JAVA Lectures

organized in packages,. – lots of already ... boolean: false, ... order of evaluation (left to right), precedence, operand number ... local variables: all variables must be declared, ... method or block of code in which they are defined. ..... Or use environment variable CLASSPATH. .... Java must ensure that every constructor calls its.
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JAVA Lectures

Nicolas Saunier [email protected] 2004-2005

Plan ● ●

Lecture 1: introduction, the Java syntax. Lecture 2: object-oriented programming, classes, inheritance. Lecture 3: encapsulation and access control, abstract classes and interfaces, inner classes, exceptions. Lecture 4: useful APIs (Application Programming Interface), strings, input/output streams, threads, network, swing, Java 1.5.

Java Lectures


Introduction ●

What is Java ? –

Java programming language,

Java Virtual Machine (JVM),

Java Platform.

Compiled Java program: converted into byte codes, –

portable machine language, interpreted by the JVM (specific to the operating system).

Java Lectures


“Write once, run everywhere” ●

Platform: predefined set of Java classes that exist on every Java installation, available to all Java programs, –

organized in packages,

lots of already implemented classes: Network, I/O, graphics...

current version: 1.4, 1.5 Release Candidate,


Secure, efficient...

Java Lectures


Particularities ●

No compilation directives, –

No explicit manipulation of “pointers”, –

no #define, #include. references in Java are entirely opaque.

Memory allocation and garbage collection: no need to deallocate memory.

No goto instruction (labeled statements).

No structures, no unions types.

Java Lectures


First Program ●

file –

compiled by javac

which creates HelloWorld.class

executed with java HelloWorld

class HelloWorld{ public static void main(String[] args){ System.out.println("Hello World"); } } Java Lectures


Java Syntax ●

Data types,








Java Lectures


Java Syntax ●

Comments: –

single line comment: //

multi line comment (not nested): /*...*/

documentation comment (javadoc): /**...*/

Identifier: any symbolic name referring to something in a Java program, –

letter|_|$|£|¥ + letter|_|$|£|¥|digits,

except reserved words.

Java Lectures


Data types ●

Primitive types: –

boolean: boolean,

character: char,

4 integer types: byte, short, int, long,

2 floating-point types: float, double.

Type conversions: widening/narrowing (cast).

Literal initialization.

Java Lectures

short s = 2; int i = s; short s2 = (short)i; 9

Data types (2) ●

Rest of variables: reference types –


classes, with the special case of String. String s = "This is a String.";

Reference types are compound objects: –

non-standard size,

we manipulate a reference to objects or arrays.

Java Lectures


Initialization ●

● ●

Primitive types: –

boolean: false,

char: '\0', i.e. 0,

byte, short, int, long, float, double: 0.

Reference types: null. Content of arrays initialized with default values. Local variables are not initialized.

Java Lectures


Expressions ●

The Java interpreter evaluates expressions: –

primary expressions: literals and variables, ●

ex: 1.7, true, sum.

more complex: operator to combine primary expressions. ●

assignment, arithmetic, String concatenation, comparison, boolean, bitwise and shift operators... –

ex: sum = 1+2, "Hel"+"lo".

order of evaluation (left to right), precedence, operand number and types, return types, side effects.

Java Lectures


Expressions (2) ●

Side effect: evaluating the expression changes the state of a Java program in such a way that evaluating the expression again may yield a different result. –

The evaluation will be the value itself. –

ex: i++, ++i, i+=2. ex: sum = 1+2 evaluates to 3.

Special: new, ., []...

Java Lectures


Statements ●

Single command executed by the Java interpreter, int counter; String message =

expression ...;

compound { }

labeled statement label : statement

local variables: all variables must be declared, and initialized, ● ●


final keyword: not allowed to change, (lexical) scope: variables can only be used within the method or block of code in which they are defined.

Java Lectures


Statements ●

Flow-control: –

conditionals: if/else, switch,

loops: while, do while, for, break (skip the end of a containing statement), continue (starts the next iteration of a loop).

Return statement: stops execution, implicit or explicit void return. Synchronized: protect critical sections (see Threads).

Java Lectures


Statements syntax ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

if (expr) statement [else statement]; switch (expr) { [case expr: statements] ... [default: statements] } while (expr) statement do statement while (expr); for (init; test; update) statement break [label]; continue [label]; return [expr];

Java Lectures


Exceptions ●

Exception: signal that indicates some sort of exceptional condition or error has occurred. –

throw an exception (object): signal an exceptional condition, which stops the normal program execution, propagates till it finds an exception handler.

type: java.lang.Throwable,

checked/unchecked: compiler checks.

if (situation1) throw an Exception of the type ExceptionSituation1 Java Lectures


Exceptions (2) try { ... if (condition1) return; ... if (condition2) throw new MyException(); ... } catch(MyException e) { ... } finally { ... } Java Lectures


Exceptions (3) ●

Exception handler: try/catch/finally statement, –

try: block of code that throws an exception, followed by 0 or more catch clauses,

catch(exception e){...}: handle various types of exceptions. The code looks for the first clause that has the argument of the same type as the exception.

finally: clean up code, guaranteed to be executed if any portion of the try block is executed (even if there is a break, continue, return statement).

Java Lectures


Methods ●

Named sequence of Java statements that can be invoked by other Java code. A method invocation is an expression.

modifiers type name (paramlist) exceptions] {...}

[throws signature

type: return type of the method, otherwise void,

name: not necessarily unique (overloading),

paramlist: 0 () or more,

throws: checked exception not handled.

Java Lectures


Classes ●

Named collection of –

fields that hold data values,

methods that operate on those values,

inner classes.

Every class is a new data type. –

data type (class) ≠ instances of that type (objects),

creation with new, special literals (and dynamic loading (serialization)),

Java Platform (1.4): over 1500 predefined classes.

Java Lectures


Simple class example class Point { //Fields int x, y; // Method that translates the point void translate(int h, int k) { x += h; y += k; } }

Java Lectures


Creating and using an object ●

In another class, we instantiate the class Point,

Point p = new Point(); p.x = 1; p.y = 3; p.translate(3,4); address of p

values of x and y 4

Java Lectures


Single specific instance, different from the class


Object literals ●

Special syntax for creating instances –

Strings: include text literally,

String myName = "Nicolas"; String sentence = "My name is" + myName; –

class Class: represents all Java types,

Class typePoint = Point.class; –

null: absence of object,

Point p = null; Java Lectures


Array types ●

Second kind of reference types in Java.

Numbered list of values, –

of any type, primitive, objects, even other arrays,

but all of the same types. int[] arrayOfIntegers; Point[] arrayOfPoints; int[][] arrayOfArrayOfIntegers;

Creating arrays with new. int[] arrayOfIntegers = new int[100];

Java Lectures


Using arrays ●

Access the individual values contained in the array: arrayName[index].

String responses = new String[2]; responses "Yes" "No" responses[0] = "Yes"; responses[1] = "No"; System.out.println("Answer " + responses[0] + " or " + responses[1] + " ! "); Answer Yes or No ! ●

For an array a, the first element is a[0], the second is a[1] and the last is a[a.length-1]. –

Exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Java Lectures


Array literals ●

Absence of array, null char[] password = null;

Specify array values literally,

int[] powersOfTwo = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128}; ●

Using anonymous arrays, Point[] arrayOfPoints = {new Point(), new Point(), new Point()};

Java Lectures


Multidimensional arrays class DoubleArray{ public static void main(String[] args){ int i,j; int[][] a = new int[2][3]; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) for (j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) a[i][j] = i + j;



a = new int[2][]; for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++){ a[i] = new int[i + 2]; for (j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) a[i][j] = -(i + j); }

Java Lectures


Multidimensional array literals







int[][] a = {{0, -1}, {-1, -2, -3}};

Java Lectures


Understanding reference types

Java Lectures


Using a constructor class Point{ int x, y; // Constructor Point(int a, int b){ x = a; y = b; } void translate(int h, int k) { x += h; y += k; } } Java Lectures


Example class TestNewPoint{ public static void main(String[] args){ Point p1 = new Point(2,3); Point p2 = new Point(-2,4); Point p3 = new Point(); p3 = p1; p1.translate(3,-2); System.out.println("Point p1: " + p1.x); System.out.println("Point p3: " + p3.x); } }

Point p1: 5 Point p3: 5

Java Lectures


Reference types p1



p3 = p1;





then p1.translate(3,-2); p1 5 Java Lectures


1 33

Reference types (2) ●

When arguments are passed to methods, the method is given a copy of the argument used to invoke the method. –

differences for primitive (not modified) and reference types (modified).

Make an actual copy of an object or an array, clone() method, –

no recursive copy.

Java Lectures


Reference types (3) Point p = new Point(1,2); Point q = (Point)p.clone(); q.translate(1,1);

Java Lectures








Comparing objects and arrays ●

Primitive types: ==

Reference types: –

== compares references to objects, not the content.

equals(): method to compare the contents, not implemented for all objects (otherwise equivalent to ==).

Java Lectures


Comparison example String letter = "o"; String s = "hello"; String copy = (String)s.clone(); String t = "hell" + letter; if (s==copy) System.out.println("same reference."); if (s==t) System.out.println("same reference."); if (s.equals(t)) System.out.println("same string."); same string.

Java Lectures


Packages ●

Named collection of classes (and possibly subpackages), –

● ●

namespace for the contained classes.

No #include, no link edition. Classes are loaded in the memory during compilation or execution.

Java Lectures


Packages (2) ●

The compiler and JVM need to find the necessary classes, –

use of import and globally unique class names,

use of classpath(s).

Packages, also useful for visibility levels.

Defining a package: package keyword.

Better to put every class in its own file, named for class A.

Java Lectures


Import ●

Complete name of a class: Vector in java.util –

import: imports "nothing" –

java.util.Vector allows to use short names, for example Vector.

Exception: no need to import classes of the package java.lang.

Java Lectures


Java file structure package mypackage.test; import java.util.Vector; import*; class A{ ... } ●


The complete name of class A is mypackage.test.A. The end of the name of the directory of must be /mypackage/test/.

Java Lectures


Use of classpaths import mypackage.test.*; class B{ A local = new A(); ... }

File in /mypackage/

javac -classpath ../

java -classpath ../ B

Or use environment variable CLASSPATH.

Java Lectures


Naming conventions ●

Packages: unique name with the prefixes, lowercase, –

Classes: the name begins with a capital letter, is written in mixed case, –

ex: java.lang.*.

ex: String, StringBuffer.

Interfaces: same as classes.

Java Lectures


Naming conventions (2) ●

Methods: the name begins with a lowercase letter, the following words with a capital letter. –

Fields and constants: same as method names for non constant fields, static final constants are written in uppercase. –

ex: insert(), insertObject(), insertObjectAt().


Local variables: same conventions as methods and fields.

Java Lectures


Object Oriented Programming ●

All Java programs use objects, and every Java program is a class. –


class members: fields and methods,


Java Lectures


Classes ●

Collection of data, members of a class, –



inner classes.

2 distinct types: –

class, or static: exists as soon the class is in memory, and is unique,


4 types of fields and methods.

Java Lectures


A class example public class Circle{ public static final double PI = 3.14159; public double r; public static double radiansToDegrees(double rads){ return rads * 180 / PI; } public double area(){ return PI * r * r; }


public double circumference(){ return 2 * PI * r; }

Java Lectures


Class fields ●

● ●

Associated with the class, rather than with an instance of the class: single copy. static modifier. final modifier: the value of the field does not change. It's a class constant (upper case), like a global variable. –

referred as PI in the class Circle,

referred as Circle.PI outside.

examples: Integer.MAX_VALUE,

Java Lectures


Class methods ● ●

static modifier. Static methods can use only static members (field and methods: ex PI) of the class. Like a global function, invoked outside with the name of the class, double d = Circle.radiansToDegrees(2.0);

Java Lectures


Instance fields ●

Associated with instances of the class, –

every Circle object has its own copy of the double field r,

referred by name alone in the class (see circumference() and area()). Circle c = new Circle(); c.r = 2.0; Circle d = new Circle(); d.r = 2 * c.r;

instance constants with final (possible initialization in the constructor).

Java Lectures


Instance methods ●

An instance method operates on an instance of a class (an object), –

particular use of an instance method, Circle c = new Circle(); c.r = 2.0; double a = c.area(); no argument

can use any member of the class.

Java Lectures


How instance methods work ●

Implicit argument: this, holds a reference to the object. public double area(){ return PI * this.r * this.r; } public void setRadius(double r){ this.r = r; }

this cannot be used in class methods.

Java Lectures


Instance or class methods ●

It depends on their use. public static double area(double r){ return PI * r * r; }

With class methods, you do not need to create a Circle object.

This is an example of method overloading.

Java Lectures


Method overloading ●

A class can have several methods with the same name, differing –

on the type of their arguments,

on the number and order of their arguments.

A difference on the return type is not sufficient.

The compiler decides which method to invoke according to the arguments.

Java Lectures


Constructors Circle c = new Circle(); ●

Every class has at least one constructor. –

If none is implemented, there is a default constructor.

new creates a new, uninitialized instance of the class: the constructor method is then called, with the new object passed implicitly (this) and whatever arguments. Point p = new Point(1,2);

Java Lectures


Defining a constructor public Circle(double r) {this.r = r; }

The constructor name is always the same as the class name.

Unlike other methods, it is declared without a return type, not even void.

The body should initialize the this object.

Multiple constructors: method overloading. public Circle() {this.r = 1.0; }

Java Lectures


More with constructors ●

You can invoke one constructor from another, with this, public Circle(double r) {this.r = r; } public Circle() {this(1.0); } –

this avoids repetition of code,

Caution ! this(...) must appear as the first statement in a constructor.

Java Lectures


Another example public class Circle{ public static final double PI = 3.14159; public static int nbCircles = 0; public double r;


public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; Circle.nbCircles ++; }

We created 2 Circle objects.

public class TestCircle{ public void main(String[] args){ Circle c1 = new Circle(1.0); Circle c2 = new Circle(2.0); System.out.println("We created " + Circle.nbCircles + " Circle objects."); } }

Java Lectures


Field defaults and initializers ●

Unlike local variables, the fields of a class are automatically initialized to the default values, –

essentially 0 and null.

Class initialization methods for static members. Static and instance initializers, –

static {...} or {...}.

Java Lectures


Finalization and Garbage Collection ●

● ●

When an allocated object is no longer referred to by any other active object, the garbage collector finds and destroys it. Memory leaks can occur. Finalizer: instance method performing finalization for the object. void finalize() { ... tmpfile.delete(); }

Java Lectures


Subclasses and inheritance ●


Constructor chaining,

Shadowing and overriding.

Java Lectures


Subclasses and inheritance ●

Central to the object-oriented programming paradigm. class B extends A { ... } –

A is the superclass of B.

B extends/subclasses A.

B has (inherits) all the non-private fields and methods of A, + its own fields and methods.

B is also an instance of class A.

Java Lectures


Inheritance example class Animal { int weight; public Animal(int weight) { this.weight = weight; } public void printWeight (){ System.out.println("This Animal weighs " + weight); } }

Java Lectures


Inheritance example (continued) class Spider extends Animal { int nbLegs; public Spider(int nbLegs) { super(5); this.nbLegs = nbLegs; }

This Animal weighs 5. This Spider has 8 legs.

public void printNbLegs (){ System.out.println("This spider has " + nbLegs + " legs."; } public static void main (String[] args) { Spider s = new Spider(8); s.printWeight(); s.printNbLegs(); } }

Java Lectures


The class hierarchy ●

Every class, except java.lang.Object, extends only one class, its superclass: NO multiple inheritance. –

Every class with no explicit superclass, except Object, extends automatically Object. Object Animal Spider

A class declared with the final modifier cannot be extended.

Java Lectures


Polymorphism and conversions ●

Every instance of Spider is also an Animal object, and of all classes higher in the hierarchy. –

widening conversion: the assignment of a Spider object to a Animal object is possible without a cast,

narrowing conversion: the opposite conversion needs a cast. The value held by the Animal object is still a valid Spider object.

Spider s = new Spider(); Animal a = s; Java Lectures Spider s2 = (Spider) a;

instanceof 66

Subclass constructors ● ●

super refers to the superclass. super(...) calls the constructor of the superclass. –

it can be used only within a constructor method,

it must be the first statement of the constructor.

Java Lectures


Constructor chaining ●

The constructor is called whenever an instance of any subclass is created. –

Java must ensure that every constructor calls its superclass constructor,

If the first statement of a constructor is not this (...) or super(...), Java implicitly inserts the statement super(),

– ●

constructor calls are chained.

Default constructor, super().

Java Lectures

class MyClass { public MyClass() { super(); } ... }


Constructor chaining example class A { A() { System.out.println("constructor of A"); } } class B extends A { B(){ System.out.println("constructor of B"); }

constructor of A constructor of B another constructor of B constructor of C

B(int r) { this(); System.out.println("another constructor of B"); } } class C extends B { C() { super(3); System.out.println("constructor of C"); }


public static void main(String[] args) { new C(); }

Java Lectures


Constructor chaining problem class A { int i; A(int i) { this.i = i; } }

What is the message of the compiler if we try to compile this file ?

class B extends A {} No constructor matching A() found in class A. class B extends A {} ^ 1 error

Java Lectures


Shadowing and polymorphism A, B and C have the same field x. In the methods of C,


x this.x super.x ((B)this).x ((A)this).x super.super.x

Field x in class C Field x in class C Field x in class B Field x in class B Field x in class A Illegal

c = new C(); c.x ((B)c).x ((A)c).x

Field x of class C Field x of class B Field x of class A

Java Lectures



Static link B contains the fields x of B and A.


Overriding superclass methods ●

● ●

When a class B defines an instance method using the same name, return type and parameters as a method in its superclass A, the method of B overrides the method of A. Overriding is not shadowing. Class methods, like fields, can be shadowed, but not overridden (different names). A.staticMethod(); B.staticMethod();

Java Lectures


Overriding is not shadowing class A { void className() { System.out.println("instance of class A"); } } class B extends A { void className() { System.out.println("instance of class B"); }


public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); a.className(); a = new B(); instance a.className(); instance }

Java Lectures

of class A of class B 73

Dynamic method lookup ●

Process to look up at runtime the appropriate method to call for each objects. –

particularly useful for arrays of A objects.

Final methods, –

final methods: the method cannot be overridden by subclasses (same for final classes),

dynamic method lookup is more time consuming.

Java Lectures


Invoking an overridden method class B extends A { void className() { super.className(); System.out.println("instance of class B"); }


public static void main(String[] args) { B b = new B(); b.className(); instance of class A } instance of class B different from ((A)this).className()

Java Lectures


Invoking an overridden method (2) ●

The dynamic method lookup begins with the superclass. The super syntax can be used only to invoke an overridden method from within the class that overrides it. –

only the direct superclass.

different from the super() syntax to invoke a superclass constructor.

Java Lectures


Useful method overriding ●

The toString() method of Object.

class A { public String toString() { return("instance of class A"); } }

Created instances: instance of class A, instance of class B

class B { public String toString{ return("instance of class B"); }


public static void main(String[] args) { A a = new A(); B b = new B(); System.out.println("Created instances: " + a + ", " + b); }

Java Lectures


Encapsulation and access control

Java Lectures


Encapsulation ●

When all the data for a class is hidden, the methods define the only possible operations that can be performed on them (trusted use). –

hide implementation,

protect the class against misuse, for example by accessing directly the fields.

API classes, getValue(), setValue(), ...

Java Lectures


Access control ●

● ●

All the fields and methods of a class can always be used within the body of the class itself. –

rules for the use of the members outside of the class.

private, protected, package, public.

Access to packages: access to the files. Access to top-level classes within the package by default, everywhere if public.

Java Lectures


Access to members

accessible to defining class class in same package subclass in a different package non-subclass in different package

Java Lectures

public Yes Yes

member visibility protected package Yes Yes Yes Yes

private Yes No










Access control and inheritance ●

A class inherits all fields and instance methods (not constructor) of its superclass. –

the body of a class can always access all the fields and methods it declares itself,

it can also access the accessible members it inherits from its superclass.

a subclass in the same package inherits all nonprivate instance members.

a subclass in a different package inherits all protected and public instance members.

Java Lectures


Data accessor methods public class Circle { private int radius; public Circle(int r) { if (r > 0) radius = r; else radius = 0; } public int getRadius() { return radius; }


public void setRadius(int r) { if (r > 0) radius = r; }

Java Lectures



public method public field private method private field

Access to private fields and methods is allowed only through public methods. Java Lectures


Abstract classes

Java Lectures


Abstract classes ●

Method with only the signature: –

Class declaring an abstract method: –

abstract method, must be declared abstract. abstract class, must be declared abstract.

An abstract class cannot be instantiated, –

it must be extended to be used,

a subclass is still abstract if she does not implement all the abstract methods it inherits.

Java Lectures


Remark ●

Since they cannot be overridden, –

static, private, final methods cannot be abstract,

a final class cannot contain any abstract methods.

Java Lectures


Abstract classes example abstract class Shape { abstract double perimeter(); abstract double area(); } class Circle extends Shape { public static final double PI = 3.1415926535; protected double r; public Circle(double r) { this.r = r; } public double getRadius() { return r; } public double area() { return PI*r*r; } public double perimeter() { return 2*PI*r; } }

Java Lectures


Abstract classes example (continued) class Rectangle extends Shape { protected double w, h; public Rectangle(double w, double h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; } public double getWidth() { return w; } public double getHeight() { return h; } public double area() { return w*h; } }

public double perimeter() { return 2*(w + h); }

Java Lectures


Use of abstract classes Shape[] shapes = new Shape[3]; shapes[0] = new Circle(2.0); shapes[1] = new Rectangle(1.0, 3.0); shapes[2] = new Rectangle(4.0, 2.0); double total_area = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) total_area += shapes[i].area(); ●

Every Shape object is guaranteed to have implementations of the abstract methods, –


dynamic method lookup.

Java Lectures


Alternative ? ●

Why would it be worse to declare the Shape class like that ? class Shape { float perimeter() { return 0; } float area() { return 0; } }

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Java Lectures


Interfaces ●

Sometimes, you would like to extend more than one class, –

solution: a class can implement any number of interfaces,

new reference type, similar to classes. Interface can extend more than one interfaces,

no implementation, contains only ● ●

method signatures: methods are implicitly abstract, constant definitions (static final).

interfaces can not be instantiated (no constructor).

Java Lectures


Implementing an interface ●

A class A implements an interface I, –

provides an implementation for each method of I (of all the implemented interfaces). Otherwise, A inherits all the unimplemented abstract methods, and must be declared itself abstract,

inherits the constants (interfaces for set of constants).

all members are implicitly public, the class must declare all inherited methods public.

all subclasses of A implement the interface I.

Java Lectures


Interface example public interface Centered { public void setCenter(double x, double y); public double getCenterX(); public double getCenterY(); } public class CenteredRectangle extends Rectangle implements Centered { private double cx, cy; public CenteredRectangle(double cx, double cy, double w, double h) { super(w, h); = cx; = cy; } public void setCenter(double x, double y) { cx = x; cy = y; } public double getCenterX() { return cx; } public double getCenterY() { return cy; } }

Java Lectures


Other interface examples ●

CenteredRectangle objects are also instances of Centered and Shape.

class CenteredScalableRectangle extends Rectangle, implements Centered, Scalable { ... } ●

Marker interfaces: additional information. –

ex: Cloneable interface.

Java Lectures


Inner classes

Java Lectures


Inner classes overview ●

So far, top-level classes and interfaces, –

direct members of packages, not nested within other classes.

4 types: –

static member classes (or interfaces),

member classes,

local classes,

anonymous classes.

Java Lectures


Some features ●

No static members within inner classes, except constant fields (static final). Not the same name as any enclosing class. or package. Since they are members of the class, static member classes and member classes can have their own access control modifier (public, protected and private, or default package).

Java Lectures


Static member classes ●

Class or interface, defined as static member of another class. Behaves like an ordinary top-level class, –

except that it can access all the static members of the enclosing class (without class name), even other static member classes,

(reverse) the methods of the enclosing class have access to all the members of a static member class.

Java Lectures


Static member classes example public class LinkedStack { public static interface Linkable { public Linkable getNext(); public void setNext(Linkable node); } Linkable head; public void push(Linkable node) {...} public Object pop() {...} } class LinkableInteger implements LinkedStack.Linkable { int i; public LinkableInteger(int i) { this.i = i; } LinkedStack.Linkable next; public LinkedStack.Linkable getNext() { return next; } public void setNext(LinkedStack.Linkable node) { next = node; } }

Java Lectures


Member classes ●

Defined as a member of an enclosing class, not declared with the static modifier. Associated with instances of the enclosing class, –

therefore has access to all the fields and methods of the enclosing class (static and non-static). current = head; this.current = LinkedStack.this.head;

class hierarchy ≠ containment hierarchy.

Java Lectures


Member classes example public class LinkedStack { public static interface Linkable {...} private Linkable head; public void push(Linkable node) {...} public Linkable pop() {...} public java.util.Enumeration enumerate() { return new Enumerator(); }


protected class Enumerator implements java.util.Enumeration { Linkable current; public Enumerator() { current = head; } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (current != null); } public Object nextElement() { if (current == null) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); Object value = current; current = current.getNext(); return value; } }

Java Lectures


Local classes ●

Defined locally, within a block of Java code, –

Java statement,

visible only within that block.

Same access as member classes, –

in addition, access to local variables, method parameters, or exception parameters in its scope, but only final (possible different lifetimes, copy of the containing class).

Java Lectures


Local classes example public java.util.Enumeration enumerate() { class Enumerator implements java.util.Enumeration { Linkable current; public Enumerator() { current = head; } public boolean hasMoreElements() { return (current != null); } public Object nextElement() { if (current == null) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); Object value = current; current = current.getNext(); return value; } } return new Enumerator(); }

Java Lectures


Anonymous classes ●

Local class without a name. –

Java expression (not a statement like local classes): defined and instantiated in a single succinct expression using the new operator.

provide a simple implementation of an adapter class (its code is invoked by some other object).

File f = new File("/src"); String[] filelist = f.list(new FilenameFilter() { public boolean accept(File f, String s) {return s.endsWith(".java");} });

Java Lectures


Anonymous classes (2) –

No implement or extend. If the name is the name of a class or an interface, the anonymous class implicitly extends or implements it.

It uses the superclass constructor: you can use instance initializer "instead of" a constructor.

Same restrictions as local classes.

Java Lectures


Anonymous classes example public java.util.Enumeration enumerate() { return new java.util.Enumeration() { Linkable current; { current = head; } public boolean hasMoreElements() { null); } public Object nextElement() { if (current == null) throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException(); Object value = current; current = current.getNext(); return value; } }; } Java Lectures

return (current !=


Exceptions revisited

Java Lectures


More on Exceptions class Animal{} class Spider extends Animal { int weight = 5; }

A spider weighs 5 g. java.lang.ClassCastException: Animal, every Animal is not a Spider.

class Conversion { public static void main(String argv[]) { Animal animal = new Spider(); System.out.println("A spider weighs: " + ((Spider)animal).weight + " g."); animal = new Animal(); try { Spider spider = (Spider)animal; } catch (ClassCastException e) { System.out.println(e +", every Animal is not a Spider."); } } } Java Lectures 110

Class Exception ●

The type of a Java exception is java.lang.Throwable, with 2 standard subclasses, –

java.lang.Error: unrecoverable problems, unchecked,

java.lang.Exception: less severe, checked (except RuntimeException).

Java Lectures


Exception definition example class ExceptionNothing extends Exception { int nbWords; ExceptionNothing(int number) { nbWords = number; } public String toString() { return "ExceptionNothing: none of the " + nbWords " marks is valid."; } }

Java Lectures


class TestThrowExceptions { static int average(String[] list) throws ExceptionNothing { int i, sum=0, integer, nbMarks=0; for (i = 0; i < liste.length; i++) { try { nbMarks++; integer = Integer.parseInt(list[i]); sum += integer; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { System.out.println("The " + (i+1) + " nth mark is not an integer."); } } if (nbMarks == 0) throw new ExceptionNothing(list.length); return sum/nbMarks; java TestThrowException ha 15.5 } public static void main(String[] argv){ try { System.out.println("The average is " + average(argv)); } catch (ExceptionNothing e) { System.out.println(e); } } The 1 nth mark is not an integer. } The 2 nth mark is not an integer. ExceptionNothing: none of the 2 marks is valid.

Java Lectures


Propagation ●

If your method calls another that can throw a checked exception, you must –

either include exception-handling code,

or use throws to declare that your method can also throw that exception. That's how an exception is propagated until it is caught.

Java Lectures


Propagation example ... method1() throws MyException { ... if (...) throw new MyException(); ... }

... method2() throws MyException { ... zzz.method1(); ... }

... method3() { ... try { ... yyy.methode2(); ... } catch(MyException e) { ... } ... } ... method4() { ... xxx.method3(); ... }

Java Lectures


Useful APIs ●


Input/Output streams,



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Java Lectures


String class ●

java.lang.String class.

String object are immutable, –

methods return new String objects.

easy use of regular expressions: same regex syntax as the Perl programming language (otherwise java.util.regex package).

String s = "Good morning !"; String s1 = s.substring(0,4); // "Good" s1.compareTo("Good"); // 0 s.matches("[A-Z].*[.?!]$"); // true Java Lectures


Useful classes ●

Character class, –

StringBuffer class, –

check the type and convert the case. String objects are immutable, but not StringBuffer objects.

java.util.StringTokenizer class, –

to break a string of text into its component words: it implements Enumeration.

Java Lectures


Input/Output streams ●

And the package.

Java Lectures


Files and directories ●

know the content of a directory.

work with paths.

create, rename, suppress a file or a directory.

Java Lectures


Input/Output streams ●

The package defines a large number of classes for reading and writing streaming, or sequential, data. Processing streams of bytes, –

InputStream and OutputStream.

Processing streams of characters, –

Reader and Writer.

Java Lectures


Two types of classes ●

Extraction classes –

read or write data in some type of container (File, String, arrays of bytes, socket...).

Functionality classes –

let us act on the data streams, independently of the container (read a line, read an integer...).

Java Lectures


Output data streams

program data OutputStream functionality Writer functionality program

Java Lectures

byte char

OutputStream extraction Writer extraction

File socket… destination


Input data streams

program data InputStream functionality File, socket… source

Java Lectures

InputStream extraction Reader extraction

byte char

Reader functionality program


Subclasses of Reader CharArrayReader



Reader BufferedReader






extraction classes Java Lectures

functionality classes


Subclasses of Writer PrintWriter




Writer BufferedWriter




extraction classes Java Lectures

functionality classes


Reading console input BufferedReader console = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println("What is your name ?"); String name = null; try { name = console.readLine(); } catch (IOException e) { name = ""; } System.out.println("Hello " + name); InputStream Java Lectures

Hello Nicolas 128

Reading lines from a text file String filename = "myfile.txt"; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); String line; while((line = in.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(line); } in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { ... } Java Lectures


Writing text to a file try { File f = new File("myresultfile.txt"); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(f)); out.println("No result for now."); out.close(); } catch (IOException e){...}

Java Lectures


Direct subclasses of InputStream and some other classes StringBuffer InputStream

ByteArray InputStream

Piped InputStream

Sequence InputStream

InputStream FileInputStream





extraction classes Java Lectures

functionality classes


Direct subclasses of OutputStream and some other classes ByteArrayOutputStream


OutputStream FileOutputStream FilterOutputStream ObjectOutputStream BufferedOutputStream



extraction classes Java Lectures

functionality classes


Writing a binary file try { DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream (new BufferedOutputStream (new FileOutputStream(""))); out.writeUTF("Start"); out.writeInt(765); out.writeLong(54321); out.writeFloat((float)2.35); out.writeDouble(1.8); out.writeChar('a'); out.writeBoolean(false); out.writeChars("good bye"); System.out.println(out.size()); // 50 out.close(); } catch (IOException e) {...}

Start ý Java Lectures

Ô1@ff?üÌÌÌÌÌÍ a

g o o d

b y e 133

Reading a binary file try { DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream( new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(""))); System.out.println(in.readUTF()); System.out.println(in.readInt()); Start System.out.println(in.readLong()); 765 System.out.println(in.readFloat()); System.out.println(in.readDouble()); 54321 System.out.println(in.readChar()); 2.35 System.out.println(in.readBoolean()); 1.8 while (in.available() > 0){ a System.out.print(in.readChar()); false } good bye in.close(); } catch (IOException e) {...}

Java Lectures


Serialization ●

Convert an object into a stream of bytes that can later be deserialized back into a copy of the original object. –

write serialized objects in any type of stream: files, sockets...

To serialize an object, its class must implement the interface

Functionality classes: –

ObjectOutputStream: writeObject(),

ObjectInputStream: readObject().

Java Lectures


import*; class ClassTest implements Serializable { String s = "Hello"; int n = 1; } class Serialization { public static void main(String[] argv) { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream (new FileOutputStream("")); out.writeObject(new ClassTest()); int[] array = {10, 11, 12}; out.writeObject(array); out.close(); ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream (new FileInputStream("")); ClasseTest c = (ClassTest)in.readObject(); System.out.println(c.s + " " + c.n); int[] arrayout = (int[])in.readObject(); System.out.println(arrayout[1]); in.close(); } }

Java Lectures

Hello 1 11


Threads ●

A thread is a single sequential flow of control within a program.

Java Lectures


Thread definition ●

2 ways to create a java.lang.Thread object: –

subclass Thread, override the run() method, then instantiate your Thread subclass,

define a class that implements the Runnable interface (i.e. define a run() method), then pass an instance of this Runnable object to the Thread() constructor.

The run() method constitutes the body of the thread.

Java Lectures


Thread example final List list // initialized elsewhere class BackgroundSorter extends Thread { List l; public BackgroundSorter(List l) {this.l = l;} public void run() {Collections.sort(l);} } Thread sorter = new BackgroundSorter(list); sorter.start(); Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable{ public void run() {Collections.sort(list);} }); t.start(); Java Lectures


Explanation Original thread

new thread

... Thread sorter = new BackgroundSorter(list); sorter.start();

Meanwhile, it continues running Thread t = new Thread(new Runnable{ public void run() {Collections.sort(list);} }); t.start();

creation executes the run() method. Collections.sort(l);

ceases to exist when the run() method exits.

... Java Lectures


Some thread methods ● ●

Threads can run at different priority levels. Make a thread sleep with the sleep() method. Wait for a thread to finish with the join() method.

Java Lectures


Thread synchronization ●

Thread synchronization, –

access the same data structure,

every java object has a lock associated to it: when a thread holds the lock, another thread has to wait for the first one to release the lock.

synchronized keyword, –

a thread must obtain a lock on an object before it can execute any of its synchronized methods,

synchronized blocks that holds a lock on a specified object for a short time.

Java Lectures


synchronized example public class CubbyHole { public synchronized int get() { ... } public synchronized void put(int value) { ... } } Whenever the program enters a synchronized method, the thread that called the method locks the object whose method has been called. ... synchronized(resource1) {...} ... Java Lectures


Thread coordination ●

Problem of deadlocks.

Coordinate threads with Object methods, –

wait(): any lock the thread holds is temporarily released, the thread is added to the list of waiting threads for that object and stops running,

notify(): the objects wakes up one of the waiting threads and allows it to continue running.

Java Lectures


Network: Sockets ●

the package.

Java Lectures


the URL class ●

Uniform resource locator, supports at least http://, ftp:/ and file://.

URL url; try { url = new URL("http:", "", "index.html"); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {...} InputStream in = url.openStream(); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); String type = conn.getContentType(); String encoding = conn.getCOntentEncoding(); java.util.Date lastModified = new java.util.Date (conn.getLastModified()); int len = conn.getContentLength();

Java Lectures


Sockets ●

Software endpoint that establishes bidirectional communication between –

a server program (specific hardware port),

and one or more client programs: any client program anywhere in the network with a socket associated with that same port can communicate with the server program.

Java Lectures


Socket example import*; import*; public class HttpMirror { public static void main(String[] args) { try { int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(port); for(;;) { Socket client = ss.accept(); ClientThread t = new ClientThread(client); t.start(); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.err.println("Usage: java HttpMirror ;"); } }

Java Lectures


static class ClientThread extends Thread { Socket client; ClientThread(Socket client) { this.client = client; } public void run() { try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(client.getInputStream())); PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(client.getOutputStream())); out.print("HTTP/1.0 200\r\nContent-Type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"); String line; while((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.length() == 0) break; out.println(line); } out.close(); in.close(); client.close(); } catch (IOException e) {...} } } } Java Lectures


Sockets ●* and* enable encrypted network communication over sockets that use the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. If you don't care to maintain a stream, –

DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket classes.

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Java 1.5

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