Les arènes L' iconocLaste xxi 6Mois - Anastasia Lester Literary Agency

mother was a primary school teacher and his father was a pump ... into the heart of true intellectual practice : ..... chooses twelve portfolios, 20 to 30 pages each.
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Les arènes L’ iconoclaste xxi 6Mois don n o




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Les arènes

24 titles published last year – 6 best-seller (› 20,000 copies)

5 years – 22 issues more than 50,000 copies per issue

Created in 1997, this independent publishing house issues 25 non-fiction books each year. There are papers on current events, mindfulness, memoirs and history books, biographies, graphic novels and illustrated albums. We publish a little of everything, but selectively and never haphazardly. Each book is an adventure, and must have a purpose and a “raison d’être.” www.arenes.fr

Created in 2008, this quarterly review publishes unique reportages, consisting of long texts (20 pages), photo reports, or illustrated coverage. With each issue selling more than 50,000 copies, XXI has set a new standard in France for the quality of press. www.revue21.fr



7 titles published last year – 4 best-seller (› 20,000 copies) Created in 1997, Arènes’ sister publishing house company only publishes a handful of titles each year. Sometimes they are literary treasures, which stay with us for a long time. Often, they are works that are monumental, esthetic, adventurous, sensitive, and intellectual. www.editions-iconoclaste.fr

3 YEARS – 7 ISSUES MORE THAN 25,000 COPIES PER ISSUE Since March 2011, and twice a year, this 300-pages magazine publishes photofeatures from around the world. 25 to 35 pages are dedicated to each piece. 6Mois was created with the intention of being translated across the world. Its immediate success in France should convince foreign editors to be a part of this adventure. www.6mois.fr

e globe




An illegal king

Fahim, xavier parmentier and sophie le callenec Les arènes

Fahim was born in Bangladesh and at the age of eight, he had to run away with his father to escape from a threat of abduction. He learned to live without his mother, his home, and his roots and four years later became the chess champion of France. This is the story of a father and son, on their journey across Europe to France. It is about the lives of illegal immigrants : the fear, poverty, humiliations and violence of their daily lives… It is also the story of an improbable friendship between a child and a chess master. A former coach from the national team, moved by the talent and distress of his protégé ; a master who understands that only a victory in the French

Infos :

Rights sold to :

Master of International Chess Federation (FIDE), Xavier Parmentier is one of the most famous professional coaches in France. He has coached the French junior chess team in International competitions. More recently he is the national director of training of French chess coaches.

The true lesson which Fahim’s life story teaches us is not to give in, to hold strong. That we can conduct the struggle without violence and still win our battles. These victories are worth so much more than any political message. Elisabetta Sgarbi, Bompiani

We rate very highly the appeal of the narrative and the quality of the writing. Duncan Heath, Icon Books

Pages 250 publication February 2014

italy Bompiani Germany Heyne UK Icon Books spain Grijalbo India Orient publishing

Film rights sold to : Waiting for productions Director and main actor Daniel Auteuil


ions t a l s tran ss accro

championship can get him out of his predicament. By training Fahim free of charge, he gives him the means to fight and raise an army of pawns to conquer the world and to find his mother, who he had never seen again.


s so copie ar so f

Pages 144 publication January 2014

© Patrick Swirc

narrative non-fiction

0 100,00 l d

Rights sold to : Philippe Torreton was born in 1965 in Rouen. His mother was a primary school teacher and his father was a pump attendant. After launching his acting career, he entered the Comédie Française in 1990, and now shares his time between theatre and cinema.



Philippe torreton L’iconoclaste

This story is the portrait of a grandmother made by a kid who is nearly 50 years old. It is actually the voice of a man, an accomplished actor, who does not want to move on to something else and remembers his mémé like it was yesterday. She is a lone woman, living on very little, down to earth, quaint in her ways, and terribly lovable. Mémé is the epitome of all grandmothers, the kind that we had or dreamed of having. The author’s memories are tinged with the nostalgia that surfaces with the evocation of a scent, a caress, or a game of dominos. Mémé is a magnificent book about childhood, full of emotion, with shades of great tenderness. It is also an ode to the simple life, and above all, a tribute to a beloved grandmother who has passed away, taking a bygone era with her.

Infos :

“This book is a universal work about the things and values that have a real significance in the every day life. It depicts an ancient world, and eventhough the story takes place in the french Normandy, this story could happen in any of our countrysides and villages.” Rizzoli

italy Rizzoli

narrative non-fiction



rs thinke

— Régis Debray is an agrégé in philosophy, an essayist and a writer. His work published by Gallimard, Flammarion, and Odile Jacob has been highly successful with both French and foreign readers. He is one of the rare French essayists to be widely translated abroad. — Zhao Tingyang is a professor of philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Schooled in Neo-Confucianist thought, in 2005 he published a book that was hailed by the international press : The Tianxia System, an Introduction to the Philosophy of a World Institution.


From heaven to earth China and the Western world Régis Debray and Zhao Tingyang Les arènes

This book offers a journey to the heart of Chinese and Western thought and the history of civilisations, at a time when China looks set to become the giant of the 21st century. Du ciel à la terre is the first direct dialogue, without a political or ideological filter, between a Western intellectual and a Chinese philosopher. For the first time, China is not seen through the eyes of an expert or a Sinologist, but by a Chinese national. Debray and Tingyang demonstrate great freedom of spirit and a constant concern for dialogue and mutual understanding beyond cultural assumptions.

◗ A dialogue that rouses your curiosity and opens your mind.

Infos : P ages 250

publication March 2014

All rights available except in China. 


two rful e w o p

As the book progresses, the reader is plunged into the heart of true intellectual practice : handling concepts with care and fostering doubt in order to make better progress.


graphic novel

Patrick de Saint-Exupéry was an international reporter for Le Figaro ; he covered the events and became a highly regarded author on the subject. In 2004, he published L’Inavouable, a book on France’s involvement in the genocide (20 000 copies). In 2013, he returned to Kigali with Hippolyte to write this illustrated report. — Hippolyte is a graphic novelist. He is best known as the author of Dracula (Glénat), Le maître de Ballantrae (Denoël Graphic), Minik (Aire Libre, Dupuis) and Les Ombres (Phébus).


Infos : Pages 96 publication March 2014

All rights available. 

graphic novel

Between past and present, La Fantaisie des Dieux both revives the memory of the genocide and puts a spotlight on contemporary Rwanda, 20 years after the events.


The Whims of the Gods Rwanda 1994

patrick de saint-exupéry and hippolyte Les arènes

The comic tells the horrors but doesn’t show it directly. Patrick de Saint-Exupéry and Hippolyte recount an episode of the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda that took place twenty years ago. Patrick de Saint-Exupéry returns to the sites, while Hippolyte discovers them. The artist listens to the international reporter’s story, who travelled several times to Rwanda before and during the genocide, and transposes it into images. Through Hippolyte’s eyes, this report in the form of a graphic novel elucidates what the journalist saw and discovered, it also gives a voice to the refugees and witnesses of the same facts.

◗ A book of startling revelations that is already a reference.


Big Pharma

Under the direction of mikkel borch-jacobsen Les arènes

The existence of the pharmaceutical industry is no longer for the purposes of healthcare, but for profit. Its stock market value is situated in third position after the banking sector and oil companies. A shocking book that calls the entire health system into question : research, evaluation of medicine, and the very notion of illness. A number of great health crimes are recounted. Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen sought the advice of the best international experts on the subject, those who revealed the scandals and abuses and who got the information first-hand.

◗ Inventing illnesses in order to sell more drugs. ◗ There are no longer any experts without links to the industry. ◗ Cartels sell medicine at everincreasing prices.

Infos : Pages 300 publication August 2013

Rights sold to : Germany Piper



a ing shock book

— Just like Big Oil, Big Tobacco and Big Chemical, Big Pharma is a political power as much as it is a financial one and parlays on an equal footing with governments, international organisations and national parliaments, descending on them with its veritable armies of lobbyists. — Philosopher and historian, Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen teaches at the University of Washington. He was one of the architects of the The Black Book on Psychoanalysis. He has dedicated a documentary to the way the pharmaceutical industry markets illnesses.


— When Hugo Horiot was 8 years old, his mother, Françoise Lefèvre, told his story in a book, Le Petit Prince cannibale, which won the Goncourt des Lycéens [Goncourt high-school jury prize]. This was the story of a mother who refused to be considered responsible for her son’s autism and decided to educate him herself. Today, Hugo is thirty. He is an actor and director.

s so copie ar so f

“His tale is exceptional in that he gives us the keys to his autistic behaviour.” Le Figaro littéraire


I’m the Emperor hugo horiot L’iconoclaste

Hugo is autistic, with Asperger’s syndrome. He delves into his memories as an autistic child, and talks about how he suffered from being different : his refusal to speak, his desire to be someone else, to the point of wanting to change his name. He does not hide his own cruelty, either. We feel as though we are seeing the world through his eyes, as though we were in his head. He could have remained bitter, but he found resilience through theatre. Hugo was gradually able to overcome rejection and pain. This exceptional account helps us to understand what goes on within the mind of an extremely intelligent autistic child, his obsessions, his anxieties, his way of seeing things, and his concessions with respect to other children, teachers and psychiatrists. With disarming sincerity and a sense of detachment that is often funny, he also reveals the darker aspects of his personality, his calculating spirit, the spying he indulges in, and his omnipotence.

“The captivating story of an autistic man who relates his difference and his silent torment […] His remarkable achievement : the transition from silence to a complete mastery of language.” Service littéraire

“I read L’empereur, c’est moi in one go and it was a coup de cœur. It’s more than just a memoir, it also aims at a problem in our society : the pressure to conform. An unforgettable voice.” Tatjana Michaelis, Hanser Verlag

Infos : Pages 160 publication March 2013

Rights sold to : Germany Hanser Italy Piemme USA Seven Stories spain Kairos



50,000l d



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◗ This book is addressed to all and provides concrete solutions to contemporary discontent.


Changing the self, changing the world C. André, J. Kabat-Zinn, P. Rabhi and M. Ricard L’iconoclaste

Four great minds investigate discontent in the contemporary world. The authors met together for the first time. This book is the fruit of their exchanges. One is a Buddhist monk, one is a psychiatrist, another is a philosopher-farmer, and the last, a professor of medicine. For years, they have been working to reveal the best aspects of humanity. Here, they combine their experience and talents to invent new ways of living together in harmony. By changing oneself, by developing altruistic values, by replacing competition with cooperation, we can change the world. They provide practical courses of action that can be applied in everyday life. This book shows us that the future is in our hands and that we are able to change it.

◗ A salutary book that gives us hope and invites us to act. “Meditating is not about isolating oneself but connecting with the world.” Christophe André

“We should inspire the world by example and commitment.” Matthieu Ricard

“You can change the world by developing intimacy with the self.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

Infos : Pages 250 publication September 2013

Rights sold to : KOREA Eunhaeng Namu Germany Kösel verlag Spain Kairos China Life Bookstore


30,000 d

— Christophe André is a psychiatrist and the author of the bestseller Méditer, jour après jour. — Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. is internationally known for his work as a scientist, writer, and meditation teacher. — Pierre Rabhi is one of the father of agroecology. He has been working, for the past forty years, for a world more respectful of men and nature. — Matthieu Ricard is a Buddhist monk and has published several books translated worldwide, including L’art de la méditation.


25,000l d


I’m not afraid anymore

Hit the Sky and Hear the Noise


Les arènes

jean-claude guillebaud

Jean-Claude Guillebaud wrote to demonstrate to what extent his hope and optimism were created by the failures, tragedies and fears that he has been through. His approach enlightens the reader, who might be able to recognise themselves in this very personal portrait. His questions and fears are those of any existence.

Infos :

How to forge your own identity when everything shifts, how to resist the excesses of our age, learn from failure, preserve a childlike spirit, and maintain relationships ? — Jean-Claude Guillebaud was a journalist and international reporter. Today he has a weekly column in the Nouvel Observateur. He became the editor and literary director of Seuil for more than thirty years. Cofounder of Arléa publishing house, he is now the literary director of Les Arènes and Iconoclaste.

All rights available. 

Pages 240 publication January 2014

fabrice midal

This story is both an intellectual itinerary and an accompanying guide along the paths of meditation, designed for the seasoned meditator and the novice alike. Sincere and human, Fabrice Midal relates his difficulties, weaknesses and doubts with humour, in a very reassuring and demystifying story. He perturbs the traditional boundaries of meditation and shows that it is indissociable from a certain way of perceiving the world. This testimony shares the joys of meditation by offering a new, reassuring and iconoclastic approach. — Fabrice Midal is a doctor of philosophy and founded the Ecole Occidentale de Méditation. He has been teaching for over fifteen years. He is the author of around twenty books.

Infos : Pages 250 publication January 2014

All rights available. 



s so copie ar so f


Finding Love and Making it Last philippe brenot Les arènes

This book is a manual for falling in love, for lasting love and for living together harmoniously. The Prince Charming myth is still alive and kicking. Brenot’s investigation, conducted in association with the Observatoire du Couple proves it : 70 % of women believe or believed in Prince Charming. 33 % are still waiting for him. 45 % of men think that they are “Prince Charmings”. As a therapist for couples, Philippe Brenot deciphers the myth in the light of real life difficulties and offers solutions for a long-lasting encounter. — Philippe Brenot is a psychiatrist, anthropologist and therapist for couples. He directs the sexology studies at the Université de Paris Descartes and is president of the Observatoire International du Couple. He is the author of over twenty books published by Odile Jacob and Les Arènes.

Infos : Pages 270 publication April 2014

All rights available. 


philippe druillet with david alliot Les arènes

Delirium relates the confessions of a hugely popular graphic novelist. “My father was the head of the militia in the Gers region. He and my mother were fervent fascists. In August 1944 – I was barely two months old – they fled, with a baby strapped to their backs, first to Sigmaringen, then to Spain. That’s my story. That’s my family. That’s my youth.” Delirium tells the story of this family that haunts him, the youth and love life of an artist under the rooftops of Paris, and the heroic moments of comics and Pilote magazine, under the loyal patronage of René Goscinny. It is a poignant biographical tale in which we discover an exceptional personality. — Philipe Druillet is well known as one of the masters of sci-fi graphic novels. Some of his most famous works include the Lone Sloane series and Salambô, a transposition of Gustave Flaubert’s novel to a fantasy and science fiction atmosphere.

Infos : Pages 276 publication April 2014

All rights available. 


psychology 20

One Day my Prince will Come


Recent backlist 22

Les arènes

– L’iconoclaste

Man of Joy Christian Bobin L’iconoclaste

Christian Bobin is the author of many successful books (Gallimard, Le Mercure de France) and presents here 15 new tales. His unique and poetic eye transfigures daily life and incites contemplation. These tales are portraits, encounters or visions, in which we recognise everything that has made the author of The Missing Part, or The More than alive so successful. In his writing, moments of grace oscillate with ecstatic contemplation. God is never far from the poetry that emanates from his attentive observation of beings and things. — Christian Bobin was born in 1951 in Le Creusot. He lives near his hometown, in a house in the heart of the forest, where he devotes himself entirely to writing. He is the author of nearly twenty books, including : ◗ The Very Lowly (Gallimard, 1992) / Prix des Deux Magots 1993 / Grand Prix of Catholic Literature 1993 ◗ The ruins of the sky (Gallimard, 2009) / Prix du livre de spiritualité Panorama La Procure.

Infos : Pages 160 publication August 2012

Rights sold to : Germany Spuren Italy Mondadori Turkey Monokl Korea Beautiful People

narrative non fiction


opies 90,000 sold


opies 0 130,00 sold


0 300,00o l d

Mindfulness day after day

A tear saved me MEMOIR

ANGÈLE LIEBY with hervé de chalendar Les arènes

The deeply moving testimony of a survivor



The true story of a conscious coma. She was completely paralyzed and they thought she was in a coma. She could hear the stream of tearful family members visiting, but was helpless. On July 13th 2009, Angèle Lieby went to work. She felt a tingling in her fingers, and had an increasingly painful migraine. At the Hospital, she was put in a medically induced coma in order to be intubated. The coma was supposed to last three days. But she did not wake up. Inside this lifeless body, Angèle was conscious. But no one knew it. She received treatment without anyone bothering to anesthetize her. She suffered without being able to react.

Infos : Pages 234 publication March 2012

Rights sold to : Germany Lübbe Spain Temas de Hoy Portugal Pergaminho

Italy San Paolo Poland Weltbild Hungaria Kiskapu China Hanbook Publishing Russia Eksmo SWEDEN Libris CZECH REPUBLIC Euromedia TURkey Pegasus


Christophe André introduces the reader to this practice through comprehensible methods, adapted illustrations, and a CD of guided meditations that he created. The paintings that illustrate the meditations communicate the mental and physical reality of this training. Finally, the exercises along with a CD of short guides to meditating (5 to 15 minutes in length) allow the reader to experiment with this approach at home.

Infos : Pages 304 publication September 2011

Rights sold to : UK Rider Germany Kailash the Netherlands Ten have Norway Arneberg

Italy Corbaccio Spain Kairos Catalunia Kairos Korea Gimm-Young Publishers China SDX Joint Publishing Taiwan Freedom Hill Japan Kinokuniya Poland Czarna Owca Turkey Pegasus


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opies 0 210,00 sold

A special day

Anne-Dauphine Julliand


Les arènes

Les arènes

On the same day Thaïs turned two, Anne-Dauphine Julliand learned that her daughter was suffering from an incurable disease. Her heartrending story tells the struggle of their relatives and friends, a moving network of solidarity, all united for one magnificent cause : to make Thaïs’s short life as beautiful as possible. They were all blessed in return with the most precious gift of all : her unrestrained liveliness, joy and love.

Infos : Pages 230 publication March 2011

Rights sold to : USA Skyhorse Canada Transcontinental Germany Lübbe the Netherlands Lannoo Italy Bompiani Spain Temas de Hoy

Argentina Planeta Argentina Portugal Porto Editora Greece Psichogios China Shanghai 99 Taiwan Crown Culture Corporation Japan Kodansha Russia Hemiro Slovenia Zalozba Druzina Romania Philobia Czech Republic Motto Poland Ksiegarnia Sw. Wojciecha Vietnam Women’s publishing House TURKEY Pegasus

Anne-Dauphine Julliand has had four children. She lives in the Paris region and her work as a journalist has been temporarily interrupted to take care of her children and respond to requests for conferences and signatures. Since the publication of her first book, she has given over 300 conferences and book signing events in France and abroad. The book has won many prizes in France and abroad, including the Prix Pèlerin du Témoignage [Pèlerin Prize for Autobiography / Memoir] and the Best French Story of 2011 in China.

“We share the life of a couple and a wonderful family who managed to survive in the face of adversity… It is heartfelt and joyful. It is fundamental. In every sense of the word.” ELLE

Infos : Pages 250 publication June 2013

Rights sold to : USA Skyhorse spain Palabra Poland Ksiegarnia Sw. Wojciecha



Two small steps on wet sand


opies 60,000 sold


Infos : Pages 304 publication March, September



All rights available. 



The photojournalism magazine The best of journalism. The best of photography. 6Mois is a twice-yearly features magazine since March 2011. The editorial office chooses twelve portfolios, 20 to 30 pages each. Twelve real-life adventures, twelve true stories, all thoroughly, comprehensively and carefully accounted for. The purpose is to depict the 21st century in pictures backed with captions, interviews, stories. The authors of 6Mois are chinese, iranian, british, russian, german…

“We dreamt up 6Mois to reconnect journalism with photography, find the meeting point between the public’s taste and the astonishing energy of the authors.” Marie-Pierre Subtil, chief editor

“In less than two years, 6Mois has established itself as a high-quality magazine that uses photography to tell the story of today’s society.” Olivier Laurent, British Journal of Photography



Crown publishing group

Whole : rethinking the science of nutrition T. Colin Campbell Ben Bella Books


Recent acquisitions

Hardwiring happiness Rick Hanson


The moneyless man Mark Boyle One world publication

The reason I jump Naoki Higashida Hodder & Stoughton


No god but god Reza Asl an Random house

Poèmes de Less Murray Le serment des fèves et autres poèmes Less Murray Poèmes choisis et traduits par Daniel Tammet




Vietnam, the real war Pete Hamill


The Zealot Reza Asl an Random house

Hyperbole and a half Allie Brosh Square Peg

Atlas of prejudice Yanko Tsvetkov Knesebeck

Subagents spain, Portugal Latin AmErica, AND BrAZil AMV Agencia Literaria c/ Maldonadas 9, 2º dcha. 28005 Madrid, SPAIN tel. + 34 91 365 25 16 fax. +34 91 364 07 00 www.amvagencialiteraria.com amvagencialiteraria.blogspot.com

Eduardo Melón Vall at [email protected]

PolAND, CZECH REPUBLIC, SlovaKIA, HUNGARY, Bosnia-Herzegovina, SlovENIA, CroatiA, SerbiA, Bulgaria, MoldaviA, LithuaniA, LATVIA AND EstoniA Agence de l’Est 11, rue Gît-le-Cœur 75006 Paris, FRANCE tel. +33 (0)9 54 66 44 55

Patricia Pasqualini [email protected]

Greece Kléoniki Dougé tel. + 33 (0)1 45 86 07 48 [email protected]

Italy Marco Vigevani Agenzia Letteraria via Cappuccio 14 20123 Milano, ITALY tel. + 39 02 86 99 65 53 fax. + 39 02 86 98 23 09 www.marcovigevani.com

Cl aire Sabatier [email protected]

RUSSIA, UKRAINE AND BELARUS Anastasia Lester Literary Agent 14 bis, villa de la République 92120 Montrouge, FRANCE tel. +33 (0)9 52 59 41 77 www.lesteragency.fr

AnaStasia Lester [email protected]

JapAn Bureau des copyrights français Bunkyo-ku, Hongo 3-26-4-903 Tokyo 113-0033, JAPAN tel. (81-3) 5840 - 8871 fax. (81-3) 5840 - 8872

Corinne Quentin [email protected]

Contact Foreign rights manager Catherine Farin [email protected]

tel. +33 (0)1 42 17 46 54 — 27, rue Jacob 75006 Paris, France —

www.arenes.fr www.editions-iconoclaste.fr www.revue21.fr www.6mois.fr

graphiC : chloé Laforest

traduction : anna knight