Juggling results - Julien Lagarde PhD

Oct 23, 2007 - Oxford, October 23, 2007. 1st SKILLS General Meeting. Various type of point-of-gaze -balls relations for intermediate jugglers. ○ What.
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Juggling results By UM1

Review of skill acquisition in Juggling

z z z

1) Outline of concepts and approach 2) Overview of basic results 3) Examples of captured skilled performance (Oxford Metrics)

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

What is juggling? z

A juggler has to accommodate rather severe task constraints in order to juggle successfully.

Shannon theorem of juggling: (F + D)H = (V + D)N F time a ball spends in air, D time a ball spends in a hand, V time a hand is vacant, N number of balls, H number of hands z


Æ timing constraints, hence one can anticipate a spatio-temporal organization between limbs

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Most studied: 3 balls cascade juggling

-The hands move along more or less elliptical trajectories - One hand moves clockwise and the other anti-clockwise with an average phase difference of 180 deg. - Balls released at the inside of the ellipses and caught at the outside - The 3 balls are phase shifted by 2 pi/3 throws

catches Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Illustration with a movie from OMG

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Concepts and approach

z -


Focus on coordination: Seeking the spatial and temporal order among components Stable, stationary, organized assembly of components Intricate perception and movement

The scales of learning in juggling: How the various subcomponents of the whole body coordination change?

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Organization imposed by the task


Space: Location of throws, angle and velocity of release


Time: Relative timing, phasing and frequency locking Æ “spatial clock”


However there is always variability

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Basic results with expert and learning


Consistent rhythm: Fixed “dwell time”, ratio a ball spends in one hand between two catches; 3/4, 2/3, 5/8


Global coordination: The 3 balls motion in frontal plane settle onto lower dimension space for intermediate jugglers (PCA): from 9 to 4 dim., 2 dominants modes (78% variance, span a plane)


Redundancy due to the spatio-temporal symmetry (2/3 pi phase shift between the 3 balls) reduces the dimensionality captured by the PCA (analytically demonstrated)

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Basic results with expert and learning


Expert assessment and longitudinal learning studies (20 hours over 7 weeks; 9 weeks)


Variability expressed in serial negative correlations between two consecutive intervals: Long (short) intervals tend to precede short (long) intervals


Smoothing of trajectories, decrease of variability of timing relation between balls and hands

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Consistency of tosses in high expert

Balls trajectories

Accuracy of tosses

Location, direction, and velocity of tosses serve as an anchor for the global coordination Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Components embedding: Multiple measurements, analysis of relations



Balls C.O.P.

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Optical pick up of information z



Expert spot the ball earlier


Gaze at around the zenith of the ball trajectories: “Gaze through” adaptation (less fovea fixation: peripheral or other sensory channel (haptic)?)


Expert increase the total flight time (height; found in 3 Balls juggling) And act quickly (decrease the time spent holding the ball) Æ expand the time available to use optical information


Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Point-of-gaze & balls relations Illustration with a movie from OMG

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Various type of point-of-gaze -balls relations for intermediate jugglers z


1:1 frequency locking

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1:2 frequency locking

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Time scales of sub-components change with practice - Decrease of frequent locking variance faster than phase locking (represent stabilization in noisy system); Both monotonically saturate - These evolves faster than number of successful cycles (outcome), the latter tends to evolves explosively - No relations balls-breathing - Balls- COP relations 3:1 and 2:1 frequency ratios between vertical coordinate and both directions of the COP

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Both gradual and abrupt transitions changes


A hierarchy of changes: Depending on the degree of direct relations between the variables and the outcome

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Captured data by Vicon Oxford: From the balls only to full body kinematics

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Illustration with movies from reconstructed 3D data

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Stabilization of posture



Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Multifrequency hand- ball coordination n:m, 3:2 frequency relations

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Antero- posterior movement matters, totally absent from available literature


May be key for assessment of learning


Beginners often have to face a wall to prevent forward walking

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Odd vs even basic patterns 0,24 sec. hand empty interval

“Fountain” 4 Balls, In phase or Anti phase

“Cascade” 3 Balls

0,16. sec hand empty interval

(in phase = do the same thing in their respective local coordinates) Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting


Means: Gaze fixed at zenith, ball goes up and down, hence distance varies (see eyes in movie from OMG) Oxford, October 23, 2007

Phase ball (0 rad: = zenith) 1st SKILLS General Meeting


Model for the capture: ex one arm

7 dofs joint angles Right arm Æ 3D endpoint coordinates redundancy

7 dofs…again for Left arm

And 3 balls x 3 D Oxford, October 23, 2007

1st SKILLS General Meeting

Various type of point-of-gaze -balls relations for intermediate jugglers z


1:1 frequency locking

Oxford, October 23, 2007

1:2 frequency locking

1st SKILLS General Meeting