Peter van NUFFELEN - Caritaspatrum

621-640. 8 - “Dürre Wahrheiten. Zwei Quellen des Berichts von Socrates Scholasticus über die. Versorgungskrise in Antiochien 362/3”, Philologus 147 (2003), ...
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Peter van NUFFELEN Ouvrages, articles et communications A. Ouvrages 1 - Un héritage de paix et de piété. Étude sur les Histoires ecclésiastiques de Socrate et de Sozomène (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 142), Peeters, Leuven – Parijs – Dudley (Ma.), 2004, LXXX + 580 pp. 2 - Philosophical Readings of Religion in the Post-Hellenistic Period. Manuscript submitted to Cambridge University Press. 3 - A Cultural History of Late Antique Historiography. A proposal has been favourably received by Cambridge University Press. A contract is subject to the submission of some chapters. 4 - ed., Faces of Hellenism (Studia Hellenistica), Peeters, Leuven, 2009. 5 - with S. Mitchell, eds., Monotheism in Late Antiquity Between Christians and Pagans, Peeters, Leuven, 2009. 6 - with S. Mitchell, eds., Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire (1-4th cent. A.D), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2010. B – Articles. 1 - "Le culte des souverains hellénistiques, le gui de la religion grecque", Ancient Society 29 (19981999), pp. 175-189. 2 - "Les lettres festales d’Athanase d’Alexandrie : les “erreurs” chronologiques de l’index syriaque", Revue des Études augustiniennes 47 (2001), pp. 85-95. 3 - "Un culte royal municipal de Séleucie du Tigre à l’époque séleucide", Epigraphica Anatolica 33 (2001), pp. 85-87. 4 - "Deux fausses lettres de Julien l’Apostat (La lettre aux Juifs, Ep. 51 [Wright], et la lettre à Arsacius, Ep. 84" [Bidez]), Vigiliae Christianae 55 (2001), pp. 131-150. 5 - " La tête de l’“histoire acéphale”, Klio 84 (2002), pp. 125-140. 6 - "Zur Rezeption des Kaiserkultes in der Spätantike", Ancient Society 32 (2002), pp. 263-282. 7 - "Gélase de Césarée, un compilateur du cinquième siècle", Byzantinische Zeitschrift 95 (2002), pp. 621-640. 8 - “Dürre Wahrheiten. Zwei Quellen des Berichts von Socrates Scholasticus über die Versorgungskrise in Antiochien 362/3”, Philologus 147 (2003), pp. 352-356. 9 - "Socrate le Scholastique et les chroniques", Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Byzantinistik 54 (2004), pp. 53-75.

10 - “The unstained rule of Theodosius II : A late antique panegyrical topos and moral concern”, in T. Van Houdt e.a., eds., Imago Virtutis (Collection des Études classiques), Leuven, 2004, pp. 229-256. 11 - "Le culte royal de l’empire des Séleucides: une réinterprétation", Historia 53 (2004), pp. 278-301. 12 - “Sozomenus und Olympiodorus, oder wie man Profangeschichte lesen soll”, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 47 (2004), pp. 81-97. 13 - “Two fragments from the Apology for Origen in the Church History of Socrates Scholasticus”, Journal of Theological Studies 56 (2005), pp. 103-114. 14 - “Three historical problems in Athanasius’ Apologia Secunda”, Sacris Erudiri 44 (2005), pp. 93-115. 15 - "Le plus beau vêtement pour un empereur. L’amour des pauvres et panégyrique dans l’Antiquité tardive", in P.-G. Delage, ed., Les pères de l’Église et la voix des pauvres, La Rochelle, 2006, pp. 163-183. 16 - “Earthquakes in A.D. 363-368 and the date of Libanius, Oratio 18”, Classical Quarterly 56 (2006), pp. 657-661. 17 - “Sozomen’s chapter on the finding of the true cross (HE 2.1) and his historical method”, in F. Young e.a., eds., Studia Patristica 42, Leuven, 2006, pp. 265-271. 18 - “The Career of Cyril of Jerusalem: A Re-Assessment”, Journal of Theological Studies 58 (2007), pp.134-146. 18 - “The Late Antique State and “Mirror Rituals”. Procopius of Caesarea on Riots”, in D. Brodka e.a., eds., Continuity and Change: Late Antique Historiography between Order and Disorder (Electrum 13), Cracow, 2007, pp. 61-72. 19 - “Words of Truth. Mystical Silence as a Philosophical and Rhetorical Tool in Plutarch”, in Hermathena 182 (2007), pp. 9-39. 20 - “Chronica: Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire”, Adamantius 13 (2007), pp. 653-4. 21 - "Arius, Athanase et les autres: enjeux juridiques et politiques du retour d’exil" in P. Blaudeau – F. Prévot, eds., Exil et relégation, les tribulations du sage et du saint dans l'Antiquité romaine et chrétienne (IIe avt-VIe s. ap. J.-C.), Paris, 2008, pp.147-175. [sous presse] 22 - "Isolement et apocalypse: Philostorge sous Théodose II", in D. Meyer e.a., eds., Philostorge : actes du colloque tenu à Strasbourg juin 2006, Strasbourg, 2009, ca. 25 pp. 23 - “Eusebius of Caesarea and the concept of paganism”, in Late Antique Archaeology VII, 2008, ca. 20 pp. 24 - “The Hellenistic Historian and Royal Epithets”, in P. Van Nuffelen, ed., Faces of Hellenism, Leuven, 2009, ca. 15 pp. 25 - with S. Mitchell, “Introduction”, in P. Van Nuffelen - S. Mitchell, eds., Monotheism in Late Antiquity Between Christians and Pagans, 2009, ca. 10 pp.

26 - art. “Socrates”, “Sozomen”, “Theodoretus”, “Gelasius of Caesarea”, “Hesychius of Miletus” (FGrHist 390), in Encyclopaedia of Medieval Chronicles, Leiden, 2010, ca. 2 pp. 27 - “Varro’s Divine Antiquities: Roman Religion as an Image of Truth”, in Classical Philology 2010, ca. 35 pp. 28 - “Pagan Monotheism as a religious phenomenon”, in P. Van Nuffelen - S. Mitchell, eds., Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire (1-4th cent. A.D.), ca. 20 pp. 29 - with S. Mitchell, “Introduction”, in P. Van Nuffelen - S. Mitchell, eds., Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire (1-4th cent. A.D.), ca. 10 pp. [article à paraître] 30 - “Playing the ritual game in Constantinople under the Theodosian dynasty”, in L. Grig, G. Kelly (eds), Two Romes : from Rome to Constantinople, 2009, ca. 20 pp. 31 - “Tradition as universal historiography in Late Antiquity”, in P. Lidell, e.a. ed., Universal Historiography in Antiquity and Beyond, London : Duckworth, 2009, ca. 15 pp. 32 - “Persecution as a central category in Later Greek Historiography (3-7th c. A.D.)”, forthcoming in J. Leemans, ed., Persecution and Martyrdom in Late Antiquity (Bibliothecia Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium), Leuven, 2010, ca. 15 pp. 33 - “Social ethics and moral discourse(s) in Late Antiquity”, in B. Matz e.a. (eds), The Church Fathers and Catholic Social Thought, volume submitted to Catholic University of America Press, 2009, ca. 15 pp. 34 - art. “Cyril of Jerusalem”, in H.-J. Klauck e.a. (eds.), The Encyclopaedia of the Bible and its Reception, Berlin, ca. 2 pp. 35 - “Beyond Bureaucracy. Ritual Mediation in Late Antiquity”, in B. Schneidmüller (ed.), Rituals of Power and Consent, 2010, ca. 20 pp. 36 - “Episcopal Succession in sixth century Sicily”, in D. Engels (ed.), Zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit - Herrschaft auf Sizilien von der Antike bis zur Frühen Neuzeit, 2009, 13 pp.