MARTINrwAGrneurne_fl DE j;Et_'|T1

cellule to go about their business, to reach out to the local population and take necessary measures for the ... Kigali, 10 April 1994. Siened: .... contri6ution because it enabled the country to have administrative organs, for those rvho killed.
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D.E MARTINrwAGrneurne_fl j;Et_'|T1,;1'X-ff/l_,


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ws02.53(E) K0l4-420r-K014-4225


Speaker:flnidentilied journalist


...[inaudible].on rhenighrof 6 April i994, on theirway fiom a meetingin Dar-es-salaam, the Head of Stut", His lxcellency JuvdnalHabyadman4his counterpanHis Excellency cyprien Maryamira, the Presidentof Burundiandtheir entouragewerekilled by criminals. The president'sdeathplungedthe entir€countryinto moumingandcreateda powervacuum in thecountry. to we takethisopportunityto thanktheRwandanAnnedForceswhohavetakenthe initiative theintegrityofthe country. theii 4uties,namelyto providesecurityandsafeguard discharge it We alsothank the Anned Forcesseniorolftcers who promptlytook the decisionsthat made accordance leamed' in possible to put administrativeorgansinto placl must have '*itf, tlt. piovisions of the Constitution, the Presidentof the Republic is Dr. Thdodore Sindikubwabo. In putting ihe administrativeorgansin place,His E-xcellencyJeanKambandawas apPointed that Priine }uiinister and presentedto the Presidentof the Republic his ministetial tean State' the of immediatelystartedits work aftertakingoathbefore Head consistin restoringsecurityofpersonsandtheir The basicobjectivesof the saidGovernment pmperties. ThatiswhywearcaskingyoutofrrmlysupporttheGovernmentandhelpitinachievingits setobjectives. FellorvRwandans, of war in At this time when we are facing problem.scausedby the Inlatanyi's resumption_ to avoid you urged are positions, Kigali town and aroundthe RwandanAnned Forces you your which effo*s anlthing thatcancausediscordbetweenyou,a*ythingthatcanscafier needat thiswar timethatyouaregoingthrough. That is why I ask theprdfen, bourgmestresmd conseillersde secteur andtesponsablesde cellule to go about their business,to reachout to the local populationand take necessary for thesafetyoftheir villages. measures FellowRwandans, I rernindyou againthatthe time we aregoingthroughcompelsus to join handsin providing andthePresident. securityfor ourlelves,By sodoing,we will bebackingtheGovernment 2.9 ,f-hat beena message fromtheMinisterof InteriorandcommunalDevelopment. 3.0 has ws02-533(E) t 4-4225 K0t4-4201-K0

l r i l3 3 S 1 l ; ' Classicalruusic After the council of Ministers' meeting,a pressconferencewas held with the Prime Minister and a few of his Ministers. The Presidentof the Republicalso addresseda messageto all Rwandans. ofthe Republic'His Excellency ofthe President I wouldlike you to listennow to themessage Dr. TModoreSindilcubwabo.

Presidentof the Repultlic' Speaker:Th6odoreSinclikubwabo, to all Rwandans... addressed Message Classicalm*sic


Speaker:Unidentified o'cloclg ... at Nyabisindustadium,on Tuesday12April 1994,thatis, tomonow,startingat i0 to be present: the followingguestsarerequested -

workingin Nyabisittdu Civil servants Primaryand secondaryschoolteachers Traders Priestsandnuns Privatesectorworkers Nyabisinducommunestaff in Nyabisindtcommune de.recteur Conseillers

Theyshouldbe presentandpunctual. is from Dr. JeanBaptisteHabyariman4prd.fetfor Butarepr'fecture . This announcement Classicalnuric


Here in ciko... prdfecture,sundayl0 April 1994. The meetingconsidefedseveralissues about tightening oi security and took severaldecisions. It would like to announcethe followingonesin particular: -

First decision: During the normalday working hours,peoplecan go abouttheir by the businessexceptfor the openingof barsandmarketswhichwill be authorized p.m, to 6 a.m. prefectoral oriommunalauthority.Thismeansthercis a curfervfrom 6

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with tlte Seconddecision:No one is allowedto movearoundunlessfor official duties, n...,,urydocuments,insecte'lrsoutsidethekresidenceandtoassembleinsmall groups.

-Thirddecision:Bou|Smestresandcoweillersdesec|eursareurgedtob€more in the ;igil;"t ry providing sicurity. They are urgedt.o set up securitycommittees cimmuret andtecteursto help themrestoresecurity' -

office Prosecutor's Fourthdecision:securityofficers,especiallyin t'rcGendarmene, of acts put all down to skitls and the communatAdministrationareorgedto usetheir violencewherevertheYfind them.

this communiqudcamefrom LaurentBukibaruta,thepripl of Gikongoro' Classicalmusic SpeakerlUnidentified '..sothattheycanhavefoodsuppliesandhealthcare'etc.Wehoweverasktlrepopulation thattookplaceUrere' not... [inauai[tel...Kacyiru,follorvingthemilitaryoperations the populationobtain Secondclecision: Theprifet urgedthosein chargeof securityto help foodsupplies,healthcare,etc. dlring fte Third decision: It is forbiddento mountroadblock in Kigali town neighbourhoods security day. They can only be set up at night, and closelymannedby the neighbourhood commlfieeareurgedto go backto theirwork,exceptthoseworkingin Fourtlidecision:All civil ssrvants Kacyizu,who haveto wait a little. out urgent At any rate, they are urged to try to contact their leadersin order to carry assignments. so thai a Any departnrentshaving problemsarerequested1oPryoach Kigali'Ville prdfecture their resume to are urged us possible.The followingservices be found^.*n ,olrtion "* ELECTfoAZ, PHARMACIES,HOSPITALS'DISPENSANES' dUtiCS:ONATRACOM, PUBI,ICHEALTH SER!'ICES. entire Fifth decision: T\e prdfet once again wams criminals of all soru' He urges the asked peaceHe public p"f-f"ti"" i" nght tooters,Uandis,criminatsandthosedisturbingthe organscriminalstryingto [lr"m ro be vigiiantand ro condnueto exposeto the administrative infiltrate.

ws02-533(E) K0t4-4201-K014-4225

r.og;ci'1:? 'the prifet urgesall traders,industrialistsand othersto lielp th€ population sixlh decision: must svoid find food, and to be i.niitiu. to the difftcult times we are going through. They hikingup pricesunreasonablY. promisedthernto do all withinits powersothatfoodwill be available. TheAdministration Kigali, 10 April 1994. Siened:ColonelTharcisseRenzaho,pttlet for Kigali'

bv theGisenvipllect!rc s Communiqud all Rubavu Yesterday,the acting prdlet for Glsenyiprdfecturechaireda meetingto which hadbeeninvited. inhabitants commune reached: liere is a list of someofthe conclusions .

tranquility, First conclusion:The entirepopulationshouldlive in tolerance,peaceand withoutdisturbingotherpeople'slives'

.secondconclusion:Thepopulationshouldjoilhandstoflushoutallthesmallgtoups people's of bandits wanting to taki advantageof the uffest to appropriateother pfoperties. -

who Third conclusion:The populationshouldcometogetherto flushout the enemy canifiltrateit,especiallynowthatthelnkotanyihavercsumedhostilities'


Fourth conclusion: Given that most of the populationgets its suppliesfrom the nlarket,it was decidedto reopenGisenyimarketas ftom this Monday, frorn 9 a'm' to 2 p.m.

Gisenyiregionalinformati"i;:;o' is fromFlorentKampayana, This message Commufiqueb'l thewCfet for Bwmbz^wLfecwe The prdfet for Byurnba prdfecture urged tte bourgmestresto cooperatewith tlte local popuiationand0"" ulor".iorily to theirsecurityby avoidingeverythingthatcandividethem. the decisions \h" bourgr,rrrrusare urgedto convenesecuritymeetingsand comtnunicate immediatelyto thepoPulation. Th.ecoraeillers,themembersof lhe cellule committeesattd Llte"nyumbakumf'(headsoften ofthe saiddecisions' families)shouldensurefollow-upofthe implementation

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i.cE501 gfi thosewhosecommunes Bourgmestreswho have a part of their populationinside campsor with them how they discuss and lravecampsareurgedto approachhumanirarianorganizations canassistthatPoPulation. Byumba,1l APril 1994. Mr' Aloys Muhire This communiqu€came ftom the acting bourgmeste fot theprtfecture' I 1.0 to cometo Kigali hospital' arerequested ... all thosewho wantto andcanhelpceatPatients Armed Forces and the The Minister of Health also urges the population, the Rwandan their vehicles. Genclarnwieto tbcititatethe rvor{ of Redbross staff andmovementof camefromDr. CasimirBizimungu,Ministerof Health"' This communiqu6

r1 . 5 arealsowitten in French: Thesecomrnuniquds any personwho would The Minister of Heatthurgesthe staff of Kigati GeneralHospital and thehospital. to ri[. i" rr.rp," p.vide carJandreliefto patientsto reportimmediately Armed Forces and the The Minister of Health also urges the population"the Rwandan tlieir vehicles. of Cindarn,erie to facilitatethe wod of Redbrosssta{f andmovement wasfromtheMinisterof Hcalth,Dr' Ca'simirBizimungu' Thiscommuniqu€ RadioRwanda,[break] Speaker:Unidentified RadioRwandajournalist' vigilautsothatthe . .. especiallythosefrom thecotnbatzonesandthoseftom Kigali to remain enemycouldnot infiltrate. that The sameministeraskedthe populationto avoidcriminalBcts,rapeand any odler.acts of Minister The the peace,for thafwilt be a way of supportingthe enemv' ;;i;ir*p, Deienceurg"s miio stationsand othermassmediawhosemainpurposeis to communicate with the peiple to ask them to love their couniry,especiallyat thesetimes when the enemies ofthe countrywantto destroyit. for its The Minister of Defeucetakesthis opportunityto thank the RwandanArmed Forces usualin .ourug., d.uotionandpatriotismandurgesthemto continueto defeatthe enemyas wi{hthepop lalion' collaboration Classicalmusic

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Communiqu€bv the Butareprl€crure securiwcommittee The meetingof th eBl/iareprdfecturesecuritycommitteeto which wereinvited"' carrying We take this r:pportunityto thankthe RwandanArmed Forceswho took the lead in out their duty ofensuring the securityand integrityofthe country' we also thank the commandersof the RwandanArmed Forces who took the necessary andmadeit possibleto setup otheradministativeorgans' decisions with the constitution,the Presidentofthc Republicis His As you haveheard,in accordance ExcellencyDr. ThiodoreSindikubwabo. otgans,His ExcellencyJeanKambanda Also aspartofputting intoplaceofthe administrative of the wu, uppoint Obrime Miniiter and he presentedhis ministerial_teamto the President President. the oath before the takin^g n"podfi.. The cabinetimmediatelystartedits work after_ of securitythroughthe protection are:therestoration Thi main objectivesof the government ofpersonsandtheirProPerties. its That is why you are urgedto supportthe governmentunconditionallyand help it achieve setobjectives. FellowRwandans. in Kigali and At this time when we are facingproblemsof war resumedby rheInkotanyi thatcandivide you areurgedIo avoidevery'thing aroundthe nationalarmedforceJpositions, war time you this you it during need you, everythingthat candisperseyour ene(gywhereas aregoingthrough. That is why I urge the prifels, the bourgmestresand the conseillers de secteur and the responsablesde ciltute to continue going about their businessand to reach out to measuesto ensuretheirsecudty' poiulationandtakenecessary h-ellowRwandans, I remindyou onceagainthat we have!o standtogethetto ensureour securily. By so doing, 1,\€will be supportingtheGovemmentandits President. ThiscomrnuniquicamefromtheMinisterof InteriorandcommunalDevelopment. 15.5 Classicalmusic

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N.08301 3e Speaker: Froduald Karamira, 2odVice-Chairmanof MDR to seeto securitymatters,for they do not fall within the responsibility It is the Governrnent's purview of parties. Those are nationalissues. You have certainlyobservedthat this to the population.The intemationalcommunitywill have govemrnent has beenpresented that with. And sinceits inception,it hasalreadytakensomemeasures_ peopleto do business tell part, is to our do, for we can What situation. wili hetp us improveour security .the MDR members,whereverthey are,that [shedding]othet people's memberl...[inaudible]... blood is a bad thing, that they must absolutelyavoid anythingthat inftingesupon other otherpeople'sproperties.This principleis part people'srightsandmustavoidappropriating to wlmtyou wouldnot like thenrto do to yott. not do others ;four party'susltalteachings.Do RadioRwandajournalist Speaker:Uni