Jeanne SIAUD-FACCHIN Jeanne Siaud-Facchin

Learn from therapists' own lives how to find inner harmony ...... An explanation of the revolutions that shook twentieth-century biology with the invention of new ...
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Frankfurt 2015

Rights List

HIGHLIGHTS Christophe ANDRE Aldo NAOURI Pierre BOULEZ & J.-P. CHANGEUX Jean-Claude CARRIERE Pierre-Noël GIRAUD André BRAHIC & Bradford SMITH Jean-Philippe LACHAUX P.-Henri & François TAVOILLOT Jeanne SIAUD-FACCHIN

Therapists’s Lives Couples and Money The Enchanted Neurons Belief Redundant People Exoplanets The Brain’s Balancing Act The Philosopher (and the) Bee Too Intelligent To Be Happy? and What Keeps Children from Doing Well at School?


Netperson. From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies The Sixth Sense. A Neurophysiological Enquiry Anticipating and Predicting. From Gesture to the Mental Journey Microbiotic Man Reminiscence of a Pasteurian The Children of Science The Immune System’s Strategies Improved Therapies for OCD. Brain Stimulation Offers Hope The Future of Cosmology. Dark Matter and Dark Energy Dialogue With the Universe The Climates of the Earth 15 Misunderstandings about the Climate, the Economy, Politics and the Environment Submersion. How To Cope With Rising Sea Levels

4-5 6-7 8-9 10-11 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20-21


22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34


Jealousy. An Inadmissible Passion Ageing Like a Philosopher Management Rescued by Philosophy Experiencing Cinema From Literacy to Democracy. A Democracy of Literate Citizens Dominant and Dominated Animals Mrs. Neandertal Meets Homo sapiens Humanity’s Second Birth The Present of the Past 4. Pastilles of Prehistory The First World War, 1914-18 : New Thinkers and Artists Resistance (1927-1943) Sad Stories of Decolonisation Zbigniew Brzezinski : Strategist of the Empire China and the West: A Six-Hundred-Year History The Boiling Frog Syndrome The Schemes Involved in Climate Negotiations Thinking Out Loud About the Economy With Keynes A New World Economy Microcredit’s Real Revolution Competition. An Idea that Is (Still) a Novelty in Europe Solidarity. An Enquiry Into a Legal Principle Who Profits When You Click? How Value is Distributed on the Net? Intelligence and Intelligence Gathering in Democraties

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57


The International Control of Drugs and Drug Trafficking New Spaces, New Movements. Future Mobility Religious Pluralism and French Secularism. Act I, The Revolution The Jews and the French Identity

58 59 60 61


Aesthetic Empathy Music. From Creative Genius to Healing Therapy Never Against. On Being an Attentive Body The Freudian Couch Revolution. Existential Psychotherapy The Power of Self-Confidence. A Therapy to Unify the Self Young Adults’ Extreme Sensitivity The Suicidal Mind. Understanding and Helping Those at Risk Sexual Abuse Stress in the Workplace – New Edition Too Gifted and Too Sensitive to Fit In Professionally My Child is Optimistic Motivated Adolescents : The Benefits of Positive Psychology

62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73

Getting Along with a Teenager. Understanding Your Child Raising a Child With Special Needs. Mental Disability, Autism Parent Confident, Children Happy Child Abuse Healing Your Life. An Inner Journey How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself The Power of Tolerance A History of Antipsychiatry Who Am I When I’m Not Myself? A Bipolar Patient Speaks Out An Expert Patient. A Personal Testimony of Chronic Illness A Century Ago Marrying for Love Was a Novelty. Real Men, Real Women. Understanding the Opposite Sex The 7 Virtues of Relationships. A Special Alchemy How We Choose Romantic Partners How To Find Love. Preparing To Meet Someone New Between You and Me A Part of One’s Self in the Life of Others As Time Goes by

74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91


Hypnosis, or How to Make Healthcare More Humane Emotional Gymnastics Scientific Guidelines for Longevity The Psychology of Pregnancy Cognitive Development in Premature Infants Male Beauty The Truth About the Medications you Take Living With Cancer – A Better Quality of Life

Bernard BESSON Laurence OSTOLAZA

1962 On the Advantage of Being Born

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

FICTION 100 101

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Christophe ANDRE

Christophe André is a world-renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist and the author of such international bestsellers as L’Estime de soi, Vivre Heureux, Secrets de psys and Et n’oublie pas d’être heureux, translated in 20 languages. He has brought together here more than 20 doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists who are among the best in their specialities: Fatma Bouvet de la Maisonneuve, Sophie Cheval, Nicolas Duchesne, Caroline Duret, Fréderic Fanget, Christian Gay, Bernard Geberowicz, Stéphanie Hahusseau, Bruno Koeltz, Yasmine Liénard, Anne Lorin, Claire Mizzi, Jean-Louis Monestes, Claude Penet, Didier Pleux, Joël Pon, Stéphane Roy, Marie-Christine Simon, Alain Sauteraud, Olivier Spinnler and Jacques Van Rillaer.

PRAISE for his previous books: « Shrinks too experience melancholy. And they confide such feelings in Secrets de Psys, a book of testimonies packed with practical advice. » ―Le Nouvel Observateur « Christophe André may be regarded as the wise man of French psychotherapy; he is an apostle, but also a critic, of behavioural therapy and one who obtains concrete results. » ―Elle

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Christophe ANDRE (éd.) Therapists’ Lives Learn from therapists’ own lives how to find inner harmony A great variety of deeply sincere, sensitive, humorous texts that will incite readers to examine the paths their lives have taken Christophe André

is a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist and the author of such bestsellers as Secrets de psys and Et n’oublie pas d’être heureux. He has brought together here more than 20 doctors who are among the best in their specialities. 22 psychotherapists, psychiatrists and psychologists draw on their own lives and experiences to help readers understand themselves and lead happier lives. In each chapter, a therapist recounts his or her individual history, as seen from today’s perspective and based on today’s knowledge, in an effort to understand past events, personal trajectories and present behavioural patterns. The goal of these individual stories and life choices is to make readers think and to incite them to discover how best to manage their own existences. The life stories recounted here will thus act as catalysts, stirring the reader’s consciousness and psychological activity. Ultimately, these are simply stories of people’s lives, which can move us and help us. By definition, therapists are people who have thought more than others about their pasts and their personalities. Besides, therapists practise a profession that affords them greater access, on a daily basis, to the private thoughts and lives of others. They can therefore help us more effectively to understand and to change ourselves. They can help us discern how to progress, overcome, find ourselves, update our values and give meaning to the trajectories of our own lives. The authors’ goal is to enable each of us to understand how and why we became who we are. • Psychologists recount their own life experiences: this is an original approach, in the same vein as the highly successful Secrets de psys. • A book that can be of great help by enabling readers to follow the example of a professional therapist. Rights sold: Book of the Month Club | Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 384 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob


PRAISE for Couples and Money: « In the course of his books, the French paediatrician Aldo Naouri has acquired a reputation not only as a great explorer of intimate relationships in couples and of parent-child relations, but also as a highly specialised, though sometimes controversial, observer of our changing societies. In his latest work, he analyses and tries to understand the logic of money issues and couples. Conclusion? Such issues are directly related to male and female social roles and remind us, once again, of the extraordinary complexity of the psychic realities that govern human behaviour ». ―Le Vif L’Express

PRAISE for Naouri’s previous books: « Each one of his shock books strikes where it hurts : mother-daughter relations, father’s role, authority… Nothing escape him! » ―ELLE « Aldo Naouri does not seek consensus. He upsets, shocks, convinces, delights and couldn’t care less. A fabulous storyteller. » ―Le Point

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Aldo NAOURI Couples and Money Nothing is For Free Money in relationships: revelation and symptom Aldo Naouri, renowned paediatrician and social commentator, is the author of many highly successful books published by Editions Odile Jacob: Les Filles et leurs Mères, Eduquer ses enfants, Les Pères et les Mères, L’Enfant bien portant, Adultères and Prendre la vie à pleines mains. Love may have no price, but what does the way a couple deals with money reveal about their relationship? Expenses, the role of money in the relationship, the way money is used as a bargaining tool: all these are clues to the state of a relationship. For good reason, money has been called the sinews of war. In his new book, Aldo Naouri draws on his own personal life, as well as on case histories gleaned throughout his lengthy medical career, to give us his sharp observations on our changing society, based on an in-depth enquiry into the way partners in a couple relate to money. Predictably, the search to understand the part money plays leads Naouri to an examination of male and female social roles, and, as in his previous books, he enlightens us on the extraordinary complexity of the psychic realities that trigger human behaviour. Avoiding commonplaces and preconceived ideas, Naouri has written a thoughtprovoking work that urges us to consider with a fresh eye what we had previously believed to be completely uncontested. • Much like an archaeologist, Aldo Naouri digs into the psychic roots of male and female social behaviour. • Learning to deal with money, differences in male and female approaches, social roles, women’s work, games of desire: these are some of Naouri’s favourite themes, which he has woven together here in a coherent and illuminating work. • Life stories, snatches of personal history: Naouri’s finely honed style perfectly serves his indispensable reflection on our changing society. | Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 256 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob


& Pr. Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX PRAISE for The Enchanted Neurons: « A truly fascinating book » ―Huffington Post « Dive into a new emerging discipline: the neuroscience of art» ―BioFutur « A thorough reflection on the meaning of music, from ears to brain: its relationship toward time and space; the music ‘cosa mentale’ » ―Télérama

PRAISE for Pierre Boulez’s previous books: « Boulez is one of the most controversial and enigmatic personalities on the contemporary music scene. He is also a wonderfully intelligent writer, as this important collection of essays amply demonstrates. » ―Larry Lipkis Rights sold : Italy (Carocci), Spain (Gedisa) and Japan (Hosei University Press)

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Pierre BOULEZ and Pr. Jean-Pierre CHANGEUX The Enchanted Neurons The Brain and Music A neuroscience of Art established in a profoundly innovative work – An intellectual landmark! Pierre Boulez is not only a leading composer, but also an outstanding conductor and the founder of France’s renowned Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics and Music (Ircam). He is recognised as a leading 20th century creator and a foremost thinker in the musical domain. From 1976 to 1995, he held the chair of ‘Invention, Technique and Language’ at the Collège de France. Pr. Changeux is an eminent neurobiologist and the author of such successful works as Neuronal Man and The Physiology of Truth: Neuroscience and Human Knowledge (Harvard UP), or Du Vrai, du beau du bien (Yale UP), all originally published by Odile Jacob. He is an honorary professor at the Institut Pasteur and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. He held the chair of cellular communication at the Collège de France until 2006. What goes on in the mind of an artist, of a composer, during the creative process remains a mystery — a mystery that this book seeks to uncover. Does artistic creation spring from specific intellectual or biological processes? Will scrutinising the creative mechanism enable us to understand how a composer, a musician or a conductor chooses to combine one note with another, decides to make one rhythm follow another, to produce something new, to create beauty or elicit emotion? Is it possible to understand what was going on in the minds of Stravinsky or Pierre Boulez when they composed The Rite of Spring or Le Marteau sans Maître? What are the links between the elementary building blocks of the brain and such complex mental activities as the perception of beauty or the creation of music? The goal of this book, which is to establish a neuroscience of art, originally stemmed from a discussion between the neurobiologist Jean-Pierre Changeux, who has made the brain the main focus of his scientific research, and the composer Pierre Boulez, for whom theoretical questions related to the art of music have always been fundamental. They are joined here by Philippe Manoury, who has provided his musicologist’s viewpoint.

• A no-holds-barred dialogue for a captivating book. • A book to help us understand the magic of the workings of the human brain. • An exceptional initiative that should be a milestone in the history of ideas. | Odile Jacob | October 2014 | 232 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Jean-Claude CARRIÈRE

«Since the 1960s, Carrière has had his finger on the pulse of Europe’s imagination – whether unpacking a story about the universal nature of humanity from an ancient Hindu saga or capturing the neuroses just beneath the skin of the European middle classes.» ―Lisa Jardine, The Times, Books

«Jean-Claude Carrière likes the ‘zigzags of thought, of chance encounters, of gusts of air’. » ―Le Monde

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Jean-Claude CARRIÈRE Belief The impact of science is on the wane — while religious belief is omnipresent and all-powerful Jean-Claude Carrière, one of the most original and influential thinkers of our time, has written screenplays for such renowned filmmakers as Jacques Tati, Luis Buñuel and Nagisa Oshima. He is also a playwright and the author of many successful works including Fragilité, Tous en scène, Einstein, s’il vous plaît and L’Argent. Jean-Claude Carrière’s aim is to understand the world we live in, its fears and idols. Following his earlier enquiry into one of those idols (money), he now analyses the role of belief in the world today. His conclusion is uncompromising: religious belief is everywhere and all-powerful, while knowledge has retreated and continues to diminish. Scientists are always asking questions, while believers have no doubts. Faced with terrorism and fanaticism, we are defenceless. So many Nobel Prizes, so many triumphs, so many intellectual discussions — and in the end we are engulfed in the blindness and brutality of belief and believers. How can we explain the march toward darkness, ignorance and violence? According to Jean-Claude Carrière one of the reasons is fear — fear of nature, of the future, of poverty, of solitude and of the multitude. Knowledge seems powerless to combat such fears: humans need to believe in a god and to hope in an afterlife. • The author’s talent and erudition make this a unique work, backed by numerous philosophical, literary and scientific references. • Included: a careful analysis of such overused terms as fanaticism, fundamentalism, secularism, progress, obscurantism. • A powerful, humanistic work to combat all forms of ignorance.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 224 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Pierre-Noël GIRAUD

Today the ‘wretched of the Earth’ are the useless, the redundant. They are no longer the overexploited workers whose labour is underpaid. Instead, they are now all those whose labour-power serves little or no purpose; they are those — the unemployed, the workers with no job security, the landless peasants — who have been reduced to living on welfare, or off their families, and who have no means of improving their lot. Such redundancy, as Pierre-Noël Giraud charges in this book, is the worst form of inequality, because it traps people in situations they cannot escape. The goal of this book is to understand how this system works — and to propose economic policies to eradicate it. With its demanding approach and ambitious goals, this fascinating book aims to show that economics can be put to good use.

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Pr. Pierre-Noël GIRAUD Redundant People ‘Redundant people’: at the centre of our economic policies Pr. Pierre-Noël Giraud is a professor of economics at the Paris Ecole des Mines and at the University of Paris-Dauphine. He is the author of several important works on economics, such as L’Inégalité du monde (1996), Le Commerce des promesses, Turgot Prize 2001, (new edition, 2009) and, more recently, L’Industrie française décroche-t-elle? (2013).

Globalisation and inequality: these are the forces that now shape the world. While inequality between states has been diminishing, inequality within nations has been rising, resulting in rapidly growing numbers of ‘redundant people’, according to Pierre-Noël Giraud. These redundant people include unemployed citizens in rich countries, as well as workers with no job security, landless peasants, and slum dwellers: all those members of society whose labour-power is of little or no value. The author’s goal is to understand the causes of redundancy and how to make them disappear. To do this, Giraud has opened the black box of the economy. He reveals, with no holds barred, how the economy works, his methodology, goals and tools. This leads him to formulate several questions of crucial importance for the coming thirty years: has Malthus become relevant in defining how we relate to nature? How have the various globalisations — digital, business, financial — helped widen the inequality gap? Why has redundancy become such a public policy priority? Underlining the threat posed to society by roaming economic conflicts — a consequence of globalisation — Giraud proposes here a reflection that reaches beyond mere economic issues. • The fate of ‘redundant people’ in a globalised world, the division of labour between nomadic and sedentary jobs, the new forms of economic conflicts: these are some of the highly relevant issues for our time that are examined here. • Pierre-Noël Giraud invites the reader to think like an economist, by examining hypotheses and criticising them, by distinguishing between analysis and the goals of political economy. What Giraud shows us here is the very opposite of what the mass media tell us. | Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 400 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

André BRAHIC & Bradford SMITH André Brahic is an astrophysicist. Besides teaching at Paris-VII University, he heads the research group on gammagravitation at the Atomic Energy Commission, at Saclay. An internationally recognised expert on the solar system, he is credited with the co-discovery (with William Hubbard) of the rings of Neptune. During the Voyager missions he was one of the most sought after personalities to convey the excitement and wonder of that mission to the French-speaking public, but remarkably also among the English-speaking press. His joyous and enthusiastic style but also his rigorous attention to scientific accuracy got him awarded the prestigious CARL SAGAN MEDAL by the American Astronomical Society in 2001. In addition to his scientific research, Pr. Brahic has written hundreds of articles for the popular press, has made numerous appearances on television, and gives frequent and well-attended public lectures all around the world. He is the author of the enormously successful Les Enfants du Soleil (sold more than 60,000 copies), Lumières d’étoiles and De Feu et de glace (sold more than 20,000 copies each) and Manifeste pour la science.

Bradford Smith is a specialist in solar system cosmogony and stellar astronomy. He has served as an associate professor of astronomy at New Mexico State University, a professor of planetary sciences and astronomy at the University of Arizona, and as a research astronomer at the University of Hawaii. Through his interest in Solar System astronomy, he has participated as a team member or imaging team leader on several U.S. and international space missions, including Mars Mariners 6, 7, and 9; Viking; Voyagers 1 and 2; and the Soviet Vega and Phobos missions. He later turned his interest to extrasolar planetary systems, investigating circumstellar debris disks as a member of the Hubble Space Telescope NICMOS experiment team. Bradford Smith has four times been awarded the NASA Medal for Exceptional Scientific Achievement. He is a member of the IAU Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature and is Chair of the Task Group for Mars Nomenclature.

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

André BRAHIC & Bradford SMITH Exoplanets A brilliant, enthusiastic and accessible work by two of the greatest living astronomers André Brahic

is an astrophysicist. Besides teaching at Paris-VII University, he heads the research group on gamma-gravitation at the Atomic Energy Commission, at Saclay. He is credited, with William Hubbard, with the discovery of the rings of Neptune in 1984. He is the author of the highly successful Enfants du Soleil and Lumières d’étoiles. Les couleurs de l’invisible. Bradford Smith, a specialist in solar system cosmogony and stellar astronomy, is affiliated with the Institute for Astronomy at the University of Hawaii. Is there extra-terrestrial life? And if there is, is it necessarily intelligent life? Although the idea of extra-terrestrial life was for a long time relegated to the realm of science fiction, some scientists think that the discovery of an advanced alien civilisation could occur during the course of the 21st century. Astrophysicists have started to detect possible life-sustaining territories near our own planet. A discovery of this nature would be a major turning point in the history of humankind — with enormous practical, sociological and philosophical consequences. For human beings, it would constitute the most significant event since their appearance on the planet Earth. • The birth of a new scientific discipline, known as exobiology. • A review of the latest scientific findings, which indicate that the discovery of an advanced alien civilisation could occur sometime during the present century. • The book is illustrated with many previously unpublished photographs.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 288 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Jean-Philippe LACHAUX

PRAISE for The Brain’s Balancing Act: «The good news is that we can strengthen our ability to concentrate. The idea is to observe spontaneous thoughts that arise, in order to recognize stray thoughts and then, make a short break to allow yourself time to consciously evaluate its real importance, so it will not captures too much of your attention. This technique is especially used in meditation, under the term ‘labeling’, or how to stick a label on a thought that arises spontaneously. » ―Le Matin Dimanche, Geneviève Comby

PRAISE for his previous title, Le Cerveau attentif: « A fascinating, didactic work.» ―Sciences Humaines « An original book on the mechanisms of attentiveness’» ―Sciences Humaines

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Jean-Philippe LACHAUX The Brain’s Balancing Act Understanding and Managing Attention The keys to attention management for improved concentration in daily life Jean-Philippe Lachaux is a researcher in the cognitive neurosciences and the director of the Brain Dynamics and Cognition Unit at the French National Health Research Institute (Inserm), in Lyon. He is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique, and the author of the highly successful Le Cerveau attentif, published by Editions Odile Jacob. The brain is constantly selecting the information it considers most important. To do this, it relies on ‘attention’, a system that has been seriously disrupted, in recent years, by our numerous digital devices — particularly smartphones, which have significantly extended the amount of information our brains have to sift through. How can we become more attentive? How can we optimise our brains, so as to avoid becoming distracted by the overwhelming amounts of information that vie for our attention, and, instead learn to concentrate our efforts on what matters most? Attention management is a skill that can be acquired by developing a new sense of equilibrium, known as ‘attention balancing’. According to the author, every activity that requires our attention resembles a tightrope act. The skills described here will enable the brain to advance safely along the rope, one step at a time, and to catch its balance at the slightest slip. Besides showing how to improve attention skills and management, the author provides several pointers to help readers determine why they cannot focus, and how to reverse the situation. • Based on the cognitive neurosciences, an effective method to improve attention skills. • A review of how current technology has impacted the way the brain works. • Described here are several attention-enhancing tools: ‘mini-selves’, Explicit Attention Programmes (PIM), the RAPPEL (remember) method, etc. | Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 312 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Pierre-Henri TAVOILLOT and François TAVOILLOT

« A delightful book ... They have combined for this investigation their knowledge and reflections. The result is surprising and informative.» - Roger Pol-Droit, Le Monde « It is no exaggeration to say that this book is the most informative , funny , exciting, that has been published in a long time.» - Roger Maggiori, Libération « A small philosophical treatise to gather without moderation ... Since time immemorial, mankind has seen in the hive a kind of ideal mirror of itself.» - Olivia Recassens, Le Point « A page turner in which you could enjoy, at your rhythm, the philosophical, mythological and scientific anecdotes. A philosophical journey that says a lot about the functioning of the mind.» - Cédric Enjalbert, Philosophie Magazine

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Pierre-Henri TAVOILLOT and François TAVOILLOT The Philosopher (and the) Bee An Amazing Journey into the Hive of Wisdom


The history of Western philosophy and culture seen from the bee’s perspective Pierre-Henri Tavoillot

is a senior lecturer in philosophy at Paris-Sorbonne University. François Tavoillot, his brother, is a professional beekeeper, in the HauteLoire, in south-central France. Bees provide an ideal subject for philosophers. For centuries, bees have exercised immense fascination. Since its origins, the bee’s fragility and wisdom have been perceived as mirrors in which humanity can eagerly examine its condition and its destiny. As a result, it was thought that the secrets of nature and the mysteries of culture were hidden in beehives. This book recounts the extraordinary history of Western culture as it follows the bee’s delicate flight: the brilliance of Aristotle, the rule of Augustus, the debates of Late Antiquity, the beginnings of Christianity (Mary’s virginity, the principle of Creation, the Christian path to salvation, the excellent organisation of monastic communities, the Schism and heresies). Bees recur in the modern age, with the revival of Classical Antiquity and with the discovery of experimental science: for Petrarch, Montaigne and Jonathan Swift, bees hold the key to the age-long quarrel between Ancients and Moderns. In addition, bees played a part in the invention of the microscope, the development of natural history and advances in physics. Now that bees are threatened with extinction, they are once more a subject of fascination and serve as powerful symbols, as shown by such expressions as ‘swarm intelligence’ (to refer to collective intelligence) and pollinating capitalism (to refer to the digital economy). Such is the saga of the philosophical bee that, from Antiquity to hypermodernity, has revealed large hidden areas of Western cultural history.

• A fascinating examination of Western philosophical and cultural history from the surprising viewpoint of the bee. • Bees are at the heart of some major philosophical issues: the difference between humans and animals, the nature/culture dichotomy, the origins of life, the relationship to the divine, how to govern the city.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 304 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Jeanne SIAUD-FACCHIN Jeanne Siaud-Facchin is a clinical psychologist and the founder of Cogito’Z, the first centres in France (in Marseille, Avignon and Paris), for the diagnosis and treatment of children with learning difficulties. A recognised specialist in issues concerning gifted children, she is notably the author of the international bestsellers L’Enfant surdoué (100,000 copies sold in France) and Trop intelligent pour être heureux (150,000 copies). She is the creator of an innovative programme of mindfulness meditation, for children and adolescents, known as ‘Mindful Up’. Her latest book, Tout est là, juste là, is based on ‘Mindful Up’ and was highly successful with professionals and parents.

What Keeps Children from Doing Well at School? Recovering the Joy of Learning Understanding children, stimulating them and putting them on the path to success What keeps children from succeeding academically? And what sort of success are we talking about? Most children want to succeed and most parents want their children to be happy. Jeanne Siaud-Facchin argues here that when faced with children’s difficulties there is only one solution: understanding the problem (learning disorders, affective problems, attention deficit) in order to overcome it. In addition, there is growing pressure placed on increasingly younger children to succeed academically — with the consequent fuelling of anxiety. It is therefore essential to correctly identify the nature of the child’s difficulties, in order to help him effectively recover his inner resources. The priority here is to help children who are in pain and to set them on the path of fulfilment and success. This book urges parents and professionals not just to discover the child’s cognitive and/or affective difficulties, but also the underlying mechanisms, and to draw on the neurosciences to understand a number of questions. Specific and pragmatic, this work offers useful tools to help every child for whom school is a place of suffering to find the path to success. • This book provides the keys to enable children to achieve academic success. | Odile Jacob | Septembre 2015 | 320 pages |

Highlights 2015 Odile Jacob

Too Intelligent To Be Happy? The Gifted Adult More than 150,000 copies sold of this phenomenal title ! Being gifted is a great asset. It means being endowed with immense abilities. But it also means being different, having a sense of vulnerability about which little is known. Gifted individuals often have the impression that they are out of step with the rest of the world. Their emotional development, which is often fragile, may leave them feeling so inadequate that they are unable to use their exceptional talents or even to feel at peace with themselves. These difficulties often surface in adulthood among gifted individuals who have never been identified as such. In order to overcome their feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness they must first discover what caused them — the fact that they are gifted. This book aims to help readers understand the gifted individual, and to determine if they themselves fall into this category. It explains how the gifted can lead happy, fulfilled lives by making full use of their particular talent. And it tells them how to reexamine and readjust their own lives, if they feel the need. The goal here is not simply to help the gifted feel better. It is also to accompany them, coaching them so they make better use of their intelligence, sensitivity and potential, and ultimately fulfil themselves.

• What can a gifted person do to lead a successful, happy life? • How to make better use of our intelligence, sensitivity and potential, and ultimately fulfil ourselves.

The book is still #1 in psychology on !

Rights sold: Spain (Paidos), Germany (R.House / Goldmann), Italy (Rizzoli), Korea (Domabaem Publishing Co.), China (Life Bookstore Publishing Co.) Book of the Month Club

| Odile Jacob | March 2008 | 288 pages |


Lionel NACCACHE Netperson From the Microcosm of the Brain to the Macrocosm of Human Societies An acute, highly original work that offers an analogy between the way the brain and society work Lionel Naccache is a neurologist and a researcher in cognitive neurosciences at the Institut du Cerveau et de la Moëlle Épinière (Brain and Spine Institute) at Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, in Paris, and a professor of medicine at the University of Paris-VI. He is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure and the author of Le Nouvel Inconscient, Perdons-nous connaissance? and Un Sujet en soi. An epileptic seizure is a phenomenon that occurs when several areas of the brain begin overcommunicating with one other and end up exchanging information that is poor and stereotyped. The functions of those areas weaken, and they lose the specificity that made them distinctive — in some respects they are like the busy commercial streets of globalised societies that look so much alike that it is easy to forget which country you are in. In his new book, Lionel Naccache compares a microscopic epileptic seizure with the macroscopic crisis the world is undergoing. Drawing on this analogy, he demonstrates that the contemporary world disposes of a previously unequalled potential for consciousness. But he also shows why it is vulnerable to the weaknesses engendered by contemporary Western societies’ current crises: globalisation, the revival of religions, the replication and sameness of many parts of the globe, crises in the democracies, etc. This unique approach leads the author to propose a series of measures designed to treat, and especially to prevent, ‘epileptic seizures in society’ — in the same manner as epilepsy can be treated and prevented in individuals. • How knowledge of the functional architecture of the neural networks of the brain can help us understand the interpersonal networks of human societies. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 152 pages |


André HOLLEY The Sixth Sense A Neurophysiological Enquiry The outside world is not the only source of sense stimuli; other, internal types of sensibility can stimulate the brain André Holley

is a neurophysiologist. A professor emeritus at Claude Bernard University, in Lyon, he was formerly the director of its sensorineural physiology laboratory and head of the neuroscience doctoral programme. He is the author of L’Eloge de l’odorat and Le Cerveau gourmand, both published by Editions Odile Jacob. There are five senses: that goes without saying. Over the past few decades, scientific research has revealed how two of the most marvellous of these senses — sight and hearing — function. We now know that the ‘sensory brain’ does not receive messages exclusively from the outside world: it is constantly tensed to receive ‘inner signals’, sent by the body. The internal sensitivity that responds to signals emitted by the body has its seat in the insular cortex, an area of the brain that neuroimaging studies have recently shown to be involved in such varied phenomena as thirst, hunger, satiety, taste, disgust, anger, fear, as well as maternal love, romantic love, orgasm and even self-awareness. What if, contrary to what was previously thought not so long ago, external sensations were not the main source of brain stimulation? • A new grasp of internal sensibility has improved our understanding of human sense awareness. • A demonstration of how our internal and external sensibilities collaborate in reacting to pain, taste, empathy, movement, etc. • An exploration of the role of internal sensibility in the emergence of self-awareness.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 224 pages |


Alain BERTHOZ & Claude DEBRU (Ed.) Anticipating and Predicting From Gesture to the Mental Journey What are the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that enable humans to anticipate events and actions? Alain Berthoz, a neurophysiologist, is a professor emeritus at the Collège de France and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. He is the author of numerous acclaimed works, published by Editions Odile Jacob: Le Sens du mouvement, La Décision, La Simplexité and La Vicariance. Claude Debru is a philosopher, a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences and a professor of the philosophy of science at the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Paris. He is the co-author, with Pierre Buser, of Temps, instant et durée. What are the constraints and the psychological and neurobiological mechanisms that act on the human capacity to anticipate events and actions? How do human beings project themselves into the future? What logic governs the implementation of this capacity? And under what conditions can such a capacity be artificially mimicked? How does psychopathology contribute to the understanding of these mechanisms, which are located at the confluence of brain and psyche? How do human beings react when faced with situations that force them to reconfigure their existence? Those are the questions that are examined in this book, written by a group of scientists at the vanguard of interdisciplinary research. With contributions by Margherita Arcangeli, Daniel Bennequin, Pierre Bessière, Pierre Buser, Jérôme Dokic, Jacques Droulez, Malik Ghallab, Etienne Koechlin, Giuseppe Longo, Nicolas Morgado, Didier Naud, Richard Palluel-Germain, Dennis Perrin, Jean-Luc Petit, Pascal Piolino, Armand Schnider. • Eminent scientists reveal the latest findings on the human brain. • Alain Berthoz is a renowned scientist and the author of many successful works.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 304 pages |


Patrice DEBRE Microbiotic Man Humans and microbes: thousands of years of a shared history — for better or for worse. Patrice Debré is a professor of immunology at Pierre-et-Marie-Curie University-ParisV. He was formerly a head of department and the director of a research institute at PitiéSalpêtrière Hospital, Paris. As French ambassador, he headed the fight against Aids and other transmissible diseases. He is the author of an acclaimed biography of Louis Pasteur (Flammarion) and of Vie et mort des épidémies (Editions Odile Jacob, 2013). Man does not exist without microbes: human beings and bacteria have shared their lives from the scourge of the plague to Ebola, often in terror, but sometimes harmoniously. The common history of humans and microbes is one of the most fascinating enigmas in the history of living organisms. Unravelling the mystery means revealing what humans owe to the countless micro-organisms that have lived with and for them over millions of years of evolution. It also means exploring the human immune system in its entirety. Microbes play a leading, albeit ambiguous, role in this book: one that can be threatening, harmful or even destructive. Because the human body contains more bacteria than somatic cells, humans are actually microbial creatures existing in a genetic symbiosis between living cells and microbes. A better understanding of the human-microbe partnership is the best way we have of dealing with future health threats. Without succumbing to catastrophism, the author defends the hypothesis that the most virulent germs gradually decrease in strength and become chronic, thus signing a sort of treaty of peaceful coexistence between host and virus. After initially threatening the host’s life, the partnership can evolve into a beneficial one providing the host with a new genetic heritage. • A book that will interest readers who wish to learn more about such issues as epidemics, the current vaccination controversy, the recent flare-up of the Ebola virus and hopes of eradicating Ebola. • Clear, accessible language and a vivid writing style. • An explanation not only of how epidemics originate and function, but also of the workings of the human immune system. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 288 pages |


Pr. François GROS Reminiscences of a Pasteurian The life of a scientist, one of the discoverers of how genes function, and an explorer of the future of biology Pr. François Gros is a biologist, an honorary professor at the Collège de France and an honorary secretary in perpetuity of the French Academy of Sciences. He is the author of numerous works, including the highly successful Le Secret du gène, L’Ingénierie du vivant, Mémoires scientifiques and Les Mondes nouveaux de la biologie. When François Gros presented his research project on messenger RNA to Jacques Monod, the director of the Institut Pasteur, the response was lukewarm. Yet Gros’s work is now viewed as a major discovery in the history of biology and a foremost contribution to our understanding of how genes function. In this book, the author pursues the reflections begun in the earlier Mémoires scientifiques. He reviews the sometimes hesitant trial-and-error searches that would lead to major findings in molecular biology and genetics. This is the portrait of a most unusual scientist: Gros describes himself as an explorer of the unknown territories of living organisms. He opened the door to such radically new disciplines as biomimetic chemistry, in which artificial molecules ‘mimic’ enzyme properties in order to understand their development, and to synthetic biology, in which artificial genomes replace natural ones. He writes about the people who marked him (Jacques Monod, François Jacob, François Mitterrand) and about the institutions (the Institut Pasteur, the French Academy of Sciences, the Collège de France) that supported and fostered his research. • An exceptional scientist whose research (primarily on messenger RNA) marked the history of biology and genetics. • The portrayal of a scientist but also of how discoveries and major breakthroughs are made in science. • An explanation of the revolutions that shook twentieth-century biology with the invention of new disciplines that helped us understand, and may soon allow us to overcome, many serious diseases. | Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 280 pages |


François ANSERMET The Children of Science The dawn of a new world of assisted reproduction and birth: are children really being made in a totally different manner? François Ansermet is a psychoanalyst, a member of the French National Bioethics Advisory Committee, a professor of child psychiatry at the University of Geneva, the director of the University’s Psychiatry Department and head of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry for Geneva’s university hospitals. He is the co-author, with Pierre Magistretti, of A chacun son cerveau and Les Enigmes du plaisir, both published by Editions Odile Jacob. Where do babies come from? It seems that this question has become increasingly difficult to answer. The birth of a child may now involve quite a crowd, besides the traditional mother and father. There may be a surrogate mother, a sperm donor, an egg donor, a womb donor in uterine transplant cases — not to mention the numerous physicians and biologists specialising in procreation. Scientific advances have created a new, completely fabricated world. We are now faced with a new reality, for which there are no guidelines, that causes deep anxiety in all those parents who do not know how to tell their children the story of their birth. How far can and should we go? What position should we take? François Ansermet argues that we should not succumb to a fascination with technology, but neither should we reject the times we live in. His reflection, based on his medical experience and practice, is of utmost importance for our future and our children’s: are we on the verge of completely medicalising human reproduction? Will childbirth no longer result from chance encounters and individual choices? • A fascinating, sometimes alarming study of actual cases. • The latest techniques used in assisted reproductive technology (ART). • Carefully argued standpoints and concrete guidelines to help us deal with a controversial issue.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 288 pages |


Jacques THÈZE The Immune System’s Strategies Developing New Treatments for Major Diseases Ground-breaking approaches to the treatment of major diseases Jacques Thèze

is a medical scientist specialising in HIV/AIDS research. He is the founder and director of the Cellular Immunology Unit at the Institut Pasteur, Paris, and an adviser to the World Health Organisation. How does the human body defend itself against its many aggressors? Why is it sometimes defeated in the struggle against a particularly cunning virus? What causes the body to malfunction and attack itself, in autoimmune diseases? The strategies of our immune system are extraordinarily diverse, and the author brilliantly guides us through a jungle of lymphocytes, antibodies and killer cells. We are amazed to understand the workings of such a complex system, one that is capable of rapidly carrying, from one part of the body to another, the molecule or cell that can successfully respond to an infectious attack. Our immune system behaves like an individual endowed with sensitivity (particularly to stress) and with the preestablished strategies of our ‘innate defences’, but also with the learning and memory skills that characterise ‘adaptive’ immunology. Ignoring such simplistic concepts as ‘me’ and ‘not-me’, immunology has succeeded in forging new tools for the future. Will major diseases such as cancer and AIDS and (more recently) the Ebola virus be defeated by future vaccines? Will the new medications resulting from immunological engineering prove effective? In the meantime, our immune system’s ‘intelligence’ continues to evolve and to learn to deal with new situations — as it has always done. • An accessible if occasionally challenging work on a complex, vital subject. • A truly innovative approach to major diseases.

| Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 250 pages |


Bruno MILLET-ILHARREGUY Improved Therapies for OCD Brain Stimulation Offers Hope A new therapy to overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Bruno Millet-Ilharreguy, a specialist in OCD and in brain stimulation therapies, works in the psychiatry unit at La Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, in Paris. Previously, he directed the university-hospital centre in adult psychiatry on ‘behaviour and basal ganglia’, at the University of Rennes-I. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has gradually found its place in the vast domain of mental illnesses. Characterised by an intractable obsession (compulsive washing, fixation, mania) that takes over the patient’s life, OCD was for many years relegated to the sphere of psychiatry. ‘Classic’ therapies — behavioural, cognitive and medicinal — have shown their efficacy, and thus remain indispensable, but advances in cerebral imaging and neurology have led scientists to identify OCD as a neurological pathology, one that is treatable using new therapies. The most spectacular results have been obtained with deep brain stimulation, which involves implanting electrodes in the brain, and transcranial magnetic stimulation, a non-invasive way of targeting similar areas in the brain using electromagnetic coils placed on the patient’s skull. This new range of therapies brings hope to the thousands of people who are tortured by their own brains. • A complete review of OCD and of the latest available therapies. • Recent therapies offer hope to OCD sufferers.

| Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 280 pages |


Joseph SILK Prefaced by Hubert Reeves The Future of Cosmology Dark Matter and Dark Energy A sweeping tour of the major questions of contemporary cosmology Joseph Silk

is a leading astrophysicist. He is a professor of physics at the Institut d’Astrophysique, in Paris, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University and an emeritus fellow of Oxford University. The winner of the 2011 Balzan Prize, he is the author of more than 500 publications, including several books for the general reader. Editions Odile Jacob published the French editions of three of his earlier books, The Big Bang, The Infinite Cosmos and A Short History of the Universe. In the field of cosmology, Joseph Silk is known for realising that the infinitesimal fluctuations that followed the Big Bang resulted in the magnificent galaxies in the sky today. In this book, the reader will also find out how a London schoolboy, and keen Tottenham Hotspur supporter, grew up to become an eminent astrophysicist and internationally known university professor. The answer lies not only in his immense mathematical talent but also in his boundless curiosity and love of adventure. Before the COBE, Planck and WMAP satellites successfully mapped the cosmic microwave background — thus providing us with a picture of the post-Big Bang Universe — theoretical cosmologists had to rely on dubious speculations and partially reliable observations to construct the scenario that is now widely accepted. In this work, Joseph Silk broaches such fascinating subjects as the origins of the Universe, its vast structure, multiple universes, the anthropic principle, the development of consciousness and the possibility of space travel. More importantly, cosmology links the future of the Universe to the quantity of matter it contains. The mysterious concepts of dark matter and dark energy will determine the ultimate fate of the Universe: collapse or eternal expansion? • A clear, concise overview of some of the major issues of contemporary cosmology. • The biography of an outstanding astrophysicist. | Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 224 pages |


Sylvie VAUCLAIR Dialogue With the Universe A great scientist recounts astrophysics, clearly and accessibly Sylvie Vauclair

is an astrophysicist working at the French Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute, a professor emerita at Paul Sabatier University, in Toulouse, an honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and a member of the National Air and Space Academy. She is the author of La Naissance des éléments and La Musique des sphères. In a series of 50 short articles, written in a lively, widely accessible style, Sylvie Vauclair examines the great issues of astrophysics: what is a nebula? What constitutes the Milky Way? Why does it get dark at night? Which is the oldest of all known stars? What is a black hole? The articles, which can be read independently of one another, cover the indispensable topics for anyone who is fascinated by the Universe. Explained in a clear, pedagogical manner, each subject is presented through tiny ‘brushstrokes’ of knowledge that add up, as in an impressionist painting, inciting readers to doubt, ask questions and learn. • Essential, thought-provoking scientific information. • Short, accessible articles, aimed at a wide readership, provide a clear overview of the latest findings in astrophysics. • The author is an eminent scientist who is also a great teacher.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 184 pages |


Gilles RAMSTEIN The Climates of the Earth Global warming: what the history of the Earth’s climate teaches us about the dangers of current climate disturbances Gilles Ramstein is a climatologist and research director at the French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA). An expert in climate modelling at the Laboratory for Climate and Environmental Science (LSCE), he has contributed, for 25 years, to many French and international multidisciplinary projects on climate change throughout history. What have been the dominant climatic conditions on Earth since life first appeared? How did cooler and warmer periods alternate throughout those billions of years? In what way does global warming pose a permanent threat to the conservation of life on our planet? What lessons does the long history of climate change have to teach us today? Which of our presentday fears are excessive? Which hypotheses are plausible? An expert in very long-term climate change, Gilles Ramstein urges us to step back and to follow him in his study of the Earth’s extraordinary climatic variations, which will doubtless continue until the moment when the Earth is swallowed up by the giant red ball the sun is expected to become. Investigation is imperative, particularly since the balance between climate / carbon cycle / tectonic plates, which for a long time kept the Earth’s surface at a temperature that was favourable to the conservation of life, is now being deregulated. For the first time, our planet is undergoing uncontrolled, man-made global climate change. • An exceptional study of four billion years of evolution of the Earth’s climate. • Drawing on physics, chemistry and biology, the author explains the processes that allowed life to be preserved on our planet. • A book that offers a better understanding of current climate disorders, and outlines the future of the Earth.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 250 pages |


Jean-Marc JANCOVICI 15 Misunderstandings about the Climate, the Economy, Politics and the Environment A brilliantly striking demonstration of the environment’s central role in the global economy Jean-Marc Jancovici

is a French engineer who early in his career specialised in issues relating to climate change and energy resources. He is the author of a blog ( with a large specialist following, as well as of several successful works advocating a carbon tax. He is a member of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and president of The Shift Project, a think tank that urges efficient energy transition. He is the author of many successful works and a French media personality. Recent environmental history can be regarded as a succession of squandered good ideas, of constantly postponed life-saving insights, and of misunderstandings about crucial issues. Renewed economic growth, a university education for all, the Arab Spring, the debt crisis, taxation of fossil fuels: these are some of the subjects that are analysed here from a radically different viewpoint — one that stresses the pre-eminent impact of energy resources on global politics and the economy. The author shows that in a world with finite energy resources it is simply wishful thinking to believe in relentless economic growth. He argues that the absence of growth is totally bearable; that putting a large number of highly qualified individuals on the job market need not be a priority; that the Arab Spring resulted from climate change as much as politics. The reader will also discover why we hear so much about climate change and so little about the oil crisis, when the two are so closely linked: climatologists are generally academic researchers, in whose interests it is to publish results, while oil experts, who are financed by private funds, are more interested in hiding their findings. These are some of the indispensable points revealed here which will enable the reader to understand the true nature of the environmental crisis. • A brilliant analysis of the crucial role that energy and the environment will play in the economy and politics of the future.

| Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 250 pages |


Laurent LABEYRIE Submersion How to Cope With Rising Sea Levels Rising sea levels, with devastating economic and political consequences Laurent Labeyrie,

a specialist in palaeo-oceanography, was formerly a research director at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), a professor at the University of Paris-Sud-Orsay, a member of the Institut Universitaire de France, and vice president of the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR). He has collaborated on reports by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). One of the most spectacular consequences of global warming is the inexorable rise in sea levels. The main cause is not the gradual melting of the polar ice caps (a real threat nevertheless) but an elementary scientific phenomenon: water expands when heated. The expected rise of 3 to 5 centimetres by the end of the century may not seem that spectacular (except where an exceptional meteorological event leads to flooding). But the sea-level rise will have devastating economic and political consequences, imposing radical changes in land use in all coastal areas, and displacing vast numbers of ‘climate refugees’, people who now live in low-lying lands like Bangladesh and certain archipelagos. The repercussions will be felt at every level, both individual and collective, and they require urgent thought and attention. The oceanographer Laurent Labeyrie, who is an academic as well as an elected member of a French coastal municipality, in southern Brittany, is particularly well placed to raise this issue. By urging rapid, long-term actions at the local and international level, he shows what will have to be done to face all the ecological issues linked to global warming. • A timely subject that will become increasingly pressing in the coming decades. • An underestimated repercussion of global warming. • An important work on environmental issues.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 176 pages |


Giulia SISSA Jealousy An Inadmissible Passion A magnificent work of research and reflection, highly informative and offering stricking analysis of jealousy Pr. Giulia Sissa

is a professor at UCLA, with research interests in history, anthropology and philosophy in the Ancient World. She is the author of several books published by Editions Odile Jacob: Le Plaisir et le Mal, L’Âme est un corps de femme and, more recently, Sexe et sensualité chez les Anciens (published in English as Sex and Sensuality in the Ancient World). Anyone who has experienced jealousy knows that it is not a pathetic, shameful or ridiculous emotion. But we are also taught to disparage it and to refuse to admit to it. How should we deal with jealousy nowadays? Should we continue to deny it, because it is not regarded as ‘politically correct’? Should we express it — and risk an avalanche of criticism, even insults, especially if one is a woman? Or should we, like Greek tragic heroines, claim the right to express a legitimate emotion, one of the most authentic manifestations of love’s basically insecure nature? • Regarded as a dignified, legitimate emotion throughout history, jealousy came to be seen as shameful and despicable during the Enlightenment. • A vigorously argued rehabilitation of a wrongfully discredited emotion that is central to feelings of love and to some of the world’s greatest literary texts. • A book about desire that is also about female emancipation and a political manifesto written by a committed feminist. ‘The contemporary woman bows down to social conformism which urges her to appear “dignified”, in other words, to roll with the punches and keep quiet. Women in Antiquity demanded their due. And so do I.’ ―Giulia Sissa Rights sold: Italy (Laterza), UK (Polity, World-English) | Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 256 pages |


François GALICHET Ageing Like a Philosopher Rethinking ageing in a new, positive manner François Galichet is a philosopher and a professor emeritus at the University of Strasbourg. A graduate of the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure, he has an agrégation in philosophy and a doctorat d’Etat. Old age is rarely viewed as a new and enriching experience. We try to delay its onset; we don’t want to become familiar with it. And yet, what time of life is more congenial to philosophy than old age? And what subject lends itself better to philosophising than old age itself? François Galichet shows us here how to deal philosophically with the major issues linked to old age and ageing, including the body, attitudes to death, human dignity, the significance of work, memories of the past, relations with other generations. For example, would you describe old age simply as a progressive accumulation of illnesses, culminating in death? Or would you say that it initiates a specific relation to the body — a body that is different but not necessarily diminished or deteriorating? And what about retirement? Do you regard it as an imprescriptible right, or as an unimaginable state? Would you say that there is an age to die? In your opinion, what are the criteria that could help determine when life ceases to be dignified and worth living? Together we should explore the significance of this stage in our lives and acknowledge its value in our journey from life to death. • An interactive work containing thought-provoking exercises. • Based on a variety of texts, songs, videos, images, narratives and personal accounts. • Old age offers new ways of perceiving, thinking, loving, dreaming, making choices, and of projecting oneself into the future or the past. Rights sold: Germany (Karl Blessing Verlag/Random House) | Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 240 pages |


Patrick ERRARD Management Rescued by Philosophy Guidelines to successful management, based on the teachings of philosophy Patrick Errard

is the president of the French Pharmaceutical Industry Association (LEEM) and the chief executive of the French subsidiary of Astellas. A gastroenterologist, he worked in a hospital for four years before joining the pharmaceutical industry. How can philosophy be of assistance to managers? How do you switch from ‘me’ to the collective ‘us’ of business enterprises? The answer is that aspiring managers, driven by ambition, must learn to abandon a certain form of ego. Philosophy rests on constructive self-doubt and reservations about perfectibility: these are the foundations of humanistic management. Drawing on his dual career, Patrick Errard demonstrates that an encounter with the Other is both central to management and grounded in the present. It’s in the here and now that the three basic components of management can be realised: empathy, which enables us to understand another’s viewpoint; inspiration, the spur of business; communication, which must recover its human dimension through shared time. This book deals with management-related topics in the light of philosophy (the individual’s place in the enterprise, power and justice, managerial courage, the value of work, etc.). Young managers who follow the book’s initiatory process will learn to identify their own motivation and they will develop their ‘savoir-être’ (knowing how to be), which will enable them to embark successfully on the human adventure of management. • Spinoza, Descartes, Kant (among others) are made to examine management’s main issues: what is management? Does justice exist in businesses? Why are sanctions necessary? How should power be exercised? Is hierarchy-free management possible? What is the value of work? • A skilful blend of philosophical analyses, specific managerial experiences and the author’s own career. | Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 208 pages |


Alessandro PIGNOCCHI Experiencing Cinema The brain and emotional responses of a film viewer Alessandro Pignocchi is a philosopher and a research fellow at Institut Jean Nicod. He has doctorates in the cognitive sciences and in the philosophy of art, from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He is notably the author of L’Oeuvre d’art et ses intentions, published by Editions Odile Jacob. Viewing a film is a unique experience which elicits discussion and debate. In this illuminating work, Alessandro Pignocchi, a specialist in the cognitive sciences, explains the psychological underpinnings of our reactions to film. We generally react to a film, as we do to other works of art (often without being aware of it), by trying to define the artist’s intentions. Did the director intend to elicit laughter, make us cry, shock us? Generally, such considerations motivate our appreciation of the film’s qualities. Based on specific examples, taken from the works of John Ford, Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Terrence Malick, Christophe Honoré and many other directors, Pignocchi develops an innovative theory that places the director’s intentions and the spectator’s interpretation at the centre of the cinematic experience. • A highly original, jargon-free approach to cinema, focussing on the often passionate reactions and sometimes profound disagreements we have about films. • An excellent book for cinema lovers, with its clear, in-depth study of a dozen recent and not-so-recent films, both known and less known, including: Vertigo (Hitchcock), Goodbye First Love (Mia Hansen-Love), The Tree of Life (Terrence Malick), The Bicycle Thief (Vittorio de Sica), Picnic at Hanging Rock (Peter Weir), M (Fritz Lang).

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 288 pages |


Pr. José MORAIS From Literacy to Democracy A Democracy of Literate Citizens The essential, driving role of literacy in the transformation of existing pseudo-democracies into real democracies Pr. José Morais

is a psycholinguist and a professor emeritus at the Free University of Brussels (ULB). As a student in Portugal during the Salazar dictatorship, he actively opposed the regime and was forced to leave the country, later obtaining U.N. refugee status in Belgium. For his scientific contributions he was awarded the title of doctor honoris causa of Lisbon University. In France, he has been a member of the scientific advisory board of the National Literacy Observatory, since its creation in 1995. He is the author of more than 150 articles in prestigious scientific journals. In recent years his collaboration with Stanislas Dehaene, at the Collège de France, and with other scholars, has resulted in joint articles in such journals as Science (2000), The Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2014), PNAS (2014) and Nature Neuroscience Review (2015). He is currently a visiting professor at the Centre for Research in Cognition and the Neurosciences at ULB. The rise in literacy — the mastery of reading and writing skills — has been one of the factors responsible for the decrease in violence in the world. But the percentage of illiterates in the population has now ceased dropping, and the number of young people who leave school with unsatisfactory reading and writing skills is rising. At the same time, the democratic system, which rose with capitalism, has become increasingly unrepresentative, due to the growing power of institutions that do not rely on universal suffrage, and to the rise in abstentionism. In this book, the psycholinguist José Morais contrasts these two factors, which far from being parallel actually influence one another in a series of reciprocal interactions. He shows why the question of children’s education is crucial not only to support culture but also for the survival of a just, living, thriving democracy. The goal of this book is twofold: to explain how children learn to read and write and use those skills, and to show why the struggle for a real democracy — a highly topical subject — hinges on the support of literacy. • Solid proposals, grounded on scientific knowledge, to broaden the access to literacy and, in so doing, to enhance democratic practice. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 336 pages |


Alexis ROSENBAUM Dominant and Dominated Animals A Short Sociology of Animal Hierarchies A fascinating journey into the heart of the animal kingdom, in the light of the latest findings in ethology Alexis Rosenbaum teaches the philosophy of science at Paris Tech and is the author of several works on the notion and foundations of hierarchies. He has an agrégation in philosophy and a doctorate in cognitive psychology. Power struggles in wolf packs, inequality and castes in the insect world, dominant apes with the power of life and death over their congeners: for a long time, humans viewed animal groups as societies ruled by strict, unchanging hierarchies. But improved observation of animal societies has revealed a different reality, one in which the dominant and the dominated may switch places in accordance with their changing interests. In recent years, research in ethology has progressed so rapidly that we are now obliged to review many of our preconceived ideas about life in animal groups. It is clear that we must take into account power relations that are much more sophisticated than simple domination, that collaboration and solidarity exist among animals, that alliances can be flexible and changeable, and that females are very often able to make their demands known. In addition, this fascinating journey into the animal kingdom sheds light on inequality in human society. • A clear, precise overview of scientific research on dominance in the animal kingdom. • A new definition of the foundations of animal sociability. • Based on numerous examples, this is the first work of synthesis on animal hierarchies.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 184 pages |


Pascal PICQ Mrs. Neanderthal Meets Homo sapiens This enthralling fable is the springboard for Picq’s questionings about today’s world and its contradictions Pascal Picq is a senior lecturer in the Chair of Palaeoanthropology and Prehistory at the Collège de France and the author of such successful works as Au commencement était l’homme, Lucy et l’obscurantisme, L’Homme est-il un grand singe politique? and De Darwin à Lévi-Strauss. After sleeping for 29,000 years, Mrs Neanderthal wakes up in a world inhabited by Homo sapiens. Wishing to share her observations about the world around her with her new cousins, she addresses them at a conference on biodiversity, held in Russia. Mrs Neanderthal’s speech opens with a moving tribute to palaeoanthropology and the latest techniques that enabled her resurrection. But she does not forget to praise the spectacular scientific advances made in the life sciences, the Earth sciences and in the study of the Universe. But she also has many questions: what will all this ‘progress’ offer the humans of the future if they do not understand evolution? Dismayed by the mediocrity of our society’s current debates on such issues as reproduction and the environment, she argues in favour of diversity based on a broader understanding: diversity that would doubtless have prevented the disappearance of Neanderthal. • This ‘philosophical-anthropological’ fable affords Pascal Picq the opportunity to sketch a picture of humanity and to examine science and its place in the modern world. • A fascinating critique of the state of the world today, from the unique point of view of a Neanderthal female. • She teaches us to see the failings and contradictions of our world.

Rights sold: Book club (Book of the Month)

| Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 224 pages |


Pr. Jean GUILAINE Humanity’s Second Birth The Neolithic Revolution, a major turning point in the history of humanity Pr. Jean Guilaine

is a professor at the Collège de France and a director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). An internationally recognised specialist on the Neolithic Age, his work centres on early societies and on the first Bronze Age farmers. He was awarded the Grand Prix for Archaeology by the French Minister of Culture. Humanity as we know it came into existence in the Neolithic Age, about 12,000 BCE. It was then that humans began to dominate their environment, inventing agriculture and animal husbandry — revolutions that made them the sole masters of Nature. Jean Guilaine examines behaviour and social rules, focussing on the question of violence. In 1991 the discovery of Ötzi’s mummified body provided proof of the first assassination in the history of humanity. The Neolithic Age established the foundations of our societies. The early stages of socialisation then led the way to the beginnings of history. • The enthralling question of our origins: how did humans become human? How did they become social beings and creators of culture? • Jean Guilaine recreates here the mental universe and daily life of Neolithic humans: a fascinating enterprise. • Great importance is given to the symbolic, to the worlds of beliefs and behaviour, particularly to violence.

Rights sold: Book club (Book of the Month): Main selection

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 208 pages |


Pr. Yves COPPENS The Present of the Past 4 Pastilles of Prehistory A lively introduction to the basics of Prehistory that is both informative and entertaining Pr. Yves Coppens is a palaeontologist who is internationally recognised as the discoverer of many important human fossils, including those of the hominid Lucy. He is an honorary professor at the French National Museum of Natural History and at the Collège de France and a member of the Academy of Sciences and of the Academy of Medicine. He is the author of many highly successful books published by Editions Odile Jacob: Pré-ambules, Le Genou de Lucy, L’Histoire de l’homme, Yves Coppens raconte l’homme, Pré-textes and, more recently, the Présent du passé series (Le Présent du passé, Le Présent du passé au carré, Le Présent du passé au cube). Who are the direct ancestors of humans? Why is the discovery of Lucy so essential? How did the first hominids migrate from Africa? Who was Little Foot? When was Asia first settled? When was Lutetia built? Yves Coppens follows here the format of his latest, highly successful works published by Editions Odile Jacob: taking as his starting point an event in Prehistory (a recent archaeological finding, a new thesis in palaeontology, a current publication on ancient history) he makes us discover, in a simple, clear and entertaining manner, the essential points about our ancestors’ history. From Africa to Europe, from the Far East to the Americas, this is an extraordinary journey through time and space that enables us to discover the past from which we all sprang. • An illuminating work that blends, skilfully and humorously, our recent history of highly evolved creatures and the more primitive history of our earlier ancestors, including pre-humans and other mammals. • A work that examines and puts in perspective the latest archaeological findings from around the world. • The approach that made the success of Le Présent du passé, Le Présent du passé au carré and Le Présent du passé au cube. | Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 288 pages |


Antoine COMPAGNON (edited by) The First World War, 1914-18: New Thinkers and Artists Upheavals in Science and in the Arts and Letters The Great War: ruptures and reconfigurations in society Pr. Antoine Compagnon is a professor at the Collège de France in the Chair of Modern and Contemporary French Literature: History, Criticism, Theory. Introduction by Serge Haroche. With contributions by: Olivier Agard, Françoise Balibar, Jacques Bouveresse, Isabelle von Buelzingsloewen, Yves Cohen, Marc Fontecave, Roland Gori, Claudine Haroche, Serge Haroche, Henry Laurens, Michelle Perrot, Roland Recht, Makis Solomos, Claudine Tiercelin, Céline Trautmann-Waller, Jürgen von Ungern-Sternberg, Anton Zeilinger. The year of the centenary saw a multitude of works by historians on the causes and the consequences of the Great War — without of course exhausting such a vast, complex subject that has given rise to so many interpretations and reflections. One of the explanations for our fascination with the Great War is that the epoch around 1914 appears to be one of immense rupture: a break that is not only geopolitical and historic but also concerns ways of understanding the world, of seeing and thinking. This book focuses on the intellectual effervescence engendered by wartime upheavals, and their long-term consequences. • A sweeping panorama of the changes that occurred in the wake of the First World War, from physics (Einstein) and chemistry (poison gas) to the visual arts (Picasso, Duchamp, Kandinsky), music, cinema, psychoanalysis and even to the topic of love, as treated is literature and philosophy. • With an introduction by Serge Haroche, administrator of the Collège de France, Chair of quantum physics, and 2012 Nobel Prize laureate in Physics.

| Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 416 pages |


Pierre BROSSOLETTE Resistance (1927-1943) Gathered here are the major writings of French Resistance leader Pierre Brossolette Guillaume Piketty, a senior research fellow at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques, specialises in the history and memoirs of the French Resistance, of Free France and of Gaullism. He published a biography and anthology of Pierre Brossolette, edited the war memoirs of Charles d’Aragon, collaborated in compiling the Dictionnaire historique de la Résistance and co-directed Le Dictionnaire De Gaulle.

Pierre Brossolette was a major leader of the French Resistance until his tragic death in 1944. Known for his farsightedness during the pre-war years and for his honesty, he is also remembered for his contribution to the legend of a fighting, Resistant France. The writings gathered here are both moving and profound and include some of the most extraordinary texts of the Resistance — among them his famous vindication of the ‘soutiers de la Gloire’ (the ‘trimmers of Glory’, a phrase coined by Brossolette in a BBC radio broadcast).

• This completely revised edition of Piketty’s earlier selection includes a new preface. • The controversy about the respective roles of Pierre Brossolette and Jean Moulin in the unification of the Resistance movement is discussed in Piketty’s new preface.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 208 pages |


Pierre VERMEREN Sad Stories of Decolonisation The failure of French decolonisation, and government cowardice in the face of recent violence (from 1962 to the present) Pr. Pierre Vermeren is a professor of contemporary history, at the University of Paris-1-Panthéon Sorbonne, and a specialist in African studies and decolonisation.

The events that shook the Maghreb, in particular, during the Arab Springs are a direct consequence of how France handled the decolonisation of its former empire. The author argues that from Algerian Independence, in 1962, to the Arab revolutions of 2011-2012, France, combining good intentions with guilt, allowed its successors at the head of the new nations (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and other African nations) to act with total impunity. The silence and blindness of the French, but also of the rest of the European nations, enabled the leaders of the new nations to appropriate and waste the resources and riches of the newly decolonised territories, against a background of persecution and the submission of ordinary citizens. Pierre Vermeren puts recent events — the explosions of anger in the Maghreb, the struggle against jihadism — in historical perspective and argues that independence has not yet been obtained. • The combined history of the colonisers and the decolonised peoples, of the wars of independence and the current struggles against jihadism. • A strong, well-argued, well-documented thesis: the current situation in the Maghreb, ensnared in political and religious violence, is the direct result of the failures of decolonisation. • A ground-breaking historical approach to recent events, from the Arab Spring to the latest persecutions, most notably in Algeria.

| Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 300 pages |


Justin VAISSE Zbigniew Brzezinski: Strategist of the Empire The itinerary of this exceptional statesman offers a unique behindthe-scenes view of U.S. foreign policy in the making Justin Vaïsse is a French historian and intellectual. He is the director of the Centre for Analysis, Planning and Strategy, a think tank of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An expert in U.S. political history and foreign policy, Vaïsse has taught at the Paris Institut d’Etudes Politiques (IEP), at the Ecole Nationale d’Administration (ENA) and at Johns Hopkins University. He is a former Director of Research at the Brookings Institution. He is the author of Barack Obama et sa politique étrangère, L’Empire du milieu and Une Histoire du néo-conservatisme aux Etats-Unis, published by Odile Jacob. How did a young Polish immigrant become the strategist of the most powerful nation in the world? What does his itinerary tells us about the developments in U.S. geopolitics? Zbigniew Brzezinski arrived in America in 1938, at the age of ten. After studying at McGill University, in Montreal, he went on to Harvard in 1950, and later became a respected professor of international relations. Like Henry Kissinger, he imposed himself on the WASP establishment as one of the most influential foreign policy advisors, as well as one of the most insightful Sovietologists of his time. His meteoric career led him to the White House, as President Carter’s National Security Advisor. During the next forty years, he was regularly consulted by various administrations and his recommendations have been followed at numerous times and on a variety of issues, from the Cold War to the collapse of the Berlin Wall, from the war in Iraq to the rise of China. • Besides depicting the success story of a tenacious, highly talented immigrant, this biography gives us an inside view of the relations between the U.S. and the rest of the world. • As he takes us behind the scenes, the author reveals some fascinating events concerning the Cold War, the role of Pope John Paul II in the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the Gulf War, the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the place of the United States in a multipolar world, etc. | Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 400 pages |


Michel CARTIER China and the West: A Six-Hundred-Year History The history of Chinese-Western relations — a tale of fascination and fear — recounted by a historian specialising in the Far East Michel Cartier is a specialist in Far Eastern social history and demographics. He is a director of studies at the French School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS) and the editor-in-chief of Aujourd’hui, la Chine. This book reviews the history of Chinese-Western relations, which for the West have been characterised from the start by ambivalence and have swung between fascination and repulsion, attraction and fear. Beginning with the early Western explorers’ discovery of China, to the studies carried out by the Jesuits, followed by the era of colonial expansion, the fears raised by Maoism, and culminating in today’s European and U.S. business relocations to China — the new El Dorado — Western attitudes to China have continuously swung back and forth, depending on Western ambitions and China’s upheavals. Michel Cartier points to the key role that internal factors linked to Chinese history have traditionally played in this on-going love-hate relationship. He concludes with an assessment of China’s strengths and weaknesses in its relations to the rest of the world. • Should we fear China? Michel Cartier answers this age-old question. • A history of the fears and fascination elicited by the Middle Kingdom throughout the ages. • An essential contribution for a better understanding of Western relations with China.

| Odile Jacob | June 2015 | 300 pages |


Ivar EKELAND The Boiling Frog Syndrome Will Homo economicus survive climate change? Ivar Ekeland is a mathematician and an economist. He held the Chair of Finance and Sustainable Development at Paris-Dauphine University, and is a former president of the university. He is the author of several scientific works for the general reader (Calcul, l’imprévu; Théorie économique et rationalité).

The premise of the boiling frog syndrome is that a frog placed in a saucepan of boiling water will react and jump out, but if a frog is placed in cold water which is slowly heated it will get used to the heat and boil to death. Similarly, global warming, which is in the process of profoundly changing our way of life, is barely perceptible to us. Because climate change is only observable in the long term — over decades and even centuries — it does not seem to require any urgent decisions, with the result that politicians, whose concerns are short term, constantly postpone doing anything about it. Yet in the timeframe of the environment, it will take at least fifty years before an action produces a result. Only an ethical and anthropological viewpoint that accounts for the survival of the human species can resolve this dilemma. But as Homo economicus, we are calculating individuals motivated by self-interest, for whom the environment is an infinite, free resource. In ordinary economic interactions there is no ‘environmental interest rate’, as has been amply illustrated by the inexorable depletion of fishing stocks due to the pressure of economic forces. The author urges a thorough reappraisal of economic thinking if we don’t wish to see the human species become a victim of its economic theories and share in the sad demise of cod or of Bluefin tuna. • Climate change viewed by an economist. • A step towards new way of thinking about the economy.

| Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 128 pages |


Christian DE PERTHUIS and Raphaël TROTIGNON The Schemes Involved in Climate Negotiations Global warming: understanding, anticipating, taking action Pr. Christian De Perthuis

is a professor of economics at Paris-Dauphine University, where he founded the Climate Economics Chair. He headed a committee on environmental taxation which resulted in the adoption of a carbon tax in French fiscal directives. He is the author of numerous works, including Le Capital vert (Editions Odile Jacob, 2013) Raphaël Trotignon is an environmental engineer and an economist, with a PhD in economics from Paris-Dauphine University. He is the co-author, with Boris Solier, of Comprendre les enjeux énergétiques (Pearson, 2010). What outcome can be expected from the U.N. Climate Change Conference, scheduled to be held in Paris in December 2015? In this book, Christian De Perthuis and Raphaël Trotignon, two of the top experts in climate economics, offer an inside picture of climate-change negotiations and of the major issues on the agenda. And they make it clear that a solid legal agreement — i.e. one that is equally binding for all parties — must be envisaged. They are critical of energy transitions that will simply result in more CO2 being released into the atmosphere; instead, they urge the implementation of a system of international tariffs as the way to achieve real change. Disagreements between the West and developing nations concerning the former’s responsibility, scientific uncertainties which only encourage climate-change sceptics, the role played by economic and local interests, technological innovations: these are some of the issues that show that climate change cannot be dealt with in isolation, and must be included in society’s broader issues. • Didactic and highly accessible, this book will enable citizens to make up their own minds about climate change and what must be done. • A reasonably optimistic work, showing that by acting soon in a coordinated manner we can effect immediate changes. There’s no need to wait till 2050!

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 280 pages |


Paul JORION Thinking Out Loud About the Economy With Keynes Rebuilding economic science with Keynes Paul Jorion

is an anthropologist and a sociologist. He became known to a wide readership with his book on the crisis of U.S. capitalism: La Crise du capitalisme américain (2007), in which he foresaw the subprime crisis. A columnist for the French daily Le Monde, he also has a blog where he often expresses iconoclastic views. He holds the ‘Stewardship of Finance’ chair at the Free University of Brussels. How can the economy be rebuilt following the 2007 debacle of a ‘science’ under the control of finance? How can rereading Keynes help us establish the foundations of a new economic thought? Drawing largely on John Maynard Keynes’s own writings, Paul Jorion reviews the economist’s extraordinary life: a product of Cambridge scholarship, he was also part of the Bloomsbury group and Virginia Woolf’s literary circle. Not only was he an immensely influential economist, he was also a civil servant and an eminent statesman. What do we learn from Jorion’s thoughtful reexamination of Keynes’ writings? First of all, that Keynes regarded the use of mathematics and statistics in economics with healthy scepticism. We also learn that Keynes was an early critic of capitalism and its ravages, and of the pseudo-rationality of economics which he viewed as destructive of the social order. Going back to Keynes’s works to reconstruct his ideas means acknowledging that there can never be a purely economic solution to social problems, and that economics should continue being political economics, as it was until the end of the 19th century. By pointing out the revolutionary aspects as well as the grey areas in the work of this prolific writer, Paul Jorion has restored the most stimulating and relevant aspects of Keynes’s thought for our times. • In Keynes’s company, Paul Jorion urges us to examine such economic issues as State intervention, the setting of interest rates, the benefits of fiscal policy, currency, unemployment. • While remaining close to Keynes’s ideas, Jorion gives us an original reflection on his work for our times.

| Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 320 pages |


Pr. Éloi LAURENT and Pr. Jacques LE CACHEUX A New World Economy Which economic indicators should be used to describe the new world economy? Pr. Éloi Laurent is a senior economist at OFCE (the economics research centre of the Institut d’Études Politiques) and an expert in environmental sustainability and in individual and social well-being. At present, he teaches at Stanford University and at the Institut d’Études Politiques, and has previously taught at Harvard. He is the author of La Nouvelle Écologie politique (Seuil) and Le Bel avenir de l’ÉtatProvidence (LLL). Pr. Jacques Le Cacheux is a professor at the University of Pau-Pays de l’Adour, and a scientific adviser at OFCE (the economics research centre of the Institut d’Études Politiques), where he directed the Department of Studies, until 2013. He was the Chief Rapporteur of the Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi Commission. Governing means measuring. The indicators that governments choose to measure in order to determine future economic policies are clearly of crucial significance. Besides measuring such traditional economic indicators as GDP, governments now increasingly monitor indicators of citizens’ wellbeing, which take into account healthcare, education and environmental sustainability rather that a simple accumulation of revenue. After reviewing a multitude of indicators concerning well-being, the authors focus on those that seem sturdiest and most likely to inform us about the resources and complexity of contemporary societies. Finally, they demonstrate how such indicators can assist policymakers. If policymakers are capable of measuring citizens’ day-to-day experiences and behaviours (such as defiance and pessimism), which are ignored in standard studies, they will obtain a more accurate picture of how people experience their lives. • Accessible, clear explanations, without too many technical details, of each indicator and of what is at stake. • A talented young economist, Éloi Laurent is one of the strongest advocates of what he has successfully named ‘social-ecology’. — an economic approach that fully integrates environmental issues with human development. • ‘Social-ecology’: an economic approach that fully integrates environmental issues with human development. | Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 250 pages |


Pr. Jean-Michel SERVET Microcredit’s Real Revolution A thorough analysis of microfinance Pr. Jean-Michel Servet

is a professor at Geneva’s Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and a research fellow at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (Paris) and at the French Institute of Pondicherry. He is the author of Banquiers aux pieds nus (Editions Odile Jacob, 2006). Microcredit aims to offer loans that answer the needs of people who live on the margins of finance and who do not have access to traditional bank credit. It has been immensely successful: more than one billion people, primarily in Asia, have recourse to microcredit. But does it qualify as a revolution? Probably not, according to the author, who reminds us of the context in which microcredit was born (to promote an allegedly pacifying and liberating market), and then goes on to make a detailed critique of the belief that microcredit will relegate poverty to ‘poverty museums’, in the famous expression used by Muhammad Yunus in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, in 2006. The author shows that all the conditions that would enable microcredit to eradicate poverty are rarely met. In addition, Grameen Bank’s initial project, which involved granting loans to small groups of borrowers, had to be revised in the 1990s, because of borrowers’ frequent inability to pay back their loans, with the result that individual loans are now preferred. Ironically, microcredit would seem to increase as income rises. This is what the author demonstrates here. If a revolution did take place it occurred in microfinance, which, in order to respond to the real needs of poor people, developed other financial services besides microcredit: savings, transfer of funds, payment of mobile phones, micro-insurance. Analysing the mechanisms of the ‘real revolution’, Jean-Michel Servet shows that an alternative form of finance is possible, one in which money and credit are common goods. • This book criticises some of the false hopes that microcredit gave rise to and which have been sustained by compliant arguments. • The development of microfinance contains the seeds of a real transformation. | Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 256 pages |


Olivier FREGET Competition An Idea that Is (Still) a Novelty in Europe European competition law, in support of pluralism Olivier Fréget is a lawyer specialising in competition law and regulated sectors. His main areas of expertise are new technologies, energy, the media and the pharmaceutical industry. He notably represented new players against France Télécom, in 1997 and 2007. Before starting his own law firm, he was an associate at Allen & Overy LLP, a major international law firm. After French voters decisively rejected the European Constitutional Treaty in 2005, France became the selfproclaimed home of Euroscepticism. The root cause of this example of French exceptionalism is the rejection of ‘competition on the merits’. According to Olivier Fréget, the French still regard competition as a destructive tool wielded by dominant members of society. This book aims to celebrate the principle of meritdriven competition, as a value and as a goal and not only as a means of serving a policy. He shows that competition does not exist in a pure state of nature; it is ‘constructed’ and it is always in a state of ‘becoming’; it is the product of thousands of years of history, coextensive with the construction of national States. Based on ordoliberalism, itself based on competition with rules, European competition law aims in effect to preserve pluralism while assuring the permanence and renewal of power. And so, contrary to Anglo-Saxon law, its priority is not to fight against Big Business but to check the indefinite expansion of the State. This is a vibrant, forcefully argued and illustrated defence of competition in Europe. • Drawing on the author’s extensive knowledge of European competition law, this book includes numerous examples from a variety of business enterprises: from health to metallurgy, from agricultural production to telecommunications. • An original examination of competition, which is not limited to economic aspects.

| Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 352 pages |


Pr. Alain SUPIOT (Ed.) Solidarity An Enquiry Into a Legal Principle An up-to-date review of international drug rings and of the legal and administrative measures to combat them Pr. Alain Supiot

is a legal scholar and a professor at the Collège de France (Chair: The Social State and Globalisation: A Legal Analysis of Forms of Solidarity). His research interests focus on two complementary areas: social law and legal theory. He is the author of several works, including Droit du travail, The Spirit of Philadelphia and Homo Juridicus. Reasoning in terms of globalisation means recognising, now as always, that there are several ways of humanising the planet, but that, now more than ever before, those ways greatly influence one another. It is from this standpoint that the present enquiry was undertaken to examine the meaning and future of the legal principle of solidarity. This book, which resulted from a seminar held at the Collège de France on 5-6 June 2013, does not broach the subject of solidarity as the answer but as a question, or, rather, as a series of questions: in what context, and to what ends, did the notion of solidarity first appear and in what diverse areas of knowledge was it used? What echoes exist of solidarity in cultures and societies far from the one where it originated? What are the legal manifestations of solidarity in the contemporary world? Underlying all the contributions in this book is the question: could the principle of solidarity be recognised beyond the legal culture where it originated? • Solidarity remains a central issue in times of economic crisis.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 368 pages |


Judith ROCHFELD and Valérie-Laure BENABOU Who Profits When You Click? How Value Is Distributed on the Net The battle for control over digital data Valérie-Laure Benabou, a law professor at Versailles University, is an expert in intellectual property rights on the Internet, a consultant on the Conseil Supérieure de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique (CSPLA) and a member of the French parliamentary study commission on digital rights and Internet freedom. Judith Rochfeld is a professor of private law at Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris-I. Her research interests and publications focus on civil law (contracts, persons, goods, property), European law and digital law. What can be done to safeguard privacy and cultural diversity? How to reinstate individuals in their rightful place as citizens, as productive members of society and as consumers? Nothing is free on the Internet and each intermediary uses the data it obtains on users (profile, behaviour) to turn a profit. ‘If it’s free, you’re the product’, proclaims the French consumer association UFC-Que Choisir to denounce the use of personal data by GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon), to which Twitter and Microsoft could be added. These digital giants are vying for control of the Net in an effort to keep profits to themselves. Never before have the producers of wealth (creators, Internet users) and those who profit from it been so disconnected. The book denounces property limits, a notion that is often brandished as a talisman by Internet detractors but which is nevertheless poorly adapted to the virtual character of the assets under consideration. The authors explore new legal solutions for a fairer distribution of Internet wealth. Such solutions include giving individuals increased means and reassessing personal data as a common resource. • A concrete, legal approach for a clearer, more balanced understanding of the interests of all parties. • Existing laws fail to adequately protect intellectual property. The authors propose here a series of solutions based on their innovative approach to digital content. | Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 112 pages |


Jean-Claude COUSSERAN and Philippe HAYEZ Intelligence and Intelligence Gathering in Democracies A thoroughly researched, pedagogical work for anyone interested in Intelligence Jean-Claude Cousseran

is the secretary general of the Paris-based International Diplomatic Academy. An expert on the Arab-Muslim world, he was the first strategic director of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure (the French intelligence agency) from 1989 to 1992, then its director general (2000-2003). Philippe Hayez, a senior adviser at the French Court of Audit, has held several positions in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Defence. From 2000 to 2006, he was assigned to the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure. He is the cofounder of the METIS seminar on Intelligence at Sciences Po. Since 2009, both authors have been in charge of Intelligence Studies at Sciences Po’s School of International Affairs. Since the attacks on the World Trade Center, and culminating in the disclosures made by the whistleblower Edward Snowden, Intelligence services have been gradually forced out of the shadows. Intelligence policies are now officially recognised and the means allocated to intelligence gathering bolstered in the name of the ‘war’ on international terrorism. This book aims to define Intelligence policies and to reveal their underlying principles, through a comparative approach of Western democracies (France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States). It explores the chief notions of Intelligence, reveals the main areas of application of intelligence policies and defines the conditions of implementation. Above all, the authors provide the reader with the necessary information to understand and question the goals of Intelligence and to review the major issues. Finally, they question the ability of Intelligence to integrate democratic cultures, and they attempt to define an alternative, accountable and ‘morally upright’ relationship between Intelligence operators and the Executive. • Two experts expose and analyse Intelligence, from its basic working principles to the conditions of its implementation. | Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 384 pages |


Mario BETTATI The International Control of Drugs and Drug Trafficking A New Perspective On Economic Growth An up-to-date review of international drug rings and of the legal and administrative measures to combat them Pr. Mario Bettati is a professor emeritus in law at the University of Paris-II and a former dean. He was an adviser to Bernard Kouchner (formerly French Minister of Foreign and European Affairs), with whom he initiated and promoted the ‘Right to humanitarian and environmental intervention’. He is notably the author of Le Droit d’ingérence, Le Droit international de l’environnement and Le Terrorisme (2013), which were all published by Editions Odile Jacob. There have never been so many drug seizures and drug-related convictions, yet drug trafficking remains on the rise. Why? What part does the growth of the drug market and of drug consumption play in this seeming paradox? What can international law enforcement do and how can progress be made on this front? Reviewing the different types of drugs, the author reveals the impact of the massive increase in sales of synthetic drugs, particularly on the internet. He stresses the complexity of setting up international drug control policies, since these must take into account the prerogatives of different countries (both drug producers and consumers) and deal with the increasingly porous frontier between legal (medical) and illegal drugs. Besides assessing existing legal measures, he shows how police forces and customs authorities are working together to combat an increasingly multifaceted scourge. He also evokes the experiments that have been carried out all over the world to limit and supervise drug consumption: legalising cannabis, setting up ‘shooting galleries’ (facilities where drug addicts can consume drugs legally). • An important book for students and professionals (lawyers, police officers, functionaries). • A complete assessment of the legal and administrative aspects of drug enforcement; an understanding of the organisation of drug rings. • A study of drug markets, consumption, laws and experiments. | Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 288 pages |


Pr. Michel SAVY (Ed.) New Spaces, New Movements Future Mobility An innovative approach to such essential issues as work, housing and information Pr. Michel Savy

is a professor emeritus at Paris-Est University (Ecole d’Urbanisme de Paris et Ecoles des Ponts-Paris Tech), a member of the regulatory authority for railway transport (ARAF) and director of the Observatory of European Transport Policies and Strategies (OPSTE). Contributors: François Bertière, CEO of Bouygues Immobilier; Eric Ballot, professor at the Ecole des Mines; Christian Grellier, director of innovation and sustainable development at Bouygues Immobilier; Christian Dubois, managing director of Cushman & Wakefield France; Laetitia Dablanc, Director of Research at the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks; Nacima Baron, professor at Paris-Est University; Antoine Picon, professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design; Francis-Luc Perret, honorary professor at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral of Lausanne. Although suffering from unemployment and mistrusting the future, society has been undergoing constant, intense evolution. Instead of ossifying our society, the current crisis has accelerated change, both of a positive and a painful nature. Under various influences — technical innovation, social change, political objectives of sustainable development — the territory is permanently undergoing reconfiguration. This has resulted in vast and unprecedented movements of people, but also of goods and information. This book examines mobility by combining two different approaches: first, by studying emblematic places (home, office, neighbourhood, warehouse, factory, shopping mall) and the centres that organise space and its networks; secondly, by examining the exchanges that link such places and the flows that supply them and connect them (tourism, freight transport, public transport). With its wide-ranging contributions from experts in various fields, this book offers an overall view of society and allows us to anticipate future trends, at a time when prospective studies have become increasingly important. | Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 300 pages |


Rita HERMON-BELOT Religious Pluralism and French Secularism Act I, The Revolution Laïcité: a long history of confrontation Rita Hermon-Belot is a director of studies at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), where she is attached to CéSor, a research centre for the social scientific study of religion. She has taught at Science-Po Paris and at Yale. She is the author of L’Emancipation des Juifs en France (PUF, 1999), L’Abbé Grégoire, la politique et la vérité (Le Seuil, 2000) and a contributor to Le Dictionnaire des faits religieux (PUF, 2010). Laïcité, the French brand of secularism whose roots go deep into French national history, has recently become a sensitive political issue. The turbulent origin of laïcité during the Revolution explains why religious beliefs and practices in France — unlike in other democracies — were relegated to the private sphere. It is this specificity that has engendered tensions in French society today, a time of increasingly assertive religious communitarianism. In order to understand the current situation, Rita Hermon-Belot has gone back to the French Revolution and to the origins of religious freedom. She shows why the revolutionary episode was decisive in inaugurating a radically new period in terms not only of rights and liberties but also of practices. The French Revolution was not, as has too often been stated, profoundly hostile to religion. In fact, the Revolution was responsible for establishing religious pluralism, before the radicalisation of 1793 led to the adoption of a more antagonistic position. The premises that were established then would be further developed during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. And the author argues that France has not yet finished assessing the effects and contradictions of laïcité. • Drawing on little known archives — Bulletins produced by different religious groups, Cahiers de Doléances (lists of grievances) — this essay renews the traditional historical interpretation of laïcité and of the French Revolution and puts in perspective the issue of religious pluralism in France. • A book that enables us to understand why laïcité is not only a collection of republican principles but part of a long, confrontational history. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 272 pages |


Pr. Béatrice PHILIPPE The Jews and French Identity How Jews in France successfully integrated without denying their identity Pr. Béatrice Philippe is a university professor emerita. In 1997, she held the Chair of Jewish Civilisation and she was the director of research for Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisation (INALCO), in Paris. Her research and her many publications have focused essentially on the history of the Jews of France. Jews in France were granted citizenship in 1791. Before the French Revolution they constituted a numerically small, disparate minority (40,000 people) and suffered from extreme discrimination and prejudice. How did they succeed in becoming completely integrated into French society in less than a century, to the extent that they gradually adopted all of its stereotypes? What does this teach us about the French Republic and its religious minorities? Based on numerous archives (legislative extracts, newspaper and other period publications), B.Philippe describes the Jewish minority as they were before they acceded to French citizenship. She emphasises the fact that they benefited from relative tolerance, seesawing between royal protection and de facto exclusion. She then examines the factors that favoured integration and draws on many examples and anecdotes to describe how Jews in France succeeded in interweaving their own traditions with patriotic values, combining loyalty to their identity with devotion, first to France, and then to the Republic. She argues that these were the keys that enabled successful integration. • Well documented, drawing on numerous archival material and portraits, this book offers a rich, lively picture of France’s Jewish minority, from the beginnings of the Revolution to the Dreyfus Affair. • A fascinating book not only because of its analyses of integrating mechanisms, but also because it shows how those mechanisms combined with elements of Jewish identity and with the maintenance of Jewish traditions.

| Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 300 pages |


Pierre LEMARQUIS Aesthetic Empathy The powerful impact of art on the human brain, in the light of the latest advances in the neurosciences Pierre Lemarquis is a neurologist.

A former intern and department head at Marseille’s teaching hospital, he is a member of the French Society of Neurology, the Society of Francophone Clinical Neurophysiologists and of the New York Academy of Sciences. His two earlier books published by Editions Odile Jacob, Sérénade pour un cerveau musicien and Portrait du cerveau en artiste were huge successes. Listening to Mozart, admiring a fresco by Michelangelo or reading one of Shakespeare’s plays all have a similar effect. After stimulation of the appropriate sensorial brain areas for sounds, images or reading, the brain behaves as if musical notes, colours or fictional characters had possessed it. Even if we remain apparently silent and immobile, the brain sings, dances, becomes animated and feels emotions. In the aesthetic experience something larger than ourselves possesses us, altering our vision of the world and our comprehension of existence. When we feel transported by a work of art, we experience what is known as ‘aesthetic empathy’. We now know that the capacity to experience beauty depends on an actual change in our neuronal circuits. As Pierre Lemarquis brilliantly shows here, such aesthetic empathy has therapeutic effects, which can result in a quasi-rebirth, provoking spiritual regeneration and abolishing all notions of space and time. It revitalises us and, through us, the works of art of the past are brought to life. • How art can impact the human brain. • An amazing explanation of how the human mind can open itself to art and beauty, as the brain makes previously unknown links and connections. • An extraordinary journey into the world of art and beauty.

| Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 288 pages |


Jean-Noël BEUZEN Music From Creative Genius to Healing Therapy A psychiatric study of music, genius and madness Jean-Noël Beuzen is a physician-psychiatrist, working at Hôpital Sainte-Anne, in Paris. Scientific research has taught us a great deal about music’s healing powers, as well as about the links between madness and creative genius. Many composers have overcome maladjustment and pathological states (depression, hyperactivity, psychoses) by creating great works of music. The history of musical creativity reveals the strong ties between music and madness, and of how they have nourished one another. Whether as inspiration, creative drive or as the subject of operas, madness fuels and inspires musical creativity, while music restrains madness and transforms it into a performance. Music and madness have a common denominator: the brain. If you have feelings, you can feel pain. The brain that creates art also creates symptoms. Marvellous works of music or painful delirium may result from the same suffering brain. The author’s aim is to help readers understand the complexity of the ties between music and madness — as revealed in the lives and works of numerous composers — and the emotions contained in music and the suffering brain alike. • An invitation to the edge of three fascinating territories: music, emotions and madness. • An exploration of the close ties between music and mental pathologies: as a source of inspiration, object of study, cure, stimulant and subject of creativity. • Numerous references to classical and contemporary music and musicians.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 288 pages |


François ROUSTANG Never Against On Being an Attentive Body Three seminal works by François Roustang, gathered here in one volume: La Fin de la plainte, Il suffit d’un geste and Savoir attendre François Roustang

is a therapist and a dissident voice in the psychoanalytic community. A staunch critic of cognitive behavioural therapies, he has worked for many years on a radical re-examination of the conditions for change. His position led him to rediscover the capacity of hypnosis to bring about a profound modification in patients’ self-image and in their relations with the outside world. His highly successful trilogy — La Fin de la plainte, Il suffit d’un geste and Savoir attendre (published by Editions Odile Jacob) — has placed him among the most original writers in his field in France. ‘In general, when a therapy is undertaken, regardless of the approach, the aim is to get rid of a symptom (sadness, fear, guilt, frustration, etc.). But in order to do so, you must ask where the symptom came from and what caused it. The mistaken premise underlying all such psychotherapies is a fascination with the rule that says that every effect has a cause. ‘But the truth is that if you suffer, for example, from anxiety or insomnia, you should not oppose your symptoms. Instead, you should pay attention to them, embrace them to your body, integrate them in and through your conduct. You can even go further: take your fears and hurts in your hand as if they were nourishment, put them in your mouth, chew them slowly, swallow them, and then wait calmly as you digest them... ‘In doing all this, haven’t we gone against all the therapies that are practised in the West? It hardly matters if this seems bizarre or even scandalous. You just have to ask yourself if it works,’ writes François Roustang. • With a new, previously unpublished introduction and conclusion by the author. • The singular approach of an atypical author: accept the symptom. This is the exact opposite of what is advocated by most current psychotherapies, which are all bound to fail. | Odile Jacob | August 2015 | 752 pages |


Didier PLEUX The Freudian Couch Revolution Existential psychotherapy: a new approach grounded in the power of consciousness Didier Pleux is a doctor in developmental psychology, a clinical psychologist, and the director of the French Institute for Cognitive Therapy. He is the author of numerous important works on education, including the very successful De l’enfant roi à l’enfant tyran, Peut mieux faire, Exprimer sa colère sans perdre le contôle, Un enfant heureux, Les Adultes tyrans and Les 10 commandements du bon sens éducatif. Didier Pleux is known for his frequent denunciations of Freudian psychoanalysis but he has not rejected all of Freud’s insights. In this book, he defends a new approach, based on the more successful hypotheses of cognitive behavioural therapies (CBT), but which also takes into account patients’ past history — something that CBT practitioners too often neglect. How and why can this be regarded as a ‘revolution of the Freudian couch’? Though it is useful to know the origins of certain emotional disorders, it is just as important not to look for and focus on a single trauma linked to early childhood, but to assess all the events in a patient’s life that contributed to produce dysfunctional emotions and behaviour. Existential psychotherapy enables patients to understand how their irrational demands and expectations — of themselves, of others and of the world — were fashioned. This reconstruction of the Self requires a new — and a fully conscious — understanding of the patient’s ‘history’. Existential psychotherapy is a synthesis of Freudian psychoanalysis and of cognitive and behavioural approaches. It is a new path to selfcomprehension and healing. • A work that will nourish the debate between psychoanalysis and non-Freudian psychotherapy, between the roles played in analysis by the unconscious and by conscious forces. • The definition of a form of psychotherapy that aims at the patient’s actual cure.

| Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 288 pages |


François LE DOZE and Christian KRUMB The Power of Self-Confidence A Therapy to Unify the Self A new psychotherapy to enable Self-Leadership François Le Doze is a neurologist at the teaching hospital of the University of Caen. After training in the United States with Richard Schwartz, the creator of the Internal Family Systems Model (IFSSM), he founded the Francophone Institute for the Development of Self-Leadership (IFDS), which offers training programmes for health professionals and caregivers. Christian Krumb is a journalist and psycho-practitioner. He trained at the Paris Gestalt School and at IFDS. François Le Doze describes here how his life and professional practice were profoundly altered by his discovery of the Internal Family Systems Model, based on the notion of Self-Leadership, as described by the American theorist Richard Schwartz. This new form of psychotherapy postulates that the human personality is subdivided into parts that emerge and intervene in sequence, in response to specific situations: these subdivisions make up every facet of a personality, its talents and energies. When the Self is sufficiently centred and forms the core of the personality, the parts come and go, interacting fluidly as each one plays its role without treading on the others, in a beautifully choreographed ballet. However, in a pathological system the parts are trapped in a closed system and ignore the core. But change is possible when the patient, under the therapist’s guidance, succeeds in re-establishing trust between the Self and the dysfunctional parts. The Self must be restored in its leadership position — just as a captain must be reinstated at the ship’s helm — if each part is to recover energy, creativity, balance and harmony. This is the process that the author describes here, clearly and thoroughly. • A clear presentation, aimed at a wide readership, of a new form of psychotherapy. • Each chapter blends theory with personal experiences detailing individual progress. Meditation exercises to help consolidate ties with the Self. | Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 250 pages |


David GOURION Young Adults’ Extreme Sensitivity One young adult out of four suffers from psychic malaise. However, prevention is possible David Gourion is a psychiatrist. For many years he worked at Hôpital SainteAnne, in Paris, in the department headed by Professor Henri Lôo, with whom he wrote Les Nuits de l’âme, a major reference work on depression, and Le Meilleur de soi — Empathie — attachement et personnalité, both published by Editions Odile Jacob. 80% of psychic disorders begin between the ages of 12 and 25. How can we explain the vulnerability of youth to psychic disorders? Above all, what can be done to prevent the onset of psychic disorders, and to stop them from worsening? Based on detailed knowledge of the difficulties encountered by young people, as well as of the latest research in the neurosciences, David Gourion offers a new understanding of the disorders experienced by the 12–25 age group, and explains why it is so important to take action as early as possible. Anxiety, stress, insomnia, exhaustion, loss of motivation: it is often difficult to separate temporary difficulties from real symptoms. Yet the early identification of signs of vulnerability is crucial. Chaotic sleep patterns, unhealthy lifestyles, excessive academic or professional pressures, cyber addiction, alcohol and drug abuse, dangerous behaviour patterns: all these factors can increase young people’s vulnerability. But new, protective factors have also been discovered, and we now have the tools to help us understand the problems, assess them and provide assistance. • 12–25 years is a crucial period in a person’s development and suicide is a major cause of death between the ages of 15 and 30. • This is a major work on the psychology of young adults which offers an approach to teenagers’ and young adults’ psychic disorders, grounded in the neurosciences. • For parents: guidance and explanations. For young adults: practical information, tests and advice. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 432 pages |


Fabrice JOLLANT The Suicidal Mind Understanding and Helping Those at Risk Understanding the causes of fragility, in order to identify vulnerability to suicidal behaviours Fabrice Jollant

is an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at McGill University and a researcher at the McGill Group on the study of suicide at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, in Montreal. He was formerly attached to the faculty of medicine at Montpellier University, France, and a research fellow at the Institute of Psychiatry, London. Suicide is a brutal act that haunts the lives of many people: suicidal people, suicide attempters, as well as their families, friends and carers. Suicide and vulnerability have their wellsprings in incomprehension and pain, in anxiety and anger, in pain and grieving. Suicide concerns the young who depart before their time and the old who don’t depart as they should; it leaves behind amputated families. Besides its emotional impact, suicide is an act that sheds light on our human condition and reveals the means that allow us to live with our environment, interact with it, respond to it. It underlines our complicated existence with our own selves. It discloses family history, and links us to the history of humanity. Suicidal behaviours possess common characteristics, regardless of place, time and even species, since some forms of animal behaviour can be suggestive of suicide. Recent findings in psychology, genetics and neurophysiology have allowed us to better identify the constants, the processes and the cognitive mechanisms that can lead to suicide. • Understanding cognitive processes will help us identify vulnerability to suicidal behaviours. • The study Suicide offers a doorway to a better understanding of human nature. • Suicide through the ages, throughout the world, and its social impact.

| Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 272 pages |


Pr. Florence THIBAUT Sexual Abuse An overall approach to sexual deviance Pr. Florence Thibaut

is a professor of psychiatry in the medical faculty of Rouen and a practising psychiatrist at Rouen’s teaching hospital. She has worked on the issue of sexual violence for twenty years. She is the president of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry. Are there any factors that determine the behaviour of sexual deviants? Can sexual offenders be treated? Is there any form of treatment that actually works? Is incarceration the best solution? And finally, what can be done to keep abusers from reoffending? Professor Thibaut describes the various stages, both medical and legal, that victims have to go through following a sexual assault. She provides extensive information on the psychological repercussions of sexual assault and on how to assist victims. Finally, she offers advice on how to prevent acts of sexual abuse against children and adolescents.

• The point of view of a psychiatrist with more than twenty years’ experience in issues of sexual violence. • A wide-ranging approach that explores historical, legal and epidemiological aspects and existing treatments. • Victims of sexual abuse speak out, in order to make us understand the difficulties they face following a sexual assault.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 224 pages |


Patrick LEGERON Stress in the Workplace New Edition

Understanding and overcoming stress in the workplace, explained in this essential reference work Patrick Légeron is a psychiatrist and a pioneering expert on the subject of job-related stress. He worked at Hôpital Sainte-Anne, in Paris, and later founded Stimulus, a company providing businesses with counselling services on stress in the workplace. He is the author of the highly successful earlier edition of Le Stress au travail. Légeron is the co-author, with Christophe André, of La Peur des autres, published by Odile Jacob. Fifteen years after the publication of the first edition of Le Stress au travail, what — if anything — has changed? Have businesses, workers and society learned to deal with this complex problem? In France, stress in the workplace has grown, reaching epidemic proportions, with the result that stress is now recognised as a serious issue endangering workers’ physical and mental health. Avoiding the pitfalls of denial and hypocrisy, Patrick Légeron provides a clear overview of stress in the workplace and opens new avenues of reflection and possible solutions. • The first edition of this book was a huge success. • Unfortunately, stress in the workplace remains a current issue. • Has management evolved in its efforts to eradicate stress? How? • Patrick Légeron explains how to avoid stress and what to do if you are already in a stressful situation.

| Odile Jacob | September 2015 | 400 pages |


Arielle ADDA & Thierry BRUNEL Too Gifted and Too Sensitive to Fit In Professionally Understanding gifted adults to help them get along and succeed in the workplace Arielle Adda is one of the first psychologists in France to express an interest in gifted children. A regular lecturer, she is the author of the highly successful L’Enfant doué, l’intelligence réconciliée. Thierry Brunel runs his own consulting firm and was formerly a finance executive for publicly listed companies. A graduate of ESSEC with an MBA from INSEAD, he was the first French participant in Mensa International’s Leadership Exchange Ambassador Program. He often lectures internationally on the subject of gifted adults in the workplace. Why should we be concerned with what happens to gifted adults? The answer is simple: because their professional lives are rarely easy or happy and because of one them could be our co-worker. What difficulties do gifted adults encounter in the workplace, and why? What defines ‘gifted’ adults? What are their strengths and weaknesses? How should they go about finding a career path that will allow them to realise their own potential and win acceptance? Although personality profiles are often easily identifiable, this is not the case with gifted adults, who are often difficult to know and understand. As a result, their professional success is often shaky and they rarely feel in step with their peers. All this gives rise to feelings of inadequacy and to profound suffering. And yet, the sensitivity, intuition and intelligence of the gifted are valuable talents for anyone capable of recognising them. The authors show how gifted adults can learn to know themselves better and thus make it easier for others to understand them. The authors’ aim is to boost the self-confidence of those gifted adults who feel different and out of step in the workplace. The numerous testimonies and guidelines included here will enable them to trace their own career path, find the place where they feel comfortable and succeed as the person they really are. • A psychological and practical approach to understanding the gifted adult’s strengths and weaknesses. • A precise examination and practical suggestions to enable the gifted to find their career path. | Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 304 pages |


Alain BRACONNIER My Child is Optimistic How to draw out and foster optimism in each and every child Alain Braconnier, a psychiatrist and a psychologist, is a consultant at the PitiéSalpêtrière’s teaching hospital and a professor emeritus at the School of Practising Psychologists, in Paris. He was formerly the director of a mental health association in Paris. He is the author of such immensely successful books as Mères et fils, Les Filles et les pères, Petit ou grand anxieux and, recently, Optimiste, all of which were published by Editions Odile Jacob. There is no doubt that young children are more optimistic than adults. Their zest for life and their enthusiasm are obvious signs of their natural optimism. But what can we do to safeguard their optimism throughout childhood and adolescence? How can we help them maintain their inner strength? How can we ensure that their optimism will drive them to become fighters, determined to overcome the difficulties they will encounter in an uncertain society and in a profoundly changing world? The goal of this book is to help parents, teachers, and educators in general, to become aware of children’s great inner strength, to assess, foster and stimulate it, so that it becomes one of the pillars of education. Research over the past twenty years has clearly identified the ties linking optimism and hope with academic performance. Alain Braconnier examines childhood optimism and describes a practical method to develop it. He shows that there is an inalienable element of optimism even in children with apparently pessimistic temperaments, even in the most anxious and fragile ones. • Following the success of his earlier book Optimiste, Alain Braconnier continues to explore optimism, this time focusing on childhood. • How to turn a natural asset into a driving force towards greater fulfilment and success: 5 essential points, exercises, a practical how-to method. • Tips on how to deal with children who are prone to pessimism. Rights sold: Italy (Feltrinelli)

| Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 288 pages |


Charles MARTIN-KRUMM and Ilona BONIWELL Motivated Adolescents: The Benefits of Positive Psychology A method for a truly fulfilling education Charles-Martin Krumm

is a senior lecturer in the teachers’ college of Bretagne (Rennes), the vice president of the French and Francophone Positive Psychology Association, and a member of the steering committee of the European Network of Positive Psychology. He has an agrégation in physical education.

Ilona Boniwell is a lecturer in Positive Psychology at the University of East London and the founder and programme leader of the first MSc in Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP) in Europe. She founded and was the first Chair (2001-2002) of the European Network of Positive Psychology. She has a PhD in psychology and is a qualified coach and educational consultant. ‘An education based on the advances made in positive psychology would enable the development of the skills needed for the optimal functioning of children, adolescents and students, as well as of parents, in an academic setting,’ state the authors with conviction. And in this book they prove it. Beginning by exploring the various scientifically validated avenues that allow us to understand the mechanisms underlying pupils’ well-being at school, they go on to describe the behaviour that enhances well-being: reinforcing hope, developing skills that give access to happiness and creativity; training in intrinsic motivation and in self-determination… This book is the bible of anyone who wishes to establish the foundations of a truly fulfilling but also constructive education so that children can develop to their fullest potential. • This book will help parents and teachers establish new forms of educational behaviour to draw out and enhance children’s abilities. • This is an excellent synthesis of all the studies in positive psychology relating to education. • Day-to-day teaching skills, based on scientific studies. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 256 pages |


Jean-Luc AUBERT Getting Along with a Teenager Understanding Your Child Understanding your teenage son or daughter and reopening a dialogue Jean-Luc Aubert is a psychologist specialising in children and adolescents. He worked for many years as a school psychologist, counselling thousands of children and teenagers and their parents. During that time, he wrote many books, including Violence dans les écoles (Editions Odile Jacob, 2001), Cette enfant qui n’écoute jamais (A. Michel, 2006), Les Sept Piliers de l’éducation (A. Michel, 2009) and Une petite psychologie de l’élève (Dunod, 2007). Parents often undergo a shock when their children reach adolescence. All of a sudden, parents find themselves incapable of understanding their offspring. Why have their children become so rude? What has made them so aggressive? Why are they so moody? Why do they never put their things away or tidy up their rooms? Why do parents have to keep repeating everything? Why have the children’s friends become all-important? The author answers these and many other questions that the parents of teenagers often ask themselves. For most parents the main concern is: how to reopen the lines of communication with a child who has ceased listening? They also wonder: how is this going to evolve? What are the risks? What should be cause for concern? What should be less worrying? What are the danger signs to look out for? And, above all, what should parents do to prevent dangerous behaviour? How can parents best accompany their children through their teenage years? Jean-Luc Aubert offers clear approaches to all these concerns and provides the keys to help parents understand their child. He explains how and why teenagers behave as they do and suggests how to deal with specific types of behaviour, in order to re-establish communication and recover a more tranquil day-to-day existence.

• A concrete, practical work for a better understanding of the psychology of teenagers, both boys and girls. • Hands-on advice to help parents maintain communication with their child and to know how to distinguish between what really matters and what is less important. | Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 144 pages |


Pr. Stephan ELIEZ Raising a Child With Special Needs Mental Disability, Autism, Attention Deficit A book to help and support parents bringing up children with disabilities Pr. Stephan Eliez is a professor of child psychiatry at the University of Geneva and a former professor at Stanford. He has many years’ clinical experience working with children with disabilities and their families. He directs a research group in clinical neuroscience on autism and on rare neural-developmental disorders. In this book, the author has drawn on more than 20 years’ experience as a practising child psychiatrist specialising in children with special needs. All the topics included here were initially raised by the parents of disabled children; the answers reflect the responses the author was able to give them in the course of their consultation. Since this is not a polemical work, it does not attempt to assess the efficacy of different types of treatment. It aims instead to serve as a guidebook for the parents, families and carers of disabled children. A wide range of issues is covered here: from specific disabilities and available therapies, to schooling, relations with medical staff, and family life. Throughout, readers will find accessible advice and practical tips, as well as the support they need to fight against feelings of isolation. • Answers to questions that parents of disabled children ask themselves. • Practical advice for specific disabilities. • A wide range of disabilities: autism, psychosis, mental disability, dyslexia, deafness, attention deficit disorder (ADD). • Interviews with parents and children to help readers identify their own issues.

| Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 232 pages |


Charles-Edouard RENGADE Parent Confident, Children Happy Self-assured parents produce self-confident children Charles-Edouard Rengade

is a psychiatrist who treats adults as well as children and adolescents. He has a special interest in psychotherapy and addictions. Besides teaching at several universities, he heads the psychiatry department of the Neuchâtelois Psychiatric Centre, in Switzerland. He is the author of Mieux vivre avec son impulsivité, published by Editions Odile Jacob. ‘We’re hopeless at parenting,’ ‘I’m not a good mother,’ ‘I’m a terrible father’, ‘My son has so many problems. It’s all my fault. I’m mortified’. Such comments reflect how many parents feel: lost, undervalued and inadequate. This book aims to give parents self-confidence, to incite them to explore the resources that we all possess but that are sometimes hidden by doubts about parenting skills. Overcoming educational biases, updating skills, setting educational goals, enhancing parental selfconfidence: these are the main points of the approach developed here, which also includes tools to help parents manage stress and learn to feel confident about their parenting skills. As a result, they will recover pride in being a parent and they will be able to establish better relations with their child. • A lively, encouraging style that helps establish trust. • A clear, accessible work for parents who feel unsure of themselves. • Educational issues generally focus on the child’s difficulties. This book focuses on the parents’ experiences.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 224 pages |


Dr Marie-Noëlle TARDY Child Abuse Information on child abuse is essential if we are to protect children and prevent abuse Marie-Noëlle Tardy

is a child psychiatrist. A former Maternal-and-ChildWelfare physician, she has extensive experience working with abused children and with abusive families. She was educated in Switzerland, where she studied forensics and a multidisciplinary approach to abuse, incorporating the law, the police and psychiatry. Unfortunately, child abuse is hardly a new subject, but its complex reality has evolved with society. And although the incidence of physical violence has tended to drop to some extent, new forms of mental abuse have developed: harassment on social networks and at school, manipulative relations in sects, and, particularly, abuse within the family unit (often the result of hostile divorces or of relationships that seem impossible to escape). Using a systematic approach that covers all the questions (Who? How? Why? What to do?), and in association with a methodical approach to abuse, the author offers guidelines to identify the psychological behaviour of toxic personalities, and the tactics of abuse, manipulation and perversity. She also shows how to identify types of aggression (from minor to increasingly serious) and the effects on victims. Understanding is crucial in order to know what to say and to dare to speak out, instead of fantasising or denying. We need to understand the mechanisms of abuse to prevent its occurrence, identify it and act when it does occur. These are the issues the author deals with here, while stressing that protecting children hinges on information. • The clinical case studies described here illustrate different types of abusive situations. • Information on abuse and abusive relationships is often concealed. • The author shows how to deal with violence and abuse, both psychologically and legally. | Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 336 pages |


Pr. Gustave-Nicolas FISCHER Healing Your Life An Inner Journey A new look at the healing process that urges you to transform yourself and your existence Pr. Gustave-Nicolas Fischer is a specialist in the psychology of health. An honorary professor of psychology, he currently practises in Montreal and Geneva. He is the author of numerous authoritative works, notably on the links between body and mind, including Les Blessures psychiques and Psychologie du cancer, both published by Editions Odile Jacob. When a life is broken by a serious accident, illness or other catastrophe, how does the victim manage to pick up the pieces and overcome the traumatic event? First of all, there is resilience, whose beneficial effects are well known. Psychotherapy and other forms of psychological assistance for dealing with trauma also have a role to play. The author is familiar with such supports, having worked and taught in these areas for decades. But in this book he has chosen to go further. A personal trauma urged him to do so. It acted as a trigger that made him look beyond his habitual scientific framework and to seek another approach to healing — one that turned the healing process into a new life experience, transforming the self and existence. The book describes this inner journey as a series of steps: stop complaining, recover self-confidence, fully experience your reencounter with the self, and act on a day-to-day basis by practising healing acts. Only then does the understanding dawn that healing has much more to offer than health and wellness: it enables a victim whose life was broken to rise up as a new person. • A message of wisdom that draws on the author’s professional and personal experiences. • A vehement and brave book that explains to a wide readership the life-long repercussions of psychological trauma. • A thoughtful book that gives the keys to the healing process to anyone who suffers. | Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 160 pages |


Yasmine LIENARD How Meditation Can Help You to Really Be Yourself Meditation, a path to finding your true Self Yasmine Liénard

is a physician-psychiatrist and a cognitive-behavioural therapist. She leads group cognitive-therapy sessions based on mindfulness therapy techniques. She is the author of Pour une sagesse moderne — les psychothérapies de la 3e génération (2011). ‘Why do we suffer? Why do we get upset?’ When we force ourselves to act a part that doesn’t really correspond to who we are — because we feel we have to or as part of social interplay — we live, or survive, in a manner that jars, that is not in harmony with our deepest selves. And as a result, we create emotional and mental ‘knots’. We suffer because we’ve failed to fully express who we are, because we’ve been conditioned and burdened by numerous factors: patterns forged in childhood, family background, education, fears shaped by society. These forms of conditioning engender dissatisfaction and even profound psychic suffering. At a certain point in life, and for an entire population, it becomes indispensable to feel better about ourselves and to shake off our shackles, if we are to recover a sense of coherence with the Self. But how can we do this? That is what the author shows here, arguing that meditation is the way to recover one’s true nature and learn to love it. • Dealing with and resolving the widespread malaise and mental suffering that characterise the society we live in. • A psychological approach inspired by Buddhism. • Meditation is not a goal in itself but a means to reconnect with one’s true Self.

| Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 192 pages |


Marion MARI-BOUZID The Power of Tolerance Why tolerance is good for everyone — for us as well as for others Marion Mari-Bouzid

is a clinical psychologist, specialising in cognitive behavioural therapy, and a trainer in mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. A former French boxing and savate-French kickboxing competitor, she also specialises in mental training for combat sports. Developing a tolerant attitude not only helps to restore a harmonious relationship with our social environment it can also improve our personal serenity. Tolerance is one of the positive values that can help us face confrontational situations. Science has shown that developing positive attitudes, such as tolerance, allows us to preserve physical and psychic health. But how can we create more understanding, more tolerance and more harmony in our relations with others? The positive psychology described here explains how. It has now been scientifically demonstrated that tolerance is necessary for our equilibrium. All we need to do is cultivate tolerance — and this book shows why and how. • Enhancing such aspects of positive psychology as tolerance can help us overcome our contemporary malaise. • A philosophical, psychological and even spiritual approach that is much broader in scope than a simple practical method. • Descriptions of specific situations to help us understand why being tolerant is so important.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 224 pages |


Pr. Jacques HOCHMANN A History of Antipsychiatry A thorough review of the history of psychiatry that illuminates current issues Pr. Jacques Hochmann

is an honorary member of the Paris Psychoanalytic Society, professor emeritus at Claude-Bernard University and an honorary physician for Lyon hospitals. He is notably the author of Histoire de l’autisme (2009) and Une histoire de l’empathie (2012).

Throughout its history, psychiatry has retained a number of specific characteristics that distinguish it from other forms of medicine and which continue to pose problems not just for psychiatrists and other members of the medical profession but also for scientists, legal professionals, philosophers, patients and the general public. From its early days until the present, psychiatrists have been under fire for medicalising the treatment of mental disorders. They are still criticised today for their contradictions, approximations, divisions into rival schools, and especially for their ignorance and ineffectiveness which they clothe in obscure and sometimes pretentious verbiage. Psychiatrists have been accused, on one hand, of infringing on personal freedom and, on the other, of letting dangerous patients remain at large or of allowing criminals to go unpunished because they are deemed pathologically irresponsible. Psychiatry’s sometimes violent and scientifically unsubstantiated treatments (such as electric shock and psychosurgery) have been repeatedly denounced. Also the object of criticism was the prisonlike atmosphere — at least at a certain time — of what used to be psychiatry’s iconic institution: the madhouse, later renamed psychiatric hospital. As a result, the history of psychiatry cannot be dissociated from the history of antipsychiatry. • From criticism to reaction, from acceptance of ‘alternative’ approaches to a backlash of tight control by the professional establishment. • British antipsychiatry and Italian democratic psychiatry of the 1970s. • The scientific bases that could enable psychiatry to overcome its permanently embattled state. | Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 256 pages |


Agathe LENOËL Who Am I When I’m Not Myself? A Bipolar Patient Speaks Out Understanding gifted adults to help them get along and succeed in the workplace Agathe Lenoël is a freelance writer who has suffered from bipolar disorder since she was 19. The personal account she gives here is accompanied by a presentation by Professor Philippe Jeammet. In its approach and form this book is reminiscent of Polo Tonka’s earlier and highly successful work, Dialogue avec moi-même. ‘No one can tell that I’m bipolar. I’m successful at my job, I love my partner of 15 years and we have a marvellous little daughter. And yet… ‘One morning, I sprang out of bed inspired by an irresistible urge to tell my story, to tell the world about the mixture of pain and joy triggered by bipolarity. I decided to read all the books that dealt with the subject. I read, analysed and compared what I learned with my own feelings. It was clear that something was missing: a personal account delving into one’s most intimate Self, one’s most personal thoughts as they jostle one another and turn into madness. What was missing was a personal account, from the living sufferer’s point of view, affirming that the struggle is well worth it and that the road is wonderful. ‘During all the years that I was under treatment, I always tried to keep the disease at arm’s length, without getting too close. Today, I want to say what is hidden behind that Self that plays tricks on me. Who am I when I’m not myself? That question has been haunting me for more than fifteen years and I’ve decided to go towards that other person, with you,’ writes Agathe Lenoël. • A unique personal account about an increasingly recognised disorder but one that remains poorly understood: bipolarity. • With a preface and commentary by Professor Philippe Jeammet. This is an exceptional document that sheds light on a disorder that even the medical profession has difficulties delineating. • A denunciation of all the clichés and falsehoods that have unjustly contributed to diabolising mental illness. | Odile Jacob | October 2015 | 192 pages |


Eric BALEZ (with Hélène BLOCH) An Expert Patient A Personal Testimony of Chronic Illness The inspiring testimony of a chronically ill patient who has drawn on his experiences to help others Eric Balez has Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease) and has survived three bouts of cancer. Drawing on his experiences as an ‘expert patient’, he was instrumental in setting up a therapeutic training programme for patients suffering from chronic diseases. Hélène Bloch is a biographer and historian with personal experience of chronic illness. She recounts Eric Balez’s story with skill and sympathy. This is no ordinary illness. Eric Balez has Crohn’s disease, which evolved into recurring intestinal, kidney and rectal cancers, requiring organ removal. As a result, he must now live with a catheter and a colostomy bag. Throughout his illnesses, he has struggled to lead as normal a life as possible: he has a job and a family. He regained hope and faith in the future when he joined an association of Crohn’s disease patients, and later became their spokesperson. He says his commitment to others gave his life new meaning. His role as an ‘expert patient’ is one of prevention, mobilisation and information. He has successfully transformed his own experiences into a source of information, an avenue for progress for other patients. • The moving story of one person’s struggle to live with chronic disease. • This book shows the need for improved treatment and follow-up for Crohn’s disease patients and for assistance and educational programmes to help patients live with the disease.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 128 pages |


Laurence CARON-VERSCHAVE and Yves FERROUL A Century Ago Marrying for Love Was a Novelty A New History of the Western Couple The history of male-female relations, from earliest times to the present Yves Ferroul is the co-author, with Élisa Brune, of the highly successful Secrets de femme (Editions Odile Jacob). He taught medieval literature (romans courtois and troubadour poetry) at the University of Lille-3 and has a doctorate and an agrégation in literature. Laurence Caron-Verschave was formerly a journalist and now works in business communication. Marrying for love is a recent invention, but the history of couples and of their emotional ties is long and complex. Drawing on extensive historical records, the authors explain how marriage developed from a contract based on financial and other interests; how, gradually, over the centuries, love entered into the picture and, finally, how love has now introduced new possibilities that have completely altered people’s expectations. The authors cover male-female relations from earliest times, beginning with Lucy; they study the earliest forms of the couple dating back to sedentarization; they examine marriages of convenience in Ancient Greece and Rome; finally, they show how the ideas of the Enlightenment and the erosion of marriages of convenience gradually resulted in the changes that occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. It took centuries for love to become the basis of the couple. • This lively, erudite book recounts the fascinating story of male-female relations. It also reviews the history of women’s status in society — a history whose constant has been the enduring oppression of women. • An engrossing work that puts many received ideas to rest. • The couple and marriage have never followed a rigid model.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 128 pages |


Stéphanie HAHUSSEAU Real Men, Real Women Understanding the Opposite Sex What makes men and women behave as they do? Finally, the keys to understanding each other Stéphanie Hahusseau

is a physician-psychiatrist and an integrative psychotherapist specialising in the emotions. She is the author of the highly successful Tristesse, peur, colère, Comment ne pas se gâcher la vie and Petit Guide de l’amour heureux, all published by Editions Odile Jacob. When will self-confident, assured, ambitious women finally receive recognition and stop being undermined? When will understanding, affectionate, compassionate men be admired, instead of being mocked, labelled ‘effeminate’ and told they ‘lack virility’? Men and women are both prisoners of social conditioning, often with painful consequences. From earliest childhood we are fashioned by stereotypes: girls are encouraged to express their feelings and boys are taught to hide theirs. Fragility for females, strength for males. It is only through a better understanding of human and universal emotions and of how we each deal with our feelings that we will succeed in changing male-female relations. Illustrated with personal accounts and backed by insightful observations, this book tackles the highly sensitive subject of male-female relations in a compelling, often humorous, style. • The author’s approach — personal, committed, not devoid of humour — guaranteed the success of her earlier works. • A book that gives a better comprehension of the differences between the emotional lives of men and women. • Understanding what makes the opposite sex tick will give you a better insight into yourself. • A book that aims to enable men to express their feelings and to boost women’s self-confidence. | Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 208 pages |


Alain GEBEROWICZ The 7 Virtues of Relationships A Special Alchemy The keys to building a solid, lasting relationship Alain Geberowicz is a psychiatrist and psychologist specialising in family and couples therapy. What makes love last in a relationship? How to deal with the inevitable ups and downs of life with a partner? And, especially, how not to get to the point of having to ask: ‘What did we do to end up like this? Why are we on the brink of breaking up?’ Drawing on many years’ experience as a couples therapist, Alain Geberowicz offers advice and guidelines to enable readers to improve their relationship with their partner, without necessarily undergoing therapy. It is widely known that more and more couples break up — and that they break up after an increasingly shorter time. But do we know that relationships require work? Do we know the difference between a passing crisis and a definitive split? Asking the right questions at the right time, talking about your relationship with your partner when things are going badly but also when everything seems fine, in order to strengthen the relationship, overcome difficulties and cultivate intimacy: these are some of the virtues needed to ensure that a relationship will last and remain loving. • A survival kit for a lasting relationship: staying together, understanding each other and communicating. • The role of sexuality: a game, not an issue. • Analysis of friendly and unfriendly factors impacting a relationship (friends, jobs, family). • Included here are all the topics encountered in couples therapy.

| Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 240 pages |


Bruno HUMBEECK How We Choose Romantic Partners The unconscious foundations of how we choose whom we fall in love with Bruno Humbeeck

is an educational psychologist, specialising in couple and family relationships. He is the author of, most notably, the very successful Un chagrin d’amour peut aider à grandir, published by Editions Odile Jacob. For the past five years, he has hosted a Belgian television programme, ‘Une Education presque parfaite’, which has enabled him to broadcast to a wide audience his innovative approach to educational psychology. Why do we fall in love? What prompts us to love one person rather than another? What motivates our choices? How does choosing a life partner differ from pursuing a momentary desire? Every relationship begins and develops according to a mysterious construction, and it is prompted by complex and mainly unconscious criteria. In this book, Bruno Humbeeck explores the four unconscious forces — biological, psychological, social and imaginary — that influence us when choosing a lover.

• Illustrated with numerous examples of romantic relationships, accompanied by clear analyses of how the unconscious impacts our choice of partners. • Whether you’re attached, unattached or on the brink of making a commitment, the questionnaires and explanations provided here will enable you to understand the unconscious factors that determine your choice of partner. • Included here is a series of specific, scientifically proven tools to help readers consciously understand and assess their own relationships.

| Odile Jacob | April 2015 | 288 pages |


Géraldyne PRÉVOT-GIGANT How to Find Love Preparing to Meet Someone New Know yourself — and take a step toward a happier love life Géraldyne Prévot-Gigant

is a psychotherapist specialising in emotional dependence and relationship disorders and the founder of women’s therapy and empowerment groups, ‘Groupes de Paroles pour les Femmes’. She is notably the author of 50 exercices pour développer son charisme, 50 exercices pour sortir de la dépendance affective and 50 exercices pour sortir du célibat (Editions Eyrolles). In France, more than 5 million women live alone. Many of them wish to find a partner — but not at any price. They are aware that they could aspire to a better sort of relationship if only they could improve their selfknowledge and if they were able to resolve certain issues that influence their choice of partner. There could be no better time than while they are living alone — often between relationships — to delve into their unconscious drives. To enable them to do so, the author proposes a series of approaches, which can be followed individually, to explore one’s past history, fears, repetitive behaviour patterns, constricting beliefs, as well as a type of ‘relationship’ behaviour that should be worked on and changed, in order to meet the ‘other’. Far from such quick methods as ‘love-coaching’, this book gradually and progressively enables readers to know themselves better. It will help them reject notions of success or failure in relationships (which the author sees as illusions) and to hold on only to the best in a relationship. • An in-depth reflection, explained in a clear, pedagogical manner (sidebars with concise summaries, mini-questionnaires, etc.). • A positive, reassuring message.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 240 pages |


Nicole JEAMMET Between You and Me Giving and receiving: how to establish trust in affective relations? Nicole Jeammet

is a psychoanalyst and an honorary senior lecturer in psychopathology at the University of Paris-V-René-Descartes. She was formerly a psychotherapist in Professor Soulé’s Centre de Guidance, where she worked with children and their mothers. She currently teaches theology at the Centre de Sèvres, in Paris. She is the author of Les Violence morales and Amour, Sexualité, Tendresse, both published by Editions Odile Jacob, and of Lettre aux couples d’aujourd’hui (Bayard, 2012). Giving is easy; it is receiving that is difficult. Receiving a gift may rouse feelings of confusion and vulnerability, indebtedness and dependence, which in turn lead to fear: fear of not being in control and of not being loved. And so, to protect ourselves, we develop stratagems that are supposed to keep suffering at bay. Drawing on her own experience as a psychoanalyst, as well as on her knowledge of the Bible and on her faith, Nicole Jeammet shows how an affective relationship may, instead, become a tie that is based on trust, and in which both participants, while retaining their individual identity, learn to welcome the Other. Although Roman Catholicism has traditionally stressed the notion of self-sacrifice, forgetting the Self is not the object: it is only a prerequisite for learning to share the Other’s joy. • The author insists on the spiritual dimension of all affective relationships: between child and parent, between friends, between lovers. • Understanding affective relations, by examining the fears they may arouse. • An original approach to some major biblical texts (Beatitudes, the Book of Job).

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 280 pages |


Pr. Danièle BRUN A Part of One’s Self in the Life of Others The role of the patient in the psychoanalyst’s personal life Pr. Danièle Brun, a psychoanalyst and a member of ‘Espace analytique’, is a professor emerita at the University of Paris-Diderot, where, in 2001, she founded the research centre Psychoanalysis, Medicine and Society. She is the president of the firm ‘Médecine et psychanalyse’ and the author of La Passion dans l’amitié and Mères majuscules, which were published by Editions Odile Jacob. The psychoanalyst is not a disembodied being who can shut out her own worries and sorrows when she receives patients. What her patients tell her about their lives informs her own life, nurturing and modifying it. Sincerely, and drawing on painful events in her own life, Danièle Brun shows how patients’ everyday lives interact with the analyst’s and how patients’ family histories may connect with the analyst’s. An important part of the psychoanalytic cure is played out in the interconnections between the lives of psychoanalysts and their patients. And this is something that is too often neglected.

• An issue rarely dealt with by psychoanalysts: that of the interaction between the analyst’s life and the patients’. • An important factor that complements Freud’s concept of transference. • A stimulating argument in favour of a more ‘concrete’, less theoretical and more accessible form of psychoanalysis. • This is a compelling narrative rather than a theoretical work.

| Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 176 pages |


Jacqueline ROUSSEAU-DUJARDIN As Time Goes By The power of the passage of time Jacqueline Rousseau-Dujardin is a psychoanalyst and the author of, most notably, Aimer, mais comment? (2014). Psychoanalysis explores how patients adapt to the passage of time, with varying degrees of acceptance. Although the ageing process is a frequent cause of suffering, there are ways of learning to accept it with a calm, positive attitude. We may not be able to master time, but we can learn to tame it and even to draw strength from it. Instead of complaining about the passage of time or lamenting how our lives are running out, Jacqueline Rousseau-Dujardin shows how to take a fresh approach to the time that is left and to live it enthusiastically and fruitfully. • A remarkable beautifully written work that is both bracing and positive. • A finely tuned analysis of how the passage of time can be a source of power and abundance.

| Odile Jacob | May 2015 | 280 pages |

Health and well being

Patrick BELLET Hypnosis, or How to Make Healthcare More Humane Using hypnosis to improve personal healthcare Patrick Bellet

is a physician, the founding president of the Confédération Francophone d’Hypnose et de Thérapies Brèves (Francophone Confederation on Hypnosis and Brief Therapies) and of the Milton H. Erickson Institute of Avignon-Aixen-Provence, and a lecturer in the medical faculty of the University of Paris-XIIIBobigny. He is the organiser of the 20th International Congress on Hypnosis (Paris, 2015). He is the author of L’Hypnose (Editions Odile Jacob, 2002).

Since the 1980s, hypnosis has gained in credibility among healthcare professionals, both in pain management and in the organisation of caretaking tasks. This is primarily due to the pioneering work of Milton H. Erickson. Because hypnosis offers the possibility of altering the patient’s relation to time, it can be of great help to caregivers, in certain surgical procedures, in severe or extreme situations, but also in dealing with chronic disorders and in relations with patients. Making healthcare more humane means reintroducing words, speech, and human relations. Ericksonian hypnosis is a revolutionary tool implying transmission, first for carers, then for patients. Discovering hypnosis, learning how it unfolds, developing the practise of hypnosis by working on speech and imagination, and determining when and how to use hypnosis in the course of a given treatment — this is the vast domain that the eminent expert on hypnosis Patrick Bellet explores here. • A study of Ericksonian hypnosis by one of its greatest experts. • Practical tools and inspiring texts to enable readers to understand hypnosis and self-hypnosis, through personal experience. • An original approach that puts language at the centre of hypnosis.

| Odile Jacob | August 2015 | 256 pages |

Health and Well being

Rosalie EVELYN Emotional Gymnastics Exercises to overcome tension and emotional stress and learn to accept the way we are Rosalie Evelyn is a psychophysical therapist. Her approach based on breathing and stretching exercises aims to help people accept their bodies. She is the author of Histoire de vie, histoire de corps (2007), published by Editions Odile Jacob. When we face change, sorrow or loss, the body must adapt and sometimes, even if unconsciously, it stiffens and suffers. Over time, the body loses its dynamism and its ability to bounce back — and then gradually the joints become the focus of somatic pains. How can we overcome stiffness and painful movements? How to soothe tension and free the suppressed emotions that tend to turn the body into a fortress? Emotional gymnastics offers a solution: a reconstruction that puts the body back into motion. Based on an original understanding of the history of each person’s inner hurts, this psychophysical approach aims to liberate the body of its tensions so as to allow it to recover physical and mental well-being. • By working on our bodies we can learn to soothe our emotions and improve our posture. • The stretching and breathing exercises included here are clearly and simply described.

| Odile Jacob | September 2013 | 256 pages |

Health and well being

Edouard PELISSIER Scientific Guidelines for Longevity Longevity: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure Edouard Pélissier

is a surgeon in oncology and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. He has contributed more than one hundred articles to French and international medical publications. In addition, he is the author of La Brioche tue plus que le cholestérol (2012) and La Vérité sur le sucre et les édulcorants (2013).

People are living longer and longer because medicine is now able to treat many infectious diseases, cancers, strokes and diabetes. Vast sums are spent developing sophisticated medical procedures to repair damages that could easily have been avoided — if it weren’t for poor eating habits, high-risk behaviours and pollution. And yet, it would be so much simpler and more effective to prevent diseases linked to ageing simply by changing some life-style patterns. As many scientific studies have shown (their results are presented here), we now know what to do and what not to do to live longer healthier lives. We know what to eat, what to drink. But that is not all. There are other recommendations concerning weight, vitamins, medications, physical exercise and stress management. Plus something new: levels of happiness, love and sexuality, which must not be ignored if one is to age well — that is, in good health and completely autonomously. • The scientific rules to longevity as well as to physical and psychic wellbeing. • As the population ages, prevention has become increasingly important. A bible of advice for longevity. • Maintaining a good quality of life during our increasingly long lives has become a universal concern — if only to keep healthcare costs manageable.

| Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 256 pages |

Health and Well being

Luis ALVAREZ and Véronique CAYOL The Psychology of Pregnancy Becoming a Mother The great upheaval of motherhood Luis Alvarez-Zalamea

is a child psychiatrist working in the Department of Child Psychiatry of the Institute of Child Welfare, in Paris. Véronique Cayol is an obstetrician-gynaecologist at Necker Children’s Hospital, in Paris, and at La Fontaine Hospital, in Saint-Denis. Parenthood profoundly disrupts an individual’s sense of identity, much as does the passage from childhood to adolescence. Becoming a parent implies a new status: the child of one’s parents is turned into the parent of a child. In addition, the mother must cope with the physical upheaval of a changing body, but both parents must deal with altered psychological identities and with the reworking of family relations. And such changes are often painful. The authors examine the future mother’s situation, as well as the father’s, through pregnancy, childbirth and the initial encounter with the infant. In an accessible, detailed manner, the authors focus on the highly complex psychological transformations of this stage in adult life. Their aim is to examine this crucial phase, in light of the principle stages in the construction of an adult person, and to illustrate the trajectory, unique for each individual, from childhood to parenthood. • A study of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, and its normal and pathological, somatic and psychic aspects. • A unique, in-depth work aimed at a wide readership. • The psychological cataclysm resulting from pregnancy is rarely considered.

Rights sold : Germany (Herder) | Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 254 pages |

Health and well being

Fleur LEJEUNE and Edouard GENTAZ Cognitive Development in Premature Infants Is brain development slower in preterm infants? Fleur Lejeune teaches at the University of Geneva’s Clinical Psychology and Child Neuropsychology Unit. She has a doctorate in cognitive sciences, psychology and neurocognition. Pr. Edouard Gentaz is a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Geneva and a senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Psychology and Neurocognition at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).

The number of premature births has risen significantly in recent years, especially in industrialised nations. This book provides a synthesis of the extensive research now being carried out on the development of preterm infants: are their brains less developed than the brains of other newborns? Do babies born prematurely have significant developmental problems? The authors describe existing methods of lessening the risks for premature infants and optimising their future development. They also examine the benefits and limits of such methods.

• A thorough summary of research findings on the development of premature infants. • Clear information for parents on neonatal development and follow-up. • An indispensable work for students of psychology and medicine, as well as for healthcare professionals working with young children (nurses, teachers, speech therapists, paediatricians, physicians, childcare workers).

| Odile Jacob | September 2013 | 256 pages |

Health and Well being

Dr. Michèle VERSCHOORE Male Beauty Scientific findings to help men look better and feel better Dr Michèle Verschoore is a dermatologist. Her research work has focused on developing medications for skin disorders. A taboo is dying. In the 21st century, it has finally become acceptable for men to look after and enhance their appearance — without endangering their virility or seeming superficial. As they get older, many men find the discrepancy unbearable between their minds — their psychic and intellectual faculties often remain well-preserved until very late in life — and their ageing, changing bodies. Numerous studies carried out in recent years have improved our understanding of male expectations regarding their appearance. Gathered here is an overview of everything that cosmetic science has to offer men: beauty products, advice on making the right choices, answers to questions about shaving, wrinkles, bags under the eyes, sun protection and hair loss. New attitudes based on scientific research to reconcile the mind and appearance and to stay in shape for as long as possible. An evolution that reflects social changes. • Everything a man needs to know to become and remain attractive. • Male cosmetics discussed without preconceptions. • Practical advice to learn to take good care of one’s appearance and to enhance it.

| Odile Jacob | November 2015 | 288 pages |

Health and well being

André GRIMALDI (ed.) The Truth About the Medications You Take Medications, their benefits and risks, are closely scrutinised here by a team of experts André Grimaldi,

a former chief of Diabetology at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital, Paris, is known for his initiatives as a whistle-blower. In 2013, he was responsible for launching a petition demanding a public debate on health issues in France, which was signed by more than 2,000 well-known medical and political figures. He is the author of the successful Manifeste pour une santé égalitaire et solidaire (2011). Contributors: Professors J.P. Lépine, B. Dautzenberg, J. Ankiri, E. Bruckert, J. Blacher, B. Bégaud, A. Gompel, E. Pujade-Lauraine, A. Gaudric, I. Mahé, T. Similowski, J.P. Collet, F. Trémolières, P. Ruszniewski, S. Gilberg, A. Basdevant, M.C. De Vernejoul. This book offers a complete, well-documented inventory of medications, from migraine treatments to antidepressants, from vaccines and antibiotics to anti-smoking aids. Information on each item has been validated by a physician who is an expert in the corresponding area. These specialists reveal the truth about each medication — a truth the pharmaceutical industry and public health services have kept secret. The authors have carefully crosschecked medical assessments and opinions concerning the efficacy of each drug, without oversimplifying and without dodging discussion. The authors explain how medications are put on the market, how they are priced and how the percentage to be absorbed by health insurance is determined. They also examine such issues as side effects, the status of homeopathy and self-medication, and the role of generics. They examine, with lucidity and moderation, the lessons we should learn from pharmaceutical industry scandals and from the frequent collusion between Big Pharma and political officials. • Precise analyses for each medication, validated by specialists in the corresponding sector. • From marketing to side effects and the workings of the pharmaceutical industry, this book tackles a wide range of vital issues.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 300 pages |

Health and Well being

Alexandra MEERT Living With Cancer - A Better Quality of Life Thanks to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy A book that gives cancer patients the guidance and support they need Alexandra Meert

is a psychologist specialising in accompanying cancer patients. She has a private practice at Saint-Michel Clinic, in Brussels. She studied Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) with Jacques Van Rillaer. How is a cancer diagnosis absorbed? How do patients cope with the side effects of chemotherapy? How does a woman accept breast removal? The difficulties that most cancer patients encounter are similar, and yet they tend to be ignored during the course of their treatment: fear of death, anxiety over cancer recurrence, lowered selfimage, diminished sex life, dealing with hospitalisation, reappraisal of job and career. The author argues here that patients must be taught effective strategies to deal with a cancer diagnosis and with the repercussions of treatment. She proposes effective techniques that will enable patients to understand what they are undergoing, to manage the anger, horror, despair and feelings of injustice that engulf them, and to keep at bay the inevitable upsurge of negative interpretations. By working on patients’ thoughts and on their acceptance of reality, cognitive behavioural therapies are a useful tool. Knowing how to manage involuntary thoughts and negative emotions can save patients from plunging into depression, and help them cope with the diagnosis, treatment, and life after cancer. An excellent, and highly accessible psychological method to help patients in their ordeal. • Dynamic methods to improve patients’ daily lives, before, during and after treatment. • Useful information for patients’ friends and family, as well as for healthcare professionals. | Odile Jacob | February 2015 | 224 pages |


Bernard BESSON THRILLER 1962 Bernard Besson is a former top-level chief of staff of the French intelligence services, an eminent specialist in economic intelligence and Honorary General Controller of the French National Police. He was involved in dismantling Soviet spy rings in France and Western Europe when the USSR fell and has real inside knowledge from his work auditing intelligence services and the police. He is the author of many acclaimed thrillers, including Chromosomes, Les Eaux d’Hammourabi, L’Imam bleu and, recently, Main basse sur l’Occident (2010) and Groenland (to be published in English by The action takes place during the Cuban missile crisis, in October 1962. Bernard Besson vividly depicts Ivan Serov (also known as ‘Stalin’s butcher’), whom Khrushchev charged with espionage missions, including attempts to infiltrate the CIA. The tensions of the time, when the world was on the brink of nuclear disaster, are brilliantly recreated here. In an atmosphere reminiscent of the roman noir and of James Bond films, Besson brings to life the Kremlin, the KGB, the threat of nuclear arms, the ghost of Stalin, John F. Kennedy, Fidel Castro, Khrushchev and the Cold War. There is also the bloody Algerian War of Independence: the National Liberation Front (FLN), the antiindependence forces of the OAS, the defenders of French rule, bombings in Paris and De Gaulle’s efforts to end the war. The events of 1962, a crucial year in history, are the novel’s driving force. Bernard Besson’s readers will rediscover the author’s strengths: an impeccable knowledge of political history, a sense of humour, a feeling for dramatic situations, well-developed characters and a talent for making history come to life. • This is one of the best novels set in the Cold War period, comparable to John le Carré’s The Spy Who Came in From the Cold and Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and Robert Littell’s The Debriefing. • Drawing on his knowledge of the Cold War and the high stakes of its power struggles, Besson has given us a brilliant geopolitical thriller. • This expert in Economic Intelligence masters a clever and subtle plot for a gripping page-turner thriller. | Odile Jacob | January 2015 | 350 pages |


Laurence OSTOLAZA On the Advantage of Being Born The desire to have a child is the subject of this moving, timely novel Laurence Ostolaza is a television journalist specialising in health issues. Camille is a 40-year-old lawyer who lives with Paul, a well-known lawyer. Camille loves her active, stimulating, affluent life, but she feels she is missing something: she would do anything to have a child. Although reluctant at first, Paul finally agrees — but nothing happens. So they begin their journey into the world of medically assisted procreation, with its complex and constraining rules, disappointments and anxiety. And then finally she becomes pregnant — a pregnancy that is not as carefree or happy as she had hoped, but that is in any case the beginning of a long journey. And of many surprising plot turns. Some of the topics dealt with here: Is the maternal feeling innate or acquired? Is the mother-child attachment a gift, a form of alienation, an emotionally charged bond? Is accepting to give birth to a disabled child an act of love or a calling? Why are some people more resilient than others? Does society really accept children with special needs? • A modern tale that puts into perspective some major issues concerning medically assisted procreation and the family. • A new approach through fiction of some controversial social issues.

| Odile Jacob | March 2015 | 150 pages |


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