NGUYEN HAI QUAN Personal Information •
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Vietnamese
Day of Birth: October 15, 1978
Place of Birth: HANOI, VIETNAM.
Professional experiences •
2001 - 2004: Realization of the research project on the modelling of the information systems in department SINETICS, EDF R&D in Clamart.
2000 - 2001: o
Developpement the e-bussiness application for tourist management, company EOLAS, France.
Realization of report DEA within laboratory LSR (Software, Systems & Networks), team ADELE.
1999 - 2000: Realization of the report in Artificial the Intelligence team at the school of Natural science of Hô Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
1998-1999: Realization the project of management of the activities at company FORIMEX Vietnam.
1998: two months linguistic Training course in Monpellier, France (July-August).
Education •
2001 - 2004: Doctoral student of LIFL (Data-processing Laboratory Fundamental of Lille), University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille: carrying out a research project between LIFL and EDF R&D. (fellowship of the EDF R&D)
2000 - 2001: Studying in D.E.A ISC of profile LBD (Software & Data Bases) of UFR IMA, Branch of Training and Research in Data processing and Mathematics Applied of the University Joseph Fourier (fellowship of the AUPELF - UREF).
1996 - 2000: Diploma Mention Very Well of Higher education in Data processing (Option " Artificial Intelligence ") of the Natural sciences University of Hô Chi Minh City - National School of Hô Chi Minh City of VIETNAMESE.
1996: Baccalaureate.
Formation Projects •
2000 - 2001: DEA Project "Federation of the components ": management of coordination and the coherence in an environment of development of the great applications starting from software packages (COTS).
2000: " Memory of end studies " To build the mathematical models of the general data to apply in the forecast ": Seek methods: networks of neurons, the algorithms génétiques,… to build mathematical models representing of the data.
1999: o
Project: " Identification of the face of men ".
Project: " To develop and Conceive a program to improve images ".
Project: " Management of the reservation of rooms of the hotel Hang Duong ". 1998: " Project: " Management of the activities of SME FORIMEX ".
Project: " To discover rules starting from the data " studies of the algorithms to discover rules of association in Dated
Competences •
Distributed Objects and components: CORBA, Java RMI, EJB, JavaBeans, COM/DCOM,… " Bases data: relational, objects and multi-media, distributed, SGBDs… "
Software Engineering: Software Design, Project management, software life cycles, Architecture, Retro-engineering, UML.
Programming languages: assembly ,Prolog, Delphi, C/c++, Visual C+, Vb, Java.
Operating systems used: DOS, Windows 9x/NT2000/XP, UNIX.
Web Technologies: HTML, XM, ASP, JSP.
Languages •
Vietnamese: mother language
English: advanced level.
French: advanced level.
German, Russian: elementary.
Awards Received •
1999: Congratulation of the Consulate of Canada in the "GREAT CONTEST Of the FRANCOPHONIE ".
1995: 3è award of the Computer Sciences National Contest for High-school Advanced Pupils.
Hobby •
Cinema, music, reading, voyage.
Tennis, Table tennis, swimming, football.