Lecture 10 Light Valves .fr

E. Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley Publishing. • Cardinal Warde, Spatial Light Modulators for Optically Controlled. Phased-Array Radar Signal Processors, ...
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Lecture 10 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices

Light Valves Outline • • •

Monochromatic Plane Waves Electromagnetic Propagation in Anisotropic Media Spatial Light Modulators

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


References • Jin Au Kong, Electromagnetic Wave Theory, EMW Publishing, Cambridge, MA, USA • B. E. A. Saleh and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons, New York • E. Hecht, Optics, Addison-Wesley Publishing • Cardinal Warde, Spatial Light Modulators for Optically Controlled Phased-Array Radar Signal Processors, Chapter 6 of Photonic Aspects of Modern Radar, Ed. H. Zmuda and E.N. Toughlian, p.163. • Cardinal Warde, Spatial Light Modulators for Optically Processing and Displays, SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation, 13 July 1995. • P. Yeh and C. Gu, Optics of Liquid Crystal Displays, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1999.

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Summary of Today’s Lecture • Light valves modulate light coming from an independent light source of high intensity • Modulation derived from phenomena causing – – – –

Reflection Diffraction Scattering Polarization change


6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Monochromatic Plane Wave E = E (r,t) = A cos (ωt − k • r ) = Re{A exp[i (ωt − k • r )]} k •E = 0

Transverse wave

ϕ = ωt − k • r


ω= angular frequency • For transparent material n=n(λ) and is k = wave vector real Ã= constant vector representing amplitude • Dependence of n on wavelength is optical dispersion or chromatic ω 2π dispersion k =n =n c λ • For materials with absortion, n is complex n=index of refraction • Transverse wave c=speed of light in vacuum λ=wavelength of light in vacuum 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Monochromatic Plane Wave


E = E (r,t) = A cos(ω t − k • r ) = Re{A exp[i (ωt − k • r )]} 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Polarization State • Polarization state specified by the electric field vector E(r,t) • Assuming propagation in the z-direction – Transverse wave lies in xy-plane – Two mutually independent components are E x = A x cos(ωt − kz + δ x )

E y = A y cos(ωt − kz + δ y ) – Ax, Ay are independent positive amplitudes – δx, δy are independent phases

• These corresponds to elliptic polarization with relative phase δ=δy-δx. 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Linear Polarization • Beam of light is linearly polarized if the electric field vector vibrates in a constant direction in the xy-plane – δ=δy-δx=0 or π Ey Ex


Ay Ax


Ey Ex


Ay Ax

• Since Ax, A are independent, the electric field vector of linearly polarized light can vibrate along any direction in the xy-plane • Linearly polarized light also known as plane polarized light. Hecht 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Circular Polarization • Beam of light is circularly polarized if the electric field vector undergoes uniform rotation in the xy-plane – δ=δy-δx=π/2 – Ay = Ax


6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

• Beam of light is right-hand circularly polarized when δ=π/2 which corresponds to counter-clockwise rotation of the E field vector in xy-plane • Beam of light is left-hand circularly polarized when δ=+π/2 which corresponds to clockwise rotation of the E field vector in xy-plane Lecture 10


Circular Polarization States

Yeh & Gu 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Elliptic Polarization • Beam of light is elliptically polarized if the curve traces by the tip of the electric field vector is an ellipse in the xyplane – Linear and circular polarization are special cases of the elliptic polarization At z = 0 2

 E x   E y  cos δ   + −2 Ex E y = sin 2 δ   Ax A y  Ax   A y  Can do transform ation such that 2

Yeh & Gu

+ve e corresponds to right handed E field -ve e corresponds to left-handed E field 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001


 E x′′   Ey ′′  =1   +  a   b  2A A tan 2φ = 2 x y2 cos δ A x − Ay 2

ellipticit y e = ± Lecture 10

b a 10

Elliptic Polarization

Yeh & Gu 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Jones Vector Representation • The plane wave is expressed in terms of its complex amplitudes as column vectors  A e iδ  x

 J =  A ye iδ    x


• Thus linearly polarized light is given by

 cos ψ  J =   ψ sin  

– where ψ=tan-1 (Ay/Ax) is the azimuth angle of the oscillation direction with respect to the x-axis

• Special case of ψ=0 (linearly polarized light) 1 0 x =  , y =   0 1

• Special case for right and left circularly polarized waves R=

1 1 1  1   , L =   2 − i 2 i

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


In general  cosψ  J (ψ , δ) =  iδ  e sin ψ  

Yeh & Gu 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Electromagnetic Propagation in Anisotropic Media ∂B ∇×E + =0 ∂t ∂D ∇×H − =J ∂t ∇•D = ρ

E=Electric field vector H=Magnetic field vector D=Electric displacement B=Magnetic induction ρ=Electric charge density J= Current density P=electric polarization M=Magnetic polarization ε=permitivity tensor εo=permitivity of vacuum µ=permeability tensor µo=permeability of vacuum

∇•B= 0 Constituit ve Equations D = ε E = ε oE + P B = µH = µ o H + M

D i = εijE j  n 2x  ε = εo 0 0 

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

0 n 2y 0

0  εx   0 = 0 n 2z   0 Lecture 10

0 εy 0

0  0 ε z  14

Plane Wave in Homogeneous Media Magnetic Field Vector

Electric Field Vector


H exp[i (ωt − k • r )]


E exp i (ωt − k • r ) k=

ω ns c

s = unit vector in propagation direction

Plugging these in Maxwell’s equation reduces to

k × (k × E ) + ω 2µε E = 0

This leads to a relation between ω and k ω 2µε x − k 2y − k 2z det k yk x k zk x 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

k xk y ω2µε y − k 2x − k 2z

k xk z k yk z

k zk y

ω2µε z − k 2x − k 2y Lecture 10



Normal Surface •

Solution for nx(εx) at a given frequency represents a 3D surface in k space known as normal surface – consists of two shells having four points in common – optic axis = two lines that go through the origin and these four points

Given a direction of propagation, there are two k values that are intersections of propagation direction and normal surface – k values ⇒ different phase velocities (ω/k) of waves propagating along the direction

Along an arbitrary direction of propagation, s, there can exist two independent plane waves linearly polarized propagating with phase velocities (±c/n1 and (±c/n2 )

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Yeh & Gu Lecture 10


Classification of Media • Normal surface is determined by the principal indices of refraction, nx, ny, nz • nx≠ny≠nz ⇒ biaxial material – Two optical axes

• no2=εx/εo=εy/εo and ne2= εz/εo

– ⇒ uniaxial material (z-axis) – Normal surface consists of a sphere and ellipsoid of revolution – no is ordinary index and ne extraordinary index – ne – no either +ve or -ve

• nx=ny=nz ⇒ isotropic material – Normal surface degenerate in a single sphere Yeh & Gu 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Yeh & Gu 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Light Propagation in Uniaxial Media ε x = ε y = ε on o2 ; ε z = ε o ne2 Normal surface

 k 2x + k 2y k 2z ω2  k 2 ω2   + 2 − 2  2 − 2  = 0 2  ne  no c n c o    • Sphere gives the relationship between ω and k for the ordinary (O) wave • Ellipsoid of revolution gives the relationship between ω and k for the extraordinary (E) wave • The two surfaces touch at two points on z-axis 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Eigen-refractive indices are

O - wave

n = no

E − wave

1 cos 2 θ sin 2 θ = + 2 2 n no n 2e

θ is the angle between propagation direction and optic axis

Lecture 10


Phase Retardation




D = Co Do exp − ik o • r + Ce De exp − ik e • r


• Inside a uniaxial medium, a phase retardation develops between O-wave and E-wave – Due to diff. in phase velocity

• Phase retardation leads to a new polarization state – ⇒ Birefringent plates can be used to alter polarization state of light

Hecht 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Phase Retardation Wave propagating in uniaxial medium perpendicular to z(c-) axis




E = Co x exp − ik o • r + Ce z exp − ik e • r


Assuming C o = Ce =1

At y = 0 E =x+z At y = d λ 4 =

Linearly polarized

π2 ω c(n e − n o )

E = exp(ik e d λ 4 )[ix + z ] Circularly polarized At y = d λ 2 = 2d λ 4

E = exp(ik e d λ 2 )[− x + z ] 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Linearly polarized but ± to original

• Birefringent plate with thickness dλ/4 is known as quarter-wave plate and it is used to convert a linear polarization to circular polarization • Birefringent plate with dλ/4 is known as half-wave plate and it is used to change direction of linear polarization

Lecture 10


Anisotropic Absorbtion and Polarizers To take care of absorbtion, generalize the refractive index to complex number nˆo = no − iκ o nˆe = ne − iκ e κ o , κ e are extinction coefficient

O-type polarizer transmits ordinary waves and attenuates extraordinary wave i.e. κo=0 E-type polarizer transmits extraordinary waves and attenuates ordinary wave i.e. κe=0

Define T1=transmission with polarization // to the transmission axis T2=transmission with polarization ± to the transmission axis

Extinction Ratio = T1 + T2 2 T12 + T22 Tp = 2 T1T2 Tx = 2 To =

T2 T1

Transmittance of unpolarized light through polarizer

Transmittance of unpolarized light through pair of // polarizers

Transmittance of unpolarized light through pair of ± polarizers

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Optical Activity • Optically active materials are substances that rotate a beam of light traversing through them in the direction of the optical axis. – Usually given in º/mm

• Could be induced by external signal such as

Yeh & Gu

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

– Electric field (electro-optic effect) – Optical signal (photo-refractive effect)

Lecture 10


Spatial Light Modulators • Spatial light modulators (or light valves) are the buiding blocks of optical information processors and display systems. • Consider a plane monochromatic wave of the form:

E (r , t ) = eˆ Re{Eo exp[j(ωt − k • r + φ )]}

• A spatial light modulator (SLM) is a device that can modify the phase, polarization and/or amplitude of a 2D light beam as a function of either: – A time varying electrical drive signal (electrically addressed SLM) – The intensity distribution of another time-varying optical signal (optically addressed SLM) 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Typical SLM Structures Signal multiplying and amplifying functional SLM structures A = optical wave amplitudes I=intensities or currents

Warde 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Functional Classes of SLMs Amplitude-only Modulation A m ( x, y , t ) = A r ( x, y )Ta [I w ( x, y, t )] φm ( x, y ) = φ r ( x, y ) + φmo ( x, y ) eˆ m ( x, y ) = M ij eˆ r ( x, y )

[ ]

Phase-only Modulation A m ( x, y ) = Ar ( x, y ) [1 − α ( x, y )]

φm ( x, y , t ) = φ r ( x, y ) + φ (I w ( x, y )) eˆ m ( x, y ) = [M ij ]eˆ r ( x, y )

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001


Lecture 10


Functional Classes of SLMs Polarization Modulation A m ( x, y , t ) = A r ( x, y ) [1 − α ( x, y, t ) ] φm ( x, y ) = φ r ( x, y ) + φ mo ( x, y ) eˆ m ( x, y , t ) = [M ij ( I w ( x, y , t ) )]eˆ r ( x, y )

Intensity Modulation Yeh & Gu

Im ( x, y , t ) = Ir ( x, y ) + Ti (I w ( x, y ) ) eˆ m ( x, y ) = M ij eˆ r ( x, y )

[ ]


6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Examples of Light Modulation Schemes • Electro-optic effect – Pockels effect ∆n ∞ E (LiNbO3) – Kerr effect ∆n ∞ E2 (PLZT)

• Photorefractive effect – ∆n ∞ Exposure (LiNbO3,BaTiO3)

• Molecular alignment by electric field – Torque=PXE (Liquid Crystals)

• Micromechanical – Electrostatic deformation (membranes, gels, oil films)

• Thermal – Thermoplastics, smectic A & nematic liquid crystals

• Electrophoresis – motion of charged particles in an electric field 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Electro-optic Modulation of Light


• Electric field induced birefringence rotates plane of polarization • Field applied transversely to direction of propagation of light • Analyzer transmits an amplitude proportional to cosine of polarization angle wrt analyzer

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Electro-Optic SLMs


• • • • •

Write light illuminates photodetector & accumulates charge Voltage built up across electro-optic crystal Electric field induced birefringence Phase retardation Reflects intensity modulated signal

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Liquid Crystal Devices • Nematic liquid crystal – The re-orientation of molecules with the electric field alters the birefringence of the material.

• Electroclinic Smetic liquid crystal – The tilt angle of molecules is linear with applie delectric field


6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

• Surface stabilized Smetic Ferroelectric liquid crystal – Molecules switch between two surface stabilized states because of the torque resulting from coupling of ferro-electric polarization to the applied E Lecture 10


Membrane Mirror Light Modulator


• Electrostatic forces deform mirror into wells etched in supporting surface. • Readout light diffracts from membrane mirror

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Deformable Mirror Device

Courtesy Texas Instruments

• Array of micro-mirrors integrated with SRAM array • Signal stored in each SRAM cell applies voltage to each mirror • Applied voltage deflects Mirror and hence direct light 6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001

Lecture 10


Summary of Today’s Lecture • Light valves modulate light coming from an independent light source of high intensity • Modulation derived from phenomena causing – – – –

Reflection Diffraction Scattering Polarization change

• Modulation of – – – –

Amplitude Phase Polarization Intensity

6.976 Flat Panel Display Devices - Spring 2001


Lecture 10