Leg searching movements of the stick insect

Close inspection reveals that two LEP pairs occur in reverse order (C1 ...... improve rough terrain locomotion in a hexapod robot. Robotics. Auton. Systems 18 ...
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The Journal of Experimental Biology 204, 1589–1604 (2001) Printed in Great Britain © The Company of Biologists Limited 2001 JEB3310

STEREOTYPIC LEG SEARCHING MOVEMENTS IN THE STICK INSECT: KINEMATIC ANALYSIS, BEHAVIOURAL CONTEXT AND SIMULATION VOLKER DÜRR* Abteilung für Biokybernetik und Theoretische Biologie, Fakultät für Biologie, Universität Bielefeld, Postfach 10 01 31, D-33501 Bielefeld, Germany *e-mail: [email protected]

Accepted 2 February; published on WWW 5 April 2001 Summary searching trajectories to be simulated: (i) cyclic movements Insects are capable of efficient locomotion in a spatially and (ii) the smooth transition into a search trajectory as a complex environment, such as walking on a forest floor non-terminated swing movement. It is possible to generate or climbing in a bush. One behavioural mechanism several loops of a middle-leg search, but the precise size and underlying such adaptability is the searching movement shape of the loops fall short of a real-life approximation. that occurs after loss of ground contact. Here, the Incorporation of front-leg retraction or hind-leg kinematic sequence of leg searching movements of the protraction during searching will also require an extension stick insect Carausius morosus is analysed. Searching to the current model. movements are shown to be stereotypic rhythmic Finally, front-leg searching occurs simultaneously movement sequences consisting of several loops. The with antennal movements. Also, because leg searching typical loop structure allows the mean tarsus trajectory to movements are a local behaviour, the legs remaining on the be calculated using a feature-based averaging procedure. ground continue their stance phase, causing a forward shift Thus, it is possible to describe the common underlying of the body, including the searching leg. As a result of this structure of this movement pattern. Phase relationships shift, the centre of the searched space is close to the anterior between joint angles, analysed for searching front legs, extreme position of the tarsus during walking, representing indicate a central role for the thorax–coxa joint in the location of most likely ground contact according to past searching movements. Accordingly, the stereotyped loop experience. Therefore, the behavioural relevance of structure of searching differs between front-, middlesearching movements arises from the combined actions of and hindlegs, with leg-specific patterns being caused several limbs. by differing protraction/retraction movements in the thorax–coxa joint. A simple artificial neural network that had originally been devised to generate simple swing Key words: leg movement, searching, stick insect, Carausius morosus, artificial neural network, motor control. movements allows two essential features of empirical

Introduction When walking on a natural substratum, for example the leafcovered floor of a forest, animals frequently encounter obstacles, changes in slope or gaps. If these surface irregularities are small compared with the size of the animal, they may not involve large changes in the locomotor pattern in order to adapt to them. Rather, known leg coordination mechanisms are sufficient to explain several adaptive properties of the locomotor system (Cruse et al., 1995b). In some instances, however, in particular when encountering gaps, complete extension of the leg may not lead to ground contact, and a correction movement is required to re-establish a foothold. In insects, repeated corrective leg movements have been described in locusts (Locusta migratoria; Pearson and Franklin, 1984) and have been termed searching movements because of their active effort to find support. Similar cyclic searching movements have been described in other

invertebrates (e.g. Delcomyn, 1987; Karg et al., 1991) and vertebrates (e.g. Gorassini et al., 1994). Because leg searching movements do not necessarily involve sensory anticipation, e.g. from visual input, but are initiated locally after a lack of ground contact, quantitative analysis of searching movements has been limited to stationary walking animals or even to fixed animals. In insects, the studies of Karg et al. (Karg et al., 1991), Bässler et al. (Bässler et al., 1991) and Bässler (Bässler, 1993) on the stick insect Cuniculina impigra have contributed to a good understanding of the sensory control of searching movements and their involvement in the transition from swing to stance phase, but all these studies were limited to a two-joint preparation on a single leg. Despite the fact that the reestablishment of a foothold may, to some extent, be solved locally, i.e. by the leg itself, the functional interpretation of leg searching movements in behaviour requires the concerted

1590 V. DÜRR actions of the neighbouring limbs, possibly even of the entire body, to be considered. This is because several limbs may contribute to the efficiency of corrective movements to find a new foothold. The aim of the present study was to extend our understanding of the functional role of leg searching movements in freely walking stick insects. This involves a quantitative three-dimensional description of tarsus trajectories in body coordinates, and also of the searched space in external coordinates, for all six legs of the animal. Furthermore, I will describe how front-leg searching movements and concurrent ipsilateral antennal movements act in parallel to increase the efficiency of spatial sampling. Finally, the observed movement trajectories of individual legs are simulated by means of an artificial neural network (ANN). In particular, I will investigate the extent to which a small ANN that is part of an existing distributed controller of hexapod walking (Cruse et al., 1998) can explain two major aspects of the empirical data: the cyclic structure of the search and the smooth transition from swing to search by means of a single controller. An earlier attempt to incorporate leg searching movements into a model of hexapod walking relied on separate controllers of the swing and searching movements (Espenschied et al., 1996). The emerging picture will increase our understanding of limb coordination during walking on rough terrain, and the quantitative description of unrestrained behaviour will assist modelling studies on legged locomotion. Preliminary results of this study have been published previously in abstract form (Dürr, 1999; Dürr, 2000). Materials and methods Behavioural analysis Experiments were carried out on adult female stick insects, Carausius morosus Brunner 1907, kept in a parthenogenetic colony at the University of Bielefeld, Germany. Front-leg searching movements and antennal movements were studied in freely walking animals on a 32 mm wide cardboard bridge of length 350 mm; 185 walks of nine animals were recorded. Between trials, animals were left to walk in pseudo-randomly varied directions along the bridge to minimise learning effects. Care was taken to vary the starting point of the walk. Because front-leg searching movements were studied under normal daylight conditions, a control experiment was performed to investigate the effects of visual input. In this experiment, one animal was blindfolded by reversibly covering its eyes with Protemp II (ESPE) and a superficial layer of black camera varnish (Tetenal). Front-leg joint angles and antennal direction were calculated only for the right side of the animal, because only one laterally placed mirror was used in this experiment, often leaving the left front coxa and the femur–tibia joint invisible. However, the left front tarsus was usually visible, so that three-dimensional measurement of left tarsus trajectories could be compared with right tarsus trajectories. Experiments on middle- and hind-leg searching movements

were carried out on two 40 mm wide cardboard bridges, separated by a gap of variable width; 345 walks of 18 animals were recorded. Typically, the width of the gap was set to 16–17 mm, but some trials were recorded using a gap of 21 mm. To minimise visual input, the immediate environment was black and was illuminated by an infrared spotlight. Mirrors were placed on both sides of the animal for this experiment to provide complete lateral views of both sides. In both experiments, animals were video-recorded from above and, simultaneously, via the mirrors, in lateral view. The video system consisted of a CCD camera (Fricke GmbH, CCD-7250, 1 ms shutter, 50 Hz), a frame code generator (Magnasonic, VTG 200) and an sVHS video recorder (Blaupunkt RTV-925 or similar). Filming distance was 900 mm, and the spatial resolution was 0.32 mm per pixel. For spatial analysis, video sequences were either displayed on a NEXT computer or captured as non-compressed AVI files (Microsoft video format) to an IBM-compatible computer via a graphics card (Elsa Victory Erazor) and manually digitised using a custom-written program (Borland Delphi). Digitising error, as estimated from repeated analysis of the same sequence, was less than 1 mm. In each frame, the positions of the end of the coxa, the femur–tibia joint and the tibia–tarsus joint of the leg of interest were digitized in both camera views, along with the base of the antennae and the point mid-way between the hind-leg coxae, to define the body axis. For front-leg searching movements, the position of the tip of the ipsilateral antenna was also digitized. The resulting three-dimensional pixel coordinates of each point were converted into metric values and used to calculate body coordinates with reference to the current body axis. To calculate leg joint angles, the plane defined by the three joint coordinates per leg was determined. The thorax–coxa joint angle α was defined as the forward rotation of this plane with respect to the sagittal plane of the body (protraction/retraction). The coxa–trochanter angle β and the femur–tibia angle γ were calculated within the plane of the leg (see Fig. 8A). Note that these measures deviate slightly from standard inverse kinematics (e.g. Cruse and Bartling, 1995), mainly because they do not depend upon the definition of a joint axis for the thorax–coxa joint. Rather, a second degree of freedom in the thorax–coxa joint is determined, which has not been calculated in earlier studies: the pronation of the leg plane. However, because pronation is dependent upon protraction and is of relatively small amplitude in stick insect leg movements, it is often neglected by defining a fixed slanted joint axis for inverse kinematics. Because these methodical differences have no impact on the results of the present study, further detailed comparison of the two algorithms will be presented elsewhere (V. Dürr, in preparation). Data analysis was performed using custom-written programs and Origin (MicroCal). Neural network simulation The computer simulation of searching movements was based on an artificial neural network (ANN) called SwingNet, which is a module of a distributed controller for hexapod

Leg searching movements of the stick insect 1591 walking (Cruse et al., 1998). SwingNet controls the angular velocity in three joints during mechanically uncoupled leg movement, i.e. movement without ground contact. The simulation program was written in Pascal (Borland Delphi) and run on an IBM-compatible computer. It included a WindowsNT graphics interface for educational purposes, a study version of which can be downloaded (http://www.unibielefeld.de/biologie/Kybernetik/staff/volker/programs.html). A detailed description of the ANN is given in the Results section. The network was trained to approximate empirically measured tarsus trajectories in body coordinates. This was accomplished by means of a random-search algorithm, using the following evaluation function: E=

冪 n冱d 1


2 i




where d is the Euclidean distance between corresponding points on the simulated trajectory and its empirical counterpart, and n is the number of corresponding pairs of points. Thus, E represents the mean deviation between the simulated and empirical trajectories. Corresponding pairs of trajectory points were defined such that the empirical sequence with n data points (time base 20 ms) was assigned a sequence of model iterations with a fixed interval q∈{1, 2, 3}. Simulated trajectories therefore consisted of q×n iterations. For training, starting values of all weights were set at random. In each trial, weights were altered at random by a statistically varying learning rate. All weights were selected with equal probability, and altered weights were accepted if E(t) < E(t−1), where t is the trial number. Training was aborted after 300 trials without learning success. Two kinds of training conditions were used: either a single empirical trajectory served as the template, or a set of 10 empirical trajectories was used in parallel. In the latter case, equation 1 was applied separately for each trajectory in the set and the average value of E was used for evaluation. Training involved several thousand random searches for each type of leg. The best results were obtained for middle-leg trajectories, using single trajectory templates, q=2 and small starting weights (