plot(E2(x), x=-1..10)

plot(E1,x=3..4,y=-3.4..-2.8); ... p:=x->315*x^4-234*x^3-29*x^2+36*x-6: plot(p,-2..2); ... f:=x->exp(-x^2/2); fp:=diff(f(x),x); subs(x=0,fp); fs:=diff(f(x),x$2); solve(fs);.
152KB taille 13 téléchargements 762 vues
> E1:=7*sin(x)+sin(7*x): plot(E1,x=-1..10);

E2:= x->7*sin(x)+sin(7*x):

plot(E2(x), x=-1..10);

> f:=t->(t-1)^3+t/10000: plot(f(t),t=0..3);

> plot(f(a),a=5/10..15/10);

> plot(f,0..2);

> plot(E1,t=-1..10); Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct Error, empty plot > plot(E1,-1..10); Warning, unable to evaluate the function to numeric values in the region; see the plotting command's help page to ensure the calling sequence is correct Error, empty plot > plot(f,0.9..1.1,0..1/5000);

> plot(E1,x=3..4,y=-3.4..-2.8);

> f:=x->x^2 -3: plot(f(x),x=-4..4);

> p:=x->315*x^4-234*x^3-29*x^2+36*x-6: plot(p,-2..2);

> plot(p,-0.5..0.73);

> plot(p,-0.5..0.73,-2.3..-1.5);

> f:=x->piecewise(x=1,1+x): > plot(f,-1..2,0..3);

> plot(f,-1..2,0..3,discont=true);

> g:=x->if x f_1:=x->1/(x-1): plot(f_1,-2..2,-100..100,discont=true);

> f:=x->tan(x): plot(f(x),x=-2*Pi..2*Pi,y=-4..4,discont=true);

> f_2:=x-> if x>0 then 1+exp(-1/sqrt(x)) else 1 fi: plot(f_2,-100..5000,discont=true); plot(f_2,-1/10..1/10,discont=true);

> f:=piecewise(x=0,1+x^2): df:=diff(f,x): ddf:=diff(f,x,x): plot([f,df,ddf],x=-2..2,discont=true, color=[red,green, navy]);

> a:=plot(sqrt(x),x=-6..6,color=blue): b:=plot(ln(x),x=-7..7,color=red): c:=plot(arctan(x),x=-5..5,color=green): plots[display](a,b,c,view=[-4..4,-4..3],scaling=constrained);

> f:=p->2*arctan(p^2*x)/Pi: plot([seq(f(p),p=1..10)],x=-1..1,y=-1.2..1.2, color=blue);

> a:=plot(x^2-1,x=-6..6,color=blue): b:=plot(sin(x),x=-7..7,color=red): plots[display](a,b,view=[-4..4,-2..3],scaling=constrained);

> g:=n->exp(-(n*x)^2): plot([seq(g(n),n=1..10)],x=-2..2);

> h:=n->sum((-x^2)^k/(2*k)!,k=0..n): plot([cos(x),seq(h(n),n=1..7)], x=-4*Pi..4*Pi, y=-9..9,color=[black,navy,blue,green,yellow,coral,red]);

> f:=x->exp(-x^2/2); fp:=diff(f(x),x); subs(x=0,fp); fs:=diff(f(x),x$2); solve(fs); subs(x=1,fp); f(1); # tangente en x=1 est y=exp(-1/2)*(2-x) subs(x=-1,fp); f(-1); # tangente en x=1 est y=exp(-1/2)*(2+x) plot([f(x),1,exp(-1/2)*(2-x),exp(-1/2)*(2+x)],x=-3.5..3.5,y=-0.1..1.2,co lor=[navy,red,green,coral]); f := x ! e

" - 1 x 2$ # 2 % " - 1 x 2$ # 2 %

fp := -x e 0 " - 1 x 2$ # 2 % fs := -e


+x e 1, -1 " -1$ # 2%


" - 1 x 2$ # 2 %

" -1$ # 2% e " -1$ # 2% e " -1$ # 2% e
