LONDON Book Fair 2018 Rights List Éditions Calmann-Lévy 21, rue du Montparnasse 75006 Paris FRANCE Rights Department Patricia Roussel Rights Director
[email protected] +33 (0)1 49 54 36 49 Julia Balcells Rights Executive
[email protected] +33 (0)1 49 54 36 48
Table of contents
Highlights Fiction & Non Fiction • Highlights Fiction Camille Anseaume - Four Walls and a Roof - Quatre murs et un toit Sylvie Baron - Rendezvous in Belinay - Rendez-vous à Belinay Boris Bergmann - Apnea - Nage libre Roxane Dambre - An Almost Perfect Karma - Un karma presque parfait Marie-Bernadette Dupuy - Amelia, a Heart in Exile - Amélia, un coeur en exil Johann Guillaud-Bachet - Drowned Alive - Noyé vif Érik L’Homme - Tearing the Shadows - Déchirer les ombres Karine Lambert -Once Upon a Tree - Un arbre, un jour Hélène Legrais - The Angels of Beau-Rivage - Les anges de Beau-Rivage Alfred Lenglet - Hearts of Glass - Coeurs de glace Antonin Malroux- The straw-made Bread - Le pain de paille Guillaume Musso - Gone in the Night - La Jeune Fille et la Nuit Éric Le Nabour - Back to Glenmoran - Retour à Glenmoran Florence Roche - Philomena and her Kin - Philomène et les siens Julien Sandrel -The Room of Wonders - La Chambre des merveilles Jean Siccardi - Stepping Stone Inn- L’auberge du Gué Laurence Peyrin - The Virgins’ Wing - L’aile des vierges Pascal Voisine - My Kid - Mon Gamin
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• Highlights Suspense Fiction Jérôme Loubry - The Hounds of Detroit - Les chiens de Detroit •25 Philippe Lyon -The Black Piece - L’oeuvre noire •26 René Manzor - The Fog of Evil - Dans les brumes du mal •27 Franco Mannara - My Name is Birdy - Je m’appelle Birdy •28 Franco Mannara - Duplicata •29 Elsa Roch - Behind Closed Doors - Ce qui se dit la nuit •30 Elsa Roch - Forgetting What We Promised - Oublier nos promesses •31 Niko Tackian - Fantazmë - Fantazmë•32 Niko Tackian - Toxic - Toxique•33
• Highlights Fiction Fantasy Roxane Dambre - The Scorpi Trilogy - Trilogie Scorpi
• Highlights Non Fiction Asmaa Alghoul & Sélim Nassib - A Rebel in Gaza - L’insoumise de Gaza Charles Palant - Believing in Dawn - Croire au matin Cécile Pivot - As Usual - Comme d’habitude Jean Quatremer - The Bastards of Europe - Les salauds de l’Europe Juan Martin Guevara & Armelle Vincent - Che, My Brother - Mon frère, le Che
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• Backlist Fiction Sylvie Baron - The Wrath of the Beehive- Les ruchers de la colère Françoise Bourdon - The Master of the Castellar- Le maître du Castellar Boris Bergmann - Deserter - Déserteur Pierre Brunet - The Triangle of Doubts - Le Triangle d’incertitude Élise Fontenaille - Blue Book Barbara Constantine - And Then Came Paulette... - Et puis, Paulette.... Barbara Constantine - Tom, Little Tom, Little Man, Tom - Tom, petit Tom, tout petit homme, Tom Barbara Constantine - To Mélie, no Melodrama - A Mélie, sans mélo Barbara Constantine - Light Up the Cat - Allumer le chat Pascale Kramer - The living - Les vivants Vincent de Swarte - Pharricide Jean-Paul Malaval - Adélaïde at the Edge of the Cliff - Adélaïde au bord de la falaise Eric Le Nabour -The Touble Maker - La Frondeuse Jean-Marie Périer - Close To The Sky, Far From Paradise - Près du ciel, loin du paradis Laurence Peyrin - Miss Cyclone Andrea H. Japp - « The Landless Lady » Series - Série La Dame sans terre
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• Backlist Suspense Fiction Pierre Lemaitre - Blood Wedding - Robe de marié Pierre Lemaitre - Inhuman Resources - Cadres Noirs Alfred Lenglet - Deadly Games in Winter - Jeux mortels en hiver Alfred Lenglet - Poison in the Veins - Du poison dans les veines Alfred Lenglet - Time of Hatred - Temps de haine
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• Backlist Historical Fiction Gilbert Sinoué - The Lady of the Lamp - La Dame à la lampe Gilbert Sinoué - The Saint Louis’epic - Un bateau pour l’enfer
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• Backlist Non Fiction Benedetta Blancato - Fashion Hell - Enfer fashion Bertrand Burgalat - Diabetically yours - Diabétiquement vôtre Barbara Constantine - Small Portraits of Great People - Petits portraits de très grandes personnes Aya Cissoko - N’ba Nora Fraisse - Marion, Forever 13 - Marion, 13 ans pour toujours Nora Fraisse - Stopping Bullying, Now! - Stop au harcèlement ! Raymond Gurême & Isabelle Ligner - Forbidden to Nomads - Interdit aux nomades Femen - Femen Emmanuelle Grundmann - A Highly Profitable Scourge - Un fléau si rentable Emmanuelle Grundmann - Tomorrow, Alone in the World? - Demain, seuls au monde ? Emmanuelle Grundmann - The Assasination of Forests - Ces forêts qu’on assassine Nicolat Hulot - The Titanic Syndrome - Le sydrôme du Titanic Philippe Cury et Yves Misery - A Fishless Sea - Une mer sans poissons Sarah Kaminsky - Adolfo Kaminsky, A Forger’s Life - Adolfo Kaminsky, une vie de faussaire
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Lilly Marcou - The Private Life of Staline - Staline, vie privée •62 Jean-Marie Roughol et Jean-Louis Debré - My Life as a Panhandler - Je tape la manche •63 Claudine Monteil - The Beauvoir Sisters - Les soeurs Beauvoir •63 Frédéric Pons - The Martyrdom of Middle-Eastern Christians - Le martyre des chrétiens d’Orient •64 Frédéric Pons - Putin - Poutine•64
• Backlist Social Sciences Raymond Aron - The Opium of Intellectuals - L’opium des intellectuels •66 Raymond Aron - Peace and War Amongst Nations - Paix et Guerre entre les Nations •66 Léon Poliakov - Diabolical Causality - La causalité diabolique •67 Léon Poliakov - The History of Antisemitism - Histoire de l’antisémitisme •67 Mona Chollet - The Tyranny of Reality - La tyrannie de la réalité •68 Dan Franck - Bohemians - Bohèmes•68 Anne Dufourmantelle - Maternal Savagery - La sauvagerie maternelle •69 Anne Dufourmantelle - Blind Date. Sex and Philosophy - Blind date - Sexe et philosophie •69 Michaël R. Marrus & Robert O. Paxton - Vichy France and the Jews - Vichy et les juifs •70 Pascal Quignard - Speculative Rhetorics - Rhétorique spéculative •71 Pascal Quignard - The Hatred of Music - La haine de la musique •71 Philippe Réfabert - From Freud to Kafka - De Freud à Kafka •72 Paul Ricœur - Criticism and Conviction - La critique et la conviction •72
Petite Bibliothèque des Idées Petite Bibliothèque des Idées
Backlist Non Fiction Lifestyle Catherine Rambert - «A Dose of Philosophy» Series
Highlights Fiction
Camille Anseaume Four Walls and a Roof Quatre murs et un toit
With a mixture of tenderness and humor, Camille Anseaume delivers, room by room, a charmingly funny and poetic ode to her childhood home. March 2018 160 pages
Camille Anseaume is a writer and journalist. She is also in charge of the blog Café de filles, elected favorite blog by the editors at Elle. Her two novels, Un tout petit rien and Ta façon d’être au monde, were pubilshed by Kero.
“I tell Claire about the sale over the phone and how confused it’s making me feel. She also has a childhood home, in Burgundy. I ask her how she’d feel if her parents were to sell it.
Camille has just found out that her parents are putting her childhood home up for sale, the one that she grew up in with her brothers and sisters. She decides to go back and stay there for a week, just to soak everything in one last time and say goodbye. Each room still echoes with the joys and sorrows of the past and brings up fond memories: her mother’s little habits, her father’s jokes, her older brother’s friends on whom she’d developed more than a few crushes, the fights with her sister... the tears, the laughter, but mostly, the unconditional love.
- A dozen years ago, the opportunity came up, and I was really sad. Today, no, I don’t think so, it’s not the same anymore. - What changed? - I grew up. I built a life. Now, home is where my heart is. Perfect, so I basically have a couple weeks left to grow up, make a life for myself and feel at home within me.”