Preparation Timeline - Business Action for Sustainable Development

Jan 15, 2002 - Informal thematic dialogues planned. Bureau Meetings. WSSD Bureau Brainstorming - NY, 16-. 17. WSSD Bureau Meeting (6th) - NY, 27th.
129KB taille 13 téléchargements 411 vues January 2002 Inter-governmental meetings International

PrepCom 2 – New York, 28 – Feb 8

Multi Stakeholder Dialogues

PrepCom 2 - New York, 29-31

Bureau Meetings

WSSD Bureau Brainstorming - NY, 1617 th th WSSD Bureau Meeting (6 ) - NY, 27

Eminent Persons Roundtables Thematic Experts Roundtables Other government and UN sponsored events

BASD events WBCSD events

Global Compact Advisory Council - NY, th 8 Final PrepCom of International Conference on Financing for Development – New York, Jan 14-25 Global meeting on Health & SD (WHO) Jo'burg, 23-25

ICC events

Facts & Trends for business by WBCSD, WRI and UNEP th ICC Bus. Perspectives WP - Paris, 10 th ICC Sust. Dev. WP - London, 11 th ICC Biosociety WP - Paris, 18

Other related events

BIAC Biotech. TF - Paris, 17


February 2002

March 2002

April 2002

PrepCom 2 – New York, Jan 28 – Feb 8 Synthesis of regional process, stakeholder dialogues and thematic roundtables Produces draft Review Document for PrepCom 3

PrepCom 3 – New York, Mar 25 – April 5 Negotiation and agreement of the Review Document and future work program of CSD

International Conference on Financing for Development – Monterrey, Mar 18-22

Informal thematic dialogues planned

UN Commission on Social Development - NY, 12-21 UNEP Governing Council: Global Ministerial Environmental Forum Cartagena, 12-18 Global Compact sustainability dialogues - NY, 26-27

Global Roundtable for Finance Initiatives (UNEP) - Rio de Janerio, 13-15 Arab Summit, progress for WSSD th Beirut, 4 Biotech & SD Alexandria, 16-20 Int'l Conf on Financing for Development – Monterrey, 18-22


New and Emerging Technologies & SD - Beijing, 1517 UNEP Cleaner Production Prague, 28-3 May

Liaison Delegates Meeting – Stockholm, 9-11

ICC Clim Chnge WP -NY, 20 st ICC Enrgy Commission - NY, 21 nd ICC Env. Commission - NY, 22 FICCI-TERI Global 'Green2002' - Delhi, 6-7 TERI – Delhi Sustainable Development Summit – Delhi, Feb. 9-11 Local Government International PrepCom (ICLEI) - Vancouver, 20-22

Int'l Local Agenda 21 Conference Australia, 3-6 African Youth Summit for WSSD Dakar, 4-8 Globe 2002 – Vancouver, 13-15 Global Youth Forum – Copenhagen, 2231

Preparation Timeline Johannesburg 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development

Conf on Biological Diversity The Hague, 8-26

1 15 January 2002 May 2002 Inter-governmental meetings International

Multi Stakeholder Dialogues

Eminent Persons Roundtables Thematic Experts Roundtables Other government and UN sponsored events

June 2002 th

PrepCom 4 – Jakarta, 27 - Jun 7 Ministerial level. Produces a concise document for Summit approval

July 2002 th

PrepCom 4 – Jakarta, May 27 - 7 Ministerial level. Produces a concise document for Summit World Civil Society Forum - Geneva

Two-day dialogue segment during PrepCom 4 NGO/Peoples Forum (Parallel to PrepCom IV)

4th UNEP International Children’s Conference on Environment – Victoria, May 22-24 Basel Convention - Geneva,

African Union General Assembly, Inaugural session - Durban Global Compact sustainability dialogues Paris, 17-18

Summit, Johannesburg, 26 Aug. 4 Sept.* nd th Heads of State meet from 2 to 4 Adopts final documents Announces various commitments nd rd High level dialogue on 2 and 3

SD & HIV/AIDS: Africa (UNDP) - TBA


BASD events WBCSD events ICC events

BASD Business Day - 1 Sept.*

Globe parliamentary second Prep Conf. – Cape Town Global Mining Initiative Conf. Toronto, 12-15 CEO Forum on Sust. Bus. - San Francisco 20-21 * Dates are still subject to confirmation.

Other related events

August 2002

World Environment Day, 5th World Food Summit (Rome +5) - Rome, 10-13 Sustainability Conf. Board - New York, 26

Preparation Timeline Johannesburg 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development

2 15 January 2002