Pick (1999) The recalibration of rotational locomotion
places in the world on the basis of their previous knowledge. (or short-term ..... Results. The average overshoot measures are presented in Table 1. (Experiment ...
plate such a project do not have any real idea of just how ..... slipstream when slowing the airplane with power on. .... they have hold of a tiger or a pussy cat.
model is readily refinable to a more anatomi- cally exact version by the methods of Bel- ..... tion of the retinal image of an object on this line even if the eyes were ...
quantitative tests of Amsel's and other's theories of instrumen- tal learning and ..... The retrospective curves fit the data quite well, accounting on the average for ...
Cambridge, MA 02139. Jack M. Loomis ... from a terminal location in the maze (from which the objects could no longer be seen). ..... mode), they were told that the guide object would never ... Figure 4 gives the mean ratings of motion sickness.
the literature--data from many rats, taken over the course of many trials. .... ing after they had traversed only one fifth of the alley. These interactions are ... To answer that question, we require data ..... Elements of the theory of Markov Pro-.
The role of locomotion in the acquisition and transfer of spatial knowledge was investigated in 144 five-, seven- and eleven-year-old children. Two experiments ...
Jun 13, 2004 - rily to audition, we asked them to make a fast button press at the onset ..... Lewald, J. & Guski, R. Auditory-visual temporal integration as a ... Foder, J.A. The Modularity of Mind (MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1983). 31.
In the Poggendorff illusion, there are two colinear segments abutting obliquely on ... that parallelism and colinearity detectors provide counteracting cues, the first class reducing .... arm (which they name transversal) and the parallels. ..... Thi
294. J. Pinto, M. ShiÃrar / Acta Psychologica 102 (1999) 293±318 ...... innateness: A connectionist perspective on development, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
with visual and auditory stimuli. Such illusory movement can be useful in displays to indicate real movement, or direction (see, eg, Alles 1970; Sparks et al 1978).
Reed C M, Rabinowitz W M, Durlach N I, Braida L D, Conway-Fithian S, Schultz M C, 1983. ``Research ... D J Murray (New York: Academic Press). Weinstein S ...
viewer infers the location of the center of projection, men- tally shifts herself to ... graduate students (nine male and three female) at the Univer- sity of Virginia ...
Of course the sug- gestion that selection-for-action is related to an object-level ...... 102, 519â530. 10 Chieffi, S. et al. (1993) Study of selective reaching and ...
ics). This graphics tool defines a linear perspective view with a specified field of view (60°), an aspect ..... server were within-observer variables, and type of.
scribed, anomalous occlusions occur when a more distant object overtakes a closer object in the direction of eye point movement. Clearly, such occlusions do ...
does not influence the correspondence and surface perception. This also ... motion such that the columns of red and black rectangles were seen to move to the right as shown ... One-way motion (as represented by arrows connect- .... of feedforward pro
structure from motion and surface-representation processes. ... results suggest that the higher, 3-D structure-recovery stage may influence the lower, 2-D motion-.
Aftereffect tuning functions were obtained whose bandwidths, magnitudes, and tuning ... eters were used to constrain the models tested in section 4. On the ..... On the other hand, if multiple tuned mechanisms underlie disparity representation, ... o
Adapt and test surfaces were placed on disparity pedestals and thus ... that disparity representation (0th, 1st, or 2nd order) is mediated by a two-channel. 1156.
ous updating of one's position and orientation using information about self- velocity and self-acceleration over time (Gallistel, 1990; Mittelstaedt & Mittel- staedt ...
(--2X,_, -x,-1 +x,+l + 2Xnfz)/ 1 Of is derived by fitting a quadratic equation to five points x,_* . . . x,+: measured at time intervals t and calculating the corresponding.