"predatory" publishers and journals?

Il y a 4 jours - Predatory conferences or predatory meetings are meetings set up to appear .... access journal - everyone can read published research for free.
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Plan de la présentation • Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur • Impacts sur les chercheurs et l’univers académique • Mutations et dangers • La science contaminée? • Outils et moyens de lutte

Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur - 1 Dear Dr XXX XXXX, This is XXXXXXXX, an international journal published across the United States in New York, USA. […] We have learned your paper “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx” at XXXXXXXXX Biannual Meeting 2018. We are very interested in your paper and also would like to publish some unpublished papers from you in our journal. […] Peer Review Policy All papers are reviewed anonymously by at least two outside reviewers. The review process usually takes two to three weeks. […]

Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur - 2 • « Publish or Perish » • Maximisation des profits = maximum d’articles publiés • Maximisation des profits = maximum de titres pour capturer le maximum d’articles à publier … • Corruption du modèle auteur payeur

Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur - 3 «Predators can have a strong

influence not only on their prey but also on one another, with cascading effects on many species and ecosystem processes » (Glen & Dickman, 2014)

Yersinia pestis

Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur - 4 Predatory open-access publishing is an exploitative open-access academic publishing business model that involves charging publication fees to authors without providing the editorial and publishing services associated with legitimate journals (open access or not). Wikipedia, Predatory open access publishing, 13 avril 2018

Qu’est ce qu’un éditeur prédateur - 5 1. Revue en libre accès 2. Paiement requis pour être publié 3. Taux d’acceptation très élevé 4. Révision par les pairs inexistante 5. Absent (ou presque) des indicateurs de qualité de revues reconnus

Impacts sur les chercheurs et l’univers académique - 1 Globalement : • Gaspillage de fonds publics • Dilution de la qualité de la science • Porte ouverte aux lobbys et autres mal intentionnés • Entache la réputation du libre accès

Impacts sur les chercheurs et l’univers académique - 2

En tant qu’auteur : • Réputation et évaluation à risque • Paiement pour un service non rendu • Démarche scientifique non mise à l’épreuve

Mutations et dangers - 1 • Multiformes: revues, congrès, indices de qualité, etc. • Rachat de revues légitimes (Spears, 2014) • Atrophie de la base d’auteurs de petites revues légitimes • Et même vol d’identité pur et dur…

Mutations et dangers - 4 Et les Congrès prédateurs? Souvent les mêmes entreprises douteuses qui les utilisent comme sources d’articles Predatory conferences or predatory meetings are meetings set up to appear as legitimate scientific conferences but which are exploitative as they do not provide proper editorial control over presentations, and advertising can include claims of involvement of prominent academics who are, in fact, uninvolved. (Wikipedia, Predatory conference, 11 novembre 2018)

Dear Dr. X. XXXXXXX, Greetings! On behalf of Conference secretary, I would like to invite you to the 3rd International Conference on Power and Energy Engineering to speak on on-going research. The conference will be held on June 18-19, 2018 in the beautiful Rome, “The Eternal City", Italy, and given your expertise in this subject, we hope that you will be able to join us as a speaker for the event. Our organization would be happy to cover the partial costs associated with your registration and stay during the meeting. Conference topics includes Power System, Power Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power and Energy Market, Battery Technologies, Fuel Cell and Combustion Technologies, Smart Grid Technologies, Alternative Energy Technologies, Energy Storage, Sustainable Energy Technologies, Solar Power, Wind Energy, Energy Economics and Policy, Bio Energy, Hydropower Technology, Green Energy, Photovoltaic System, Energy Materials, Electromagnetism, Clean Energy, Nuclear Energy and many other interrelated disciplines. For more details on conference topics and abstract submission: https://goo.gl/ytSlRX. Please inform us your availability and we anticipate your gracious presence at our event. Kindly revert for further assistance. With Regards, Ansh Baus Senior Program Director | Power Engineering 2018 Kemp House, 152 City Road London EC1V 2NX

Predatory publishers: the journals that churn out fake science More than 175,000 scientific articles have been produced by five of the largest “predatory open-access publishers”, including India-based Omics publishing group and the Turkish World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, or Waset. But the vast majority of those articles skip almost all of the traditional checks and balances of scientific publishing, from peer review to an editorial board. Instead, most journals run by those companies will publish anything submitted to them – provided the required fee is paid. […] That is the problem with the predatory publishers in the end: eroding trust in science. A slowly creeping poison. Something might look like a study, but is not worth the paper where it is written on.

La science contaminée? - 1 L’évaluation de la science par des indicateurs bibliométrique est-il à risque?

Source: Savina & Sterligov, 2016, cités par Le Monde

La science contaminée? - 2 Critères de Jeffrey Beall 5 catégories : • Editor and staff • Business management • Intregrity • Other • Poor journal standards/practices https://web.archive.org/web/20160929214648/https://scholarlyoa.files.wordpress.com /2015/01/criteria-2015.pdf

La science contaminée? - 3 Bagues et al (2018) • Liste de Beall en janvier 2017: 1294 revues « solos » et 1155 éditeurs (6 à 10x plus qu’en 2012…) • 7210 revues considérées dans l’étude • 284 revues présentes dans Scopus (4%) • 14 dans Web of science • Seulement 38% des revues de Beall atteignent 5 citations en 5 ans dans GoogleScholar même avec autocitations

La science contaminée? - 4 Bagues et al (2018) • 5% des chercheurs académiques italiens ont publié dans une revue prédatrice (2300 sur 46000) • Chercheurs plus jeunes, plus prolifiques mais ayant moins publiés dans des revues réputée • Tendance à provenir de départements avec une qualité de recherche inférieure • Évaluation des dossiers par des pairs avec moins de publications de qualité plus poreuse aux prédateurs

La science contaminée? - 5

La science contaminée? - 6 Bagues et al (2018)

La science contaminée? - 7 • 10% of predatory journals in three important subdisciplines are indexed in PubMed (Manca et al, 2016) - 12% for rehabilitation - 11.4% for neurosciences - 20.2% for neurology

• 420 000 articles de revues prédatrices en 2014 (Shen & Brörk, 2015) • Asie, Moyen Orient et Afrique = 75% des auteurs (Shen & Brörk, 2015)

(Pause) Sur les métriques bibliométriques • Facteur d’impact • Eigenfaktor • Article influence • H-index (ou indice-h) • Altmetrics • PlumX • Etc.

La science contaminée? - 8 Xia & Smith (2018) • 37 facteurs d'impact de journal alternatifs…!!! (Beall = 36) • 50% sans origine géographique connue / 9 en Inde… • Noms souvent trompeurs:

- Global Institute for Scientific Information - International Journal Impact Factor - Scientific Journal Impact Factor

• Conclusion: les valeurs calculées ne sont pas fiables (critères subjectifs ou non pertinents = résultats non reproductibles)

La science contaminée? - 9 Dear XXXXXXX, Thank you for considering Journal of XXXXXXXXXX for your manuscript submission. After carefully examining your manuscript, I am sorry to inform you that it cannot be further considered for publication in XXXXXXX. Please note that Crosscheck showed significant overlap with the existing literature and internet resources. Heliyon is Elsevier's new open access journal publishing primary research papers across all scientific disciplines. Heliyon does not judge the advance or perceived impact of research; any manuscript that is technically sound and follows established ethical guidelines will find a home in this journal. Heliyon is an open access journal - everyone can read published research for free. To support publication in Heliyon, an article publishing charge (APC) of $1250, plus VAT or local taxes where applicable, needs to be covered by the author. To learn more about the journal, please visit http://www.heliyon.com/. If you are interested in having your manuscript transferred to Heliyon, please forward this email to [email protected]. This option does not constitute a guarantee that your paper will be published in Heliyon, but it is our hope that this arrangement will help expedite the process for your paper. Sincerely, Berrin Tansel, PhD Editor Journal of XXXXXXX

Outils et moyens de défense - 1 • Think.Check.Submit : https://thinkchecksubmit.org/ • Think.Check.Attend : https://thinkcheckattend.org/ • Cabell’s Blacklist (sur abonnement) : http://www.cabells.com/ - pour reprendre le travail de Jeff Beall abandonné en janvier 2017

• Beall’s List of Predatory Journals and Publishers : https://beallslist.weebly.com/ • Directory of Open Access Journals: https://doaj.org/ (oui mais…) • Actions concertées à venir? Antonio Ferrer, 2017, Knight Mouse. Reproduction autorisée par l’artiste

Outils et moyens de défense - 4 What is DOAJ's policy on "predatory" publishers and journals? DOAJ prefers to use the term 'questionable' instead of predatory. We do not believe in black lists and we do not discuss details of individual publishers or journals with the public, whether they are in DOAJ or not. We will provide advice, when asked, on improvements a journal can make to meet our own high standards We believe that, when confronted with a possible questionable journal, it is our duty to review it as objectively as possible. That is why every single application is reviewed by up to 4 different individuals. Difficult cases are discussed at team meetings. In general, we communicate extensively with applicants to pin down the facts of their application and be certain of the all-important details. We operate under a disclaimer that allows us to remove journals from DOAJ without warning. It is important to remember that questionable publishing practices are not restricted to open access publishing alone but, sadly, are seen throughout academic publishing. If you believe that you have found a questionable journal in DOAJ, please contact us: feedback[at]doaj[.]org. All information shared with DOAJ is done so in the strictest confidence, is anonymous and is never published. https://doaj.org/faq#predatory

Outils et moyens de défense - 5 Principes du Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) selon Frandsen (2017) : • JoTT déconseille les citations à des articles de revues de la liste de Beall ou qui rencontrent les même critères. • Si l’auteur doit absolument citer ces sources, il doit ajouter dans le texte « published in a predatory journal »

Bibliographie / webographie •

Bagues M, Sylos-Labini M & Zinovyeva N (2018) A walk on the wild side: ‘Predatory’ journals and information asymmetries in scientific evaluations. Research Policy doi: 10.1016/j.respol.2018.04.013

Beall J (2015) Criteria for Determining Predatory Open-Access Publishers. [via Webarchive, 13 nov 2018]

Foucart S et Larousserie D (20 juillet 2018) Alerte au business de la fausse science. Le Monde, Paris.

Frandsen TF (2017) Are predatory journals undermining the credibility of science? A bibliometric analysis of citers. Scientometrics 113(3):1513-1528. doi: 10.1007/s11192-017-2520-x

Glen AL, Dickman CR (eds.)(2014) The importance of predators. Carnivores of Australia: Past, Present and Future, CSIRO Publishing, pp.1-12

Hern A & Duncan P (10 août 2018) Predatory publishers: the journals that churn out fake science. The Guardian. Londres.

Manca A, Moher D, Cugusi L, Dvir Z & Deriu F (2018) How predatory journals leak into PubMed. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = Journal de l'Association médicale canadienne 190(35):E1042-E1045. doi: 10.1503/cmaj.180154

Savina T & Sterligov I (2016) Potentially Predatory Journals in Scopus: Descriptive statistics and Country-level Dynamics. Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy 2016 (Copenhagen, November 2-4th, 2016)

Shen CY & Bjork BC (2015) 'Predatory' open access: a longitudinal study of article volumes and market characteristics. BMC Medecine 13. doi: 10.1186/s12916-015-0469-2

Spears, Tom (27 août 2014) Stopping predatory journals a tough and expensive proposition Ottawa Citizen

Xia J & Smith MP (2018) Alternative journal impact factors in open access publishing. Learned Publishing 31(4):403-411. doi: 10.1002/leap.1200

Sources des illustrations : Pixabay, Wikimedia Commons, Antonio Ferrer via artstation.com