Joe Mac Carthy- MacCarthyism and the Red Scare in 1950s America

a very simple explanation and that is the enemy is not in ... the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, she may be a communist. If a person does all ...
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Joe Mac Carthy- MacCarthyism and the Red Scare in 1950s America. Mac Carthy _______________________________ from city to city, making speeches about communists occupying government positions. He _______________________________ lists containing, he said, the names of state department employees who were agents of the Communist Party. ‘I’m not going to ask you to _______________________________ whether there are communists in government and in the State Department.' He told me: 'I don't have anything, do you have anything in your files ? Can you help me on this ? I have found the issue.' I mean, he had _________________! 'Documents which I've never used before...' McCarthy was the supreme fraud and charlatan of all times, which is remarkable because he was by no means that bright, but what he was very clever at was at innuendos, slander, almost everything he _______________________________. But no matter how wild, McCarthy’s accusations hit home for _______________________________ of people, many of them fanatical anticommunists, but also many ordinary Americans uneasy about the red menace. McCarthy _______________________________ a very simple explanation and that is the enemy is not in ____________________, the enemy is not in China, the enemy is ___________________________, it’s in our state department. These are people who want the other ____________, they are _____________. I, Joe McCarthy, know _______________________________, I have names, I have lists, and I will get them out. There were ____________________of men and woman who saw their ___________________________ destroyed because of their _______________ and associations and ______________________________ who lived in mortal fear that Joe McCarthy would be targeting them. In recognizing a communist, _______________________________ counts for nothing. If he openly declares himself to be a communist, we _______________________________ for it. If a person _______________________________ reads and advocates the views expressed in a communist publication, he may be a communist. If a person supports organizations which reflect communist _________________, or organizations labeled communist by the Department of Justice, she may be a communist. If a person defends the activities of communist nations __________________________ _______________________________ the domestic and foreign policy of the United States, she may be a communist. If a person does all these things _______________________________, he must be a communist. But there are other communists who don't show their real faces, who work more silently... By the early 1950s, communist party ___________________________had declined considerably, but cold war propaganda inflated its threat to fantastic proportions: an evil so pervasive that _______________________________ had to be mobilized to combat it. ‘May Day brings a wave of anti-communist sentiment as one hundred thousand marched down New York's 5th Avenue in a Loyalty Parade. Everyone, from Vets to youngsters, reveals his inborn dislike of Communism. A united answer to those menacing our country's Liberty.’