Liana Levi Foreign Rights - Anastasia Lester Literary Agency

pocket-sized versions of long-sellers as well as short new texts. If “piccolo” thinks big ..... (January 2016) ; Un petit boulot, directed by Pascal. Chaumeil, featuring ...
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Liana Levi Foreign Rights 2016-2017

Our collections

Literature I To read the world A “literature” collection widely open to translations from the world over, but which gives pride of place to French language authors, whether up and coming or well-established.

Crime Novels I To discover with thrills The “crime” collection offers plenty of suspense, but also social and political content in an exploration of societies near or far.

Essays I To continue asking questions The “essay” collection makes way for topical or fundamental questions. By providing a forum for those taking a stance, the little “opinion” collection offers to open the debate.

Piccolo I To have the world in your pocket In 2002, for its 20th anniversary, the publishing house launched the “piccolo” collection, pocket-sized versions of long-sellers as well as short new texts. If “piccolo” thinks big, it’s through its authors.


Négar Djavadi




An enthralling panorama of Iran, exile, homosexuality, identity, and transmission. A novel bursting with life and impetuosity!

By night, Kamiâ mixes alternative rock at concerts. By day, she follows a treatment of artificial insemination to have a child with her girlfriend Anna. Born in Tehran in 1971, exiled in France ten years later, to live free, she’s always kept her distance from her native culture. But in the waiting room of the MAP unit at the hospital, from one medical appointment to another, the genies escaped from the past catch up with her. Over the course of intertwined memories, in a long aside to the reader, she unfolds the whole story of the Sadr family. From her petulant ancestors from nothern Persia down to her own parents, Darius and Sara, eternal opponents of the regime of the day: that of the Shah, until 1979, then that of Khomeiny. This last episode was to force their definitive flight from Iran. Unfortunately, the France lived in exile is nothing like the land mythologised by the Iranian bourgeoisie… Then, playing on flashbacks and fast-forwards, Kimiâ convokes three generations and a goddess of rock and roll to the bedside of her «disorientalisation.»

Shortlisted for the Prix Femina Shortlisted for the Prix Révélation SGDL Shortlisted for the Prix du Style

Novel 352 pages August 2016 Foreign sales : Italy (E/O) ; US/UK (Europa)

Press reviews Négar Djavadi was born in Iran in 1969 to a family of intellectuals opposed to the regimes both of the Shah, then of Khomeiny. She arrived in France at the age of eleven, having crossed the mountains of Kurdistan on horseback with her mother and sister. A graduate of a cinema school in Brussels, she worked some years behind the camera. Today she is a script-writer (documentaries, short films, series) and lives in Paris. Disoriental is her first novel.

“The revelation of the new season.” Elle “One rarely reads such a strong first novel..” Grazia “A voice that enchants us as much as it grips us. ” Le Monde “A master stroke.” Psychologies “A romanesque saga.” Le Figaro littéraire “A devilishly romanesque story, full of deliciously oriental digressions.” Télérama

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Pascale Dietrich



A Nice Quiet Island

Between a thriller and a comedy, an inventive, biting, and irreverent novel about island life, relationships, and an unexpected band of criminals.

After years of absence, Edelweiss returns to Trevedic, the quiet little island where she was born, to bury her father. According to the local police, the botany enthusiast and respected mayor of the island fell from a cliff on a day of high winds. But the young woman doesn’t quite believe it. She also notices that the islanders have changed their habits: the houses have been freshly painted, the neighbors have installed surveillance cameras, some own yachts or luxury cars, and her father himself had amassed a tidy fortune before his death. When tennis balls decorated with skull and crossbones land in the garden and she finds the head of Pasqua, the family dog, in the refrigerator, Edelweiss decides to extend her stay to clear up these mysteries. It’s also an opportunity to put a little distance between herself and life in Paris and Walter, her yuppy “bit of a jerk” boyfriend.

Thriller 160 pages May 2016 All rights available

Press reviews Pascale Dietrich was born in Tours, France, in 1980 and currently lives in Paris. A researcher at INED (National Institute for Demographic Research), her work concerns the inequalities in housing and living conditions of the most disadvantaged. She has published several short stories in reviews and collections (Monsieur Toussaint Louverture) as well as a first novel (Le Homard, Polaroid Collection, In8 Publishing, 2013).

“In this thriller, the characters are incongruous, the situations bizarre, the murders mysterious, and the conclusion totally immoral.” Le Télégramme “An ironic novel, inventive and deliciously unexpected.” Lire “Electric atmospheres and anguishing behind-closed-doors scenes under a Turner-like watery sky.” Avantages

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I




Vanessa Principle of Bamberger Suspension

In a fictional Normandy, a couple faces the breakdown of French industry as well as the bond that unites them. Nuanced characters, subtle suspense, and clever construction. A well-judged and touching first novel.

The Cambregy hospital center. Olivia observes her husband, Thomas, plunged in a coma for several days now and hooked up to machines. Those same perfected machines he had always considered the future of SMEs. Thomas is a confident boss. He’d bought a small factory in his native area, le Haveux-Nord, renovated the buildings, invested, and trained his 37 employees. Thereafter Packinter was the exclusive manufacturer of the plastic parts of inhalators for a big local laboratory. But the decline in the West and out-sourcing was under way in the pharmaceutical industry as elsewhere. The lab lets him go and that’s the moment his right-hand man, Loïc, chooses to go over to the competition. Thomas fights on, hides his anxieties. Particularly from his wife. Through habit, through upbringing, Olivia puts up with this silence and squares her shoulders, smiling and affable. She also puts up with her loud-mouthed mother-in-law and her endless harping over an old tragedy. Until when?

Novel 224 pages January 2017 All rights available

Vanessa Bamberger was born in 1972. After studies at Paris’ Institute of Political Sciences, she lived for several years in London and New York. Today she is a journalist in Paris.While writing Principle of Suspension, her first novel, she met leaders of SMEs and visited several production sites in France..

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Xavier Gloubokii




At the start of his second mandate, a melancholic sheriff is on the hunt in the woods and the town for a band of radical eco-activists and a disturbing dog slaughterer. This novel, with accents of a semi-detective novel, exudes a troubling strangeness and exceptional intensity. An homage to the forest and landscapes on the point of extinction. Ahmed is the sheriff of a county nestled on the edge of a thick forest threatened by a growing number of lumber mills. Here, eveyone seems to just live with it, except for a gang of loonies who dress up as trees. They camp in farmers’ fields and organize spectacular happenings in the town to rally rural newcomers to their cause. Ahmed and his assistants are given the task of getting them out. Perhaps it’s their presence or the boiling hot summer, but things seem to have gone wrong since their arrival. The beautiful Maria and her son have become more distant from each other than ever. The remains of mutilated animals keep turning up on the edge of the forest. And when anyone goes near, they feel spying eyes upon them. Following his lead into the densest of thickets, Ahmed tries to see things clearly. But in such thick woods, the light of day struggles to penetrate. An original and forceful novel that awakens that bit of mystery and wildness slumbering in each one of us, as well as a deep-down sense of belonging to nature.

Novel 184 pages February 2017 All rights available

Xavier Gloubokii was born in 1975. Having considered becoming a bookseller, working as a journalist in Lyon, and running a cinema blog, he is today in charge of communications within a public sector establishment. He lives in Vincennes. Bark, his first novel, owes much to his enjoyment of hiking, the forests of Green Beaujolais, and his love of American literature.

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Hubert Védrine




Save Europe!

Over recent months, Hubert Védrine has made interventions in the press on numerous occasions (L’Opinion, Les Echos, Le Monde, Le Figaro, Frankfurter Allgemeine, L’Obs, Le 1, etc.) regarding the future of the European Union. This brief essay develops innovative avenues and powerful proposals to get Europe out of the maze it’s in. The European Union would be built by going beyond identities. They must be fit, with a shoehorn if necessary, into a «bigger Europe.» And this, «in the interest of the peoples.» This ever so wellintentioned vision has dominated the political scene for decades. For more than twenty years, the construction of Europe has though run up against growing resistance, passive and active. A resistance notably expressed in various referendums, culminating in June 2016 with Brexit, the symptom of an ailment that is not only British and that some have not wished to recognize. The elite have arrogantly charged the British vote as populist, racist, etc. However, to save Europe, must they not make up their minds to hear the rumbling anger and at last accept a reconciliation with the people.

Non fiction 96 pages November 2016 All rights available

Hubert Védrine, born in 1947 in the Creuse, was a colleague of François Mitterand from May 1981 to May 1995, then minister of foreign affairs from 1997 to 2002 in the Jospin government, under the presidency of Jacques Chirac. Since then, he is a consultant, teaches at the Institute of Political Sciences, writes, and lectures throughout the world. He has published numerous works, notably with Fayard who this autumn will reissue Les Mondes de François Mitterand (The Worlds of François Mitterand), a great fresco of French foreign policy from 1981 to 1995. Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Didier Castino



After The Silence

In a monologue addressed to the youngest of his three sons, Louis Catella tells his story. First of all, the omnipresent factory: the Midi Foundry and Steelworks, where he started at sixteen, wore himself out at the casting furnace, and led the union struggle in ‘68 for the victory of left-wing ideals. Then, the charismatic head of a family: his love for Rose, driving the ice-blue 2CV off on vacation, the education of his sons, literacy classes at the age of forty to at last get his school certificate… But it is a loaded life story that emerges. In July ‘74, Louis Catella dies on the job, crushed by a several ton casting mould. And yet the impossible monologue continues, retracing the stages of unending mourning, and the passage into adulthood of this son who was only seven at the time of the tragedy. For him, the father figure is a myth built up from the memories and words of others, the same unanimously flattering old stories trotted out to stave off the silence. Behind Louis’ words, little by little the son’s pretence begins to appear, as well as another path in life for him: that of a rather bourgeois intellectual, searching for the truth, torn between the desire to escape the burden of the paternal ghost and the fear of betrayal. This stunning novel, written in a brilliant, heady language, combines the chronicle of working-class France in the ‘60s and ‘70s with a private story of absence, of a guilty conscience, of the mixed pride and shame of proletarian origins. Prix du Premier Roman 2015 Prix Eugène Dabit 2015

Didier Castino, born in 1966, is a professor of literature in Marseille. After the Silence is his first novel.

Novel. 224 pages. September 2015 All rights available

Press reviews “In Didier Castino we hear one of the strongest and most moving voices of the new literary season..” Le Point “Rendered in a most beautiful style, it brings back to life a universe condemned to extinction.” Le Parisien “A book of love, profoundly striking. Quite simply magnificent.” Télérama “Prose at the same time precise, rich, and sensitive that borders on poetry.” Le Canard enchaîné

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Iain Levison




For a few days now, Snowe, a cop in charge of the rule of law and order in a little Michigan town, has been aware of a strange power: he can read people’s minds. It was while arresting a junkie that he first realised it and, since then, arrests and investigations have taken a much more positive turn for the police. In another part of the country, Brooks Denny, a prisoner on death row, is experiencing the same phenomenon. The government has noticed that his prowess in jailhouse poker is putting a tidy sum in his prison bank account.They send Agent Terry Dyer to investigate. Oddly, Brooks can’t read the thoughts of this young woman… At the end of their interview, Terry makes Brooks a very tempting offer: to accompany her to the UN to assist—thanks to his gift—in negociations between an African head of state and the American government. In exchange, his life will be spared. It’s surely too good to be true, but Brooks gives it a go… Until he realises he’s being manipulated and flees, in the middle of New York. The FBI has no other choice than to call the psychic cop Snowe to the rescue. Iain Levison draws us into one of those suspenses only he knows how to write.Through the, at times funny, at times tragic, unexpected fate of his characters, he denounces the manipulation and surveillance, at the highest levels of state, of anonymous citizens. Iain Levison was born in Aberdeen, Scotland in 1963 and came to the US in 1971. After graduating high school, he returned to the UK to join the British Army. Three years later, he returned to the US, where he has since worked as a truck driver, house painter, Alaskan crab fisherman, and emergency medical technician. These experiences inspired his first book: A Working Stiff Manifesto. His first novel Since the Layoffs (Soho Press ; Un petit boulot in France-more than 50.000 copies sold) attracted much attention. We were the first publisher of his second novel Une canaille et demie (2006;15.000 copies sold) which has also been published in Germany (Matthes und Seitz), The Netherlands (De Geus) and UK+USA (Bitter Lemon Press). His previous novel Arrêtez-moi là! (The Cab Driver) was published in France in 2011 (50.000 copies sold) an in Germany (Zsolnay/Deuticke) in 2012. And the cinema loves him : Arrêtez-moi là!, directed by Gilles Bannier, with Reda Kateb. (January 2016) ; Un petit boulot, directed by Pascal Chaumeil, featuring Romain Duris and Michel Blanc (September 2016).

Manuscript in English available Novel. 240 pages. October 2015 15 000 copies sold Film rights optioned Foreign Sales : Germany (Zsolnay/Deuticke) The Netherlands (De Geus)

Press reviews “It’s dark, grotesque, caustic, irresistible.” Le Point Formidably effective!.» Elle “A delight of an action novel, combined with a subtle thoroughgoing demolition of covert video surveillance.” Lire “One of those rare books that happily marry an unstoppable plot with intelligent subject matter.”

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Emmanuel Grand




The Bastards Will Pay

Between Douai and Valenciennes, Wollaing is one of those little northern French towns beleaguered by unemployment. The good Doctor Antoine Vanderbeken treats some of his patients free of charge. The less charitable Freddie Wallet works in strong-arm debt recovery on behalf of an illegal credit operation. So when Pauline Leroy, a young addict whom Vanderbeken had taken under his wing and who owes money to Wallet, is found murdered, the locals give free rein to their anger. Wallet is the designated guilty party and the bastard must pay—and all the other bastards along with him. Yet behind the murder of little Pauline, police captain Erik Buchmeyer and Lieutenant Saliha Bouazen will discover other grudges linked to the industrial past of the town. Here, everyone remembers the days when the Berga factory employed nearly a thousand workers. A time of full employment and the great union struggles, it was also the setting for violent clashes and dramatic accidents. Berga shut down at the start of the 80s and the abandoned site has become a revolving door of serious drug trafficking. Perhaps the shadows of the villains of the past are crossing paths there with the murderers of today? At times a social novel with troubling overtones, at times a fastpaced thriller, The Bastards Will Pay is a machiavellian story of ven- Crime novel. 380 pages. January 2016 geance and redemption. Emmanuel Grand here confirms his skill at Foreign Sales : interweaving devilishly well-paced and effective scenarios. Italy (Neri Pozza) Germany (Aufbau)

Emmanuel Grand was born in 1966 and lives in Colombes in the Paris region. His first thriller, Terminus Belz (Liana Levi 2014 and Points Seuil 2015), was selected for, among others, the 2015 Best Thriller Prize, and was sold to Germany (Aufbau) and Spain (Salamandra). He has already won three prizes: Prix PolarLens 2015, Prix Tenebris 2015 and Prix Polar SNCF 2016. An unpublished short story appeared in the summer collection of the «Petits Polars Le Monde-SNCF.»

Press reviews “His incandescent thriller brilliantly rekindles the flame of the social crime novel.” Paris Match “Half-thriller, half-social novel that, from many points of view, is in the same vein as certain titles by Didier Daeninckx.” Les Echos “The rhythm is sustained, the language and style of formidable effectiveness.” Metro

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I


Donatella Calabi




Venice Ghetto 500 Years

In the 16th century,Venice was a clearly cosmopolitan town of 150,000 inhabitants. A Jewish community had been present there for centuries, at certain periods subjected to residence restrictions but, as a rule, free to choose their place of habitation. Yet, on March 29, 1516, the government decided to isolate them from the civic body. Jews from different districts of the city were obliged to gather into the “Geto Nuovo,” located in Cannaregio, a site encircled by canals. Two gates, opened in the morning and closed again at midnight by four Christian guards, allowed access to the area. The inhabitants could go out during the day to pursue their work, but at night only doctors were authorized to do so to treat Christians outside the walls. This was the first “ghetto” in history. Originally, the term “ghetto” was a place name, but the word would thereafter become associated with the Venetian Jewish quarter, then with all places of segregation. On the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Venice ghetto, we publish a history of the Jewish presence in Venice, from the establishment of the «enclosed area» through to the process of assimilation, in an approach that encompasses the city as a whole. Prioritising the living environment—housing, open spaces, shops, support services, and religious organisation—the book highlights the relations that, despite reglementation, clearly existed with the rest of civic society (the judiciary, corporations, other minorities). It also seeks to demonstrate the cultural exchanges that developed between Venice, the Mediterranean world, and other European states. Donatella Calabi is director of the Scientific Committee of the Fifth Centennial of the institution of the Venice Ghetto and the curator of an exhibition on the same subject at the Doges’ Palace (June-November 2016). She was a professor of urban history at Venice’s IUAV University from 1974 to 2014, and also a guest director of studies at the EHESS in Paris, the Catholic University in Louvain, Duke University in North Carolina, MIT, and Harvard. She is the author of numerous works on Venice and European cities of the Renaissance and of the 19th-20th century.—Rialto. Le fabbriche e il ponte and La città degli Ebrei,Venice..

Italian version available Essay. 176 p. February 2016 10 text illustrations Color photo dossier : 16 pages, 24 color illustrations Foreign Sales : Italy (Bollati Boringhieri) English/world (Officina Libraria)

Press reviews “The publication by Donatella Calabi, erudite yet easily accessible, complete with a section of illustrations, allows us to understand all the complexity of a historic, social, economic, and urban phenomenon that combines cosmopolitanism and segregation, the welcome of diversity and the need for exclusion. A set of issues that, as we know 500 years later, has seen new developments.” Tageblatt

Contact I Sylvie Mouchès I [email protected] I





FICTION Arthemise, Léa, Question de géométrie All rights available Bordes, Lucile, Je suis la marquise de Carabas Décorama 86, année blanche All rights available Bonnet, Jacques, À l’enseigne de l’amitié Rights sold : Italy (Ponte alle Grazie) / Brazil (Empresa Folha da Manha) Garcia, François, Jours de marché Rights sold : Denmark (Arvids) Henrichs, Bertina, La Joueuse d’échecs Rights sold : Italy (Einaudi) / Germany (Hoffmann und Campe) / The Netherlands (De Geus) / Spain (Alianza) / Greece (Modern Times) / Roumania (Echinox) / Brazil (Record) / Sweden (Elizabeth Grate) / Korea (DDWorld) / Japan (Chikuma Shobo) / Russia (Inostranka) Kachachi, Inaam, Si je t’oublie, Bagdad Rights sold : English world rights (Bloomsbury Qatar) / China (Shanghai 99) / Germany (Kolchis) Levison, Iain Une canaille et demie Rights sold : Germany (Matthes und Seitz) / The Netherlands (De Geus) / UK (Bitterlemon press) Arrêtez-moi là ! (The Cab Driver) Rights sold : Germany (Deuticke) / Italy (E/O) / USA (Europa) Ollagnier, Virginie Toutes ces vies qu’on abandonne L’Incertain Rouge Argile Rights sold : Italy (Piemme) Pigani, Paola N’entre pas dans mon âme avec tes chaussures Rights sold : Finland (Aviador) Venus d’ailleurs All rights available Salaün, Lionel, Le Retour de Jim Lamar Bel-Air La Terre des Wilson All rights available Slanka, Cécile Comment lui dire adieu Rights sold : Italy (Kowalski) / Germany (Aufbau) / Spain (Ediciones 62) / Korea (Shinwon Publ.) / Finland (Avain)





Crime novels : Adamo, Christine L’Équation du chat Rights sold : Greece (Ropi) Requiem pour un poisson Rights sold : Italy (Effemme) / The Netherlands (De Geus) / China (Alpha Books) Noir austral Rights sold : Italy (Touring editore) / The Netherlands (De Geus) Grand, Emmanuel, Terminus Belz Rights sold : Germany (Aufbau) / Spain (Salamandra) Kiner, Aline, Le Jeu du pendu Rights sold : Germany (Ullstein) Maugenest, Thierry Rights sold : Spain (Grijalbo-Random House-Mondadori) / Russie (Geleos) La Poudre des rois Rights sold : Spain (Grijalbo-Random House-Mondadori) / Germany (Droemer) / Italy (Arnoldo Mondadori) Manuscrit MS408 Voynich Rights sold : Spain (Grijalbo) / Russia (Geleos) / Poland (Albatros) / Czech Republic (Alpress) / Croatia (Zagrabecka Naklada) / Portugal (Texto Editora) Audimat Circus Rights sold : English world rights (Roaring Forties Press) Nahapétian, Nairi Qui a tué l’Ayatollah Kanuni ? Rights sold : Spain (Alianza) / Netherlands (Querido) / Sweden (Sekwa) / Ukraine (Tempora) Dernier Refrain à Ispahan Rights sold : Czech Republic (Host Nakladatelství) Thiéblemont, Anne-Laure Le Collectionneur Rights sold : Ukraine (Tempora) / English world rights (Le French Book) La Mouche d’Alexandrie Rights sold : English world rights (Le French Book)





NON FICTION Baldinger, Aline, Petit guide des grandes religions Rights sold : Italy (Piemme) Balen, Noël, L’Odyssée du jazz All rights available Ertel, Rachel, Brasier de mots All rights available Halioua, Bruno La Médecine au temps des Pharaons Rights sold : USA (Harvard UP) / Egypt (Supreme Council of Culture), Italy (Dedalo), Czech Republic (Vysehrad) La Médecine au temps des Hébreux All rights available Science et conscience All rights available Insel, Ahmet et Marian, Michel, Dialogue sur le tabou arménien Rights sold : Turkey (Iletisim) / Armenia (Actual Art) / Germany (Kitab Verlag) Jankélévitch, Vladimir, Penser la mort ? Rights sold : Japan (Seikyu Sha) / Italy (Raffaello Cortina) / Portugal (Editorial Inquérito) / South America-castellano (Fondo de Cultura Argentina) / Poland (PIW) / China (99 Shanghai Readers’ Culture) / Brasil (Instituto Kora) / Korea (Dolbegae) Le Goff, Jacques et Truong, Nicolas, Une histoire du corps Rights sold : Italy (Laterza) / Germany (Klett Cotta) / Portugal (Teorama) / Brazil (Record) / Spain (Teorema) / Argentina (Paidós) / Poland (Czytelnik) / Netherlands (Prometheus) / Czech Republic (Vysehrad) / Japan (Fujiwara Shoten) / Russia (Text Publisher) / Korea (Icarus Media) / Greece (Kedros) / Sweden (Agerings Bokförlag) Selek, Pinar, Parce qu’ils sont arméniens Rights sold : Italy (Fandango) / Germany (Orlanda) / Armenia (Actual Art) / Vasseur, Nadine, Je ne lui ai pas dit que j’écrivais ce livre Rights sold : Portugal (Pedra da Lua) Wieviorka, Annette, Le Procès de Nuremberg All rights available Joint publication : Mille Ans de cultures ashkénazes Rights sold : Russia (Text Publishers) / Brazil (Editora do Bispo) Les Juifs d’Espagne, histoire d’une diaspora Les Juifs de France, de la Révolution à nos jours All rights available





ART OPINION Arasse, Daniel, Les Visions de Raphaël Rights sold : China (Peking University Press) Chastel, André, Babelon, Jean-Pierre, La Notion de patrimoine Rights sold : Portugal (Editorial Inquérito) / Japan (Hosei University Press) / Korea (Amormundi) Chastel, André, Le Geste dans l’art Rights sold : Italy (Laterza) / Spain (Siruela) / Czech Republic (Nakladatelsti) Léonard ou les sciences de la peinture Rights sold : Italy (Abscondita) / Czech Republic (Nakladatelsti) Histoire du retable italien Rights sold : Italy (Abscondita) Giorgione, l’insaisissable Rights sold : Italy (Abscondita)

Liana Levi 1, place Paul-Painlevé, 75005 Paris - France Tel : (+ 33) (0)1 44 32 19 32 Fax : (+ 33) (0)1 46 33 69 56 Foreign rights : Sylvie Mouchès email : [email protected] Foreign Rights Representatives Allemagne/Germany : Liepman AG tél : (+41) 43 268 23 86 fax : (+41) 43 268 23 81 e-mail : [email protected] Espagne/Spain : AMV Agencia Literaria tél : (+34) (91)3652516/3642925 fax : (+34) (91)3640700 e-mail : [email protected] Europe de l’Est/Eastern Europe : Lester Literary Agency Laura Karayotov tél : (+33) (0)6 03 40 82 58 e-mail : [email protected] États-Unis/USA : French Publishers’ Agency tél : (+1) 212 254-4540 fax : (+1) 212 979-6229 e-mail : [email protected] Grèce/Greece : Niki Dougé tél : (+33) (0)1 45 86 07 48 e-mail : [email protected] Italie/Italy : Susanna Zevi Agenzia Letteraria tél : +39-02-657.08.63/7 fax : +39-02-657.09.15 e-mail : [email protected] Japon/Japan : Bureau des © français tél : (+81) 3 5840 8871/6506 fax : (+81) 3 5840 8872 e-mail : [email protected] Pays-Bas,Scandinavie/Netherlands,Scandinavia : Agence Wandel Cruse tél : (+33) (0)1 43 22 45 60 e-mail : [email protected] Royaume-Uni/United Kingdom : Corinne Chabert Literary Agency tél : +31(0)6 2701 4923 +31(0)20 673 2412 e-mail : [email protected] Russie, Ukraine, Biélorussie/Russia, Ukraine, Byelorussia : Lester Literary Agency Anastasia Lester tél : (+33) (0)8 72 59 41 77 - (+33) (0)6 60 77 55 50 e-mail : [email protected]