gebruikelijke foto’s weer om en daalden af naar Badenweiller. Direct reden we door naar de voet van de

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BIG-matadoren in het trainingsgebied van team T-Mobile, vlnr: Martin Kool, Hans Koedijker, Philip Hul en JeanPierre Notten.

Hochblauen (1165 meter). Dit bleek andere koek. Weer zo’n 10 kilometer klimmen maar gemiddeld bleek dit toch wel 8 a 9 procent te zijn. Omdat het onze laatste beklimming was persten we er alles nog maar eens uit. Dat bleek bij mij overigens niet zoveel meer te zijn. Boven werd al ons werk beloond met een prachtig uitzicht over het Rijndal en zagen we de Vogezen aan de Franse kant van de Rijn liggen. Misschien iets voor 2003 ?? Na de afdaling de fietsen weer op het rek en een stevige Duitse lunch als afscheid. Een voorspoedige terugreis naar Holland en we keken weer terug op een prachtig weekend. Mooi weer, goed hotel, lekker eten en drinken en bovenal goed klimwerk.

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Le Plateau de Beille

Par: Olivier Dupeyroux

Le plateau de Beille est niché au cœur des Pyrénées ariégeoises, entre la Nationale 20, bruyante voie de passage pour les touristes allant en Andorre, et les montagnes frontalières de l'Espagne, milieu naturel d'exception associant le calme et les paysages de toute beauté. Très connu par les pratiquants de ski de fond en hiver et par les randonneurs en été, ce site a connu un essor médiatique important depuis 1998, date à laquelle il a accueillli pour la première fois une arrivée du Tour de France. Sa valeur ne s'en dément pas, puisque le Tour est revenu à deux reprises déjà, en 2002, puis en 2004 la dernière fois. Il est vrai que l'ascension du Plateau de Beille à vélo demeure assez difficile, cette montée sèche étant considérée par beaucoup comme étant le pendant de l'Alpe d'Huez dans

les Pyrénées. L'avenir le confirmera… Cependant de grandes heures de l'histoire du Tour se sont déjà écrites sur ces pentes, chaque vainqueur au Plateau de Beille (Pantani et un doublé d'Armstrong) ayant ensuite gagné le Tour. L'ascension de 16 kilomètres débute aux Cabannes, petit village ariégeois situé juste au sud de la Nationale 20, à 535 mètres d'altitude. La dénivellée totale est de 1245 mètres, soit 7,80% de pente moyenne. La place principale aux Cabannes permet au possesseur d'un polluant de parquer celuici avant de débuter la montée sur le vélo, montée qui ne se fait d'ailleurs pas attendre puisque la pente commence à s'élever moins de 50 mètres plus loin… Les premiers lacets mettent directement dans le vif du sujet, avec une pente d'un peu plus de 6%. On remarque immédiatement la nature quasi parfaite du revêtement, du au fait que la route n'existe que depuis quelques années seulement. Ce revêtement est d'ailleurs plus agréable que l'enrobé très gravillonné que l'on retrouve souvent sur les routes de montagne en Ariège,

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notamment lorsque l'on franchit les cols de Portet d'Aspet et d'Agnes, et qui présente l'inconvénient majeur de fondre très rapidement lorsque les températures s'élèvent. Les cloques qui se forment alors et sur lesquelles on roule ensuite produisent de désagréables claquements qui font croire à chaque instant que l'on vient de crever. Heureusement, le revêtement est ici bien meilleur. Très vite les virages sont plus resserrés, et il devient plus difficile de passer à l'intérieur. L'essentiel

de la montée débute vraiment ici où, 12 kilomètres durant, le pourcentage moyen oscillera invariablement entre 8,7 et 8,8%. Petit parrallèle avec l'Alpe d'Huez, des marquages au sol permettent de suivre le compte du nombre de virages franchis. Plusieurs personnes différentes ayant eu la même idée, et chacune ayant fait le maximum pour que seul son décompte reste visible, il est parfois difficile de lire le numéro du virage. Et le décompte par ordre croissant est bien moins parlant que dans l'Alpe d'Huez, où l'ordre décroissant permet de vraiment bien mesurer où l'on en est dans la montée et le chemin qu'il reste à faire. Autre moyen de se guider dans la montée : les fameux panneaux disposés chaque kilomètre tradition pyrénéenne très appréciée - et qui indiquent le pourcentage du kilomètre à

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venir, le nombre de kilomètres effectués, ainsi que l'altitude. L'implantation des panneaux reflète bien la distance, chaque panneau étant vraiment un kilomètre après le précédent (ce n'est pas toujours le cas, comme dans le Tourmalet par exemple, où j'ai vu 3 panneaux en 1,6 kilomètre seulement - où étaient les 400 mètres restants ??) Malheureusement, la notoriété de cette montée, et le système de fixation aléatoire fait que certains panneaux ont été démontés et emportés comme souvenir, rendant perplexe le cycliste qui ne demande qu'à terminer son kilomètre à 9%, et qui commence à se demander si son compteur fonctionne vraiment bien quand il n'a vu aucun nouveau panneau plus de 1000 mètres après le précédent… Il y a très peu de replats, donc peu de possibilités de se reposer. La chaleur peut également être de la partie. L'ombre étant rare une grande partie de la journée, les lunettes de soleil seront de précieuses alliées. Au fur et à mesure que la route s'élève, le paysage se dégage, dévoilant des panoramas variés, alternativement à l'ouest, à l'est ou au nord. Au nord justement, on distingue aisément la montagne de Tabe et le Pic de Saint Barthélémy. Juste au dessus de la route des Corniches apparaît la fameuse carrière de talc de Trimouns, qui fêtait en 2005 le centenaire de son exploitation.

L'ascension se poursuit, et l'on arrive bientôt à la Cabane de Pierrefitte. Ce passage marque l'endroit où la route bitumée s'arrêtait initialement, avant d'être ensuite goudronnée jusqu'au pied des pistes de ski de fond de la station de Beille. Le paysage change, puisque la route sort de la forêt, et entre dans une zone d'alpages où la vue est bien plus dégagée. On aperçoit sur la gauche un peu plus haut la route avec les contreforts de la station. La pente devient plus accessible, et on peut rajouter un peu de braquet sur les 2/3 derniers kilomètres, qui tutoient les 7%.

L'arrivée à la station de Beille est marquée par une immense zone goudronnée, de la taille d'un terrain de foot, utilisée en hiver pour le stationnement des véhicules des skieurs, et un jour en juillet pour l'arrivée de

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l'étape du Tour de France (et d'autres randonnées cyclotouristes comme l'Ariégeoise par exemple). A l'instar de quelques autres stations pyrénéennes (Hautacam, Luz-Ardiden), le cycliste découvrant l'endroit sera surpris de ne découvrir ici qu'un seul bâtiment, mais aucun chalet, immeubles ni commerces. Voici un bel exemple d'intégration d'une station de ski dans le paysage sans dénaturer celui-ci. L'été, le parking est pris d'assaut par les badauds et les randonneurs, l'endroit étant propice aux randonnées, le GR 10 passant même à proximité. La route se transforme rapidement en piste, qui continue à travers le plateau de Beille, peuplé de chevaux et d'autres animaux en liberté. Vous abandonnerez ici les insectes voraces qui vous auront accompagnés une grande partie de la montée en cas de vitesse ascensionnelle trop lente. Il ne reste plus qu'à contrôler une ultime fois le bon fonctionnement de ses freins et la fermeture de son casque avant d'attaquer une descente relativement roulante, où les records de vitesse seront tentants tant le revêtement est de qualité. A condition bien évidemment de maîtriser sa vitesse et d'être très prudent…

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Halte dans le Queyras Par Olivier Dupeyroux A l'occasion de mon retour dans le Queyras, plus de vingt ans après y avoir chaussé des skis pour la première fois au cours d'une classe de neige, j'ai choisi cette fois-ci de privilégier le vélo aux skis, et de m'intéresser à 2 BIGs méconnus : le Sommet du Bûcher et la Chapelle de Notre-Dame de Clausis. Il est probable que ces noms ne vous disent pas grand-chose, tant le Queyras reste indissociable de l'un des BIGs les plus franchis : le Col d'Izoard et la fameuse Casse Déserte, et, dans une moindre mesure, du Col d'Agnel, frontalier avec l'Italie. Au départ de Guillestre, une petite route correctement revêtue remonte doucement le torrent du Guil pour se diriger vers la combe du Queyras. Après plusieurs petits tunnels assez étroits, la route passe au fond d'une gorge dont les parois rocheuses qui l'encadre paraissent infranchissables. Se succèdent ensuite plusieurs kilomètres de pentes modérées, alternants petits faux-plats montants et descendants (mais majoritairement montants…), et nous voici à ChâteauQueyras, immédiatement reconnaissable grâce au Fort perché sur son éperon rocheux. Au niveau d'un parking, prendre à droite une petite route, qui longe dans un premier temps un torrent, surplombé par des installations de via ferrata. Arrive ensuite un carrefour, au milieu duquel un panneau indique le sommet du Bûcher à 11 kilomètres. La pente s'élève immédiatement autour de 89%, 900 mètres de dénivellée restant tout de même à

escalader avant le sommet. La pente va rester quasiment constante tout du long. La route est ombragée, et relativement peu exposée au vent, du fait de la présence de nombreux arbres. Après environ 4 kilomètres, la chaussée commence irrémédiablement à se dégrader. Quelques sections ne sont plus goudronnées, obligeant à passer la roue dans des gravillons, voire de la caillasse par endroits. Cette succession de petits passages mal goudronnés, et de plus grands passages dans le sable, les graviers et les cailloux, va se prolonger jusqu'au bout de la route. Je suis passé sans trop de dégâts avec mon VTC, mais passer avec un vélo de route semble un peu plus hasardeux. Le sommet n'est matérialisé par aucun panneau, mais par un superbe relais hertzien, et par une vue très dégagée non moins superbe ! Une table d'orientation, à côté d'une cabane malheureusement dégradée, offre un aperçu détaillé des sommets avoisinnants, quasiment à 360°. Une fois redescendu à ChâteauQueyras, reprendre la route de Ville-Vieille, en direction de Molines, puis de Saint-Véran, plus haute commune d'Europe à 2050 mètres (attention pour


ceux qui voudraient venir à Saint-Véran en voiture, l'accès est payant – 2  – et la traversée interdite aux voitures). A la sortie de Saint-Véran, les 6 kilomètres restant alors se font sur une mauvaise route, où là encore le goudron a laissé la place aux cailloux. Cette portion est interdite aux voitures, mais y circulent quand même les navettes menant les touristes à la Chapelle de Clausis, ainsi que les engins travaillant à la restauration des bâtiments de l'ancienne mine. Le vallon, parallèle à celui menant au Col d'Agnel, présente de jolies vues tout au long de la fin de la montée : cîme de la Combe Crose, Pic de Château Renard. Après un virage, on découvre un cirque de grande beauté, avec au premier plan un petit promontoire sur lequel se trouve la Chapelle. Encore quelques efforts, et nous voici à 2360 mètres d'altitude, terme de ce BIG ! Les amateurs de randonnée pédestre pourront continuer plein Est jusqu'au Col de SaintVéran pour admirer le Mont Viso, tandis que ceux montés à VTT pourront redescendre sur Saint-Véran en suivant le GR 58 par le fond de la vallée, avant une longue descente pour revenir à Guillestre.

BIG Review 2006

el primer puerto ascendido por el Tour de France

El col du Grand Bois o de la Republique Mario Ruiz Mis queridos amigos Este pasado verano hemos tenido todos la oportunidad de seguir los avatares de un nuevo Tour de Francia y por tratarse del año 2005 se ha hablado del centenario del paso por el Ballon de Alsace “ el primer puerto ascendido en el Tour “. Y con esa presentación se han rellenado multitud de artículos, relatando la gloriosa escalada de Pothier, el primero en coronarlo, sus 20 km/h de velocidad de ascensión y su desarrollo de 4,5 m.

“ De Lyon à Marseille, cette deuxieme étape présentait 374 kilomètres par la côte du Grand-Bois et les monts du Vivarais, après la traversée de Saint-Etienne, cette ville située au kilométre 58. Un début de parcours difficile, pour une fin de journée dans la chaleur, sur les routes poudreuses de la vallée du Rhone “. Mas adelante el relato continúa :

Pero al ver los titulares algo no me acababa de encajar, ya que, lector apasionado de las hazañas de los heroicos precursores del ciclismo, recordaba que en la primera edición de 1903, los participantes habían tenido que superar un duro paso, el Col de La Republique en la segunda etapa. Veamos pues lo que lo que se relata en “ La fabuleuse histoire du Tour de France “ edición de 1995 de La Martiniere escrito por el prestigioso Pierre Chany en sus páginas 32 y 33 refiriendose a la primera edición de la carrera celebrada en el año 1903 y que transcribo a continuación:

“ Au rassemblement nocturne, place Bellecourt, alors que s`éteignaient les dernières notes de la symphonie exécutèe par l`orchestre des Touristes lyonnais, Monsieur Abran avait attiré l`attention des concurrents sur les traîtrises du parcours : « La descente en lacets de Bourg-Argental est très dangereuse... Nous vous demandons la plus extreme prudence dans ce secteur... a fin d`éviter une seconde descente en virages, nous avons d`ailleurs détourné l`itinéraire par Annonay, en Ardèc he... On nous signale un virage à contre-pente, des lumignons vous l`indiqueront... Vérifiez vos freins, et veillez à ne pas faire trop de bruit en traversant la ville, merci ! >> Y el desarrollo de la etapa lo describe como sigue :

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“ Sur les pentes qui s`élèvent au dessus de Saint-Etienne, alors que percent les premières lueurs du jour, Aucouturier maintient son effort. Il conserve avec lui les seuls Wattelier, Muller et Garrot, précèdant de peu Emile Georget. Dans la traversée d` Annonay, aux environs du centième kilomètre, ce premier groupe précède le tandem Garin-Pagie de treize minutes...” En la edición de 1904 y sobre un recorrido idéntico, tal como indica Pierre Chany en su libro, se vuelve a ascender el Col du Grand-Bois o de la Republique cuya agitada ascensión nocturna relata en la página 57 del mismo libro. De todo ello se ve claramente que anterior al ascenso del Ballon de Alsace, realizado por vez primera en 1905 en la tercera edición del Tour, se realizaron estas dos ascensiones al Col de la Republique, y me sorprende que se olvide esta escalada como la primera verdaderamente importante en la historia de la carrera. ¿ Acaso es que se considera a este puerto de escasa entidad, o como suele ocurrir en nuestro días, vende mas fácilmente algo de renombre como el Ballon de Alsace y por ello se le rodea de una aureola de leyenda relegando al olvido a su despreciado antecesor ? Lo segundo me parece sencillamente miserable por lo cual me voy a centrar en la primera posibilidad : que se considera al Col de la Republique un puerto menor. Pero es esto ciertamente aceptable ? Veamos! El Ballon de Alsace de 1.178 m de altitud, tiene por su

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vertiente de Le Thillot / St. Maurice s/Moselle, la que se escaló en 1905, 9 kilómetros de ascensión, salvando 603 m de desnivel, con una pendiente media del 6,7% siendo sus nueve kilómetros de pendientes : 5 – 7,2 – 8,5 – 6,3 – 5,8 – 6,4 – 7,3 – 6,7 y 7,1%. Por su parte el Col de la Republique de 1.161 m de altitud, tiene por su vertiente de St. Etienne 12,75 kilómetros de longitud, salvándose 569 m de desnivel, con una pendiente media del 4,46% siendo sus 13 kilómetros de pendientes : 5,9 – 6,4 – 7,4 – 5,4 – 5,7 – 5,8 – 5,6 – 4,4 – 2,7 – 1,3 – 0,4 – 2,1 y 5,3%. En nuestros cálculos de coeficiente le tenemos asignado al Ballon de Alsace el valor 112 y al Col de la Republique el valor de 87, y el BIG en su catálogo Pasacol les concede 506 y 435 Europoints respectivamente. De estos datos se deduce que el Ballon de Alsace es algo mas duro pero también que el Col de la Republique no es un puerto desdeñable, cuyos 569 m de desnivel se ascienden sin darse uno cuenta. Y buena prueba de todo ello es que cuando se creó el Premio de la Montaña en el Tour, esta misma carrera anotó en su historial de puertos transitados por la carrera a lo largo de su historia los mencionados años 1903 y 1904, y cuando se volvió a ascender en los años 1950 , 1954, 1956.etc fue considerado, como no podía ser de otra manera, puntuable para el premio de la montaña. El puerto se ha ascendido en los años 1903, 1904, 1954 (2ª), 1959 (2ª), 1961 (2ª), 1963 (3ª), 1968 (3ª), 1971 (3ª), 1978 (3ª)

y 1997 (3ª) por su vertiente de Saint Etienne y en los años 1950 (3ª), 1956 (2ª), 1966 (2ª) por Bourg-Argental. Por todo lo anteriormente expuesto, y dado que en nuestro listado de puertos franceses del BIG aparece con pleno derecho por estas transcendentes razones con el número 252 el mencionado Col de la Republique, sirva este recordatorio como desagravio por este imperdonable olvido de todo el mundo ciclista de la alta competición ante una realidad evidente y de los organizadores que en su afán de mitificar una carrera, relega al olvido las propias realidades de la misma. Y que decir de todo ese periodismo de pandereta, atento solo al ruido y a la venta, que muestra su absoluta ignorancia sobre todo la vieja historia de este deporte que dicen admirar, pero al que no dedican mas que el tiempo justo que dura la carrera, escribiendo artículos de corrido sin pararse a verificar si lo que se escribe responde a la realidad, y llevando la confusión a sus lectores. Ciertamente lo de siempre... Mario Ruiz

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Het ultieme fietsplezier in de Franse Alpen (Savoie) Hans Koedijker en Martin Kool ( Na alle trainingsarbeid en "generale repetities" vertrekken Hans en ik op 14 september naar de Franse Alpen. Peter de Rooy, onze ploegleider is al in Frankrijk met zijn camper. Na een perfecte reis arriveren we rond de klok van 16 uur in Bourg St. Maurice. Hotel L' Autantic blijkt een prachtig hotel aan de (west-)rand van het plaatsje. Die middag trappen we nog wat los in het dal van de Isere. Na een perfecte nachtrust vertrekken we 15-9 's morgens om 8.45 uur voor de eerste tocht. Het zal een mooi weerzien met de Witte Berg worden.

Dag 1: 15-9-2005 Weerzien met de Witte Berg Het beeld van de winnende Michael Boogerd staat op mijn netvlies als ik ’s morgens om 7 uur wakker word. De kus op de ketting in de hand van Boogie is absoluut verbonden met de Madeleine en La Plagne. Twee bergen uit de Koninginnerit van de Tour 2002, die van Les Deux Alps naar La Plagne voerde. Ze staan voor vandaag, onze eerste Alpen etappe, op het programma. Het is goed dat we op de dag van aankomst de benen hebben losgetrapt. Niet alleen voor de benen maar ook voor de plaatselijke bekendheid. Zo ontdekten we dat het niet noodzakelijk is om via de N90

van Bourg St. Maurice naar Aime te rijden. De veel rustiger D220 aan de zuidzijde van de Isere bleek daarvoor veel geschikter, lees rustiger. Peter meldt zich om 8.30 uur bij het hotel. We laden onze spullen in de camper omdat we de komende 2 nachten in St. Jean Maurienne zullen doorbrengen. Exact om 8.45 uur stappen we op de fiets en laten het hotel achter ons. Via de D220 rijden we naar Macot waar de beklimming van La Plagne begint. Het dal is een uitstekende aanloop naar de klim. Het weer is ook nog eens geweldig. De lucht is strakblauw. De benen voelen goed en we zijn warm als we aan de weg omhoog beginnen. La Plagne is een heerlijke gelijkmatige maar lange (20 km) klim. De percentages zijn fors maar goed te doen. Daarnaast is het wegdek goed en breed en is het rustig op de weg omhoog. Kortom een prima helling om deze fiets 3daagse mee te beginnen. Hans, die aan de hand van de schema’s van Jabik Jan Bastiaans, fors (5.500 km) en uitgebalanceerd heeft getraind laat op deze klim al zien over de goede klimbenen te beschikken. Ik heb voor deze trip ruim 7.000 kilometer in de benen. Niet allemaal kwaliteitskilometers maar ze tellen wel. Halverwege de klim ontwaren we in het noordoosten een witte top die boven de rondom ons liggende bergen uitpriemt. Waar hebben we die eerder gezien? Op onze trip in 2003 in de Haute Savoie vergezelde deze grootheid ons al en ook nu

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zullen we de Mont Blanc regelmatig in het zicht krijgen. In een vlot tempo en zonder noemenswaardige problemen melden we ons om 11 uur in La Plagne waar Peter en zijn trouwe metgezel Bonkie ons staan op de wachten. Een sanitaire stop en een stoot koolhydraten werken we snel weg en dalen weer af naar Macot. Om van Macot naar Moutiers te komen moeten we toch echt over de N90. Gelukkig is er een smalle fietsstrook en ook in de goed verlichte tunnel is er ruimte voor fietsers. Na Moutiers zijn we even de weg kwijt en blijven we N90 volgen richting Albertville. We zien het bord “autoweg” over het hoofd. In de dan volgende tunnel worden we door het overige (vracht-) verkeer door luid toeteren geattendeerd op onze fout. Dan is het al te laat want omkeren blijkt geen optie. Bij Aigueblanche verlaten we snel de N90 en rijden binnendoor naar Le Lechere voor de lunch. Vergeefs zoeken we een geschikte gelegenheid. Dan toch maar verder om te beginnen aan de Col de la Madeleine. Peter zoekt in de klim een geschikte parkeerplaats om dan maar bij de camper te lunchen. Na 2 kilometer klimmen heeft hij die plek gevonden. Na een snelle hap stappen we op voor de tweede forse klim van de dag. Deze 24 km lange helling heeft gelukkig 2 korte stukken die praktisch vlak zijn. Altijd lekker voor het herstel. Direct zet ik er een flink tempo in. Hans vraagt zich af waarom maar klampt goed aan. Dan, na

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Celliers, begint het echte werk en moet ik duidelijk een stap terug doen. Met percentages van 8 tot 10 procent moeten we daar echt alles geven om de top te halen. Het warme weer doet een aanslag op de vochthuishouding. Behoorlijk uitgewoond komen we weer samen boven. Toch niet zo goed gedoseerd blijkbaar. In de refuge laten we ons de cola en icetea goed smaken. De afdaling is geweldig. Lekker ruim en mooi asfalt. Met hoge snelheden razen we snel naar La Chambre. Via het dal over de N6 uitbollen naar St. Jean de Maurienne. Hotel de L’Europe is snel gevonden. Het ietwat vergeelde maar verder nette hotel is 2 nachten ons onderkomen.

Dag 2: 16-9-2005 Onze ‘eigen Marmotte’ St. Jean-de-Maurienne - Bij het karakteristieke tunneltje in St. Michel de Maurienne stoppen we nog even bij ploegleider Peter en zijn camper voor een laatste hap en slok. We staan aan de voet van één van de meest legendarische cols in de Franse Alpen; de Col du Galibier. Hoeveel reputaties hier zijn gevestigd en geknakt is ons niet bekend, maar de

col verdient door zijn hoogte van 2645 meter sowieso veel respect. Martin hoopt met deze beklimming de 100e BIG beklimming (zie ert/ ) achter zijn naam te kunnen noteren. Voor het zover is zal hij nog flink uit zijn pijp moeten komen. De vooruitzichten zijn echter prima: het is prachtig zonnig fietsweer, we zijn goed hersteld van de inspanningen van dag 1, en de conditie is nog nooit beter geweest. Voor de Galibier ligt eerst de Col du Telegraphe op ons te wachten. De eerste paar kilometers zijn pittig, maar naarmate de meters vorderen vlakt ie steeds meer af. Een uurtje later beginnen we aan de afzink naar Valloire en genieten onderweg van het schitterende uitzicht richting dit populaire wintersport-oord.

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Met nog 18 kilometer te gaan trekt het lekker door richting Plan Lachat. Op dit traject horen en zien we eindelijk de eerste marmotten. Best nog groot deze fluitende bergbewoners. Het gebied wordt ruiger en onherbergzamer. Onderweg denken we getuige te worden van een ernstig vliegtuigongeluk, maar gelukkig is het een idioot die alleen maar vreemde capriolen tussen de rotsformaties met zijn toestel uithaald. De scherpe bocht voorbij Plan Lachat luidt de (lood)zware laatste 8 kilometer in. Hier zetten we alle zeilen bij en moeten we flink stoempen om de (kleine) molen te laten draaien. Het gaat hier echt niet vanzelf. Met een licht euforisch gevoel draaien we naar de col waar Peter en Bonkie in het zonnetje zitten te wachten. Boven! Het is behoorlijk druk met toeristen; de meesten komen hier natuurlijk gemotoriseerd. Het uitzicht naar zowel het noorden als richting het zuiden is met deze strakblauwe hemel werkelijk fantastisch. Absoluut een hoogtepunt in onze fietscarrière. We dalen snel af langs het monument van Henry Desgranges richting de Col du Lautaret. Het dal is richting Briancon veel breder, wat ik me nog goed kan herinneren van een vakantie in 1999 toen ik hier met Helma, Eva en Ruby op doorreis naar Italie ben langsgekomen. Wij gaan rechtsaf richting Bourg d’Oisans, wielermekka voor alles wat het stalen ros een warm hart toedraagt. Het dal is hier veel rustiger dan dat van onze startplaats St. Jean en daarom fietst het hier een stuk prettiger. Op wat kleine stukjes vals plat na, is het een kleine 50 kilometer afdalen naar Bourg d’Oisans. Om 13.00 zitten we op het terras bij de lokale pizzeria en

BIG Review 2006 ook hier glijdt de pasta binnen no-time naar binnen. Ondertussen maken we ons op voor de Alpe d’Huez, de berg die door zoveel landgenoten wordt verkracht als het bergdorp als finishplaats dient in de Tour de France. Het is warm geworden als we de stopwatch indrukken aan de voet van de beklimming. De eerste kilometers naar La Garde zijn berucht om zijn stijgingspercentages en die liegen er niet om. Maar pas op: niet alleen het begin is zwaar; het is 13 kilometer lang afzien met alleen in het dorpje Huez een vlakker stukje om wat te herstellen. De 21 bochten en het uitzicht maken de beklimming nog een klein beetje dragelijk, maar opgelucht zetten we na 1 uur 13 minuten de tijd stil bij het VVV in Alpe d’Huez. Ondertussen beginnen de darmen vervelend op te spelen en moet ik in het bergdorp voor de tweede keer die dag ‘uit de broek’. Een beetje ongemak kan er nog wel bij. Onze buurman hing in bocht 4 al kotsend over het muurtje dus zo slecht heb ik het niet. Wij dalen af via Villard Reculas naar het stuwmeer bij Allemont. Dit is een echte aanrader voor wie het dal van Bourg d’Oisans naar Rochetaillee wil vermijden. Voorbij het gehucht ligt een prachtige, zeer rustige afdaling met nagelnieuw asfalt, zodat we als jonge honden naar beneden suizen. De teller komt hier gemakkelijk boven de 70 km/u (niet thuis vertellen).

De inspanningen van deze dag beginnen hun tol te eisen en in de verte zien we de man met de hamer al staan.... Gelukkig kunnen we bij de uitspanning langs de weg op adem komen en gieten we snel wat cola en ice-tea naar binnen. Binnen vertelt een fransman ons dat de afdaling van de Col de la Croix de Fer naar St. Jean nog steeds maar beter niet genomen kan worden. Er wordt nog altijd in de tunnels en aan het wegdek gewerkt. Met die wetenschap trekken we verder naar het stuwmeer vlak onder de Col de la Croix de Fer en de Col du Glandon. Het wordt al wat donkerder als de zon achter de bergen verdwijnt, en ook bij ons gaat het licht een beetje uit als we de Fiat Rapido van Peter in de verte zien staan. Het beste is er vanaf en eenmaal boven nemen we een moedige, emotionele, maar verstandige beslissing. De fietsen gaan achterop de camper voor de afdaling over de Glandon naar La Chambre. Vandaaruit is het nog een klein stukje naar St. Jean de Maurienne waar ons hotel staat. Onze ‘eigen Marmotte’ hebben we niet kado gekregen, maar ik had het voor geen goud willen missen.

Even later passeert Peter ons weer onderweg naar de Col de la Croix de Fer (2x toeteren). Dit is de laatste beklimming voor vandaag en dat is maar goed ook. Op het steile middenstuk tot aan het gehucht Le Rivier d’Allemont dreigen we in de problemen te komen.

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Dag 3: 17-9-2005 De slot etappe Bij het aanspannen van de beenspieren voel je het al. Nog niet hersteld. Veel vuil in de benen. Traplopen is een kwelling. Hoe moet dat straks op de fiets. Nog 140 kilometer en 2 zware cols; dat gaat nooit meer lukken. De weersomstandigheden lijken vandaag ook niet mee te zitten. Zwaar bewolkt en flink frisser. We pakken onze spullen uit hotel de L’Europe en zetten ze weer in de camper van Peter. De fietsen gaan achterop naar de startplaats Lanslebourg. De rit door het dal van de Arc over de N6 is saai en er vallen regendruppels. Niet echt goed voor de moraal. Als we in Lanslebourg op de fiets stappen is het droog. De Mont Cenis schrappen we uit het oorspronkelijke programma en we rijden gelijk door naar Bonneval voor de beklimming van de Iseran. Eerst moeten we dan over de Col de la Madeleine. Een kleinere uitvoering van de chte Madeleine bij La Chambre. Het is slechts een klein hupje voordat je in het dal over de D902 naar Bonneval kan

BIG Review 2006 rijden. De lucht ziet er onheilspellend uit en er hangen flinke mistsluiers tegen de berghellingen. Bonneval is een mooi plaatsje met een oud en een nieuw deel. In de beklimming van de Iseran is dat goed te zien. Voor de beklimming pauzeren we bij de camper en tanken nog even bij. De benen zijn inmiddels warm en we verbazen ons over het feit dat het fietsen nog zo goed gaat. Dan vertrekken we omhoog naar de op 1 na hoogste befietsbare col van Frankrijk. Op 2770 meter hoogte ligt de col de l’Iseran. Alleen de Bonette is met 2802 meter net iets hoger. Nog 13 kilometer klimmen en we zijn er. Gelukkig ook hier weer enkele minder steile passages en dat breekt zo’n klim behoorlijk. De eerste kilometer blijft er mooi uitzicht op het dal. Dan draait de weg naar het noorden en volgt een prachtig gedeelte door het Parc National de la Vanoise. Het is hier heel stil en er rijden slechts enkele auto’s. Er kronkelen prachtige beekjes door het dal. Om ons heen zien we veel watervallen. Het fluiten van de marmotten is ook weer te horen en we zien er hier weer heel wat lopen. Van de laatste 13 kilometer zitten er 7 tussen de 8 en 10 procent. Hier wordt het ook steeds kouder en mistiger. Droog blijft het gelukkig wel. Dan zien we het station voor de skiliften en weten we dat het niet ver meer is. Op de top zit Peter in de camper en staat de kachel aan. Het is hier slechts een paar graden boven nul. Snel droge kleren en winterhandschoenen aan en dan de lange

afdaling naar Seez. Na 17 kilometer afdalen zijn we in Val d’Isere. Ook weer zo’n saai wintersportplaatsje. In de winter zal het hier best gezellig zijn maar nu lijkt het wel een spookstad. Er is nog wel een restaurantje geopend en dat blijkt een prima tent. De plat du jour is een lekkere pasta dus de keuze is eenvoudig. Om na de lunch weer te starten met fietsen is altijd lastig. Na Val d’Isere gaat de weg ook nog even omhoog tot bij het stuwmeer. Daarna is het voornamelijk afdalen. Wel veel tunnels. Gelukkig heb ik licht op m’n fiets gezet want hier waren we al voor gewaarschuwd. Het is geen overbodige luxe!! In Seez moeten we nog eens goed nadenken of we de Petit St. Bernard nog wel zullen beklimmen. ’t Is toch nog 30 kilometer omhoog maar de hecto’s zijn niet zwaar. Met een gemiddeld percentage van 4,4 % is het goed te doen. Niet lang daarna fietsen we toch omhoog. Heel lang is er een mooi uitzicht op Bourg St. Maurice. Na ruim 20 kilometer klimmen buigt de weg af naar

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La Rosiere en komen we aan de Noordkant van de bergkam te rijden. We belanden in een zeer dichte mist. Soms is er slechts 50 meter zicht. Ook de temperatuur is weer flink gedaald. We houden het tempo echter lekker hoog en we hoeven het kleinste blad (voor) niet te gebruiken. Met 15 tot 17 kilometer per uur gaan we omhoog. Dan doemt het oude gebouwtje van de grensovergang Frankrijk - Italië voor ons op. Dat moet de top zijn. Een soort van euforie maakt zich van ons meester. Het geeft een goed gevoel dat we tijdens deze fietstrip bijna alle doelen hebben gehaald. Omdat de darmen van Hans nog steeds niet rustig zijn lassen we nog een sanitaire stop in. Dan terug naar Seez. Van daaruit is nog slechts een paar kilometer naar ons hotel in Bourg. ’s Avonds sluiten we de trip af met een heerlijk diner in een prima restaurant. We kijken terug op een geweldige reis. Alles zat weer mee dit jaar. Goed weer, geen pech, mooie routes, goede hotels en goede benen. De volgende dag rijden we weer terug naar Nederland. In 8 uur leggen we de 900 kilometer van Bourg naar Maastricht af. De 260 kilometer van Maastricht naar Heerhugowaard zullen dan nog bijna 5!! Uur in beslag nemen. Ja hoor we zijn weer terug in Nederland.

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Frankrijk - Pyreneeën 2005 Hans Koedijker en Martin Kool

Op de Berentrap De hele camping is nog in diepe rust als de twee fietsfanaten de schoentjes vastklikken aan de spdpedalen voor een monstertocht op de mountainbike naar Chalet Cortalets op 2150 meter hoogte. Dit chalet dient voor wandelaars als uitvalsbasis voor de beklimming van de Canigou, met 2784 meter hoogte de zeer dominante Catalaanse berg in deze regio. Het is bij het krieken van de dag een heerlijke fietstemperatuur, zeker gezien de stijging die zich vanaf meter 1 aandient. Omhoog gaan we, moeten we, zullen we, gedreven als we zijn om een bijzonder mooie (onbekende) beklimming aan onze BIG-palmares toe te voegen. De eerste kilometers gaan vanaf de camping in Vernet les Bains over het asfalt van de D27 naar het Pyreneeëndorp Fillols. Dat is allemaal goed te doen. Vlak na Fillols op de col de Milleres buigt de weg naar rechts af langs een camping en een oud kanon en dan is het gedaan met de relatieve rust. Asfalt maakt plaats voor zand en kuilen. Zelf ben ik geen ervaren mountainbiker, en een licht gevoel van jaloezie bekruipt mij wanneer ik Martin in onberispelijke staat op zijn Cube zijn weg omhoog zie maken. Mens en machine lijken uit een stuk gemaakt. Vertwijfeld kijk ik naar zijn dijbenen, die gelijk de krukassen van een dieselmotor machtig door blijven stampen... De weg wordt steiler, de uitzichten mooier, de

temperatuur hoger en ik hang aan het elastiek. Wat nog minder is, is de kwaliteit van de weg. Nou ja, weg? Een bospad wordt het, in zeer slechte staat met kuilen zo groot als wagenwielen, hier en daar onderbroken door brokken beton en blokken rots. Na 1,5 uur horen we diep beneden ons het geluid van een auto. Wat later worden we ingehaald door een jeep met toeristen die ook onderweg naar het Chalet zijn. Vandaaruit vervolgen zij lopend hun weg naar de top van de Canigou. De top is onbereikbaar op de fiets. Deze touristen acherin de jeep schudden hun hoofd bij het zien van zoveel geploeter op de fiets. De stijgingspercentages zijn nauwelijks te harden, en zeker op de ‘geile berentrap’ (Escalade de l’Ours) vraag ik me vertwijfeld af of dit nog wel verantwoord is. Op dit traject zijn de afgronden echter spectaculair en ben je echt helemaal op jezelf aangewezen. Maar door gaan we, steeds maar door. Hoger komen we en dan.... is de verlossing daar.

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We zien opeens veel auto’s en vragen ons vertwijfeld af of er dan toch een asfaltweg omhoog is gelegd? Later blijkt dat deze mensen via Sacristie onverhard omhoog zijn gereden en de laatste kilometer naar het chalet te voet afleggen. Het chalet is groot, en ruim voorzien van frisdrank, koffie etc. Het is er redelijk druk met wandelaars dus we zijn dik in de minderheid. Na de foto’s en de voldoening begeef ik me met een ongerust gevoel richting afdaling. Omhoog viel niet mee, maar afdalen langs dezelfde weg is vragen om problemen. Het gaat lang goed maar opeens glijdt mijn voorwiel weg en stuiter ik op mijn heup tegen de grond. Op een fikse schaafwond na, niks aan de hand en verder gaan. Half twaalf zijn we terug op de camping. Ik zie een man met een slapend hoofd en een toilettasje richting douchegebouw gaan. Nee, dan toch maar liever wat vroeger uit de veren voor het betere fietswerk. Wat een ervaring!!

BIG Review 2006 Alleen op de wereld De Collade de Roques Blanches (BIG 363) oefent al een tijd een enorme aantrekkingskracht op mij uit. Bij het lezen van de ervaringen over het beklimmen van deze col van Luc Oteman en Dennis Waterman heb ik een onbedwingbare drang om deze, slechts per MTB te bereiken col, aan mijn palmares toe te voegen. Ook Hans is wel in voor dit avontuur. We besluiten om de route zoals Luc die ooit reed, te volgen. Dus niet vanuit Prats de Molo maar vanaf onze camping in Vernet les Bains, via de (verharde) klim naar de Mantet (BIG 362). Het is nog vroeg als we de camping verlaten. De weersomstandigheden zijn prima. Niet koud en het zonnetje is er alweer bij. We

pakken de D27 naar Sahorre. Daarna beginnen we aan de Mantet over de D6. Het is hier nog niet al te heftig en we genieten van de schitterend kabbelende Rotja aan onze rechterhand. Dat het verderop zwaarder zal worden weet ik inmiddels. Een week geleden reed ik al eens met de auto naar de top van de Mantet. Met het zweet in de handen legde ik deze weg toen af. Elkaar passeren is bijna onmogelijk en de afgrond begint enkele centimeters naast het asfalt. Oppassen dus. Tot Py geen problemen. In dit dorp beginnen de eerst steile passages. Dit Pyreneeëndorpje is nog in oorspronkelijke staat. Midden in het dorp staat een cafeetje met een dakterras vanwaar er een mooi uitzicht over het dal van de Rotja te verkrijgen is. Wij gaan echter verder. Net buiten het dorp lopen 2 ezels op de weg. Ze keuren ons geen blik waardig en wijken geen

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centimeter. In de verte zien we de top van de Mantet al. Het is dan nog wel 8 kilometer klimmen met een gemiddeld percentage van 9 procent! Zo’n eerste klim is altijd wel goed te verteren en met slechts hier en daar een vloek en veel zweetdruppels slechten we deze barrière. De D6 loopt na de top nog door naar het plaatsje Mantet maar verder kan je echt niet. Wij gaan op de top linksaf voor de Collade de Roques Blanches (CRB). Hier geen asfalt meer maar grof gesteente en een nauwelijks herkenbaar pad. Wel mooie uitzichten naar het noordoosten. We blijven klimmen maar opeens gaat het pad naar beneden. Veel te lang naar onze mening. We zouden nu toch wel weer omhoog moeten. Dan komen we bij een brug over de Rotja. Onze bidons zijn dan al bijna leeg en we vullen ze met het water uit de glasheldere en hier vlakbij

BIG Review 2006 ontspringende Rotja. Het smaakt prima en is heerlijk koud. Dan begint de weg (nou ja weg?) weer te stijgen. Steeds slechter wordt de ondergrond maar fietsen is nog goed mogelijk. We hebben er brede (2.25) MTB banden onder liggen en dat is maar goed ook. Na een paar kilometer krijgen we zicht op de CRB. Het witte gesteente tekent zich goed af tegen de groene ondergrond. Een hele troep paarden loopt hier rond. We passeren ze op enkele meters. Zoekend naar de beste ondergrond en daarbij van links naar rechts sturend fietsen we door. Dan zien we de top. Er staan hier warempel nog bewegwijzeringsbordjes (mooi woord voor scrabble). Op de top komen 3 paden bijeen t.w. 1 vanaf Prats de Mollo, 1 vanaf de Mantet en 1 vanaf de col de Jou. Boven onze cirkelen 4 gieren die zich op de thermiek mee laten voeren. Ze hopen natuurlijk dat we hier neervallen maar wij

hebben nog wat anders in petto. Je waant je hier echt alleen op de wereld. Het uitzicht is wijds, het weer fantastisch en de stilte enorm. Na wat plaatjes stappen we weer op om naar de col de Jou af te dalen. Eerst nog verder omhoog voor de Puig de Collada Verde en de Cime de Cums. Tussen deze twee toppen is de weg compleet weggeschoven. Met de fiets aan de hand moeten we hier langs. Een steenarend komt poolshoogte nemen en scheert op 50 meter langs ons. Dan verder over een grasvlakte met veel kuilen langs een veld waar ecologisch onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd. Gelukkig hebben we de beschrijving van Luc Oteman meegenomen en weten we dat we goed zitten. Dan het pad omlaag. Met voortdurend ingeknepen remmen hobbelen we naar beneden. Men heeft hier het pad geblokkeerd door er grote steenhopen op te werpen. Het blijft onduidelijk waarom.Met

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de fiets op de schouders lopen we er overheen. In de afdaling komt een MTB-er ons tegemoet. Het blijkt een Belg die vanaf Vernet les Bains omhoog is gekomen. Hij is voornemens om dezelfde tocht als ons te maken maar dan omgekeerd. We dalen verder af en belanden bij Mariailles. Van daar gaat het beter hoewel er hier zeer steile stukken tussen zitten. Op de Col de Jou ontwaren we weer asfalt en dan kunnen we pas echt volle bak terug. Na 4 uur en 3 kwartier hebben we 56 km afgelegd en zijn we terug op de camping. Deze tocht wordt met gouden letters in het logboek bijgeschreven.

BIG Review 2006

SWISS ALPS AUGUST 2005 J.l. Smout (GIO) Because I stayed in the same hotel as last year my basecamp was the same : LEYSIN Here my excursions: 11/8: Tour Leysin-Col des Mosses – Col de Pillon – Leysin 12/8 : Leysin – Lac de Chavonnes – Aigle – Lac de Mayen – Leysin 13/8 : Bex – Pas de Morgins – Chatel -Bex – Col de Javerne – Bex 15/8 : Tasch – Ottavan – Tasch/ Weritzalp 16/8 : Tour Leysin-SionSanetsch-Gsteig-Colde PillonLeysin : not done too bad weather. 18/8: Sion – Thyon 2000 – Sion – Lac Tseuzier – Sion. 19/8: Martigny – Col des Planches – Saxon – Ovronnaz – Martigny. LAC de CHAVONNES Starting point: Aigleround point (398m) Rhone valley Summit at: Lac des Chavonnes (Vy Boveyre) (1810m) Gradient : 1412m on 20km

(average of 7.06%) Another existing climb in the VAUD region. The first 9km follow the traject of the Col des Mosses till the little village of Le Sepey (939m) . Take the road in the village and turn right down along a railwayroad to the “hanging” valley where you traverse the river at 880m. Here begins the challenging part 4km of 6-9% to the village of La Forclaz, then it’s 6km of more then 10%, with 2 kilometers of 12% which starts at 3.5km from the top were

after a big righthand loop you leave the forest and enter the alpine meadows. On the top there is a parking, but no houses. Hundred metres after the top at 1810m you have a beautiful sight at the Chavonnes Lake (a pearl of a high mountain lake) which opal green water is glittering 110m below. After a quick descent you arrive at the lake with a cafeteria on its borders. You have to return the same way and so make to 110m climb again to the top (8-10%). There a nice panoramic view spreads out from the Diablerets to Leysin (see picture). This climb is only known by locals and the climb is not comparable with col de la Tourche, Swiss most existing climb which is now topranked in (after BIG evaluation of course!?), but it is not an easy one. The facts gradient of 1412m on 20km from which the six last km on 10.7 average!! Here the percentages: 5%(1) – 6% (2) – 7% (3) – 6.3% (4) – 6.3% (5) – 6.6% (6) – 4.5% (7)

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BIG Review 2006 – 3.5% (8) 2% (9) – min5% (10) – 7% (11) – 7% (12) – 8% (13) – 9% (14) – 10% (15) –10% (16) – 11% (17) – 12% (18) – 11% (19) – 10% (20). COL DE JAVERNE Starting point : Bex (392m) in the Rhone valley. Summit : Col de Javerne (1583m) Gradient : 1191m in 13.6 km (8.75% average) Here another climb in the Vaud region. The starting point is Bex and for the first 2 kilometers you follow the mountain railway road traject towards Villars d’Ollon. At the station of Bévieux you turn right (be careful across the railway!): here begin the high percentages. This is a very winding road, steep, without much sunshine and with a lack of panorama views. That day it was 28 °C in Bex , but still it was fresh and humid on this climb.

Just before the village of Les Plans you must take attention to take the road to the left (see picture). Here after 9km the road even gets steeper, Comparable with the last 4 km of lac Chavonnes, but here the climb flattens out in the two last kms when entering the meadows. At the top you can eat and drink in a chalet café. This climb is a one way climb (dead-end street). On the top you have a nice view on the rhone valleu and the range of the Dents du Midi at the opposite side of the valley. This place is only 30’ at feet from the Col de la Tourche top

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(See last year). Here the percentages: 3.5%(1) – 7.5%(2) – 9%(3) – 9%(4) – 9%(5) – 11%(6) – 10.5%(7) –7.5%(8) – 10%(9) – 11%(10) – 12%(11) – 10%(12) 7%(13) – 6%(14) OTTAVAN CLIMB (Mattertall – Wallis) Starting point: Täsch (1440m) Summit: Ottavan (2220m village – 2240m end of the road) See also (130 points!) This climb is one of the hidden treasures of the Walliser climbs. It’s by far the most scenic climb I ever met. There is no regular climb in Wallis on which you have panoramic views of the Matterhorn and the Monte Rosa range (in the first half) and than near the little village of Ottavan (2220m) you see the glaciers of the Weishorn, best

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seen on your way back and at the end the Mischabel range. These collosses of ice are all among the 10 highest mountains in Europe. I found this climb on this website ( oyen/f/ottavan.html ). I had the luck to have good weather till km 6.4, then it was beginning to rain. The people on the website had bad luck to not see the 3 first 4-

thousanders, but the last picture of their reportage showed better visibility of the Mischabel glaciers compared with mine. Off the other three I have pictures. The start is in Tasch, the little village in the Matter valley ,well known for it’s huge carparking lots. Here tourists who aim to the pearl of Zermatt, the carfree town at the feet of the Matterhorn, must leave there cars.

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The first 400m I followed a little river and the railway then you have to make a slight turn to the left and follow the unique, small road that goes immediatly in the double figure percentages. The first 4.5 km there are 4 hairpins, then the percentages lowers when you turn around a little mountain who stands like a guard before the Mischabel range. Here you come out of the forest and enter the hanging valley which leads to the tiny little village of Ottavan and the Mischabel glaciers. The last 1200m Ottavan comes in sight but reaching the first houses is a real calvary: 14.4% on the last kilometer. After having traversed the village you can reach a point of 2240m. In the village there are a few cafetarias. When you intend to visit Zermatt and don’t want to pay to see the Matterhorn, take your bike and do the Ottavan (in nice weather of course): a real pleasure, short and strong.

BIG Review 2006

WERITZALP Starting point: Steg(632m) Summit: Weritzalp (2099m – 100m before the chalet houses end of tarmac.) Gradient: 1467m on 21km (7% average, 164.62 points on the salite website) After passing the villages of Steg and Gampel (on each side of the Rhone river), The heavy trafficked road (many trucks who take to train in Goppenstein) is not So interesting but rather steep up the 10% before the tunnels (very long). You feel unprotected on such roads and this one is the busiest and ugliest road of all the

Swiss BIG’s, of course the way to Weritzalp follows the Fafleralpway (BIG 563) up to the village of Wiler. In Wiler you can go follow the main road to Fafleralp or tuning left to Lauchernalp/Weritzalp. Here comes to part that convinced me to ask for a replacement of Fafleralp by Weritzalp in the BIG list. Why that change? Because this road is more scenic (you see all the glaciers of the Lotsch valley!) The road is much, much steeper (11.2% average on the next 5 km) and you don’t have to follow the busy main road but a well surfaced tiny tarmac road without traffic (forbidden – barrel for cars at entrance of the road , only locals may pass). After 4 km you turn right to Weritzalp. A hundred meter

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after passing a little cascade the tarmac stops. The dirt road that follows leads to a few chalets, but is not rideable by racing bike! That day a thunderstorm (the beginning of the Swiss flood rains of August 2005) and a blowing wind were terrorising the steep slopes and my already weakened (Ottavan , you remember) muscles. Going down at 15 km/h without seeing the road because of surrending clouds was an unforgettable experience, with a high adrenaline level. But enough is enough. I was exhausted when arriving in Wiler and in such weather for once the tunnels were my brothers in arms.

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Because of the bad weather my announced tour Leysin – Sanetschpass – Gsteig by cable – Pillon Pass – Leysin fell literally in the water. …this was it next for this year NEXT STOP …USA hey hey

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BIG Review 2006

La pente dans toute sa splendeur

Balmberg Passhöhe Par Daniel Gobert Un sanctuaire de la pente forte, dressé dans les verdures du Jura suisse germanophone, au parcours tourmenté comme une divagation nébuleuse de l'esprit, aux rampes abruptes annoncées à hauts cris de panneaux en tous genres; puis pénétrant en ligne droite dans les coteaux, au prix d'un pourcentage à peine envisageable : les présentations sont faites, face à vous le Sieur Balmberg, face nord. Alors que bien d'autres membres du BIG, bien plus raisonnables que moi lors de ce rendez-vous du 20e anniversaire à Saint-Ursanne, ont préféré arpenter les rampes nord du Weissenstein, la déraison évidente de ma soif inassouvie de 25% me pousse à aller avaler du Balmberg. Pourquoi tant de sadomasochisme exacerbé remettant sans cesse le couvert de la fable du démon pentu ?

Défi à l'impossible ou illusion de surhumanité ? Recherche de sensations fortes toujours inassouvies, parodie amoureuse envers un froid bitume des élans du coeur à la Alexandre Jardin, quête du Graal de l'autosatisfaction béatement mélangée à de l'étonnement de soi-même ? Que sais-je encore perdu dans la mémoire de mon enfance mélangeant l'adoration envers des idoles pédalantes et le besoin d'être en dehors de la norme ? Toujours est-il que je me retrouve là face à un panneau de 25% et une route tortueuse que je n'ai même plus le choix de refuser. Le simple fait d'avoir tourné à droite suffisait à m'interdire la fuite. Il me fallait passer sans un regard à travers les fermes sauvagement dressées sur les versants, négocier les virages à l'extérieur pour éviter la pose du pied, ne pas regarder trop loin devant pour ne pas déprimer, oser avec ses jambes ce que son cerveau refuse a priori, ne pas écouter sa

sagesse, ni sa raison et se laisser emporter par sa fougue, sa démence partiellement adaptée au terrain. Pourquoi ? Pourquoi ? Bien sûr, d'autres cyclos, dans la vallée, arrachent leur 54x12 en se tirant la bourre. Moi aussi, je le fais quelques fois. Bien sûr d'autres encore musardent le long d'une rivière et balancent leurs petits moulins au sein d'un peloton chamarré qui discute de la qualité du fléchage. Moi aussi, je le fais de temps en temps. Mais aujourd'hui comme si souvent dans ma vie, à l'instar de quelques iconoclastes du même accabit, j'ai choisi l'allure de l'escargot, l'analyse centimétrique des ravines de la route, la devinette du raidillon à suivre, le regard embué vers le sommet, la jouissance de l'altitude gagnée au prix d'un défi permanent et l'ouverture progressive du décor. J'ai choisi l'aventure difficile mais haletante. Mon choix s'est porté sur le chiffre unique au cadran du compteur, sur l'écoute de son propre souffle comme unique son d'ambiance, l'analyse de ses souffrances musculaires et de leurs remèdes instantanés. Ma psychothérapie passe par le 25%. La pente me violente, mais cette pente est aussi ma

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BIG Review 2006 délivrance humaine. Elle souffle en moi l'énergie qui me fera tenir lorsque les autres s'effondreront dans les difficultés d la vie. Elle me laissera le souvenir de l'obstacle vaincu, la confiance en moi et le recul face à la souffrance temporaire. La pente me forge, la pente me sculpte, la pente me constitue. Dans ce miroir du quotidien reflété à travers l'inhospitalité des pourcentages conviés, le cyclogrimpeur confiné au rôle d'esclave de la pesanteur, conscient de sa petitesse face à la nature, s'en extrait finalement et anachroniqement grandi, du haut de la découverte de son autre "moi". Combat de l'inutile pour le matérialiste, combat de la grandeur d'âme pour l'élitiste, cet affrontement sans cesse répété et d'apparence gratuite, stimule un troisième volet plus étendu, plus insoupçonné et plus énigmatique de notre dimension humaine : l'élévation vers notre symbolique du "maximum de

soi-même". Plus un homme grimpe, plus il s'élève. Les vainqueurs des pentes du diable deviennent pour un court instant les rois du monde. Au sommet, ils dominent le monde mais ils n'écrasent personne. Ils ont gagné mais personne n'a perdu. Et c'est vrai qu'il y a en cet épisode de vie comme un orgasme, comme une substance euphorisante qui se glisse à travers la souffrance pour y

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opposer un bien-être secrètement dilué. Maître des cols, le maître décolle. Il s'envole au sommet du luimême qu'il ignorait. Là haut il découvre à travers le prisme flou de sa personnalité désormais mis en lumière, son moi transfiguré.

BIG Review 2006

BIG rendezvous 5-6-7 may 2005 :

The international 20th birthday in St Ursanne There were two rendezvous in 2005 : an international one in St Ursanne (Jura – Switzerland) for celebrating the 20th birthday of our challenge. And a regional one in Rotheux (Ardennes – Belgium) for the end of the season. Three days along, we met one another in the sympathic hostel « Le Chandelier » where many different nationalities have to share the same way of living and cycling. The language used was something like frenglish or nederlanglais with some german words sometimes but each one can make himself understood by someone else. The weather was very bad, extremely bad during the second day where some of us had to break their tours in the Swiss Jura Tour 1

Swiss Jura Tour 2

Schwarzwald Tour

goal to be just sometimes wet during the day. But nevertheless, the landscapes were at the rendezvous and the slopes, too ! What BIG souvenirs in the terrible slopes of the Balmberg Passhöhe, Weissenstein or in the beautiful (smoggy) landscapes of Chasseral, or in the unfinishable straight line of the Mont Soleil (badly named !!), or in the covered trees of Noirmont and Montfaucon, also called « Les Enfers » (the Hells !). What laughing souvenirs during the Quizz game, with some international presents to give, with some « joke » formulas used by the group. What sympathic souvenirs of the reception given by our host ! What good souvenirs of some

more private discussions that we had in small groups about our passion, sometimes late at the evening in the hostel’s saloon, or in a pub on the top of a terrible coldy climb. All the things that change a simple rendezvous into a deep memory-case in our brain ! Participants – deelnemers – Taking part : Juris Martins - Axel Jansen Luc Oteman - Wim Van Els , Jean-Louis Smout , Christian Le Corre , Jules dejace , Coen Schillemans , Daniel Gobert Antoon Van Engelandt, Claudia Sommer - Karl Brenner - Albert Arts - Guy Van den Kieboom-, Marc Desender , Luc Willem - Mara Silina

Détails des circuits / Tour's details: 53/122/161 km 1/3/4 BIGs Nr536 (Sur la Croix) ; Nr537(Weissenstein) ; Nr538(Balmberg Passhöhe) ; Nr539(Passwang) 79/98/124/154km 2/3/4/5 BIGs Nr 531(Vue des Alpes); Nr532(Chasseral); Nr533(Mont Soleil); Nr534(Noirmont); Nr535(Montfaucon) 76/137/153/163km 2/3/4/5 BIGs Nr 172(Belchen); Nr173(Herzogenhorn); Nr174(Blauen); Nr175(Sirnitz S.); Nr176(Weissenbach Sattel) QUIZZ : Who will win ? Christian Le corre (F)– Albert Arts (NL) – Claudia Sommer (D) (left) Guy Vandenkieboom (B) – Luc Oteman (NL) – Luc Willem (B) – Jules Dejace (I) (right )


BIG Review 2006

Group up the «Sur la Croix » - BIG n°536 – Karl Brenner (photograph) and the rain, the rain and the rain. Singing ?

Karl Brenner (D)

Jean-Louis Smout (B) – Marc Desender (B) – Albert Arts (NL) – Antoon Van Engelandt (B)


BIG Review 2006

Regional Rendezvous

Taverne des Moges - Rotheux (Liège) September 2005 8h30 : Rotheux – 8 côtes – côte des Forges (LBL) – côte de La redoute (BIG n°28) = 70km Tous les ans / Each year - via Jacques FRANCK ( [email protected] ) 13 h : Repas / Dinner at Jacques Franck’s home The small annual tour of 70km organised through Jacques Franck’s club, each year, is for me simply the best small climby tour organised in Belgium. Hard slopes, beautiful landscapes, curving downhills, variety of climbs, good balance, sympathic reception, break at the top of the « Redoute » : all the ingredient for a perfect morning. And the sun with us !

The afternoon was an excellent surprise. Jacques invited us (we were six) to eat home. We were submerged (it’s the real word) by the dishes, and we have here to thank deeply Jacques’family for his kindness and the excellent dinner that we had. The present members were a kind of dispatched Europe. Axel is born in Holland and lives in Brussel, Jules is born in Belgium and lives in Varese. Juris is born in Lettonia and lives in Brussel…We have

perhaps made the whole La redoute (BIG n°28) Europe for us six with the bike or the luggages. Let’s stay the regional BIG’s rendezvous 2006 alive ! It’s always good moment !

Jules Dejace (I) , Axel Jansen (B) , Jacques Franck (B) Juris Martins (LV), Daniel Gobert (B), Helmuth Dekkers (NL)


BIG Review 2006

Quand mon vélo prend son temps… J.Bruffaerts

Une de mes dernières chroniques faisait écho de mon faux bond à la haute montagne. Une bagatelle ! Que dis-je ! Une misère que j’ai rachetée bien vite après le voyage itinérant qui m’avait mené au centre géographique de la France. De fait, le surlendemain de mon retour, j’établissais mon quartier général au gîte d’étape de Fessevillers. Une bonne adresse que m’avait refilée l’ami Gégé en son temps. Le refuge, qui est une demeure cossue, bénéficie d’une situation idéale sur la corniche de Goumois en bordure de la frontière franco-suisse. Sur les hauts du Doubs, à proximité d’une ribambelle de cols. Que du bonheur ! « On les ramasse à la pelle sur quelques kilomètres carrés sans se casser le tronc » ; voilà ce que j’écrivaillais en automne 2003. Pour en savoir davantage, découvrez les commentaires dans « Les Routes du Jura » sur

Deux ans plus tard, j’assume en disant clair et net : « Quelle connerie d’affirmer une telle ineptie car à défaut de s’y casser le tronc, plus d’un cycliste y explosera. » C’est du garanti sur facture, Arthur ! Les pentes, pour s’extraire du lit de la rivière, sont toutes des raidillons longs de 5 à 6 bornes. Des grimpettes au pourcentage impressionnant, dignes de figurer aux côtés des cols de première catégorie. Cyclo te voilà prévenu, le Haut Doubs ne fait pas de quartier. A moins que tu fasses comme moi. J’ai toujours ce qu’il faut sur moi. En effet, ma bécane est équipée d’un braquet d’asthmatique qui permet de grimper aux arbres. Fais gaffe ! Il arrive que le Michelin vert voie rouge en matière de relief. Ainsi, ne le crois pas aveuglément quand il affirme que les Franches Montagnes ne sont que des hauts plateaux à peine moutonnés. En route ! Objectif : les « Bigs » cols des Franches

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Montagnes. Pour entrer dans le vif du sujet, rien de tel que de faire le ménage devant sa porte. Aussi, est-ce par le vaste plateau d’altitude de Maîche que j’amorce la ronde. Le clocher de Damprichard me rappelle à l’ordre. Les deux doigts de l’horloge pointent le zénith. Mitan du jour, le Doubs s’arrête. Achat en vitesse de quelques provisions de bouche et j’expédie le col de la Vierge. Un sommet idéal pour une aire de pique-nique. Une madone comme compagne, un banc, un panorama sur les Franches Montagnes, une échappée sur le Chasseral et des poubelles à portée de main. Bref, toutes les commodités en plein air ! Descente sur Charmauvillers où je quitte la route principale pour une voie communale qui descend en virolets dans les entrailles du Doubs. Le bitume est humide et un tapis de mousse envahit la bande roulage. Mes patins de freins hurlent à mort quoique que je descende comme une caisse à savon. Bien vite toutefois, je parviens à toucher le fond du défilé où la civilisation réapparaît sous forme d’une chapelle et quelques bâtiments qui forment le hameau du Bief d’Etoz. Celui-ci tire son nom d’un petit torrent dont la source est située à Charmauvillers. Avant de se faire engloutir par le Doubs, ce ruisseau ou « Bief » dévale la côte à laquelle donnèrent jadis leur nom « Les Toz » qui sont une espèce de pin gras.

BIG Review 2006 Le Doubs. Le Pont de la Goule monte la garde entre la France et la Suisse. D’un côté du pont, ce sont de gros éboulis de rocher qui captent l’attention des badauds. De l’autre, c’est le plan d’eau que forme la rivière. Explication du phénomène : « C’est dans la nuit du 18 au 19 octobre 1356 que se produisit le tremblement de terre dont l’épicentre était situé à Bâle. Un pan de la montagne s’effondra jusque dans le lit du Doubs. L’amas de terre et de rochers créa ainsi une digue qui éleva le niveau de l’eau pour former un lac, ne laissant qu’un étroit passage dans lequel le Doubs s’engouffre actuellement en mugissant. »_ Le pont de la Goule n’a pas volé son nom puisque c’est le resserrement des deux rives du Doubs où le lit de la rivière se

fait plus étroit et prend la forme d’un goulet. Sitôt sur l’autre berge, j’attaque les premières rampes qui mènent à Noirmont, une localité qui vit essentiellement de l’industrie horlogère. Mais, soyons franc, j’en ai rien à cirer des montres. Je ne suis pas ici pour ça. Un triplé de double chevrons jalonne les 6 à 7 km qui sépare la rivière du village. C’est ça mon idée fixe devenue une montagne. Or, comme j’ai la frite, c’est en fumant la pipe que je passe le raidillon ! Une souricière de montagne, rien d’autre. Une lieue plus loin, le col de Muriaux est le premier col suisse d’une longue série que je me propose de franchir. Il est aussi à la base de mes premiers états d’âme. J’ai eu beau arpenter la commune dans tous les recoins, il me faut

reconnaître que le col a échappé à ma sagacité. A moins qu’il ne fût dissimulé entre deux bouses de vache ! Ne serait-il, comme le prétendu château de Spiegelberg de la même commune, qu’un phantasme né de l’imagination des francmontagnards ? Allez savoir ! En vérité, il ne fut pas le seul de cette espèce. Néanmoins, ça reste une maigre compensation en regard de l’extrême difficulté à hisser sa carcasse et sa monture hors de la vallée du Doubs. Voici le bourg de Saignelégier. Plus question de lambiner à cette heure. Il y a encore le frigo à remplir si je ne tiens pas à faire carême. C’est à tombeau ouvert donc que je dévale le versant suisse du Doubs pour le vallon de Goumois. La descente sur la perle du Doubs franco-suisse, via la corniche, est tout simplement époustouflante. Trois jours plus tard, ce site me procurera encore autant de bonheur. En effet ! Car les jours suivants, je compte remettre ça et bien davantage. Le lendemain matin. Calme plat. Les coqs sont omniabsents. Je jette un coup d’œil entre les battants des volets. Horreur ! La vallée a disparue. Une brouillard à couper au couteau enveloppe le paysage. En face du jardin, les frênes plient l’échine sous la violence du vent du nord. Refroidi, je me remets au pieu en attendant des temps meilleurs. Une heure plus tard, rien de neuf à l’horizon. Il fait super caillant dehors. Un bon demi centimètre de neige verglacée tartine les toits des bagnoles. Aussi, est-il préférable de ne pas dépasser la barre des 1000m ! Il ne me reste plus qu’à modifier au pied levé le programme de la journée. La grimpette du Chasseral est remise au jour suivant. Le parcours du jour

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BIG Review 2006 s’articulera autour de la Corniche du Jura et le Clos du Doubs comprenant 11 cols dont 2 repris dans le BIG. Un menu honnête pour un chasseur de cols recyclé en vélociraptor*. Je passe sous silence les péripéties de la matinée glaciale qui m’a vu tourné les manivelles sous une purée de pois compacte. Une petite erreur d’aiguillage due aux mauvaises conditions climatiques me fait échouer à Boécourt, dans la vallée de la Sorne. La fausse manœuvre se solde par un extra de 350m de dénivelé pour récupérer l’itinéraire au col de La Caquerelle. Par une route en ligne droite raide comme une trique. Là, je prolonge l’ascension par une petite route bucolique jusqu’au col des Rangiers qui marque la frontière entre la vallée de Delémont et d’Ajoie. Pas de chance ! Le restaurant est fermé, je mets aussitôt les bouts pour la vallée. Déjeuner sur l’herbe au pied du col de la Croix. Les lacets facilitent la digestion. Je monte à ma main et St Ursanne m’accueille les portes grandes ouvertes. Cette cité médiévale authentique blottie au cœur du Jura suisse recense une collégiale et un cloître du XIIe siècle dans ses murs. C’est un haut lieu sur le Doubs pour les amateurs de vieilles pierres. Le pont, qui enjambe la rivière avec en son milieu la statue de St Jean Népomucène, patron des ponts, est un ouvrage d’art à ne pas louper. En un mot, la réputation de la « Perle du Jura » n’est plus à faire. Je prends mon pied dans ce dédale de ruelles médiévales où mes yeux ne suffisent pas pour tout voir. Tant et bien que je me fourvoie en filant sur Ocourt. Ce n’est qu’aux abords de la localité que je me rends compte de ma méprise. Retour pour St Ursanne. De loin, les ruines du château se devinent sur une crête de

rochers. Des broussailles en recouvrent les murailles. St Ursanne n’a pas toujours été une petite cité endormie au bord du Doubs. Sa place forte connut des hauts et des bas au cours des siècles précédents. Ainsi, le sac de la garnison ne put être évité durant la Guerre de Trente Ans au XVIIe siècle. A l’époque, la prise de cette ville fut considérée par les états d’Europe comme une des plus fortes et des plus importantes de l’époque. Cette fois, je suis décidé à garder mes yeux en face des trous. Il n’y a certainement pas d’autre direction. La route monte au ciel et… se perd dans un cimetière. M… ! De retour sur les bords du Doubs, j’avise auprès d’un autocariste qui me regarde d’un air amusé. « Sans blague, vous voulez allez aux Enfers par là ? C’est pas vrai ! Vous êtes retraité non, car vous n’y êtes pas encore. Moi, avec le car je vais par l’autoroute. Sinon je ne suis jamais sûr d’arriver à destination. D’ailleurs en auto, c’est du pareil au même !» Merci. Me voici rasséréné pour la suite des opérations. Et me voilà tricotant un 30x30 en direction de « Chez le Baron ». Dur dur ! Un cyclo, un rien moins poussif que moi, m’aspire et me dépose. Cool, je reste cool ! Je n’essaye pas de lui sucer la roue. La tirade de l’autocariste n’est pas tombée dans l’oreille d’un sourd-dingue. Je me concentre donc sur mon sujet. Pas rassuré mais gratifié par de magnifiques échappées sur la Corniche du Jura. Au pont de Soubiez, je fais le point avant l’assaut de l’épouvantail. Croyez-le ou non, je suis monté aux Enfers en danseuse plus vite que d’autres y descendent ! Sans jamais basculer dans le rouge. Je n’en reviens toujours pas à l’heure actuelle ! Et là, aux Enfers, ne loupez pas la promenade privilégiée que

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constitue le chemin légèrement vallonnée qui va par champs et bois clairsemé aux Pommerats, une localité basée en contrebas de Saignelégier. Dans le cas contraire, c’est Montfaucon, la paroisse mère des Franches Montagnes, qui vous accueillera 50 mètres plus haut que Les Enfers. Quoi qu’il en soit, Saignelégier n’est jamais bien loin. Dernière balade du séjour franc-montagnard. Le Chasseral et les bosses du vallon de St Imier sont les trois géants du jour à escalader. Il fait froid au matin. La bise rugit à frigorifier un ours polaire. Départ de Saignelégier, le cheflieu et la principale commune des Franches-Montagnes. Je chatouille les pédales. Cette fois-ci Michelin a raison de qualifier le relief de haut plateau d’à peine moutonné. Ni le Mont Tramelan, ni le Mont Crosin, reconnaissable de loin à ses éoliennes, n’opposent une résistance significative. Par contre, qu’est-ce qu’il est agréable de tourner les manivelles dans ce nid de verdure fait de forêts et de pâturages ! Je respire ! J’entame la descente sur St Imier à fond la caisse. Au moment où le compteur flirte avec les 70km/h, un goupil jaillit hors d’un taillis et se jette sous ma roue directrice qui lui sectionne les derniers crins de la queue. A un poil près, on se retrouvait côte à côte devant le juge éternel. Le bon dieu des cyclos existe, je l’ai rencontré ! La petite ville de St Imier s’étend tout en longueur de part et d’autre de la route nationale qui la traverse. C’est le cas de bien d’autres localités du vallon. Bâtie un rien en surplomb de la Suze, elle s’accroche à l’adret de la Montagne du Droit. Break sur l’autre versant de la combe, au pied du col des Pontins. J’en profite pour zieuter une

BIG Review 2006 dernière fois la carte. C’est un parcours réduit à sa plus simple expression. Aux Pontins, prendre à gauche vers le Chasseral et retour par le même itinéraire. Le vent glacial qui descend de la montagne me persécute et m’empêche de garder la tête froide. Rien pour me mettre à l’abri. Pas la moindre bordure. La forêt n’est d’aucun secours. Je m’arrête un instant pour souffler à l’entrée d’une propriété. Je ne me rends même pas compte que je me trouve à moins d’une longueur du col. Second arrêt au col des Pontins. Et voilà tout à coup que je me mets à gamberger. A tergiverser. A me tâter le pouls, puis le terrain. Le doute s’installe en moi tant et bien que ma belle détermination disjoncte. J’ai la trouille de finir à pied. Je sombre dans le défaitisme. Je renonce au Chasseral ! Pour éviter le discrédit total, il ne me reste plus qu’à poursuivre jusqu’aux Bugnenets, passer le col de Derrière Pertuis, plonger ensuite sur Renan et boucler la ronde à St Imier. Coup d’œil sur la Michelin, comme parcours il n’y a pas plus simple. De plus, étant sur le plateau, le relief ne peut être que tout au plus vallonné. Tel est le cas d’ailleurs. La route serpente entre les pâturages. Un premier ensemble de grosses fermes a pour nom La Joux-du-Plâne. Ensuite, ce sont des grosses bâtisses isolées à l’horizon sous une ligne de crêtes. L’orientation est tout, sauf évidente. La baraka est avec moi. Je croise le chemin d’un fermier qui connaît les lieux comme sa poche. Il ne peut pas s’empêcher de faire la moue en voyant mes pneus fins et ajoute que le chemin, qui descend sur Renan, n’est pas revêtu et risque d’être de mauvaise viabilité. Ses tuyaux s’avèreront exacts sur toute la

ligne. Seul et sans carte d’étatmajor, il n’y a qu’un pigeon voyageur pour retrouver sans difficulté le vallon de la Suze. La piste forestière pique du nez sur la combe, raide comme le pignon d’un building. Déjeuner sur l’herbe à la sortie du bois en face de Renan. Coup de flotte pour faire passer un ersatz de casse-croûte. Méfiez-vous de l’eau made in Switzerland. Elle a une propension à soûler. Comme je me remets en selle, je titube et me voilà projeté par dessus le cintre me crashant deux mètres plus bas sur la dolomie. Une fois de plus, c’est la hanche gauche qui trinque. Le méga hématome, c’est pour dans 2 jours. A cette heure, je me relève sans tarder, traverse les villages de Renan et de Sonvilier pour rejoindre le pied du Mont-Soleil à St Imier. L’ultime col et « Big » de la randonnée. Un juge de paix qui affiche un triple tir groupé de chevrons réparti sur quelque 3km pour un dénivelé de 470m. L’ascension se fait à nouveau sous le couvert des arbres. Elle débouche sur une centrale solaire dominée par une éolienne. Bon à savoir : « Il est impérieux de suivre le cours naturel du chemin et d’ignorer tout autre indication routière si le cycliste se dirige vers la vallée du Doubs. » Quant à

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mes états d’âme au sommet du Mont-Soleil, ils sont teintés d’une pointe de regret. Ma série de coups de cul pour franchir cette route truffée de barrettes me donne des regrets. Comme j’ai retrouvé mon coup de pédale, je m’en veux à mort d’avoir céder si lâchement devant le Chasseral. Je n’ai aucune envie de pavoiser. C’est un peu la queue entre les jambes que je m’en retourne à Saignelégier. Dommage, ce flop ! Même le baroud d’honneur du lendemain suivant sur les pentes du Grand Ballon d’Alsace ne pansera jamais le manque d’agressivité dans l’effort dont j’ai fait preuve dans le Chasseral. Pour un ancien de la vieille garde, il n’y a vraiment pas de quoi être fier ! Une réussite ou un échec tient à peu de chose mais, pour éviter les regrets, il est préférable de se lancer dans l’aventure et puis, si ça coince, jeter l’éponge. Mais éviter surtout de renoncer avant d’avoir mis la main à la pâte. Comme quoi, on en apprend tous les jours, même quand on fait partie du club des seniors. * Variété de dinosaure particulièrement féroce. Printemps 2005

BIG Review 2006

June / July 2005

Austrian and Bavarian Cycling Tour By Kevin Speed Overall distance at start 3685km THURSDAY 23RD JUNE 2005 Had the bike apart at Luton airport, packed away in two Wilkinson’s bags bought for £3.99 each. At that price they will do for the outward and return trip then I’ll dispose of them. Put the deflated wheels either side of the frame, chain on to largest rear sprocket to protect the rear gear and also on to the smallest chain-wheel and bubble wrapped both rear gear and large chain-wheel. Pedals removed and bars turned parallel and strapped to the frame. It took me about _ of an hour to disassemble and bag the bike, secured with nylon string and furniture tape. On to a trolley then wheeled it along to the check-in with my two panniers tied up in a Royal Mail sack. Having checked in then had to wheel it along to the oversize check-in. The plane left on time and the pilot announced we would be flying at 30,000 feet – suppose that’s the highest my bike will get! We would fly out over Brighton, Koln, following the Rhine down to Frankfurt, Munich, and Vienna and on to Bratislava. EasyJet took very good care of the bike, the only fault was that the chain had come off the chain wheel and was wrapped around the bottom bracket but that was soon remedied. It took a lot more time to untangle the string and tape off the bags. I re-assembled the bike in the arrivals area by the outer doors then changed for the ride out to Bratislava. I was told at the information desk that the main

station was 12 kilometres away but on cycling it found it was only 6km. From Vienna Westbahnhof I had intended to get off at Melk but the doors wouldn’t open in the guard’s van but then they shouldn’t – I was trying to get off on the wrong side of the train. I made sure I didn’t make the same mistake at Pochlarn 10 km further along! I biked back to Melk via Ordning and tried to get in at the youth hostel on Abt Karl Strasse but it was full with a school party and the warden was absent. Soon found a night’s rest at Hotel Goldenes Ochs on Linzerstrasse for 25 Trip distance 42.79km, overall distance 3725km, height at Melk 190 metres, cycling time 2 hours 40 minutes, average speed 16kph, maximum speed 42.50kph, trip altitude 290 metres, maximum altitude 239 metres, average climb 3%, maximum climb 10%, total altitude 31932 metres, top elevation 1905 metres. FRIDAY 24TH JUNE 2005 Melk to Schromenau Out from Melk to the Jauerling 961 metres, Brevette International

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Grimpeur number 663, along the river Danube then over the Donaubrucke and right for Gossam from where the Jauerling is signposted. The road dips slightly at Maria Laach then a short distance up to the two red and white radio masts for 1km to the top from Oberndorf. At the Franz Josef Stone on the left at 961metres the road becomes a track. From here down slightly to Donaublick jauserstation back down the pass the same way and collected my bags from the hotel, a look at the huge monastery (stift) and on to St Polten. This is a busy place, took a quiet route parallel to the main road heading south through Altmansdorf and Ochenburg to rejoin the main road south of St Georgen. Along an easy road from Rainfeld then south and slightly up to Kleinzell then off to the right where the climbing started up to Ebenwaldhaus, BIG no. 675. It was a tough climb up here on a hot day, four hairpins and a cobbled road up through the woods with a clearing near the top. Not a very interesting area at the top but the climb made up for it –

BIG Review 2006 some resemblance to La Redoute in Belgium though much higher. At 1000m at Ebenwaldhaus I carried on a little way as the road continued going slightly down, left at a white farm building then through a gate and up a little way to Ebenwald, total distance 7km from Kleinzell, then returned the same way. It took me 10 minutes but an hour to climb up from Kleinzell. I missed out Rainfeld by taking a right then continued along a very windy main road through Hainfeld then a long up to a place where a pub marked the top near Kollmannhof then down to Kaumberg, turned right through Wissenbach. There are plenty of places to stay here alongside the river but I wanted to continue to Furth and look for accommodation there – but once there found there was nowhere to stay. The one place there was full tonight. I rode back 2km to Schromenau and there was only one place to stay here on the inside corner of the main street, 36.20 for accommodation and dinner. Trip distance 151.42km, current altitude at Schromenau 415m, ride time 8 hrs 21m, average speed 18.10kph, max speed 106kph, overall distance 3832km, trip altitude 2081m, max altitude 1000m, average climb 5%, total altitude 24299m, top elevation 2762 metres.

SATURDAY 25TH JUNE 2005 Schromenau to Prein Heading for the Hocheck (BIG no. 668) at the start of the day, along to Furth. Dodged under the barrier and had a sweaty climb up to the Hocheck. I didn’t stop on the way up; encouraged by another cyclist in front who was finding it was a very sweaty ride with his shirt off. I wanted him to stay in front all the way up and at the top I thanked him for ‘pulling me up as if by an invisible rope’. At the top, through woods and into a clearing I headed for the Hocheck house that is partly a farm and stopped at the restaurant on the wooden veranda. I later freewheeled down to Schromenau, this only took 20 minutes. I collected my bags from the hotel then made off in another direction, left for Steinwandklamm on a very interesting narrow lane that ends at Singerin. From here there is a steep gravel track over to Thal. I came a cropper on the way up here when I hit a stone. I was glad that one of the panniers cushioned my fall or I could have been badly grazed, however the panniers were part of my downfall as it’s difficult to steer on gravel with even a light weighted pair of panniers. Without the panniers there wouldn’t have been a problem – but then I need to take clothes, food and tools on the

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trips even though I try to leave them in places whenever possible. I pulled a leg muscle and lay there for a while waiting for the spasm to ease. Along the steep gravel track I turned right at the top wondering if this was the right way as I could also have gone left. Along here for about a kilometre to reach a lane at crossroads. I asked a walker the direction to Pernitz as was directed to the left. To the right is a pub and a sign indicating ‘Furth’. Surely there wasn’t another way up from there? Must check a more detailed map. Taking the turn it was a long sweep down to Thal then left at the bottom and through Muggendorf to Pernitz. Taking a right (east) it didn’t take long to reach Gutenstein at the junction of the Klostertal. Distances on my too low a scale map (1:300,000 of all Austria) are deceptive as the stretch to the top of the Rohrer Sattel, BIG no. 667 is a lot longer. Hardly any tree cover, this is an open green road with some sharp bends near the top and no marker up there to say you’ve reached it, only the long view down the other side. Did an about turn and back down the same way. Nothing to take a photo of up there to say ‘I’ve been there’. Back in Gutenstein battled against an eastern wind heading for Hohe Wand (BIG no. 669) through Dreistetten where I freshened up at a pub but when I emerged the sky had turned an angry black. On through Maiersdorf then 3km up through the woods to the top but it started raining then distant thunder began to crack overhead. Approaching car lights warned of heavy rain ahead but one positive point is that in the rain it made the climb much cooler – just like being in England! Cyclists don’t pay along this toll road but it puts many motorists off wanting to go up there, a dead end road so it was fairly quiet.

BIG Review 2006 On the way down the rain was getting worse as well as the lightning which by now was getting scary so thought it prudent to get away from the mountains for a while until the storm passed. I headed east to Welkersdorf then south for 10km along a flat dead straight road to Neunkirchen that I could see in the distance for miles before. I passed through the spa town of Reichenau, an historic place favoured by Franz Josef and other royals as depicted on Payerbach railway station with many old photos. The place has similarities to Matlock Bath with small bridges for genteel walks. I took a left for Edlach where I stopped to Vaseline a delicate part of my anatomy when at that very moment a nun passed by on a bike! At Prein, 6km from Reichenau found a gasthof on the left where they prepare their own organic food, a stay here cost 26 including breakfast. I took a room and showered, feeling much better. Left my bags then continued on for 8km to the Preiner Gscheid, BIG no. 670. It wasn’t a difficult ascent, especially without bags. It took me _ of an hour to reach there. The Rohrer Sattel earlier today was more difficult but that was in the heat and with the panniers. I said ‘prosim’ to some Czechs up there who had got out of an old coach parked. Donned jacket and helmet for the quick descent down and followed a car down in its slipstream, 15 minutes later I was back at the gasthof. I noticed a road at the side of the pub that wasn’t on my map and it’s signposted for Semmering so must take that route tomorrow rather than go back to Reichenau. This would be a quick way to Sonnwendstein Alp. Trip distance 131.15km (82 miles), Altitude at Prein 624m, ride time 8hrs 23mins, temperature 26 degrees even

late in the evening, average speed 15.60kph, max speed 57kph, overall distance total 4003km, trip altitude 2255m, max altitude 1060m, average climb 5%, max climb 17%, total altitude 34187m, top elevation 1905m. Cycling times 09.00 to 17.50 and later at 18.15 to 19.15. SUNDAY 26TH JUNE 2005 Prein to Weiz This was a day of four passes to catch up with my planned schedule – and at the end of the day I was absolutely shattered! I had an interesting ride up to Orthof with some company – the girl from the hotel wanted to accompany me to that point to make sure I got on to the right road at the top, climbing steeply all the way. She told me what life was like living in the area. I set off at 08.15 with her and said goodbye at Orthof then I continued alone joining up with the road from Reichenau. From there it was a long downhill to Breitenstein – what a waste! Uphill and passing under a huge two tiered arched railway viaduct. There was train going over making the whole thing look impressive. Eventually reached Semmering, a spread out spa town and emerged on the main road and right head for the Sonnwendstein, BIG no. 671 that starts from Semmering Kurort (spa). From there to the left then right and second left up a surfaced track for 305km to the top of the pass, the road completely covered by trees all the way up and I was glad of this in the heat of the day. I left my bags in a café after having coffee. The top is marked by a radio mast. Back down the same (and only) way and along the cycletrack to the north of the main road, indicated Steinhaus and passing into Styria. It was easy going at first as I branched off south in Steinhaus heading for Pfaffen Sattel for the Stuhleck, BIG

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no. 672. I soon reached Froschnitz with a small castle ruin to the left of the road, after that the road starts to climb and after a few kilometres comes to an abrupt rise that seemed to go on with no end in sight and the pesky flies were having a field day buzzing around my neck and landing on the bars to feed on my sweat – not nice. I was determined to get some effective insect spray as soon as I passed the next pharmacy – not many up here though. I could have done with a portable shower fitted to the bike, I was soaked in sweat – (ahem – perspiring profusely!)...And I wanted to drown the flies. At Pfaffen Sattel I stopped for an apfelsaft and spritzer, partly to get away from the insects. I left the bags at the pub and set off up the gravel track to Stuhleck, 4km away and fairly steep in places. My 32mm tyres were tricky to manoeuvre on the gravel but an hour later I reached the open top from 1368m at the Pfaffen Sattel to 1782m at the Stuhleck. There is nowhere to eat at the top so back down again – and I fell off taking a turn too sharply. I think it was rather dangerous coming down as I tend to relax the brakes! At Pfaffen Sattel collected the bags then a long sweep down the other side to Rettenegg then slightly down to Fischbach stream on the main road to Weiz where I would spend the night but before that I wanted to take in two more climbs. Followed the stream then very steep up to Fischbach, a beautiful village on a plateau just a couple of kilometres below the Auf der Schanz, BIG no. 673. Although only a small climb from Fischbach it’s an interesting road with views back and at the top but there is no marker up there. The only indication is when you start off downhill so then I knew I was over the hill (speak for yourself!) I had plenty of

BIG Review 2006 trouble with pesky flies again as it was a very hot day. Back the same way and collected my bags from behind a tree above Fischbach then back through the village and a very interesting wooded road, some ups as well as downs at first and on to Birkfeld. My next climb was the Strassegg. It was steep up from Birkfeld but this is the steepest it gets along this road. Left my bags at a restaurant after eating and asked if I could leave my bags for a couple of hours – no problem. Slightly down to Haslau then up gradually to Gasen. This is a pretty village. I called at the tourist information to ask how far to the top – 4 or 5 kilometres. Measured the distance and I compromised – it’s 4.5km. Easy going as far as Gasen but then a steeper climb but only at 11%. I was told in Gasen that there was a party going on at the top – some party! It was an oompah band and the full works! Auf dem Strassegg (BIG no. 674) could be seen from about 2km away as this final part of the road is a long upward curve negotiating the curving ridge to the top and from that distance I could see the whole area was packed with parked cars. A short distance from it I heard the band in full swing. I had a wurst and beer and a friendly clink of glasses with the locals. Didn’t need language but then Steirische is far too difficult! There was a large marquee and a large barn housed the band and the eats. For once there was a road height marker at the top. Stayed about an hour then away and back in Schroberkogel above Birkfeld to collect my bags. Took another road from this point through St Georgen and back to the main road south of Birkfeld. From there through Anger and Grub into Weiz. Weiz was a long time coming with some hilly sections after

Anger but a good road and kept up a good speed to the end of the trip as the sun was setting. Trip distance 157km (98 miles), current altitude at Weiz 459m, ride time 10 hrs 18mins, average speed 15.2kph, max speed 62kph, overall distance 4160km, trip altitude 3137m, max altitude 1433m, average climb 5%, max climb 17%, total altitude 37436 metres. MONDAY 27TH JUNE 2005 Weiz to Bad Eisenkappel It’s 29 kilometres to Graz and hillier than I anticipated. A long sweep down to Raab and a view of the Shockli to the north. Up from Raabthen down again to Rabnitz, up again then a long downhill through Maria Trost into Graz. Eventually found the station after a lot of wandering. I queued a while to buy a ticket and was told I had to book a bike on a train 6 hours before! I wasn’t having this; I ran down the escalator with the bike with no time to spare and boarded the train just before it pulled out. I had an immediate connection in Bruck to Klagenfurt and took it even though only minutes before I was pondering the idea of carrying on to Kapfenburg and cycling the Windgrube then on to Mariazell and head west from there over more passes but I will approach them from Klagenfurt heading north later in the tour. I got off at Scheifling and rode the Neumarkt Sattel, BIG no. 655. This is a short but steep climb into open country for a few kilometres. Only a brief trip as I then caught the next train on to Klagenfurt from Mariahof. In only 3km the road rises abruptly at 21% to the summit. I was glad to board the train for a breather! The road rises further past Mariahof on its way to Neumarkt but I didn’t experience this. Perhaps this should be the real top and not Neumarkt Sattel? On to

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Klagenfurt and through Gurnitz then a steep road up through woods to Rottenstein then a long way down with Pantani’s name painted on the road to the river Drau, some great views ahead. Past a lake then over the Drau Bridge to Moos and a struggle up the steep hill in the heat to Gallizien. I stopped to buy milk and Leib Wachter Krauter – der feinherbe Krauter Bitter aus 58 wohltuenden Krautern, Wurzeln und Fruchten, made in Salzburg, very nice – cherry flavour - for this evening. From Gallizien it’s an easy road to Bad Eisenkappel. I found a room at Pension Besser and left the bags and continued up to the Seeberg Sattel, BIG no. 661 at 1218 metres. The small restaurant at the top was just closing at 20.30 but just made it as did two motorcyclists. The owners were upstairs so could have pulled myself a drink! Shouted upstairs and they came down, bought a beer at the top to celebrate. This is the most southerly part of the country, back down the same way and counted 28 road turns back to the small town. Turned off part way for a 5 kilometre diversion to Paulitscher Sattel but by the time I got there it was dark so no photo opportunities. There is a road summit marker at the top, back down in 20 minutes, glad that I had effective lights. Back to the hotel and just enough time to get a pizza and beer from a pub across the road, the only place that would serve meals at this time. I tried to ignore a drunk at the next table who shouted across asking ‘Wo kommen aus?’ To try to put him off I said ‘Russki – Mokbar’ and asked the landlady to vorgeben mich! Finishing the meal I chatted with an Austrian who spoke no English but was careful to use high German and slowly. I surprised myself with how much German I could recall to have a conversation.

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He told me about his work as a chef in Gallizien and how much he enjoyed living in this part of Austria. Trip distance 116km, current altitude at Bad Eisenkappel 545m, Ride time 6 hrs 34 mins, average speed 17.60kph, max speed 58kph, overall distance 4277km, max altitude 1339m, average climb 3%, max climb 18%, total alti 35615m, top elevation 1339m. TUESDAY 28TH JUNE 2005 Bad Eisenkappel to Althofen I thought today would be straightforward, how wrong I was! Chatted to an English guy who wanted to tell me about some cycle tracks in the mountains and would join me. I said I wanted to go to Eisenkapplerhutte but he wanted to go elsewhere on a mountain bike but joined me as far as the first turn to the left where there was another pass. Glad of the company, English too, we parted and I continued up past the toll booth where motorists have to pay to continue further. It was a sweaty and flugen filled ride despite plastering myself with insect repellent – maybe these are a special strain with immunity to cyclists! I had bites on my left leg, even after a heavy dose of spraying- try praying. It was a longer ride than expected and took 2 hours through the woods but with

great views in-between the trees of the valley below and Slovenia Mountains in the distance. At the top of the Eisenkapplerhutte, BIG no. 660 is a simple hole in the wall serving hatch in the large wooden hut to buy drinks, snacks and souvenirs. Inside were toilets and showers. I asked about riding on the gravel to the top of the Hochbir mountain 5km away but told it wasn’t possible on my type of bike as the track becomes much narrower and steeper and is a footpath only. It is possible to reach the gap between Minichout and Hochbir 3km away but no further at about 1800m. I mounted the bike again on the gravel but after about 500m a stone had lodged between my rear rim and tyre. I didn’t know it until I rode over a cattle grid on the way down. The pressure on the tube pushed the stone further into the tyre and exposed the metal rim of the tyre that rubbed on the tube – the result was an explosion! It was a long walk back down the mountain as I didn’t have my tools or spare tube with me, they were at the hotel. It wouldn’t have done any good though as I also needed a new tyre or another tube would blow exposed to the bare metal tyre rim. It was a long walk back down the mountain – about 10 miles and was shattered when I got back

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about 13.30. I could truthfully say that I knew the pass well after that experience – every mile of it. It rained a little on the way down but only a shower. At the toll booth I asked the man there to request motorists to pick up a cyclist lower down who was having a long walk back to town. One did stop about _ of the way down. The man and his wife were from Wolfsberg and it was raining again but stopped when I got out of the car. The hotel keeper from last night at Hotel Besser rang round to find a bike shop but there were none in the area. The nearest garage would have to buy one in and that would take a couple of days – no way! I asked if he could find the nearest bike shop and so he rang round. The nearest was at Unterburg 18km away to the north. He gave me a lift there but that cost me 30 plus another 12 at the bike shop for another tyre and tube but it saved the holiday. The new tyre is 38mm as opposed to the 32mm I had before but then if I tackle any more gravel tracks I’m equipped for it. The area around Unterburg seems popular for leisurely cycling as there were plenty of families around on bikes. There are two lakes nearby called the Kleinsee and Klopeinersee and the area north of the Drau is flat. It was a hot ride via Wasserhofen over the Volkermarkter Stausee by the long curved pink railed bridge and along the north shore a way before climbing up to Sankt Magdalena and into Volkermarkt. Along to Aich and down to Mittertrixen then up to Obertrixen (of course!). Don’t miss a trixen. It was long sweep down to the Klagenfurt road then level on a quiet road to Pischeldorf then a right for Magdalensberg. A whole side of a hill has been quarried away here and dumper trucks were ploughing back and to. Took the next right for the 5km

BIG Review 2006 road to the top of the Magdalensberg, BIG no. 658. The first part of the road was easy enough but then I saw the road in front on a long upward curve to the right and could see the white church of Magdalensberg crowning the top. I thought at first it is about the same height up as Mow Cop but this church is bigger and it’s about twice as far to the top. The only resemblance is a structure at the top that can be seen for miles around. I left my bags behind a tree and marked the particular tree among many by leaving a twig by the side of the road – hope I twig on the way down! Hope nobody moves the twig! I then tackled the curve that would take me under the hill then approached the summit to the left, passing some earthworks at Ausgrabungen then a steep section for 900m in open country to the chapel of St Helena and Magdalene and the gipfel. Had a look at the chapel, only a shell inside. Turned tail and freewheeled back the same way _ hour later. I reached Sankt Veit and on to Althofen. I didn’t want to stop in Sankt Veit as it didn’t seem interesting, mainly an industrial area. At Treibach on the river Gurk a short climb to the east to reach Althofen old town. I asked in my best German at an old inn for a room and the owner replied in English. “How do you know I’m English?” “By the way you speak German!” she told me she is Canadian and from Vancouver, her father is Austrian and mother English. What a mix! She made lasagne and oiled salad for tea followed by apple strudel. She did my washing so for morning I would have 2 clean pair of cycle shorts, 2 pair of socks and a clean top that I’ve been wearing the last few days. I’ll be no different on the photographs! Hopefully tomorrow morning I will ride

the Klippitztorl and back, 50km. Trip distance 92.37km (58 miles), current altitude at Althofen 711m, ride time 7hrs 22 mins, average speed 12.5kph (good considering I walked a great deal), max speed 55.5kph, overall distance 4369km, trip altitude 1976m, max altitude 1508m, average climb 6%, max climb 17%, total altitude 29413m, top elevation 2762 metres. WEDNESDAY 29TH JUNE 2005 Althofen to Mariazell What a breakfast! Hot sausages, beans, two fried eggs, bacon, toast and scallop potatoes (chips with skins). It was very nice but a bit too much, Coffee and orange juice as well – she did me proud! I slept during the night but the alarm woke me at 05.00 but soon went back to sleep. I didn’t leave until 09.10 as she loves talking! I left my bags there but just took one with essentials. I set off east and nearly took a wrong turn going up to Gotteringburg. Back down through the village and right past the 4 star hotel (mine was much better and a lot cheaper, probably ate a lot more too!) Gradually up through woods then a long sweep down to Guttering. There were road works in the small town and the result was chaos for the traffic. I wheeled

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the bike through and on again the other side up a way then down to Mosel. It only took me 40 minutes to reach here and thought the Klippitztorl, BIG no. 657, would take about an hour looking at the map but it took 2 hours as it was very steep, especially past Lolling. The flies were a nuisance again despite spraying insect repellent on exposed skin (does this stuff work?). I could see the top about 3km away after the hairpins that brought me to the ridge but had a long clockwise circuit and gradual up across the mountainside to reach it. I reached there at about 11.40 and asked a parked biker to take a photo of me with the road summit marker. Back down the mountain at a fast pace and returned to Althofen the same way and was back at the digs at 12.30. More talking, she was telling me about the chemical industry in the village below. The inventor of Osram log life gas lighting – some more gassing then I said goodbye and down the hill to the bahnhof. I was fortunate to catch a train that was just drawing in, for Bruck am der Mur. Two and half hours later and an immediate local connection to Kapfenburg as the train was just about to go. No charge for this as I was with two elderly cyclists (probably not much older than me – but looked it!) They escorted me

BIG Review 2006 from Kapfenburg Bahnhof a short way and set me off on the road for Aflenz Kurort. Most of the way I enjoyed a new cycle track that the two cyclists suggested I use. It has a very good surface after about 2km from Kapfenberg then its continuous all the way to Aflenz. I turned off to the left at Folz and followed the valley along a straight and level road to Folzgraben. It becomes a track after the first bridge over the stream and I continued along to the jauserstation. It’s very stony from here and only possible with a mountain bike so turned back. I can get to Burgeralm this way but it would be difficult. Folzklamm before this is reached over laid logs and boarding. The klamm is similar to one north west of Bled in Slovenia. I felt uncertain walking back down over the logs as they are spaced apart and the water is gushing below, a fast flow through the gorge. The logs were slippy and nowhere to hold on to. I could come to no danger though but could lose my glasses between the logs, Plated cycle shoes are not the best type of shoes to walk with. I took some notes of boards along the way with German poems, etc.: ‘Alpinsteig Hans Leitner durem das gross zugige entgegenkommen der buraeglichen forst und almgemeinschaft Aflenz und den dankenswerten einsatz der soldaten des CWSR55 der kaserne St Michael, sowie der unterstutzung des varkersvereines Aflenz Kurort wurde dieser Alpinsteig im Sommer 1992 erricht diese roste fur welche man CA2 STD gehzeit benotigt fuhrt vom Schwabenbartl (814m) uber feldbaum und ahornreigl zur Burgeralm (1550m) And also over a water fountain: Das wasser ist sohell und klar, gluck, gluck Sein alter ist veil tausend jahr, gluck, gluck

Man kannt es schon im paradies, gluck, gluck Dir diretigen simmgekt os wundersuls gluck zum nachdenknen! Das wasser ist fur mensch und tier die grossste gottesgabe, huten und pflegen wires, damit wir immer genug haben (die Steirmark Berg und Naturwacht) It started getting unusually dark then thundery and it was only 18.30, back along the straight way to the main road, now decidly cooler air. I had the notion that it wasn’t too far to Mariazell but again how wrong I was. I should have looked carefully at the map. Up hill to Afflenz Kurort, the next road to the left and up the valley to the Burgeralm, BIG no. 666. About 5km I reached the top, not too difficult now it was cooler and the impending storm held a while longer, however 666 is a bad omen! Back to the main road, uphill to Jauring and down to Au- then owwhen the heavens opened. It felt like a thousand buckets of water had been thrown at me! I had another 30km to go to Mariazell and there was another pass called the Seeberg about halfway. It was a good thing really as I thought I was nearing the town but took cover in a bus shelter where an Austrian lady burst my bubble – and really she did me a huge favour by saying I had over 20km to go to reach Mariazelland it was pelting down! One stroke of good fortune, there was bus due in a couple of minutes going to Mariazell. It was the best 4.40 ever spent as the actual distance is 19 miles and uphill over the Seeberg Pass. It was really thrashing down and very dark. There was no way I could have made it over the pass and into Mariazell before midnight and it would have been impossible to find any where to stay or eat. That lady may have been an angel unawares. The bus

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arrived in Mariazell at 19.50 just as the rain eased off. Seen in the centre was a plaque showing the Catholic places of pilgrimage in Europe of which Mariazell is one. Others are Lourdes, Loreto, Fatima, Czestochowa and Altotting. I found a room at the first port of call at Gasthof Jagerwirt just below the huge twin towered church in the centre that Mariazell is famous for. The girls in the restaurant that evening asked me about my holiday and were interested in my trip across the country. I told them I hoped top go over the (phonetically) ‘zeller rain’ in the morning and they laughed saying that’s not how you say it. The pronunciation is ‘tzell e rran’ OK - I’ll be corrected. I’m English – how could I know? Trip distance 88.76km, current altitude at Mariazell 921m, ride time 6 hours, average speed 14.60km, max speed 65kph, overall distance total 4458km, trip altitude 1650m, average climb 5%, max climb 16%, total altitude 37529m, top elevation 1905 metres. THURSDAY 30TH JUNE 2005 Mariazell to Admont and train to Bischofshofen Usual bland continental breakfast so had meusli, yoghurt and some meat but packed some rolls with meat and cheese for the trip and ate later, did this most days. Out at 08.45 on the road to Erlaufsee. Took a right out of Mariazell, right again and then left and followed the narrow gauge railway1 km down to the lake, very peaceful early in the day, hardly anyone around. It’s a short way up to the main road then a _ hour stint from the road junction for about 5km on a newly surfaced wide road to the top, hardly any traffic. Reached Zellerain, BIG no. 665 with no great effort but realise the major climb is up from the western side and

BIG Review 2006 found out on the descent how hard that would be. There was a slight up lower down before the turn off to Grubberg, a series of rocks on the right on the short climb, Took the Grubberg turn off as the left fork to Lunz continued down this road goes up but not for long. I don’t know why the Gruberrg, BIG no. 664 is in the BIG listing as it’s only a small rise and checking the map I knew I was on the right road. An inglorious brown sign on the right at the top indicates that I reached the top of the Grubberg, inconspicuous in the woods at the top reaching this BIG in 10 minutes. Down to the main road and turned left, steeply down to Lunz. A gradual up to Lassing and took a left for the 10km ride up the Hochkar, BIG no. 652. Again this is a toll road but it wasn’t manned today. There’s a large car park before the toll, presumably for the winter skiers. After the toll a short clearing then entered into the woods that continue to the top

of the climb. I left my bags at the left side of the road under a pine tree then continued with essentials. The cows on the right were getting excited when I opened my bags, perhaps they thought their luck was in and lunch was being served. I left behind some very disappointed cows. I strapped a bag with essentials under my helmet then up the pass. At the top is a skier’s village and the typical huge open tarmac space for cars. I went up as far as the road goes above the large hotels and did a circuit round them back to the car park. I noticed a track for MXB above the road on the left but after my bad experience at Eisenkapplerhutte I wasn’t going to risk it a second time. My hands became numb holding the brakes on the way down as the top section is steep with hairpins but easier further down. Collected my bags then along to Gams back into Styria. There is a steep uphill from here then through Spaner then over the Enns by a long and

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high bridge span to Lainbach. Down then up again on the other side and into Hieflau. The road out of Hieflau is steep and mainly ups as far as Gstatterboden (the whole road system is being re-routed here and was like a huge construction site) then mainly down and I reached Admont in gentler countryside at 18.30 after passing through some interesting gorge scenery above the river in Ennstal, more downs than ups heading west. In Admont boarded a train for Bischofshofen. I biked around looking for a hotel oblivious to not having lights and was stopped by the police. I said I would walk and asked him if he knew of a hotel nearby. He told me where to go –nicely and settled for the night. Trip distance 138km, current altitude at Bischofshofen 591m, ride time 8hrs 29mins, average speed 16.20kph, max speed 59kph, overall distance total 4596km, top elevation 2762m, trip altitude 2245m, max altitude 1823m, average climb

BIG Review 2006 5%, max climb 16%, total altitude 31658 metres. FRIDAY 1ST JULY 2005 Bischofshofen to Kitzbuhel This was the first day of continual rain, and it rained most of the day. Through Muhlbach gradual up with all rainwear on but the rain made the air fresher so quite gemutlich in gortex, fully waterproof and breathable. Turned right from Muhlbach and was waved at from a window, waved back and rode up to the house! The lady came out and I cheekily asked if I could leave my bags here while I carry on to the top of the road at Arthur Haus, (BIG no. 632). She didn’t mind at all so long as I left them in the garage and it would be open for me on my return. It would also keep them dry as well as save me time and energy. There are series of hairpins above Muhlbach and the rain became worse higher up on a long straight stretch under an avenue of trees where it is also steeper, past a wooden house called Hochkeilhaus and a final steep section, rounding the bend to the left across a wide car park to Arthur Haus. I reached here from Muhlbach in _ of an hour. There are mountain paths here and it’s possible to cycle with BMX on stony track. I had a coffee and rum to warm me up and asked the waiter if he possibly had a pair of plastic handschuh (gloves) as my mitts were going to get saturated on the descent and my hands were already cold. These proved to be lifesavers as I needed them all day, hopefully not tomorrow as the weather forecast indicated it would be dry (checking in Saalfelden tourist information later.) Bought a postcard with Arthur Haus stamp on then set off down the mountain. It was a bit tricky at first on the wet road and my brakes weren’t as effective. I collected my bags _ later from

the Haus Frenenheim and rejoined the main road heading for Dientner Sattel, BIG no. 630. The rain stopped and the sun came out and there was a sudden change of pedalling action down from high to low gear as the climbing starts immediately. It wasn’t too steep at first but with full weight it was an effort. Just outside Muhlbach on the right is an unhelpful signpost by a restaurant that indicates distances to many parts of the world including one up to Alpha Centuri. Don’t think I’ll ever get to bike out that farmaybe in Heaven! It was a long drag up the pass with a couple of 18% gradients then came the top , veering to the right and an

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unusual hump as the road could just as easily go over the lower slope to the and there are two restaurants either side. The larger one to the right was closed – ruhtag. I needed to warm up and dry my clothing so I took a while in the other restaurant and enjoyed bacon dumpling and mushroom soup and a salad with a lemon and Radler beer (non alcoholic) served by the man in charge, a 60+ wide paternal gentleman. The soup warmed me up but still needed those plastic gloves over my mitts for the steep descent to Dienten then in a deep hollow as there is an immediate short climb up again the other side to the Filzensattel, an unremarkable

BIG Review 2006 summit. There is no building just a car park on the right and an electric pylon, not worth stopping, not even a view. It was a long descent from here to Saalfelden, steep at first then into valley scenery. I asked at the tourist information about the weather and for tomorrow. I took a train from Saalfelden station to Kitzbuhel. From Kitzbuhel station straight on then left on a main road and next right and into the town centre. (on a one way system the wrong way!) I spotted the tourist information office on the right and asked about a room, only planning to stay one night. I was directed to Haus Koller in Gerbergasse at 37 bed and breakfast. Evelyn, the owner, is very friendly and makes everyone feel special. She offered to keep my bags here while I went for a train to Zell am See and cycled the Grossglockner tomorrow. It was only 17.30 and indicated I wanted to cycle the Kitzbuhler Horn, BIG no. 620, she looked doubtful and I found out why later! At 18.00 I was at the bottom of the pass but it took me until 19.40 to reach the top, mainly in rain and thick mist towards the top so I felt cheated – again. This was my second attempt after last year and still no view, all I could see from a few kilometres near the top was a few yards in front. On the lower section the weather was fine and was able to cycle in shorts and cycle top but higher up it was rainwear and leggings making the way forward tough as it’s much steeper on the higher section. For the descent it was full garb because it was so cold. Disappointed and a dangerous descent on a very steep wet road where I needed to keep pumping the brakes. Back at Haus Koller later I had to replace the brake blocks. This is probably the most challenging BIG I’ve rode as it was extremely cold, wet and

steep. Although it only took me _ of an hour to get down the pass it was a hair raising experience and I was relieved to be back and just before dark. My front brake blocks, new only last week, were almost gone and relied on my rear brake to get me down the mountain, however on the descent this caused aching in my left arm but was OK again later after the ride. Trip distance 87.26km, current altitude at Kitzbuhel 717m. ride time 7hrs 50mins, average speed 11.10kph (all those hills!), max speed 42.50kph, stop watch 6hrs 50mins, overall distance total 4683km, navigator 956.44, trip altitude 2646m, max altitude 1656m, average climb 8%, max climb 18%, total altitude 34304m, top elevation 2762 metres. Ein Kuhler trunk macht alte jung! SATURDAY 2ND JULY 2005 Kitzbuhel – Hahnenkamm – Kitzbuhel This was supposed to be my imposed rest day but Evelyn made sure it wasn’t! she sent me on a recommended trip that turned out to be as trying as the Grossglockner. I took the cablecar at 13.00 to the Hahnenkamm, 13.80 with a reduction of 20% showing my room reservation booking form that Evelyn gave me. I wondered how they were going to squash my bike into a cablecar and was curious when the cablecar attendant picked up a yellow bar with two hooks on it, top and bottom then fixed this to the side of the cablecar then picked up my bike then I suddenly got the picture and grabbed my bottles from the bike as he muttered and felt them. The bike dangled vertically on the outside, front wheel uppermost and the lower hook stopped it from swinging, just as well as it shuddered (probably with fright the poor thing!) when the gondola rumbled over the pylons. I was

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looking more at my bike than at Kitzbuhel down below slowly receding. I took the route number 11 on a brochure given me by – yes – helpful Evelyn, past Hahnenenkamm Stubl, Bernhard Kappelle and up winding tracks on gravel to Pengelstein. I became disorientated in the mist shroud up here and got lost. I went on to Schwarzkogel in error and was too far along the ridge so back to Pengelstein for directions in the café there. Walked back, leaving the bike at a track fork. Do I take the left or the right? The left goes only to Pengelstein See while the right goes very steeply down (40%) on the gravel but lower down I was out of the mist. On the descent I had to hold the bike by the saddle and slide down. The red direction sign indicated ‘Aschau’ I arrived at Hieslegg, a farm and took the left for Aschau but soon found this track was going up and I definitely wanted to go down so I turned back and followed the other red indicator that pointed to Rettenbach, just to the south of Kirchberg at Skirat then past Schroll mainly new or renovated chalets. Near here was where the track became a road, only narrow but at least surfaced to enable me to get some speed up. After a short while and a great descent I was back in the valley on the lane from Aschau to Kirchberg, a look round the gift shops then took a right and a sedate ride back into Kitzbuhel passing Schwarzsee. I was just in time to shop at the Bella supermarket for chocolate and beer. I bought some Zipfer beer. ‘Zipfer marzen bier 5% ein glas heller freude’ – malt beer 5% a glass of white joy. Back to Evelyn’s and I decided to spruce up the bike as it deserved it for tomorrow’s highlight – well, needed it. I wheeled it to the back of the house and started to clean it. Evelyn brought round a tray of

BIG Review 2006 red wine and nuts and laughed when she saw me sitting on a chair from the room and looking as if I was milking a cow. I said that she (the bike) must be looked after and is appreciative when I clean her, oil her and pamper her! I adjusted the brakes having replaced both sets of blocks in the town this morning. Current altitude 717 metres at Kitzbuhel, trip distance 38.25km, ride time 3 hrs 41min average speed 10.30kph, max speed 51kph, overall distance total 4721km, trip altitude 525m, max altitude 1870m, max climb 6%, total altitude 38054m, top elevation 1905 metres. SUNDAY 3RD JULY 2005 Kitzbuhel – Hochtor Grossglockner – Kitzbuhler I went for a train to Zell am See then rode along the cycleway by the side of the lake that also continued to Bruck, taking the cycleway on the left as far as Fusch where it finishes then on road for the gradual climb starting at Barenwerk where it becomes steeper, water fountain and great view at Judenbichl to level off at Ferleiten toll booths. There were plenty of other cyclists up and down here today, one girl cyclist I rode with for about a kilometre, she was Swiss. I started off at 10.00 from Bruck and took 4 hours (14.00) to reach Fuscher Torl followed by a 200m drop then a climb to the Hochtor, BIG no. 625 at 15.30 then back to Fuscher Torl at 17.00 – a great deal of stopping on the way down as the views were fantastic, it was a very clear day. Down to Bruck at 18.00 and boarded a train back to Kitzbuhel. After a shower and change I away on the train to Worgl and connected with a train to Kufstein. I found a hotel opposite the station and was given a large apartment at reduced price and a great view

of the river Inn and mountains from a veranda. I suppose the bartender here must be the Innkeeper. Current altitude at Kufstein 498m, trip distance 86km, ride time 6 hrs 22 min, average speed 13.40kph, max speed 61kph, overall distance total 4807km, navigator 85.74, trip altitude 2104m, max altitude 2443m, average climb 7%, max climb 18%, total altitude 36409m, top elevation 2762 metres. MONDAY 4TH JULY 2005 Kufstein to Rottach Egern Had a great breakfast this morning and was able to take plenty of fruit and made up rolls with me for later. A pleasant ride out in the sun this morning by the left bank (west side) of the Inn heading north into Bavaria on a cycleway hugging the river as far as Kieferstelden then along the road up a short way to Oberaudorf. Took the next left for Bayrischzell and the climbing began. The first few kilometres to Wall are very steep leaving the Inn valley. Just past the hairpin and pool at Tatzelwurm took a left in the woods indicating Sudelfeld. After passing over a bridge over a stream the road became steep, turned right at the top then up further into a clearing, great views across the valley across to the red and white radio mast at Wendelstein as I reached Grafenherberg restaurant. Just down from here slightly and to the left is the mountain road to Sudelfeld, BIG no. 198, 3km, the last kilometre was steep in reaching the beacon, restaurant and top of the chairlift. Back down to Grafenherberg then down to the main road and a long sweep down to Bayrischzell then a level valley road as far as Aurach. I turned left here and rode about a kilometre and hid my bags behind a tree putting a plastic bottle as a marker on the

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other side of the road. This wasn’t a good idea because when I came down the same way late the bottle had rolled downhill! I was ages looking for my bags below the trees in long grass; of course they were above where the bottle was. Must keep using twigs. It was a steep 3.8 kilometres up to Spitzing Sattel, BIG 197 made worse by kerb replacement BAWAG roadworks going on for most of the way up and a contra-flow system controlled by lights. Steadily up, no road bends and reached the top in about _ an hour. Past the road works and fast back down to the main road. Into Schliersee from there along the lake. I asked the way in my best German but the fellow looked mystified. “You kein German” he said in neither German nor English. He certainly wasn’t either! He told me he was Slovakian when I said I was English. He directed me on and I soon came to a left turn to Gmund, over a hump and down to Tegernsee at Gmund. Turned right for the town of Tegernsee at the south end of the lake then along the lake cycleway to Rottach. Had a pasta meal at a roadside café and a radler beer (beer and lemon). They didn’t understand me. I was corrected from the next table, I should have asked for einer rrr–adler bier! I asked if I could leave my bags there while I explored Wallbergerstrasse, BIG no. 196, to the left by the café just south of Egern, following a stream then to the right and to the toll gate. The barrier was down so I knew I was in for a quiet ride as the toll wasn’t manned. It is a tough ride up among the trees with a very steep middle section then the road veers to the left, some hairpins then past a chapel on the right and to the top marked by the end of the chairlifts. Great view across Tegernsee but not to the south as the higher Risser Kogel blocks the

BIG Review 2006 view toward Austria. I took 1.5 hours to do the 7.5km. On reaching the top the sky was quickly beginning to darken and very soon I heard thunder and it didn’t take long before the rain started and also a terrific wind. I got down the pass as quickly as possible in about _ an hour; this was scary and dangerous among the trees on the descent. Took shelter in the tourist information office in Egern just as the rain turned nasty and asked if they could find me accommodation and hopefully locally. The rain eased a bit, collected my bags from the café and made my way a short distance back toward the lake to a hotel. After a shower I went out for a walk along the lake when the rain stopped and found an Italian restaurant. This was a rip off – nouvo cuisine and I needed to eat! Was given a tiny slice of pig’s foot to begin with followed by the main pasta course, 4 tiny pieces of pasta in a huge bowl. “Is everything to your satisfaction, sir?” “No it isn’t, this isn’t a meal it’s a morsel. I need food” At least I got a ‘free’ dessert that was far more substantial but this will make me wary of Italian restaurants in future! Today’s plan was to finish in Kochel and head over the Kesselberg then south back into Austria so will have to re-think my plan for tomorrow. Current altitude at Rottach Egern on south end of Tegernsee, Bavaria 767m, trip distance 88km, ride time 5 hrs 54 mins, average speed 14.80kph, max speed 83.50kph, navigator 173.52, overall distance total 4895km (755 miles so far), trip altitude 1406m, max altitude 1171m, average climb 5%, max climb 17%, top elevation 1905m, total altitude 39460 metres. (15161 metres on the tour so far). TUESDAY 5TH JULY 2005

Rottach Egern to Berchtesgaden Set off in the rain through Bad Weissee on the other side of the lake then left just before Gmund and west to Bad Tolz at 12.00 via Wankirchen. I had a look around the old town with its large cobbled open area on the slope towards the bahnof. I caught a train to Munich on the Bayern Ober Bahn (BOB). Once in Munich I was planning to go to Immenstadt for the passes to the west then on to Dornbirn but the weather was so bad I decided to take shelter, especially as there was an immediate connection to Salzburg 10 minutes after arriving in Munich. I just made it and paid for my ticket on the train. I needed to dry out my shoes so had them off drying on the train heating. Needless to say nobody sat by me. I got off at Freilassing and caught an immediate connection to Berchtesgaden. I spotted the tourist information office just across the wide road from the station and went to find a room for the night. The girls behind the desk were dressed in Bavarian grey and white traditional dress and wearing pigtails. The man across the way with short cropped fair hair manned the desk for the ‘Eagle’s Nest’ nostalgia tour – Hitler’s bunker and Alpine retreat – scary! I was allocated a room not far from the station, the Hotel Achental for 29. (It better had be after last night when I was fleeced for 50 when it was supposed to be 34 and that coupled with a Spartan meal for 18 made it a bum deal last night) As it was only 16.00 there was time to deposit the bags in the hotel and cycle the Kehlstein, BIG no. 200. This is extremely steep from the town, 28% on 3 stretches as far as the Hitler bunker below the car park after arriving at a roundabout, just after this is a turn to the right and not very obvious road to the Kehlstein.

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The weather was atrocious so couldn’t take photos nor was there a view. The lone house on the top is the Eagle’s Nest but these days is an innocuous restaurant and called the Kehlstein Hutte. After a confused start in the car park above Hitler’s bunker I followed the steep track to the Kehlstein Hutte, round the edge of the Klingeckkopf to the right and up through the trees in a wide arc, passed through a short tunnel and reached the top in a clearing after one final broad hairpin. I must come here again in better weather to appreciate this climb. This is an edge to the Hoher Goll towering above. There wasn’t much to see today as it was raining so hard. There is a private way to the top where Eagle’s Nest is situated and walked up to it. I returned down the mountain to the car park and the bunker then turned right for Berchtesgaden via Oberau. This is a bit longer as the road emerges in the valley a few kilometres north east of Berchtesgaden. Back to the hotel and after a shower and change walked into town to eat. Found out the town was on a steep hill above the station. Current altitude at Berchtesgaden 544m, trip distance 61.5km, ride time 4hrs 12 mins, average speed 14.60kph,max speed 44.50kph, navigator 23485, overall distance total 4956km, trip altitude 841m, max altitude 104m, average climb 6%, max climb 21%, total altitude 37250m, top elevation 2762 metres. WEDNESDAY 6TH JULY 2005 Berchtesgaden to Jenbach I set off from Berchtesgaden in brilliant sunshine; it was a bit cool but prefer that. I had a really good breakfast and tried to use my German and was accepted. Through Ramsau, after Hintersee there is a gradual rise as I began the way

BIG Review 2006 up the Hirschbichl, BIG no. 199, the road becomes narrow but a good smooth tarmac surface and slightly up but only open to cyclists and walkers. I was now in the Berchtesgadenerland National Park. No cars are allowed until the Austrian border is reached. The final few kilometres shared with other cyclists was extremely difficult and involved some walking. Most others got off and walked at the first climb from the end of the valley and also another section 2km further along. After the first climb there are two large concrete slabs over a stream that acts as a bridge. There is also a short steep section near the Austrian border. Even one cyclist kitted out in the right gear had to walk so didn’t feel I was out of place! I passed under the bar at the border, positioned down so that cars can’t pass through from the Austrian side. No passports needed at the crossing point. There is a restaurant at the top on the right between the border and the actual pass summit 200 metres further along but hardly any more climbing, just a small hump to the top. There were scores of bikes parked around the restaurant and a bike workshop next to. The actual pass summit is on the Austrian side (GIO please note) but most of the climbing in Bavaria. On the way down the other side I came across a road sign that indicated 30% gradient. This was the steepest section on this side going down to a stream but it’s steeper at the beginning of the climb on the German side but no indicator. After the sign the road twists and turns on the way to Weissbach, at one point there is an up to negotiate. From Weissbach it’s a pleasant 15km on a cyclepath/radweg all the way to Saalfelden. Boarded a train to Worgl, passing the Kitzbuhler Horn and immediate connection to Jenbach. I found

the tourist information office, part of a travel agency by the wooden bridge over the stream in the centre of Jenbach. The girl in there fixed me up with a room for 20 just past the Jenbachhof on the right, up some steps then right down a small road and a house on the right. I left my bags and explained that I would like to continue along the valley to Zillertal then followed the signs for Worgl. I thought the road for Zillertal seemed a long way but eventually found it, asked the way by a bridge over the river Inn – perhaps this was the Innkeeper? I found myself on the autobahn with a 1.5 mile tunnel in front of me. This just wont do so turned back, walking along the hard shoulder and back to the junction and found the next road to the right at a roundabout, the old road up the Zillertal indicated as Strass (stress?) This was the right road. Biked along here for 18km to Zell am Ziller and on to Ramsau in the valley and right for Hippach and began my climb up the zigzags heading for Zillertaler Hohenstrasse, BIG no. 616. There was some confusion on the way as I veered off the road somehow in Hippach, asked the way and eventually found the road up the mountain. What I thought were dark clouds passing over eventually produced light rain. I took shelter after a few kilometres in worsening weather and got soaked without rainwear that I left in Jenbach gasthaus as the weather had been so good today. At the top I took shelter in a restaurant and dried off with a towel offered and a hair dryer. I had spaghetti and a beer and was taken back down the pass in land rover with my bike in the trailer. Unfortunately my speedo base was dislodged from the handlebars in the trailer so for the following days stuck the

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speedo on with furniture tape that I used for packaging the bike on the flights. The rain became heavy and it was blitzen-donnerung - thunder and lightning. This was not a good time to be at the top of the Zillertaler Hohenstrasse. A family visiting the pub took me back to Zell am Ziller and checked the bus times for me to get back to Jenbach. I had missed the last bus at 19.30 and the last train at 17.00, it was raining hard so I asked for a lift back to Jenbach if I offered payment but no taxi fare or leave me here! He suggested 10 when we arrived in Jenbach at 20.00 and I was grateful for his kindness. Current altitude at Jenbach 608m, trip distance 110.49km, ride time 5 hrs 45 mins, average speed 13.90 kph, max speed 52 kph, navigator 80.49, overall distance total 5067km, trip altitude 1957m, max altitude 1934m, average climb 6%, max climb 20%, total altitude 39507m, top elevation 2762 metres. THURSDAY 7TH JULY 2005 Jenbach to Bregenz My bike computer was kaput after being knocked off my bike in a trailer yesterday as I retreated from Zillertal in heavy rain. Later on I thought of using furniture tape too stick it on to the base and it worked, though at first I couldn’t read the face of it. German conversation only at breakfast but thought I did quite well, perhaps they had a laugh at me afterwards. Later I left my bike in the garage and walked to the tourist information office. Told the girl there who found me the room yesterday that the accommodation was very good and asked if there was a bus or cablecar from Zell am Ziller to the Zillertaler Hohenstrasse. I was told there was no public service there. I went back to the chalet, collected my bike and rode down to the bahnhof

BIG Review 2006 where there was a local train to Innsbruck only 15 minutes later. My initial intention was to ride from Innsbruck to the Mutterbergalm but due to the unpredictable weather conditions that would have been too ambitious and could become a repeat of the Zillertal yesterday. I decided at Innsbruck to go for the Aarlberg Express that would whisk me across to the western edge of Austria to Bludenz. Once there I took the road up to the Douglas Hutte, BIG no. 603. This is a long road up to begin with and steep through the woods but levels out after about 6km then along to Brand, the end of the valley. After that the well surfaced road becomes narrower, steeper and wilder up through the trees into open country, passing over a stream by a series of 3 short bridges until the cablecar station is reached just below Douglas Hutte. I was riding in thick mist after Brand and couldn’t see more than a few yards in front or behind, it was also fine rain after Brand and I was glad of my gortex protection. It was colder nearer the top and for the last time relied on those plastic gloves I asked for at Arthur Haus some days before. I remembered that the post bus had passed me on the way up and it was now returning about 20 minutes later so that was a sure sign I was nearing the top. The Sielbahn to the Douglas Hutte then loomed into shape through the mist and I came to the flags lining the car park. Just past the sielbahn and to the right of it was the track from the end of the road that followed the short cableway to the Lunersee and the Douglas Hutte on the nearside where the cablecar finished. It was a short but tough ride- mainly walking with the bike – up to the end of the track, stony but rideable with a mountain bike that I didn’t have. Motorists can’t go up here as there are large

boulders laid across the width at the bottom of the track but no problem on a bike or motor scrambler. I was glad that there were none of these today, As well as people going up by cablecar I was the only person on the track up and down. I couldn’t see anything up there and only did it as it would be one of my last climbs in Austria this year. It took me 2_ hours to reach the top from Bludenz. The Douglas Hutte is a large complex, I stayed awhile to get warm and kitted up for the descent back to Bludenz but walked back down to the Sielbahn as I wanted my tubes to survive the rest of the trip. On the road I freewheeled down with hands on my brakes on a very wet, steep road back to Brand where the mist dispersed and was able to ride down dry and in safer conditions in 20 minutes to Bludenz and back to the bahnhof. I didn’t have long to wait for a train. At 15.42 a local train drew in that would take me to Gotzis at 16.40 for another attempt at my final Austrian Pass, the Mulrutte, BIG no. 601. I enjoyed this route the first time last year but hoped for better weather. It isn’t as high as the Douglas Hutte and was enveloped by cloud at the top at 1071 metres. It took me 1_ hours to reach the top and 20 minutes to get down. The pass is steep all the way up except for a brief respite at half way where there are some houses. To reach Mulrutti from Gotzis bahnhof the way is straight out from the station, directly behind then slightly up to the left, over the main road from Feldkirch to Dornbirn, straight past the large church on the left then continue up to Marktgasse where the road swings to the right and becomes Mesachstrasse after about 2km and a sudden rise up through the woods then following the road under a rockwall on the left, a steep

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drop to the right, it snakes along the side of the mountain on the left side of the upper valley, eventually to reach a road junction by Burghaus at Mesach then right for about 2km to the top, past a few scattered buildings and a final; steep rise then a swing to the left and the Mulrutti jauserstation is across the car park. It’s not possible to take a bike further than this. At the top there are wanderwegs to the right over the alpine meadows but not very inviting in the overcast conditions but at least it stayed dry and clear for me most of the way up and had a view. I had a radler in the Mulrutti and bought a postcard to send to Ruth that would be stamped with the Mulrutti postmark. After an hour telling the woman in there my exploits over the last 2_ weeks from Bratislava I turned tail and rode down. It only took me 15 minutes to reach Gotzis. I was fortunate in meeting a train connection with only a few minutes to wait going to Bregenz. I followed hotel directions in the town as the tourist information office was closed and stayed at Pension Sonne at 35 (two star) in one of the shopping streets just as it was getting dark. The lady at the reception pointed to the TV that was on and told me that a series of bombs had gone off in the centre of London on the Tube and that 70+ people had been killed and over 1000 injured in the blasts. I had a bath in a separate closet along the corridor but couldn’t find a light in there and no lock on the door! I wedged a chair by the outer door that I brought from my room – got to have some modesty. It was the worse place I stayed in over the whole holiday as it was a bit dismal in there but at least I slept. In the morning the breakfast was rubbish so was glad I ate well tonight.

BIG Review 2006 Current altitude at Bregenz 416m, trip distance 51km, ride time 4hrs 20mins, average speed 11.70kph, max speed 46kph, navigator 131.53, overall distance total 5088km, trip altitude 1507m, max altitude 1590m, average climb 7%, max climb 16%, total altitude 40968m, top elevation 1905 metres. FRIDAY 8TH JULY 2005 Bregenz – Sonthofen – Oberjoch – Riedberg – Feldkirch Last big onslaught of my mountain bashing if this works out. I was planning to take a train from Lindau just a bit further along Lake Constance then another train to Sonthofen in Bavaria. The idea was to leave my panniers at the tourist information somewhere in the area then cycle the Oberjoch (BIG no.191) 11 kilometres from Sonthofen then fully laden back into Austria over the Tiefenberg (BIG no. 134) and Schonberg (BIG no. 193) and on to Dornbirn and train to Feldkirch. The plan actually worked as I had brilliant train connections. After a bland breakfast in a none descript pension at a rip off price I was out on the road. I least I had a good sleep but there wasn’t much food for breakfast. There was a train at 08.10 and for Lindau then a connecting train to Immenstadt. There was no charge for the bike. Today would be my last gasp at the BIG’s this holiday. The weather was dry and some blue sky as I sat on the train. I hoped that it would stay dry. I arrived in Immenstadt just past a large lake on the right and changed for a local train to Oberstdorf from Immenstadt to Sonthofen. Out from the station and right to the main road and it was fairly easy going uphill on a cyclepath to the left of the road as far as Hindelang and left my panniers at the tourist information office on the left

along the main road just before the commencement of the climb to the Oberjoch, BIG no. 191. the way was fairly easy going in middle gear. There are about 13 curves but the road is never very steep. There’s a viewpoint on the left where I passed flags and the haunting sound of the Lorelie from behind the rocks from the shop at the viewpoint. Then a couple more curves to the top where the road to Reutte and the Austrian border branches off to the right. The true top of the road is 25 metres higher just before this border point. Returned the same way down as far as the viewpoint, a short stop there for the view then back down swinging around the curves and back to Hindelang to collect my panniers. It took me 20 minutes to reach Hindelang then a further 30 minutes to the top of the curves and 15 minutes to the Austrian border. I collected my bags at 12.30 so had plenty of time to negotiate the next two passes along the road to Dornbirn but this time I would be dragging the panniers with me. I became a little confused back in Sonthofen by the bahnhof as the road I needed out for Obertsdorf is now an autobahn. This was a problem on relying on an old map! I asked the way and was expertly guided past the bahnhof to a roundabout, took a right then left over the autobahn (that wasn’t on my map) took a sign indicating Sigishofen and Ofterschwang. The directions were good and I had an easy ride along the clearing then up through the woods on a quiet road for about two kilometres to Ofterschwang, though Sigiswang is about 20 metres higher than the recognised BIG road summit of the Ofterschwang, BIG no. 194. Great views to the south then on for the last pass. I thought that the final BIG, the Riedberg Pass, BIG no. 193,

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would be a walkover after the last two, how wrong I was! Down the other side of the pass through Bolsterlang, a pretty village with the decorated pole in the village centre with coats of arms displayed. Down steeply to a junction of roads from Fischen to Maiselstein. Looking back it was obvious that going up to Ofterschwang from this side would have been longer and steeper. I passed through Maiselstein with its pleasant smell of wood mills to enter the national park then an extremely long and tough climb, sometimes so steep that I had to walk. I reverted to ‘pushbike’. The road seemed to go on forever and was beginning to wonder how much further to the top of the pass. The Riedberg Pass was tougher than the other two passes today combined. I believe that after the Kehlstein and Hirschbichl this is the third most difficult climb in Bavaria, there was no let up to the steepness. The valley cuttings give way to a rocky landscape and the top was finally reached after a two hour struggle. This was my last grand climb of the holiday – nothing like a grande finale, this was tough! On the way down I could see that it would have been equally as difficult climbing the road from the western side, although only from Balderschwang but there is still a steep rise up from Dornbirn to Alberschwende, up a bit after Balderschwang then a drop to the border then up again. A steep road comes in from Sibratsgfall and at first I was hoping this wasn’t the continuation of the road I was on, but then there’s a gap to the right. It’s a drop down quite a way to Hittisau, a junction of roads, to the left along to Kleimath after which the road rises steeply in two curves to the junction of the road coming in from Egg, This road is on a ridge higher up and still more climbing until Vorholz is

BIG Review 2006 reached then down to Alberschwende and left for Dornbirn as the main road continues on for Bregenz. On through wooded countryside then the road drops suddenly from Winsau with a glorious view stretching from Dornbirn, across the eastern edge of the Bodensee to the mountains around Appenzell in Switzerland. I felt as if I had come home! I stopped up here a while taking in the view across Lake Constance then slowly descended into Dornbirn. I decided against taking a train as I had plenty of time to cycle on to Feldkirch. I had _ an hour to wait for a train and estimated I would arrive in Feldkirch at 19.30 if I biked on. Dornbirn is a busy place so I kept to the radweg but there are too many traffic lights along this road. The best hotel I could find was a 3 star at 55. (£38.50) This was the most expensive night’s stay of my holiday so far, (but wait until tomorrow!) however it was really good. This is the Hotel Luing right in the centre of town at one end of the Marktgasse, the main street. That night it was also right behind the orchestra stand of the oompah band that was playing today until Sunday. It was the Feldkircher Weinfest (wine festival). I had my own beer bought at the Hofer supermarket earlier and made a couple of visits back behind the stage to my room in the hotel to bring out my glass refills! One Austrian wanted to know where I bought my beer from and I replied saying from Hotel Luing – which was true – in a way! I enjoyed the festivities until midnight as I was not cycling far tomorrow, I would have a sleep in for once. I showered and changed and joined in the fun. One drunk was dancing on his own and waving his arms madly. Poor fellow, everyone was doing there best to ignore him. He fell

over a couple of times and at the end of the evening was lying flat out on the cobbles, paralytic. I listened to the oompah band for a couple of hours and some of the soloists were very good. (especially Ronaldo, quite a character! Language understanding wasn’t needed.) Current altitude at Feldkirch 469m, trip distance 135km, Overall distance 5223 km, ride time 7hours 34 mins, average speed 17.8kph, max speed 54kph, navigator 266.52, trip altitude1691m, max altitude 1420m, average climb 4%, max climb 18%, total altitude 42660 metres, top elevation 2905 metres. SATURDAY 9TH JULY 2005 Feldkirch to Lucerne I had a lie in and was scolded at breakfast at 08.15 for not arriving downstairs for breakfast at 07.30 as I requested last night. It was a good breakfast, no frills but the bread was good enough to eat all of it, the coffee was good too. I didn’t need to stuff my cycle vest back pocket with made up rolls today! Biked out at 09.15 uphill to the Liechtenstein border, slightly downhill before reaching the customs point. I was stopped at the customs and had my passport stamped. On from there downhill to Schaan after a 5km barren section slightly uphill. From Schaan past Vaduz Castle on the hill above to the left and down into Vaduz where I lingered for a while There were loads of Japanese tourists in Vaduz and also probably the same ones I saw later in Maienfeld over the Luziensteig Pass. Cycled on along the valley to the other end of the small country at Balzars then left for the Luziensteig Pass, passing Balzars Castle and a gentle rise up at first then steeper to the border then up steeper through the woods to the top of the

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pass. There was a military exercise going on within the walled village just north of the top, a demonstration by SwissItalian soldiers of a make believe car bomber being manhandled and forcibly removed from his car at gunpoint. On through the walled gate to Luziensteig, the only pass in Switzerland I saw this holiday and also the last pass of my tour. Down the pass and into Maienfeld, great views looking across at orchards and Heidi country in the heat haze. Glided down through the village to the valley and across the Rhine to Bad Ragaz. I soon found the bahnhof and boarded a train to Thalwil, changing there for an immediate connection to Lucerne. I called in at the tourist information office by the main station and got fixed up with a room in Hotel Balm in Meggan along Lake Lucerne at 100 Swiss Francs – that’s £45.00. There was very little accommodation left in the area as there was a rowing event taking place over the weekend at the Rotsee behind the city. I cycled the 5 kilometres along the north side of the lake towards Kussnacht; the final 2 kilometres are uphill to Meggan. I booked in and left my panniers in the room and immediately out to the Lido on the way back to Lucerne, 2 kilometres away downhill. At the Lido I sunbathed and watched the lake steamers plying by then continued along the lakeside walkway into Lucerne. I rode to the dying Lion of Lucerne in memory of Swiss mercenary soldiers killed at Tuileries in 1792. The sky became very dark, a possible storm brewing so biked back to the hotel as quickly as possible along the road to shower and change. I didn’t quite make it without receiving a good soaking as I left the rainwear in the hotel. I left the camera and diary in the hotel, grabbed my jacket then out to the city

BIG Review 2006 again. I was away from the hotel at 19.00 to look for a place to eat around the old town. Everywhere was too expensive and only had a limited amount of Swiss francs that I brought from home so opted for a cheaper place and found a good deal at a pub just up the main street away from the city centre. Current altitude at Lucerne 475 metres, ride time 5 hours, average speed 14.60 kph, max speed 56kph, navigator 73.80, trip altitude 605 metres, max altitude 719 metres, average climb 3%, max climb 11%, total attitude 43265 metres, total distance today 74 km, top elevation 1905m, total overall distance 5297 kilometres. SUNDAY 10TH JULY 2005 Lucerne to Holmes Chapel I left Lucerne by train to Zurich, changing at Zofingen for a connecting train to Basel. The first train was crowded with bikes, there were so many in the carriage that it was a problem stacking them and could see a problem getting it out later for my connecting train. A cycling family gave me some help and took my bags on to the platform while I struggled lifting my bike over others on limited floor space and on to the platform. The connecting service to Basel left a few minutes later but had ample time to catch it as it was in other cyclists’ interests on that train to help me off with my bike! In Basel I looked around for the airport bus, number 16. I soon found out that it left from the side of the main SBB station and not from the bus station opposite. I couldn’t board the first bus as it was about to leave but the airport buses leave every twenty minutes and I still had nearly four hours before my flight. When the next bus came in my bike was loaded and hung up in a large silver trailer, together with my bags on the

floor of the trailer. The journey took about _ of an hour leaving Switzerland as Basel airport is just over the border in France. Once there I had a meal on the top floor, taking my bike up in the lift as security insists no luggage to be left unattended. I dismantled the bike; wheels off and strung either side of the frame, tyres deflated, pedals removed, put a skewer through the front forks with a plastic tube over it to protect the forks from being squashed, handlebars moved in line with the frame then bagged. One bag over the bars and saddle then turned the bike over and placed the other bag over the front and rear drop outs then furniture taped the whole package and finished securing with nylon string. I put my panniers in a post office bag

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and tied it at the top then over to the check in, received the boarding card then bike and bags taken to the oversize check in for X ray and out for loading to the plane. There was no problem, on through customs then had about an hour to lounge around in the departure area waiting for the flight boarding detail. The 16.20 flight number 7132 left Basel on time and arrived on schedule in Liverpool. Through customs then assembled the bike outside in the warm sunshine and biked through Hale village to Runcorn where I hoped to catch a train home but there wasn’t any. Typical of our wonderful rail system the line was closed and replacement bus services were operating however the next bus was due in just under two hours

BIG Review 2006 and only stopped in Crewe then no train to Holmes Chapel until much later. I phoned Ruth from Runcorn station. She offered to collect me at Hartford so rode out of Runcorn following cycle routes. Bike loaded into the car and she drove me home. The end of another perfect holiday and grateful thanks to Ruth for letting me satisfy my insatiable

wanderlust for masochistic mountain bashing! 35km today

43295 metres. Total altitude climbed 21077 metres or 69,154 feet or 13.10 miles high. 3 times the height of Mount Everest at 23,000 feet.

Total kilometres at start 3685km. Total at finish 5332km, total kilometres 1647 or 1029 miles. Total altitude at start 22218 metres. Total altitude at finish

About the author : my personal opinion about BIG The BIG has revolutionised my mountain cycling experience. The past few years has opened up new exciting challenges for me as many of the passes in the BIG listings are not obvious passes along roads that go from one place to another but are more obscure, many times only one way up or down. In the past my mountain cycling in the Alps and in my own country was along roads shared with cars but now there are wonderful passes to explore – such as the Col de Tende in Provence or Cormet de Areches near La Plagne where cars are rarely seen. Passes such as this are also a great challenge for personal endurance! I’ve got Dan Gobert to thank for that, and the rest of you in seeking out better changes each year – a club I’m proud to belong to! - my latest climb My latest climb was the Reidberg Pass in Bavaria. (BIG no. 193) I didn’t expect the length and steepness heading west towards Dornbirn. I expected it to be a ‘walk over’ compared to others to the east that day. It was a ‘walk over’ alright. With full panniers I had to walk part of the pass – but the long sweep down the other side as far as Bolsterlang was a great reward. - my biggest effort ever This has to be Mount Olympus (BIG no 947) and other passes that day (Chysorrytissa and Adelphi) a few years ago while holidaying with my family in Paphos, Cyprus. I hired a bike for the day – very cheap – only about £5 (7) but I really suffered! I positioned the seat and bars to fit but I wished I could have hired a lighter road bike! I set off at 4.00am from the hotel and was back at 7.00pm totally shattered! The baking sun along the quieter forest roads was so overpowering. It was harder than any effort in the Alps. - my tour in a bizarre environment Close to home and my nearest BIG is Mam Tor (BIG no, 90) The road collapsed back in the 1970’s and since then it’s possible to drive to either side of the pass but only by bike over the pass – even then it’s essential to carry the bike over the landslip at the top because one section of the road is approx 5 metres below an adjoining section. The whole side of Mam Tor mountain slid down into the valley and quakes destroyed the road. It’s a bizarre place to be. A circular can be completed by taking the nearby Winnats Pass, also extremely steep and the only way through if you want to stay on your bike. Perhaps in 2010 I’ll take you up there when we have our rendezvous in England! - my time I fell in love on a bike Not telling, my wife would never let me go on a tour again! Back in 1982 though, Ruth and I (we married in 1983) cycled from Salisbury to Old Sarum over the Salisbury Plain and Stonehenge to Avebury and back. I loved her company but perhaps took her too far. I love her to bits but she’ll never join me on an alpine trip - my personal frustration Of not being able to complete all the Austrian BIGS in 2005 due to bad weather in the summer. I hope we’re rewarded in 2006! - the day I met the pro when I was training, I saw Chris Boardman once in the Eureka cyclists’ café near Willaston on the Wirral, Cheshire. No way would I want to be out there training with him though! Apparently this café is his ‘local’ as he lives (d?)In Birkenhead.

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BIG Review 2006

Tour de Tirol 2005

By Gabor Kreicsy Promise My friends and I go year by year on a biketravel. I always organize the route and accomodations. In last year one of the friends questioned: Gabes (this is my nickname), can you organize a trip to the Alps? Oh, I’m sure, it’s no problem. Why not! Sometimes I was in the Alps in Austria. I passed few passacols like the Grossglockner, Bielerhöhe, Ehrwalderalm, Kaunertal and twice I was on a package tour. Then I went to Kaprun because there was the MTB World Cup and I was a downhill fun. At the same time I climbed the Tauernpass, Roher Sattel, Preiner Gscheid and Zellerain.

This year, our apartment was in Imst. So that was a good spot because it was next to the motorway and it has got a railway station if we arriwed too later from any passacol. My trip took a six days and three days we did BIG. Day 1 Route: Imst – Hahntennjoch (no.: 606) 1894 m – Elmen – Stanzach – Bichlbach – Berwang (no.: 605) 1336 m – Lermoos – Biberwier – Fernpass 1216 m – Nassereith – Tarrenz – Imst Distance: 112 km Rise: 2000 m Early morning we started and straight off a slope with 10 %. The trees were consumed and the landscape was very severe. Int he right side was a big ravine and we could hear some waterfall cascades. This

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passacol was a 14 km long and I can tasted what will be next week. It is very interesting thing to see top of the hill buti t is very far from me. At last we arrived at the top of the hill. We had to dress because the temperature was only 10 - 12 o C. It was a great feeling to ride a bike throught the downhill. At the and of the downhill to the next uphill was a few kilometres. It was like a rollercoaster. That was a back-break. The last passacol of the day was very surprise because this side of the hill was lighter than the other. We keeped in store our power because Imst was high above 827 m but my apartment was in 942 m. On the second day was Pitztal. We went to the Mitterberg and travelled up 3480m with glacierexpress and panoramalift.

BIG Review 2006 fortunatelly a duch pair who took a trip there gave me. I remembered this road is meandering because I have always skied there twice. Ont he top of the hill I chamged my clothes because of the wind and started down to the railway station.

Day 3 Route: Imst – Oetz – Kühtai (no.: 610) 2020 m – Sellrain – Axams – Lizum 1564 m – Kematen and to train Distance: 95 km Rise: 2200 m Previusly we thought that was the hardest day. Int he midnight was a very big storm and it rained int he morning. We could see the big mountains in Oetz. The road was very slope. Above Oetz the fog was very bussy so we could see only 30m distant. The temperature was too low. If I stopped for a minute I was cold. Later the weather became better and ont he top of the passacol was a sunshine. It was a very quet and nice place. We weared winter clothes during the

downhill, and we went down to the level 680m. Than we began the next uphill, and a surprise wated for us that the weather was very good and we suffered from hot. Int he meantime it was out of my water store, but

Day 4 Route: Imst – Roppen – Oetz – Sölden – Timmelsjoch (no.: 614) 2509 m – Ötztaler Bahnhof Distance: 146 km Rise: 2250 m This day was the hardest. It was 54 km uphill. In the morning we rode by bike on a bycicle road hear to the Inn river. The weather was pleasant, but the traffic was busy and the wally was too long. This passacol from Zwieselstein was very hard. Sometimes I could see something to scintillate above the cliffes. I can realized that it was a car ont he top of the passacol 800-1000m higher and we had to go there. I like if „opentable” is ont he beginning of the alpenroad and there are in every hairpinband tables with altitude. We rised 30-50 meters between two bends. After the toll gate (we had free ticket) a slope ame and we lost 130 meters. The weather was awfull: strong wind and low temperature. From these things I became tired. The sound of the wind was a sin Siberia. Int he top of passacol we had a lunch in a restaurant and we got dressed our every clothes. The backwards was very tiring but after that we could ride as we wanted. On the train the conductor looked at our bycicles and noticed my friends bike who had 38-23 gradient. -Timmelsjoch? – he asked. -Yes! – my friend answered. -Oh, it is great! And he pated my friend’s leg. On day 5 th day we rode ont he bike around Zugspitze and ont

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BIG Review 2006 he 6th day we went to Innsbruck ont he bycicle road. It was a very nice trip. Next year I would like to go to karintia where some passacols (Poludniger alm, Grosser Speikkogel, Seeberg Sattel and so on) waiting for me.

My short story: My name is Gabor Kreicsi and I’m from Hungary. Gabor Györgyi said that the BIG is great movement. When I was 14 I get a new bicycle. That name was „Favorit” and it had got an eight speed. Four years later I went to the academy in Pécs. Here is located one of the BIG, a (no.: 855) Misina. If I had a free time I conqured the summit. Probably I passed 25 times. Later I changed my bicycle for a Puch. Later I have been had this bike, but I changed some accesories. My favoruite mountains are the Alps. My maximum height was in Kaunertal 2750 m. I like mountains and I think the BIG is the best chance for me. Regards from Gabor Kreicsi from Hungary

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BIG Review 2006

29th june – 16th July 2005 .

On the climbs of the Giro d’Italia and the Tour de Suisse By Gabor Györgyi Although the legendary cols of te Tour de France that I had climbed in 2004 attract me back to indulge in nostalgia, in 2005 I decided to bicycle on the cols of the Giro d’Italis and the Tour de Suisse, and beside it to take part int he hard Fausto Coppi bicyclemarathon / gran fondo. The first purpose of my tour was not the cols of the two big cyclerace, but to cycle up to several cols above 2000m. In the following rows you can read about my most memorable days, climbs. (Read more at ) 3rd July. : Centallo (night) Fausto Coppi granfondo: Cuneo – Madonna di Colletto – Demonte – Colle Fauniera – Sampeyre / Elva – Colle Sampeyre – Cuneo - Centallo = 220 km + 4507 m heightdiff At 7 am. 1-2000 participants

who were wearing the jerseys of the marathon left Cuneó to perform the challenge of the Fausto Coppi granfondo. The 187 kms of the long distance had three main obstacles (and 4400m heightdifference) in front of the participants: the 1310 m high and 9,4% steep Madonna del Colletto, the 2481 m high Colle Fauniera / Pantani, and at last (only for the participants for the long distance) the 2284 m high,

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8,2% steep Colle Sampeyre. I enjoyed very much the steep climbs, the returning back after taking photos, and when I overcame others (in the last third of the participants). It was a good feeling to hear the encouragements from the local people along the road. The Colle Fauniera was a climb in an open valley with meadows, views to the valley and to the bends and road - which was nice with the row of cyclists on it - and to the rocky mountains. On the col I recognized the monument of Marco Pantani: that was the col, which was named about him. After, that the shorter and the long distance went on other directions, I met with only a very few bicyclists. On the Colle Sampeyre I went on cycling with a fresh / good speed, especially by a touringbike. But when I found the nature, view nice, I didn’t hesitate to stop for a few minutes. In the last 2 kilometers – 4-5 racer came into my view, which made me feel more stronger, so I tried and succeeded in catching

BIG Review 2006 them. 3-500 m before the col, I overcame them. I was interesting thing for a few people, racer, because they looked at me, my usual shoe, clips, and touring bike. After that I spent 15 minutes at the col, in the valle I was the last perticipant, so I could enjoy the car of the organizer behind at me. It was just in the time trials of the Tour de France: The last hour I overcame 2-3 other racer and arrived at the finish with a better time (10 and a half hours) than I planned for me. After that fantastic granfondo, I could eat the fine spagetti at the Finish with smile on my face and with proudness in my heart. 6th July : Briancon – Col Montgenévre – Cesana Torinese – Sestriere (2035 m) – Depot – Colle delle Finestre (2178 m) – Busolleno = 111 km + 2526 m heightdifference I started my days early, because I had 3 passes and a lot of experiences in my daily plan. Bicycling out of Briancon I realised that I could hardly see anywhere not too see a castle. I saw 4-5 of them at the same time. The col de Montgenévre isn’t either a famous pass, but it was beautiful: I had nice views to the valley and the mountains towards / behind / next to Briancon. The traffic was a little bit heavy, there were a few trucks. After the 1st italian col, the Sestriere (2035m) - that couldn’t show me surprise – I was looking forward to the Colle Finestre (2178 m), on which north climb (half of it is dirt road, without asphalt) the racers of the Giro d’Italia had serious fights. I planned to have stop 2-3 times on the first 5-6 km long, 10% steep part, but I felt so well, fresh, that in a 64 minutes long time I could cycle up 720 m heightdiff. on 7 kms, although I had 24 kg weighted pack on my bicyle.

On the following km maybe I didn’t watch well enough, because I had to cycle 23 km-s on dirt road. After a light rain, when I went out from the forest, the nature showed me fantastic view and alpine lights: there were a few small clouds, and cloudlets in front and between the mountains, there were little eahalation above the wet and fresh surfaced asphalt road and somewhere light sunshine coming through the clouds. That was just on the Colle Finestre! On the last 3 kms I didn’t met any cars, only a shepherd, his dog and the sheeps. Arriving to the Col, I „could see” Simoni, di Luca, Savoldelli”, as they were fighting, climbing up to there on the dirt road, and they start the fast descent. In the opposite direction I had to be careful on the dirt road; in the hairpinbends I had to take them by 6-8 km/ h; in the straight sections I let the bike rolling by 20-25 km/h. Although the lower ca. 10 kms were asphalted, the bands followed each after 2-400m, so I couldn’t roll fast, but when I arrived into the valley I felt my hands tired, because of braking. 9th July : Airolo - Nufenenpass (2478 m) - Grimselpass Gletsch - Furkapass (2431 m) Göschenen - TRAIN - Airolo =

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100,89 km + 2866 m heightdifference After a light day I planned a hard one with climbeing 3-5 cols in Switzerland: Nufenen, Grimsel, Susten and the San Gottardo. In Airolo I started my cloudy (I could hardly see the Sun) day with the 2478 m high Nufenen pass. As I saw on posters the Gigathlon, the bicycle part of triatlon relay race was organized through the Nufenen and Grimsel pass. AS time was passing by I met with more and more racers, which gave me a pleasant feeling. On the Nufenen pass I saw several snowspot. The country was nice, but the grey clouds told me: it seemed to be there will be rain. On the descent I had to take a cap onto my head. In Oberwald I was waiting for the end of the rain for one and half hour long. I went on cycling in a drizzling rain. Between the lot of racers I could push the pedals well. Sometimes others overcame me, other times I went ahead of thers with my bike with 4 kg pack on it. Coming out from a tunnel, a very steep mountainside was in front of us, the top was in clouds, and a road was twisting up onto it: that was the Grimsel passroad. In such a bad weather alone maybe I couldn’t feel well to went on cycling there an not back to home, but between others it was a feeling,

BIG Review 2006 an experience. I could enjoy it. I had good photos about racers fighting with the climb and with the cold, bad weather. In the last 2 kms we went into the cloud and rain; the air was about 6 degrees Celsius. I had no problem with it, because I had warm clothes in my pack, but others…. Along the last 500m more and more fan was standing and clapping, and – as on the Fausto Coppi granfondo – they gave me so much power that I could overcame 10-15 racer with my heavy touringbike and 4 kg pack. On the col we could see only ca. 100-200 m in the frog. Carefully I didn’t risk the (maybe rainy) Sustenpass, but turned back and planned the Furka and Gotthard pass back to home. The 7 km long descent was so cold, that in Gletsch I moved my legs, arms in vain, I couldn’ t feel much warmer. On the Furka climb was much better. AS in 2001, in 2005 I felt also well and could cycle with a fresh speed. For a time I had hope to see the Sun again, but arriving up to the top, a cloud went there and on the descent I got rain too. Towards Andermatt everything was grey and rainy, so it was logical to take the train from Göschenen to Airolo. (Next they I climbed Passo san

Gottardo which was a unforgottenable memory.) 13th July : Bormio - Passo di Gavia (2652 m) - Ponte Legno - Passo Tonale - Fondo - Tres = 129,43 km + 2887 m heightdifference At last I arrived at the feet of the legendary Giro col, the 2652 m high Gavia. As in 2001 I was amazed by the experiences, views, nature, fresh air on the Stelvio, this year The Gavia showed me that the Ortler National park can be one of the best region of the Alps.I was happy because of the fresh pine scent, a very few cars, then the young sheeps in the grass, asking their mam for

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food. Above 2000 m there were no trees, but I could see glaciers and fresh snow in more and more directions, on several mountains. There were 1214% steep sections, but they were only 200 m long. As I had read, the touristhouse on the top was full with gifts, photos about the passroad, and the memories of the Giro d’Italia. With my thin brake-shoes I had to be careful on the 10-12% steep descent. The road was not only narrow, but – because the little traffic – there weren’t any barrier along the road. An interesting thing was a unlighted, but straight tunnel, where I could see the lightspot at the end, but it would be very risky to let fasten the bike. Without any light (I was lazy to take out) as I was rolling carefully, I felt as I were in the space; I couln’t feel, where are the walls. From Ponte di Legno for a time I was following a racer with a light bike, and I arrived at the Passo di Tonale not too much behind him. On the descent I could see how beautiful are the steep mountaisn of the Brenta Dolomites, which was covered by fresh snow. 1 hour before sunset on a viaduct I crossed the Lago di San Giustine with very beautiful lights around it, then I cycled in the Non valley to Tret.

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15th July : Sölden Gletscherstrasse (2829 m) Sölden - Oetz - Heiming Silzer sattel (1690 m) Heiming = 104,58 km + 2500 m heightdifference On my last cycling day I went for a joycycling onto the Gletscherstrasse, which has the highest asphalted point (2829 m) in the Alps. Only the land was changing on the 13 km long road, the steepness and my speed, was the same: 1011% and 6,5-7 km/h. It was a oneway road (Not a col), maybe that was the reason the not too many cars and motorbikes. I could enjoy the air, the nature, the view much more, then elsewhere during the tour. After the first half, there were no more trees, so I could get nice view to the bare valley with serious Rettenbach glacier at the end of it. Next to the 2700 m situated skibuilding I wrote a message to my girlfriend into the snow. Towards the Tiefenbach galacier and the 2829m high roadtop I had to go into a very cold tunnel. After 2-300 m – in 2 short sleeved jersey – I felt it

would be cold… but I didn’t want to stop for 2 minutes to get out the warm clothes. Straight ahead the row of the lamps seemed to be long, and they hardly lessened. From the half I rubbed my chest, arms. After the photos, from the lower goal of the tunnel I rolled down to Sölden in a few minutes. On the straight sections I was rolling by 80-84 kms/h for 1-2 minutes. In the evening I built up my tent in the valley of the Inn, from where I had a pleasant, 2 hour long cycletour to the

1690m high Silzer pass. Not too much before sunset, I hardly stopped for photomaking, I met with cars only in every 20 minutes, so I perfectly could enjoy the calm, peaceful, 10% steep ascent, the power of my muscles, the quiet murmur of the valley, the voices of the nature. Maybe that was my greatest experience of my tour, because without beautiful views I was happy not because of the land, but cycling in the nature. What can provide it ? An almost trafficless road on meadows and in forests and a steep climb. Other memorable climbs: - Col de Moutiere (2454 m) and then to the Restefond; Colle Lombarda (2350 m) , Col du Granon (2413 m), Passo San Bernardino (2065 m), Timmelsjoch (2509 m) Gabor Györgyi www.gyorgyiga

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BIG Review 2006

Tre Cime di Lavaredo, vingt-cinq ans après

Par Georges Rossini Après les fatigues du « raduno » de Morzine, avec sa série de côtes mythiques, sur les traces de Marco Pantani, je suis retourné affronter pour l'énième fois, mais aujourd’hui accompagné de Piero Rota, notre webmaster, les dures rampes des cols de la Colombière et de Romme, par une chaleur suffocante, annonciatrice de violents orages. Ensuite, nullement rassasié, me voici, toujours avec Piero, à l’assaut d’autres cols, eux aussi légendaires, près du Mont Blanc, le col de la Forclaz, en Suisse et le col des Montets, porte d’entrée de la Haute-Savoie. L’age et les problèmes aux genoux me conseillaient une pause pour reprendre souffle avant l’attaque des crêtes de la Gardetta-Fauniera prévues pour le mois d’août. C’était sans compter sur la passion de Piero pour les grandes ascensions : Il m’appelle un mercredi et

m’invite à rejoindre notre Président Tullio Paganelli et un ami français, Raymond Charras, de Lyon, qui nous attendent samedi à Dobbiaco, avec comme objectif, les célèbres Tre Cime di Lavaredo. Je garde depuis toujours un souvenir merveilleux de mes trois précédentes ascensions sur les terribles pentes qui portent au refuge Auronzo, la dernière en 1980, au cours du raid Thonon-Trieste, lors de l’étape Selva di Cadore-Padola, avec, en plus de l’ascension des Tre Cime, les cols de Giau, Tre Croci, Sant'Angelo (Misurina), e Monte Croce di Comelico. J’hésitais à accepter l’invitation de Piero. Mais l’appel irrésistible de cette montagne, que je préfère entre toutes, m’a décidé. C’est ainsi que nous nous retrouvons pour deux jours à l’hôtel Dolomiti situé juste sur la dépression du Passo di Sant’Angelo (Misurina). Nous y déjeunons devant un panorama splendide : le lac de Misurina et derrière, l’immense

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amphithéâtre que constitue le groupe du Sorapiss, fascinant par sa grandeur. Ensuite nous décidons d’une « promenade cycliste », le tour du groupe Cristallo: le Passo Tre Croci 1809m, Cortina, montée facile de Cimabanche 1529m, descente à Carbonin et remontée pour rentrer au Passo di Sant’Angelo, juste à temps pour échapper au classique orage du soir en montagne. Le lendemain à l’aube, le thermomètre n'indique que 5 degrés. C’est donc avec un sous-vêtement supplémentaire que nous démarrons par la route à péage (mais gratuite pour nous cyclistes) qui mène au refuge Auronzo. A vrai dire, j’ai quelques craintes devant l’entreprise que je vais affronter. Dès les premières rampes, la montée se fait très rude. Mes problèmes de genou m’empêchent de pédaler en danseuse, je dois toujours rester assis sur la selle. Ce n’est pas facile non plus pour Piero, qui

BIG Review 2006 notre approche et c’est presque à plat que nous arrivons au refuge Lavaredo. Là, la route se redresse brutalement, le fond en devient mauvais, un dernier effort et nous arrivons à la Forcella Lavaredo 2454m au pied des vertigineuses faces Nord des Tre Cime di Lavaredo. Ma gorge se noue, je revis, 25 ans plus tard, les mêmes émotions déjà ressenties en admirant les Tre Cime, spectaculaire création de la nature, une inoubliable Fantastique Trinité qui déjà fait germer en moi l’envie d’encore et toujours y revenir. Piero, Tullio, Giorgio e Raymond aux pieds des la Fantastique Trinite, devant la Chapelle des Alpins.

avec sa « charge » semble un rouleau compresseur, Il est étonnant, Piero, de temps en temps, il s’arrête pour une « pause cigarette ». Aux Km 5,1 et 6,4 la pente devient proprement terrifiante. Je dois mettre pied à terre pour reprendre un peu de souffle.

leçon de géographie expliquant aux autres où se trouve la Forcella Longères. C’est un col assez paradoxal, en effet il est infranchissable. Nous prenons ensuite la route blanche, interdite au trafic motorisé, envahie de randonneurs qui, souriant gentiment, se rangent à

Mon compteur a mémorisé la pente : 21% ! A l’approche du refuge, je suis rejoint par Tullio, le Président, parti plus tard avec Raymond, il est heureux de m’avoir rejoint, et nous continuons ensemble vers le refuge qui déjà se dessine. Au refuge, nous nous retrouvons tous pour les félicitations d’usage, une pause casse-croûte, choix de cartes postales souvenir et, bien sur, une longue séance de photographies. Je profite de l’occasion pour une petite

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La Madonna del Ghisallo y el Giro de Lombardia Mario Ruiz La Madonna del Ghisallo, La Virgen de Dorleta o Notre Dame de la Chapelle son lugares emblemáticos para los ciclistas y cicloturistas de los paises latinos. Por nuestra parte, al celebrarse en el año 2004 el Centenario de nuestra agrupación, la Sociedad Ciclista Bilbaina, la decana entre las españolas, nos planteamos cerrar nuestra habitual salida de verano con la ascensión a este BIG tan renombrado y entrañable dentro del ciclismo italiano.

Para ello el 20 de julio del pasado año arrancamos Carlos R. Catalina y el que suscribe, de los alrededores de Asso y tomando la ruta de Onno, descendimos hasta las orillas del lago de Lecco, bordeándolo en dirección norte por una estrecha carretera afortunadamente escasa de tráfico a primera hora, hasta alcanzar las inmediaciones de Bellagio, en donde nuestro lago enlaza con el de Como. A partir de Pescallo, en la orilla del lago iniciamos la escalada de esta evocadora subida, en donde los “grandes” del ciclismo italiano, Bartal y Coppi dejaron su huella legendaria convirtiendo su ascensión en cita obligada para los amantes del cicloturismo de montaña. En nuestra subida con obligada toma de datos consideramos como punto de inicio de la misma el cruce con la carretera a Como. Siguen 150 m llanos y después otros 100m al 8% dejando a la derecha el desvío a Regatola. Viene

a continuación una rampa al 11% con doble curva de herradura para descender la pendiente al 5%-50m y de nuevo crecer al 8% con otro viraje cerrado frente al desvío a Lecco. Sigue la pendiente en torno al 8% y seguidamente se alcanza el P.K.34 a algo menos de un kilómetro del punto inicial de nuestra ascensión. El siguiente kilómetro es el de mayor dureza de la escalada con un largo tramo intermedio al 13% y punta del 15%. Las últimas casas van desapareciendo y debemos superar una larga y empinada rampa de 300m para después situarnos a la entrada de un nuevo viraje, y rebasar seguidamente el P.K.33. El siguiente kilómetro es algo más irregular y variado gracias a que el mismo presenta algunas curvas en herradura, pero mantiene su dureza con algún tramo en que se alcanza hasta un 13%. Ascendemos por el interior de un bosque y al superar el viraje del kilómetro 32,1 aparece a nuestra izquierda una ermita ( Virgen de la Gloria ) y una fuente. Aún nos quedan casi 1.500m de notable dureza hasta alcanzar Brogno, desde donde la pendiente suaviza de manera notable.

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A la altura del P.K.30 se alcanza una primera cima a 643m y arranca a nuestra derecha una primera carretera que asciende hacia el Monte San Primo. Como nuestra escalada prioriza el trazado del Ghisalllo, dejamos esta ruta alternativa y seguimos por la principal. Ahora la ascensión se ve interrumpida por un tramo irregular de mas de 2 kilómetros con descenso final hasta Civenna, población que atravesamos y en cuyo extremo da inicio la parte final de la ascensión hasta el Ghisallo con una primera rampa al 8-9%. Sigue después un kilómetro con abundantes curvas en herradura y pendientes entre el 8 y 13% y una última recta de 300m al 11%, tras la que se corona el Ghisallo junto a la capilla homónima. Pero no acaba aquí nuestra ascensión. Ahora nos queda afrontar el resto de subida hasta el Monte San Primo. A nuestra derecha y desde la misma cima arranca la continuación de la ruta hacia este pico con unos primeros metros al 3%. Después la pendiente crece hasta el 8-9% con punta del 11% durante los siguientes 2,5 kilómetros, con 4 curvas en herradura y por el interior de un bosque hasta llegar a

BIG Review 2006 Piano Rancio. Sigue un tramo llano, y tras enlazar por la derecha con una carretera antes mencionada y cuyo origen situábamos en el P.K.30, se afronta una empinada rampa de 150m al 13%. Se alcanza un alto y tras un breve descenso se reanuda la parte final de la ascensión con pendiente entre el 8 y 11% hasta llegar a un parking . Desde aquí un último viraje a la izquierda nos sitúa en el final de la carretera asfaltada a una cota de 1.110m, tras 5,1 kilómetros de ascensión desde el Ghisallo. Tras una breve parada descendemos de nuevo al Ghisallo y allí nos entretenemos en admirar el paisaje que se divisa sobre el lago y las montañas de la orilla opuesta, un monumento alegórico al ciclismo, y los bustos recordatorios a la memoria de Coppi y Bartali, los mas grandes del ciclismo italiano, situados junto a la Capilla de la Madonna. Después pasamos al reducido espacio interior de la misma, convertida en un pequeño museo y en donde podemos admirar varias bicicletas de los legendarios campeones, entre ellas la que utilizó Bartali para triunfar en el Tour del 48, la de Coppi del Tour 49, una de Merkx, la del record de la hora de Moser de ruedas lenticulares, la de Gimondi, otro “grande de Italia”, numerosos maillots de los vencedores de Giros, Tours y Campeonatos del Mundo, incluidos algunos de las féminas, y un sinfín de Maillots y banderines. Después salimos al exterior, observamos las obras del futuro Museo del ciclismo que se está levantando en las inmediaciones, charlamos con unos ciclistas austríacos que también han ascendido al Ghisallo, y tras

intercambiar informaciones, reanudamos la marcha descendiendo por la vertiente opuesta, dejando a nuestra derecha el atrayente ascenso del “muro de Sormano”, que no podemos intentar por la premura de tiempo, continuando hasta Asso en donde ponemos punto final a la etapa y a nuestra salida de ese año a los Alpes.

UNA ESCALADA CON MUCHA HISTORIA El ascenso de la Madonna del Ghisallo es un lugar célebre del ciclismo principalmente por formar parte del trazado del Giro de Lombardía. El Giro de Italia lo ha incluido también alguna vez en su itinerario siendo atravesado por vez primera en el Giro de 1938 en que lo coronó Giordano Cottur. Posteriormente se cruzó en los años 1939 ( G.Bartali ), 1949 ( G.Bartali ), 1967 ( A.Gonzalez ) y 1976 por dos veces( A.Oliva y W.Panizza ) Pero, como ya hemos indicado, la gran historia de este paso se encuentra en el desarrollo del Giro de Lombardía, la gran clásica de otoño. Incluido en el itinerario desde las primeras ediciones el Ghisallo se convierte así en un punto clave para el desenlace de la carrera. En los años 36 y 39, este último año a lo grande, triunfa Gino Bartali, tercero además en el 35 y

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segundo en el 37 y 38, que para lograr su tercer triunfo ha de superar a un coriaceo Coppi perseguido ese día por la desgracia. A pesar de dos pinchazos, un salto de cadena y una caída, Fausto se encuentra en el grupo de los grandes al pie del Ghisallo junto con su coequipier de la « Legnano »Bartali, Cinelli y Leoni de la « Bianchi » y además el duro piamontés Guerino Tomasoni. De este grupo desaparece primeramente Bartali, con la rueda averiada ; seguidamente Cinelli y Leoni atacan sin poder descolgar a Coppi y Tomasoni. Viene entonces el ataque de Coppi. Nadie puede aguantar tras su rueda. Bartali, en plena forma, recupera terreno desde atrás. Uno a uno va alcanzando, según se le ponen a tiro, a todos sus rivales hasta situarse a la rueda de Coppi, cuando ya este afronta las últimas curvas del Ghisallo. Bartali se mantiene a rueda unos doscientos metros. Luego cuando ya vislumbra la cima, demárra y se va en solitario. Coppi víctima de calambres en el estómago no puede seguirle. Bartali tiene la carrera ganada. Triunfa con 4’07” sobre el siguiente clasificado y Coppi acaba esta carrera en el puesto 19º a 7’08” junto a Cottur. Sobre 73 corredores que toman la salida solo logran clasificarse 37. En los años 41 y 42 la prueba finaliza al sprint, y en los años siguientes no se celebra por la crudeza de la guerra en la propia

BIG Review 2006 Italia para acabada esta de nuevo reanudarse en el año 1946. En esta edición bajo un cielo gris y húmedo y con un Bartali eliminado por sufrir dolores en el vientre y diarreas, que posteriormente abandona, Fausto va a comportarse como siempre. Ataca sobre las pendientes de la Madona del Ghisallo y nadie puede seguirle. En el descenso es alcanzado por Luigi Casola y Michele Motta, a los que descuelga a las puertas de Milán, para terminar una vez mas en solitario, en el Vigorelli de Milán. En las gradas es el delirio… En el año 47 Coppi,tras una notable temporada, ya ha fijado a sus seguidores una nueva cita cuyo nombre es : Giro de Lombardía. Gino Bartali está alerta. Nos encontramos en el 26 de octubre y un feliz acontecimiento ( el nacimiento de su hija Marina ) se espera, de forma inminente, en el hogar de los Coppi, en Sestri. Esta vez, la carrera se decide sobre los 16 kilómetros que separan Asso de Bellagio. Magni y Bizzi que se habían escapado en Como, y Bresci y Seliatico que les habían alcanzado, pasan con dos minutos de adelanto. Coppi se lanza a la persecución de este cuarteto que, ya se rompía en el avituallamiento de Asso. Los va cazando uno a uno y, únicamente Magni puede, durante algunos kilómetros agarrarse a su rueda para después desfondarse en el Ghisallo. El Campeón del Mundo de Persecución se fuga una vez mas hacía la victoria. Bartali, segundo, acabará a 5’24”. Fausto ha vencido, no solo a su rival, sino también al viento, a la lluvia, al barro... « En este día, se leerá en el « Miroir-Sprint»» los “anticoppistas” que oponían siempre a la tenacidad de Bartali la fragilidad de Coppi, no tendrán mas remedio que reconocer que Gino ha sido batido sobre un terreno para él favorable.»

costumbre, no escucha mas que a su fuerza y sin mas dilación ataca en Ono, 13 kilómetros antes del inicio del Ghisallo. En el ascenso desaparece de la vista de sus rivales. Iniciando la subida con 1’40” sobre un primer grupo, pedazos de un pelotón disgregado, cruza por la cima con 2’40” sobre el siguiente. De paso, en un tiempo de 25’20”, bate el récord de la ascensión. Su aventura en solitario durará 84 kilómetros, y en la llegada habrá que esperar 4’45” para ver llegar al segundo, Leoni, después al suizo Fritz Schaer, Martini, Ortelli, Antonin Rolland, Luison Bobet que llega 12º después de haber pinchado en un momento crucial de la carrera. 37,849 k / h , tal es la media horaria del vencedor. Tanto como decir que un nuevo récord se inscribe en el palmarés de la prueba. El año 1949 es sin duda el mas glorioso del reinado de Fausto. Los periódicos se agotan siguiéndole en sus triunfos. Y

En el año 1948 el Giro de Lombardía se presenta el 24 de octubre y Coppi quiere un tercer triunfo consecutivo. El día sale magnífico .Esta vez, como de

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aun no han acabado. Llega el Giro de Lombardía, carrera con inicio y llegada a Milán. La serie impresionante de sus victorias no puede detenerse aquí, y una 4ª victoria en la “clásica de las hojas muertas” está sin duda a su alcance. En una lluviosa jornada se alinean en la salida casi doscientos corredores, para participar en una clásica que transcurre a lo largo de 222 kilómetros. El pelotón de 109 participantes permanece compacto hasta Tradate, en donde una errónea maniobra de un coche extranjero provoca la caída de cuarenta corredores. Por fortuna nada catastrófico salvo la retirada por contusiones de Ortelli. Después de Mozzate se sitúa en cabeza un grupo de cuatro corredores encabezado por Bertocchi pero la tentativa es anulada en Marcolina. En Brinzio se escapan Maggini, Geminiani y Busancano pero son cazados después de unos cientos de metros. Después una nueva fuga en Malnate, a unos noventa kilómetros de la salida con Nannini y Crocitorti que prueban a sacar ventaja inútilmente. Todavía es mas desafortunada la salida de Martini, junto con Barducci a lo largo de la ondulada línea que enlaza Como con Erba, pues tiene que abandonar por avería mecánica. El pelotón continúa navegando compacto y deberá ser

BIG Review 2006 el ascenso del Ghisallo el que deba poner en evidencia la calidad de los participantes. Aun prueba Fornara con una fuga atrevida pero que aborta el grupo poco después. El francés Pierre Molineris del equipo Bottecchia lanza la carrera desde la escalada del Ghisallo. De la misma Coppi, que ha sufrido un pinchazo en Lenno y se ha reincorporado al grupo con rapidez, reacciona y se coloca a su rueda. A media subida el francés mantiene aun la cabeza precediendo a Coppi de dos largos pero en la cima, es el campeón de Italia el que pasa en cabeza, en tanto que Molineris sufre una caída en el descenso sobre un tramo empedrado, en Barni. Fausto tiene entonces la carrera ganada. En ese momento tiene 20” sobre el francés Baratin, 50” sobre Fornara, 1’14” sobre Albani , 1’22” sobre Kubler y 1’30” sobre Magni. Es un Coppi eficaz pero no mítico. Evidentemente su forma no es la mejor y el cansancio de una temporada rica en laureles se va haciendo sentir. Aun así los doscientos metros de ventaja se convierten en tres minutos sobre la llegada del Vigorelli de Milán. El accidentado Molineris es absorbido por un grupo de once corredores. A la media de 38,002 kilómetros a la hora Fausto establece un nuevo récord de la prueba y deja al segundo, el suizo Ferdi Kubler a 2’52”.

En el año 1950, Fausto, tras una temporada brillantemente iniciada y cortada de raíz por un desgraciado accidente en el Giro de Italia, cifra sus esperanzas en el Giro de Lombardía, en el que con un día gris otoñal toman la salida 155 corredores. Fausto espera al Col del Ghisallo y aborda las primeras rampas en cabeza. Detrás suyo el pelotón se estira. Fausto realiza la ascensión sin volver la cabeza y acelerando. Ha reencontrado toda su fuerza, su aéreo golpe de pedal?. Parece que así es . Curva a curva, Molineris, Cerami, Kubler, Magni, Antonin Rolland, Baratin y Dotto van a quedar descolgados. Se acerca a la cima

y Coppi no tiene a rueda más que a un solo hombre : Renzo Soldani, un joven independiente de 25 años, originario de la provincia de Florencia. Fausto demárra de nuevo, pero Soldani vuelve a alcanzar su rueda sin impedirle no obstante cruzar en cabeza por la cima. Desde este momento, Fausto invita, sin éxito, a Soldani a pasar a dar relevos. Su ventaja alcanza los dos minutos pero, por detrás, la caza es severa y los dos hombres de cabeza encuentran a su paso cuatro pasos a nivel cerrados. Bevilacqua se muestra particularmente ofensivo por detrás, y la diferencia entre los dos escapados y el grupo de perseguidores se reduce. La unión se realiza a las puertas de Milán con Bevilacqua y Zampini. Soldani no ha relevado en ningún momento y en el sprint, cuando Coppi ataca, es estorbado por Conte que entra en la pista en ese mismo momento. Soldani triunfa aguantando el acelerón de Bevilacqua. Fausto se clasifica tercero. El año 1951 es el del accidente mortal de Serse Coppi, el hermano del “ Campionissimo” que hunde a este en un abismo del que a duras penas logra sobrevivir. Pero al final de la temporada Fausto parece por fin preparado para la prueba de clausura, el Giro de Lombardía.

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BIG Review 2006 En esta última clásica, bajo un cielo gris y nuboso, Fausto no duda en jugar uno de los primeros papeles y realizar el principal trabajo. Toman la salida en Milán 139 corredores. Animoso, inicia deliberadamente una escapada al comienzo de la carrera, alcanzando al holandés Wim Van Est. Esta escapada, a punto de extinguirse, anima a un contraataque en el kilómetro 40 para alcanzar a Pinarello, solo en cabeza. En el kilómetro 60, antes del col de Brinzio, Fausto intenta de nuevo la fuga pero la caza llevada a cabo por Bobet y una cierta indisciplina de los coches seguidores, llevará esta nueva tentativa al fracaso. Bobet en el ascenso al Ghisallo vigila la rueda de Coppi. En este ascenso salta Kubler en las primeras curvas ante una lluvia de vivas a Coppi e insultos al francés. Cuando Kubler se aparta para ceder el relevo a Bobet, el campeón de Francia, al borde de la extenuación, encuentra todavía fuerzas para mantener el ritmo de la ofensiva. Por su parte Coppi se agota empleando un desarrollo excesivo. A un kilómetro del alto cede Kubler, y por el alto coronan en solitario Coppi, Bobet y el joven italiano Minardi. Bobet se anima pues Kubler ha cedido y Coppi no tiene la facilidad soberana de otros momentos. Por delante de este trío aun quedan corredores escapados,

aunque después de esta escalada record, el grupo de atacantes y perseguidores se fusiona para formar con siete corredores la cabeza de la carrera. A esta punta se añadirá desde atrás Pasquale Fornara. Hacia el final, cuando un grupo se forma con Bobet, Coppi y Soldani, es Fausto quien mejor mantiene el ritmo de la lucha donde su grupo resiste al intento de fusión de Magni, Kubler, Bartali y Martini. En el grupo, Bobet no ve clara su situación ya que es un único francés frente a siete italianos. Su vigilancia se ve recompensada a algunos kilómetros de la llegada, cuando sorprende un cambio de intenciones entre Minardi y Soldani, ambos del mismo equipo, en el que Soldani solicita a su compañero que le lance el sprint. A partir de este momento solo tiene que vigilar la rueda de Soldani. En la pista del Vigorelli, Bobet entra en tercera posición a rueda de Soldani. En la entrada del último viraje, Coppi, en cuarta posición, ataca a Bobet, cogido por sorpresa, pero este se rehace de inmediato. A la salida del viraje, Bobet, Coppi y Minardi están casi emparejados, con ligera ventaja para Fausto. Pero el francés insiste y logra finalmente la victoria por delante

de los dos italianos. Ferdi Kubler 11º de la prueba a 2’31” es descalificado por reparación irregular durante la carrera. En el año 1952, el de su segundo doblete Giro-Tour, es víctima de una nueva caída y fractura en un velódromo y a duras penas logra recuperarse en el resto de la temporada por lo que no puede hacer frente a la nueva ola del ciclismo italiano que domina el desarrollo de la prueba. En el año 1954, Coppi, en un estado de euforia por su prevista nueva paternidad toma la salida del Giro de Lombardía. Acaba de cumplir los 35 años. Pero si ya no se encuentra en la primera juventud, si tiene un sentido consumado de la experiencia. Y la va a hacer valer. Fausto da el mas hermoso desmentido a aquellos que ya la han “enterrado” aun cuando en aquella jornada falten Bobet y Koblet. Bajo una lluvia incesante, sobre estrechas carreteras en muy mal estado, Coppi controla la carrera permanentemente, dejando escapar a los que le parece, y esperando , sin impaciencia, la escalada al Ghisallo. Se le ve desencadenado en persecución de dos neoprofesionales, Aldo Moser y V.Chiarlone, a los que da caza y poco después descuelga. Quedan aún 51 kilómetros por recorrer hasta la llegada a Milán y Fausto es alcanzado, con la complicidad de los vehículos perseguidores, por un grupo de ocho hombres. Pero hace de ello una cuestión de honor y los derrota al sprint. Tras una edición, la de 1955, emocionante por la igualada pugna en la Challenge Colombo – Desgranges entre Ockers y Bobet, y resuelta en un embrollado sprint con victoria de Cleto Maule, viene el año 1956 en la que de nuevo el

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BIG Review 2006 ya viejo Fausto ve renacer sus esperanzas. Ataca en el Ghisallo y descuelga a todos sus adversarios, con excepción de Diego Ronchini que corre para su ex - firma, la “Bianchi”. En el pelotón, figuran otros “Bianchi”, entre ellos Anquetil y Darrigade, contratados por la marca italiana a petición de Fausto, al inicio de la temporada, para correr las pruebas italianas. Y pensar que esto lo había hecho, el bueno de Fausto, para tener en su equipo corredores con los que contrarrestar al piamontés Nino Defilippis! Franqueado el Ghisallo, Pinella de Grandi, antiguo mecánico de Fausto, convertido en director deportivo de la “Bianchi”, da la orden a Ronchini de no relevar a Coppi. Pero este último continua rodando con facilidad. Darrigade cruza por el Ghisallo a 1’30” Lo que tenía que ocurrir, ocurre a las puertas de Milán. El antiguo Campeón del Mundo es alcanzado por un grupo en el que se encuentran Darrigade, Van Looy, Debruyne, Poblet, Magni, Bobet…En el grupo hay muchos renombrados sprinters, lo que

concede muy pocas posibilidades al viejo campeón. Pero Coppi no se considera aún vencido. Sobre la pista del Vigorelli, ataca a quinientos metros de la llegada, pone a todos sus rivales frente al viento y a dos metros de la línea blanca, el público, en pie, ve a Coppi vencedor; pero de repente, Darrigade, surgiendo de la octava posición, le pasa in extremis: 1º Darrigade, 2º Coppi.

Sobre el césped Coppi llora amargamente. La tristeza de Pinella de Grandi es asimismo muy enorme. Él, que había sido el amigo y confidente de Fausto, acababa de condenarlo al ordenar a Ronchini no relevar. Coppi, derrotado por un “Bianchi”, es el colmo! « Esta decisión me ha costado mucho, suspiraba Pinella y estoy descorazonado. Una profunda amistad me une a Fausto, y él tiene todo mi aprecio como corredor y como persona. Yo se que él consumía hoy sus últimos cartuchos, pero se había convertido en un adversario y yo debía apoyar a Darrigade. » Con la desaparición de la primera línea de Bartali y Coppi, vienen unos años en los que el Ghisallo ya no sirve para desencadenar la batalla decisiva y se producen llegadas en pelotón, por lo que la Organización de la carrera da un giro decisivo al trazado añadiendo en el año 1960 el ascenso al temible “muro de Sormano” con rampas que alcanzan el 21%, algo jamas visto en una gran clásica. Al año siguiente además se finaliza la prueba en la cercana población de Como. En este año 1960 el escalador Imerio Masignan no logra descolgar en esta ascensión al belga Daems que vence en la prueba, pero al año siguiente el italiano es el único que logra superar montado en la bicicleta la tremenda rampa. A pesar de ello es alcanzado y supetrado por Vito Taccone, la “pulga de los Abruzzos”. En el año 62 al pie del Ghisallo un grupo de doce escapados inicia el ascenso con dos minutos de ventaja sobre los favoritos entre los que se cuentan Baldini, De Roo, Daems y Mastrotto. El alemán Wolfshohl va descolgando en la subida a sus compañerde fuga y corona el Ghisallo con una ligera ventaja sobre el italiano Livio Trape. Gracias a una confortable ventaja

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lograda en el descenso y al inicio del Sormano el alemán parece tener la carrera ganada, pero de repente en plena ascensión del “muro” sufre un tremendo desfallecimiento y cede cinco minutos al italiano Trape que en los últimos virajes, gracias a los ánimos del público y de abundantes empujones de los tifosi, toma el mando de la carrera. Por detrás De Roo, que no recibe el mismo trato de favor del público, y que además de dos pinchazos sufre varias caídas ante una muchedumbre indisciplinada, recupera terreno pues se encuentra en estado de gracia, y en el descenso y llaneo hacia Como alcanza al italiano y no tiene ninguna dificultad en superarle en la meta. Para la edición de 1963 el “muro de Sormano” considerado excesivamente duro, es sustituido por el Intelvi, pero la carrera conserva el Ghisallo. Para los años 70 entre Milan y Como, el trazado incluye el Sormano (738m), la Madonna del Ghisallo (754m), el Balisio, el Intelvi (740m), el Schignano (607m) y el San Fermo di Battaglia (397m), lo que hace que en el palmarés de la prueba figuren nombres ilustres como los de Merckx, Gimondi, De Vlaeminck, Moser, Baronchelli o Hinault En el año 1985 de nuevo se cambia el trazado final con regreso a Milán pero salvo los triunfos en solitario de Mottet o Rominger tras largas escapadas, el resultado se decide generalmente al sprint lo que hace perder interés a los espectadores. Para remediarlo, de nuevo en 1999 se regresa a un final mas accidentado, el que actualmente conocemos, con meta en Como a orillas del lago. Mario Ruiz Nota del autor : Muchas de estas informaciones sobre la historia del Ghisallo están basadas en los insuperables libros del gran investigador francés sobre el ciclismo Jean Paul Ollivier.

BIG Review 2006

Mon 50ème BIG de 2005

Par Olivier Dupeyroux Au fur et à mesure que la saison avançait, ce qui n'était au départ qu'un rêve hypothétique commençait à prendre forme : la quête d'un 50ème BIG au cours de la même année.

Il est vrai qu'un cycliste de bon niveau se mettant sérieusement à la tâche peut raisonnablement atteindre ce score dans la saison, ce qui est moins évident lorsqu'on monte comme moi à la moyenne stratosphérique de 8 km/h.

Dans ce dernier cas, le journaliste sportif passionné de cyclisme plaidera qu'à cette vitesse, il vaut mieux laisser tomber le vélo et le regarder à la télé. Le journaliste montagnard passionné de photo répondra qu'à cette vitesse, c'est bien plus agréable pour profiter du paysage et emmagasiner des souvenirs avec son appareil photo, pour avoir de quoi montrer pendant les soirées d'hiver. Les vacances estivales dans les Dolomites touchant à leur fin, mon compteur restait cependant bloqué à 49 réalisations. La plupart des grands cols du coin avaient été accrochés les jours précédents, y compris le Passo di Fedaïa au terme d'une haute lutte avec les éléments, qui ont pour l'occasion douché, lessivé et

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BIG Review 2006 essoré mes espoirs de remonter sur un vélo sec avant la fin des vacances. Une ultime matinée m'étant allouée pour tenter ma 50ème réussite, il fallait donc que l'ascension ne soit pas trop longue. Après examen du Passacol la veille, le choix s'est naturellement fixé sur le Torri del Vajolet qui, avec ses 6 kilomètres, semble sur le papier l'un des BIGs les plus "faciles" des Dolomites (mais un BIG peut-il être facile, surtout dans les Dolomites ?), et donc un choix idéal... Première mauvaise nouvelle en sortant du lit le matin : il pleut et le ciel est complètement bouché. Le Fedaïa se rappelle tristement à ma mémoire. Deuxième mauvaise nouvelle en regardant la carte : mais c'est où le Torri del Vajolet ??? Finalement, je décide tout de même de partir, en me disant que le temps de trouver, de garer la voiture et de sortir le vélo, peut-être la pluie aura-telle cessé ?? Beaucoup plus tard, la voiture est garée face au départ de l'ascension de ce qui est en réalité la montée au refuge Gardéccia. Il ne pleut plus, mais pour combien de temps ? Puisque je suis là, autant y aller, en me disant que chaque mètre parcouru avant que la pluie ne tombe sera toujours un mètre de plus parcouru au sec ! Le début de la montée ressemble beaucoup au départ du Pla d'Adet, mais en pire : la route est bien plus étroite, et le 1er kilomètre est à 12%. Un peu brutal comme mise en condition ! Très vite, mon vélo et moi sommes absorbés par un brouillard très épais, on n'y voit plus rien. La 1ère localité traversée ne ressemble pas au nom sur la carte, ça commence bien ! Je suis pris d'un doute sur le fait d'avoir pris le bon

chemin. Je décide de continuer en me disant que rien que la rampe du départ méritait qu'il s'agisse d'un BIG, je suis donc sûrement sur la bonne route ! A propos de route, bientôt il n'y en a plus, ou plutôt si, mais encore plus étroite. C'est une route privée, où les vélos peuvent passer. Un restaurant situé 1 km plus loin propose même de venir chercher les clients au parking à l'entrée de cette route privée, car ici, dans ce monde de privation, les véhicules particuliers sont également privés de passage, comme peut-être les enfants pas sages de dessert ? Après quelques kilomètres dans des pentes redevenues plus raisonnables, le refuge est bientôt en vue. Il reste à peu près 1 km, la pente devient diabolique – plus de 17% sur plusieurs hectomètres – la pluie est revenue et s'abat sur moi par cascades, tandis que mon développement minuscule me fait avancer à la vitesse d'une tortue. Mais pour ma 50ème ascension, je peux bien me mouiller un peu ! J'arrive finalement au sommet complètement gelé et sans avoir vu le paysage une seule

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fois. Juste le temps d'immortaliser ce souvenir par une photo, prise après avoir calé l'appareil photo sous la roue d'une jeep pour ne pas qu'il prenne trop l'eau. La descente aura été humide et lente pour cause de route très glissante, mais qu'importe, ça y est, j'ai réussi ! Le 50ème BIG est dans la poche et je ne le lâcherai pas ! Tout est trempé, les freins sont morts, les pneus fatigués, mais ce n'est pas grave, les vacances auront été couronnées de succès !

BIG Review 2006

A tour to Galyatetö (BIG No. 851) By György Domonkos It was a nice sunny day of late October when I decided to take a tour to Galyatetö, which is one of my favourite tour route destinations. Galyatetö is the second highest peak in Hungary. I didn’t want to cycle on the roads only so I rode my mountain bike that has a suspension fork. This tour there and back is about 80 kms, it goes partly on main roads and partly on unpaved roads. First I had to go past the outskirts of the town by cycling about 5kms along Sugar street until reaching the beginning of the dirt road, which is in line with the Salgötarján-Hatvan railway line. This road is like a roller coaster ride until we get to Vizslás-Újlak. From here I went along the railway towards the storage lake and I rode up the embankment of the lake. The time then was only 8.30 am and it was quite cold but sunny. Looking up at the top of the mountain ahead I could already see the tower near Galyteto, which was the goal of this tour.

Soon I left the embankment and arrived at Kisterenye. I crossed the road No.23 and rode along the Tarján stream towards Nagybátony. Bátonyterenye is a small town that has two parts, one part is called Kisterenye and the other part is called Nagybátony. I took a left turn in Nagybátony when I got to the street near the railway station and kept on cycling towards Szorospatak. I left the town and arrived at Alsö-Katalin. This place used to be a busy miner district a long time ago, but nowadays

only a few families live there. This place is about 22 kms from my home and it took me 40 minutes to get there. At this point I had to turn right and start climbing the road, which is variable from now on, partly made of paving stones or concrete and partly made of asphalt. The route goes through the forest, but at one place the trees are chopped down so I could have a look at the distant hills and the town of Bátonyterenye. The wiew was beautiful and I took a few photoes. After leaving a forester’s lodge the road became easier to ride. The way up the hill there is wonderful, there are no cars or other people around only woods, and silence, there is nobody else but me and the nature. I could cycle fast enough, because the way didn’t climb and I soon got to a crossing of two routes. That’s where I turned right and in no time I reached the Bec-kút. The other one leads to Szorospatak. Beckút is a natural spring where water-bottles can be refilled with fresh water. I had a little rest here, ate a bar of chocolate and drank some water. After the short rest I went on towards

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Mátralamás, but I didn’t have to go as far as Mátralamás, because I had to turn right before that near the forester’s lodge of Dorogháza to a real forest path. I went pass the Tajti spring, but not being thirsty I didn’t stop there. While I was riding I heard the noise of the power saw once. I soon reached the workplace, where the woodmen was cutting the woods. I walked through it and got on my bike back again. When I arrived at a

sign of nature conservation area I turned left towards Mátraszentlászlö. This point is 35 kms far from my home. When I left Mátraszentlászlö, I came across the road between Pásztö and Galyatetö. I decided to go to Galyatetö on the main road, though there are other paths to Galyatetö in the forest. I soon got to the Hotel of Galyatetö and I walked up to the top of the hill to the lookout tower.

About the author: My name is György Domonkos and I will be 50 years old next month. My first name means George in English. I am an architect, but I have worked like a civil servant in a government office for 18 years. I living in Salgötarján, that is the county town of Nögrád County. Near Salgötarján there are a lot of mountains, so I like climbing to the hills by cycle. My favourite sports is the cycling, I like cross country, marathon and cycling on the roads too. I have two mountain bikes, I have one for the cross country and I use other one on the roads. I belong to the Mountain Bike Club of Salgötarján that is a local amateur bike club. The Kékes peak is in the Mátra hill, what there isn’t so far Salgötarján. This peak is the highest point in Hungary (1014 metres). I climb 3-4 times the Kékes peak (BIG No. 852) every year, and these tours are good training for me. I heard of the BIG from my college, Gábor Kreicsi, who is a member of BIG too.

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I took a little rest and I got on my bike again. I took the main road again towards Gyöngyös, but in a few kms I had to turn left at the parking spot of „Szépkilátás”. This place is famous for its beautiful wiew, as its name means „fine wiew” in English. I stopped here and I took a few pictures, then I went on a forest road towards Mátraalmás. From Mátraalmás until Kisterenye I rode on the main road and at the centre of Kisterenye I turned right. That’s where I arrived at the road No.23 in the morning. Now I only had to cycle about 9 kms to my home. I stopped for a few minutes at the storage lake and I looked back at the Mátra hills. I took photoes and I went on again. I arrived home half an hour later. The length of my tour was 83 kms and it took four and a half hours. I felt a healthy tiredness, so I enjoyed my dinner and a half pint of cold beer.

BIG Review 2006

6 beautés alpestres

Les BIGs Slovènes Daniel Gobert Seule nation issue de l’ancienne Yougoslavie appartenant à l’Europe des 25, la Slovénie est un petit pays enclavé entre l’Autriche au nord, l’Italie et l’Adriatique à l’ouest, la Hongrie à l’est et la Croatie au sud. Tous les BIGs sont disséminés tout le long du nord du pays juste au sud de la

frontière autrichienne, soit dans les alpes Juliennes, soit dans les alpes Savines. Tout le pays a un grand avantage pour le cyclo : une plaque routière est présente avec le kilométrage indiqué tous les 500 mètres. Nr 876. Vrsic Le col alpin slovène le plus connu aux virages pavés

Le versant nord quitte le joyau touristique qu’est la ville de Kranjska Gora, pour longer longuement le paradis des pêcheurs et des randonneurs, avant de s’envoler à travers de nombreux virages pavés vers les 1611 mètres d’altitude du col slovène le plus connu des Alpes Juliennes. Ce col « odprt » (ouvert) comme le signale la photo a toutes les caractéristiques d’un grand col de moyenne montagne avec rivières attenantes, virages serrés, monuments militaires, paysages grandioses : rien ne manque. Nr 877. Rogla La station thermale et de ski des randonnées de montagne Le versant nord est « très » muletier et mieux vaut vraiment affronter cette belle ascension par le sud en quittant la nationale Maribor-Ljubljana à la station thermale de Terme Zre_e. La photo vous montre la dernière ligne droite avec à gauche dans les arbres l’agréable taverne sommitale qui domine les innombrables sentiers de promenade et la station d’hiver. Cette ligne droite se trouve au bout de 18km500 d’ascension. Une première rampe d’un kilomètre vous fait entrer dans le centre de Terme Zre_e. Ce village vous offre un long replat de près de 2km et ce n’est qu’à la sortie de Lo_ka Gora qu’on retrouve une rampe très raide avoisinant les 10%. Le village de Boharina, sis au

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km7, vous présente à sa gauche une vue splendide sur les alpages environnants. De même lors de la traversée du hameau de Ramdak, deux bornes plus loin avec en sus une pente très abrupte. Sa sortie vous offre un nouveau replat bienfaiteur ainsi même qu’une courte descente. Vous traversez deux carrefours dans lesquels vous ne changez pas de direction. Près du hameau de Kraj_eva, un très joli défilé à travers la forêt se présente sous forme de dix légers tournants successifs au km14. Montée régulière ensuite et c’est au km17, que vous virez enfin à droite en épingle à cheveux vers la station de Rogla. La dernière ligne droite susmentionnée marque un dernier redressement du pourcentage à partir d’une ligne blanche marquée sur le sol. Nr 878. Mariborsko Pohorje Une route traditionnelle vise la station de Maribor Le versant « est » doit être le versant le plus parcouru en direction de cette station très

de Kapla qui arrivent sous nos roues. Des barrières de montagne longent la route, la pente est régulière aux alentours de 5-6%. Au Slivinsko Pohorje, un hôtel gît au milieu d’une courbe à gauche, avant qu’un large et très long virage à 270° (sic ! vous emmène vers de longues lignes droites et enfin, au carrefour vers Areh. Ne prenez pas à gauche vers ce village mais à droite vers l’hôtel BelleVue et Bolfenk. A 1078m d’altitude, le sommet est atteint sur une ligne blanche d’arrivée qui fait face à un building aux appartements de vacanciers. Ce lieu est appelé le Zeleznotarski Dom. Une montagne russe suit cette ligne jusqu’à l’hôtel « Belle-Vue » et l’antenne de Bolfenk. L’endroit est bouchonné de machines en tous genres d’entreprises de construction. Dans un avenir proche, des

bourgeoise dominant la deuxième ville slovène en importance, Maribor. Le pied se situe à Spodnje Ho_e. Jusqu’à la sortie de Zgornje Ho_e, le pourcentage est très réduit (1-2%). Aux habitations de Pivoler, une première large épingle à gauche s’envole. Après l’épingle de Polana, au km 5, on distingue l’antenne du sommet à atteindre sur la droite en haut dans le ciel et on a une jolie vue en face sur les lacets

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routes latérales mèneront sûrement plus haut, vers les nouveaux étages de cette station d’hiver. Nr 879. Crnivec Un col longitudinal bien aimé des courses cyclistes Ce col est en effet fort prisé par les deux versants. Voici la description de son versant oriental. Depuis le carrefour de la nationale, et après un premier raidillon dans le premier village de ,les 9

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premiers kilomètres alternent les montées et les descentes en forêt. Le village suivant à peine traversé, la route présente des pourcentages sévères à sa sortie et une pente abrupte accapare le grimpeur à nouveau au milieu du village suivant. Le

paysage s’ouvre et durant 3km, ce sont deux beaux et longs lacets qui agrémentent l’ascension. N’hésitez pas à jeter un œil à l’arrière, pour découvrir un très large panaorama surprenant à cette altitude encore modeste

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néanmoins. La partie de manivelle arrive en fin d’ascension avec un dernier kilomètre et demie à 8-9% très solides en légères courbes successives. Le sommet n’a aucune indication sur la route mais une maison jaune à

BIG Review 2006 restaurant et porte l’inscription « _rnivec » . Le versant occidental est plus court et plus régulier avec un plus grand nombre de lacets. Nr 880. Mangrtsko Sedlo La plus haute route revêtue de Slovénie Ce cul-de-sac issu des contreforts du col de Predil entre la frontière italienne et le Vr_i_ n’est ni plus ni moins que la plus haute route revêtue du pays. Elle offre des paysages grandioses à ceux qui osent s’y aventurer. Quelques tunnels émaillent l’ascension et quelques passages sont moins bien revêtus mais le tout est accessible en vélo de route, sauf le tout dernier hectomètre. Nr 881. Pavlicevo Sedlo Les pourcentages les plus costauds Ce col frontalier avec l’Autriche a certes un versant slovène qui vaut son pesant de cacahuètes mais a surtout un versant autrichien aux pourcentages angliresques et balmbergiens. Celui qui passe un jour par là s’en souvient. Comme celui qui passe un jour en Slovénie s’en souvient aussi. C’est donc une belle manière de terminer la série slovène que de s’accrocher aux pentes folles du Paulitsch Sattel, appelé Pavli_evo Sedlo chez les slaves. Hvala, Slovenija !

gauche fait office de café-

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