Juin 2009

products. 23. EL. KINO ASPARAGUS producers. Fresh fruit and vegetables. 37 .... des journaux internationaux, spécialisés tels que le European Journal of ...... The olive oil and, particularly the extra virgin category, is a natural product, with old.
885KB taille 11 téléchargements 216 vues




Juin 2009







Milk and milk products



Apaq-W (BE) + FUAL (LU)

Honey and beekeeping products




Fresh fruit and vegetables




Olive oil and table olives




Fresh fruit and vegetables








Organic farming and products




Fresh fruit and vegetables




Milk and milk products




Ornamental horticulture




Ornamental horticulture




Fresh fruit and vegetables











Milk Marketing Forum

Milk and milk products



Quality Meat Scotland

Quality meat







France (coordinateur) Pays-Bas

Titre du programme:

Campagne d’information et de promotion - FrancePays-Bas mettant en avant les bénéfices sante du lait et des produits laitiers

Organisme(s) compétent(s):

Office national interprofessionnel de l’élevage et de ses productions (FR) Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit (NL)

Organisation(s) proposante(s):


Organisme(s) d’exécution:

La Chose (pour la gestion de l’ensemble de la campagne) Mindshare (pour l’achat d’espace / media aux PaysBas) Les organisations proposantes pour l'organisation des symposiums

Type de mesure:



Lait et produits laitiers

Etat membre(s) ciblés:

France Pays-Bas Belgique (accessoirement)


3 ans

Budget total:

8.840.466 €

Proposition reçue le:

FR: AGRI A/04062 12/02/09 NL: AGRI A/03621 09/02/09


CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM: Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s) Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s)


oui/non oui/non oui/non oui/non oui/non oui/non oui/non oui/non

AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire : oui/non Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM) oui/non Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s) oui/non Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s) oui/non Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution oui/non DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : L’objectif global pour les deux pays est de retrouver un positionnement fort sur le lait et les produits laitiers capable de redresser la consommation. La consommation du lait et des produits laitiers est en baisse depuis ces 5 dernières années en France et aux Pays-Bas. Cette diminution de consommation est principalement causée par l’érosion de la perception des bénéfices santé du lait et des produits laitiers par les consommateurs - manque d’arguments santé rationnels - mais aussi par la concurrence croissante de produits tels que les jus, les eaux minérales, les produits à base de soja…qui utilisent des discours nutritionnels similaires aux produits laitiers. La consommation de produits laitiers à domicile par an et par habitant en France

50,0 45,0

47,4 46,6 46,4 45,4


In Lt/hab

35,0 30,0

2005 2006


2007 2008


18,0 17,9 17,9 17,8

17,0 17,0 16,9 15,9

15,0 10,0 7,0 7,0

7,2 7,0

5,0 0,0 Lait



Desserts lactés

Source : Cniel d'après panel consom m ateurs TNS Worlpanel et panel distributeur IRI.


Consommation des Produits Laitiers aux Pays-Bas

900 800

762 720 693

x1,000 t

700 600




400 246253


240 227223 152 153151







268 285 279 278

Fr om ag es

au t re s

Ya ou rt

La it


co n


Be ur re

La it


Il s'agira donc : • Mettre un terme au déclin de la consommation du lait et des produits laitiers • Informer le consommateur des bénéfices santé et de la richesse des micronutriments du lait et des produits laitiers Stratégie : • Relancer la consommation du lait et des produits laitiers en mettant en avant leurs bénéfices santé, tout en préservant leur capital plaisir. • Informer le consommateur des bénéfices santé et de la richesse des nutriments du lait et des produits laitiers. La consommation quotidienne des produits laitiers est un besoin rationnel et il est nécessaire de le promouvoir et de renforcer l’image saine qu’il véhicule. • Par une sensibilisation de la cible la plus concernée, (rationnel) sur les bénéfices santé du lait et des produits laitiers Cibles : • Les consommateurs sensibles à la nutrition et particulièrement : • Les femmes de 20 à 49 ans, • Les jeunes de 7 à 11 ans • Les seniors


• Les professionnels de la santé : les médecins, les nutritionnistes et les sages-femmes Thèmes : • Le lait et les produits laitiers sont des produits naturels et sains. De plus, ce sont des produits qui s’inscrivent dans des modes de consommation modernes et procurent du plaisir à consommer. • La très forte concentration de micronutriments dans les produits laitiers : calcium, protéines, vitamines B 2 et B 12, phosphore, de zinc…fournissent au consommateur les nutriments essentiels même dans les produits allégés. (Une étude scientifique est incluse en document no 2) Ces thèmes seront soutenus par des accroches courtes et percutantes. Il est important de préciser que compte-tenu des différences de culture et d’habitudes alimentaires des deux pays, les accroches, les signatures et les axes graphiques seront déclinés afin qu’ils soient adaptés, plus efficaces et plus appropriés pour chaque pays. Toutefois, la campagne globale reposera sur : • Un axe créatif commun • Une accroche percutante commune : le chiffre 3 • Un seul et même logo Aspects couverts:

qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques système communautaire des v.q.p.r.d., indications géographique ou indication traditionnelle réservée pour les vins ou boissons spiritueuses

Messages à communiquer : L’objectif commun des deux pays est d’expliquer aux cibles principales la nécessité de consommer des produits laitiers quotidiennement afin de bénéficier de la richesse nutritionnelle du lait et des produits laitiers qui: • Permettent une croissance saine chez les enfants et les adolescents • Qui sont nécessaires à un régime équilibré • Qui aident à prévenir l’ostéoporose 8

Les messages seront basés uniquement sur les affirmations du EFSA aux Pays-Bas et du PNNS en France. Actuellement, les trois affirmations sont autorisées. Il est à noter qu’une étude est en cours par les deux autorités et qui pourrait aboutir à des affirmations supplémentaires. Lorsque celles- ci seront confirmées, elles seront rajoutées au programme commun avec, bien entendu, leurs autorisations. • Pour la France : – Accroche : 3 est un chiffre magique – Signature : 3 produits laitiers, un chiffre magique pour votre corps • Pour les Pays-Bas : – Accroche : Les 3 Magiques – Signature : Les 3 raisons de consommer des produits laitiers : 1. Bon goût ; 2. Naturel ; 3. nutritionnel.


Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : ACTION 1. CAMPAGNE MEDIA 1.1 Campagne presse magazine en France et aux Pays-Bas Cette action a pour objectifs de réaliser une campagne impactante pour inscrire le « 3 » : « Trois produits laitiers par jour » pour la France et « trois raisons d’en consommer », pour les Pays- Bas, comme un repère santé au quotidien, en s’appuyant sur les recommandations du PNNS (pour la France) et le EFSA (pour les Pays-Bas). Descriptif des éléments communs pour les annonces, pour les deux pays: • Un même principe de maquette : – mise en avant du chiffre 3 – même maquette • Un même logo commun (adapté et traduit dans chaque langue) : – une accroche représentée par 3 doigts – une signature : Les Produits Laitiers d’Europe – une même direction artistique Un descriptif des axes créatifs adaptés par pays est également développé dans la proposition de programme. L'impact prévisible, les titres, les coûts sont suffisamment détaillés. 1.2 Action annonces radio pour la France Une campagne d’annonces radio viendra renforcer, France, le message auprès des seniors mais aussi des jeunes mères de moins de 35 ans. Le message concernant les bienfaits des trois produits laitiers change selon la cible : pour les jeunes mères, elle précise que les produits sont bons pour la croissance, pour les séniors, que trois produits laitiers par jour préviennent l’ostéoporose… Le choix de l'axe créatif, des radios, l'impact prévisible et les coûts sont suffisamment détaillés.


ACTION 2. ORGANISATIONS DE SYMPOSIUMS Mettre en place un système de symposiums scientifiques mettant en avant les résultats des recherches sur les bénéfices santé des produits laitiers, en insistant sur la densité nutritionnelle du lait et des produits laitiers. La communication de ces résultats confortera la promotion et la consommation du lait et des produits laitiers en tant que produits sains et nécessaires pour notre bien-être. Une vingtaine d’intervenants partageront leurs connaissances sur le sujet avec 200 à 300 auditeurs (dont des journalistes). Trois symposiums sont prévus : • Juin 2010 : Les Pays-Bas – Amsterdam – une journée • Juin 2011 : La France – Paris – une journée • Juin 2012 : La Belgique – Bruxelles - deux jours Les résultats de chaque symposium feront l’objet : • D’articles dans des journaux internationaux, spécialisés tels que le European Journal of Clinical Nutrition – pour la France et les Pays-Bas • Pour les Pays-Bas : Des brochures ciblées pour les jeunes mamans, les enfants et les adolescents ainsi que pour les seniors, seront réalisées suite aux résultats des symposiums scientifiques. Ces brochures seront destinées aux salles d’attentes des médecins, des sagesfemmes et des centres médicaux - (voir action 3). • Pour la France : En 2008 / 2009, les professionnels de la santé sont touchés par du matériel réalisé pour une action spécifique santé, menée par le CNIEL. C’est pourquoi les brochures qui seront réalisées dans le cadre de la campagne proposée (France / Pays-Bas), auront pour cible des enfants, à travers des actions en cantines scolaire (voir action 3), dont les contenus déclineront des résultats des recherches divulguées lors des symposiums scientifiques ACTION 3. MATERIEL D’INFORMATION En complément de l’action publicitaire (action 1) et en utilisant les résultats de symposiums (action 2), des documents papiers seront réalisés pour toucher directement les enfants pour la France, par le biais de la restauration scolaire ; et les patients par le biais des médecins pour les Pays-Bas. Pour la France: Les cibles seront les associations de restauration scolaire (les municipalités) et les enfants de 7 à 11 ans. Des kits d'informations composés de 200 brochures, 3 affiches et une fiche d’évaluation seront envoyés aux services de restauration des municipalités (un bon de commande sera adressé à 13 000 parmi les 45 000 recensés). Afin renforcer l’impact de la campagne média, les visuels des documents précités seront identiques aux annonces presse. Un bilan complet sera réalisé en fin de chaque année scolaire (analyse et synthèse des fiches d’évaluation, photos, articles de presse…). Pour les Pays-Bas Les cibles primaires seront les médecins, les nutritionnistes, les diététiciens et les sagesfemmes. Les cibles secondaires seront les patients, plus particulièrement, les jeunes mamans, les enfants, les adolescents et les seniors.


Il s'agira de sensibiliser les patients quant aux bienfaits du lait et des produits laitiers par le biais de leurs professionnels de santé, dont les contenus seront issus des résultats des symposiums scientifiques (action 2). Conception et réalisation de trois brochures, chaque brochure étant destinée à l’une des cibles secondaires précitée. Mise à disposition des brochures dans les salles d’attente des cibles primaires précitées.


ACTION 4. CONTROLE DES RESULTATS Objectif : Mesure d’impact de la campagne Descriptif de l’action : Chaque année, les mesures d’impact suivantes seront effectuées : • Un post-test de la campagne media auprès de 500 consommateurs français et néerlandais avec mesure de reconnaissance du chiffre 3 • Mesure du nombre de cantines scolaires, pour la France, et des professionnels de la santé, pour les néerlandais, qui commanderont des kits du matériel d’information • Nombre de retombées de presse suite au symposium.

Impact prévisible : 1. Au niveau des actions Action 1: Impact prévisible de l'action 1 est définie=> GRP Les objectifs en termes de compréhension et mémorisation des messages auprès de l'échantillon représentatif ont été définis dans la réponse à la demande d'information complémentaire. Action 2: Il y a des objectifs en terme de nombre de participants. Les objectifs en termes de retombées de presse ont été définis dans la réponse à la demande d'information complémentaire. Action 3: Il y a des estimations (objectifs) de diffusion. Pour la France, l'objectif est de faire progresser le pourcentage des consommateurs qui déclarent savoir qu'il faut consommer 3 produits laitiers par jour de 49% (en 2007) à 60% en année trois du programme. Pour les Pays-Bas, les objectifs en terme d'image en fin de programme sont définis. 2. Evaluation des actions par rapport aux objectifs globaux Les objectifs de reconnaissance auprès des consommateurs ont été définis dans la réponse à la demande d'information complémentaire. 3. Evaluation en terme de consommation globale Les objectifs en terme de consommation globale ne sont pas quantifiés. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : 1. Au niveau des actions Action 1: Méthode d'évaluation pour le calcul du GRP effectif de la campagne => non défini (mais habituellement selon le retour des organes presses). Même si les objectifs en termes de compréhension et mémorisation des messages auprès de l'échantillon représentatif ne sont pas définis, ils indiquent qu'un post-test sera réalisé auprès des consommateurs tous les ans (page 19 et page 59). Action 2: Même si les objectifs en termes de retombées de presse ne sont pas définis, ils indiquent qu'ils vont évaluer le nombre d'articles parus suite à chaque symposium (page 59) Action 3: 13

Chiffres de diffusion connus par les organisations proposantes. 2. Evaluation des actions par rapport aux objectifs globaux Un post-test sera réalisé auprès des consommateurs tous les ans (page 19 et page 59) => idem que évaluation action 1. 3. Evaluation en terme de consommation globale Va être défini.


EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : France: Intérêt général du programme : Qualité et efficacité du programme : Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité :


30,75/40 7,75/10 15,25/20

Pays-Bas: Intérêt général du programme : Qualité et efficacité du programme : Dimension européenne : Coût/efficacité :


33/40 10/10 18/20



8.840.466 €









1.622.824,00 231.680,00 201.331,00 2.460.606,00 401.408,00

1.620.711,00 235.332,00 201.331,00 2.462.003,00 401.555,00

1.620.201,00 232.265,00 201.331,00 2.458.417,00 401.477,00

4.863.736,00 699.277,00 603.993,00 7.381.026,00 1.204.440,00

50.000,00 35.000,00 2.947.014,00

50.000,00 35.000,00 2.948.558,00

50.000,00 35.000,00 2.944.894,00

150.000,00 105.000,00 8.840.466,00


YEAR 1 256.867,00

YEAR 2 256.867,00

YEAR 3 256.867,00

1.157.657,00 112.488,45 149.861,00

1.157.379,00 113.785,58 149.861,00

1.156.869,00 114.409,92 149.861,00

3.471.905,00 340683,95 449.583,00

1.676.873,45 228.106,00

1.677.892,58 288.107,00

1.678.006,92 258.079,00

5.032.772,95 774.292,00

25.000,00 15.000,00 1.944.979,45

25.000,00 15.000,00 2.005.999,58

25.000,00 15.000,00 1.976.085,92

75.000,00 45.000,00 5.927.064,95





TOTAL 770.601,00






465.167,00 119.191,55 51.470,00 783.732,55 173.302,00

463.332,00 121.546,42 51.470,00 784.110,42 113.448,00

463.332,00 117.855,08 51.470,00 780.410,08 143.398,00

1.391.831,00 358.593,05 154.410,00 2.348.253,05 430.148,00

25.000,00 20.000,00 1.002.034,55

25.000,00 20.000,00 942.558,42

25.000,00 20.000,00 968.808,08

75.000,00 60.000,00 2.913.401,05


PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : France PARTICIPATION FINANCIERE C. Européenne État membre Organisations proposantes TOTAL Pays-Bas PARTICIPATION FINANCIERE C. Européenne État membre Organisations proposantes TOTAL ENSEMBLE : France + Pays-Bas PARTICIPATION FINANCIERE C. Européenne État membre Organisations proposantes TOTAL

1° ANNEE 972.489,73 € 197.811,28 €

50% 10%

2° ANNEE 1.003.000,29 € 198.003,44 €

50% 10%

3° ANNEE 988.042,96 € 198.041,31 €

50% 10%

TOTAL 2.963.532,97 € 593.856,04 €

50% 10%

774.678,44 € 1.944.979,45 €

40% 100%

804.995,86 € 2.005.999,58 €

40% 100%

790.001,65 € 1.976.085,92 €

40% 100%

2.369.675,94 € 5.927.064,95 €

40% 100%

1° ANNEE 501.017,28 € -€

50% 0%

2° ANNEE 471.279,70 € -€

50% 0%

3° ANNEE 484.404,04 € -€

50% 0%

TOTAL 1.456.701,02 € -€

50% 0%

501.017,28 € 1.002.034,55 €

50% 100%

471.279,70 € 942.558,42 €

50% 100%

484.404,04 € 968.808,08 €

50% 100%

1.456.701,02 € 2.913.401,05 €

50% 100%

1° ANNEE 1.473.507,00 € 197.811,28 €

50% 7%

2° ANNEE 1.474.279,99 € 198.003,44 €

50% 7%

3° ANNEE 1.472.447,00 € 198.041,31 €

50% 7%

TOTAL 4.420.233,99 € 593.856,04 €

50% 7%

1.275.695,72 € 2.947.014,00 €

43% 100%

1.276.275,56 € 2.948.558,99 €

43% 100%

1.274.405,69 € 2.944.894,00 €

43% 100%

3.826.376,96 € 8.840.466,99 €

43% 100%


RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Considérant la nature du financement UE de la distribution de lait dans les écoles (uniquement financement par quantité de lait distribué, à l'exclusion de tout autre type de dépense) et du fait que les bénéficiaires directs de l'aide à la distribution ne sont pas les professionnels (mais les responsables d'établissement scolaire), il n'y a pas de risque de double financement. Eligibilité du programme :


Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : (1) Indiquer le niveau de représentativité des organisations proposantes par rapport au secteur. Indiquer le pourcentage de la production nationale de produits laitiers produit par les producteurs affiliés au CNEIL;



Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (1) par email du 24/4/2009: FR: Le CNIEL représente 100% de la production de lait; NL: NZO représente 72% du lait de consommation et 86% des fromages consommés aux Pasy-Bas.. Action 2: Les proposants indiquent qu'ils ne percevront pas d'honoraires pour la partie des actions qu'ils exécutent directement (page 6). Par contre, ils demandent des frais de gestion en complément des honoraires de l'organisme d'exécution. Expliquer pourquoi ces frais de gestion ne sont pas considérés comme honoraires. Dans l'hypothèse où il ne s'agit pas d'honoraires, il est nécessaire de décrire, détailler et ventiler les coûts (présentation des coûts selon le modèle défini dans la note explicative du Formulaire de demande relatif aux programmes de Promotion cofinancés par l’UE). Dans l'hypothèse où il s'agit d'honoraires, ils ne doivent être présentés sur base des travaux réellement exécutés (point B.1.3 de l'annexe 3 du modèle de contrat); Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (2) par email du 24/4/2009: Les frais de gestion sont détaillés de manière suffisante dans la réponse. Cependant, le rapport coût/efficacité (l'article 8 du R.(CE) 501/2008) des activités préparatoires de l'action 2 Symposium qui impliquent des déplacements en Australie et aux USA est largement inférieur à celui d'activités préparatoires utilisant la télématique. Les déplacement vers les USA et vers l'Australie ne pourront être financés par le programme. Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales prennent bonne note de la remarque des services de la Commission et adaptent la proposition en conséquence. Action 2: L'organisation proposante s'est-elle assurée que le coût des actions qu'elle compte réaliser elle-même ne dépasse pas les tarifs pratiqués couramment sur le marché (article 13 R.(CE) 501/2008) et ce, sur quelle base? Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (3) par email du 24/4/2009: Un devis pour un montant supérieur a été communiqué par un organisme d'exécution. Une copie de ce devis est communiqué en annexe de la réponse. Une comparaison des devis montre qu'en exécutant directement certains activités, les organisations proposantes réalisent une économie de 84.000 € au profit du programme:

Description des activités

Identification sujets et intervenants

La Chose

40.000,00 €


Org. Prop. Frais gestion direct 80.000,00 €

Frais inclus dans action 2

Abstract 16 pages quadrichromie (préparation et édition) Suivi édition Programme du jour et préparation revue de la journée (livre) Synthèse et éécriture des Symposium proceeding Honoraires, voyages, hotels, repas intervenants

Préparation Kit presse et conférence de presse Traduction + préparation publicités journaux professionnels Logistiques Compte rendu agence en fin de symposium Publication résultats clés et traduction Total Différence




12.000,00 €


40.000,00 €


7.000,00 €


16.000,00 €

36.000,00 € 17.000,00 € 14.000,00 € 5.000,00 €

30.000,00 €


20.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 10.000,00 € 20.000,00 €

-€ -€ -€ -€

200.000,00 €

116.000,00 € - 84.000 €

Action 2: Justifier plus en détail les coûts de "location salle + matériel informatique" (30.000€ par événement), "Avion et bus 7 intervenants" (17.000 € par événement), Hôtel (pour les 7 intervenants?) (14.000 € par événement); Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (4) par email du 24/4/2009: Les frais ont été détaillés. Cependant, les organisations incluent au budget la constitution d'une réserve de 4.000 € qui n'est pas éligible. Le détail du poste budgétaire "salle + matériel informatique" de 30.000 € par an n'est pas réaliste. Ainsi pour ce qui concerne la location du grand auditorium attaché à la Maison Communale de Woluwe Saint Pierre (650 places), le tarif de location communiqué à la Commission par les services communaux en charge de la location est de 2.500 € par jour (08h00 à 00h00). En y ajoutant une salle pour le déjeuner, le matériel de sonorisation et la présence d'un technicien, le montant demandé par les services communaux est de 4.300 €. Le montant de 20.250 € (17.000 € + 705 € + 2.545 €) est ramené à 4.300 €. Parallèlement, les organisations proposantes devront démontrer que les autres dépenses de location de salle (France et Pays-Bas) sont réalistes en produisant toutes pièces utiles. Le budget de ces postes devra être adapté en conséquence. Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales prennent bonne note de la remarque des services de la Commission et ont supprimé le montant inéligible du nouveau budget. De plus, les budgets de location de salle ont été adaptés en fonction des remarques des services de la Commission. Les devis justificatifs ont été fournis. Action 3: Indiquer qui seront les auditeurs au symposium de Bruxelles (cible belge, néerlandaise et/ou française?); Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (5) par email du 24/4/2009: Les cibles de l'action 2 sont des relais vers les cibles principales. Action 3 : L'échantillon des services de restauration couvre-t-il toute la France? Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (6) par email du 24/4/2009: 19




L'échantillon couvre toute la France. Afin de pouvoir être présentés sur base d'un montant forfaitaire, les honoraires de "La Chose" doivent rester sous la barre de 15% des coûts effectifs de la réalisation des actions à l’exclusion des frais généraux, des honoraires présentés sur base des travaux réellement exécutés (y compris ceux de l'organisation proposante si elle exécute ellemême une partie des actions) et des frais de mesure de résultats; Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (7) par email du 24/4/2009: Les autorités nationales indiquent que les honoraires de la Chose s'élèvent à 13,4% en année 1 et année 2 et 15,2% en année 3. Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales ont indiqué les honoraires de la Chose sur base des Time Sheets. Ces honoraires ont été décrits, détaillés et ventilés (Par catégorie de personnel, durée de prestation, coût unitaire et coût total). Les honoraires de "Mindshare" atteignent 21,1% pour de l'Achat espace presse Magazine. Ces honoraires ne pouvant être forfaitaires doivent être décrits, détaillés et ventilés (Par catégorie de personnel, durée de prestation, coût unitaire et coût total); Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (8) par email du 24/4/2009: Les autorités nationales indiquent que les honoraires de Mindshare (centrale d'achat) s'élèvent à 2,5% (soit entre 11.629 € et 11.583 €). Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales ont indiqué les honoraires de Mindshare sur base des Time Sheets. Ces honoraires ont été décrits, détaillés et ventilés (Par catégorie de personnel, durée de prestation, coût unitaire et coût total). Pour ce qui concerne les objectifs: • Action 1: Les objectifs en termes de compréhension et mémorisation des messages auprès de l'échantillon représentatif doivent être définis. Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (9), point 1 par email du 24/4/2009: Pour la France, l'objectif est de faire progresser le pourcentage des consommateurs qui déclarent savoir qu'il faut consommer 3 produits laitiers par jour de 49% (en 2007) à 60% en année trois du programme. Pour les Pays-Bas, les objectifs en terme d'image en fin de programme sont définis. • Action 2: Les objectifs en termes de retombées de presse doivent être définis. Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (9), point 2 par email du 24/4/2009: Une trentaine de retombées de presse (sans compter les articles à paraître dans les revues médicales). • Action 3: L'impact prévisible n'est pas défini de manière satisfaisante pour l'action 3. Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (9), point 3 par email du 24/4/2009: Pour la France, une baisse de consommation de lait dans les écoles est constatée ces dernières années. Le programme a pour objectif d'enrayer cette baisse. Pour les Pays-Bas, les objectifs en terme de contacts correspondent au tirage de brochures mises à disposition dans les salles d'attente: 150.000 brochures 150.000 contacts. Ces chiffres n'offrent pas un bon rapport coût/efficacité (l'article 8 du R.(CE) 501/2008) car l'expérience à démontrer qu'une brochure mise dans une salle d'attente est lue par plus d'une personne (readership > circulation). 20

Par ailleurs, des objectifs vont être défini en terme de qualité de la communication pour l'action 3 (pas uniquement en terme de contact ou d'augmentation de la consommation sur une cible plus spécifique). De plus, la méthode qui permettra de mesurer cet impact va être définie. Par exemple, pour la France, sur base des retours des responsables de cantines/des élèves et, pour les Pays-Bas, sur base des retours des médecins/des patients. Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales ont revu le nombre de contact pour l'action 3 Pays-Bas à 225 000 lecteurs. Par ailleurs, les autorités nationales confirment qu'une évaluation de ces actions sera menée auprès du scolaire (les associations de restauration scolaire) pour la France et auprès du secteur médical (médecins, nutritionnistes, diététiciens…) pour les Pays-Bas. • Action 4 : Confirmer que "La Chose" est en charge de l'exécution de l'action 4; Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la question (9), point 4 par email du 24/4/2009: La Chose sera en charge de l'évaluation en collaboration avec un cabinet d'études spécialisé. • Il est indiqué dans la proposition de programme (point 6 - page 29) : :"La mise en place d'indicateurs de résultats est prévue dans le plan d'action dès l'année 1". Ces indicateurs et les valeurs de référence (existant avant le début du programme) doivent être définis avant l'adoption éventuelle du programme par la Commission afin de permettre l'évaluation des résultats obtenus prévue à l'article 19 paragraphe 1 du R.(CE) 501/2008. Par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales indiquent que, dans un premier temps, elles ambitionnent d’enrayer la baisse tendancielle de consommation des produits laitiers auprès des 3 cibles prioritaires de la campagne (seniors, les femmes et les mères). Par ailleurs, elles se sont fixés un objectif d’augmentation de la consommation globale de + 2% au bout des 3 années. Enfin, une étude de mesure de l’effet de la communication sur la consommation sera menée chaque année. La méthodologie d'évaluation doit être améliorée par la prise en compte du document AGRI/63454. Les autorités nationales ont répondu à la remarque portant sur la prise en compte du document AGRI/63454 par email du 24/4/2009: Les autorités nationales ont répondu explicitement à un ensemble des questions pertinentes issues du document AGRI/63454. De plus, par email du 29/5/2009, les autorités nationales ont également répondu à un ensemble de questions complémentaires issues du document AGRI/63454.


AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne: bonne/moyenne/non adéquate Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Oui/non Coût efficacité du programme: bonne/moyenne/non adéquat (relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) France: Points donnés par EM: Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre

78,25/100 Non communiqué

Pays-Bas: Points donnés par EM: Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre

87/100 2/6

Avis du consultant externe:

Rendu le 18/3/2009

CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Recommandation(s) - à accepter



Belgique (coordinateur) Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Titre du programme:

Campagne de promotion européenne en faveur du miel et des produits de la ruche pour le marché intérieur

Organisme(s) compétent(s):

Belgique : Direction générale opérationnelle de l’agriculture, des ressources naturelles et de l’environnement Luxembourg : Ministère de l’agriculture, de la viticulture et du développement

Organisation(s) proposante(s):

Belgique : Agence Wallonne pour la Promotion d’une Agriculture de Qualité (APAQ-W) Luxembourg : Fédération des Unions d’Apiculteurs du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (FUAL)

Organisme(s) d’exécution:

Karamba Organisme d'exécution en charge de mesurer l’impact de la campagne auprès du public cible dans les deux pays concernés non encore désigné.

Type de mesure:



Miel et produits de l’agriculture

Etat membre(s) ciblés:

Belgique et Grand-Duché de Luxembourg


3 ans

Budget total:

193 340 €

Proposition reçue le:

BE: AGRI A/04239 16/02/09 (par email le 13/2/2009)


CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM:


Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive


Rem: Organisme d'exécution en charge de mesurer l’impact de la campagne auprès du public cible dans les deux pays concernés non encore désigné. Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM


Rem : Courrier du LU vers organisation proposante l’informant de sa décision de financement. Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s)


Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes


Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire


Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles


Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s)


AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire :


Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM)


Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s)


Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s)


Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution


DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : Contexte : Dans l’Union européenne, sur les 350.000 tonnes de miel consommées annuellement, 200.000 tonnes (soit 57%) sont produites en Europe et 150.000 tonnes sont importées. En Belgique, c’est 71 à 75% du miel consommé qui est importé de pays tiers (données 2006 et 2007). Les 1.500 tonnes produites par les apiculteurs sont intégralement commercialisées en Belgique et au Grand-duché de Luxembourg, ce qui représente 15 à 25% du marché global. Deux tiers du miel produit par les apiculteurs wallons et luxembourgeois est vendu en vente directe, le tiers restant est vendu dans des commerces de proximité et des grandes surfaces, ainsi que sur des marchés artisanaux. Les lignes directrices du R.(CE) 501/2009 indique :


« Depuis 2001, le secteur est soumis à la directive 2001/110/CE du Conseil (2), en vertu de laquelle l'étiquette doit établir un lien entre la qualité et l'origine. Les programmes bénéficiant d'une aide doivent porter essentiellement sur les miels et produits de l'apiculture communautaires qui fournissent des indications supplémentaires relatives à l'origine régionale, territoriale et topographique ou sur des labels de qualité agréés soit par la Communauté (AOP, IGP, STG ou «issu de l'agriculture biologique») soit par un État membre. » L’objectif du programme : Informer et de promouvoir auprès des consommateurs les miels de nos régions en mettant en évidence leurs qualités différenciantes : -

qualité supérieure (versus les miels importés de pays tiers), due entre autres à la proximité immédiate de production et au respect de la réglementation communautaire (non pasteurisés, non filtrés, traçables)


achat de miel de proximité = acte de protection de la nature


produit naturel, dont les qualités organoleptiques reflètent la diversité des régions et le savoir-faire local

Stratégie : Le but de la campagne de communication sera de faire prendre conscience de la valeur exceptionnelle d’un produit local européen et concurrencer les miels importés. Le consommateur wallon et luxembourgeois sera par conséquent invité à privilégier un miel de sa région, produit local de la CEE, non seulement pour ses qualités gustatives, mais aussi pour bénéficier du respect des normes européennes (garantie de qualité, contrairement aux miels importés) et des avantages liés à la proximité par rapport aux miels importés. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une campagne de notoriété sera développée, complétée par un volet tactique impliquant les apiculteurs. Le volet tactique permettra d’institutionnaliser un événement lié à la découverte du produit. La séduction du produit sera donc construite en lui attribuant une image différenciante et en démontrant/expliquant également ses qualités aux consommateurs, en direct sur le terrain. Cibles : Familles avec enfants (fin du cycle de l’enseignement fondamental), enseignants (5ème et 6ème année du cycle fondamental), écoles techniques et professionnelles, professionnels de l’horeca, faiseurs d’opinion (principalement les journalistes), restaurateurs. Thèmes : Le thème central « Privilégions le goût d’un miel wallon/luxembourgeois et la qualité naturelle d’un miel de proximité européen » sera décliné au fil des 3 années de campagne, avec un panel d’actions plus important sur les deux premières années. Dans les campagnes média - consommateur(création de la notoriété/image), le thème central « Le miel de chez nous, un délice de notre nature » est développé de façon à inviter les consommateurs à venir découvrir les qualités des miels (promesse) lors d’un évènement / rencontre « La semaine du miel ». Dans la campagne média – producteur , le thème central est mis en avant pour impliquer les apiculteurs dans la campagne.


Dans la campagne média – écoles (fin du fondamental et écoles professionnelles), l’action et le cahier pédagogique sont présentés aux enseignants et aux étudiants Aspects couverts:

qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques système communautaire des v.q.p.r.d., indications géographique ou indication traditionnelle réservée pour les vins ou boissons spiritueuses

Messages à communiquer : « Le miel de chez nous, un délice de la nature » •

Concept qui met l’accent sur la spécificité des produits locaux, européens reflets gustatifs de terroirs européens. Le goût particulier de ces miels est lié à la nature, le sol, la végétation… Toute cette richesse de la nature a une incidence positive sur les qualités organoleptiques des miels de ces régions.

On valorise l’authenticité du produit, loin d’un concept de fabrication impliquant potentiellement une perte de goût , comme cela peut être le cas avec les miels importés ( hors Europe): o incitation à consommer un miel européen non filtré, non pasteurisé et traçable.

Tous les pots sur le visuel contiennent un bout de nature européenne; c’est le savoir-faire local qui est ainsi traduit graphiquement

La représentation graphique des pots sous forme de boules à neige apporte une touche esthétisante et magique à la communication

L’emphase est ici mise sur « l’appetite appeal » du produit : c’est le savoureux fruit de la nature qui est mis en pot

L’appartenance à l’Europe sera soulignée par le baseline:

Le miel européen. Le respect du goût et du savoir-faire de nos régions. Le message secondaire : Invitation à découvrir le produit et son processus de fabrication en instituant une Semaine du Miel. Ce message renforce le positionnement du produit dans les médias adressés aux consommateurs. Il est formulé sous forme d’incitation à participer à La Semaine du Miel quand il s’adresse aux apiculteurs. Ceux-ci sont invités à devenir les ambassadeurs du produit. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : 26

A. Les médias de notoriété: A.1. La TV et la Radio: •

Objectifs : Toucher le grand public, les actifs, et spécifiquement les familles avec enfants


Partenariat commercial avec IPTV Belgique (RTLTVi, Club RTL et PLUG TV)

Présence sur Télé Lëtzebuerg:

Présence sur RTL Lux (Radio)

A.2. Les magazines grand public •

Va relayer la campagne TV et consolider la couverture

Objectifs : –

Viser une couverture la plus large possible, et toucher le grand public, les actifs,

et spécifiquement •

les familles avec enfants

les seniors

Les spécialistes, les apiculteurs

B.Les médias d’information: B.1. Les magazines spécialisés vers les apiculteurs • Objectif: –

Toucher tous les apiculteurs, le monde apicole

Les impliquer dans la campagne de notoriété

Les inviter à commander du matériel de visibilité ( leaflets destinés à leur clientèle courante et destinés à être distribués lors de leur participation à La Semaine du Miel) ( affiches destinées à être placées dans les points de vente où leur miel est écoulé ( épiceries; boulangeries etc..)

Les inviter à participer à La Semaine du Miel en acceptant les visites de leurs ruchers. Ils pouront pour ce faire s’inscrire sur le site de l’APAQ-W

• Budget pour info car espace gratuit pour l’APAQ: 1.447,28 EUR B.2. •

Les magazines spécialisés vers les écoles Objectif: –

Présenter l’action et le cahier pédagogique aux enseignants;

Présenter l’action aux élèves de 5ème et 6ème primaires

Sélection média: 27

Action de communication dans Tremplin, la revue pédagogique dédiée aux élèves du cycle primaire supérieur; tirage de 34.250 ex sur abonnement

 Communication spéciale dans Tremplin Plus, le supplément réservé aux enseignants qui est distribué une semaine avant la revue distribuée aux élèves; tirage de 4.500 ex adressage personnel + hébergement du Kit pédagogique de Tremplin Plus.  Communication au Grand Duché de Luxembourg dans ‘Le Courrier de l’Education Nationale’, périodique mensuel édité par le ministère de l’Education Nationale luxembourgeoise. B.3.

La visibilité aux points de vente

Des affiches seront mises à disposition des apiculteurs; elles véhiculeront le concept de la campagne .

2 types d’affiches sont envisageables:


Des affiches assurant la notoriété du produit

Des affiches relayant l’information sur la « Semaine du Miel » , disponibles pour les apiculteurs qui participeront à l’action

Dépliants points de vente

Des dépliants A5, 4 pages seront également disponibles pour être mis en place par les apiculteurs dans les points de vente B.5.

Les kits pédagogiques

Nous le visualisons sous forme de brochure de 16 pages , dont le contenu fournira les informations suivantes:


Explications sur l’abeille, son mode de vie dans la ruche et son implication sur la sauvegarde de l‘environnement

Explications sur la production du miel en général; les spécificités du miel de nos régions; sa composition ; ses atouts pour la santé; ses consommations diverses…

E-mailing vers l’horeca

Certaines associations de l’Horeca seront informées du contenu de la campagne, qu’elles pourront relayer dans leur newsletter ( cfr. Newsletter de Sensum) ou sur leurs propres sites. La Semaine du Miel sera également relayée via ces groupements; les restaurateurs seront invités à intégrer le miel dans leurs recettes de cette semaine. B.7.

Communiqué de presse

Un communiqué de presse sera envoyé aux journalistes susceptibles de relayer l’information tant sur la campagne que sur l’existence de La Semaine du Miel.


Impact prévisible : 1.

Au niveau des actions

Cette proposition contient les éléments de quantifications des activités (TV, Radio, Magazines grand public, Magazines écoles, affiches, dépliants, kits pédagogiques, etc). De plus, on dispose d'une estimation du % de la cible touchée (via GRP) pour les actions TV et Radio, presse grand public. 2.

Objectifs de communication.

Réinstaurer la confiance dans le miel d’origine communautaire et surtout les miels de proximité au moyen des atouts du miel (forces). Reconnaissance de la campagne auprès du groupe cible : 30 % de reconnaissance aidée pour la mi 2012. 3.

Objectifs marketing.

A l’objectif mi-2012, rétablir la consommation et augmenter la pénétration du miel produit localement au sein des miels consommés : • en Belgique : passer de 25 % de taux de pénétration de production locale à 35 % en prenant des parts de marché sur les miels importés hors CE. Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : 1.

Au niveau des actions

Pas d'information spécifiques. 2.

Objectifs de communication.

Evaluation de la notoriété de la campagne dans le groupe-cible. Référence aux nombres de contacts pour la campagne médias (voir tableaux des actions). Une agence spécialisée sera désignée pour mesurer l’impact de la campagne auprès du public cible dans les deux pays concernés. 3.

Objectifs marketing.

Mesure des résultats : L’évolution du comportement d’achat pour le miel fera l’objet en Région wallonne d’une enquête (auprès de +/- 500 personnes) faite par l’OCA (Observatoire de la Consommation Alimentaire) doublée d’une étude statistique basée sur la consommation des ménages (Statistiques de l’Institut National de Statistiques). D’autre part, le grand Duché de Luxembourg procèdera à une enquête annuelle auprès d’un échantillon de ménages.


EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Belgique: Intérêt général du programme :


Qualité et efficacité du programme :


Dimension européenne :


Coût/efficacité :


Grand-Duché de Luxembour: non communiqué Intérêt général du programme :


Qualité et efficacité du programme :


Dimension européenne :


Coût/efficacité :




Tableau récapitulatif actions en Belgique (en € et HTVA) Actions en Belgique Année 1 Année 2 Année 3 23.870 4.590 990 1. conception, réalisation 30.930 25.930 3.730 2. installation 13.920 5.120 4.120 3. information 68.720 35.640 8.840 Total actions 8.160 1.950 1.040 Honoraires organisme exécution 2.000 2.000 2.000 Mesure de l’impact Total des coûts 78.880 39.590 11.880 directs

total 29.450 60.590 23.160 113.200 11.150 6.000 130.350

Tableau récapitulatif actions au Grand Duché du Luxembourg (en € et HTVA) Actions au G.D du Année 1 Année 2 Année 3 total Luxembourg 19.830 2.140 750 1. conception, 22.720 réalisation 12.120 12.120 2.320 2. installation 26.560 3.530 1.680 1.430 3. information 6.640 35.480 15.940 4.500 Total actions 55.920 4.080 970 520 Honoraires 5.570 organisme exécution 500 500 500 Mesure de l’impact 1.500 Total des coûts 40.060 17.410 5.520 62.990 directs Tableau récapitulatif global des coûts directs (en € et HTVA) Total des coûts Année 1 Année 2 Année 3 directs 78.880 39.590 11.880 Belgique 40.060 17.410 5.520 GD Luxembourg Total 118.940 57.000 17.400


Total 130.350 62.990 193.340

PLAN DE FINANCEMENT EN EURO : Belgique UE État membre Organisations proposantes

1° ANNEE 39.440 € -€

50% 0%

3° ANNEE 5.940 € -€

50% 0%

19.795 €


5.940 €



39.590 €


11.880 €

1°ANNEE 20.030 € 12.018 €

50,00% 30,00%

2°ANNEE 8.705 € 5.223 €

50% 30%

3°ANNEE 2.760 € 1.656 €

8.012 € 40.060 €

20,00% 100,00%

3.482 € 17.410 €

20% 100%

Belgique + GrandDuché de Luxembourg UE État membre Organisations proposantes

1°ANNEE 59.470 € 12.018 €

50,00% 10,10%

2°ANNEE 28.500 € 5.223 €

50% 9%

47.452 €


23.277 €


118.940 €


57.000 €

TOTAL Grand-Duché de Luxembourg UE État membre Organisations proposantes TOTAL

50,00% 0,00%

2° ANNEE 19.795 € -€

39.440 €


78.880 €


TOTAL 65.175 € -€

50% 0%


65.175 € 130.350 €


50% 30%

TOTAL 31.495 € 18.897 €

50% 30%

20% 100%

12.598 € 62.990 €

20% 100%

3°ANNEE 8.700 € 1.656 €

50% 10%

TOTAL 96.670 € 18.897 €

50% 10%


7.044 €



17.400 €


1.104 € 5.520 €

77.773 € 193.340 €


40% 100%


Le programme est fortement orienté vers la promotion du miel de Wallonie et du Grand Duché de Luxembourg, ce qui semble en contradiction avec l'article 1 du R.(CE) 3/2008. Cependant, les lignes directrices du R.(CE) 501/2009 indique : «Depuis 2001, le secteur est soumis à la directive 2001/110/CE du Conseil (2), en vertu de laquelle l'étiquette doit établir un lien entre la qualité et l'origine. Les programmes bénéficiant d'une aide doivent porter essentiellement sur les miels et produits de l'apiculture communautaires qui fournissent des indications supplémentaires relatives à l'origine régionale, territoriale et topographique ou sur des labels de qualité agréés soit par la Communauté (AOP, IGP, STG ou «issu de l'agriculture biologique») soit par un État membre.»


Un ensemble d'actions destinées aux apiculteurs sont reprises pour mémoire au programme;

Eligibilité du programme :



Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : (1)

Représentativité: Pour chaque organisation proposante, donner la représentativité (en %) par rapport à l'ensemble des producteurs de miel dans l'Etat membre et par rapport à la production nationale; Les OP ont répondu à la question (1) par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: BE: 90% des producteurs et de la production LU: 95% des producteurs et de la production


Action A.1, la présence Radio doit être ajoutée au planning ; Les OP ont répondu à la question (2) par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: Les OP ont ajouté au planning la présence radio pour l'année I et II (SeptembreOctobre) et vont également ajouter la présence pour l'année III.


Action A.2, à la page 13 et dans le planning, on mentionne l’insertion dans trois magazines (18.250 €) alors que dans le budget détaillée, on ne retrouve que deux magazines (15.930 €) ; Les OP ont répondu à la question (3) par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: Les 18.250 € correspondent à l'insertion dans les magazines belges et luxembourgeois alors que les 15.930 € correspondent seulement à l'insertion dans les magazines belges;


Action B.2, indiquer la couverture des cibles de l'action (enfants 5ème et 6ème primaires et enseignants); Les OP ont répondu à la question (4) par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: Les OP indiquent une estimation du nombre de contacts (34.250) et vont également définir la couverture (c-à-d le rapport entre le nombre de contacts et la population de la cible);


Action B.6, quelles seront les associations ciblées par le mailing? Les OP ont répondu à la question (5) par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: Les associations sont listées.


Evaluation: • L'impact des actions écoles et points de ventes n'est pas évalué. Les objectifs et la méthode d'évaluation (par exemple, via un formulaire d'évaluation à remettre aux enseignants ou aux responsables de point de vente) doivent être définis; Les OP ont décrit la méthode d'évaluation et vont définir les objectifs en rapport avec ces actions. • Les objectifs et la méthode d'évaluation de l'action communiqué de presse doivent être définis; Les OP ont décrit la méthode d'évaluation et vont définir les objectifs en rapport avec ces actions. • Le budget ne prévoit une évaluation de la campagne qu'en année 3 (4.500 €) alors qu'un rapport d'évaluation doit être remis chaque année (article 19 paragraphe 1 du


R.(CE) 501/2008). Les activités d'évaluation doivent être réparties sur les différentes phases du programme. Les OP ont répondu à la question (6) point 3 par courrier du 5/5/09 ARES 87400: Le budget des mesures d'impact a été réparti sur les trois années et augmenté de 2.500 € au total des trois années. La méthodologie d'évaluation doit être améliorée par la prise en compte du document AGRI/63454.



bonne/moyenne/non adéquat

(cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne:

bonne/moyenne/non adéquate

Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme:


bonne/moyenne/non adéquat

(relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Belgique: Points donnés par EM:


Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre


Luxembourg Points donnés par EM:

non communiqué

Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre


Avis du consultant externe:


CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) Recommandation(s) A accepter




Title of the programme:

"Information and Promotion of Asparagus in the internal market (Germany, Italy, Greece)"

Competent Authority(ies):

Ministry of Rural Development and Food

Proposing organisation(s):

Kinopraxia for the promotion of Asparagus

Implementing body(ies):

Not yet selected

Type of measure:




Targeted Member States:

Germany, Italy, Greece


36 months

Total budget:

2.725.000,00 €

Proposal received on:


_______________________________________________________________________ Eligibility criteria Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



Opinion of the Member states(s)_ Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions

Yes No

Confirmation by the MS of the representation of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s)


Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


Description of the programme : Objectives : – to improve the image of asparagus as fresh and natural, – to stimulate the consumption of fresh vegetables, – to promote the consumption of fresh vegetables by the younger population. Strategy : The programme is based on the market development of asparagus for target groups starting from the current market situation. Through a coherent set of actions in which asparagus will be promoted on the basis of its quality and taste characteristics. The programme will address the consumption of vegetables by the younger population and the general increase of their consumption. The provision of information will use the traditional methods of production, pacjkaging and EU quality standards of the product The programme will focus on the main cities and in particular on the capital cities of each targeted country. Target group(s) : – Households – Trade professionals – Opinion leaders (journalists, presidents of the consumer groups, artists, politicians, etc) Themes : – Hygiene and food safety, – Improvement and consumption habits, – Tradition and modern way of life


Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed : – consume "Five in a day", – "Fresh and natural", – produced with quality standards, – satisfaction from their consumption, – assists in nutritional balance,


Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: (1)

Actions by Electronic Media (a)


The website will offer information on the product, the EU regulation, the production, etc, while various recipes and the programme's events will be presented. The visitor will be able to read the site in one of the four languages: Greek, Italian and German. The site will have the following options: – Community Regulations – Production methods – Characteristics and quality – info on nutritional value – quality assurance and quality labelling – recipes – News of the programme (b)

production of DVD ROM discs

They will be distributed throughout the implementation of the Programme's actions and activities, wherever appropriate (trade fairs, presentations, thematic dinners) produced 10000 items in all the programme languages and given in a folder. (2)

Trade fairs and shows (a)

Greece :

– International Food and Drinks Exhibition IFDTEX, 60 sq.m., 3 days, 2 persons, advertising, 200 invitations, 3 participations, Athens every year. (b)


– Fruit Logistica: 50 sq.m.,2 persons, 3 days,advertising,200 invitations, 3 parrticipations, every February in Berlin. (c)

In Italy:

– So Fresh : 50 sq.m., 3 days, 2 persons, advertising, 200 invitations, 3 participations, first year, Bologna. – MacFrut: 50 sq.m., 3 days, 2 persons, advertising, 200 invitations, 3 participations, second year (3)

Promotional materials (a)

Logo Design : The activity comprises the design of a logo, which will represent the products and support the campaign throughout the implementation of the programme. It will be designed by a specialist creative team,


Design and Production of Posters: Posters provide the ability to communicate through colours, the logo and strong, memorable messages, which can be presented in large sizes and thus be remembered by the target market when combined with other tools, (50x70 cm, 150-170g, illustration paper, 300 items for every country).




Recipe Book :This activity refers to the design of a 20-page coloured book, 20x20 cm, 115-130g, printed in illustration paper, which will contain recipes and information about the history and the features of the asparagus. The brochures will support the entire communications campaign that is to be implemented in all target countries.


Design and Production of Folders : The activity refers to the design of a coloured A4 sized folder, produced in thick paper and featuring the EU logos (as required by the regulations), images of the products and the Programme's logo, which will be used for the distribution of brochures, and DVDs (size A4, colour, 4.000 items for all countries in each language 2000/1000/1000).

Promotion activities (a)

20-page Informational Brochure : Dispatch of a 20-page informational brochure which concerns cooks and chefs in restaurants in Thessaloniki, Athens and main tourist resorts : Corfu, Rhodes, Chios, Kavala, Chalkidiki (4 dispachting periods of 500 each).


Annual event "we eat asparagus now": 16 events will last one week and will take place in various restaurants where there will be dishes with asparagus in the menu; every year in every target country (special menu list creation, advertising of the event, promotional material),



Target countries

No of events







Consumers' information in sales points through special banners (30 days per year): Special banner will be placed in sales points (supermarket, delicatessen, etc) will project the messages of the programme and create a positive image of the product (90 days in 30 POS, 3 days in 10 POS per year).

Advertising (a)

Presentation of product in cooking emissions (Greece) The activity is related to an agreement with journalists, broadcasters of cooking and nutrition shows, through which the messages of the programme will be channelled. Aim of the activity is the creation of a favourable climate with regard to the product. 5 participations each year are foreseen.


Design and Placement of Advertisements in the Press: The activity refers to the design of full page, coloured ads and the booking of space in general and specialised national Press as follows: country

1st year

2nd year

3rd year




















Publication of Advertorials: the publication of articles will strengthen the campaign, since they have the ability to present the products in a credible and reliable manner through informative articles that will be featured in a news and/or editorial format, 600-800 words and pictures, (6 articles for Greece, 3 articles for Italy and 3 articles for Germany).


Outdoor Advertising: The activity aims to support the other actions by adding information and stimulation-excitement, impulsion and desire for the products. 30 advertisements will be on in metro stations , Bus stops, shops and other in all the target countries for the 3 years.


Insertion of brochures in food newspapers and magazines circulated in Greece and Germany: Greece, twice, 40.000 items, Italy, twice, 30000 items and for Germany, twice, 30000 items)


TV Commercial: The spot will have 15" duration and will project messages for the promotion of the product, (200 spots, 4 times per day for 50 days, only in Greece).

Public Relations (a)

Invitation of Journalists: Groups of 4 journalists will be invited to visit the areas of cultivation and production and publish their experience and acquired knowledge in the media. The groups will follow a 2 day programme and 2 groups are planned per year for each country.


Seminars in Chefs schools: one seminar per year in each target country in catering schools for the promotion of the use of asparagus in professional cooking and in industrial catering.


Thematic Dinners : journalists will be invited in order to be informed in detail about the intrinsic quality of asparagus so that they will be able to present them through their columns effectively. Ad-hoc info packets will be distributed to participants.3 events per country are planned for Germany and Italy.


Invitation of wholesalers and journalists to the production areas : this action icludes the invitation 5 groups of 3 particpants for each country for two days from Italy and Germany to Greece.


Asparagus festival in Kavala : This action aims to the massive information of the consumers in a festive environment. Recipes using asparagus will be presented by noumerous chefs to the public and presentation of the quality of asparagus will take place (third year, Kavala, Greece)

Anticipated impact and evaluation method(s): The anticipated desired results of the programme are the following: 42

– Precise and clear distinction of the fresh fruits and vegetables produced in the EU with regard to taste and quality. – Deep and full information of the consumers as far as the higher quality of the products and their comparative advantages are concerned. – Information of the consumers with regard to the nutritional benefits of the consumption of the fruits and vegetables produced in the EU. The evaluation method for the analysis of the results of the planned campaign is based on the measurement of the following parameters in relation to the objectives: – the effectiveness of the actions in relation to objectives, – the impact on the target groups preference and awareness for asparagus, – impact on consumption levels of asparagus and in particular for young people. Questionnaires (provided) will be used to measure the above parameters that will address product awareness and increased preference for asparagus. Additional spot POS will be used to indicate the demand increase of asparagus in relation to the running of the campaign. Anticipated impact: The anticipated desired results of the programme are the following: – increased awareness of the target groups for asparagus – consumption and demand increase – improvement of EU quality product image. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget by action :

Table 3-- PROGRAMME BUDGET PER COUNTRY & PER YEAR ACTIONS; : GREECE GERMANY YEARl YEAR 2 YEARS YEARl YEAR 2 1 Electronic Media 2 Trade fairs and shows 3 4 5 6

promotional material POS Advertising Public Relations

Travel costs Total actions measurement of results Cost of gyaranteeguarantee |Fees of implementing body Total direct costs for the programme 13 General expenses 3%

7 8 9 10 11 12

12.200 52.000


0 58.000

0 58.000

6.400 50.000

0 50.000

0 0

25.000 430.000

63.400 0 0 72.500 72.500 74.500 67.000 301.000 57.000 35.000 15.000 129.000

42.400 37.500 66.500 29.900

0 37.500 82.500 29.900

0 37.500 82.500 28.050

42.200 39.600 80.500 30.700

0 39.600 74.500 30.700

0 39.600 36.500 25.500

148.000 450.800 848.000 353.750

1.500 1.500 2.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 2.000 303.600 442.000 314.500 243.700 210.900 209.050 252.400 197.800 Í03.600,0 9.108 13.260 9.435 7.311 6.327 6.272 7.572 5.934 . 700 700 674 250 250 300 250 250 300 39.468 57.460 40.885 31.681 27.417 27.177 32.812 25.714 13.468 352.876 513.420 365.494 282.942 244.894 242.798 293.034 229.698 120.476

22.000 2.277.550 68.327 3.674 296.082 2.645.632

15.403 528.823

10.964 376.458

8.488 291.430

Budget allocation per country BUDGET 1.268.743 793.753 662.504 2.725.000


6.400 58.000




0 52.000


0 52.000



% 47 29 24 100


7.347 252.241

7.284 250.082

8.791 301.825

6.891 236.589

3.614 124.090

79.368 2.725.000

Internal market – Year 2009




479.859 191.944

50 20

508.326 203.330

50 20

YEAR III 374.315 149.726




50 1.362.500 20 545.000

50 20


















The programmes, submitted in accordance with article 8(1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008, shall contain sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated in accordance with article 8(2)c of the same Regulation.


The Member States shall use the model contracts provided by the Commission in accordance with article 16(2) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 501/2008.

Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS:


Additional clarifications are needed for the conclusion of the evaluation of the actions on advertising and public relations as follows: − action (5) specify channels and volumes for each media under use among the presented ones − action (6) provide (a) visits' itinerary, (b) number of participants in chefs' seminars and (e) planned participants in the festival. − the necessary elements for the calculation of the cost should be clarified based on the requested issued raised above.


The transport costs foreseen for the implementing body need further clarifications to examine their conformity with annex III of the contract in accordance with article 16(2) of Regulation (EC) No 501/2008. 45


With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission.

Clarifications were received on the above observations (6.5.2009/letter of clarifications/ received reply protocol No 234033). The information provided has covered the aforementioned observations.

OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: good (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: promotion of European product and quality Impact forecast and assessment' methods description of the method Cost-effectiveness of the programme : (relation between total cost and anticipated impact)


Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion:


CONCLUSIONS Greece is producing large quantities of asparagus consumed in the Community market. The consumption of asparagus is not developed in Greece. The programme addresses real market opportunities and needs. Given that the programme provides a coherent set of actions the programme is proposed to be accepted. Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : to be accepted




Title of the programme:

European Olive Oil Programme

Competent Authority(ies):


Proposing organisation(s):

Spanish Olive Oil Joint Trade Organization

Implementing body(ies):

Agr! agro (Agr Machine Comunicación S.L.)

Type of measure:

Mixed (information + promotion)


Olive Oil

Targeted Member States:

Spain, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Holland


3 years (36 months)

Total budget:

16.557.936, 22 €

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : • Objective 1: Increasing the consumption of these products in the member states that are “new consumers”: – Showing to diversify the olive oil uses – Providing information of interest about olive oils. • Objective 2: Consolidating and encouraging the consumption in the member states that are traditional consumers – Improving the olive oils information given to the consumer – Creating consuming habits among young people. • Objective 3: Achieving among opinion leaders (doctors and catering) to promote the initiative and to support and promote the olive oils consumption. – Providing them information of interest about olive oils. Strategy : With this programme the proposing organisation wants to get through a strategy to most consumers from the interior market in the objective countries: Spain, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Holland. So, once this public is identified with a multiple actions planning, we want to attract attention to the “Olive Oils” product through communication and image and we also want its contents to motivate the awakening of this consumption interest under the conceptual promise of HEALTHY ENJOYMENT that each country will creatively turn into an image and a slogan campaign:  Spain: Olive Oils. The Heart of the Mediterranean Diet… With all your love. The creative strategy appeals to the feeling of taking care of your people. The best heredity for your children is health, education and diet. Not allowing that our generation gastronomic culture gets lost.


 United Kingdom: Olive Oils. The flavour of life. The creative strategy is based on the association of the Mediterranean values with the olive oil consumption. Good living is the motto of the Mediterranean culture, the olive oil being its main ingredient.  France, Belgium and Holland: Tu peux vivre une vie pleine de luxes. Mais c´est mieux de vivre une vie de lune (You can live a life full of luxuries but it is better living a luxury life). The communication strategy uses a communication of “luxury” and “gourmet” products to go forward the price barrier and consider this statement: The really important thing is health, olive oil is health and health does not have any price. The references to be used in the abovementioned communication will be data endorsed by already published studies that reached consensus with ad hoc studies by the Department of Physiology and Nutrition of Zaragoza University that will be developed during the programme. Target group(s) : • - Sector and channel responsibles of destiny countries. • - People in charge of groceries and other home buying. • - Opinion leaders (doctors and catering) • - Media Themes : Olive Oils and emphasizing from these: Definition and typology, values, benefits and uses. Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed : • Due to its nutritional qualities, the olive oil is a main element for a healthy and balanced life: gastronomic pleasure and diet. 49

• Image modernization of a long tradition and an important cultural dimension product. • Olive oil categories. • Gastronomic qualities and organoleptic characteristics. • The olive oil and, particularly the extra virgin category, is a natural product, with old tradition and perfect for a tasteful and modern cuisine. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Member State: SPAIN Action 1: Strategy and creativity Action 2: Direct marketing retailers Action 3: TV Consumer Action 4: Magazines and newspapers Consumer Action 5: Internet Consumer (eliminated in the revised version B dated 30/04/2009) Action 6: Promotional action Consumer Action 7: Promotional action- Magazines and Internet and External Consumer Action 8: E-mailing and SMS Consumer Action 9: Web Action 10: Press office Action 11: Campaign presentation act Member State: UNITED KINGDOM Action 12: Strategy and creativity Action 13: Magazines media On-line and Off-line Consumer. Action 14: Promotional Tour Consumer Action 15: Internet Consumer Action 16: Press office Action 17: Web Member State: FRANCE Action 18: Strategy and creativity Action 19: On-line and off-line magazines Consumer. Action 20: Promotional Tour consumer 50

Action 21: Internet consumer Action 22: Press office Action 23: Web Member State: THE NETHERLANDS Action 24: Strategy and creativity Action 25: On-line and off-line magazines Consumer. Action 26: Web Member State: BELGIUM Action 27: Strategy and creativity Action 28: On-line and off-line magazines Consumer. Action 29: Web A very detailed description of the different activities to be carried out in each of the targeted Member States, as well as their provisional calendar, is included in the programme (pages 4 – 328).

Anticipated impact and evaluation method(s): The proposing organisation presents a profitability analysis of the programme by means of two profitability indicators: Cost/production unit and Cost/production estimated value. Summing up, the profitability indicators of the program show that the maximum annual cost would be less than the 0.23% of the total value of the Spanish production for the 2008/09 campaign. Likewise, the maximum annual cost of the program would mean less than the 0.12% of the total European production for the 2008/09 campaign. According to the proposing organisation, these data show an ideal relation cost/profit of the introduced program. The evaluation methods to be applied are: Spain: TV audiences: Sofres Tylor AM and General Media Study for the rest of media audience. United Kingdom: TGI GB, measurement of audiences, affinities and coverage of printed media. France: SIMM 2008 and AEPM: audience measurement sources, affinities and coverage of printed media. Netherlands: NOM Doelgroep Monitor 2008-1 (Personenweging).Audience measurement source. Belgium: TNS Media CIM 2008, audience measurement sources of printed media, affinities and coverage. A campaign post-test is also foreseen so as to know the effectiveness reached by the campaign on the objective public, in each country and each year. The objectives to be reached are: spontaneous advertising notoriety, elements memory, suggested recognition, main transmitted message, global assessment, campaign motivation profile. 51

ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget by action :






MEMBER STATE: SPAIN Action 1: Strategy and Creativity Action 2: Direct Marketing Retailer Action 3: TV Consumer Action 4: Magazines and Newspapers consumer Action 5: Internet Consumer Action 6: Promotional Action Consumer Action 7: Promotional Action - Magazines and Internet and External Consumer Action 8: E-mailing and SMS Consumer Action 9: WEB Action 10: Press Office Action 11: Campaign Presentation Act TOTAL Spain

2.924,00 4.270,00 914.680,00 425.697,50 0,00 146.742,80

0,00 0,00 842.430,00 446.130,00 0,00 160.450,66

0,00 0,00 925.930,00 358.780,00 0,00 160.450,66

2.924,00 4.270,00 2.683.040,00 1.230.607,50 0,00 467.644,12

318.241,60 0,00 1.300,00 75.078,40 29.710,31 1.918.644,61

340.372,06 10.110,00 1.300,00 75.105,34 0,00 1.875.898,06

370.999,33 20.830,00 1.300,00 75.105,34 0,00 1.913.395,33

1.029.612,99 30.940,00 3.900,00 225.289,08 29.710,31 5.707.938,00

MEMBER STATE: UNITED KINGDOM Action 12: Strategy and Creativity Action 13: Magazines media On-line and Off-line Consumer Action 14: Promotional Tour Consumer Action 15: Internet Consumer Action 16: Press Office Action 17: Web TOTAL United Kingdom

2.924,00 901.344,25 157.396,00 151.100,00 76.678,50 1.300,00 1.290.742,75

0,00 925.900,00 158.971,50 145.047,00 76.916,25 1.300,00 1.308.134,75

0,00 925.900,00 160.605,05 138.712,00 77.155,38 1.300,00 1.303.672,43

2.924,00 2.753.144,25 476.972,55 434.859,00 230.750,13 3.900,00 3.902.549,93

MEMBER STATE: FRANCE Action 18: Strategy and Creativity Action 19: On-line and Off-line magazines Consumer Action 20: Promotional Tour Consumer Action 21: Internet Consumer Action 22: Press Office Action 23: Web TOTAL France

2.924,00 895.128,00 152.896,00 151.100,00 76.678,50 1.300,00 1.280.026,50

0,00 916.440,00 153.989,00 145.047,00 76.916,25 1.300,00 1.293.692,25

0,00 912.230,00 145.566,00 138.712,00 77.155,38 1.300,00 1.274.963,38

2.924,00 2.723.798,00 452.451,00 434.859,00 230.750,13 3.900,00 3.848.682,13

MEMBER STATE: HOLLAND Action 24: Strategy and Creativity Action 25: On-line and Off-line magazines Consumer Action 26: Web TOTAL Holland

2.924,00 252.808,00 1.300,00 257.032,00

0,00 270.900,00 1.300,00 272.200,00

0,00 270.600,00 1.300,00 271.900,00

2.924,00 794.308,00 3.900,00 801.132,00

MEMBER STATE: BELGIUM Action 27: Strategy and Creativity Action 28: On-line and Off-line magazines Consumer Action 29: Web TOTAL Belgium

2.924,00 252.448,00 1.300,00 256.672,00

0,00 270.900,00 1.300,00 272.200,00

0,00 270.960,00 1.300,00 272.260,00

2.924,00 794.308,00 3.900,00 801.132,00





DIRECT COST Guarantee expenses of the programme execution Fee for the organism responsible for the Programme execution 13% Analisys of the results 2% TOTAL Direct Cost

3.000,00 400.249,43 79.000,00 482.249,43

3.000,00 401.770,00 80.000,00 484.770,00

3.000,00 402.895,29 80.000,00 485.895,29

9.000,00 1.204.914,72 239.000,00 1.452.914,72






General Costs 3% TOTAL General cost

14.467,48 14.467,48

14.543,10 14.543,10

14.576,86 14.576,86

43.587,44 43.587,44






















































RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: In application of Article 7(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Member States concerned shall examine the suitability of proposals for programmes and shall verify their conformity with the said Regulation, the guidelines drawn up and the relevant specifications. They shall also check that the programme offers value for money. In application of Article 13(2) of Council Regulation 3/2008, the Community’s financial participation in the programmes selected (under Articles 8 and 9) shall not exceed 50 % of the actual cost of these programmes. Where information and promotion programmes have a duration of two or three years, the participation for each year of implementation shall not exceed this ceiling. In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. The document "Guidelines to be considered when assessing and managing part-financing programmes for promoting Community agricultural products" (AGRI/60787/2007) issued by the Commission and distributed to all the Member States, depicts in its point nº 6 the procedure of submission of the programmes to the Commission, making special reference to the budget (point 6.7) and the cost effectiveness of the programmes (point 6.8). The Document on "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) issued by the Commission and distributed to all the Member States, contains a questionnaire to be taken into account by the potential proposing organisations when drafting their programmes and also by the Member States when assessing the effectiveness of the programmes they have managed, controlled and/or co-financed. However the following points should be further developed,


Action 3 – TV consumer: Confirmation should be obtained on whether the budget foreseen for the planning and buying of promotional spaces (753.000 € + 828.000 € + 912.000 €) is based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the TV channels providers of the services (Tele5, Antena 3, Canal Cocina), taking account of all reductions and discounts (pages 33 and 34 of the programme). Action 4 – Magazines and newspaper consumer: Confirmation should be obtained on whether the budget foreseen for the planning and buying of promotional spaces in magazines (293.000 € + 323.000 € + 355.000 €) is based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the magazines providers of the services, including all reductions and discounts (page 57). As regards the planning and buying of promotional spaces in free newspapers, it should be noted that METRO, one of the three newspapers providers initially selected was closed down on 1 February 2009. The budget foreseen for this item (123.000 € + 163.000 €) should be adapted in consequence (page 57). Actions 5, 15, 21, – Internet Consumer: Confirmation should be obtained on whether the budgets foreseen for the buying of promotional spaces in magazines in: – Spain, with yearly amounts of 200.000 € + 219.000 € + 241.000 € (page 67), – United Kingdom, with yearly budgets of 150.000 € + 143.947 € + 137.612 € (page 183), – France, with yearly amounts of 150.000 € + 143.947 € + 137.612 € (page 243) are all based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the final providers of the services, including all reductions and discounts In addition, in the case of the Spanish market, confirmation should be obtained on whether the budget foreseen for the planning and buying of promotional spaces in the specialised on-line magazines (10.000 € + 10.000 € + 10.000 €) is based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the final providers of the services, including all reductions and discounts (page 67). Actions 7, 14 and 20 – Promotional action –Magazines and Internet and ExternalConsumer Confirmation should be obtained on whether the budget foreseen for the planning and buying of promotional spaces and the fidelity campaign to be carried out in Spain (110.000 € + 125.000 € + 133.000 €) is based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the final providers of the services, including all reductions and discounts (page 97). As regards the "Promotional Tour" it should be confirmed whether the cost of the following items are in line with the market tariffs for this kind of services currently applicable in the United Kingdom and France: – Hiring of one bus in the United Kingdom for 1 month (20 working days) each year with a total cost of 65.000 € + 68.250 € + 71.500 € (page 178).


– Bus driver in the UK working 8 hours per day during 1 month (20 working days) each year with a total cost of 5.200 € + 5.400 € + 5.670 € (page 178). – Hiring of one bus in the France for 1 month (20 working days) a year with a total cost of 65.000 € + 68.250 € + 60.000 € (page 238). – Bus driver in France working 8 hours per day during 1 month (20 working days) each year with a total cost of 5.200 € + 5.400 € + 4.000 € (page 238). In any case, these tariffs seem substantially pricier than those presented for the Promotional Tour to be implemented in Spain (page 97), where the hiring of the bus has a unitary cost of about just one third. In Spain, the unitary cost for hiring one bus during 1 month each year are of just 20.000 €+ 22.680 €+ 25.200 €. In principle, these prices seem to be understood "all inclusive" as no additional fees are included for the bus drivers. Moreover, some details have to be revised in the case of Action 14, as the description of the action (page 175) indicates that the bus will run for 1 month (20 working days), but the budget includes expenses for 24 days (page 178). The same shortcoming is be found in Action 20, as the description of the action (page 235) indicates that the bus will run for 1 month (20 working days), but the budget includes expenses for 24 days (page 238). There is also a slight error in the third year regarding the unitary cost (63.000 €) and the total cost (60.000 €). Actions 9, 17, 23, 26 and 29 – Web pages It should be clarified why even though the programme indicates that a web page will be developed in 4 languages (Spanish, English, French and Netherlands), the budgets of the different webpages (pages 108, 197, 257 and 289) include not only translation costs when needed, but also a 4 times –once for each targeted country- the sum of 8.500 € in concept of "design and programming costs". In addition, the target language needs to be verified in the case of France, The Netherlands and Belgium. Actions 10, 16 and 22 – Press Offices It should be clarified how the Press Offices mentioned in the programme are to be operated (e.g. partially or totally outsourced to a subcontractor or directly managed by the implementing agency). In case they are to be fully operated by the implementing agency, the "monthly fees" included in the budget of the press office to be set up for Spain, with yearly costs of 84.000 € + 87.360 € + 87.360 € (page 130), for the United Kingdom, with yearly costs of 120.000 € + 120.000 € + 120.000 € (page 192), and for France with yearly costs of 120.000 € + 120.000 € + 120.000 € (page 252), should be presented as part of the implementing body's expenditures. To this end, it is advisable to consult the Annex III "Eligibility of expenditure: specific rules" of the model contract, which is available at http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/prom/intern/index_en.htm. Action 11 – Campaign presentation act It should be checked out if the fees to be charged by the "prestige speaker" (1.800 €) are in line with the market tariffs for this kind of services currently applicable in Spain (page 138). In any case, and taking into account that the programme is submitted by the Spanish Olive Oil 56

Joint Trade Organization, the need to hire the services of an external "prestige speaker" to provide a presentation on the subject ought to be further justified. The costs related to the "ad hoc investigation and presentation of results" (page 138) should be further justified and eventually presented as part of the implementing body's expenditures. Moreover, a small error regarding the unitary cost of the video of the action should be corrected (page 138) to tally the total cost. Actions 13, 19, 25 and 28 – On-line and off-line media - Consumer Confirmation should be obtained on whether the budgets foreseen for the planning and buying of on-line and off-line media in: – United Kingdom, with yearly amounts of 887.000 € + 910.000 € + 910.000 € (page 169), – France, with yearly amounts of 887.000 € + 910.000 € + 910.000 € (page 229), – Netherlands, with yearly amounts of 250.000 € + 270.000 € + 270.000 € (page 289), – Belgium, with yearly amounts of 250.000 € + 270.000 € + 270.000 € (page 319). are all based on the actual tariffs to be charged by the final providers of the services, including all reductions and discounts. Fees of the implementing body 13% Annex III point B of the model contract defines that, in the case of programmes proposed by one Member State, fees invoiced on a flat base basis may not exceed 13% of the actual costs of implementing the measures. Having regard to the important expenses related to the planning and buying of promotional spaces in different media, notably in Action 3 – TV consumer, Action 4 – Magazines and newspaper consumer and Actions 13, 19, 25 and 28 – On-line and off-line media, the works to be realized by the implementing agency in order to apply the maximum flat base rate of 13% on such actions should be clearly justified. Analysis of the results 2% Despite the considerable budget earmarked each year for the analysis of the results (109.518 € + 109.572 € + 109.185 €), the evaluation methods to be applied in order to assess the effectiveness of the actions implemented in Spain, United Kingdom, France, the Netherland and Belgium are primarily related to the measurement of the audiences, affinities and coverage of the media used. Therefore, it should be further explained to which extent the methodology proposed for the analysis of the results is appropriate enough to efficiently evaluate the impact of the programme as regards its possible contribution towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. 57

Co-financing plan Finally, having regard to the total initial budget of the programme (18.959.012 EUR) and taking account of the available annual budget for the sector concerned (Annex III of Commission Regulation (EC) 501/2008), the Community’s annual financial participation in this programme shall be of just 35% of the actual costs. As indicated in the letter sent by the Commission to the Spanish authorities on 18 March 2009 (Adonis 8085 – 18/03/2009), this would yield a financial UE participation of 2.213.765,53 EUR during the first year, 2.214.847,73 EUR during the second year, and of 2.207.041,08 EUR in the third year. Therefore, a revised budget and co-financing plan for the programme should be submitted. Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: Given the dimension of the initial budget foreseen by the programme (18.959.012 EUR), the Commission informed the Spanish authorities that, in application of Article 13.2 of Council Regulation 3/2008, the EU participation in the programme would attain only 35% of the real costs involved so as to not jeopardise the implementation of further programmes on olive oil in the next years. The budgetary difference should thus be covered by the proposing organisation and/or the Member State (Adonis 8085 – 18/03/2009). A letter of observations on the programme was sent by the Commission to the Spanish authorities on 27 March 2009 (Adonis 8890 - 27/04/2009). The Spanish authorities (MARM) submitted a revised version of the programme on 30 April 2009 (ARES 87483 – 05/05/2009), addressing all the remarks issued by the Commission on the actions contained in the programme and on the analysis of the results. With the aim of maximizing the cost-effectiveness of the different actions proposed, the revised version submitted by the MARM even put forward two co-financing possibilities (A and B). Taking into account the limitations on the EU participation in the programme already communicated to the Spanish authorities, co-financing possibility B has been the one finally retained. The new version B of the programme submitted by the MARM has kept both the nature and the scope of the actions initially foreseen, as well as its Community interest. Likewise, it has confirmed the choice and effectiveness of a number of actions included in the programme, and has adapted the budget initially proposed. The total budget of the programme has been revised downwards to 16.557.936 EUR due mainly to a reduction in the fees of the implementing agency (from an authorised maximum of 13% to just 8%), and the trimming of a number of actions to be implemented in Spain, notably by the elimination of the "Internet Consumer" action. Updates of the rates of different media and service providers, as well as subsequent reduction in the evaluation and general expenses, have helped to further adjust the budget of the programme.




(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:


Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme :


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion: It seems difficult not to support this programme, as it certainly useful and presents numerous qualities. However, the global budget could be adjusted and the part to be devoted to the Spanish market trimmed. CONCLUSIONS Version B of the revised programme submitted by the Spanish authorities on 30 April 2009 (ARES 87483 – 05/05/2009) is to be accepted. The total budget of the revised version B of the programme has been adjusted to 16.557.936, 22 EUR. As already indicated in the letter sent by the Commission to the Spanish authorities on 18 March 2009 (Adonis 8085 – 18/03/2009), the EU participation in the programme shall reach a maximum of 2.213.765,53 EUR in the first year, 2.214.847,73 EUR in the second and 2.207.041,08 EUR in the third year of the programme. Observation(s) :

Recommendation(s) : To be accepted




Title of the programme:

Fruit: It's a kids' game

Competent Authority(ies):

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Proposing organisation(s):


Implementing body(ies):

SG Consulting sas

Type of measure:



Fresh fruit and vegetables

Targeted Member States:

Germany, UK, Sweden, Austria, Poland


3 years

Total budget:


Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s)


Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : This is a continuation of a programme ending in April 2009 and executed on same target markets. The programme had good results, especially in terms of media coverage and interest of the final consumer. The proponent proposes to continue with a similar set of activities. Objective(s): – Stimulate the consumption of fruit of the EU origin (in particular peaches, nectarines, pears, plums and kiwi) in target countries, – Increase the consumption of fruit by the young generation (kids and teenagers) in order to fight the obesity and establish good nutritional habits, – Supply complete information, especially to families with young children, concerning quality, security, seasonality, nutritional values and health benefits, – Develop an image of fruit related to play, fun, good taste and health (fruit is healthy, but also good and fun to eat). Strategy: Launch and promote a strong message: "Fruit consumption is fun. It's a pleasure for taste, health and your shape." The message is conveyed using the existing claim "Mr. Fruitness, enjoy it!". Target group(s): – Kids and teens – Parents – Opinion makers – School and medical workers Themes: – Nutrition – Children obesity – Wellbeing From the main themes mentioned above, the following specific will be communicated: recommendation for a bigger daily intake of fruit 

stress on the fact that the products are natural and fresh

quality intended as security, nutritional and organoleptic value, production methods 61

importance of a balance diet

variety and seasonality of fresh products

information on taste and use of different fruit

easy preparation of fruit

Aspects covered:

quality safety of food nutritional values image of Community products

Messages to be conveyed: The main message is linked to the pleasure related with eating fruit. Fruit will be presented as a natural, safe and healthy food providing pleasure and amusement. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: (1)

Press office

The press office will constantly work on developing the relationship with the media, improving the existing contacts database, creation and launching of 30 press releases and advertorials per year and preparing clipping reports. Each year, the programme will also participate at one seminar/workshop or similar to present the campaign and its results. (2)

Supervisory committee

2 members of the supervisory committee – one a communications expert, the other a scientist - will supervise the content of promotional messages and materials. (3)


The existing website will be updated and new content will be added. In the existing sections, new recipes, games (one per year), news, interesting information, press clippings, and useful links will be added. A new section named "Club" will be introduced to complement the existing questionnaires section. Club members will be able to play online with other members, exchange e.cards, create top lists of players, etc., in line with the recent trend of theme communities on the internet. (4)

Point of sales activities - retail

Major retail chains in each country will be invited to participate. The proponent plans to involve 1.500 points of sale. They will rent store space during 1 week. The activity will consist of distribution of free educational brochures with games to all buyers of any of the featured fruit products. Brochures present a children's game on the back, which will be changed every year to make a "collection". The main purpose is to convey the information on fruit and correct diet through games. In selected 300 stores (out of 1.500), external promoters will be hired, who will also carry out consumer interviews. In other stores, the promotional activities will be implemented by the store's own personnel. 62


Points of sales activities – normal trade

The proposing organisation will identify the most important fruit&vegetables markets in each member state (approx. 50 in total). They will contact the wholesale dealers, equip them with posters and give them the promotional material to hand out to their customers (estimated 700 individual points of sale). The dealers will keep the record of operators who received the material. (6)

Web advertising

Dynamic banners with link to Mr Fruitness website placed on websites targeting kids and teens on one side and operators from the F&V sector on the other. A total of 13 important websites will be chosen and advertising space bought for 1 year. A list of specialised websites is presented in the programme proposal. (7)

Promotional material

The following material will be produced: -

Consumers: poster (30.000 pcs), educational brochure with game (2.250.000 pcs), support for brochures (9.000 pcs)


Operators: press folder (1.800), annual project presentation

Anticipated impact: -

Increase in demand for fruit products: to be measured by analysing statistics of intra-EU trade for specific products – kiwis, nectarines, plums, pears, peaches)


Increase of knowledge (target group): readership of articles published as a result of PR activities, number of participants at workshops, no. of website visitors, click-through contacts for web advertising, no. of contacts via POS activities and distributed promotional material

ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget by action :

ACTIONS Press office Supervisory committee Website POS promotion - retail POS promotion - normal trade

Year I 35.000 8.000 22.000 570.000 125.000

Year II 35.000 8.000 22.000 570.000 125.000

Year III 35.000 8.000 22.000 570.000 125.000

TOTAL 105.000 24.000 66.000 1.710.000 375.000

Web advertising Matieral for operators Material for consumers Creativity TOTAL MEASURES Performance guarantee Implementing body's fees Measurement of results TOTAL DIRECT COSTS Overheads TOTAL

45.000 3.000 206.500 10.000 1.024.500 1.229 102.450 20.490 1.148.669

45.000 3.000 206.500 10.000 1.024.500 1.229 102.450 20.490 1.148.669

45.000 3.000 206.500 10.000 1.024.500 1.229 102.450 20.490 1.148.669

135.000 9.000 619.500 30.000 3.073.500 3.688 307.350 61.470 3.446.008

34.460 1.183.129

34.460 1.183.129

34.460 1.183.129

103.380 3.549.388

Share 3% 1% 2% 56% 12% 4% 0% 20% 1% 100% 0,1% 10,0% 2,0%


Budget by target country: € Target country Germany UK Poland Sweden Austria Total measures

Total budget 1.385.411 672.554 278.830 329.714 406.991 3.073.500

% 45,1% 21,9% 9,1% 10,7% 13,2% 100%








591.565 236.626

50% 20%

591.565 236.626

50% 20%

591.565 236.626

50% 20%

1.774.694 709.878

354.939 1.183.129

30% 100%

354.939 1.183.129

30% 100%

354.939 1.183.129

30% 100%

1.064.817 3.549.388


RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: The aspects covered by the programme, as well as a list of themes, are not clearly indicated in the proposal text. The proposing organisation is asked to refer to the application form and complete these subheadings. More details should be presented concerning the following budgeted costs: – Press office: present a breakdown of costs of 5.000 € for campaign presentation at seminars/workshops, as well as the unit costs and number of units for the costs of translation and sending (separate the costs of sending) – Measurement of results: a detailed budget table should be presented justifying the expenditure for each sub-activity – Normal trade: unit costs for lease of space are identical on all listed wholesale markets? In total, 1.650.000 euro or 46 % of the total budget will be spent on lease of space on points of sales for POS promotion (wholesale and retail combined). Considering the fact that the proposing organisation can agree business arrangements with retail chains which take into account also the investment in various marketing activities, there is no real control of the various financial side-effects of this investment. The proposing organisation is invited to present its position on this point. In relation to POS promotion, a total of 27.000 euro is budgeted for the acquisition and analysis of questionnaires (3.000 contacts expected). The same (or similar) questionnaire will be made available via the website where 100.000 contacts are expected. In light of this fact, the acquisition of questionnaires at points of sales is not cost efficient and this activity should be cancelled. Concerning the measurement of results, the proponent suggests a methodology with a list of indicators. However, some of the indicators refer to the level of execution of proposed activities and do not measure the effects of the activities, but their correct implementation in accordance with the proposed plan (e.g. respect of time planning, no. of press releases equal to those suggested in the project proposal, …). Instead of referring to intra-EU trade statistical data for evaluation of impact, the proposing organisation is invited to present the level of exports, current and planned, to the target markets in question. With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) has not been taken into account for the preparation of this programme for submission to the Commission. Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: In line with Article 4(3) of Commission regulation 501/2008, any reference in messages to be disseminated to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted scientific data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health.




(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:


Impact forecast and assessment' methods:


Cost-effectiveness of the programme: good/average/poor (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion:


CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Additional information was received on 6/5/2009 (Ares 89761). All missing information was provided. Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.


IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROGRAMME Member State(s): Italy Title of the programme:

Taste of Europe

Competent Authority(ies):

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Proposing organisation(s):


Implementing body(ies):

Zowart srl

Type of measure:



Quality wine psr

Targeted Member States:

Belgium, Netherlands, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia


3 years

Total budget:


Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS

Yes/No Yes/No

Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules Product(s)/target countries are eligible

Yes/No Yes/No

Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions

Yes/No Yes/No

Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body Yes/No DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : The programme is a continuation of two previous programmes. The first of them targeted The Netherlands, Belgium and Germany and ended in 2005, the second one targeted UK, Germany, and the Baltic states and ended in October 2008. Objective(s): Improve the presence of European quality wines psr on target markets. Consolidate the position acquired in Belgium and the Netherlands, and conquer new markets of the Baltic States. Strategy: The general objective described above is to be attained by: Promoting the image of European quality wines psr with target groups, Informing the operators and consumers about the EU legislation in place, Informing the consumers on the variety, quality and production conditions of specific wines, testimonials of this programme, Improving the knowledge of community logos for quality wines psr by consumers and professionals, Introducing the community quality wines psr to distribution channels with high value added, Information about qualitative aspects of products. In Baltic States, the activities will target mainly the professionals from the sector as the final consumers are not well acquainted with the topic yet. In Belgium and the Netherlands, the strategy is to tackle the challenge posed by the products coming from third countries. Target group(s): Professionals: importers, restaurateurs, journalists, food and beverage managers, sommeliers, "wine educators", other specialised operators, purchasing managers (large distribution and Horeca) Final consumers 68

Themes: New CMO wine Labelling rules for quality wines psr Quality wines psr certification rules Product traceability (from the wine-grower to the wine-maker) EC designation of psr regions Quality pyramid of European quality wines produced in a specialised region Chemical, physical and organoleptic qualities Sensorial analysis Coupling food and wine

Aspects covered:

quality safety of food specific production methods labelling respect for the environment image of Community products Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed: Main goal of the new EC wine CMO is to safeguard the European quality wines, representing the "diamond point" of European viticulture, with regard to their designation and presentation; New community law laying down strict rules for production, quality levels, labelling and marketing guarantees to consumers safe products, quality and traceability; The European image of psr wines can be strengthened through information and specific illustration on quality, territory and origin, as well as inspections carried out on the whole production chain. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: (1) Press conference 1-2 press conferences in each target country per year, focused on new CMO and new classification of quality wines psr, based on multimedia presentations with simultaneous interpretation. (2) Wine tasting


This activity is targeting the operators from the sector (importers, restaurant owners, food&beverage and purchasing managers) in the presence of representatives of producers' organisations. 10-15 events per year covering all target countries. (3) Tasting courses Events targeting professionals from the sector during which special attention will be given to theory and techniques of wine tasting. (4) Wine show workshop Free degustation of a wide range of European quality wines psr. In addition, a guided degustation by a famous journalist from the sector. The events will take place only in Belgium and in the Netherlands. (5) Courses for sommeliers and chefs The objective of these seminars is to improve the knowledge of European quality wines psr. Guided degustation will take place and information will be given to the participants to help them focus on the "pluses" for better selling the product. (6) Trips for operators and journalists 8 missions per year, 10 participants per mission. Participants will visit the production sites and learn more about the territory and all links of the production chain. (7) POS promotion The objective is to promote the European quality wines psr with the final consumers by emphasising characteristics which differentiate them from the competitive products from third countries. The proponent plans to set up corners, organise tastings and distribute info material. Each year, 10 points of sales in Belgium and the Netherlands will be selected for this activity, which does not cover the Baltic States. The activity will last for two days. (8) Promotion in restaurants The activity will take part in selected restaurants in Belgium and The Netherlands (21 in total during first two programme years) where theme weeks will be organised. Clients will have the opportunity to taste the products and receive print informational material. (9) Website and newsletter A new dynamic website is to be set up with information on products, traceability and the EU system. The newsletter will be distributed to the participants at various promotional events who will be put on the mailing lists. It will be produced 4 times per year to update the recipients on the latest developments in the field. (10) Promotional and information material The activity comprises the production of a brochure, a CD-ROM and a DVD. DVD: 15.200 units will be produced and distributed along with the print material to all participants of different events. CD-ROM and brochure: 5.500 pcs of each of the two materials. Anticipated impact: The predictions concerning the impact are limited to the number of contacts for different activities of the programme and the cost per contact. The proponent does not mention other quantitative indicators of impact. However, they plan to use questionnaires and define a set of parameters for some of the actions to assess the correct implementation of the activities according to the plan. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:

37/40 70

European dimension:




Budget by action: € ACTIONS Press conference Wine tasting Tasting course Wine show workshop Education Off trade On trade Incoming Newsletter Video Material TOTAL MEASURES Performance guarantee Implementing body's fees Measurement of results TOTAL DIRECT COSTS Overheads TOTAL

Year I 85.000 402.500 165.000 75.000 30.000 30.000 0 35.350 20.300 68.300 70.750 982.200 6.000 117.864 19.644 1.125.708

Year II 92.500 347.500 135.000 45.000 30.000 30.000 30.000 35.350 6.400 0 37.400 789.150 0 94.698 15.783 899.631

Year III 95.000 415.000 150.000 90.000 20.000 30.000 75.000 35.350 6.400 0 41.300 958.050 0 114.966 19.161 1.092.177

TOTAL 272.500 1.165.000 450.000 210.000 80.000 90.000 105.000 106.050 33.100 68.300 149.450 2.729.400 6.000 327.528 54.588 3.117.516

Share 10% 43% 16% 8% 3% 3% 4% 4% 1% 3% 5% 100% 0,2% 12,0% 2,0%

24.555 1.150.263

19.729 919.360

23.951 1.116.128

68.235 3.185.751









575.132 230.053

50% 20%

459.680 183.872

50% 20%

558.064 223.226

50% 20%

1.592.876 637.150

345.079 1.150.263

30% 100%

275.808 919.360

30% 100%

334.838 1.116.128

30% 100%

955.725 3.185.751

RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: The programme is a continuation of previous programmes. Even though evaluation of results is present in the annual reports, it does not relate explicitly to the programme actions (for example, focus is given to export/import data for target markets, but the link of programme's activities with the sales increase is not evident).


Offers are presented to justify the price of room rental for wine tastings, but not for other events which also require room rental. For the action "Trips for operators and journalists", only journalists can be invited to such tours. The invitation of operators cannot be co-financed. The proponent should justify the purpose of creating a new website for this particular programme with other Federdoc websites already existing which could be simply complemented (www.wqprd.it, www.federdoc.it). List in detail the themes to be treated by this new website and its functionalities. Measurement of results: The proponent presents an estimate of the number of contacts and avoids speaking about sales results. They should present the current situation (sales numbers) per target country and the expected situation at the end of the programme. In addition, the proposing organisation plans to analyse questionnaires collected at the occasion of different events. They define parameters for measurement of impact and of the results of each of the activities. However, the indicators relate to the implementation of the activities according to the plan and not to the actual results of the activities. Important indicators are missing which should be taken into account, for example the number of clippings following the press conference. The indicators have not been developed for the POS activities, promotional and informational material and the activities in restaurants (to be complemented). Further details should be communicated concerning: - Number and timing of press conferences in Baltic States (table under point 5.8 not in line with the text, which mentions 6 press conferences in year 1) - How many participants will attend the wine tasting, tasting courses, wine show workshop and educational courses for sommeliers and chefs - events (Action no. 2, 3, 4 and 5)? Present the numbers per target country and year. - Explain the difference between the tasting courses and wine shop workshop - In which activities will the representatives of producers' organisations take place? - Present the detailed costs for the activity "planning and logistical coordination" for tastings in restaurants (3.300 euro per restaurant) - Justify the cost of 5.000 euro per year for the research and acquisition of material for the newsletter (taking into account that the proposing organisation is already following the developments in the sector and that the work of journalist is accounted for separately) - Present the breakdown and the justification of the following costs related to the production of promotional material: graphical and communication project, editing of texts, translation, layout of pages - Present the details concerning the brochure (number of pages, paper quality, size, etc.) - Present the breakdown of costs for the measurement of results with all cost details

Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: 72

OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: d/average/poor (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods: yes Cost-effectiveness of the programme : good/average/poor (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: 93/100 Priority awarded by MS: 3/10 External consultant’s opinion: positive with reservation (additional information needed) CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Additional information was received on 7/5/2009 (Ares 89744); further questions were addressed on 18/5/2009 and responded adequately. In all messages, the proposing organisation shall use denominations PDO and IGP introduced by the new legislation applicable from 1/8/2009. Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.




Title of the programme:

BIO sotto la casa

Competent Authority(ies):

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Proposing organisation(s):

AIAB, Coldiretti, AMAB

Implementing body(ies):

not selected yet, 30% of actions implemented by the proposing organisation

Type of measure:



Organic products

Targeted Member States:

Germany, France, Italy


3 years

Total budget:


Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Yes/No Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body n.a. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : The programme is not a direct continuation of a previous programme, but the leading proposing organisation has implemented a similar programme in UK, Germany, Italy and Belgium in the period 2004-2007, which, in their opinion, brought very positive results. The activities of this proposal have been adapted in accordance to the experience gained with the previous programme. Objective(s): To raise awareness about environmentally friendly production models, promoting the development of organic agriculture related to internal market; To encourage and promote healthy consumption models, with particular regard to special targets, like school children; To disseminate the information about production rules, control procedures and the community labelling that differentiate the organic products; To underpin the knowledge, in distribution channels which link the producers to the consumers, of organic farming values and qualities; To facilitate the relationships and reduce distances between farmers and consumers; To inform the consumers where and how to buy organic products; Consolidate existing markets and create new ones. Strategy: Promotional activities during the various events will be combined with communication activities in three commercialisation channels (short chain, catering, retail). The activities will be tailored to different typologies of subjects and consumers potentially interested in the featured products, as well as to different market situations in target countries. The proposing organisation plans to take advantage of their established relationships within the target countries. They also prefer direct communication with few intermediations. In their opinion, the communication should be short and direct, like the supply chain for organic products. Target group(s): Consumers and their associations 75

Opinion makers Operators from distribution, catering, purchasing managers Themes: Promotion of a wide range of fresh and transformed organic products, including fruit and vegetables, cereals and derivatives, eggs, cheeses, milk and milk products, wine, oil, and meat. Aspects covered:

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions

Messages to be conveyed: Organic products are natural and tasteful Organic farming respects the biodiversity of rural areas Organic products have to respect strict rules of production and control Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: (1)

Seminar - cafeterias

The cafeterias represent an important fraction of the food market (10% in France). Italy already has experience with introducing organic products to school cafeterias and France fixed a political target of achieving 20% before 2012. The activities relating to consumption in cafeterias are designed to tap that potential. Target countries are Italy and France, target groups are the following: purchasing managers, teachers, nutritionists, political decision makers. 3 seminars with different topics for 50 participants per year and per city are planned. Two cities in Italy (Firenze, Torino) have been identified, as well as 4 cities in France (Rennes, Montpellier, Lyon, Lilles). The following topics will be treated: sustainability of cafeterias service, organic products in cafeterias, meals preparations, logistics, managing the restaurant and the leftovers, environmental communication, Green Public Procurement (GPP). (2)

Workshop - cafeterias

1 workshop per year will be organised for 80 participants in 2 Italian cities (Firenze, Torino) and 4 French cities (Rennes, Montpellier, Lyon, Lilles). The workshop programme will include: presentation of the BioFamily brochure dealing with characteristics of organic 76

products, importance of good eating habits for health, environmental impact of canteens with focus on preparation of meals. Following the presentation, a moderator will lead a dialogue between the workshop participants and the lecturers. The workshops will be organised on the day following the seminar described under action 1. (3)

Meetings (short chain)

During 3 years of programme implementation, the proposing organisation plans to train a group of 600 promoters in Italy and 300 in France. They will organise direct meetings between consumers and producers and specific meetings with each of the two categories (in total 435 meetings for 25-30 participants). Three different formats of meetings are presented in programme proposals: guided tastings of organic food, visits of organic agritourism farms and firms producing OF produce, meetings with local public institutions. Print material produced within the EU campaign for the promotion of organic farming will be used, as well as EC material on food security. (4)

Promotion of farmer's markets

Farmer's markets will be organised twice per year on main squares of 2 major Italian cities (different each year). The purpose of these events is to present the products available for consumption (depending on the season and geographical situation) with guaranteed and constant supply during the production season. Besides offering the opportunity to consumers to interact directly with the producers and buy their products, farmer's markets will also offer tastings of different food and beverage products. In addition, on this occasion consumers will be able to learn more about the role of organic agriculture in environmental protection, biodiversity, climate change, water saving, critical and responsible consumption, traditions and local development. (5)

In store promotion

The activity will comprise the following: set-up of promotional corners with promoters in specialised organic shops, organisation of tastings, workshops and meetings, free products, distribution of print material. A list of cities with specialised shops in Germany, France and Italy is given. A total of 520 shops will be involved in 3 target countries in 3 programme years. (6)

Workshops for shop workers

This activity will complement the activity of in store promotions. After the promotion period, the shop workers are those who have to continue to convey the messages about organic products. 15 workshops per year and per target country are planned, in total 45 workshops in France and 45 workshops in Germany with 30 participants. The following topics will be presented to the shop workers: methods of organic production, techniques of conservation, transport and stocking, seasonality of production, promotion of products and services for clients.



Education of retail workers

This activity consists of visiting shops in France and Germany (600 in total) and transmitting the information on specific subjects linked to organic farming. During a 3 hours meeting, 3 workers per shop are to be informed and print material will be handed out. 2 months after the visit, the shops will receive questionnaires. This will help with the assessment of the success of transfer of messages. (8)

Participation at fairs

The proponent plans to present an ample basket of organic products to a large audience of operators and final consumers visiting Biofach (2010, 2011, 2012), Anuga (2011) (both in Germany) and Vivere (2009, Grasse, France, main theme - good living and sustainable development). The stands will be 150-200 sq meters large, with tastings of organic products, distribution of promotional material, presence of qualified promoters. (9)

Cultural events

The proponent suggests the organisation of an event called BioCultura to be organised at the occasion of the BuchMesse (book fair) in Frankfurt in 2010. The idea is to present the organic concept to a public different to the one attending the specialised fairs on organic. At the same time, the public at the book fair is of a higher educational level and thus more attentive and aware of the environmental crisis faced by our planet. A 150sqm area with mobile kitchen will be set up and meals will be offered for tasting to fair visitors. (10)

Cost-free phone line

The cost-free phone line is proposed to be set up in Italy, but the phone-operators will speak French and German as well. The purpose is to offer consumers a direct contact with experts and operators trained for communicating on the organic topic. They will also be offered information on the short chain, help organise purchase groups and put producers in contact with them. The number will be indicated on the promotional material. The proposing organisation expects to receive 2.000 calls per year. (11)

Press advertising

The activity envisages buying of advertising space in daily newspapers and magazines (specialised and of general interest). The following media have been chosen: Italy – Magazine, Venerdì, Famiglia Chrisitana; Germany – Lea; France – l'Express. Specialised press (Italy only): Bioagricoltura, Mediterraneo, Cucina naturale. In addition, the proposal envisages creating an online weekly news agency by sending to media and other interesting parties latest news about different aspects of organic production. 75 % of the budget for print advertising will be spent in Italy. (12)

Radio advertising

Radio spot produced under the EU promotional campaign for organic farming will be used. The proponent chose regional and local radio stations in Italy, and the Italian radio station Ecoradio (covering an area of 8 million inhabitants), available also on the Internet in live streaming. 78



3 videos will be produced (5.000 copies of each) – one per each target country in the language of that country - to be used during the meetings with consumers and operators planned within the programme. The videos will comprise interviews, examples of success stories from short chain and organic canteens.

Anticipated impact: The main indicator of success in channels targeted by the programme (canteens, short chain) will be the data on sales increase. In addition, the proponent proposes a list of indicators for each action and sets the objectives for each indicator. Phone interviews will be used to asses the increased knowledge of final consumers of the characteristics of organic production, labelling and logo. They will be used from 2nd programme year on. The first phase of research will be of qualitative nature and analyse the attitude of professionals (operators, opinion makers, purchasing managers etc.); it will help develop the questionnaire for the second phase, which is of quantitative nature. In the second phase, 500 consumers and 70 professionals will be interviewed in all 3 target countries. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:




Budget by action: € ACTIONS Seminar canteens Workshop canteens Meetings with consumers (short chain)

Year I 67.640 39.240 65.910

Year II 57.840 29.640 61.910

Year III 57.840 29.640 61.910

TOTAL 183.320 98.520 189.730

Farmer's market POS retail outlets Workshop retail workers Seminar retail wrokers Fairs Cost-free phone line Press advertising

50.867 376.570 119.437 128.890 73.750 20.670 288.200

50.867 376.570 119.437 128.890 127.970 20.200 210.200

50.867 361.070 119.437 128.890 171.985 20.200 190.200

152.601 1.114.211 358.311 386.670 373.705 61.070 688.600


Share 5% 3% 5% 4% 30% 10% 10% 10% 2% 19%

Radio advertising Video TOTAL MEASURES Performance guarantee Implementing body's fees Measurement of results TOTAL DIRECT COSTS Overheads TOTAL

6.860 52.000 1.290.034 5.805 111.203 38.701 1.445.743

6.560 26.000 1.216.084 5.472 104.590 36.483 1.362.629

6.560 0 1.198.599 5.394 99.844 35.958 1.339.795

19.980 78.000 3.704.718 16.671 315.637 111.142 4.148.168

1% 2% 100% 0,4% 8,5% 3,0%

38.701 1.484.444

36.483 1.399.112

35.958 1.375.753

111.142 4.259.310


Budget by target country: € Target country € Italy 1.125.474 France 1.278.230 Germany 1.301.014 Total direct costs 3.704.718

% 30% 35% 35% 100%

Co-financing plan: € 742.222 296.889

50% 20%

699.556 279.822

50% 20%

687.876 275.151

50% 20%

TOTAL 2.129.654 851.862

445.333 1.484.444

30% 100%

419.733 1.399.112

30% 100%

412.726 1.375.753

30% 100%

1.277.792 4.259.309







RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: The joint company with three members (AIAB, Coldiretti, AMAB) is still to be established, the financial commitments are signed by the leading partner, AIAB. The proposing organisation represents approx. 50% of all Italian organic producers, covering 40% of surfaces and 30% of revenue of the organic sector in Italy. The proposing organisation plans to implement 30% of the activities. It shall specify which activities will be implemented by the proposing organisation (to be clarified). The executing body has not been selected but the proponent gives information about the selection procedure, which was supposed to be finished by 15/2/2009. Proponent shall give further information about the outcome of the selection process. Concerning the evaluation of results, the proponent refers (p. 98) to Article 2(d) of Council Reg. 3/2008, which is reserved for evaluation studies carried out by the EC. 80

1.296.000 € (28 % of the total costs) are budgeted for food samples and tastings (including transport) for various activities in 3 target countries, including POS promotions, workshops and trainings for canteen workers and shop owners, fairs and meetings in short chain. This amount is to be reduced considerably and the products shall be valued at production cost. Consequently, a new budget per activity should be presented along with a justification describing the structure of costs relating to food samples per type of event. How will the samples be supplied in Germany and France (from local suppliers or imported from Italy?) The proposing organisation should present a provisional calendar of activities per target country. For meetings with consumers and producers (short chain), names of cities should be given. The following details about costs are missing to allow the assessment of cost effectiveness of the proposed activities: - Activities in cafeterias (actions 1.1 and 1.2): within the costs concerning the seminar lecturers, each of the costs of transport, accommodation and subsistence have to be presented separately; for the brochure, more information should be given concerning the no. of pages, size of brochure, colours, type of paper. - Considering the fact that the organisation of the workshops and seminars (actions 1.1 and 1.2) is joint since the two events are organised on the 2 consecutive days, the number of working hours dedicated for organisation should be decreased. - What is the profile of participants at the workshops for cafeterias? - Activity Farmer’s market: present offers for rent of various gazebos and totems; the proposing organisation is informed that, in case it will charge rent to producers presenting their products at the farmer’s markets, the rent will have to be deducted from the costs of organising the activity - It is assumed that the structure of corners for the POS promotions could be used more than once; the proposing organisation shall reconsider budgeting new structure for each tasting week - Concerning the tastings in occasion of BioCultura event, the meals will be offered to the public for free? This in light of the fact that the proposal speaks about a restaurant area with 60 seats - Participation at fairs and cultural events: costs relating to man power should separate the fee for that person from the costs of transportation, accommodation and subsistence (to be detailed separately) - What is the purpose of insertions in magazines and newspapers, which themes and messages will be presented? Present the media plan. What does the no. of units 30 in specialised magazines mean – the publication of advertorials? With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. In addition, the total cost of 119.000 € should be justified and analysed in detail describing the sub items entering into calculation of the total cost, using no. of units and costs per unit. 81

Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme: good/average/poor (coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: yes Impact forecast and assessment' methods:


Cost-effectiveness of the programme: (relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS: 65/100


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion: Favourable CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): Additional information was received on 7/5/2009 (Ares 89736). All missing information was provided. In addition, the proposing organisation was invited to correct the financial table. Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.




Title of the programme:

Fruits for health

Competent Authority(ies):

Lauku atbalsta dienests (Ministry of Agriculture – Rural Support Service)

Proposing organisation(s):

Latvijas augĜkopju asociācija (LAA)

Implementing body(ies):

Baltic FCB SIA; other implementing body not selected yet

Type of measure:



Fresh fruits

Targeted Member States:



3 years

Total budget:

€ 990.907

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure:


One was selected by a competitive procedure; other one – for smaller part of the programme - not selected yet Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS:


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s):


The programme is a coherent set of actions:


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules:


Product(s)/target countries are eligible:


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s):



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation:


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions:


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s): Yes/No LAA represents 80% of producers Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation:


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body:


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): 1. To increase consumption of fresh fruits (main objective); 2. To lower the average age of consumers (by communicating on the importance of including fresh fruits (incl. berries) in everyday menus already in a childhood and by encouraging children and adolescents to consume fruits and make it a life-long commitment; 3. To enhance the image of fresh fruits (as opposed to junk food and to combat advertisements promoting non healthy food as “healthy” or “natural”); 4. To educate consumers on the benefits of fresh fruit consumption. Strategy: (4 main keystones) 1) Educating: informing on nutritional value, importance in everyday menus, relation between food and health, etc. by using integrated media; 2) “Remaining” by repeating the message on the role of fresh fruits in everyday menus; 3) Involving: direct involvement of the public, thus raising the interest in target audiences and initiating discussions (especially among children and adolescents); 4) Creating purchasing opportunities by organising festivals twice a year for promotion. Target group(s): 1. Families 2. Children and adolescents Themes: 1. Necessity to consume seasonal fruits thus accumulating the necessary natural vitamins; 2. Fresh fruits (and berries) are elements of healthy food; 3. Change of eating habits to increase the amount of everyday consumption of fresh fruits (including berries); 84

4. Education about existence of natural vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrition components in fresh fruits (and berries); 5. Benefits of consuming fruits. Information in the programme about the effects on consumers’ health is in accordance with the national document „Recommendations on consumption of vegetables and fruits” which is approved by the Ministry of Health of Latvia. Aspects covered:

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed: 1) The main message: eating fruits (and berries) is healthy and fashionable; 2) By eating seasonal fresh fruits (and berries) year-round it is possible to accumulate in a natural way the necessary nutrients, which help protect against diseases; 3) Regular everyday consumption of fruits (and berries) makes you healthy, feel young and look good; 4) Fruits (and berries) are a natural part of a shopping basket; 5) Healthy, balanced composition of diet. 6) Joy of a correct and healthy shopping and well being. 7) Diversity of fruits (and berries) and availability year-round. 8) Health and environment benefits of consuming integrated (?) fruits.


Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Above the line activities (ATL) 1. TV 2 times 3-weeks campaigns broadcasting 150 30”-spots p.a. on the most popular channels for the target audience (i.e. LNT, TV5 and PBK) and before the BTL activities; Coverage: 80% of the target audience or 2.500.000 persons (6 campaigns in total – 15.000.000); Spot production: shooting of one 30” spot and 15” reminding spots, including fees for actors, voice recordings in Latvian and Russian languages, graphical finishing, music; production of 5 different spot endings of 5” Latvian and 5 in Russian (total: 10); 2. Radio Ensuring a large amount of broadcasting frequency in a short period of time within a small budget; 2 times 1-week campaign broadcasting 140 30”-spots p.a. on the most popular channels for the target audience (i.e. Star FM, MixFM and Skonto) shortly before the BTL activities; Coverage: target audience of at least 900.000 people during the weeks (6 campaigns in total – 5.400.000); Production of 6 30” spots in 2 voices in Latvian and in Russian (total 12 spots); 3. Internet Reaching the youth through its most popular communication channel: Home page creation; Advertising through banners on most popular sites (4.290.000 banner display / month); Expected coverage: on average at least 1.000.000 expositions per week; Below the line activities (BTL) 4. Festivals 2 festivals p. a. – a strawberry festival in the summer and an apple festival in the autumn; such direct contact activities are extremely popular in Latvia; 20.000 expected visitors Costs include: music bands (3/festival), t-shirts for personnel (70/event), props (gadget) for contests (2/event), presentation boards for 40 sales points*, main tent (Size 10x55 m.)*, small tents (3/event)*, rent of 3 wooden tables and 6 desks per events, stage equipment, sound and light equipment, 12 assistants for 2 days (10:00 – 22:00), 8 traffic regulators (10.00-22.00), inflatable castles for children + 2 attendants, hosts (2 for 2 day (10:0022:00) events per festival), first aid, transmitters (12/event); cleaning-up; organisation of contests * including rent, transportation, installation, cleaning, removing 86

5. PR - Press releases: 1/2M, i.e. before Strawberry and Apple festivals to at least 50 media representatives, that is 18 in Latvian and in Russian (total 36); - Articles and interviews: Secure publication of articles in newspapers (at least 1/2M) and of interviews or programmes on TV or radio (at least 1/2M); - Special events for journalists and opinion leaders: 2 one day round tables in 2010 and 2011 involving around 40 persons; Costs include: broadcasting on skype, Delfi portal or TV, preparation, concept, invitations, moderator fees, evaluation analysis, informative materials (60 copies per event, 8 pages A4); - Events in 150 kindergartens (50 per year) selected notably in cooperation with the Education, youth and sports department of the Riga Council; 7.500 textbooks to be prepared; - Schools recipe competitions each year for pupils in schools in cooperation with youth or weekly magazines; - E-competitions each year through interactive communication (publishing of visual materials, blogs, RSS) in cooperation with popular portals. 6. Material: - Educational booklets (8 pages, A4, 150 g paper): 60.000 - Informative leaflets (A6, double-faced, 250 g paper): 60 000 - Pins/badges: 54.000 - Posters: 1 .html poster per competition (total: 6) 7. Workshops: - Targets: women as responsible for household; teachers and press for multiplying effect - 5 cycles of 9 workshops in provincial towns 15-30 days before festivals (45 in total) - For each workshop, there will be 1 moderator and 4 speakers (incl. 1 foreign lector) - Duration: 4 hours; Expected attendance: 50


Provisional Timetable of activities (per quarter) – programme starting 01.09.2009 year quarter A.Actions implemented by SIA "Baltic FCB"

2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III

A 1. ATL activities 1.1. TV TV spot production TV spot ending production TV campaign 1.2. Radio Radio spot production Radio campaign 1.3. Internet Home page creation, updates Creation of banners Internet campaign A 2. BTL activites - festivals Apple festival Strawberry festival A 3. PR ctivities 3.1. Press releases 3.2. Articles and interviews 3.3. Special events for journalists 3.4. Informative events for preschoolers 3.5. Competitions for pupil 3.6. E-competitions for students A 4. Printed materials and brooches for BTL and PR activities 4.1. Educational booklets 4.2. Informative leaflets 4.3. Brooches 4.4. Posters B. Actions implemented by the other implementing body B 1. Workshops

Anticipated impact: - Increase in awareness + change of eating habits - fresh fruits consumption increase by 7%–8% Evaluation - telephone survey about eating habits among the target audience (sample of approx. 1200 respondents); 4 phases of which the first to take place at the beginning of the programme (to determine the baseline) and the other 3 at the end of each project year; - media monitoring, publicity reports and quantitative analysis of the advertising campaign; - questionnaires at festivals: Rating of activity (200 respondents expected per event) - data’s from the Latvian Statistical Bureau. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget: € ACTION

Year I

1.TV 2.Radio 3.Internet 4. Festivals 5. PR 6. Material 7. Workshops

Year II

Year III


88.913 10.716 22.895 97.860 24.189 11.450 40.125 296.148 600

26.565 10.716 18.495 97.860 24.189 11.450 80.250 269.525 600

26.565 10.716 18.495 97.860 16.790 11.450 80.250 262.126 600

142.044 32.147 59.884 293.579 65.169 34.350 200.625 827.798 1.800









Overheads (max. 3/5 % of (2))

344.131 10.324

313.249 9.397

304.666 9.140

962.046 28.861






Total for measures (1) Costs of performance guarantee Implementing body’s fees (maximum 13/15% of (1)) Measuring the results of the measures (maximum 3% of (1))

Total direct costs for the programme (2)

Co-financing plan: € CO-FINANCING











































RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Average per capita consumption of fruits in Latvia is less than 50 kg p. a. (49,7 kg in 2007 according to data’s collected by the Central Statistical Bureau) even though the consumption of 70-140 kg of fruits a year (corresponding to 2-4 portions of fruits a day for adults) is recommended. In addition, the consumption of fruits like strawberries and apples has decreased in Latvia during the last few years. The programme links well objectives to strategy and actions The tendering procedure seems to have been very restrictive with many limitative conditions, 1 week to submit an offer and, in the end, only one candidate. One of 2 LV programmes proposed for fruits & vegetables 89

Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: – Action – festivals: number of expected participants – 20.000; confirm that if sales take place during festival, there will be no brand names - confirmed; – Confirm duration of radio and TV advertising campaigns (contradictions at p.8) corrected – Many unit costs too global, not well justified: material (cost elements), PR (hours, fees), TV spot production, radio, web and TV advertising campaigns, events for journalists, competitions. By unit costs, it is meant that the cost components should be provided: unit costs should not be the mere division of a given cost by a number of planned units. Wherever possible, costs components should enable to reconstitute the cost of a given action or sub-action. Another useful information can be offers made by potential suppliers for given services – Detailed costs provided for TV spot production, radio spot production, internet and PR: sufficient details provided – Workshop: specify need for foreign lecturer; selection mode of participants; provide example of 1 workshop (themes, speakers, participants, etc.) information and justification provided – Anticipated impact: “Increase awareness” “change eating habits”. Should be more detailed. Indicators and baseline should be provided. Baseline will result from first survey to be carried out at the onset of the programme – Anticipated impact: “increase by 2%–10%”. It is too vague to evaluate. Should be more precise. 7-8% taking into account the crisis in Latvia – Rating of festival activity: the programme should aim at a more significant survey sample than “50-100 respondents”. 200 respondents – Suppress objective “Creating purchasing opportunities by organising festivals” as non conform to regulations. Suppressed – With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. The document will be taken into account – The programme is not a priority programme as it has not been proposed by several Member States and does not provide for measures to be implemented on the markets of more than one Member State (Article 8[1] of Council Regulation [EC] No 3/2008).



(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) 90

European dimension / added value: Benefits for other EU producers as LV is a big fresh fruits importer from other EU countries; Contribution to EU health policy Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme:


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:

3 out of 3

External consultant’s opinion:


CONCLUSIONS In the reply, the information requested has been provided; corrections have been made when required. Observation(s):

Recommendation(s): To be accepted.




Title of the programme:

Marketing communication program for cheese and other milk products

Competent Authority(ies):

Lauku atbalsta dienests (Ministry of Agriculture – Rural Support Service)

Proposing organisation(s):

Biedriba “Siera Klubs” (BSK)

Implementing body(ies):

SIA “Māketinga Komunikāciju aăentūra Ad Astra

Type of measure:



Cheese and other milk products

Targeted Member States:



3 years

Total budget:

€ 347.978

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure:


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS:


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s):


The programme is a coherent set of actions:


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules:


Product(s)/target countries are eligible:


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s):



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation:


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions:


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s): Yes/No BSK comprises 47% of producers employing 59% workers of the sector and realising well above 50% production Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation:


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body:


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): 1. To increase consumption of dairy products, including milk and cheese, especially amongst the youth; 2. To familiarize consumers in Latvia with still unknown varied range of cheese products from other EU countries; 3. To increase consumers trust in milk and cheese; 4. To encourage consumers to choose new sorts of cheese and other types of dairy products; 5. To improve milk and cheese image among society and specific target groups, highlighting the benefits and naturalness of milk and cheese products; Strategy: - Making the best use of the 36 months duration of the programme to enhance its exposure; - Applying the principle of repetition and continuity of actions in order to completely achieve the aims of the programme; - Addressing the audience at the right time and place providing it with the main information in order to stress the benefits of a regular cheese and dairy products use. Target group(s): 1. Kids and adolescents 8-13, especially girls; 2. Women – various ages; 3. Elderly people.


Themes: 1. Milk and cheese is a necessary product for the human body, being natural products adapted to the current lifestyle, able to be consumed in various forms; 2. Milk and cheese have a specific, particularly favourable natural value for specific consumer age groups; 3. Positive messages including specific consumption factors in various markets; 4. Varied range of milk and cheeses matching the tastes of consumers for different consumption situations; 5. Availability of milk and cheese with reduced fat content, appropriate for specific consumer group. 6. The advantages of regular consumption of milk and cheese; 7. Milk and cheese are quality products with high nutritional value; Aspects covered:

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed: 1. Leitmotiv: “Es draugos ar pienu un sieru” or “I am friends with milk and cheese” which also translates as “The EU is friends with milk and cheese” (play on words); 2. Milk and cheese are valuable products: to produce those products, it is necessary to have quality raw material, experience, patience and know-how; 3. Milk and cheese, as a source of energy, make human beings stronger; 4. Milk and cheese, as a healthy part of food, help people look better; 5. Milk and cheese can be added to other dishes to make them taste better and be more varied. 94

Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Advertising in mass media (TV, radio and written press): - TV clip 30” shooting – adaptation – airtime (on LTV1) – 1.038 showings in total - Radio clip - text preparation – airtime (16*/y on LR2) - Press article preparation – placement (30 articles in all in magazines and professional press) 2. Tastings in schools and supermarkets - Tastings in schools (50 in all) - Educational 30’ film for children - Tastings in stores (38 in all)

3. Seminars for opinion leaders (4 in all) 4. Information material: booklets, notebooks, gadgets 5. Organization of a milk and cheese festival (year 2 and year 3) Provisional schedule (preparation works and execution) Activities 2009 4 1. Advertising TVC filming TVC adaptation TVC airtime Radio clip prepar. Radio airtime Press article prepar. Press article place 2. Tastings and Educational Tastings in schools Educational film Tastings in stores 3. Seminars for opinion leaders 4. Materials 5. Festival


Activities realisation time 2010 2011 2 3 4 1 2 3































2012 2 3






Anticipated impact: - reaching 76% of target groups; - effect on 1/3 of population - 10% of Latvians will start consuming milk and cheese regularly - rise by 10% of milk and cheese consumption (current consumption level are 105 Kg milk products and 6 Kg cheese) The results will be checked by market researches – questions asked: 95

- “How often are milk and cheese consumed in your family?” - recognition rate of the advertisements; - peoples opinion about the products concerned consumption for everyday use; - changes in perception, in particular among the children target group, about the products concerned. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:




Budget: € ACTION 1. Advertising

Year I 75.029

Year II 42.971

Year III 63.949

TOTAL 181.949

- TVC filming





- TVC adaptation





- TVC airtime





- Radio clip prepar.





- Radio airtime





- Press article prepar.





- Press article place





2. Tastings and Educational





- Tastings in schools





- Educational film





- Tastings in stores 3. Seminars for opinion leaders 4. Materials 5. festival




93.169 267

2.017 744 16.503 82.046 235

3.866 4.336 21.115 115.311 331

19.704 7.838 8.936 37.618 290.526 833









Total direct costs for the programme (2)





Overheads (max. 3/5 % of (2))









Total for measures (1) Costs of performance guarantee Implementing body’s fees (maximum 13/15% of (1)) Measuring the results of the measures (maximum 3% of (1))


1.955 3.856


Co-financing plan: € CO-FINANCING





























30 111.593

30 19.654





27.623 100


69.596 100



RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: The programme aims to respond to an anomaly: consumption of milk and milk products in Latvia is extremely low by EU standards; Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: - Confirm receipt date as Annex 3 (in English) indicates 30.1.2009 which is outside deadline – this was a mistake - Confirm that proposing organisation’s commitment to co-financing is unequivocal and not subject to members payment or not of contributions or granting or not of bank credit – an unequivocal commitment has been provided - Specify share of the programme for cheeses; list cheeses to be promoted – hard, semi hard and soft cheeses from the EU - Objective 6 (increase production of cheese and dairy products) should be removed as not conform to regulation - objective removed - Programme should better emphasise how it will contribute to EU health policy (Community interest) – the programme aims to implement the 2008-2013 strategic orientations defined in the Commission 2007 White Paper "Together for Health" - Anticipated impact unclear: provide baseline figures for “Latvians consuming milk and cheese every day” and “milk and cheese consumption” - current consumption level are 105 Kg milk products and 6 Kg cheese - Provide success indicators for listed questions to be posed in market researches - Number of participants expected and cheese festival – 20.000 - Section on Evaluation under-developed: with reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. The document will be taken into account 97

- Cost justification missing: TV airtime (nr of appearances, cost) – 320 showings then 1st and 2nd year, 398 the 3rd year: 1.038 in total – cost explained - The programme is not a priority programme as it has not been proposed by several Member States and does not provide for measures to be implemented on the markets of more than one Member State (Article 8[1] of Council Regulation [EC] No 3/2008).



(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:

Limited (benefits for other EU producers; Contribution to EU health policy)

Impact forecast and assessment' methods

yes, but under-developed

Cost-effectiveness of the programme:


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:

1 out of 3

External consultant’s opinion:


CONCLUSIONS In the reply, the information requested has been provided; corrections have been made when required. Observation(s):

Recommendation(s): To be accepted.




Title of the programme:

Colour your life

Competent Authority(ies):

Ministerie van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit

Proposing organisation(s):

PPH – Plant Publicity Holland

Implementing body(ies):

1. KopArt (Netherland)1,


2. Optima Marketing and Public Relations Ltd (United Kingdom)2, 3. Ned Work Agentur + Verlag GmbH (Germany), 4. JK Conseil (France). Type of measure:

information and promotion (afzetbevordering)


living plants and products from horticulture

Targeted Member States:

4 M.S., i.e. Netherland, - Germany, United Kingdom, France-.


3 year

Total budget:

€ 1 901 686

Proposal received on:

6 February 2009

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)


1 2

Operating also in Belgium. Operating also in Ireland.


OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body



To position trees and plants to several target groups as a multifunctional product with social, aesthetics, functional, ecological and commercial value.


To increase the annual sale of a broad range of plants.


To stimulate the interest for garden plants among the consumers by providing them information and a selection of adapted themes throughout the whole year.


To offer enhanced perspectives for the producers by increasing the number of buyers and purchases of their products.


To improve the cooperation and the exchange of information at European level.

Strategy : The strategy revolves around 5 axes : (1) information provided throughout the whole year to public and professionals about the characterics and value of garden plants, (2) exchange of knowledge, (3) cooperation, (4) efficiency and (5) quality of life. The strategy also includes the circulation of the results of market research around partners of different Member States. Target group(s) : -



professionals in the sale of garden plant,


intermediate group: media aimed at those two target groups

Themes : The theme is to stimulate the use of plants products, as illustrated by its central slogan "Colour your life".


Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed: To draw the attention of a large public on the (a.o. aesthetic) added value of plants. Under the slogan "Colour your life", various messages will be communicated to the (potential) consumers, such as "romantic roses", "functional aspects of flowers hanging", "'butterfly attracting flowers". Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: 1. Central information provider: a broad and extensive internet website, providing both consumers and professionals with an uninterrupted flow of information about garden plants throughout the whole year. 2. Around this website, several actions will be developed, including the edition of one DVD in each target country, containing: 26 how-to sequences about planting and gardening, information about the campaign, 9 posters illustrating products groups, 4 seasons' posters and 12 action posters. Companies are charged with the use of this material. The POS material offers shops a way to distinguish themselves and to provide high level information. 3. Further material aimed at the consumers will be developed, in order to provide them with a flow of information throughout the year. (A quantitative detailed description of the material produced, ventilated for each of the target countries, is provided.) Anticipated impact: To increase the purchase of trees and other garden plants. Quantitative objectives are mentioned in the programme's description provided by the proposing organisation, including press clipping and recognition measurement. Beside, the programme aims at having a positive impact visible in terms of sales: an increase of at least 40 % after the first year and 60 % at the end of the 3-year programme. This qualitative evaluation will be completed with quantified objectives to determine which share of the target is by a quantitative inquiry to determine whether the target is familiar with the campaign and which share of them has positively consumed the recommended quantities. 101

A possible adaptation of some aspects of the future action in order to optimize their impact will be evaluated at the end of the first year. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE: 83/100 General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:




Budget by target countries :1 901 686 € ACTION 1. Netherlands

Year I 257 035

Year II 241 115

Year III 241 115

TOTAL 739 265

189 700

189 700

189 700

569 100

3. United Kingdom

96 707

96 707

96 707

290 121

4. France

85 400

81 400

81 400

248 200

Market research

30 000

5 000

20 000

55 000

658 842

613 922

628 922

1 901 686

2. Germany


N.B. - A detailed and itemized lists of costs and a timetable of the actions are included in the description of the programme. Co-financing plan : 1 901 686 € CO-FINANCING










329 421 €


306 961 €


314 461 €


950 843 €












329 421 €


306 961 €


314 461 €


950 843 €


658 842 €


613 922 €


628 922 €


1 901 686 €


RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: 1. This programme is the continuation of the promotion campaign "Plant van de maand", aimed at United Kingdom, France and Check Republic (NL-2005-456), which terminated in August 2008. It is also in the continuation of running programmes "Der Garten bewegt Mich" and "Växtporträttet". 2. By the identification of a variety of target countries, beside the proposing Member State, this programmes has a limited but real European dimension and complies with Article 8, paragraph 1 of Council Regulation 3/2008, which foresees that priority shall be given to programmes submitted by more than one Member State or providing for actions in more than one Member State. 102

3. A cooperation with CMA is foreseen in Germany. This will be subjected to possible coming changes in the role of this organization. The recent evolution of the situation with regard to CMA, and their impact on this programme, must be foreseen in the description. 4. As shown in the above mentioned budget by target countries, the programme can be ventilated between for main target, to which a budget of 250 000 € or more is allocated, and a second category of Member States, where the allocated budget is quite smaller, in one case some 50 000 euro (Czech Republic). Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: See hereafter under "Observations". OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme:


(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:

yes : target countries

Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme :


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion:

favourable under conditions

CONCLUSIONS The possible co financing of this programme deserves further examination when the questions listed hereunder will have been answered by the proposing organization. Observation(s) : 1. The representativity of the proposing organization PPH should be more clearly established, with reference to the % of the global turnover of the sector that they cover, the number and % of producers and other actors of the sector, the global production of this type of flowers and plants. 2. More precisions should be provided about the adaptation of the content and messages to the various audiences, taking particularly into account the variety of targeted Member States. It should be foreseen that the information must cover plants from various parts of 103

the Community, including the target country itself, and not exclusively limited to the promotion of plants from Holland. 3. Regarding the target countries, it must be considered that a too high number of these doesn't contribute to the cost efficiency of the programme and isn't bringing coherence to the actions, especially when the resources and variety of those actions is particularly limited in some of the targeted countries. Therefore, the programme and its budget should be redrafted and limited to the four main targeted countries (the Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and France), and its budget reduced accordingly. 4. The added value of the websites to be set up and managed within the framework of the proposed programme vis-à-vis existing sites, developed within previously EU co-financed programmes on without EU support, should be described. If existing sites are enrolled within this new framework, this should be clearly stated and the cost eligible for this programme are limited to the maintenance and adaptation of those existing sites. 5. The names and coverage of the radio and press organs mentioned in the description of the action must be sent to the Commission. 6. A one-page summary budget ventilated by actions should be provided. In this budget: -

pre-existing websites have to be taken out and can't be co-financed by the E.U.;


possible contributions by the national organizations which will contribute to the programme should be clarified, as well as their impact of the budget and of the EU financial contribution.

7. The methodological approach for the measurement's impact should be provided and included in the terms of reference of the call for proposal for the service provider. The actual figures of sales to which the expected progression rates of 40-60 % are going to be applied must be communicated to the Commission. 8

With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. This document should have been taken into account, in particular, for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact.

9. Due to the high number of implementation bodies, and the additional complexity brought by the role of the proposing organization as an implementing agency on its own, a clear table must be drafted listing the actions implemented by PPH itself and their corresponding fees, as well as the role of other agencies and their own fees.


Further developments of the evaluation process with regard to the observations made by the Commission 1. On 30 March 2009, the Commission sent a letter to the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture containing remarks and observations on the proposal. The Ministry of Agriculture answered by its letter of 27 April 2009. 2. The requested clarification were given with regard to the representativity of the proposing organization the adaptation of the content and messages to the various audiences, the Europe, the variety of promoted products, the financing of the various national websites, the extent of expected free publicity, the cooperation of the proposing organisation with the various national implementing bodies, the annual and final evaluation processes and the modalities of implementation of the programme in Germany. 3. The doubt expressed by the Commission with regard to the excessive number of target countries (initially ten Member States) was taken into account and a more focused version of the programme has been transmitted to the Commission, together with an amended budget. 4. Consequently, the evaluation committee gave a favourable opinion for the adoption of this programme. Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.




Title of the programme:

Blumen und Pflanzen - Wohlbefinden und Lebensqualität

Competent Authority(ies):

Agrarmarkt Austria

Proposing organisation(s):

AMA Marketing GesmbH

Implementing body(ies):

Mediahaus Austria, A&V Werbeagentur Communication GmbH

Type of measure:

Mixed (information + promotion)


Live plants and products of ornamental horticulture

Targeted Member States:



3 years

Total budget:

1.260.000,00 €

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : • To increase the sales of live plants and flowers of Community origin with a focus on the increase of sales of nurseries ("gärtnerische Endverkaufsbetriebe"), tree nurseries ("Baumschulen") and florists taking into account the different target groups • Raising awareness of the role of flowers and plants in well-being and quality of life • Improving the level of awareness of consumers regarding ecological production methods and the proper handling of plants and flowers • Improving the image and the competencies of the whole sector • Promotion of the partnership between experts from different member states Strategy : to increase sales (◊ „flowers = quality of life“) To generate this increase in sales at the nurseries and florists (◊ „more expertise/better products“) To ensure that the customer takes pleasure in flowers and plants after buying (◊ „instructions for the proper handling“) To sustainably ensure a constant product quality (◊ „exchange of knowledge within the sector“)

1. demand creation ("Bedarfsschaffung") 2. orientation of demand ("Bedarfslenkung") 3. confirmation of demand/winning over the consumer ("Bedarfsbestätigung") 4. satisfaction of demand ("Bedarfsdeckung")

Target group(s) : • Core target group: Consumers aged 35 – 50 • All consumers • Opinion multipliers/Media • Students and teachers 107

• Producers (nurseries), florists, gardening schools, landscape architects Themes : Promotional activities for flowers and plants have to vary according to season and choice and have to be designed to that effect. The themes of the programme therefore have to comply with the different product groups and occasions (e.g. different holidays throughout the year). Products groups: • Plants for flowerbeds/ plants for balconies • Bushes and shrubs • Cut flowers • Indoor plants Occasions: • Valentine's Day • Spring awakening • Open day of nurseries • Mother's Day • Early summer • Autumn • All Saints • Advent Important themes in line with these specifications are: • The role of flowers and plants in well-being and quality of life • Quality and species of the Community products • ecological production methods • more durable products • "Plant of the Month"


Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed : • The role of flowers and plants in well-being and quality of life. Flowers and plants are an essential part of our lives. Not only do they provide for fresh air, their beauty and variety also transmit a certain joy of life. This joy shall be communicated in all actions with the slogans "Freude schenken" and "sich selbst eine Freude machen" • It is important to stress the quality aspect which makes it possible for nurseries and florists to stand out from the home depots and food retailers. This shall be achieved directly through specific information about quality and species and ecological/environmentally friendly production methods as well as indirectly through a high-quality composition/arrangement/design of the actions • The proper way of handling plants and flowers shall be conveyed as well as information about how to obtain more durable products • A cost-efficient use of the budget requires actions that reach a large audience and a lot of creativity when designing the actions in order to ensure a high level of attention. This can be achieved via a uniform graphical design for all materials/texts etc. used in the course of the programme. The proven slogan "Für Blumen und Pflanzen gibt es immer einen Anlass – von Ihrem Gärtner und Floristen" shall be used again. • The implementation of all actions with regard to content and schedule will occur according to the product groups and seasons described under the heading "target groups". Every season a "plant of the month" will be put into focus.


Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Actions TV-Spots (Information programmes) Print (Advertorials)

Brochures (for plants for flowerbeds and balcony, bushes and shrubs, indoor plants) Leporellos (for cut flowers), distribution at POS Internet (platform for nurseries, florists and opinion multipliers)

Teaching material (for schools to download via internet) Cooperation event with gardening schools for students Media Mailings (Implementation through AMA-Marketing PR department, no costs involved)

Scope / coverage 20-22 programmes per year, ca. 1,5 min. per programme, on average 568.000 viewers per programme/spot 28 ads per year, coverage in target group 35-50 years: 93,4% 200.000 brochures and 200.000 leporellos per year

Development of the site, text templates, graphical templates, information material, photo archive (min. 60 photos) Large choice of material (information material, instructions, games etc.) Event for 2000 students Mailings at regular intervals

Timetable According to respective seasonal focus According to respective seasonal focus Development beginning and middle of each year, distribution throughout the whole year After end of development phase: throughout the whole year After end of development phase: throughout the whole year Every June Monthly according to seasonal focus

Austrian Cooperation with "Stars for Europe": Action Expert seminar and PR

Scope / coverage 1 seminar per year with ca. 200 participants

Timetable Every autumn

Anticipated impact: According to the objectives, the programme shall raise the sales of flowers and plants, in particular those of florists and nurseries. The impact will be measured above all through a direct dialogue with the main target groups as well as through a constant monitoring of trends and developments of the market and market shares. 110

AMA Marketing has its own market research division and 15 years experience with studies on consumer behaviour in the field of agricultural products. Consequently, AMA Marketing has at its disposal a huge pool of information for benchmarking and comparative analysis with regard to the results of the EU funded promotion programmes. The following are the measuring methods foreseen concerning impact and results. Wherever possible, sales statistics will be used to complement these methods. A more detailed description of the methods (e.g. precise questions that will be asked during interrogations) can be found in the additional information submitted by the Austrian authorities (AMA) on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433). Target group Consumers

Objective 90% coverage of the actions aimed at large audiences (breitenwirksame Maßnahmen) High level of satisfaction with the information / advice received in the shop

Measuring method Media analysis

Interrogation of customers (A high level of satisfaction allows for conclusions about the effectiveness of the actions aiming at the orientation and the satisfaction of the demand) The results will be grouped into different categories (loyal customer / occasional customer, user / not a user etc.) which will then be compared.

Media and opinion multipliers Schools (teachers/students)

At least 3 newspaper articles per month Download of the material by at least 100 schools At least 1500 visitor of the event


The results will be compared to similar studies in the market data pool of AMA Marketing. Screening of media Download-rates Counting of visitors

Producers & experts

Access statistics

High Level of access rates and high level of satisfaction with the platform At least 150 participants and a good evaluation/feedback on the expert seminar

Interrogation of seminar participants The results will be compared to similar studies in the market data pool of AMA Marketing.

ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:


Cost/efficiency: Budget by action :

20/20 € ACTIONS

5.7.2 5.7.3 5.7.4




TV Spots 20 programmes (Year 1) 22 programmes (Year 2 and 3) Print: Advertorials Media costs Layout costs Brochures / Leporellos Brochures Leporellos (cut flowers) Internet development of the site extension of the site text templates graphical templates (e.g. invitation letters) photos Actions targeting teachers and studenst Teaching material Internet (information, instructions, games) Event in cooperation with gardening schools







129.800 11.000

130.900 11.000

130.900 11.000

391.600 33.000

58.200 9.000

58.200 9.000

58.200 9.000

174.600 27.000

2.000 6.000

9.000 2.000 0

9.000 2.000 0

18.000 18.000 6.000 6.000
















5.7.7 5.7.8

Media mailings (AMA-Marketing in-house realisation) Expert seminar and PR for gardeners und florists (Cooperation with „STARS FOR EUROPE“) Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) TOTAL FOR PROGRAMME









382.200 0 37.800

379.300 0 37.800

379.300 0 37.800

1.140.800 0 113.400

















Co-financing plan : € CO-FINANCING












































RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: A letter of observations on the programme was sent by the Commission to the Austrian authorities (AMA) on 01.04.2009. The Austrian authorities submitted the response on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433 – 05/05/2009), satisfactorily addressing the Commission's remarks related to the budget, the actions, the evaluation of previous programme and the analysis methods (see 'First observations to be communicated to MS'). Some further information including clarifications regarding the budget of action 5.7.8 and a revised financing plan was submitted to the Commission on 19/05/2009. 113

The evaluation results of the previous programme (that was proposed by a different proposing organisation – namely Österreichische Blumenwerbung GesmbH - than the new one that was submitted by Agrarmarkt Austria Marketing GesmbH) that are available until the present day consist of the results of a telephone survey among 100 florists who were provided with POS material throughout the campaign. The results are clearly positive and underline the satisfaction of the florists with the POS material of the previous campaign as well as the readiness to take part in future programmes. Further results of the programme will be submitted to the Commission as soon as they are available. As regards the method of measurement of impact (see above 'Anticipated impact') it is stated in the response letter that apart from the methods mentioned above sales statistics will be integrated into the impact measurement wherever possible. Nevertheless, there seem to be some limits to the use of these 'hard facts' measurement methods as for some important categories like 'plants for flowerbeds/ plants for balconies' no data is collected by any Austrian statistical institution. The response letter underlines that the purchase of panel data from market research companies is fairly expensive in Austria and that with respect to the programme budget the value for money of such data is not evident. Furthermore it is pointed out that fluctuations in sales of generic products may be influenced by many different factors. Thus, the focus of the measurement will be put on 'soft facts' like usage of the material produced, satisfaction etc. Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: 1. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 2. The document "Guidelines to be considered when assessing and managing part-financing programmes for promoting Community agricultural products" issued by the Commission and distributed to all the Member States in the Management Committee that took place on 2 October 2007 depicts in its point nº 6 the procedure of submission of the programmes to the Commission, making special reference to the evaluation of previous programmes (point 6.2.6) and to the budget (point 6.7). The evaluation of the programme showed that the above mentioned provisions were not completely met thus revisions and the provision of further information are necessary. General: • As the proposal represents a continuation of a previous programme (contract number 0502 1001 3800 459) finalised in February 2009, an evaluation of the result (if they are known) of the finalised programme should be submitted to the Commission. • The budget table does not follow the same structure (headings/categories) and order (numbering) as the list of measures and should thus be revised (page 22). • The written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS that is mentioned in the cover letter was not joined to the proposal and should be submitted to the Commission. • With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. 114

Some of the indicators provided so far (download-rates, counting of visitors, access statistics, screening of media, page 20) are limited to the definition of target values for the coverage or range of certain actions but do not allow any conclusions about the extent to which the objectives of the programme have been achieved. The methods that would allow conclusions about the extent to which the objectives of the programme have been achieved (media analysis, interrogation, customers, interrogation of seminar participants) should be further described and explained, i.e. what questions will be asked? Will the results be compared to previous results or will they be compared to the answers of a test group (how will the interrogation succeed in showing whether objectives have been achieved)? In what exactly does a media analysis consist? It should also be considered whether sales statistics can be included into the impact measurement (like they were provided from GfK Österreich for the market analysis on page 7). Actions/Budget: For some actions the proposed budget fails to duly justify some of the costs involved, making it difficult to assess the value for money of the actions proposed. In these cases further information or explanation are necessary. Action 5.7.3 Print Advertorials (page 15) • The unit cost (4.635 €) is provided as an average for the 28 advertorials that will appear in 6 different magazines throughout the year. However, the unit cost for one advertorial should be provided for each of the respective magazines (Ganze Woche, Gusto, Crone Bunt, Tele, TV-Woche. Weekend Magazin). It should further be mentioned if any reductions or discounts will be granted. • It should be mentioned how many people correspond to 93,4 % coverage of the target group in order to be able to compare this figure with the absolute number given in action 5.7.2 (568.000 viewers). Action Event for children in cooperation with gardening schools (pages 17-18) • The lump-sum of 5.000 €/per year makes it difficult to assess the value for money and the possible effectiveness of this action and needs to be broken down into more detail. Action 5.7.8 Cooperation with “Stars for Europe” (pages 18-19) • More details need to be provided about the initiative “Stars for Europe”, in particular about any commercial aims of this initiative and about the financial contribution of “Stars for Europe” to the expert seminars. • It needs to be explained why 30.000 flyers will be printed if only 9.000 invitations will be sent out and 600 experts are expected to participate in the event. • It needs to be specified where in Austria the event is going to take place OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme:


(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:


Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme :

good/average/poor 115

(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion: To be accepted if additional information is provided. CONCLUSIONS After reviewing the additional information provided by the Member State on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433) (electronic version already received on 30.04.2009) and on 19.05.2009 addressing all the Commission's remarks related to the budget, the actions, the evaluation of previous programme and the analysis methods the programme is to be accepted. Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : To be accepted




Title of the programme:

Obst, Gemüse und Kartoffeln – ein wesentlicher Bestandteil einer gesunden, ausgewogenen Ernährung

Competent Authority(ies):

Agrarmarkt Austria

Proposing organisation(s):

AMA Marketing GesmbH

Implementing body(ies):

Mediahaus Austria, A&V Werbeagentur Communication GmbH

Type of measure:

Mixed (information + promotion)


Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

Targeted Member States:



3 years

Total budget:

3.000.000,00 €

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s) Yes/No Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body



Increase consumption by 2% for fruits, vegetables and potatoes on the stagnating Austrian market (measurement basis: Statistik Austria)


Stimulating consumption for those fruits and vegetables that suffer from a decreasing demand


Informing specific target groups about the nutritional values/importance of fruits, vegetables and potatoes

Further (quantitative) objectives related directly to specific actions: obtain a coverage of 85% of the Above-The-Line actions, create at least 33.000 "contacts" in canteens of public institutions, at least 1.000 contacts on the level of nutritionists and doctors (for methods of measurement see "anticipated impact") Objectives SCHOOLS: As studies show that the nutritional habits of children do not in any respect meet the requirements of a healthy diet, it is the aim to allow children the direct contact with fruit and vegetables (“Kinder mit Obst und Gemüse in Kontakt bringen”) (4)

Increase consumption by 2% for fruits, vegetables and potatoes within the target group children


Informing about the nutritional values/importance of fruits, vegetables and potatoes


Children shall realise (again) where products actually come from and learn that many vegetables (even if eaten non-cooked) are very tasty

Further (quantitative) objectives related directly to specific actions: at least 100 downloads of the material, at least 5.000 visitor of the event in gardening schools, at least 400 participating schools for the "Day of the Apple"(for methods of measurement see "anticipated impact") Strategy : The strategic challenge consists in a high level of prices combined with an indifference towards a healthy diet. That is why the nutritional value of vitamins, nutrients and minerals in fruit, vegetables and potatoes needs to be stressed. The strategy results from this challenge. 118

It is even more true for children than for young adults aged 18 – 35 that they are not susceptible for values like health, origin or quality. Their nutritional habits contrast sharply with the concept of a healthy diet. According to a study of Agrarmarkt Austria children in urban areas can hardly tell apart “taste” and “smell”. This is why the programme aims at “exposing” children directly to fruit and vegetables to compensate for this lack. Consumers shall be motivated to consume fruit, vegetables and potatoes as often as possible (at a best “5 a Day”). Fruit, vegetable and potatoes must be perceived as a valuable, essential part of nutrition. Through an integrated campaign synergies shall be made use of and the efficiency of the programme shall be enhanced. It is planned to link Above-the-Line (ATL) actions with large coverages that have the ability to create a sudden, huge public impact with Below-the-Line (BTL) actions where more specific messages can be transmitted to the respective target groups. BLT actions can individually address very heterogenic target groups with very different social and psycho-demographic characteristics. The claim “Obst & Gemüse 5 x am Tag” remains crucial and motivates consumers to actually “act”. Motto: “ Gesundheit und damit gutes Aussehen ist Essenssache – darum greif zu Obst und Gemüse 5 x am Tag”. You have to win over the children by referring to their norms and values. They do not care about a healthy diet BUT they want to be cool and good-looking. So the connection will be made between the two: Good/cool looks are a result from good nutrition and that means eating fruit & vegetable 5 x a day! Target group(s) : • Households • Public institutions with canteens („Einrichtungen der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung“) • Doctors and nutritionists • Children in educational establishments Themes : (1)

To promote a ‘five-a-day’-type approach (recommendation to eat at least five servings of fruit or vegetable per day)


Fresh and natural products


Quality (safety, nutritional value and taste, production methods, environmental protection in connection with the origin of the products


The joy of eating and the variety of the offer


Seasonal differences in the offer of fresh products, information about the taste and ways of preparing seasonal products





Excellent availability and easy preparation of fruit and vegetables: often no cooking is necessary


Improvement the image (modern, young) of fruit and vegetables, according to respective target group

Themes for children in educational establishments: (1)

To promote a ‘five-a-day’-type approach (recommendation to eat at least five servings of fruit or vegetable per day)


Improvement of the image (F&V are cool) according to the nutritional habits of the target group children/adolescents


Taste and nutritional value, production methods, environmental protection in connection with the origin of the products

Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed : (1)

Fruit, vegetables and potatoes are natural, healthy products that form an essential part of a modern and balanced diet. The variety of these products not only offers enjoyment but also provides a significant contribution to health and ensures the supply with many essential nutrients.


Fruit, vegetables and potatoes contain many vital substances. In particular the secondary plant substances play an important role in strengthening the immune system and in preventing illnesses.


Besides their nutritional values fruit, vegetables and potatoes offer great variety and taste. You can turn them into delicious, fully-fledged meals (not as a side dish but actually as the main dish)

Messages to be conveyed to children in educational establishments:



The frequent consumption of fruit, vegetables and potatoes does not only keep you healthy, the many valuable nutrients/substances stimulate concentration so you will be able to score better grades at school


Fruit and vegetables are the perfect snack for the school break. Children will be provided with the optimal input of energy to master the efforts and strains of the school day.


Next to their positive impact on health fruit, vegetables and potatoes also have a favourable effect on the looks. Those who eat more fruit and vegetables have fewer problems with overweight and stay fit.


Further themes: How are fruit and vegetables grown (in the EU), when is the season of the respective product? This aims at sensitising the children for the value of their aliments.

Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: • Poster campaign: One month during year 1, 1.955 Posters throughout Austria, aim: to raise attention, net coverage within target group: 70%, OTS: 17,4. • TV Spot: Transmission during the whole month of April during year 2 and 3, aim: sinking in of the message, improved image within relevant target groups (above all: young households) net coverage within target group: 63 %, OTS: 5,2 • Print (Advertorials): Placing of advertorials from April to November throughout years 1,2 and 3 in the most popular magazine in Austria (every issue read by 54 % of Austrian population), aim: transmit rational arguments, net coverage within target group: 60,2 % OTS: 8,4 • TV Tipps: 35 "Tipps": year 1,2 and 3, aim: obtain high level of attention, coverage: 470.000 viewers • TV "Schwerpunktwoche": one week during year 1 and 3 in the beginning of April, aim: obtain high level of attention, 71.000 viewers within target group, 24 % market share within target group • "Delight"(Genuss) and information brochures: 2 brochures during year1 (100.000 copies in total), another 2 brochures during year 3 (100.000 copies in total), aim: to reach (above all ) households on a broad basis, expected net contacts: 200.000 • " Delight "(Genuss) and information posters: 2 posters in year 1, 1 more poster in year 3 (25.000 copies in total). Printed on high quality paper, aim: people should put the poster on their kitchen walls, create connection between fruit/vegetables and health/good and healthy looks, expected net contacts: 25.000 • Distribution event "Day of the Apple": years1,2, and 3 on 7th of November, aim: to allow for "direct contact" between consumer and product and thus raising/creating awareness, expected net contacts: 180.000 • Tray-covers for canteens: years 1,2 and 3 during 2 weeks in the beginning of September, aim: to raise awareness just before choosing the meal for lunch, expected net contacts: 99.000 121

• Internet/website: implementation year 1, extension years 2 and 3, aim: efficiently addressing younger target groups Actions children in educational establishments: • Event "Von der Wurzel zum Genuss" in cooperation with gardening schools, 5 days years 1,2 and 3 in the middle of June, up op 5.000 kids participating every time, aim: to "expose" children directly to the taste/smell and origin of the products thus creating a stronger link between children and their aliments • Edutainment brochures: 100.00 brochures per year (1,2, and 3), aim: communicating information in a way suitable for children integrating games, easy recipes, etc., expected net contacts: 300.000 • Event "Day of the Apple": 407 participating schools with 60.000 children served every year (1,2 and 3), every kid gets one apple and additional information material aim: experience taste of fruit "live", informing about apples, expected net contacts per year: 60.000 • Sticker "5 x am Tag": 1.200.000 pieces in total for years 1,2 and 3, aim: children like stickers thus learning effect through sympathy, long lasting effect as sticker will be present on e.g. schoolbags for a long time, expected net contacts: 1.200.000 • Interne/websitet: development year 1 and extension throughout years 2 and 3, containing games, material for download etc., aim: addressing children via "their" medium Anticipated impact: AMA Marketing has its own market research division and 15 years experience with studies on consumer behaviour in the field of agricultural products. Consequently, AMA Marketing has at its disposal a huge pool of information for benchmarking and comparative analysis with regard to the results of the EU funded promotion programmes. One of the data pools in question is the RollAMA. RollAMA is a household panel that was established in 1994 and for which every year a variety of data concerning all fresh agricultural products are being collected from a panel of 2500 households. The RollAMA is implemented in cooperation with GfK Austria (collection of data) and keyQUEST (evaluation of data). RollAMA aims at providing an overview of all markets for fresh products in terms of market development, segment adjustments /segment shiftings, price development, change in shopping behaviour. RollAMA will be one of the tools used to evaluate the programme. The following are the methods foreseen for the measurement of impact and results. A more detailed description of the methods (e.g. method for measuring the advertising effectiveness of TV and print actions, media analysis, precise questions that will be asked during interviews and opinion polls) can be found in the additional information submitted by the Austrian authorities (AMA) on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433). (1)

It is expected that demand for fruit, vegetables and potatoes will increase by at least 2 %. Method of measurement: The effect will be measured on the basis of market data provided by Statistik Austria (the Austrian statistics agency). 122


Evaluation of the awareness created on the level of the Austrian population and the specific target groups concerning the nutritional values of fruit, vegetables and potatoes. Method of measurement: Quantitative opinion poll.


Evaluating the advertising effectiveness of TV and print actions Method of measurement: CAPI interviews


Coverage of 85% of the Above-The-Line actions Method of measurement: Media analysis


Creation of at least 33.000 "contacts" in canteens of public institutions Method of measurement: Average number of visitors of the canteens during the period of the action, survey concerning the notoriety, ‘brand’ impact, image of fruit and vegetables among the students


Creation of at least 1.000 contacts on the level of nutritionists and doctors/high level of satisfaction with the material Method of measurement: Number of brochures requested by doctors and nutritionists, survey concerning the satisfaction of the nutritionists/doctors/patients with the material provided (A high level of satisfaction allows for conclusions about the effectiveness of the action)


At least 100 downloads of the teaching/learning material on the website / high level of satisfaction with the website / material Method of measurement: Download rates, survey concerning the satisfaction of the teachers with the material provided (A high level of satisfaction allows for conclusions about the effectiveness of the action)


At least 5.000 (satisfied) visitor of the event in gardening schools Method of measurement: Counting of visitors, survey concerning the satisfaction of the teachers with the event (A high level of satisfaction allows for conclusions about the effectiveness of the action)


At least 400 participating schools at the "Day of the Apple" Method of measurement: Counting of participating schools, survey concerning the sustainability of the event ( what is being remembered) among pupils

ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget by action :

Actions (for every target country) 5.7.1 ABOVE THE LINE Outdoor advertising Poster placement Poster development and printing TV-Spot TV Spot transmission TV Spot development 5.7.2 BELOW THE LINE Advertorials Print placement (Advertorials) Print development (Advertorials) Studies Fees for nutritionists TV-"Tipps" TV Spot transmission „Tipps“ 35 TV cooperation „Schwerpunktwoche“ TV cooperation „Schwerpunktwoche“ 5 TV cooperation „Schwerpunktwoche Naturalien und Produktion“ „Delight and Infobrochures“ „Delight and Infobrochures“ „Delight and Infoposter“ „Delight and Infoposter“ „Day of the apple“ „Day of the apple“ Organisation lumpsum Flyer „Day of the apple“ „Gesunde Jause“ development, production, distribution





178.500 23.000

0 0

0 0

178.500 23.000

0 0

200.000 100.000

200.000 0

400.000 100.000










































Specific advertising in public institutions Tray-cover for public canteens Website/Internet Website/Internet Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) SUBTOTAL FOR PROGRAMME ACTIONS (SCHOOLS) Event „Von der Wurzel bis zur Spitze“ Event „Von der Wurzel bis zur Spitze“ fruits/vegetables prizes, invitations, flyer, give-aways development / production TV cooperation trailer Edutainment brochures Edutainment brochures for children/ Material for lessons





15.500 726.000 0

11.500 726.000 0

15.000 726.000 0

42.000 2.178.600 0


































„Day of the apple“ Event Apple distribution at schools Apple leaflet for distribution event Apple poster for distribution event Apples for distribution event Sticker Children stickers Website/Internet Website/Internet/Yout hcorner interactive games and prizes (giveaways)Teaching material for download Total for actions (1) Cost of performance guarantee Fees of implementing body (maximum 13/15 % of (1), Annex III point B.1.2 of the contract) Measurement of results of actions (maximum 3 % of (1), Annex III point C.5 of the contract) Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (maximum [3/5 internal market] [4/6 third countries] % of (2), Annex III point A.2 of the contract) SUBTOTAL FOR PROGRAMME

























182.000 0

182.000 0

182.000 0

546.000 0













200.000,00 200.000,0 0





YEAR 1 € 410.000 164.000 246.000 820.000 YEAR 1 € 120.000 40.000 40.000 200.000 1.000.000

% 50 20 30

YEAR 2 € 410.000 164.000 246.000



% 60 20 20

YEAR 2 € 120.000 40.000 40.000

100 100

200.000 1.000.000

% 50 20 30

YEAR 3 € 410.000 164.000 246.000

% 50 20 30

TOTAL € % 1.230.000 50 492.000 20 738.000 30





% 60 20 20

YEAR 3 € 120.000 40.000 40.000

100 100

200.000 1.000.000

% 60 20 20 100 100

TOTAL € % 360.000 60 120.000 20 120.000 20 600.000 3.000.000

RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: A letter of observations on the programme was sent to the Austrian authorities (AMA) on 01.04.2009. The Austrian authorities submitted the response on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433 – 05/05/2009), satisfactorily addressing all the Commission's remarks related to the budget, the actions and the analysis methods (see 'First observations to be communicated to MS'). The programme is the continuation of the recently finalised programme 0502 1001 3800 351 that was running from 20/02/2006 to 19/02/2009. A comprehensive evaluation of 4 actions of the previous programme (representing 50% of the budget) was joined to the proposal. The evaluation stresses the positive results of the actions; e.g. action TV Spot (budget for action was 660.600 €, 22% of total programme budget): notoriety of the spot: 51 % (average for spots from the fruit/vegetable sector: 48 %), efficiency (amount needed to reach 1% of notoriety): 2.645 € (average: 3.078 €), attractiveness of the spot as perceived by viewer: 6,3 (average: 5,9), communication of core message: almost 50% of viewers could recall the main message of the spot These 4 actions appear in the same or a similar form again in the new programme. The rest of the actions will be similar as well to the previous programme Programme eligible:




100 100

First observations to be communicated to MS: 1. In application of Article 8(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes submitted shall contain sufficient detail to comply with the applicable rules and enable their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated. 2. In application of Article 4(3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008 any reference to the effects on health of consuming the products concerned shall be based on generally accepted data. Messages referring to such effects must be acceptable to the national authority responsible for public health. 3. The document "Guidelines to be considered when assessing and managing part-financing programmes for promoting Community agricultural products" issued by the Commission and distributed to all the Member States in the Management Committee that took place on 2 October 2007 depicts in its point nº 6 the procedure of submission of the programmes to the Commission, making special reference to the budget (point 6.7) and the cost effectiveness of the programmes (point 6.8). The evaluation of the programme showed that the above mentioned provisions were not completely met thus revisions and the provision of further information are necessary. General: • The two budget tables do not follow the same structure (headings/categories) and order (numbering) as the list of measures and should thus be revised (pages 34-35). • A global co-financing plan representing the whole programme budget should be submitted to the Commission. The submitted proposal only contains one co-financing plan for the actions co-financed at 50% and one for the action co-financed at 60% (page 36). • The last column of the co-financing plan for children in educational establishments is not correct. A revised version of the financing plan should be submitted to the Commission (page 36). • The written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS that is mentioned in the cover letter was not joined to the proposal and should be submitted to the Commission. • In annex 3 "Mediaplan" of the proposal a cost plan is presented by Omni Media for "Schulplakate" with a total budget of 134.699,04 €. However, this amount is nowhere to be found in the budget table and it should be clarified whether this amount was supposed to be integrated into the budget (Beilage 3, page 28). • With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. Some of the indicators provided for impact measurement of the non-quantitative awareness-related objectives (download-rates, counting of visitors, counting of participating schools, number of brochures distributed, page 32) are limited to the definition of target values for the coverage or range of certain actions but do not allow any conclusions about the extent to which the objectives of the programme have been achieved. 128

The methods that would allow conclusions about the extent to which theses objectives have been achieved (quantitative opinion poll, media analysis) should be further described and explained, i.e. what questions will be asked? Will the results be compared to previous results or will they be compared to the answers of a test group (how will the interrogation succeed in showing whether objectives have been achieved?) In what exactly does a media analysis consist? Actions/Budget: For some actions the proposed budget fails to duly justify some of the costs involved, making it difficult to assess the value for money of the actions proposed (see above 1). In these cases further information or explanation or revision of the action budget is necessary. As most of the actions, and in particular actions,, 5.7.,,,,,,,, and are likely to address health issues, assurance should be provided on their compliance with Article 4 (3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008. Action TV Spot (pages 22-23) • The description and the budget of the item “Produktion” set at 100.000 € are rather imprecise and should be broken down into more detail (possible costs for actors, possible costs for rent of studio etc.) Action Distributional Event “Tag des Apfels” (pages 26-27) • The description and the budget of the item “Schaltung/Organisation” set at 30.000 € are rather imprecise and should be broken down into more detail (possible costs for hostesses etc.). • The budget of 27.000 € for the purchase of 180.000 apples to be distributed on the "day of the apple" is not eligible as costs for purchases of natural produce are just eligible for products destined for tastings (meaning the apple has to be cut into several pieces). The respective budget item needs to be revised accordingly. Action Internet (pages 27-28) • The description and budget (42.000 €) for the development and the extension of the website are rather imprecise and should be broken down into more detail. • The nature, value and connexion with the programme of the prizes of the competitions (“Gewinnspiele”) published on the website should be specified. • More information should be provided about the relation between the old website www.5xamtag.at and the new one, especially about the integration of already existing content into the new site. Action Apple brochure in cooperation with CMA (page 28) • Due to the recent judgement of the German constitutional court of 03/02/2009 which declared unconstitutional the marketing fund that financed CMA up to now, this action needs to be eliminated from the budget. 129

Action Event „Obst und Gemüsesepiel“ for children (pages 28-29) • The budget of the item “Organisation” set at 90.000 € is rather imprecise and should be broken down into more detail. If the budget contains costs for the purchase of natural produce these products must be destined for tastings. Action Distributional Event “Tag des Apfels” for children (page 30) • The budget of 24.000 € for the purchase of 180.000 apples to be distributed on the "day of the apple" to school children is not eligible as costs for purchases of natural produce are just eligible for products destined for tastings (meaning the apple has to be cut into several pieces). The respective budget item needs to be revised accordingly. Action Internet children (page 31) • The description and the budget for the development and the extension of the website earmarked with costs of 45.000 € are rather imprecise and should be broken down into more detail. • The nature, value and connexion with the programme of the prizes of the competitions published on the website should be better specified.



(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value:


Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme :


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion: To be accepted. CONCLUSIONS After reviewing the additional information provided by the Member State on 05.05.2009 (ARES 87433) (electronic version already received on 30.04.2009) addressing all the Commission's remarks related to the budget, the actions and the analysis methods the programme is to be accepted. 130

Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.




Titre du programme:

A Excelencia do Terroir europeu

Organisme(s) compétent(s):


Organisation(s) proposante(s):


Organisme(s) d’exécution:

Pas encore choisi

Type de mesure:



Vins: AOP et IGP, notamment, des vins de Douro et Porto

Etat membre(s) ciblés:

ES, FR, AL, PT, et, UK, BE, NL, LU, PL, CZ, DK, AT,SI, ,HU, IT ( 15 E.M )


3 ans

Budget total:

2.879.307,80 €

Proposition reçue le:


CRITÈRES D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ : Respect du délai de présentation du programme par EM:


Organisme(s) d’exécution sélectionné(s) par une procédure compétitive pas encore sélectionné Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par EM


Engagement écrit et signé pour le cofinancement par l’/les(s) organisation(s) proposante(s)


Le programme est composé d’un ensemble d’actions cohérentes


Actions non liées à l’origine ou aux marques privées, à l’exception des désignations basées sur réglementation communautaire


Le(s) produit(s)/pays cible(s) sont éligibles


Conformité à /aux ligne(s) directrice(s)



AVIS DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Confirmation du respect de la législation nationale et communautaire :


Lien des actions proposées avec d’autres actions nationales et/ou communautaires d’information/de promotion (par EM)


Confirmation de la représentativité de(s) l’organisation(s) proposante(s) du/des secteur(s) concerné(s)


Confirmation de l’efficacité technique et financière de(s) l’organisation proposante(s)


Confirmation de la capacité technique et financière de l’organisme d’exécution


DESCRIPTION DU PROGRAMME : Objectif(s) : - Information (caractéristiques et qualités) et promotion des vins produits dans des régions protégées de la Communauté : AOP et IGP, comme par exemple les vins de Douro et Porto. - Conquérir de nouveaux marchés et de nouveaux segments de consommateurs pour le vin de Porto et de Douro afin de freiner la concurrence des vins du Nouveau monde et des autres produits (bière, whisky, etc.). - Augmenter les ventes annuelles de vins de Porto de 2% et de 5% de Douro ainsi que le prix moyen des vins vendus dans les 15 E.M. cibles. Stratégie : La stratégie a été définie selon les caractéristiques des E.M. et des groupes cibles afin d'optimiser les résultats et les investissements. Cette stratégie se fonde notamment sur : - Actions de relations publiques (dégustations faiseurs d'opinion) - Actions médiatiques (participations au festival du cinéma) - Participation à des foires du secteur du vin - Formation et information auprès des écoles d'hôtellerie Cibles : Notamment des professionnels : - Journalistes spécialises et leaders d'opinion - Distributeurs, importateurs, détaillants, - Sommeliers, écoles d'hôtellerie et restaurations Thèmes : - Spécificités qui donnent leurs caractéristiques aux diverses appellations d'origine européennes. Procédures d'attestation des vins AOP et IGP. Le cas des vins de Porto et Douro. - Caractéristiques organoleptiques des vins. - Adéquation et lien entre les vins du Porto et Douro et la gastronomie des pays-cibles. 133

Aspects couverts:

qualité sécurité alimentaire méthodes de production spécifique aspects nutritionnels aspects sanitaires étiquetage bien-être des animaux respect de l’environnement image des produits communautaires systèmes communautaires AOP/IGP/STG produits biologiques symboles graphiques pour les régions ultrapériphériques système communautaire des v.q.p.r.d., indications géographique ou indication traditionnelle réservée pour les vins ou boissons spiritueuses

Messages à communiquer : Il n'y a pas de message concret. Actions, y inclus leur portée/volume et calendrier prévisionnel : - Foires avec stands: 9 foires dont - France : < Vinexpo > Juin (2011) Bordeaux - Espagne: < Alimentaria> Mars (10,12) Barcelona - Allemagne: < Prowein> Mars (10, 11,12) Düsseldorf - Portugal: Novembre (10,11,12) Lisbonne - Actions de relations publiques avec les professionnels spécialistes (journalistes, leaders d'opinion, distributeurs, sommeliers, etc.) ; 15 dégustations par an ( 2 PT, 2 FR, et 1 ES). Total : 15. - Actions de formation et information dans les écoles d’hôtelleries en ES: 15 par an. Total :45 - Action très médiatique: Présence avec un stand dans les festivals du Cinéma de : - Berlin (Berlinale, février 10,11,12) - Cannes(Cinéma Cannes, Mai 10,11,12) - San Sébastian (Donosti, Septembre 10,11,12) - Actions points de vente dans des grandes surfaces et marchés traditionnels au PO (238 jours de promotion par an). - Créativité et matériel de promotion (brochures, dépliants, etc.), insertions dans la presse spécialisée ( revues : 12 insertions/an, 1960 mupis) - Road-Show dans 14 E.M. Impact prévisible : - Augmenter les ventes annuelles de vins de Porto de 2 % et de Douro de 5 %, ainsi que le prix moyen des vins vendus dans les 15 E.M. cibles. 134

Méthodes d’appréciation de l’impact : Il n'y a pas de vraie méthode, il y a des indications indirectes via les contacts qui sortiront des différentes actions ainsi que le feed back obtenu dans les revues et journaux à partir du programme. EVALUATION DE L’ETAT MEMBRE/DES ETATS MEMBRES : Intérêt général du programme :

30 /30

Qualité et efficacité du programme :


Dimension européenne :


Coût/efficacité :




2.529.170 € ( budget corrigé le 14.05.2009 )

Année I

Année II

Année III


1. Matériel de promotion





2. Foires avec stand (3/an)





3. Actions points de vente





4. Campagne publicitaire









1. Matériel de promotion





2. Actions relations publiques









4. Foire « Vinexpo » Bordeaux





5. Dépenses ressources humaines













1. Matériel de promotion





2. E. d’hôtellerie+prof.





3. Festival San Sebastian





4. Foire « Alimentaria »





5. Dépenses ressources humaines





6. Transport et assurances













2. Festival de Berlin





3. Foire « Prowein »





4. Dépenses ressources humaines





5. Transport et assurances






















Sous-total France

(restaurants+prof sionistes ) mai 3. Festival de Cannes

6. Transport et assurances Sous-total Espagne

Sous-total Allemagne 1. Matériel de promotion

Sous-total Road shows (FR et DÉ uniquement) Total intermédiaire Frais agence 10 %


Dépenses générales 3 %











ANNEE I 371.350,95 148.540,38 222.810,57 742.701,89

% 50 20 30 100

ANNEE II 533.064,04 213.225,61 319.838,42 1.066.128,07

% 50 20 30 100

ANNEE III 360.170,22 144.068,09 216.102,13 720.340,44

% 50 20 30 100

TOTAL 1.264.585,20 505.834,08 758.751,12 2.529.170,41

RÉSULTAT DE L’EXAMEN D’ÉLIGIBILITÉ ET DE LA QUALITE: Remarques : Actuellement, le proposant IVDP Douro et Porto réalise conjointement avec la France (vin de Bourgogne) et l’Italie (fromage Parmiggiano) un programme de trois millions d’euros sur le marché du Royaume Uni (2008/2011). Il s’agit d’un programme typique de promotion des vins portugais axé sur des foires avec stand et des actions de dégustation auprès des professionnels. La seule nouveauté est la participation à des festivals de cinéma qui pourrait avoir une grande répercussion médiatique. Eligibilité du programme :


Premières observations à communiquer à l’EM : Généralités - Depuis la modification du R. (CE) n° 3/2008 suite à la nouvelle O.C.M. Vin, la promotion dans le secteur du vin n’est plus permise. Par conséquent, les messages, actions, etc. doivent être adaptés. - Indiquer le nombre d’entreprises qui produisent du vin Douro(AOP) et Porto(IGP). - Eliminer la référence aux exportations de l’U.E. car il s’agit d’un programme « Marché intérieur » (page 8, point d). - Message (page 11) : Indiquer un message clair et précis et non un ensemble d’idées. - Impact prévisible : On mentionne des indicateurs de réalisation et des résultats sur base du nombre de pages dans les revues et journaux suscitées par le programme ainsi que le degré de satisfaction des entreprises du secteur. La Commission considère que ces deux méthodes de mesure d’impact sont des méthodes indirectes et que si le but principal est d’augmenter les ventes vers le pays cible, la meilleure méthode de mesure d’impact serait d’indiquer la variation en volume et en valeur par rapport à l’année précédente. Cette méthode est plus directe et donne de très bonnes indications sur l’impact. Actions - Espagne Action école d’hôtellerie (p. 16). Il est prévu des actions d’information et de formation dans 15 écoles pour des étudiants qui se destinent à devenir hôteliers. Actuellement, dans le cadre d’un autre programme, une action d’information et de formation est lancée dans ces mêmes écoles pour un autre produit. Mais aucun coût n’est 137

% 50 20 30 100

attribué à l’allocation d’espace. La Commission considère donc que ce coût doit être éliminé. Road show (p. 19). Cette action n’est pas développée et ne permet donc pas d’être jugée convenablement. Elle prévoit dans son budget de visiteurs dans les 13 Etats membres 4 pour chaque phase. Comme cette action ne sera réalisée qu’une seule fois pendant les trois ans du programme, la Commission considère qu’elle n’aura aucun impact et que, par conséquent, elle doit être éliminée. Budget - Dans toutes les actions, les frais concernant les membres de l’organisme proposant doivent être éliminés car ils sont déjà compris dans les frais généraux (3 %). En ce qui concerne les frais de déplacement et les frais de séjour, ils doivent se limiter au montant concernant le marché intérieur (120 €/jour et 80 €/jour) et non pas au marché des pays tiers (180 €/jour et 90 €/jour). - Les frais de catering en France (p. 14) pour les séminaires des professionnels du secteur (105 €/personne) ainsi que pour la même action en Espagne (p. 16, 95 €/personne) sont très élevés et doivent être réduits. Copie de la correspondance justificative des prix des locations d'espaces des trois festivals du cinéma AVIS DES SERVICES DE LA COMMISSION : Qualité du programme:

bonne/moyenne/non adéquat

(cohérence entre stratégie et objectifs, qualité des actions) Dimension / valeur ajoutée européenne:

bonne/moyenne/non adéquate

Impact prévisible et méthode(s) d’appréciation de l’impact: Coût efficacité du programme:


bonne/moyenne/non adéquat

(relation entre coût total et impact prévisible) Points donnés par EM:


Priorité donnée par l’Etat membre


Avis du consultant externe (18.02.2009) : Attendre la finalisation du programme au Royaume Uni réalisé avec la France et l’Italie. CONCLUSIONS: Observation(s) A la lettre envoyée par la Commission le 27.03.2009 (annexe I) avec les remarques générales de la p. 6, l’IFAP a répondu par fax du 22.04.2009 (annexe II) pour répondre aux remarques générales complété par deux e-mails du 6.05.2009 (annexe III) avec des informations complémentaires sur les festivals du cinéma en France et en Espagne ainsi que sur les « roadshows » et un nouveau budget élaboré à partir de certaines observations relevées par la Commission par fax du 27.03.2009. 138

Toutefois, cette réponse de l’IFAP contient encore certaines erreurs, notamment : - roadshows : maintien de cette action dans 13 Etats membres, - maintien des frais de technicien de l’organisme proposant IVDP dans certaines actions en France, Espagne et Allemagne, - erreur dans le calcul des 3 % pour les frais généraux. La Commission a demandé par fax du 7.05.2009 (annexe IV) à l’IFAP de corriger les erreurs précédentes et d’élaborer dans les plus brefs délais un nouveau et définitif budget. L’IFAP, par fax du 14.05.2009 (annexe V) a éliminé les erreurs précédentes et a transmis un budget corrigé pour un montant total de 2.529.170 € (12,2 % inférieur au montant original). Par conséquent, le programme doit être accepté. PS : Les annexes se trouvent dans le dossier du programme. Recommandation(s) A accepter.




Title of the programme:

Milk keeps you together

Competent Authority(ies):

Finnish Agency for Rural Affairs

Proposing organisation(s):

Maito Ja Terveys Ry (Finnish Dairy Nutrition Council)

Implementing body(ies):

Evia Oyj/Viherjuuri

Type of measure:




Targeted Member States:



3 years

Total budget:

€ 1.200.000

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure:


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS:


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s):


The programme is a coherent set of actions:


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules:


Product(s)/target countries are eligible:


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s):



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation:


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions:


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s): Yes/No 98 % representativeness of the domestic dairy sector as a whole Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation:


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body:


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s): Functional objectives -

Increase the number of children aged 8–13 years who drink milk daily.


Keep the number of children aged 8–13 years who do not drink milk at all at the same level as year 2006 maximum.

Emotional objectives -

Increase the number of children aged 8–13 years who like milk a lot.

Intellectual objectives -

Make children aged 8–13 years aware of the fact that milk is good for your bones.


Increase the number of children aged 8–13 years who think milk is healthy.

Overall objective is to make children aged 8–13 years, teachers, personnel at the school canteens, and the parents understand better the importance of dairy products in a healthy diet. Make every second school in Finland take actively part in this programme during at least one month. Strategy: Mix of advertising, communication and direct action: -

advertising on TV, on the magazines of the target group and on the internet


direct influence through the program’s interactive website


information to teachers and parents through the media and sponsorship


direct influence at schools through the education and school canteens


The program will be thought-provoking and use enjoyable communication. Messages focused on the nutritional content of milk and sports. However, the programme will not deal with diseases or diseases prevention. Timeline management: 1st year: Creating the campaign and making it known; 2nd year: Reinforcing, deepening and spreading the campaign 3rd year: Campaign to be taken to leisure and hobby activities Target group(s): 1.

Children at the age of 8–13 years (approx. 375 000)


Teachers and school canteen personnel and medics in approx. 2400 schools


Other: parents, sports organisations and media

Themes: 1.

Milk in good nutrition


The importance of milk nutrients for health, bones and well-being


Milk and sports belong together


Milk is an appropriate drink for meals

Aspects covered:

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products Community systems for PDO/PGI/TSG or organic products graphic symbols for remote regions Community system of QWPSR, geographical indication or reserved traditional indications for wine or spirits

Messages to be conveyed: 1. Milk is good and healthy 2. Milk and physical activity belong together 142

3. It is appropriate to drink milk at meals. 4. Slogan: "Milk keeps you together" Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Year 1: Planning and making programme known: planning, testing and production Year 2: Making programme stronger, deeper and wider: adjusting messages and activities according to panel feedback, selecting role model Year 3: Taking programme to leisure time and hobby activities; adjusting messages and activities according to panel feedback; -

TV advertisements: 2 spots of 40” (A) and 25” (B) to be produced and adapted each year according to panel findings Year 1: 50 showings of A and 100 of B in children and family programmes on MTV3 and TV Nelonen Year 2: idem Year 3: 50 showings of A and 90 of B


Press advertisements in school magazine for pupils (circ. 31.000), Donald duck magazine (circ. 230.000) and magazine for teachers (circ. 21.000) Year 1: 5 x 1 page + 1 x ½ page Year 2: 5 x 1 page

(TV + Press: the proposal contains a media plan at Annex 9) -

Internet advertisements banners: Year 2: 3-6 banners in sites such as Habbo Hotels (Finnish equivalent to Second Life) Year 3: idem


Website www.maitopitääkasassa.fi (justified by new content and graphic line)


School material for teachers and canteens – to be used on International school milk day Year 1: leaflets for teachers (7.000), posters (2*6.000), stickers for milk dispensers (2.000) Year 2: leaflets for teachers (5.000) + 100.000 questionnaires, 56000 posters, 2.000 stickers Year 3: leaflets for teachers (5.000) + 100.000 questionnaires + 100.000 postcards; 2000 stickers


Prizes: 40 scooters at €100, 125 present vouchers worth €100, 20 present vouchers worth €200, 1.400 inflatable skeletons, 50 skateboards, 50 MP3 Players



PR-activities and information: competition (year 1); school visits, selection of sports role model and sponsoring 10 football or ice hockey teams (Year 3)

Anticipated impact: 1.

Milk consumption in the target group stays at the present high level

8–13-years Drink milk 5–7 days/wk 2.

2002 86 %

2004 82 %

2006 89 %

2008 86 %

I never drink milk – answers in the target group stay at the present level

8–13-years Never drink milk 3.

target 2012 88 %

2002 7%

2004 7%

2006 4%

2008 6%

target 2012 4%

Milk perceived as good and healthy grows in the target group (8-13 years)

8–13-years I like milk Total Girls

2002 74 %

2004 75 % 71 %

2006 76 % 70 %

2008 76 % 70 %

target 2012 78 % 72 %

(Source: Suomen Gallup - Elintarviketieto Oy, nation-wide survey) 4.

Half of the Finnish schools actively implement the campaign for at least one month.

Modes of evaluation -

Consumer surveys by Suomen Gallup - Elintarviketieto Oy ordered by the proposing organisation every two years


National surveys made by e.g. the National Health Institute.


Panel covering 250 children from 16 classes

ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:





Budget: € ACTION

Year I

1. TV advertising 2. Press advertising 3. Internet advertising 4. Web site 5. School material 6. Prizes 7. Material delivery 8. PR, information Total for measures Implementing body’s fees Measuring the results of the measures

248.000 59.000 40.000 53.000 11.500 5.682 5.660 422.842 54.958 9.870 487.670 14.630 502.300

Total direct costs for the programme Overheads


Year II

145.000 53.200 27.000 25.000 22.000 15.000 5.100 5.070 297.370 37.070 8.667 343.107 10.293 353.400

Year III

135.000 33.000 26.500 12.000 18.700 5.000 59.500 289.700 36.115 8.485 334.300 10.000 344.300


528.000 112.200 60.000 91.500 87.000 45.200 15.782 70.230 1.009.912 128.143 27.022 1.165.077 34.923 1 200.000


YEAR I 251.150 150.690

% 50 20

YEAR II 176.700 106.020

30 100.460 502.300

YEAR III 50 20


30 70.680




% 50 20

600.000 360.000

30 68.860




% 50 20 30

240.000 100



RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: Although consumption of dairy products in Finland is the highest in the EU, it has slowly been decreasing among children. Dairy consumption has now levelled out thanks to a combination of promotion activities and the availability of a wider variety of products. The goal of this programme is to enhance this positive trend. Although it is denied by the programme, this programme is, in our view, an extension of the currently of the 3-year “Milk – white magic power” programme that has ended in 2008 since it targets the same group (children aged 8-13) and regards the same product. However, the programme has taken into account the results of evaluations carried out on the previous programme and there will be more targets, different measures and messages. It remains that the previous programmes has reached excellent results as shown in the evaluation of that programme submitted by Maito ja Terveys. Although its presentation is a bit confused with many repetitions, the programme offers a well balanced marketing mix of actions with main focus on TV advertisements. Programme eligible:

Yes/No 145

First observations to be communicated to MS: Selection of IB took place in 2007 for the 2008 proposal. Please confirm the readiness of the selected IB to implement this programme if approved, especially that the budget terms are somewhat modified compared to last year's rejected proposal. Most information provided at annex 9 do not match the definition of unit costs, i.e. cost components: unit costs should not be the mere division of a given cost by a number of planned units. Wherever possible, costs components should enable to reconstitute the cost of a given action or sub-action. Another useful information can be offers made by potential suppliers for given services: e.g. TV clip production With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. The programme is not a priority programme as it has not been proposed by several Member States and does not provide for measures to be implemented on the markets of more than one Member State (Article 8[1] of Council Regulation [EC] No 3/2008). OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme:


(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: The programme is consistent with EU strategy on obesity and healthy diet (EU Green Paper COM(2005) 637 “Promoting Healthy Diets and Physical Activity” and the White Paper COM(2007) 279 "A Strategy for Europe on Nutrition, Overweight and Obesity-related health issues") Impact forecast and assessment' methods


Cost-effectiveness of the programme:


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:

Only programme

External consultant’s opinion:


CONCLUSIONS Observation(s): Recommendation(s): To be accepted.



United Kingdom

Title of the programme:

A promotional and information campaign to market milk to families with children/adolescents, with a primary focus on young people aged 15 to 24 years, in England, Scotland and Wales 2009-2012.

Competent Authority(ies):

UK Rural Payment Agency

Proposing organisation(s):

Milk Marketing Forum

Implementing body(ies):

Mustoes’ advertising agency

Type of measure:



Liquid/drinking milk

Targeted Member States:

Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales)


3 years

Total budget:

Eur 9.037.200

Proposal received on: ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS

not applicable

Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation


Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions


Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s)


Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : This campaign has three equally important objectives: 1 To convince consumers that milk is healthy and relevant to them. 2 To re-engage consumers emotionally with milk. 3 To start the process of improving consumer attitudes towards the whole dairy category. Strategy : To raise the profile and visibility of milk by implementing a three year communications programme built around the concept of celebrity. This is designed to take advantage of the success generated by the celebrity-based Milk Moustache campaign which ran in Scotland from 2003 to 2008. The proposed campaign would use famous celebrities from the world of music, film, fashion, sport and the media that would have appeal to both adolescent and teenage girls as well as mums and their children. The celebrities would each be wearing a milk moustache. Alongside a humorous but relevant headline, would be the campaign strapline “Make Mine Milk”. This short and punchy play on alliteration – each word using the letter M for Milk - also incorporates the recently designed and fully researched milk logo. It uses the modern day vernacular to make it more relevant and includes a call to action. All of which will help to give the campaign standout and memorability. Target group(s) : Within the overall target group of families with children and adolescents, the primary focus is on young people aged 15-24 years with a bias towards young women. This group is key in terms of redefining the image of milk and making it ‘cool’ again. In reality, the targeting will reach a much larger audience stretching from 9-10 year olds who aspire to be older and who use teenagers as their role models, through to young women in their mid-30’s. It is a fiercely tribal age group and their brand choice will largely be influenced by their tribal affiliations and interests, be it music, fashion, sport or film.


The secondary and still critically important target is Mums who are vital as gatekeeper of family purchases and supporter of milk consumption by younger members of the family. Themes : The increase in consumption is predicated on the success of the campaign in changing attitudes towards milk among all consumers, especially young people aged 15 to 24 years with a bias towards young women. In order to achieve our objectives, the image statements we will seek to improve include: “Drinking milk is cool” “Milk has less fat in it than I thought” “Milk is full of healthy nutrients” “Nutrients in milk are good for teeth and bones” “Low fat varieties of milk have less than 2% fat” “Milk is healthy for me and my family” Aspects covered :

quality safety of food nutritional values health impacts animal welfare standards respect for the environment image of Community products

Messages to be conveyed : On a rational level, there are specific health attributes which will help underpin milk as a vital component in a healthy lifestyle. Low fat varieties of milk have less than 2% fat which can make it a healthy choice in a climate of rising obesity. The nutrients in milk are good for bones and teeth. Milk is a nutrient rich food which means that it is a healthy addition to any modern diet and is suitable for all members of the family from the very young to the elderly Actions by country, including their scope/volume and projected schedule: 1. Outdoor advertising Budget: £3,509,500.

Incremental volume: 204.4 million litres at 2.47 pence per litre.

1,100 x 48-sheet roadside poster panels (3m high x 6m wide) and 6,500 Street Talk phone kiosks (1.75m high x 1.25m wide) in a two week period during the first proposed period of activity each year - September 2009, August 2010 and August 2011. 149

1,100 x 48-sheet roadside poster panels and 4,000 Street Talk phone kiosks over a two week period in the second proposed period of activity each year – January 2010, 2011 and 2012. The combined weight of this outdoor campaign would be very similar to other major packaged goods brands. The campaign will expose the “Make Mine Milk” campaign to 80% of the young adult target audience and they will see it on average 16.8 times throughout the year. Liveried dairy vehicles to act as large mobile poster displays. sides of 100 vehicles to carry the advertising each year.

Production allows for both

2. Press advertising Budget: £699,489. Incremental volume: 41.0 million litres at 2.48 pence per litre. Advertising in women’s celebrity weekly magazines to reach young adults and mothers. The campaign will deliver approximately 36 insertions across eight titles in year 1 and will deliver the following estimated achievement against the proposed target audiences: Women aged 15-24 (England, Scotland & Wales): 68% Coverage (2,602,000) @ 7 average OTS (opportunities to see) Female Main Shoppers with Children (England, Scotland & Wales): 55% Coverage (3,329,000) @ 5.6 average OTS (opportunities to see). Similar coverage and OTS will be achieved in year 2 and year 3. 3. Digital marketing Budget: £692,261. Incremental volume: 47.1 million litres at 2.46 pence per litre. Digital marketing and advertising: website development and advertising on third party websites and digital screen media at railway stations A website will be used as a central hub of information and will serve two main purposes: As a destination for consumers to interact with the campaign. They can send in their milk moustaches to the gallery and enter the regional poster competition. In return they will be sent a photo of themselves in the company of a celebrity showing off their milk moustaches. Milk related games and downloads will also feature. To educate consumers about the health benefits of milk and dispel common myths that lead to negative perceptions of milk. Online advertising will be used to direct younger audiences towards the website. Year 1 will deliver approximately 92m page impressions across Advertising.com, Facebook and Bebo. The currency for online advertising is page impressions. Using IPA Touchpoints (a media planning tool for mixed media schedules) this will reach 4.5m 15-24 adults. Digital screen posters will be used to display winners of the regular milk moustache competitions which aim to make teens a celebrity for the day. Ten main poster sites will 150

cover regional conurbations across England, Scotland and Wales. Executions will run for 20 seconds every 6 minutes. These sites will be seen by a daily footfall of 1.47m people at these stations. 4. Public relations Budget: £225,000. Incremental volume: 11.2 million litres at 2.48 pence per litre. Extending the reach of the advertising campaign beyond paid for media by exploiting the advertising creative editorially in national and regional newspapers and other consumer media. PR will support and amplify the mass awareness achieved by the advertising. It will reach more niche audiences through its ability to shape and target messages and will support the desired change of attitudes and behaviours towards milk. PR will open a dialogue with the campaign’s audience and, as messages can be tailored, will reach niche as well as mass audiences. It will also allow more in-depth communication of key messages as it does not operate under the same space constraints as advertising. A milk press office will be set up to maintain the momentum of the initial advertising creative exploitation. Geronimo will employ a press officer to use reactive and proactive tactics to secure product placement for milk. It will enable the campaign to further target parents, 2030 year old women and adolescents using very tailored tactics in addition to sustaining message communication. The PR industry evaluates editorial coverage by applying a multiplier of three to editorial coverage achieved i.e. three times more effective than advertising. The same multiplier is employed when evaluating the financial return on investment by multiplying the advertising cost required to achieve the same coverage by three. PR aims to deliver a return on PR investment of 3:1. Total spend across the three years will be £225,000. This breaks down per year as follows: Securing two celebrities for one day media work at £15k fee each @ £30,000 Photographer for shoot @ £2,000 Securing studio, makeup and stylist (package) @ £8,000 Press officer at £560 per day, 10 days per month, for 5 months @ £28,000 PR survey into milk trends @ £5,000 Media drops - creative/couriers @ £2,000 5. Advertising production Budget: £846,297 over three years. Multiple poster, press and online executions will be conceived and produced across the threeyear period of the campaign, consistent with the programme strategy. Costs per year breakdown as follows: 151

Outdoor 48-sheet: (12 executions per year) Artwork production @ £30,120.00 Printing @ £65,799.00 Outdoor phone kiosks: (10 executions per year) Artwork production @ £6,500.00 Outdoor artwork production and print: this includes retouching costs of celebrity photography and stock promotional imagery (adaptation of model, addition of milk moustache and milk ‘halo’ effect). Design work involves creative manipulation of executional elements in order to suit the specifications of the posters. Costs include setting and make-up of master and adaptation of artwork plus all reproduction, print and supply. Press/magazines: (six master executions plus adaptations for selected publications) Artwork production @ £9,300.00 Printing @ £10,400.00 Press artwork production and print: master and adapt artwork design for six different executions across a selection of eight publications throughout each year. Printing cost includes reproduction materials and supply to publications. Digital: Website production and maintenance @ £69,700 for year 1 and £58,200 for years 2 and 3. Advertising production @ £13,800 for year 1 and £16,800 for years 2 and 3. Search engine optimisation @ £6,500 for year 1 and £15,000 for years 2 and 3. Digital website production: includes the build costs for the site and the application of the interactive elements of milk moustache generation, celebrity mobile and poster competition activities. Maintenance of the website elements (gallery, games, chat room etc) are all included. A separate cost of search optimisation has also been included to ensure the website can be found easily (an essential element for website success). Vehicle Livery: (100 vehicles, covering each side) Artwork production and printing @ £31,000 Application @ £39,000 Vehicle Livery artwork production and application: Artwork design to specifications of vehicle sides. Printing material selected is self-adhesive vinyl and application is to be carried out across England, Scotland and Wales. 6. Celebrity related costs Budget: £300,000 over three years.


Celebrity related costs cover usage of imagery and celebrity booking agent fees. based upon the two bursts per year outlined in the media schedule.

Costs are

Celebrity relevance and their status can fluctuate. The need for flexibility is addressed by having two bursts per year, each year for the three year period. The campaign will also feel very ‘of the moment’ as it receives regular celebrity refreshment. Each year £95,000 will be spent on celebrity stock imagery usage (across outdoor, press, online media for 8–12 celebrities) and £5,000 is provided to cover celebrity agent booker costs. Overall Actions Summary Schedule Year 1: 2009-2010

For years 2 and 3, the programme will continue to run in two bursts. This will be scheduled to run in the most economical months which are usually January and August. However, a pragmatic approach will be required in moving campaign dates to take advantage of any market changes to maximise cost efficiency and ensure value for money at all times. Whilst media inflation and deflation trends are difficult to forecast precisely (Annex 14), the consensus for 2009/2010 and 2010/11 is that costs will be lower. Media markets are predicted to pick up and costs are forecast to increase in 2011/2012. This has been factored into the year 2 and 3 costs below. Summary Schedule Year 2: 2010-2011


Summary Schedule Year 3: 2011-2012

Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: Anticipated impact: Demand – an increase in the amount of milk consumed in England, Scotland and Wales during the period of the programme over predicted consumption levels if there were no such programme - on this basis it is estimated that incremental volume of over 303 million litres will be generated. Consumption will be measured by way of the records of the dairy companies and milk co-operatives provided to Dairy UK as a mandatory condition of participation in MMF activity. Data on the market from TNS will also be monitored. Image attributes - a positive change in terms of the emotional message developed earlier amongst our primary and other audiences towards milk and milk consumption. It is intended to increase the percentage of people agreeing with certain key statements about milk by 3-5% by the end of the first year and by more than 10% by the end of the third year. Rational attributes - an improved awareness and understanding of the specific health attributes of milk, such as nutrient rich, healthy bones/teeth/lifestyle and particularly the true fat content of milk. Removing the ‘fat’ barrier to consumption remains very important as this is a major barrier to entry for many women. Increase the percentage of people agreeing with key statements which show understanding of the properties of milk by 3-5% by the end of the first year and by more than 10% by the end of the third year. ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:


Cost/efficiency: Budget by action :

15/20 €


Summary budget ACTIONS

(€) st 1 year

(€) nd 2 year

(€) rd 3 year
















PR costs





Advertising production





Celebrity related costs





Total for actions (1)









Implementing body’s fees (max 13% of (1))





Measurement of results (max 3% of (1))


















Performance guarantee

Total direct costs for the programme (2) Overheads (max 3% of (2))


Co-financing plan : € st










3 Year %



























68 100

RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: a) General remarks to be taken into consideration for evaluation 1 In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation 3/2008), the actions included in the programme must not be brand-oriented nor incite the consumption of a product on grounds of its specific origin. 2 In application of Articles 7(1) and 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008), the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 3 In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 4 In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 5 In application of Article 9(3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, programmes submitted shall comply with the guidelines for promotion on the internal market and must contain sufficient detail to comply with the rules applicable and enable their cost/benefit to be evaluated. 6. In application of Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, programmes submitted by more than one Member State or providing for actions in more than one Member State shall be given priority. 7. In application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated; 8. In application of Article 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money b) Comments concerning the different aspects of the proposal (1)

It is a national programme of EUR 9.037.200 that has been proposed with the objective to promote the milk as the vital ingredient in a healthy modern diet and lifestyle; the proposing organisation undertaking to finance the programme up to a very high level of 68% (EUR 6.145.296), it has not the benefit of any national co financing, asking a Commission co financing of only 32%(EUR 2.891904), giving a parameter of the importance given to the programme;


The programme is proposed by a UK Organisation and concerns solely the internal national UK market, missing the advantage of the "priority" foreseen in Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008;


The proposal file is very complete and well structured programme, through a series of rather standard annual repeated promotional actions on a 3 year basis, with the same basic marketing criteria, on the basis of preliminary market studies as developed in the 156

proposal, containing detail information justifications, timing of implementation for all actions and other necessary elements for evaluation, and is accompanied with all necessary annexed documentation completing properly the proposal file; being apart the cost elements presented below;(MMF had submitted a similar programme for co financing by the Commission in 2008 that had been rejected, as it presented many deficiencies); (6)

The approach presents a well elaborated series of foreseen actions with precise data concerning their elaboration, followed by budget elements-analytical cost basis; however: a) Action 4- Public relations : extending the reach of advertising campaign of £225.000 does not provide sufficient analytical cost elements concerning the justification of the budgeted amount; b) Action 5- Advertising production: Advertising includes a Web/on line part of EUR £90.000 does not provide sufficient analytical cost elements concerning the justification of the budgeted amount; (In application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008 ,the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated);


For Actions 1 to 5 (all actions), it should be necessary to provide cost element resources on the basis of the budgeted amounts and where possible the eventual "proforma offers" that have been taken into account for the costs budgeted; as in application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated, and in application of Article 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money


Concerning the Evidence of financial capacity of the proposing organisation, it has to be noted that: a) The proposing organisation "the Milk Marketing Forum" (MMF) is a company limited by shares (registration number 6429418) and is registered in England; established in 2005 by key representatives of the dairy industry in Great Britain to promote the consumption of milk and dairy products in the U.K and to inform consumers in these countries about the nutritional benefits of milk, funded by way of a voluntary levy paid by milk processing companies and dairy co-operatives upon volumes supplied of milk in UK; (b) A "voluntary levy will be paid by the major milk processing companies and the milk Cooperatives to co finance proportionally the project, and there are submitted written engagements assuring the co financing of the programme;


The implementing body has been already designated following a public open procedure and through different phases of selection criteria based on the planned programme the proposal campaigns made by well known Agencies; the selected one being a well known Agency based in London;



The proposed programme covers the "Guidelines" of the Commission Regulation 501/2008, Annex 1, as the sector of "Milk and milk products" is fully eligible for potential co financing promotion by the Commission;


Finally, it has to be mentioned that the whole programme proposed is inspired in its general planning and methodology by a prior similar very successful programme implemented by the Scottish Diary Marketing Company co financed by the Commission of EUR3.000.000 of a 3 years period: Programme n° C-2005-MI-171-GB


With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular, for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account.

Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: 1.

It is necessary to provide further detailed information for the following: a) Action 4- Public relations: extending the reach of advertising campaign of £225.000 does not provide sufficient analytical cost elements concerning the justification of the budgeted amount; b) Action 5- Advertising includes a Web/on line part of EUR £90.000 does not provide sufficient analytical cost elements concerning the justification of the budgeted amount (in application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated);


For Actions 1 to 5 (all actions), it should be necessary to provide cost element resources on the basis of the budgeted amounts and where possible the eventual "proforma offers" that have been taken into account for the costs budgeted; as in application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated, and in application of Article 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money


With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular, for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account.



(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: 158

The programme is proposed by a UK Organisation and concerns solely the internal national UK market, without any European dimension, missing the advantage of the "priority" foreseen in Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008 Impact forecast and assessment' methods The expected impact of the campaign concerns three levels: a) expected increase of consumption; b) improve image of the product c) understanding of intrinsic value as a healthy beverage but there are comments with no quantitative data on expected achievements The programme is limited to the UK market. The foreseen methods are standard publicity methods without any new elements; the programme being a one year repetitive for two more years programme. The measurement of the results will be based on Quantitative continuous tracking to measure image shifts, advertising impact and some campaign diagnostics, econometric modelling. An internet based panel will be used rather than face to face interviewing since this provides better access to our key 15-24 year old audience (who are difficult to reach with face to face interviews) and because it represents a significant cost saving. The sample will be 300 adults per month, but with continuous tracking we can increase the monthly samples to be able to look at any key sub-groups – e.g. young people and mothers – in more detail on a quarterly basis. Within the quantitative on-line sample, there will be opportunity to break out specific sub-groups of respondents for more in-depth qualitative/quantitative diagnostics on the campaign itself after it has been running for some time. In attempting to quantify the incremental volume that will result from the programme, recent performance in Scotland has been carefully considered. The increases achieved there in the first three years of SDMC activity have provided guidance in assessing the expected impact of the proposed programme. The document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular, for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account.


Cost-effectiveness of the programme :


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:


External consultant’s opinion: Ce programme est incontestablement un programme utile et des efforts ont été faits si on le compare a celui qui avait été présenté en 2008. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.



United Kingdom

Title of the programme:

Information provision and promotion of meat produced under a community quality scheme (Scotch Beef Protected Geographical Indication and Scotch Lamb protected Geographical Indication) to be undertaken in Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Competent Authority(ies):

UK Rural Payment Agency

Proposing organisation(s):

Quality Meat Scotland (QMS)

Implementing body(ies):

Not yet selected

Type of measure:



Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI.

Targeted Member States:

Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom.


3 years

Total budget:

€ 2,552,595

Proposal received on:


ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Respect of deadline for presentation by MS:


Implementing body(ies) selected by a competitive procedure


Written and signed commitment to co-financing by MS

Not applicable

Written and signed commitment to co-financing by the proposing organisation(s)


The programme is a coherent set of actions?


Actions not linked to origins or private brands, with the exception of designations under Community rules


Product(s)/target countries are eligible


Compliance with the relevant guideline(s)



OPINION OF THE MEMBER STATES(S) Confirmation of conformity with national and Community legislation Link between proposed actions and other national/Community information/promotion actions

Yes No

Confirmation by the MS of the representativeness of the proposing organisation in the relevant sector(s)


Confirmation by the MS of the effectiveness of the proposing organisation


Confirmation by the MS of the technical capacity and effectiveness of the implementing body


DESCRIPTION OF THE PROGRAMME : Objective(s) : The objective is to inform and to promote the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb Protected Geographical Indication products. Building on the lessons of its current programme (EAGGF ref:05 02 10 01 3800 232), due to finish in April 2009, QMS aims to continue to promote the special qualities of Scotch Beef and Lamb, but with extra emphasis on its PGI status. After three years of the programme, market research has shown that although many retailers fully understand the PGI logo, fewer consumers recognise the logo and even fewer consumers understand its meaning. Strategy : The strategy is to highlight and emphasise the positive attributes of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. The Programme will build on the images created during the previous campaign highlighting the PGI status. Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI are part of the European gastronomic heritage. Promotion will include adverts in consumer and trade press, stands at International trade fairs (Anuga 2009 – Cologne; SIAL 2010 – Paris), a multi-lingual website, distribution of leaflets & posters in individual countries. Target group(s) : Main target groups are consumers (responsible for household meat purchases), retailers and, in European mainland countries, importers & wholesalers of premium fresh -

Persons responsible for the household purchases of red meat


Retailers such as multiple retailers (supermarket chains) and independent retailers (butchers and direct sales)


Trade and consumer press and other key opinion leaders


Consumers of lamb over 35 years old


Consumers of beef with a higher disposable income.

Themes : The strategy is to highlight and emphasise the positive attributes of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme.


Aspects covered :

quality safety of food specific production methods nutritional values health impacts labelling animal welfare standards image of Community products Community systems for /PGI products

Messages to be conveyed : − Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI labels guarantee a specific production method and controls, which are stricter than those required by legislation. − Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI products have specific characteristics and a quality which is superior to usual commercial standards. − The PGI Scheme is transparent and ensures complete Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI product traceability. − Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI labels allow the consumer to identify quality products, their origin and their characteristics. − Dishes using Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI are value for money and easy to prepare. − Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI are traditional products part a long European history of producing quality food. Actions, including their scope/volume and a provisional timetable: The proposed campaign will utilise a number of communication channels in the target markets, including a presence at international trade fairs. In the UK, the core of the campaign will be advertising, website, information leaflets, point-of-sale material and public relation activities that will provide consumers with information on the production standards and characteristics of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. In Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands, the core of the campaigns will be advertising, and information materials that will provide distributors and consumers with information on the production standards and characteristics of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. United Kingdom Design Design will incorporate key messages from the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. Two different designs will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Due to the potential changes of consumer interests over the period of the campaign, additional design in year two will be included to revise the year-one format; budget includes the following elements: Leaflet Production 250,000 leaflets and 1,000 posters will be produced per annum as highlighted in the budget. Two different leaflets will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI 163

The distribution of Scotch Lamb PGI leaflets will occur between September and March, as Scotch Lamb production is seasonal. A precise timetable of activities for Scotch Beef PGI is more difficult as the production is spread all year around but negotiations with multiple retailers about distribution occur every year between March and April for the next twelve months. UK multiple retailers have already agreed for the promotion of Scotch Lamb and Scotch Beef PGI but the specific timing will be agreed with them in March/April 2009 Distribution Distribution will take place in retailers - within Great Britain - who use the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI branding. This would support the ‘above-the-line’ advertising. Two different distribution campaigns will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Currently 8 national multiple retailer chains as well as 383 independent retailers use the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI branding within Great Britain. Advertising Advertisements will compliment distribution of Scotch Beef PGI branded materials to raise awareness of the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamp scheme. The campaign will be fully integrated with above the line and below the line activities working to compliment each other. The advertising budget per year includes the following elements: Medium Press Scotsman Magazine Scotland on Sunday Herald Magazine Dundee Courier Outdoor 6 sheets Outdoor Advertising utilising public transport

Format / Size

Full Page Full Page Full Page Full Page

Circulation (c) / Number of sites (n)

Number of inserts

65,361 81,109 71,388 72,983

4 4 4 2



6 Sheet Full page


Advertisements will compliment distribution of Scotch Beef PGI/ Scotch Lamb branded materials to raise awareness. The increase in consumption in the targeted geographical areas may be attributed to these campaigns. The campaign will be fully integrated with above the line and below the line activities working to compliment each other. Belgium Design Using photography from image library stock, leaflets and posters will be designed for use in France. Design will incorporate key messages from the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. Production 50,000 leaflets and 200 posters will be produced per annum as highlighted in the budget. Leaflets will include elements of the PGI Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb products and also 164

incorporate cooking recommendations to encourage consumers to retain them for future use in their cooking repertoire. Distribution Distribution will take place in retailers throughout the target market who use the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI branding. Two different distribution campaigns will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Currently, 6 multiple retailer chains as well as independent retailers use the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb branding in Belgium. Advertising Advertisements in the key markets of Belgium will use consumers and trade press. 9 inserts are planned for consumer and trade press in Belgium every year as follows: Medium Trade Press Horeca Magazine Food & Meat Consumer Press Smaak Knack

Format / Size


Number inserts

Full page



Full page



Full page Full page

25,000 14,300

2 1


France Design Using photography from image library stock, leaflets and posters will be designed for use in France. Design will incorporate key messages from the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. Production 40,000 leaflets and 1,000 posters will be produced per annum as highlighted in the budget. Leaflets will include elements of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI products and also incorporate cooking recommendations to encourage consumers to retain them for future use in their cooking repertoire. Distribution Distribution will take place in retailers throughout the target market who use the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI branding. Two different distribution campaigns will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Currently, 3 multiple retailer chains as well as independent retailers use the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb branding in France; 70 retail visits are foreseen. Advertising Advertisements in France will use consumer and trade press.18 inserts are planned for trade press in France per year as follows:


Medium Trade Press Le Chef Les Marches Les Marches Lineaires Consumer Press Cuisine by Gault & Millaut

Format / Size


Number of inserts

Full page Bandeau 6cmX7cm Manchette 6.7cmX5.2cm Full page

51,000 23,000 23,000 12,300

2 5 5 2

Full page Full page

167,000 58,000

2 2

Italy Design Using photography from image library stock, leaflets will be designed for use in Italy. Design will incorporate key messages from the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. Production 30,000 leaflets will be produced per annum as highlighted in the budget. Leaflets will include elements of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI products and also incorporate cooking recommendation to encourage consumers to retain them for future use in their cooking repertoire. Distribution Distribution will take place in retailers throughout the target market who use the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI branding. Two different distribution campaigns will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Currently, 5 multiple retailer chains as well as independent retailers use the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb branding in Italy. Advertising Advertisements in the key markets of Italy will use consumers and trade press. In Italy 24 inserts are planned for trade press and 8 inserts for consumer press per year as follows: Medium Trade Press Food & Beverage Artu La Madia Foodmeat Eurocarni Annuario Eurocarni Consumer Press Guida JRE Tavola Le vie del Gusto Sale & Pepe

Format / Size


Number inserts

Full page Full page Full page Full page Full page Full page

35,000 17,000 32,000 8,000 9,000 9,000

3 3 2 6 1 9

Full page Full page Full page Full page

20,000 145,000 36,000 145,000

1 2 4 2

The Netherlands 166


Design Using photography from image library stock, leaflets, posters and advertisement will be designed for use in The Netherlands. Design will incorporate key messages from the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. Production 50,000 leaflets and 200 posters will be produced per annum as highlighted in the budget. Leaflets will include elements of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI products and also incorporate cooking recommendations to encourage consumers to retain them for future use in their cooking repertoire. Distribution Distribution will take place in retailers throughout the target market who use the Scotch Beef PGI and Scotch Lamb PGI branding. Two different distribution campaigns will be produced; one focusing on Scotch Beef PGI and the other will focus on Scotch Lamb PGI. Currently, 3 multiple retailer chains as well as independent retailers use the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI branding in The Netherlands. Visit 75 retail outlet visits per year are foreseen. Advertising Advertisements in the key markets of The Netherlands will use consumers and trade press. 10 inserts are planned for trade and consumer press in The Netherlands per year as follows: Medium Trade Press Vers & Vers Misset Horeca Consumer Press Lekker Delicious Magazine JRE Relais magazine

Format / Size


Number inserts

Full page Full page

8,500 18,000

3 2

Full page Full page Full page Full page

140,000 67,000 45,000 50,000

1 2 1 1


Multilingual Website The campaigns will be supported by a campaign specific website that will be designed to keep consumers up-to-date with the activities, and to inform and provide those who do not receive the leaflets. This website will be in the main official Member States languages of all targeted markets by this programme (Dutch, English, French and Italian) and its details will be included on promotional material and advertisement so that they drive traffic to the site. QMS has the experience to run such websites as part of previous campaigns. International Trade Exhibitions A stand in the key world trade food fairs will allow the presentation of the Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI to the wider business community from Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands and beyond. The stands will have products and information regarding the PGI Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI Scheme. The two main International food shows are ANUGA and SIAL and run alternatively once a year. We prefer to not commit for year three as we could not get quotes.


Anticipated impact: The campaign should significantly improve both awareness of the PGI Scheme and demand for Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI products. QMS will measure the impact of the campaign on consumer awareness of Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb PGI and the resultant demand from consumers. Research will be undertaken by independent market research organisations in the United Kingdom. QMS will use basic qualitative research in Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands. -

QMS intends to increase within Great Britain and especially Greater London the awareness figures to a minimum 10% of awareness. Results will be monitored by a reputable independent organisation


41% of consumers within Great Britain and especially in Greater London perceive the Scotch Beef PGI to represent a product of higher standards. Using the EU campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 50%


78% of consumers in Scotland perceive the Scotch Beef PGI to represent a product of higher standards. Using the EU campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 85%


57% of consumers in Scotland perceive the Scotch Lamb PGI to represent a product of higher standards. Using the EU campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 65%


35% of the Belgian consumers in the opinion of the interviewed retailers would recognise the PGI logo but only 10% would know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 40% and 20%


75% of interviewed Belgian retailers know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 90%


20% of the French consumers in the opinion of the interviewed retailers would recognise the PGI logo but only 10% would know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 40% and 20%


80% of interviewed French retailers know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 90%


40% of the Italian consumers in the opinion of the interviewed retailers would recognise the PGI logo but only 15% would know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 50% and 25%


75% of interviewed Italian retailers know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 90%


20% of the Dutch consumers in the opinion of the interviewed retailers would recognise the PGI logo but only 5% would know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 30% and 15%


75% of interviewed Dutch retailers know what PGI stands for. Using the campaign, it is intended to increase this figure to 90%.


ASSESMENT BY THE MEMBER STATE General interest of the programme:


Quality of the programme:


European dimension:


Cost/efficiency: Budget by action :

14/20 €


Year One Year Two Year Three Total Actions United Kingdom Leaflet Design 31,820 33,410 35,080 100,310 Leaflet Production 27,030 28,380 29,800 85,210 Leaflet Distribution 38,750 40,690 42,720 122,160 Advertising 199,500 209,580 220,030 629,110 Sub-Total 297,100 312,060 327,630 936,790 13,200 5,500 5,800 24,500 Multi-Lingual Website Sub-Total 13,200 5,500 5,800 24,500 International Trade Fairs Rental of Space 0 54,008 0 54,008 Setting-up of stand 0 59,214 0 59,214 Personnel running stand 0 7,140 0 7,140 Personnel transport 0 1,596 0 1,596 Personnel hotel 0 9,608 0 9,608 Sub-Total 0 131,566 0 131,566 Leaflet Design Leaflet Production Leaflet Distribution Advertising Sub-Total France Leaflet Design Leaflet Production Leaflet Distribution Advertising Sub-Total Italy Leaflet design Leaflet Production Leaflet Distribution Advertising Sub Total

8,320 5,000 31,500 27,700 72,520

8,740 5,250 33,075 29,085 76,150

9,180 5,520 34,730 30,540 79,970

26,240 15,770 99,305 87,325 228,640

6,760 6,300 17,500 62,500 93,060

7,100 6,615 18,375 65,625 97,715

7,460 6,950 19,300 68,900 102,610

21,320 19,865 55,175 197,025 293,385

4,680 2,600 20,000 54,850 82,130

4,914 2,730 21,000 57,593 86,237

5,160 2,867 22,050 60,473 90,550

14,754 8,197 63,050 172,916 258,917


The Netherlands Leaflet Design Leaflet Production Leaflet Distribution Advertising Sub-Total Total of Actions Fees of Implement. Body: Body forUK/Website/Fairs QMS for Export Countries Measurement of Results Total Direct Costs Overheads Total for Programme

6,760 5,000 26,250 45,300 83,310 641,320

7,100 5,250 27,563 47,570 87,483 796,320

7,450 5,510 28,941 49,950 91,851 698,411

21,310 15,760 82,754 142,820 262,644 2,136,442

40,339 43,033

58,386 45,187

43,346 47,448

142,071 135,667

19.240 743,932 22,310 766,242

23,901 924,185 27,716 951,901

20,951 810,156 24,296 834,452

64,093 2.478,273 74,322 2,552,595

Co-financing plan : € Financial Contribution

1st Year €

1st Year 2nd Year % €

2nd Year 3rd Year % €

European Community Member State






3rd Year % 50

























Total € 1,276,297 Nil

Total % 50 Nil

RESULT OF THE ELIGIBILITY AND QUALITY EXAMINATION Remarks: a) General remarks to be taken into consideration for evaluation 1 In application of Article 1 of Council Regulation 3/2008), the actions included in the programme must not be brand-oriented nor incite the consumption of a product on grounds of its specific origin. 2 In application of Articles 7(1) and 9 of Council Regulation 3/2008), the Member States concerned shall check that the programme offers value for money. 3 In application of Article 1(2) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, "programme" means a coherent set of operations of a scope that is sufficient to contribute towards improving information about, and sales of, the products concerned. 4 In application of Article 4(1) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, all information and/or promotion messages passed on to consumers and other target groups under programmes shall be based on the intrinsic qualities of the product concerned or its characteristics. 5 In application of Article 9(3) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, programmes submitted shall comply with the guidelines for promotion on the internal market and must contain sufficient detail to comply with the rules applicable and enable their cost/benefit to be evaluated. 170

6. In application of Article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008, programmes submitted by more than one Member State or providing for actions in more than one Member State shall be given priority. 7. In application of 8.2 (c) of Commission Regulation 501/2008, the programmes shall contains sufficient detail to enable their compliance with the applicable rules and their cost/benefit ratio to be evaluated; 8. In application of Article 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008, the Commission services have to be able to verify that proposed programme offers value for money b) Comments concerning the different aspects of the proposal 1) The proposal is a 3 years programme of repeated standardised annually actions of promotion/information of EUR2.686.571 that has been proposed by Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) – a Non-Departmental Public Body for the promotion of the red meat sector - for the Information provision and promotion of meat produced under a community quality scheme (Scotch Beef Protected Geographical Indication and Scotch Lamb protected Geographical Indication) to be undertaken in Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. 2) Concerning the "Implementing body" that has not been selected yet, according to the data of the programme there again two different approaches: a) Concerning the UK Market, the Multi-Lingual Website and the International Trade Fairs an "Implementing body" will be appointed following a competitive tender process, in-line with EU procurement practices, following confirmation that the programme has been accepted for funding by the European Commission. The implementing body will undertake the activities within the United Kingdom, b) Concerning the other European countries, the proposing organisation will implement the Programme in Belgium, France, Italy and The Netherlands in accordance with Article 11 (2) of Council Regulation (EC) No. 3/2008 and Article 13 (1) of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 501/2008. QMS has the required specific knowledge of the red meat sector in these key export countries, from previous programmes foreseeing to assure less than 50% of the total costs, (45% of the budgeted costs), and the charges will not be in excess of normal market rates. 3) It has to be mentioned that QMS has successfully realised previous co financed programmes by the Commission, is actually realising a similar 3 years programme of EUR 3.000.000 (Programme ID: 205-MI-232 GB) of Information Provision and Promotion of the Community Quality Schemes for Scotch Beef and Scotch Lamb in Belgium, France, Italy, The Netherlands and the United Kingdom that successfully ended during the last semester of 2008, according to the relevant documentation received by the UK competent authorities(Report of the "Monitoring meeting that took place on 4 November 2008, and inspection report of the UK services of the programme (see note of UK of 17 December 2008). 4) It is a programme initiated by one member state, providing for measures in internal markets, and in principle has partially the benefit of the "priority" foreseen by the article 8(1) of Council Regulation 3/2008. 5) The Action: "International Trade Exhibitions"; foresees participation in the SIAL in Paris (2010) and the ANUGA Cologne-Germany (2009). However, the proposal does not foresee any action for Germany and the proposed participation in ANUGA with a budget with a total cost of EUR 118.870 is considered non eligible. 171

6) Furthermore the budgeted amounts for "International Trade exhibitions" do not provide any analytical cost elements justification ", all costs should be more precisely justified in order to comply with the requirements of Articles 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008 and Articles 8.2 ( c ) of Commission Regulation 501/2008. 7) For the Actions in Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands, the post "Distribution", the point "visits" budgeted as follows: Belgium: Visit 90 retail outlets per year (total 3 for years: EUR 99.305) France: Visit 70 retail outlets per year (total 3 for years: EUR 55.175) Italy: Visit 80 retail outlets per year with a trained hostess + Visit of 20 retail with a professional chef (total for 3 years EUR 63.050) The Netherlands: Visit 75 retail outlets per year (total for 3 years: EUR 82.754), needs more detailed data of the cost analysis per "visit" ; the total cumulative costs for the 3 year period and for all concerned countries further information is missing for all the above to provide an overall value of them, in order to comply with the requirements of Articles 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008 and Articles 8.2 ( c ) of Commission Regulation 501/2008. 8) With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission. In particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact this document should have been taken into account. Programme eligible:


First observations to be communicated to MS: 1) The Action: "International Trade Exhibitions"; foresees participation in the SIAL in Paris (2010) and the ANUGA Cologne-Germany (2009). However, the proposal does not foresee any action for Germany and consequently the proposed participation in ANUGA with a budget with a total cost of EUR 118.870 is considered non eligible; this amount should be withdrawn from the budget and an adequately modified budget should be submitted. 2) Furthermore the budgeted amounts for "International Trade exhibitions" do not provide any analytical cost elements justification ", all costs should be more precisely justified in order to comply with the requirements of Articles 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008 and Articles 8.2 ( c ) of Commission Regulation 501/2008. 3) For the Actions in Belgium, France, Italy and the Netherlands, the post "Distribution", the point "visits" budgeted as follows: Belgium: 172

Visit 90 retail outlets per year (total 3 for years: EUR 99.305) France: Visit 70 retail outlets per year (total 3 for years: EUR 55.175) Italy: Visit 80 retail outlets per year with a trained hostess + Visit of 20 retail outlets with a professional chef (total for 3 years EUR 63.050) The Netherlands: Visit 75 retail outlets per year (total for 3 years: EUR82.754), needs more detailed data of the cost analysis per "visit" ; the total cumulative costs for the 3 year period and for all concerned countries further information is missing for all the above to provide an overall value of them, in order to comply with the requirements of Articles 7.2 of Commission Regulation 3/2008 and Articles 8.2 ( c ) of Commission Regulation 501/2008. 4) With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission, and in particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact. N.B. Clarifications and appropriate corrections were received on the above observations and the complementary elements provided have covered the aforementioned observations(letter of the UK-Rural Payment Agency dated 6 May 2009) . OPINION OF THE COMMISSION SERVICES Quality of the programme:


(coherence between strategy and objectives, quality of actions) European dimension / added value: It presents a certain added value in this domain as it promotes high quality definition European "logos" to the European consumers Impact forecast and assessment' methods With reference to the evaluation methodology, the document "Evaluation Questions" (AGRI/63454/2007) should be taken into account for the evaluation of programmes as well as their preparation for submission to the Commission, and in particular for the presentation of the method of measurement of impact. Cost-effectiveness of the programme :


(relation between total cost and anticipated impact) Points awarded by MS:


Priority awarded by MS:



External consultant’s opinion: Même en faisant des réserves sur les aspects commerciaux de ce programme, et son efficacité relative, il est difficile de ne pas le reconduire car, pour l'essentiel, va dans le sens de certaines préoccupations européennes; la défense des produits de qualité passe par la reconnaissance par les consommateurs des logos européens et de ce qu'ils représentent. CONCLUSIONS Observation(s) : Recommendation(s) : To be accepted.