OpenSim Offline IM - DigiGrids

Offline Instant Messaging v2 pour OpenSimulator v0.7.6 et supérieur. OpenSim.ini. [Messaging] ;# {OfflineMessageModule} {} {Module to use for offline message ...
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OpenSim Offline IM

Offline Instant Messaging v2 pour OpenSimulator v0.7.6 et supérieur.

OpenSim.ini [Messaging] ;# {OfflineMessageModule} {} {Module to use for offline message storage} {OfflineMessageModule "Offline Message Module V2" *} ;; Module to handle offline messaging. The core module requires an external ;; web service to do this. See OpenSim wiki. ; OfflineMessageModule = OfflineMessageModule ;; Or, alternatively, use this one, which works for both standalones and grids ; OfflineMessageModule = "Offline Message Module V2" ;# {OfflineMessageURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {URL of offline messaging service} {} ;; URL of web service for offline message storage. Leave it commented if your service is local to the sim. ; OfflineMessageURL = http://yourserver/Offline.php or http://yourrobustserver:8003 ;# {StorageProvider} {Offline Message Module V2:Offline Message Module V2} {DLL that provides the storage interface} {OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll} ;; For standalones, this is the storage dll. ; StorageProvider = OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll ;# {MuteListModule} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {} {} MuteListModule ;; Mute list handler (not yet implemented). MUST BE SET to allow offline ;; messages to work ; MuteListModule = MuteListModule ;# {MuteListURL} {OfflineMessageModule:OfflineMessageModule} {} {} http://yourserver/Mute.php ;; URL of the web service that serves mute lists. Not currently used, but ;; must be set to allow offline messaging to work. ; MuteListURL = http://yourserver/Mute.php ;; Control whether group messages are forwarded to offline users. ;; Default is true. ;; This applies to the core groups module (Flotsam) only. ; ForwardOfflineGroupMessages = true Robust.ini [ServiceList] ... initial INI stuff ;; Uncomment this if you want offline IM to work ; OfflineIMServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMServiceRobustConnector" ... more INI stuff deleted ... [Messaging] ; OfflineIM OfflineIMService = "OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMService" Robust.HG.ini [ServiceList] ... initial INI stuff ;; Uncomment this if you want offline IM to work ;OfflineIMServiceConnector = "8003/OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMServiceRobustConnector" ... more INI stuff deleted ... [Messaging] ; OfflineIM OfflineIMService = "OpenSim.Addons.OfflineIM.dll:OfflineIMService" MySQL Database


OpenSim Offline IM

:VERSION 1 # -------------------------- BEGIN; CREATE TABLE `im_offline` ( `ID` MEDIUMINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `PrincipalID` char(36) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `Message` text NOT NULL, `TMStamp` timestamp NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`), KEY `PrincipalID` (`PrincipalID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; COMMIT; :VERSION 2 # -------------------------- BEGIN; INSERT INTO `im_offline` SELECT * FROM `diva_im_offline`; DROP TABLE `diva_im_offline`; DELETE FROM `migrations` WHERE name='diva_im_Store'; COMMIT; Note: L'archive contient Offline Instant Messaging v1 et v2 ainsi qu'un fichier .txt d'information pour une installation correcte.

Offline Instant Messaging v1 pour OpenSimulator v0.7.4 & 0.7.5

Dans l'archive zip vous trouverez Offline Instant Messaging v1 pour OpenSim 0.7.5 et antérieur. L'archive contient tous les fichiers nécessaire pour l'installation complète de Offline Instant Messaging sous mysql et sous mysqli ainsi qu'un fichier d'information pour l'installer.
