New Publications

4 avr. 2008 - Bangladesh. Learning for Change. Education for All. National Plan of Action (NPA II) 2003-2015. Ministry of Primary and. Mass Education. Government of Bangladesh, 2007. 69 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BGD 27-07 LEA. Cameroon. Basic Educational School Mapping 2006-2007. Statistical Yearbook ...
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New Publications

News UNESCO Library

No.10, April 2008

This monthly alert informs about new publications from the Education Sector (at Headquarters, Field Offices and Institutes). They can either be consulted online (when links are provided) or in the ED Knowledge Space (UNESCO Fontenoy, 3.031). The alert also includes links to new key non-UNESCO documents on education.

Headquarters EDUCAIDS. Overviews of Practical Resources. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 76 p., illus.; ED.2007/WS/42. Call no (doc centre): KMS 335-97 EDUCAIDS. Technical Briefs. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 72 p.; illus.; ED.2007/WS/40.; Call no (doc centre): KMS 335-96 EDUCAIDS. Towards a Comprehensive Education Sector Response. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 6 p.; illus.; Call no (doc centre): KMS 335-95 INEE Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. Annual Report, 2007. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 19 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS 11-280 INEE Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. Strategic Plan 20082010. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 21 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS 11-280 Languages matter! 2008 International Year of Languages, (Information Kit). Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 21 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS 35-85 New Episodes of Patrimonito's World Heritage Adventures. DVD multi lingual (Ara, Chi, En, Fr, Rus, Sp). Paris, UNESCO, 2008. Call no (doc centre): KMS 34-220

Electronic version Bali Declaration. Seventh E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting. Bali, Indonesia. Paris, UNESCO, 2008. 5 p.; ED/EFA/2008/ME/1 République Centrafricaine: stratégie nationale du secteur de l'éducation, 2008-2020. UNESCO-sponsored programmes and publications. Central African Republic, Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'alphabétisation, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche. Bangui, Ministère de l'éducation nationale, 2008. 106 p., illus.

Field Offices Bangkok Compendium. Conventions and Laws Guaranteeing All Children the Equal Right to a Quality Education in an Inclusive Setting. Malaysia Version. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 49 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 34-08 Compendium. Conventions and Laws Guaranteeing All Children the Equal Right to a Quality Education in an Inclusive Setting. Philippine Version. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 46 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 34-08 Compendium. Conventions and Laws Guaranteeing All Children the Equal Right to a Quality Education in an Inclusive Setting. South Asia. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 49 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 34-08


Directory of ICT Resources for Teaching and Learning of Science, Mathematics and Language, 2nd edition. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 41 p.; ISBN: 978-92-9223-170-5 (Electronic version); Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 54-08 Innovative Practices in Physical Education and Sports in Asia. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 100 p.; ISBN 978-92-9223-166-8 (Electronic version); Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 331-08 Secondary Education Regional Information Base. Country profile – Thailand. UNESCO Bangkok, 2008, 22 p.; ISBN 978-02-9223-164-4 (Electronic version); Call no (doc centre): KMS BKK 221-08

Brasilia Bases sólidas: educação e cuidados na primeira infância: relatório de monitoramento global de Educação para Todos, EPT 2007. UNESCO Brasília/Ed. Moderna, 2007. 462 p., illus.; ISBN: 85-16-05724-4. Call no (doc centre): KMS BSB GM7 POR Tecnologia, informação e inclusão: TICS nas escolas. UNESCO Brasília/Ed. Moderna, 2007. 462 p., illus.; ISBN: 85-16-05724-4. Call no (doc centre): KMS BSB 281 Em foco - Versão em Português da Convenção Internacional contra o Doping no Esporte. UNESCO Brasília, 2008. 32 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BSB-330

Beirut Sharpening our Tools. Education for All Mid-Term Review for the Arab States 2008. (Draft document). UNESCO Beirut, 2008. 132 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BEY 27 08 Sharpening our Tools. Statistical Document. Education for All Mid-Term Review for the Arab States 2008. (Draft document). UNESCO Beirut, 2008. 105 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BEY 27 08

Peru ¡Con fé y esperanza se avanza! Historia de un terremoto en el país de Fabulinka. UNESCO Peru, 2007. 10 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS PER-11-08

UNESCO Institutes and Centres IIEP The Impact of HIV and AIDS on Higher Education Institutions in Uganda. Education in the Context of HIV/AIDS. Katahoire, Anne R ; Kirumira, Edward K. Paris, UNESCO IIEP, 2008. 259 p.; ISBN: 978-92-803-13079.; Call no (doc centre): KMS E-EITCHIV 08 STAYING POWER: Struggling to Reconstruct Education in Burundi since 1993. Education in Emergencies and Reconstruction. Obura, Anna. Paris, UNESCO IIEP, 2008., 316 p.; ISBN: 978-92-803-1308-6.; Call no (doc centre): KMS E-EER 08

Electronic version only École et décentralisation : le cas de la Guinée. Cahier de recherche de l’IIPE. Baldé, Djénabou; Camara, Ansoumane; Diallo, Abdoul Karim; Ta Claire. Paris, UNESCO IIEP, 2008. 178 p. Call no (doc centre): KMS EEITCHIV 08 École et décentralisation : le cas du Mali. Cahier de recherche de l’IIPE. Dougnon, Denis ; Bocoum, Ibrahim; Poudiougo, Augustin; Ta, Claire. Paris, UNESCO IIEP, 2008. 129 p. Call no (doc centre): KMS E-EITCHIV 08 École et décentralisation : le cas du Sénégal. Cahier de recherche de l’IIPE. Diakhaté, Cheikh ; El Hadj Nom, Issakha Guèye; Ta, Claire. Paris, UNESCO IIEP, 2008. 217 p. Call no (doc centre): KMS E-EITCHIV 08


UIL International review of education. Volume 54, No. 1, January. UNESCO UIL, 2008. 130 p.

UNEVOC Work, Learning and Sustainable Development. Opportunities and Challenges. Technical and Vocational Education and Training: Issues, Concerns and Prospects , Vol. 8. Fien, John; Maclean, Rupert ; Park, Man-Gon. UNEVOC/Springer, 2008. 445 p.; ISBN: 978-1-4020-8193-4; 169.95 $

Virtual Library of non UNESCO publications EURYDICE School Autonomy in Europe. Policies and Measures. Brussels, EURYDICE, European Commission, 2008. 64 p.; French

OECD The Engagement of Higher Education Institutions in Regional Development: An Overview of the Opportunities and Challenges. Higher Education Management and Policy Volume 20, No. 2.; OECD 2008.32 p.; ISSN 1682-3451 OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030. Environment and Sustainable Development. Vol. no. 1, 523 p. Reviews of National Policies for Education Dominican Republic. Education and Skills, 2008, vol. no. 3.; 276 p.; ISBN 9264040811 Reviews of National Policies for Education Tertiary Education in Portugal. Education and Skills. vol. 2007, no. 17.; 172 p.; ISBN 9264009752 Students with Disabilities, Learning Difficulties and Disadvantages: Policies, Statistics and Indicators. Education and Skills. OECD 2007. 238 p.; ISBN 9264027629)

National Country Reports Bangladesh Learning for Change. Education for All. National Plan of Action (NPA II) 2003-2015. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education. Government of Bangladesh, 2007. 69 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS BGD 27-07 LEA

Cameroon Basic Educational School Mapping 2006-2007. Statistical Yearbook / Carte Scolaire de l’éducation de Base. Annuaire statistique 2006-2007. Ministry of Basic Education, Cameroon, 2008. 296 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS CMR 27-07 BAS

India Elementary Education in India. Progress towards UEE. Flash Statistics. National University of Educational Planning and Administration, New Delhi, India, 2008. 32 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS IND 22-08 ELE

Vietnam Vietnam Country Assistance Plan 2007-2011.DFID Department for International Development, United Kingdom, 2008. 30 p.; Call no (doc centre): KMS VIE 11-08


Education Publishers Construction sociale d’une jeunesse en difficulté. Innovations et ruptures. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008 Eliminating corporal punishment: a human rights imperative for Europe's children (2nd edition) Council of Europe, (2008) Technologies de l’information et de la communication, éducation et post développement en Afrique. Entre mythe de la technique et espoirs de progrès au Burkina Faso. Zacharia W. Tiemtore, Préface d'Yvonne Mignot-Lefebvre. Paris, L’Harmattan, 2008 Learner and Teacher Autonomy. Concepts, realities, and responses. Edited by Terry Lamb and Hayo Reinders. University of Sheffield, Department of Second Language Studies, University of Hawaii, 2008, 286 p. EUR 99


Nom du document : NewPublicationsApril08 Répertoire : C:\Documents and Settings\a_alhabshi\Mes documents\LatestAcquisitions Modèle : C:\Documents and Settings\a_alhabshi\Application Data\Microsoft\Modèles\ Titre : Knowledge Management Services Sujet : Auteur : Aïda Alhabshi Mots clés : Commentaires : Date de création : 04/04/2008 11:06:00 N° de révision : 6 Dernier enregistr. le : 04/04/2008 11:12:00 Dernier enregistrement par : Aïda Alhabshi Temps total d'édition :4 Minutes Dernière impression sur : 04/04/2008 16:00:00 Tel qu'à la dernière impression Nombre de pages : 4 Nombre de mots : 1 818 (approx.) Nombre de caractères : 10 000 (approx.)