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lar, we are concerned about the statement ''PIMO has ... We intend to reserve our comments to this ... blanket statement by Chetboul et al that pimobendan.
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In a recent report,1 Bensaid et al present data from a genetic mapping study on the ... gene that had been extensively back-crossed on to the C57BL/6 (B) and the DBA/2 (D) .... head-to-head trial in this patient population with clinically mean-.
Page 1 ..... Rank of the axis. % of in ertia. 0.0. 0.1. 0.2. 0.3. 0.4. 23 / 43 .... Along the s-th axis, we calculate the barycenter of each column, with column j given a ...
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After having oriented the images' space, a cross- correlation is performed between the two sets of triangular patches. The cross-correlation copes with luminosity.
SIR â Margaret McFall-Ngai's Essay,. âCare for the ... for example by J. Kurtz and K. Franz (Nature. 425, 37â38; 2003), ... in this Essay could help to explain why.
configurations in pictorial space than for configurations ... in one picture with a marker (under manual control) in the other picture. Between ...... Munich: Piper.
in one picture with a marker (under manual control) in the other picture. Between poses ...... From the singular values decomposition, we im- mediately obtain ...
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