Business Action and Partnerships for Sustainable Development
LEKGOTLA Johannesburg September 1, 2002 Draft Agenda Revised April 30, 2002 Time
Format design champion and team
Arrival and registration
Setting the scene and expectations - connecting to the WSSD - shared responsibility and partnerships
Tokyo Sexwale
Sustainable use and management of natural resources - eco-efficiency and innovation - sustainable access to energy, water, health, education, land and minerals - sustainable consumption - community development
Objectives and progress report of the Sustainable Mobility initiative
Opening statement Dr. Toyoda, Toyota
Energy and Biodiversity Initiative (EBI), a partnership between leading energy companies and conservation NGOs to develop guidelines for integrating biodiversity conservation into oil and gas development.
Achim Steiner, IUCN
Land and soil management as the engine for growth and development, including promotion of sustainable consumption of fertilizers and community development
Wladimir Puggina, IFIA
The sustainable management of chemicals
Tom Reilly, ACC
Objectives and progress of the Global Mining Initiative and the Mining and Minerals Sustainable Development Initiative
Sir Robert Wilson, Rio Tinto
A sustainable cement industry
Thomas Schmidheiny, Holcim
30 min Heads of State segment
Richard McCormick, ICC
0920 1050
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart
Emad el-Sharkawi, Egypt
6 x 7 minutes podium presentations 45 minutes Q&A and discussion Kristen Sukalac Karin Ireton, Andrew Parson, Dominique Chauvin Dr Toyoda will use sequential interpretation and will not participate in the discussion.
Business Action and Partnerships for Sustainable Development
LEKGOTLA Johannesburg September 1, 2002 Draft Agenda Revised April 30, 2002 Time
Format design champion and team
1120 1240
Making markets and globalization work for all - market frameworks, local governance - market access
Moderator Simon Upton Chair OECD Roundtable on SD
- new business models to serve the basic needs of the poor Initiatives and new business models for access to drugs and health
Lars Rebien Soerensen, Novo
Energy access, new business models and local governance
Antonio del Rosario, WEC
Opportunities in the hydrogen age and sustainable urban design
Hiroshi Urano, IGU
Clean water access and management
Robert Walker, Severn Trent
Grass roots development initiatives, indigenous technologies, global market access
Ashok Khosla, Development Alternatives
Lunch break
Sustainable investment and development - principles for investment and technical cooperation - synergy with development aid - innovation Note. The Globalization and the Investment sessions are strongly connected and could flow like one
Financing sustainable development – new approaches and new chances
James Wolfensohn, World Bank
Innovative approaches and initiatives to meet the Millennium water access objectives
Gérard Mestrallet, Suez
Initiatives in sustainable power generation
Ron Osborne, Ontario Power Gen
On the synergy between ODA/FDI, new investment frameworks and the importance of good local governance
Mohamed Rafik Meghji, WFEO
Possibility for additional panelist or shorter session
High Level, Chinese industry
Maria Cattaui-Livanos, ICC
5 x 7 minutes podium presentations 40 minutes Q&A and discussion Vanida Govender Norine Kennedy, John Dillon
5 x 7 minutes podium presentations 50 minutes Q&A and discussion Fernando Almeida
Business Action and Partnerships for Sustainable Development
LEKGOTLA Johannesburg September 1, 2002 Draft Agenda Revised April 30, 2002 Time
Format design champion and team
1530 xx 1615
15 min Keynote HIV-AIDS
Barry Davison, RSA Chamber of Mines
30 min Heads of State segment
Phil Watts, WBCSD
Accountability and transparency
Björn Stigson, WBCSD
• • •
Voluntary Initiatives, good governance and performance reporting as our way forward in partnership with others Targets and performance reporting ( aspects) Consumer information From voluntary action to policy frameworks
Birgit Engelhardt Vanida Govender,
Learning to change
Chad Holiday, DuPont
Performance targets and reporting, social dialogue and transparency
Anne Lauvergeon, Areva
Sustainability performance reporting – the GRI process and its influence
Judy Henderson, GRI board
The power of consumer information and choice
xxx. ex Unilever Nigeria
Sustainability standards and stakeholder initiatives
Claude Martin, WWF
Corporate Social Responsibility and good local governance
Judge Mervin King,
Fast forward to the future: corporate accountability
Young Manager Team rep
Klaus Töpfer, UNEP
Key messages to the Summit
Lord Holme
The NEPAD perspective
Reuel Khoza
Closing comments
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart
1820 1830
6 x 7 minutes podium presentations 45 minutes Q&A and discussion
Business Action and Partnerships for Sustainable Development
LEKGOTLA Johannesburg September 1, 2002 Draft Agenda Revised April 30, 2002
Speakers options Confirmed attendance not confirmed Speakers number BASD chairs Mark Moody-Stuart Reuel Khoza Richard Holme
Moderators Represents South 30 confirmed 4 pending Alternate speakers Andrey Andreevsky
Tokyo Sexwale Barry Davison Klaus Töpfer Richard D. McCormick PM Tony Blair Phil Watts President Fox President Mbeki
Dr Toyoda Achim Steiner Wladimir Puggina Sir Robert Wilson Tom Reilly Thomas Schmidheiny Emad el-Sharkawi
Markets Globalization 5 Antonio del Rosario Robert Walker Hiroshi Urano Lars Rebien Soerensen
Ashok Khosla
Gérard Mestrallet James Wolfensohn Ron Osborne M Rafik Meghji Chinese executive
Judith Mayhew
Chad Holiday Claude Martin Judy Henderson Judge Mervin King Anne Lauvergeon A Young Manager Stigson
Carl Ware, Coca Cola X, ex Unilever, Nigeria