
This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. ... This early in the game, you only have one special power for each super-hero, but it's important to get a.
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Introduction Raven Software is back with another button-smashing action RPG featuring over 20 characters from the Marvel universe. While there have been a number of changes since the latest title, the most obvious is in the graphics. Raven has ditched the old cartoonish character models for fully-realized 3D models. Your task this time around is to take your Marvel super-heroes and stop Doctor Doom from seizing the incredible powers from Odin. As usual, IGN Guides is here to help you through the many missions and the game and stop Doctor Doom and his Masters of Evil. In this Marvel: Ultimate Alliance strategy guide, you’ll find:  BASICS // Tips on creating your own team of super-heroes.  WALKTHROUGH // Complete Marvel: Ultimate Alliance

walkthrough covering each and every mission. Guide by: Jim Chamberlin This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN Entertainment will result in legal action.

Basics Marvel: Ultimate Alliance is a pretty straightforward button-mashing game. You’ll face off against enemies in rooms and hallways, for instance, and you’ll have to go and kill them. Much of the environment is destructible and doing so can net you important S.H.I.E.L.D. credits. Blocking Before you learn how to attack your opponent, you need to be able to block your opponent’s attacks. Depending on the system you’re playing on, you will have a block button. Check your manual if you’re unsure. Basic Combat Moves The two most basic moves include an attack and a smash. They’re done with different buttons, of course. Beyond that, you can use them in a few combos to increase the damage you dish out. Stun -- Attack, Smash, Smash Pop-Up -- Attack, Attack, Smash Trip -- Attack, Smash, Attack If you’re jumping or flying in the air, you can hold either the attack or smash button. When you come down, you can unleash a heavy hit on your opponent. You can also grapple with your opponent. While doing so, you can hit them with either attacks or smashes. Also, you can toss your opponent to the side using your directional analog stick.

Super Powers Every super hero has a set of super powers at their disposal. Some powers help their offense or defense. Some others may benefit the entire team. Your powers can be made more powerful by picking up pieces of special gear in the game. Also, you can buy improvements with the S.H.I.E.L.D. credits you collect in the game. Your Team Assembling your team of Marvel super heroes is quite easy to do, really. The best team is a diverse team. Each hero has certain advantages and disadvantages to their abilities. One special ability is flight. Only a portion of the heroes in the game have the ability to fly in the game. It’s a very handy thing to have. Your team should have at least one strong close-up melee fighter and one good ranged fighter. Someone like Spider-Man is a good ranged fighter and has the ability to fly through the air. He would be a good choice for any team. Weapons There are various weapons scattered throughout the game. They include everything from swords to spears. Pick them up and wield them like a pro. They can improve your chances fighting bosses if you should manage to have one at the time. Just keep in mind that when wielding a weapon, you cannot use your super powers.

Walkthrough ACT 1





Prologue // Flight Deck You’ll begin with a CGI scene of Colonel Nick Fury informing you of an on-going attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. As soon as the scene is over, you’ll find yourself on the Flight Deck of the Helicarrier. Your team of Marvel super-heroes is made up of Captain America, Spider-Man, Thor, and Wolverine. This is a very good starting team, quite frankly. Since this part of the game is more of a tutorial, intended to get you up to speed of things, these characters will allow you to not only get the feel of these four specific characters, but also to get a feel for the different types of super-heroes available to you in the game (brawler, flyer, etc).

Before you start fighting the bad guys, pause the game and take a look at the “Hero Details” screen. By default, the game has Auto-Spending enabled. If you’re the type of person who must control everything, this is the time to disable this option. If, however, you don’t really care about how the game spends the points you earn, you can just go ahead and skip this altogether. Objective: Rendezvous with Colonel Nick Fury on the bridge of the U.N.N. Alpha. Ok, back to the game. Your objective is to rendezvous with Colonel Nick Fury on the bridge of the U.N.N. Alpha. Go up the stairs on your left and proceed through the door on your right. Battle the Ultron Warriors you encounter here. Ultron Warriors don’t possess any special powers or abilities, so they’re pretty easy to defeat. Don’t be hesitant to try out your special powers. This early in the game, you only have one special power for each super-hero, but it’s important to get a feeling for the power. As you progress in the game, a good understanding of the super powers will be key. Continue into the next room and take the door on your left. You’ll be attacked immediately. Your teammates will probably get a little anxious and leave you behind. Be sure to follow them as they go straight and take a right, down a flight of stairs and fight off more Ultimate Warriors. Once cleared, go back up to the first room you started in. Break any box (crate) or barrel you see. When broken, these containers may spill out S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Health Orbs, and/or Energy Orbs. Exit that room and destroy all other barrels in-sight. Once you’ve collected all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. credits and any Orbs, go back down the staircase you went down earlier. You may encounter an Ultron Warrior that strayed away from the original group of attackers from a minute earlier. We found one alongside the staircase. You’ve been warned! Go down the ramp nearby and make your way around the U-shaped catwalk. You will be attacked by more Ultron Warriors. Battle through them and watch out for the fire that will occasionally come out of nowhere. These fireballs can really take a toll on your team’s health.

You will eventually run into another U-shaped ramp. Kill the bad guys like always and you will run into your first boss, Scorpion. He has Ultron Warriors surrounding him, so keep this in mind. Thor and Wolverine are good at close-up attacks, while Captain America and Spider-Man both have very good range attacks (Shield Throw and Web Bullets). The death of Scorpion will result in the ability to pick up Scorpion’s Tail.

Scorpion’s Tail: +10% chance to cause knockdown on ranged attacks. Make your way up the stairs, or if you’re Spider-Man, use your Web Swing ability to get up and onto the platform/bridge the stairs are connected to. Enter the room and kill the enemies and smash everything in the room, collecting the S.H.I.E.L.D. credits and any Energy or Health Orbs. Leave the room using the doorway in the upper-right corner of the room, taking you out to another catwalk. Take out the bad guys, avoiding the fire. You will find a door to your left, leading you into a room where you can break a few more barrels. Continue to where you see an “Open Door” tip on your screen. Enter and you’ll be given a prompt to go to the Command Deck.

Command Deck On the Command Deck, you will find Nick Fury helping out one of his fallen soldiers. He then updates you on the situation at hand. Black Widow interrupts with new intel... the Masters of Evil are attempting to launch the nuclear missiles. Fury then orders you to stop the launch of the missiles. Objective: Stop the Masters of Evil from launching the helicarrier nuclear missiles. After your mission briefing, walk away from Nick Fury. There’s not much to do in this room. You can break computer terminals and chairs if you wish, but they’re not like crates and barrels; they don’t spill out S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, or Health Orbs. In our opinion, breaking the terminals and chairs are a complete waste of time. Go back to the elevator and go to the bridge. Once you’re on the bridge, you will see your first S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. It shows up as a bright green pad on the floor. This allows you to save your game’s progress and even change your team. After you’re done saving your game and/or changing the make-up of your team, go to the left and break the barrels and pick up any S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, or Health Orbs that may spill out. Don’t use the door over there. It goes to the Flight Deck, but there’s nothing to do up there. You’ve already been there. Go back to where the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point is and you should see some areas on your mini-map which look unexplored. Move in that direction and open the door that’s in your way. You’ll be shown a cutscene, informing you of the need to swap out the broken energy converter with a new one. Proceed forward a little bit and you’ll be greeted by a few Ultron Warriors and Ultron Strikers. The Ultron Strikers can fly and fire ion bursts at you, making them much more deadly than the Ultron Warriors. Clear the room of enemies and find the damaged converter. When you find it, approach it and use the GRAB button to grab the converter and drag it. You can simply drag it straight backwards. Once you’ve got it out of the way, move to the left and move the new converter to where the old one was. Once you’ve moved the new converter into place, a cutscene will be shown. Climb the stairs behind you and go to the newly-powered computer console. Use the console to shut down the blue force field that blocks your way. Go back down the stairs and proceed to the far right of the room. You’ll see a set of stairs going up. Climb them and you’ll run into another army of Ultron Warriors and Ultron Strikers. You should be accustomed to your super powers by now, so combat should be feeling easier by now. After you dispose of those nasties, go to the far left side of this level. You should see some more barrels to destroy. Pick up anything they spill out. Head back to the right a bit and you should see another room to go through. Use the mini-map as a guide if you don’t see it right away. Once you enter, you’ll be attacked by more bad guys. Your teammates will quickly go down to the next set of stairs, so follow them. Don’t leave them all on their own and vulnerable. Once the room has been cleared, head back up the stairs and destroy and barrels you may find on your way. Pick up any S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, or Health Orbs that may spill out. Once you’re finished, go back down the set of stairs and do the same thing (destroy barrels). Proceed up the stairs on your left. Dispose of the Ultron Strikers and destroy the nearby barrels. Make your way through the set of doors ahead. You’ll have to deal with several more enemies on this two-level room. After it’s cleared, look around for any destructible barrels. On the right, there is a ladder to climb. If you use Spider-Man, use his Web Swing to fly up there to quickly kill the bad guys there. Your teammates will follow you by using the ladder and help you out. Clear the room of enemies as well as any barrels. Make your way through the next set of doors and you’ll find another set of doors to pass through. Continue through the doors and Nick Fury will radio in and tell you to destroy the computer consoles that control the nuclear missiles. This will hopefully stop the missiles from launching. You will now find yourself on another catwalk. There is a path straight ahead, one to the left, and one to the right. Take the path to the left and take out the enemies you’ll run into. Then take out the computer console. Make your way back towards the intersection of catwalk, taking out the barrels on your way. Now, take what would have been the path to the right. You’ll encounter similar enemies here. Take out the computer console and barrels as well. Unfortunately, you got there too late. The nuclear missiles launch and Nick Fury radios in and asks you to get to a console to destroy the nuclear missiles.

Objective: Defeat Bullseye in battle. Make your way back to the intersection. As you get there, you will encounter another boss, Bullseye. As with the previous boss, Bullseye isn’t alone. He’s got a handful of Ultron Strikers and Ultron Warriors nearby. Bullseye is more difficult to defeat than Scorpion, so if one of your super heroes gets banged up pretty good, switch off to another and get to work. After you’ve defeated Bullseye, you’ll be awarded with Assassin’s Sight. Assassin’s Sight: +5% chance of Criticals for ranged attacks. After you’ve picked up the little gift, walk to the room Bullseye was guarding. Use the console to destroy the nuclear missile. Nick Fury radios in and congratulates you and your team on destroying the missile. Nick Fury is interrupted by Black Widow, who tells you that the Masters of Evil are attacking he Helicarrier’s stabilizing engines. Clear the room of barrels and use the elevator. You’ll be taken to the Barracks. Barracks Objective: Protect the helicarrier engine from the Masters of Evil. Once you are in the Barracks, Nick Fury will give you new instructions. In this new narrow hallway, there are a few barrels to destroy. Pick up any S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, or Health Orbs that are available. Proceed to the next S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save the game. If you wish, you can change the make-up of your team. This is a great option if you’ve lost a teammate... just trade him out for someone else, and when his health has increased, he’ll be available again. Once you’ve saved your game and are ready to resume playing, pick up the computer lying on the floor near the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. A small green arrow can be seen hovering over the computer. It seems Black Widow dropped the computer on her way through here. We’ll have it investigated a little later in the game. Continue down the hall and go up the stairs. Enter the first door on your left. You will encounter a red laser. Use Captain America’s Shield Throw to disable the laser. If any of your heroes runs through the laser, a bomb will be triggered, delivering damage to them. When you see two consoles with a green “X” in front of them, approach them. Place one of your heroes in both of the green circles and press the USE button. This will deactivate the blue force fields which are keeping S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents prisoner. Go through this room and all of the others, destroying whatever you can. Use the computers to learn more about the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents if you so desire. As you continue down the hallway, you will encounter several more villains. Some of the enemies you will encounter are new Doom Bots, which have a ranged attack (energy beams), so watch out. Go down the set of stairs and walk through the opening where a pane of glass once stood. You’ll once again be on the exterior of the helicarrier. Take out any

Doom Bot you encounter, while keeping a distance from the fireballs. Continue walking around the exterior, exploring everything. When you find a flight of stairs, go up them and take out the Ultron Striker and Doom Bot. After the area is cleared, leave and return to the exterior. Continue until you find another set of stairs. Go up them and continue down the hallway. You’ll watch a short cutscene and you’ll meet two mini-bosses, Winter Soldier and Radioactive Man. If you still have Captain America on your team, there will be a little conversation between he and Winter Soldier, as they have a history together. After all the jaw-jacking is done, Radioactive Man and Winter Soldier will attack you. This is a very brief fight, so don’t expect to do much damage in the couple of seconds that this fight lasts. Before you follow the fleeing mini-bosses, explore the area around you. Use your mini-map as a guide. You should encounter more Doom Bots. You will also find several barrels in the area. You should know what to do with those by now. Once you’ve cleared the area of any barrels, head back and follow Winter Soldier and Radioactive Man. They’ve laid another laser trap, so if you can, take it out with a ranged attack. You will also be attacked by more Ultron Strikers and Doom Bots. After you defeat these villains, look for the Striking Upgrade. It’s on a ledge on the left, protected by another enemy. You’ll have to double jump or fly to get up there. After you pick up the Striking Upgrade, head over to the other side of the hallway. There’s a similar ledge over there. That room is also protected by enemies, so be prepared. Destroy the Ultron Strikers and Doom Bots and then break the barrels. You will eventually come across a computer console, which provides some information on the spy activities going on in Atlantis. Continue searching the areas of this level. There are quite a few barrels to break. Use your mini-map as a guide to explore what you may have missed. Afterwards, head to the other area you haven’t explored. It should be a hallway leading back outside, where Radioactive Man and Winter Soldier are waiting for your arrival. It’s now time to finish off them. Radioactive Man uses a force field quite often. When this is active, his health bar turns blue. When you see this, focus your attention on Winter Soldier. After you defeat these two mini-bosses, Nick Fury will contact you and tells you to get to the elevator he’s activated. Before you do this, pick up Winter Soldier’s Bionic Arm and Radioactive Man’s Radioactive Touch. Bionic Arm: +5 Striking. Radioactive Touch: +5% Melee Damage as Radiation. Also, you should find a Body Upgrade on an over-looking balcony. Use a flying hero to retrieve it. Spider-Man’s Web Swing works well for this.

You can now head back to the elevator. Use the mini-map as a guide. The elevator will be pointed out on it. This elevator will take you to the next level: Upper Batteries. Upper Batteries Once you’ve gotten off of the elevator, Nick Fury will tell you about a huge creature which is attacking the Helicarrier’s engines. It’s up to you to stop the creature. Objective: Defeat Fin Fang Foom before he can destroy the Helicarrier’s engines. The first room has a couple of barrels to break, while the next room (down a small flight of stairs) has several enemies to take care of. While on the lower level, you’ll see two ways out: a ladder and a set of stairs. Take the stairs and you’ll be greeted by more bad guys. Break up the barrels and go back down the stairs. This time, go up the ladder. If you’ve got a flying hero in your team, he/she should be able to get up there in no time. Just be aware that you will run into a Doom Bot here. Your fellow teammates will follow you up the ladder and provide support. Go room to room, taking out the villains and breaking the barrels. Go through another set of doors and go downstairs. You’ll run into a few more bad guys here. Take some time now and do a full sweep of the area, looking for barrels to break. There are a few dozen of them here. Those S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits are important and you can never have too many of them. Once you’ve explored the room, head up the stairs and you’ll be greeted by a few more henchmen. Continue on, taking out enemies and barrels. Once you’ve cleared out the U-shaped room, go through the door which is in the middle of the room. This will take you back outside. It’s now time to fight the next boss, Fin Fang Foom, the large creature that’s been attacking the engines. The battle with FFF is one which will take some time. He’s huge and he’s got friends. The area of this level which is closest to the camera is where your fellow heroes will do most of the fighting, as they take on a literally endless onslaught from Ultron Warriors. It’ll be up to you to do most of the damage to FFF. His opening position is on the deck, but he’ll soon take to flight. When he does, run to the end of the deck and get into the gun turret. A small icon will appear at the top of the screen, giving you an idea of which direction FFF is coming from. For example, if the icon is to the far left of the screen, FFF will be flying over from the far left position. When you see him, start firing that turret! When he’s hit a few times, FFF will land on the deck and attack you. The best attack for when he’s in this position is to use ranged attacks. Spider-Man’s Web Bullets and Captain America’s Shield Throw are good examples of these ranged attacks.

When FFF is defeated, pick up the Dragon’s Heart and mop up the remainder of the Ultron Warriors.

With Fin Fang Foom and all of those Ultron Warriors defeated, head back inside. You will be taken to the next level. ACT 1





Stark Tower While the Helicarrier gets repaired, Tony Stark (Iron Man) has offered the team the use of his Stark Tower as a temporary headquarters. When you arrive at Stark Tower, go to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save your game. If you lost a teammate in the previous level, you can bring in someone else while he heals. On your mini-map, you’ll see a yellow exclamation point. This is the location of Wyatt Wingfoot. You don’t need to talk to him yet, but you will eventually, since he’s the way out of Stark Tower. Objective: Locate Dum Dum Dugan to find out what’s happening on the Omega Base. The Stark Tower office doesn’t have any villains, so your attack commands have been disabled. This level allows you to do a lot of exploration. On the far right of the room, go to the set of stairs. You will find a Body Upgrade. Continue on this upper-level and go down the stairs. Somewhere on your left, you will find a table with a Striking Upgrade. Turn around and make your way to where the yellow exclamation point icon is on your mini-map. Don’t talk to Wyatt Wingfoot yet. Instead, pick up the Sketch Book that is near his location. Move back to the center of the room and chat with Colonel Nick Fury and Black Widow. Black Widow can be a good source of information on this mission and on future ones. In this instance, Black Widow will give you some information on the message sent by Dum Dum Dugan. He requested Col. Fury to visit the Omega Base for an update on the Super Soldier Serum. Dugan went on to say that Dr. Banner would give the report. The odd thing about Dugan’s message is that Dr. Banner isn’t on the Super Soldier project. Afterwards, you can use the nearby Review Computer. We don’t consider this all that useful, but if your curious about your progress in the game, you can use this console to find out how you’re doing. Near the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point is an elevated area where you can use the Training Simulator when you collect the discs. However, since you haven’t gotten any yet, it’s not useful. On the other side of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point is

another elevated area where you can talk to The Vision. Vision can be quite helpful, able to provide a lot of information to you. Unfortunately to be of use, he needs a decryption module from Black Widow. Optional Objective: Get the decryption module for Black Widow and take it to The Vision. This new optional objective is very easy to fulfill. Go back to Black Widow and ask her for the decryption module. Go ahead and take it back to The Vision. With the decryption module, Vision can patch directly into the S.H.I.E.L.D. database. The computer that Vision is using is the Trivia Computer. Walk around to the side of it and use it. You’ll be asked 50 questions about the Marvel universe. Answer them correctly and you’ll receive 50 experience points (XP) for each one, for a total of 2,500 points. Here is a list of the answers for the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Baxter Building The Daily Bugle Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher A nuclear physicist Nick Fury World War II Half vampire A special effects artist Reed Richards A ballerina The Spirit of Vengeance He had incurable cancer J. Jonah Jameson Pym Particles Jasper Sitwell The Quinjet Crystal The X-Men Namor A circus strongman Stark Tower Keewazi Death Columbia University Jack Hammer Tony Stark Namor Ultron Maklu IV Ten Carter Lombardo Pick the pocket of Professor Xavier 8 The same material as his body Scorpio Rogue Ben Grimm Her own sai Captain America’s sidekick Killing The Royal Air Force Kill Nick Fury Johnny Storm Deadpool A clone Human He caused an explosion with an experiment Turn his victims to stone with a touch It was written in the Atlantean Chronicles The Valley of Spirits

A few feet away from Vision is Dr. Hank Pym. Talk to him and he’ll ask you to retrieve his cybernetic helmet from the Omega Base. Optional Objective: Find Dr. Pym’s cybernetic helmet on the Omega Base and return it to him at Stark Tower.

In another corner of the Stark Tower office space is a Focus Upgrade. With everything explored on this level, go to Wyatt Wingfoot. Chat with him for a bit. You can ask him to investigate Black Widow’s laptop you found a short while ago. Afterwards, ask him to take you to the Omega Base. Omega Base On the way to Omega Base, Col. Fury will brief you on Dum Dum Dugan and the call he made. You don’t really learn anything if you’ve already spoken to Black Widow about this. When you arrive at the Omega Base, Wyatt Wingfoot will brief you on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Port you now have access to. It allows you to transport instantly back to Stark Tower. Colonel Fury will then contact you about new information which says the Omega Base is now on a collision course with Vondrak Dam. You’ll have to stop the Omega before the dam is hit. Wrenchworks The room you begin this level is the Wrenchworks. There is only one thing to do in this room: break the crates on the floor to get the S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, and Health Orbs they possess. Afterwards, move over to the only doorway. This will trigger Dum Dum Dugan’s appearance. If Wolverine is in your group, he and Dugan will have a few funny exchanges. Dugan then comes clean about his mysterious distress call. It seems a knockout gas was spread through the ventilation system of the base and when he awoke, Dr. Doom demanded he bring Col. Fury to the Omega Base or he’d ram the Omega into Vondrak Dam. Wolverine tells him that Doom decided to ram the Vondrak Dam anyway. Dugan asks your team to get him to the primary engineering control room. He should be able to stop the Omega before it does any damage to the Vondrak Dam. Objective: Protect Dum Dum Dugan as you escort him to Central Command. It’s now your job to get Dum Dum Dugan to central command. He has a health bar above his head. Keep an eye on this and don’t let him get killed. You will immediately come under attack by an A.I.M. Trooper. He’s not much of a threat, however. Move room to room, getting rid of any A.I.M. Troopers and Super Soldiers as you run into them. Super Soldiers are a little tougher and you cannot grapple with them. Also collect any S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, and Health Orbs that you come across as a result of breaking barrels. As you get to some large gears, Dugan will tell you to disable them yourself. Do so and the Omega Base will be forced to switch to the secondary drive. Optional Objective: Disable the primary drive for the Omega. You will be attacked very soon by several A.I.M. Troopers. Take care of these guys and disable the two large sets of gears marked on your mini-map. This won’t complete the mission, however, as there is another pair of gears to disable, but those are found in another area. Before you leave this room, search for a lower level. Once you find the stairs going down, you will find a Daredevil Action Figure. Go up the set of stairs and you’ll find the control room. Unfortunately, Dum Dum Dugan can’t do anything from this control room. He asks you to get him to the next control room, which is just ahead. There are a few more crates and barrels to break. Do so and head out the door on the right. You will come under attack by A.I.M. Troopers and a Super Soldier. In this U-shaped room, you will find Captain America’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator Disc and a Body Upgrade. Once you’ve collected all of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, and Health Orbs, go into the next room. There are more crates and barrels to break. Continue on and you’ll run into your next boss, Crimson Dynamo. We recommend keeping your distance when fighting him. Ranged attacks can work well. Now’s also a good time to see if you’ve really learned how to block. Crimson Dynamo’s electrical attacks can really disrupt your momentum. Once you’ve killed Crimson Dynamo, pick up whatever he leaves behind as a bonus. Go ahead and destroy the two sets of gears shown on your mini-map. Continue to the next room where a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point can be found. Dum Dum Dugan will realize that the controls are locked down and he needs to get to the upper bridge. Objective: Stop the Omega Base by reaching the control room on the upper deck. Save your game and make any necessary changes to your team that you feel need made. Thankfully, you’re done escorting Dugan and you can go about this mission without having to protect him. Explore the surrounding rooms and hallways. You’ll encounter Super Soldiers and A.I.M. Troopers. Some of these A.I.M. Troopers are carrying large shields, which can be frustrating to fight against. You can attack them from behind or you can use the

GRAB button to tear the shield out of the enemy’s hand. Either method will work well, but the second method can take too much time when you’re surrounded by attackers. Continue moving towards the exterior of the ship. You’ll continue to run into more A.I.M. Troopers and Super Soldiers. As you get to the exit, Dugan will tell you that the only way to get to the upper deck is to travel along the ship’s exterior. Omega Exterior Once you’re outside, break the nearby crates and barrels for more credits and orbs. This level is unique in the fact that you cannot change the camera angle. This gives it a feel of an old-school side-scrolling game. You will run into two new enemies: an A.I.M. Helicopter and A.I.M. Reaver. The Reavers are small and fast, while the chopper cannot be seen. It fires missiles, which are telegraphed by the red circles on the floor of the exterior. When a red circle forms on the ground, get away from it ASAP! Once you’ve made it around the entire exterior, you’ll find a door to go through. It will be highlighted on your mini-map. Project Labs Once inside the Project Labs level, Dum Dum Dugan will tell you that he’s received word that two labs have been broken into. One lab contains a device known as the Neural Inhibitor and another has plans that can be used to upgrade Ultron. Make your way to the next S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save your game. You can break the crates in the room and pick up some more credits and orbs. Continue on through the surrounding rooms, taking out any bad guys. You will eventually come to a rum full of unconscious Super Soldiers. They won’t be that way for long, however, as Mysterio wakes them up. You’ll be given two new objectives. Objective: Stop the Masters of Evil from stealing the Ultron upgrades. Objective: Don’t let the Masters of Evil unleash the neurally-enhanced Super Soldiers. The Super Soldiers aren’t too difficult to defeat on this level either. Melee and ranged attacks will work just find. Go up the stairs at the end of the room once you’ve killed the Super Soldiers. Break any crates or barrels in the room and continue on. You will hear the distressed voice of Dr. Bruce Banner calling out for help. Clear the next room and use the door on the left. You’ll meet Dr. Banner here. Chat with him for a minute about the Omega. Dum Dum Dugan will interrupt with news of a gamma bomb being activated. Dr. Banner offers to help you with the bomb, but you will need to escort him to the primary lab. Objective: Take Dr. Banner and deactivate the Gamma Bomb before it explodes. Dr. Banner will begin running away from the group, but he won’t go far. Before you follow him, grab Dr. Pym’s Cybernetic Helmet on one of the tables in the room. Follow Dr. Banner to the outside of a room. Go inside to see it’s safe, but it won’t be. You’ll come under attack by a group of Super Soldiers. Dr. Banner will come into the room ane examine the control room. It turns out the shut-off switch has been damaged. You’ll have to find the secondary lab and re-establish the safety interlock. Use your mini-map to see where you should go next. Get moving and you’ll run into more A.I.M. Reavers and Super Soldiers. A door on your right will lead you to a room filled with two Super Soldiers who are guarding Wolverine’s S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator Disc. Continue down the hall in the direction of the red “X” on your mini-map. In the large room, you’ll run into more enemies, so be prepared for a fight. You’ll be fighting Mysterio. Mysterio is a difficult boss because he’s able to make realistic holograms of himself, causing a lot of confusion for your team. The real Mysterio will have a health bar which turns blue for a brief moment. When you see this, focus your attention on that Mysterio. Once you’ve killed him, pick up the bonus he’s left behind, the Master Hologram. Master Hologram: +10% chance to dodge melee attacks. After you’ve defeated Mysterio, make your way towards the newly designated exit shown on your mini-map. Before you jump onto the primary lift, try the other door in the room. After a little exploration, you will come across another Striking Upgrade. Primary Lift Your ride on the primary lift isn’t a typical ride on the elevator. You’re overwhelmed with A.I.M. Troopers and the

occasional bomb. Pick up the bombs quickly and follow the on-screen instructions to disable them. You can consider this a mini-game of sorts. Once you get to the top of the elevator, jump off to the right and continue down a small catwalk and enter any door you can to stop the Super Soldiers from destroying a computer console. Exit to the catwalk and continue down to the next elevator at the end of the catwalk. This will take you to the Top Deck, but like before, you will be attacked by more A.I.M. Troopers and bombs. Top Deck Now that you’ve made it to the Top Deck, examine your team. You’ve just killed a boss and his two clones. You’ve also been heavily attacked on the elevator. If your team has suffered some damage (maybe lost a member), open up a portal and get back to Stark Tower. You can save your game and make changes to your team. Once you’re done, use the portal to get back to the Top Deck. Once you’re ready to continue on, go down the stairs ahead of you, and chat with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. He’ll warn you about the A.I.M. Helicopter that is in the area. The anti-aircraft guns here aren’t working anymore, so you’ll have to look elsewhere to find a working AA gun. When you finish chatting with the agent, go down the stairs that lead to him. You’ll be attacked by more shielded A.I.M. Troopers. To the left of the guns is a set of stairs, leading down to another Sketch Book. Pick it up and continue down the path until you run into an explosion. Go up the stairs next to it, killing any A.I.M. Troopers and A.I.M. Reavers that are in your way. You will then find a tall box that you can push/pull. Move it over to where the catwalk is missing a railing. Push it over, breaking the glass floor below. Jump down into the hole you’ve created and go inside the base. Once you’re back inside, you’ll find you’re standing in a small room. Break any crates you see and continue out the door in front of you. Fight your way through the army of shielded A.I.M. Troopers and the A.I.M. Reavers. There are a lot of crates and barrels in this large room to break, so get to work. Continue on until you reach another door. Go through it and you’ll find yourself outside once again. You will eventually run into another S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent who needs you to keep the A.I.M. Helicopter off of his back. Jump down to the fun and shoot down the chopper. Take out the enemies in the area. There are quite a few, so use radial attacks when appropriate. Continue along the catwalks, disposing of the remainder of the enemies in the area. When you get to the door the agent is guarding, turn around and smash the crates and barrels nearby. Between the crates and barrels, you’ll find a Focus Upgrade. Since you’ve made it this far, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to portal back to Stark Tower for a quick game save. When you’re done, portal back and proceed through the next door and take out the shielded A.I.M. Troopers. As you continue down the path, you’ll run into M.O.D.O.K. in one of the rooms and you’ll be frozen in place. This is due to M.O.D.O.K.’s entropy device. He wants to test your knowledge, so be prepared to answer them. Here are the answers to them: 1. 2. 3.

Au 21 percent Neoprene

After the quiz, get ready for a fight. M.O.D.O.K.’s pissed that you were able to answer his questions properly. He’s also one tough cookie because of the amount of health he has. He also has a number of A.I.M. Troopers who will rush into the room and help him out. If you get low on health, focus your attention on the troopers, who will give you health orbs when killed. There are also a few crates nearby. We recommend keeping your distance from M.O.D.O.K. as he’s got a pretty good radial attack. When you defeat M.O.D.O.K., pick up the M.O.D.O.K. Chip he leaves behind. M.O.D.O.K. Chip: +5% XP. Use the console to end this mission. Wyatt Wingfoot will pick you up in the Quinjet and take you back to the Stark Tower. Stark Tower Back at HQ, you’ll be greeted by Colonel Nick Fury. He’s happy that you were able to complete the mission. Unfortunately, the Masters of Evil were able to steal a device known as the Mutant Amplifier, which magnifies a mutant’s natural powers. Col. Fury then asks you to investigate a report of a riot breaking out in Atlantis. He suggests chatting with Black Widow and to ask Wyatt Wingfoot to take you to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Atlantis Outpost when you’re ready.

Objective: Locate Namor to discover what caused the riot in Atlantis. Once you’re done with Col Fury, talk to Black Widow to gain information on the riot in Atlantis. Head over to Dr. Pym and give him the Cybernetic Helmet he asked you for. Return to the waterfall area behind the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. This is a secret entrance to Iron Man’s Lab. Inside the lab, you’ll meet Jarvis, personal butler to Tony Stark. He tells you that you can explore the area if you wish. You’ll then meet Weasel, a hacker. He took a look at the laptop that you gave to Wyatt Wingfoot. The Laptop had security information on a building called The Imperium. He’s unable to find out more info on that building because he needs to get the password to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s priority files. He suggests talking to Vision for help. Talk to Jarvis again to get an optional objective... find Tony Stark’s cufflinks. Optional Objective: Find Tony Stark’s missing cufflink and return it to Edwin Jarvis. You can talk to Black Panther, Elektra, and Spider-Man in the lab, providing none of those characters are on your team. On a desk, you’ll find Iron Man’s Simulator Disc. Make your way around the room and you’ll find another Sketch Book. There is also a Black Panther Action Figure underneath the main set of stairs of the room. Head back to Tony Stark’s Office and talk to Vision, Black Widow, and Col. Fury about the three people Weasel mentioned. You will find Tony Stark’s cufflinks on a table in the office. Head back to the lab and give the cufflink to Jarvis and tell Weasel that the password is Gabriel Jones. If Iron Man isn’t on your team, go to the S.A.P. and add him. Go back to the lab and use the computer near Elektra to obtain a Skill Point. Go back to the the other room and save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. When you’re ready to set out for Atlantis, talk to Wyatt Wingfoot. He’ll ask you to talk to Dr. Pym about maintenance on the Quinjet. Optional Objective: Ask Dr. Pym to look at the Quinjet’s data feed for Wyatt Wingfoot. You can complete this mission right now or wait and receive a bonus. If you opt to wait, go ahead and ignore the mission for the time being and ask Wyatt Wingfoot to take you to the Atlantis outpost. While on your way to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Atlantis Outpost, Captain America will brief the other heroes on the situation in Atlantis. You are then given the opportunity to create your own Marvel Team. You gain Reputation points by completing various tasks in the game, as long as you’re using the team you created. Every 100 Reputation points you gain increases your team level. You gain a team skill point for each team level. You lose 50 reputation points for every time you replace a member of your team. Atlantis // S.H.I.E.L.D. Outpost You should now find yourself at the Atlantis outpost. Your teammates will inject themselves with nannites so that they can breathe underwater. Before you leave, search the room for a Focus Upgrade. Continue up the stairs and use the underwater connection tube. Go through the tube and into the dive chamber. Search the area for another Black Panther Action Figure. Find the computer console to open up the dive hatch. This will open up the hatch in the middle of the room, accessible by four sets of stairs (take your choice). Dive in and go for a swim! Well, not so much of a swim as a fight. As soon as you get outside, you and your team will come under attack by Atlanteans. Kill them and start swimming. There are a lot of areas to swim to, so explore everything. Watch out for the bombs in the water. Use ranged attacks to blow them up so they don’t kill your team. The two primary enemies you encounter are Atlantean Defenders and Atlantean Champions. Kill the Champions first as they can heal themselves and their allies. You will eventually come across Namor in an air bubble. He’s guarded, so take out the guards and use the console to get Namor out of the bubble. His cousin, Namorita will show up with some medicine to knock out Namor, helping him sleep and recover. Tip: Instead of crates and barrels containing S.H.I.E.L.D. credits, Health Orbs, and Energy Orbs, look for urns/pottery near the tombs. Namorita then gives you instructions to get a special seaweed at the Temple of Negrete. The seaweed can be used to make a medicine to treat Namor. She then will tell you why her people have been acting so strangely. They’re being controlled by Sonic Emitters, placed by Attuma, who has wanted Namor’s throne. Objective: Remove Attuma from the throne of Atlantis. Optional Objective: Destroy the three Sonic Emitters. Optional Objective: Gather rare seaweed to create a medicine that will heal Namor. Once you leave, a pair of doors will become available. Take the one to the Temple of Negrete first.

Temple of Negrete Once inside, on your left is a wall which can be broken. It will give you a small area to explore. This new, small room has a few containers to destroy. They’ll have credits and orbs to collect. You will also find a Skill Point to pick up. Continue to explore the connected rooms, using your mini-map as a guide. You’ll come under attack by Armored Atlanteans while you’re in this area. Inside this area, you’ll find a few pearls known as the Eye of Negrete. They will be marked with a red “X” on your mini-map. One is found inside a giant clam. Near the clam is a bunch of containers to break. Behind the containers is a breakable wall, which is hiding a secret room. Inside this room, you’ll find more containers to break as well as Mr. Fantastic’s Simulator Disc. In one room, you’ll find the Trident Tip, but it’s well guarded. Grab the other Eye of Negrete, which is behind a door that you have to pry open. It will be automatically picked up (you don’t have to do anything after opening the door). Go to the next red “X” on your mini-map and place the Eyes of Negrete on the designated areas. This will cause the statue to animate a bit. Head up the stairs and face the statue. Place the Trident Tip at the tip of the spear and the statue will blow a hole in the wall. Go into this room and grab the rare seaweed after defeating the Atlantean Defenders and Champion who are guarding it. Namorita will open up a whirlpool (portal) to take you and your team back to her location. When you arrive, give the seaweed to Namorita and she’ll make medicine to help Namor heal. They will then leave after some dialogue with you. Before you go to the next area, the Atlantean Trench, consider using a portal back to Stark Tower. This way you can save your game. When you’re ready to proceed, enter the Atlantean Trench doorway. Atlantean Trenches This is the portion of the level which holds the Sonic Emitters. Watch out for the large mines here, like in the previous section. They can really cause some damage to your team if you run into them. Continue down the path and fight the two bosses, Krang and Byrrah. They aren’t a push over, but they shouldn’t take you too long to kill. Once you’ve given those two a serious beat-down, pick up the loot they leave behind. Byrrah will give you his Crown of Byrrah. Crown of Byrrah: +2 Body, Focus, & Strike. Move on to the Sonic Emitter and beat the crap out of it like you did those gears earlier in the game. You’ll soon run into some additional attackers. Get rid of them and continue on, while staying away from those large mines. The pathways will branch off, but regardless of which way you go, you’ll run into more guys to kill. One path leads you right to another Sonic Emitter. A Striking Upgrade is nearby (behind a tomb). You will also see a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point not too far away from you on your mini-map. You’ll also run into a large clam which has trapped an Armored Atlantean inside. He’s not been affected by the Sonic Emitters, so he’s friendly. Use a strong hero to open the clam and free the Atlantean. In return, he will give you a code to a safe which is located nearby. The third Sonic Emitter is also nearby. Namorito will thank you when you are done destroying the last of the Sonic Emitters. She will also tell you that the next place to visit is the Atlantean Throne, which is where you will find Attuma. Search the area for the safe we mentioned a minute ago. It’s well protected with not only soldiers but you will find multiple mines nearby. Use a ranged attack to get rid of the mines. You’ll find S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, Health Orbs, and even a Daredevil Action Figure inside the safe. Swim over to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save your game. When you’re ready to proceed to the next level, use your mini-map to find the next doorway. Atlantean Throne As you enter the Atlantean Throne, you’ll have two options: go left or right. Either way results in the same thing: you run into enemies. You’ll soon run into a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. You can save your game if you’d like before going on further. Continue on, using your mini-map as a guide. You will run into more baddies. Tiger Shark and Attuma will use pearls to open doors, letting more mobs of attackers to come out and play. Kill them all and take the pearl they placed to open the doors. Move on to the next room and place the pearl in the center dais, as you did earlier. This will trigger more enemies to enter and attack you. Two rooms branch out from here, one left and one right. Both have a large whirlpool in them. Swim across them and collect the Eye of Negrete. The room on the left also has a Sketch Book. Once you’ve collected both of the Eyes of Negrete, place them in the other two dais’ and it’ll cause another door to open. Before progressing,

consider saving your game. It’s now time to fight Attuma and Tiger Shark! The key to beating these two great swimmers is to use the consoles in the room. These activate tidepools. Jump into one and one of the two bosses will join you. It makes it much easier to defeat them, but it’s still going to take a while, as they tend to use a hit & run tactic which can be frustrating. Once they’ve been killed, pick up the loot and you’ll be able to interrogate them. Attuma’s Wrath: Increase Power Damage by 25%. Hydro Suit: +10 Energy per Kill, +10 Health per Kill. A door leading to the Defender’s Crypt will appear soon. Swim back to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save your game. When you’re ready to proceed, enter the Defender’s Court. Defender’s Crypt Make your way through the level, killing the large villains found here. They’re pretty easy to get rid of by now. You should be pretty accustom to your powers. Near the tombs, search for more urns. They’re full of more credits and orbs. A Body Upgrade is also found near one of the tombs. Continue on until you reach an option to enter the Arena. We recommend setting up a portal and going back to Stark Tower for a game save. You also can take the time to upgrade your team thanks to the credits you’ve amassed. If you still haven’t fulfilled the optional quest of asking Dr. Pym to look at Wyatt Wingfoot’s Quinjet, go ahead. This will net you some reputation points. You should also have enough reputation points to have earned a team level. You can upgrade your team in this respect as well. When you’re ready, head back and continue to the Arena. The Arena As you get to the Arena, you’ll run into the Mandarin. He uses the Proteus Horn to summon the great Kraken. This boss fight will be like to previous boss fight. Kraken is too large to take on with regular or even super powers. You fight him in a mini-game. Keep your distance from this beast. When he breaks one of the four corner crypts, a group of Atlanteans will run out. They also show up on your mini-map. Swim over to the broken crypt and follow the on-screen button presses to dive out of the way when Kraken tries to kill you. Press the wrong button or press the correct one too late, and you could end up dead. Once you’ve done the mini-game correctly, a column will come down and smack Kraken in the head. Keep in mind that before Kraken will break another crypt, you have to kill all of the Atlanteans that are running around. Do this whole thing three more times until Kraken’s been smacked in the head four times and crawls into his hole. Your prize for killing the Kraken is the Blood of Kraken. Pick up the prize and leave through the door on the minimap. Blood of Kraken: +5% Health, -5% Energy. Stark Tower Back from Atlantis, Col. Fury will tell you that he needs you to head to the Valley of Spirits, the home of Mandarin. Objective: Question Mandarin about Dr. Doom’s plans for the Masters of Evil. After the cutscene, talk to Col. Fury for an optional mission. Optional Objective: Find the Ultimo schematics from the Mandarin’s Palace and give them to Colonel Fury at Stark Tower. Next, talk to Black Widow about Mandarin. She’ll be able to tell you a lot of what you will need to know. Return to the Iron Man Lab for an update from Weasel. The password you provided earlier worked and he’s been able to find out additional information on The Imperium. It seems The Imperium is a S.H.I.E.L.D. think tank. In order to find out more info, however, he’ll need the help of another hacker. He’s unsure of which hacker (C.B. Cebulski or Beroge) to ask. One of them isn’t trustworthy. Go back to the office and chat with Dr. Pym and The Vision to learn more about these two hackers. Once you’ve learned who to trust, go back to Weasel and tell him to talk to C.B. Cybulski. Save your game and ask Wyatt Wingfoot to take you to the Valley of Spirits.

The Valley of Spirits // Ancient’s Hall You begin your mission in Ancient’s Hall. Open the door in front of you and get ready for immediate action. Go room to room, getting rid of any attackers. One of the enemies you’ll run into is the Shaolin Monk. When they swarm on you, use a powerful radial attack to dispose of them. Near a rope, you’ll find a Sketch Book. It’s on a lower level, but near the rope. Pieces of pottery, similar to the urns from the previous level, are scattered throughout this level. Smash them to bits and pick up the S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, and Health Orbs that may be spilled out. Warning: Be careful of the short crates found on this level. They don’t contain credits and orbs. They’re full of explosives. You can pick them up and throw them at your enemies, however. Just keep in mind you can’t open a door with a box in your hand. Continue to go room to room. You’ll encounter Clay Warriors, which are a piece of cake to kill. You’ll eventually run into a boss named Ultimo. Ultimo isn’t very difficult to defeat. While melee attacks will work, Ultimo’s foot stomps can do some damage, so we recommend using ranged attacks when you fight this guy. Your reward for his death is Ultimo’s Plating. Ultimo’s Plating: 9% chance to reflect projectiles, +50% to Defense. Search the room for a Striking Upgrade. In another room on this level, you’ll run into another boss, Dragonman. He’ll drop out of nowhere in a surprise attack. He’s a much tougher boss than Ultimo. Fortunately, his health bar will drain fairly quickly. A combination of melee and ranged attacks work just fine. The prize for killing him is Dragon Polymer. Dragon Polymer: +25% to Defense, Energy regenerates at 75% normal rate. As you can see, Dragon Polymer can be a very useful piece of equipment to have. Make your way towards the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point on your mini-map and save your game. Depending on your travel, you’ll run into a door which cannot be opened. It’s got two lit fires on either side. You will need Ice Man’s Ice Shards to put out the fires. If he’s not in your group, look for another way in. There’s another door in the room where you fought Ultimo. Once inside, you’ll come under attack by more Shaolin Monks and Shaolin Masters. Since there can be a lot of attackers at once, we recommend using radial attacks to take these characters out. Once they’ve all been killed, proceed to the next room and save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. If you’ve lost anyone, you can change your team. When you’re ready, continue to the next room, the Golden Court. Golden Court The first room in the Golden Court has multiple doors. Which door you take is irrelevant. Your team will be in a large room, full of Clay Warriors and Clay Guardians. The Clay Guardians look very similar to their Warrior counterparts. Standard melee attacks should work just fine, but when you have two or more attackers around you, use a strong radial attack to clean house. Once you’ve got the lower level cleaned up, continue up the stairs and kill any attackers you come across up there. Continue to go room to room. You’ll find a lot of Clay Warriors and Guardians. Keep an eye out for pottery to break for S.H.I.E.L.D. Credits, Energy Orbs, and Health Orbs. Also, watch out for those large, spinning blade columns. They can really do some damage to your heroes. Use ranged attacks to take them out. On one balcony, you’ll find a connected room that has the Ultimo Blueprints that Colonel Fury is after. This shows up on your map as a red “X”. Back on the balcony, fly over to the balcony on the opposite side of the room to find another small room containing Thing’s Simulator Disc. Go back to the main room which should have large dragon heads breathing fire. Below one of the heads, on a lower

level, you can find another Daredevil Action Figure. Get back up to a small balcony on the left of the dragon heads, and you’ll find a door to a hallway, full of Clay Warriors. Because there are so many attackers, powerful radial attacks can work well. Before you go through the next door, check your team’s health. If you’ve lost someone, portal back to Stark Tower. The next room features your next boss battle. You’ll be fighting Grey Gargoyle. He has Shaolin Healers in the room as well, and they’ll come alive as you inflict damage on Grey Gargoyle. Be sure to kill the healers as soon as you can. Be careful of Grey Gargoyle’s ability to turn heroes into stone. Once you’ve killed him, pick up the Stone Touch prize and exit to the next room. Stone Touch: 3% Chance to turn victim into stone.

Celestial Hall Once inside, continue into the first large room. Get rid of the Shaolin Monks. Take a left and go up the stairs to the next room. This room is full of Monks and Healers. It’ll take you a minute or two to get rid of them. Once you do, search the room for another Sketch Book and a weapons cache. You’ll also see two large boxes. Move them to two of the pressure plates on the floor and stand on the third. This will cause a lever to pop up out of the ground. Use the lever to open a door to a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. To the right of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point is a room with more Monks and a Healer. Go through the next door and you’ll find even more Monks and Healers to deal with. A lever will pop up afterwards. Use it to open another door next to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Go back and save your game. There will be a door opened which was previously closed. Run through the doorway and you’ll have to fight Ultimo Mark 2. As with the original Ultimo, this newer version doesn’t put up that much of a fight. Our prize for his death as Ms. Marvel’s Armor. Ms. Marvel’s Armor: 2 Defense, +1 to Photon Burst. Move towards the exit, killing the remainder of the Shaolin Monks and Shaolin Healers. Pick up both the Body Upgrade and the Focus Upgrade on your way out. Forbidden Passage Once inside, go room to room, getting rid of the bad guys. Bash the pottery to pick up credits and orbs. You’ll come across Dr. Strange engaged in a fight with Shaolin Monks. Give him a hand and he’ll ask you for some help locating the Orb of Agamotto. Objective: Locate the Orb of Agamotto for Dr. Strange. Dr. Strange will accompany your team while on this mission, but you cannot control him. Continue making your way through the halls and rooms. You’ll encounter more groups of attackers. Get rid of them and continue on. In a room with more of those spinning blade columns, you’ll find Crimson Dynamo’s Simulator Disc. Continue on until you find the location marked on your mini-map with a red “X”. This is the location of a treasure chest, containing the Orb of Agamotto. Your prize for this is Dr. Strange becomes available to your team in the team selection area. Head back to the large room and beat up the newly-arrived Shaolin Healers. Kill them and use your mini-map as a guide. You will come across four large Budda statues. They’re in front of more of those dangerous spinning blade columns. Destroy the statues and columns and you’ll find pottery to break for credits and orbs. You will also find another Black Panther Action Figure. Before you continue to the next room for the boss battle, consider opening a portal for a quick game save. When ready, continue to the next room. Mandarin’s Court Mandarin’s Court is, of course, home to Mandarin, himself. Once Mandarin’s health has declined somewhat, he’ll jump out of harms way and send some spiders after you. These spiders will explode when they get near you, so keep your distance from these little bastards. The trick to handling the spiders is to lure them into the teleporter that is in front of Mandarin’s current location. They will be teleported to Mandarin’s room, doing damage to the machine which is making those Ultimo robots. The Ultimo robots are pretty easy to kill, but it’s just another obstacle, obviously. If your health gets low, focus on the Ultimo. Killing them will usually result in some free Health Orbs. After the spider does damage to the machine through the teleporter, go ahead and hop into the teleporter to join Mandarin for a fight. After a short fight,

Mandarin will move to another station. Search the room for pottery and leap down to the fighting floor. More spiders and Ultimos will come after you. Continue to lure them into the teleporter. Continue the whole process until Mandarin’s forced to finish the fight on the main floor. Once you’ve killed him, pick up the White Ring of Mandarin. White Ring of Mandarin: +5 Energy Ding to all melee attacks, +35% damage to all Energy Ding Powers . Colonel Fury will contact you and provide you with a portal back to Stark Tower. Use it and get the heck out of there. Stark Tower Back in Stark Tower, Col. Fury gives you a briefing on the recent kidnapping of two of the X-Men: Jean Grey and Nightcrawler. Also, it seems a new headquarters will be found. Once the dialogue ends, give Colonel Fury the Ultimo schematics, completing all the missions you’ve been given. ACT 1





Sanctum Sanctorum Once you arrive at your new headquarters, you will be greeted by Dr. Strange. He suggests you talk to Colonel Fury for details on your next mission. Head up the stairs and use either of the exits to go to a hallway. Continue down the hallway and into another room, where you’ll be greeted by Colonel Fury, who will give you a briefing. It seems Latveria is your next stop to find the XMen who were kidnapped. Objective: Save Nightcrawler and Jean Grey at Castle Doom in Latveria. Go ahead and chat with Black Widow for information on the mission. Dr. Pym is also nearby, but he doesn’t offer any important information. In a nearby room, you will find a Striking Upgrade. If you talk to The Vision, he will ask you to find a book for him. Optional Objective: Locate the tome “A History of The Arcane” and give it to Vision. The main room with Black Widow has a S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Simulator, Strange Mission Review, and a Strange Trivia Console. Go up the winding staircase to the Sanctuary. There are several characters in this room to chat with. One of those is Weasel, who has an update on his computer hacking. He asks you to speak to Vision and see if he’s got a S.H.I.E.L.D. security module. Optional Objective: Get the S.H.I.E.L.D. security module from Vision and give it to Weasel. Go up a set of stairs to your left and you’ll find the book Vision needs. You will also find another Daredevil Action Figure. Back down the stairs, you’ll find a Sketch Book along one side of the room. On the opposite side of the room that you found the Daredevil Action Figure, there is another set of stairs. Up there, you will find a Dr. Strange’s Simulator Disc. Head back down to Vision and hand him the book he asked for. Also, ask him for the security module. Run it up to Weasel and go back down to the Trivia Console if you haven’t done so already. You can use the Trivia Console to earn extra XP. There are 50 more questions, worth 200 XP. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Tyr Wonder Man Yelena Belova Dr. Strange The X Men Iron Fist Revert Ben Grimm back to his human form With a pacemaker to keep his heart beating Died in a car accident Roxanne Simpson Diplomat He wouldn't throw a boxing match The Red Skull Vibranium

15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Victor von Doom Life Model Decoy Student Kurt Wagner Being experimented on by the Brood Joseph He was part of an Eastern Bloc experiment Murderworld 177a Bleecker Street Doctor Strange Mystique The Dark Dimension Peter Parker Enclosed spaces Leader of the Yancy Street Gang Big Man An alien named Lucifer Hamir His son Miss Locke and Mr. Chambers The Phoenix Dr. Strange He attempted to save Elektra and her father Unstable molecules To cure his damaged hands Flash Thompson Frog Deflects physical blows with a vibrational shield Because his face is scarred Sharon and Brian Xavier The gypsy who raised Nightcrawler Hurricane She didn't Wolverine Her friend being hit by a car Mephisto held his mother's spirit prisoner

If you have Dr. Strange in your team, you will have access to Dr. Strange’s bedroom, which has two Focus Upgrades in it. If you don’t have him on your team, you can’t get these. On the next level, you would benefit from a hero who has healing abilities. Switch your team up if you feel the need. Save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and leave. Murderworld // Castle Doom After being teleported to Dr. Doom’s castle, you find out that you cannot teleport back. Also, it seems Senator Kelly was abducted, so find him. Optional Objective: Locate and free Senator Kelly. With no portal to use, move slowly. Walk forward and go down the stairs. You’ll come under attack by Doom Sentries, which fire lasers at you. Exit through the door at the next set of stairs. As you progress, you’ll run see doors which are constantly going up and down. Move under these as fast as you can. Your teammates won’t likely be as successful as moving through this obstacle course as you are, and will likely get hit a few times. Because of this, it’s wise to have a hero with healing abilities on your team. When you reach the end of the hall, open the next door. This room is full of more Doom Sentries, so get to work. On the left and right sides of the room, you will find small rooms which are blocked by wooden doors. Beat the doors down and enter them, one by one. You’ll find Mysterio’s Simulator Disc, a Focus Upgrade, several barrels to break, a treasure box, and the fifth Daredevil Action Figure. Daredevil should be unlocked now. Watch out for the treasure boxes on this level. Some are empty, some have things in it, and some will have a hammer which will come out and bonk you on the head when opened. It’s safest to open these by standing along the side of them. Leave this large room through the door on the right side of the room. You had better get running, by the way, as you will

soon come under attack by a large spiked-wall, which moves down the hallway after you. Ignore the Doom Sentries in your way. Focus on moving fast and getting over the wooden walls that are in your way. You can use your powers to break them, but do so quickly and exit out the doorway at the end. Kill any remaining Doom Sentries and push the spiked wall further down the hall, opening up a secret area, containing a treasure chest and a Skill Point. Use your mini-map and continue on, destroying the enemy and picking up anything that you find along the way. Explore the side rooms, and you’ll come across a Strike Upgrade. Continue down the hall and you’ll find Jean Grey. Surprisingly, she wants to fight you and your team. She seems to be under a spell or something. She’s got some wicked powers, but it won’t take you long to drain most of her health bar. Just before she’s about to die, she’ll run away, revealing the location of this place: Murderworld, Arcade’s home. Arcade will come on and talk to you. Objective: Clear Jean Grey’s mind by destroying the equipment controlling her. Afterwards, exit out the nearby door. Big Top Under the big top, you’ll find a Sketch Book and Luke Cage’s Simulator Disc near the entrance. Down the stairs, you’ll find Senator Kelly in a circus wagon. You’ll have to break the wagon for him to appear. Near it, you will also see a Body Upgrade in front of the jack-in-the-box. Be careful, as there is a hammer which will come down and smack you. You will also come under attack by Arcade Clowns in the area. They’re nasty little buggars, so get rid of them ASAP.

Continue down the patch and into the tent for another fight with Jean Grey. Afterwards, you will be attacked by a carload of clowns. Focus your attention on the biggest clown, as he’s got powers that the others don’t. Clean up the room and take the coin found at the back of the clown car. Use the coin to play the video game. The video game is Pitfall, a really old-school video game. The game is quite simple to do. Jump over things and get to the end to deactivate the device controlling Jean Grey.

Back at the Big Top, Jean Grey awakens and tells your team that Dr. Doom has Nightcrawler hooked up to the Mutant Amplifier. Objective: Find Arcade and see what he knows about Nightcrawler. Search the tent for the door to the circus boardwalk. It’s not marked on your mini-map. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to save the game and return to the tent. Once inside, you’ll have two doors to go through. It doesn’t matter which you choose. We’ll go through the Pinball door first. Pinball You will find yourself in Arcade’s pinball machine. To be successful, you have to achieve one million points. To earn points, you have to break the white vertical tiles that have Arcade’s face on them. Fight your way through the army of clowns and the new Arcade Androids. These new enemies can make themselves look exactly like your teammates, making confusion easy. Watch out for the large bumpers, as they will give you a good ZAP! You’ll find a Sketch Book, a Body Upgrade, and a Strike Upgrade in this area if you’re good at exploration. You will also run into two bosses along the sides of the machine: Rhino and Shocker. Both of them are quite easy to kill. Pick up the loot and destroy the white tiles for points and keep moving. Shocker’s Gloves: +10% Electricity Damage to all melee attacks. Rhino’s Horn: +10% to All Resistances (except Mental). With these bosses defeated and the one million points collected, make your way to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and grab the little Golden Ticket. Save your game and exit through the back. Once outside, go back to the tent and use the door leading to the Fair Grounds. Fair Grounds Once inside, you’ll have to contend with more clowns and some Murderbots. Inside one tent, you’ll come across a large hammer. While this hammer makes for a very good weapon, it’s useful for those strength tests (hit a lever with the hammer, sending a ball up to a bell). These can open secret areas. One of the walls is wooden and breakable. Break it and you’ll find another Focus Upgrade. This level also has a Sketch Book to pick up. As you continue through, you’ll come across a Claw Challenge game. Play it, using the on-screen instructions to get Blade out of the machine, therefore unlocking him on the hero select screen.

Head into the next big tent and explore it for treasure chests. Be careful, however, as some of them have a hammer inside that will bonk you on the head. Exit through the next door to enter the Maze-O-Death. Once inside, use the “Pull the Finger” stands to trigger the next way through the maze. This will also trigger clowns and Murderbots to come out of nowhere. Also, the spikes in the ground will show themselves. Stay away from these, as you’ll likely lost your hero if you get him too close to one of these. After you progress to a few areas, you’ll be able to pick up Elektra’s Simulator Disc. You will also be able to pick up another hammer in this area after pulling another finger. Pull the one after that, and it’ll give you a way to the next area. To enter, you’ll have to use the hammer on the strength test machine. Continue into the next tent to play bumper cars. The concept is incredibly simple: bump into the clown-controlled cars. After you win, you’ll be able to pick up your second Golden Ticket. Pick it up and head for the exit. Outside, you’ll come under attack. Once you clear the area, go through the next exit and you’ll be back outside. Save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and enter the Big Top again. With both golden tickets in your hand, you can turn them in at the ticket booth to open the door of the Fun House. Fun House You’ll have three doors to choose from at the moment. One and three are accessible, while number two is closed. Go into door number one first. Fight your way through the clowns and Murderbots, and you’ll end up in another game, much like Breakout. Grab the white paddle and move it along the bottom of the screen, hitting the ball into the air, breaking the blocks. When they’ve all been broken, door number two will be unlocked. On you’re way out, you’ll run into a few more enemies, including Arcade Androids, which mimic the appearance of your heroes, which can be confusing. Door number three takes you into a room with a Strike Upgrade. Picking it up triggers a whole army of clowns to come in and attack you. This also triggers a large door to pop up and block your exit. The poisonous flowers have another Black Panther Action Figure near them, but you’ll have to take some damage to get it. In order to get out of the room, you’ll have to break down the door, but it’ll take a while to do. With door number two opened, enter and pull the finger in front of you. You’ll come under attack by more clowns and some Arcade Androids. Watch out for the large jack-in-the-boxes, as they’ll bonk you on the head. Fight through to the last room, which has white and red floor tiles. Pull the finer and you’ll fall through the floor. When you land, Arcade will send his massive Arcade Robot after you. Keep your distance from this thing. Lure him towards the middle of the room. Hop onto one of the trap doors, and you’ll be shot through the air by a cannon. If the robot is in the middle of the room, you will land on the robot’s head after being shot out of the cannon. Follow the onscreen instructions to make the robot hit itself. Repeat this process several times and you’ll defeat this beast of a machine. You’ll also question Arcade about Dr. Doom. Pick up the Joybuzzer, your prize for this victory. Joybuzzer: 5% of melee attacks will paralyze victim; 5% of melee attacks will hurt self. Search the room for more credits and for the Body Upgrade. Use the new portal to get to Sanctum Santorum. ACT 1





Sanctum Sanctorum Back home, Col. Fury will tell you that your next stop is Mephisto’s Realm. Chat with Wong for an optional mission. Objective: Locate Nightcrawler in Mephisto’s Realm. Objective: Find out what the Masters of Evil are up to in Mephisto’s Realm. Optional Objective: Find the Eye of Shadow Queen somewhere in Mephisto’s Realm and return it to Wong. Talk to Weasel upstairs. He’ll update you on his hacking progress. The S.H.I.E.L.D. think tank is working on Project War Lord. Because of his having this information, Weasel fears for his safety. Ask Dr. Pym which location should be safe for him to hide in. Optional Objective: Determine the safest place for Weasel to hide from S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Head back downstairs and talk to Dr. Pym and Professor Xavier. Go back upstairs to Weasel and tell him to hide out at the X-Mansion.

When you’re ready to leave, use the Orb of Teleportation to Mephisto’s Realm. Mephisto's Realm // The Gates of Hell Objective: Light the candles by solving the puzzles Mephisto has prepared. Once inside, you’ll be right next to a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Use it to save your game progress. You will also find Blade’s Simulator Disc. The new enemies you fight aren’t that tough, but at times you can be overwhelmed by them. In those cases, consider using radial attacks to whoop their asses. In the middle of the map is a pentagram with five candles. Your job is to light each of them. To do so, you’ll have to go to the five separate areas of this level and do certain things, as this level is a big puzzle. The order in which you do these things isn’t important. As you go from wing to wing, you will find a book to read, which will give you a description and a hint at how to solve the puzzle. Below, each section is separated with the section’s quote at the beginning: "Sacrifice upon the altar shall imprison thee." You will be overwhelmed by an unlimited number of demons. They will continue to come after you until you kill some of them while in the circular altar. Since the demons will continue to come after you until you meet the requirements, you can stay here and beat the crap out of the demons forever. This is a great way to get XP. When you’re ready to go on, use the portal that is opened and you’ll light one of the candles. "Whilst thy name is carved into stone, thy shall be invincible." Destroy the tombstones to activate the next portal to light the next candle. "Whilst the Trees of Aegis live, mine servants shall never perish." Battle the enemies and wield the axe to chop down the trees in the middle. This shouldn’t take very long. A portal will take you to the next candle. With three candles lit, Jean Grey will enter the scene and stay at the candle area. "Only the Eternal Torch shall renew the Flames of the Damned." Kill the Demon Leapers and go into the walled section to get a Body Upgrade and a torch. Use the torch to light the four cauldrons, which will open up the portal. "Thy way shall be lit by the flames of impure soles." Use your grab button to grapple with the little Demon Leapers and then use your directional stick to toss them into the lava. After a few successful tosses, you’ll get another portal to light the last of the candles. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to save your game. When you’re prepared to proceed to the next section, exit through the portal. Inferno As you walk across the bridge, Professor Xavier calls you to let you know that Blackheart is almost through his last shield around Nightcrawler. You’ll will be losing Jean Grey as well. Objective: Locate Jean Grey in Mephisto’s Realm. Continue on and defeat all of the enemies including the great big Fire Giant. Go up the stairs and take out the nasty little Demon Leapers. On either side of you, you’ll find a Skill Point and the Eye of the Shadow Queen. You will also find a weapon’s cache, which has credits, orbs, and a piece of gear for you. Iron Man’s Nano Belt: 3 Defense, +1 to Nano Assault. Continue on and get rid of the Demon Leapers and the large Fire Giants you happen to encounter. Open the next weapon’s cache for more treasures, including another piece of gear. Wolverine’s Fists: +2 Damage, +1 to Lethal Lung.

Near the weapons cache is another Daredevil Action Figure. If you’ve already unlocked the character, you will receive 5,000 XP instead. Continue forwards and you’ll find an unconscious Ghost Rider in the middle of a pentagram. His astral energy is in chains, so you’ll have to break them. Objective: Save Ghost Rider from his prison. There are four supports that are being used to keep Ghost Rider in the prison. Head up the spiral staircase on the right. Defeat the Demon Leapers and Fire Giants. Destroy the two supports on this side and return to Ghost Rider’s location. Now, go up the staircase on the left and do pretty much the same thing. Also, you will be able to pick up another Sketch Book in the area. In order to get Mephisto to release Ghost Rider, you have to trade him for one of your current heroes. Ghost Rider will be released when you use one of your heroes to touch the Book of Despair. After the trade, the next level will load. Sepulcher At the new location, save your game and change your team if you feel the need to do so. Work your way room to room. You’ll come across two weapons caches on either sides of the hall, offering you more credits, orbs, and two pieces of gear. Invisible Woman’s Coil: 1 Defense, +2 to Concussion Blast. Thing’s War Belt: 2 Defense, +1 to Uppercut. Continue on and you’ll come under attack by Fire Giants and more Demon Leapers. You will also find Scorpion’s Simulator Disc and a Body Upgrade. Continue down the path, dishing out a world of hurt, picking up the Focus Upgrade and the Sketch Book from the tombs that the Fire Giants pop out of. Keep going until you run into Blackheart. This guy isn’t quick and simple. To defeat him, break the glass containers in the room. Keep your distance from them, as they will hurt you if you and your team get near it. Blackheart is especially susceptible to weapons attacks, so if you have any from previous areas, it would work well in this situation. Once he’s dead, pick up the gear he’s dropped for you. Blackheart’s Corruption: 5% of damage dealt returns as Health and Energy, 6% X. Make your way to the two red “X”s on your mini-map. This is the location of Jean Grey and Nightcrawler. You can only release one of them. The other will fall to his/her death. We’re going to choose to save Nightcrawler. After a series of dialogue exchanges, Mephisto will challenge you to step into the portal. Stygian Abyss Welcome. You’ll finally meet Mephisto. You’ll be immediately attacked by armies of Mephisto’s demons, so be prepared... to run. Yes, run. Get past them quickly and get to Ghost Rider’s Simulator Disc in the middle of a small island. Continue to run towards the exit, a small blue pit. If you can’t enter it yet, kill some demons and wait for it to activate. Once it does, jump in for a fight against Mephisto. He’s a very tough boss to fight. You need to get him to pull out his sword. He does this when he gets attacked a lot and sends his health bar down. When he pulls out the sword, grab it from him and use it to break a statue. You only get one damaging swing. Continue to do this until all of the statues in the middle are broken. The X-Man that you sacrificed (Jean Grey in our case) will be brought back to life, but will fight AGAINST you. Focus your fight on Mephisto, as fighting Jean Grey is pointless. When Mephisto’s health runs really low, Jean Grey will offer to kill Mephisto, but in doing so, loses her own life. Pick up the gear that Mephisto leaves behind and head back to headquarters. Heart of Mephisto: Absorbs 10% of attack damage and turns it into Health.. Sanctum Sanctorum Back home, Col. Fury mourns the loss of Jean Grey. Save your game and prepare to leave. If you’ve lost someone in

the previous level, revive him/her and use the Orb of Teleportation to go to Asgard. ACT 1





Valhalla // Courtyard of the Gods On the way to Asgard, you’ll learn it has fallen to Loki. Your new headquarters is located in Valhalla. Colonel Fury will brief you on the two possible missions. Objective: Find Balder, who is imprisoned somewhere in Asgard. Objective: Open gate at end of Bifrost. Explore your new base. Some things are similar but have different names. For instance, the Review Computer is now the Quest Introspection. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Simulator is now the Training Shrine and the Trivia Computer is now the Riddling Flame. As you explore the base, feel free to chat with the people you run into. Some can think of nothing but Jean Grey’s death, so it’s not always a fun conversation. You will come across a Body Upgrade and a Strike Upgrade. Go ahead and use the Riddling Flame to pick up some extra XP. Below, you’ll find the answers to the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48.

Midgard Loki Wakanda Emil Erskine Battling Jack Murdock Reed Richards Those the hammer deems worthy Dwarves Bit his hand off Her sword Kiss Empire State University The Vision The Rainbow Bridge Speed The Daywalker That Deadpool was a comic book character The Sorcerer Supreme To save the life of Crash Simpson He had to freeze the leader of a gang of bullies Sue Storm Adamantium weapons Alter his appearance to look like someone else The X Man named Rogue An airplane wing walking act Spider Man Has no nose None of the above Her winged horse Enter a state known as Odinsleep Make her way to Matthew Murdock's home Tony Stark's secretary Zenn La Adamantium Can forsee the future Daredevil All are found in Asgard Pheromones Ororo Munroe Editor in chief Sif couldn't understand Thor's attachment to humans Nine A Fire Giant Norn Stones The Red Guardian Himself The United Nations A communicator to talk to his dead mother

49. 50.

An enchanted crowbar they held was struck by lightning The Frost Giant Laufey

When you are ready to leave, go to one of the doors on your mini-map. We’ll be taking the Bifrost Bridge mission first. When you leave, you will be briefed by Thor on the importance of this mission. It’s critical that the bridge be re-opened. Bifrost Bridge Once you’ve arrived, pick up Storm’s Simulator Disc on the rock to your left. Valkyrie will call to you and ask that you find her missing sword, Dragon Fang. Optional Objective: Find the sword of Calkyrie located somewhere on Bifrost. Proceed down the bridge and you’ll be attacked by Vikings. When you see the big Viking Warriors with the swords, try to grab the sword from their hands. It makes for a good weapon. Head to the left and pick up the small, lit torch and smack (attack button) the tower to light it. Don’t toss the torch away. It’s a decent weapon and will be used to light other torch towers as you progress. Return to the intersection and go straight across (would have been a right-hand turn earlier) and continue down the path. Defeat the Viking Archers and go over the Viking ship. Search the ship for another Black Panther Action Figure. If you’ve collected the previous ones, this should be number five, thus unlocking the Black Panther character in the game. Continue down the bridge, killing the attackers. Light the two large towers. This will trigger a short cutscene, showing the location of a hammer. Continue down the path and light the next tower with a torch. Once you reach a proverbial fork in the road (three possible paths) with grass around, choose the center path, which will lead you to the big hammer you saw a few seconds ago. Kill the enemies and pick up the hammer. Return to the grassy area and take the path to the right. Kill the enemies with the big hammer. On your left, you’ll find a statue with an odd symbol on it. You should be able to push/pull it. Move it to the end of the path, and onto an area with a similar symbol on it. Once you do it properly, you’ll be rewarded with another weapons cache containing orbs, credits, a Daredevil Action Figure (or bonus XP) and a random piece of gear. Daredevil’s Fists: +4 Damage, +2 to Baton Smas. Head down to the well-lit platform and take out the four archers on the elevated platforms. We recommend using a ranged attack for this. Captain America’s Shield Toss works well for this. Once all four of them are dead, four runes will light up. Step on all of them to make a platform appear. Walk onto the platform and keep moving, killing the enemies in your way. You will run into a wooden gear, but ignore it for the time being. Near it, you’ll find a rock with a sword stuck in it. This is Valkyrie’s precious sword. Pick it up and Valkyrie will take it. Continue down the path to the dead end. Turn around and pick up the Sketch Book along the set of stairs. Return to the large wooden gear and activate the gear by following the on-screen button press instructions. This will open a portal to Midgard Gate. Midgard Gate At Midgard Gate, you’ll find yourself on a long bridge. Once you get to the first turn, the camera changes to a fixed position, so you’ll be moving away from the camera for the most part of this level. Before going forward, come towards the camera a bit and pick up Spider-Man’s Simulator Disc. Continue down the bridge, getting out of the way of the fire being introduced by the dragon heads on the side. If you keep to the far right/left, you will be fine, but watch your footing, as some portions of the bridge have a whole as an obstacle. You’ll also run into Viking Warriors here, so steal their sword and hack them to bits. Proceed down the bridge and lower the drawbridge at the end. While on this next section of bridge, you and your team will have large bright fireballs fired at you. Carefully dodge them. You’ll run into holes in the bridge and will have to cross the bridge to make it through. This has a certain Frogger feel to it, if you ask us. Once you get to the end of the level, use the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and save your game. When you’re ready to proceed, push on the next drawbridge for a fight with the Wrecking Crew, consisting of Bulldozer, Piledriver, Thunderball, and Wrecker. If you still have an axe or hammer from earlier, it would come in handy for this fight. Otherwise, use your know-how from the game and give ‘em a beat-down. When they’re dead, pick up their gear and break the wood blocking the door and exit through the door.

Wrecker’s Crowbar: 14% chance to reflect projectiles, +5% melee damage Grappling Speed: Grab moves do 50% more damage. Bulldozer’s Helmet: Reflects 5% of damage.

Courtyard of the Gods Back home, you’ll be briefed once again by Colonel Fury. You now have to free the gods in Asgard. You also will have access to the Hall of the Fallen. In front of the Viking Warrior guarding this place, you’ll find a Focus Upgrade. Once inside the Hall of the Fallen, you’ll run into other Viking Warriors as well as a few familiar faces in the other room. Near the entrance is a Sketch Book. Talk to Weasel and he’ll have you running another errand. He needs Black Widow’s password. Search the room for a Skill Point and Thor’s Simulator Disc. Track down Dr. Pym (not in the Hall of the Fallen) and question him. He’ll direct you to Black Widow to get information on the other name. Chat with her for a bit and find Weasel. Tell him that Black Widow’s password is Ivan Petrovitch. Once you’ve done all you wish, you can save your game and head out for Asgard. Asgard Your path will go two ways: to the right and to the left. We’re going to go to the left first. Jump up each of the platforms and you’ll be surrounded by trolls. Kill them and one of the nearby walls will collapse, revealing the Hammer of Vidar. The hammer is a great weapon for killing trolls. Use the hammer to break the large rock that is blocking your way. Search the area near the anvil for a Body Upgrade. To the right of the anvil, follow the trail to a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Continue on, picking up the things you find along the way. Go back to the Thor Statue. If you have Thor in your group, you can use his “Thor’s Rage” on the statue to open up a door down the trail. If you don’t have him, you’ll have to defeat more trolls. Toss the trolls into the fire, just as you did those pesky Demon Leapers earlier. The gate will eventually open up. Walk across the wooden bridge and you’ll see Balder imprisoned. To free him, you’ll have to free Tyr and Heimdall first. Objective: Locate Heimdall and free him. Objective: Find Try and free him frm his prison in Asgard. As you get close to the possible exits, you’ll run into a few enemies. Destroy all of the barrels lying around and pick up any credits or orbs that spill out. Which of the two doors you enter isn’t important. Odin’s Courtyard - East Wing Proceed forward until you reach a statue which states “Know you that Heimdall “The Ram” is guardian of the Bifrost Bridge located North and West. With this knowledge, one can open the barred door.” This inscription serves as a clue for how to solve this level’s puzzle. As you enter the next room, you’ll be attacked by Clay Guardians. Keep going until you run into a Super Soldier in one of the next rooms. He’s going to run away, but send in an unlimited number of Clay Guardians. This is another great way to earn bonus XP. They will continue to enter the room until the two large totem poles on either side of the room are destroyed. They’re marked on your mini-map. Enter the next room and take out the Super Soldier and continue forward. On your left and right, you will see doors. Enter the one on your right. Kill the enemies within the room and turn the statue using the wheel. You’ll want to turn it twice so that it points North. Go to the hall on the opposite side of the room. Take out the enemies and move the statue to the West, which is three turns of the wheel. This should trigger the opening of another door and additional Clay Guardians. Run up the next set of stairs and through the next set of doors. This room has more Clay Guardians and Super Soldiers. Keep going until you reach a room with a movable statue. Move the statue to the wooden pressure plate on the floor. Use the exit to go to the next location. Grand Hall Once inside the grand hall, go room to room, taking out the trolls. You’ll eventually run into an odd-looking wall/forcefield/shield that is blocking your way. Since you cannot go any further, check out the rooms on the left and right. In one room, you’ll have to do another block puzzle. There are three blocks around the room that need to be broken,

revealing another box. This box has a symbol on top. Move it to the corresponding symbol on the pressure plates in the floor. If you’ve got the block in the correct spot, the box will have a glowing purple spiral on top of it. Do this for the other two blocks, freeing you of this room. On top of one of the larger stone blocks, you’ll find a Focus Upgrade. Pick it up before leaving the room. Another puzzle on the other side of this level has three trolls, who have broken a rune into three pieces. Kill each of the trolls and place the pieces on the rune where they belong. This will not only let you leave this room, but it will allow you access to the consoles controlling that odd-looking wall/force-field/shield thing that has been blocking your way. Move over to the consoles and use two heroes to de-activate the wall. You should be accustomed to using two heroes to do this sort of thing by now. With the wall down, run through and you’ll get to right Rhino and Shocker all over again. You’ve beaten these two jokers before, so you shouldn’t have much trouble doing it again. Pick up the Sketch Book and turn your attention to freeing Heimdall. On both sides of the room is a small set of smaller rooms. You will find four wheels to turn, activating four mirrors. When you’ve got them all working, find the mirror with the green arrow above it. Follow the on-screen prompt to focus the mirror. Do this for the other three mirrors, going in order in which the green arrow pops up. This will melt the ice that Heimdall is encased in. He’ll be able to break out and be freed. He will then ask you to do one other thing for him: find his horn, as if saving his life wasn’t enough to do. To find Heimdall’s horn, run back into the level and you’ll see a new door. Go through it and kill the trolls. Enter the next room to puck up Deadpool’s Simulator Disc and the horn. Head back to Heimdall and hand him his precious little horn. Heimdall will give you a portal to take you back to Balder. When you see Balder, you’ll notice that one of his arms has been freed. Free the other arm and you’ll be ready to go. To do so, enter the other door. Odin’s Courtyard - West Wing Read the inscription on the statue ahead of you to get a clue as to how to solve this level’s puzzle: “To progress one must overcome the statue of Fenris. Know this, that Fenris is always ready to open his jaws for the hand of Tyr.” Defeat the Super Soldiers that come barging into the room. Don’t go out the open door; take the door on your left, which is closed. Inside, you’ll find a weapons cache full or credits, orbs, and a piece of gear. Storm’s Coat: 3 Defense, +1 to Conduct. Clean the room of the new enemies: Fenris Wolves. Exit out the door in front, entering a small, empty room. The room after this has a few Super Soldiers to deal with, so be prepared. The room after this is a narrow hallway with a large stone block on your right. Push/pull it over to the pressure plate on the floor. This will open up a door to a small room, containing the Hand of Tyr. Enter the next room for a fight with a Super Soldier and more Fenris Wolves. There are weapons to grab on the table on the right side of the room. Continue to the next room, where you’ll see a large sword stretched over a pool of molten metal. Place the Hand of Tyr in the hole at the base of the sword. Run across the sword bridge and up the stairs. Kill the Fenris Wolves and Super Soldiers and enter the next room, which also has wolves and super soldiers in it. Kill them and move the statue over to the pressure plate on the floor. Enter the next room and pick up the Focus Upgrade, Striking Upgrade, and the Black Panther Action Figure. The action figure is in the weapons cache, along with a piece of gear. Mr. Fantastic’s Bands: +3 Damage, +1 to Drastic Elastic. Exit through the other door to go to the next area, the Great Forge. The Great Forge There is nothing to do in the first room, not even breaking barrels, so enter the next room. You’ll see Tyr being dangled over a pool of molten metal. He’s guarded by two more bosses: Ultra Scorpion and Lizard. If you have Spider-Man in your group, you’ll be treated to some witty banter. Neither of the enemies should be that difficult for you, but it will take a bit to defeat them. Pick up the gear that they drop behind.

Spider-Man’s Uniform: 2 Defense, +1 to Web Throw. Mr. Fantastic’s Coat: 3 Defense, +3 to Elastic Crush. With the bosses defeated, you need to focus on getting Tyr freed. Unfortunately, there isn’t a way to do this yet. Don’t touch the wheel near him. It’ll only send him to his grave right now. On your left is a door to a room (up the stairs). Enter the room and defeat the Loki Trolls and pick up Invisible Woman’s Simulator Disc. There is also a weapons cache nearby to loot. Captain America’s Coil: 2 Defense, +1 to Shield Bash. Continue to explore the room. You will be attacked by more trolls. You will come across another weapons cache shortly. Ms. Marvel’s Suit: 2 Defense, +1 to Nega Blast. The next large room has a small army of those trolls. Take them out and search the room for barrels and another weapons cache. Deadpool’s Coat: 2 Defense, +1 to Teleport Flurry. You will find a Sketch Book in the room too. Use the door on the left to continue on to a room with another S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. A little further into the room, you’ll see some blacksmith tools on a table. It should have a little green arrow above it. You have the opportunity to make a very handy piece of armor. To do so, pick up the metal ingot from the table. Take it over to the forge and drop it into the forge. Use the bellows to heat up the metal ingot. Grab the blacksmith tongs from the table and pull the ingot from the forge. Place the hot metal ingot on the Great Anvil. Return to the table to pick up a hammer. Pick it up and hit the metal ingot on the anvil. Odin will then present you with the Asgard Armor you have made. Pick it up and try it on. Asgard Armor: +50% Elemental Damage Resistance, +50% damage to Electricity Damage Powers. Go up the stairs ahead of you and clear out the room. There is a spear to pick up and wield as a weapon if you so choose. The next hall has two side rooms, which have a Striking Upgrade and a Body Upgrade. Pick ‘em up, but watch out for trolls. The next room has additional trolls to kill and a spear to pick up and wield as a weapon. You’ll run into a room full of trolls and a pool of molten metal. Kill all of the nasty little trolls and use the rope pulley. It will tip the large bucket of water onto the metal, cooling it down to a safe temperature. Continue forward through the next door and you’ll find two large wooden wheels which you can turn. Use two heroes to do so and you will safely lower Tyr to the ground. He’ll thank you for his rescue by giving you a portal to use to get to Balder. You’ll also get a new objective. Objective: Free Balder from his mystical prison. When you use the portal, you’ll be taken to Balder, but you can’t reach him because of two bosses who are in the way. They are Enchantress and Executioner. We recommend taking out Enchantress first, as she can heal her partner in crime. In the process, however, be sure to avoid Executioner’s axe swings, as they can be nasty. Once Enchantress is dead, pick up her gear and then take out the big fella. Balder will now be freed and he’ll run out. Use the door to get back to HQ. Executioner’s Axe: Finishers do double damage. Aura of Seduction: 5% chance melee hits will turn enemy into ally for 30 seconds.. Courtyard of the Gods Congrads on your progress so far. Back at home, you’ll be briefed by Colonel Fury on your next mission, locating Odin.

Objective: Search Niffleheim and discover what’s happened to Odin. Make your way to Warrior’s Hall or the Hall of the Fallen, as it’s also known. Chat with Weasel and the other characters there. As you’re walking alongside the buffet tables and away from Weasel, an automatic cutscene should begin and it’ll play through the remainder of the storyline surrounding whether or not Black Widow can be trusted. When you’re ready to leave, save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and head to the Well of Helvelgamar, near the hall and marked on your mini-map. Niffleheim // Shore of Corpses The name of the location sure sounds inviting, doesn’t it? As you enter this frozen land, you’ll meet Volla, who mistakes you for a thief. She then asks you to find a ring of hers. Optional Objective: Locate Volla’s ring. As you move forward, you’ll be attacked by Viking Warriors. We recommend stealing their swords when possible, as they make for a great weapon. Kill them and continue on. To your far left, you should find a Striking Upgrade. Keep on going and you’ll find a Sketch Book on your left, which is guarded by Dark Elf Striders. Kill them and continue forward, being sure to thoroughly search the area. Pick up the Focus Upgrade near the large Viking ship. You’ll take a right and cross a bridge to find Ulik and Kurse talking about taking Volla’s ring. We recommend taking out Kurse first, as Ulik is more difficult to defeat, since he’s resistant to many of the attacks. Use a combination of attacks and find something that works. When they’re dead, pick up the gear and continue down the path. Dark Elf Armor: If blocking, melee attacker is stunned for 3 seconds, +25% to Defense. Ulik’s Fists: +10% Critical chance on all attacks. When you reach a cabin on your left, search the fire-pit for a key. The key belongs to the chest that Ulik and Kurse were protecting. Run back there and unlock the Chest of the Ancients to get Volla’s ring. She will show up and allow you to keep the ring. She’ll also tell you that you won’t live much longer... how wonderful?! Continue down towards the cabin and go up the hill. On your right is Shocker’s Simulator Disc, while on your left is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Save your game. When you’re ready for the next area, go straight ahead towards the door marked on your mini-map. Battleground As you enter this level, you’ll face more elves and Frost Giants. As you get a little further, you’ll come under attack by catapults. You can telegraph where the stones will be landing by looking at the red circles which form on the ground. This is just like the helicopters earlier in the game. Light the towers along the way to draw the fire of the catapults. Just don’t stick around, as you will likely be hit by the incoming stones. Break any barrel that you come across to pick up the S.H.I.E.L.D. credits and orbs that they spill out. Explore the area and pick up two Body Upgrades. Once you reach a catapult, use a strong hero to pull the lever back, launching a projectile and destroying the debris which will be blocking your path out. When you come to a broken Twilight Sword, Lady Sif expresses her concern for Odin. Objective: Free Odin. Continue forward to reach the next level. Ymir’s Dominion Before you walk forward, turn your camera around. You should be able to see a Sketch Book nearby. Run over and pick it up. As you walk down the path, you will run into Ymir, the king of the Frost Giants. He tells you that Odin has been taken to the Raven’s Spire. Before you can get to Odin, you will have to defeat Ymir. As with a few previous boss fights, you need to defeat Ymir in a mini-game. The fight will also take place with a very odd camera angle because of the height of the giant. The fight begins with a few Frost Giants. Kill them and take a spear that they drop. When Ymir clubs the ground, block the attack and then run towards the club. You will have to quickly follow the on-screen instructions. You will end up stabbing Ymir in the back of the neck with the spear. Your hero will come back to the ground. Kill another Frost Giant and grab his spear. Go through the process a few more times and you’ll eventually bring this beast down to the ground. You will receive a nice reputation point bonus for this. Also, pick up the piece of gear that Ymir leaves behind.

Ms. Marvel’s Wristbands: +3 Damage, +2 to Photon Burst. Behind Ymir’s location, you will find another Sketch Book. Take the exit and get the heck out of here. Spire’s Ascent Make your way down the narrow, snowy paths. Take out the elves and Frost Giants along the way. Once you cross the first bridge, you’ll see Spider-Woman’s Simulator Disc on a lower level. To get it, you need a flyer, as you won’t be able to get back up to the bridge if you can’t fly. Keep going down the path and take out the elves in your way. Be careful not to step too close to the cliff edges, as you could go for a nasty fall. On this path, you will run into a Striking Upgrade and a Focus Upgrade. Just ahead, you will find a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Save your game and keep going. You will then run into two bosses to fight: Baron Mordo and Ultron. Objective: Open the portal created by Loki. Objective: Guess which spear in Gungnir and use it to open the portal to Raven’s Spire. If you’ve made it this far, these two bosses won’t be too much of a fight for you. Since Baron Mordo has more dangerous attacks, we recommend taking him out first. Once he’s fallen, kill Ultron. With the two bosses finished, you will be tasked with choosing the correct spear. Choose the fourth spear and use it to open the gate. With the gate open, walk through it, but DO NOT ADVANCE. Don’t go to the next level. Adjust your camera angle and on your right, you will find another Black Panther Action Figure. If you’ve already unlocked him, this will be an XP bonus instead. Once you have your treasure, advance to the next level. Raven’s Spire You will immediately be greeted by an upset Loki. Loki claims Odin is no longer here. Apparently, Dr. Doom has taken Odin somewhere else. Loki states that the only reason he’s still here is to get the Destroyer Armor, but he hasn’t been able to get it as he needs four god swords to free it from its prison of ice. Loki will soon attack you. He’s surprisingly easy to defeat, but he will have some help from wolves and Frost Giants. Pick up the gear Loki leaves behind. Loki’s Gear: Reduces attack by damage by 25%, Increases damage taken by 25%.

Take the portal to get to the Warrior’s Hall. Warrior’s Hall Colonel Fury will welcome you back. In the hall, you will find multiple portals to use, taking you to rooms with small puzzles to complete in order to get swords. The order in which you play them isn’t important. One puzzle has a bounding sword that moves away from you when you get near it. Walk through the portal to the left and the sword will remain still when you enter the room. Go ahead and pick it up. Another puzzle involves rock climbing. On your far right, you will find a wall with white foot and toe holds. Climb up and jump down to the ledge. Move past the gusts of wind as they will blow you back to where you started. Jump over the void and move to the next level. This ledge is more narrow, so move slowly and get past the wind. Climb up the third ledge and pick up the sword at the end of the ledge. Another puzzle has a bit of a maze feel. The floor has two different tiles on it. Walk only on the Odin tiles and you will make it safely to the sword. Step on one of the others and you’ll fall through and have to start the puzzle all over. The last puzzle will require a little teamwork. There are three pressure plates on the floor. Control one hero and move him/her onto one of the pressure plates. Move two more to the other two plates and use the fourth hero to retrieve the sword. With all four swords in place, use one of the swords and you’ll see that Loki has duped you into unlocking the armor for him. Ignore damaging the Destroyer Armor. Instead, move portal to portal until you see a frozen Loki in the center of a room. Lure the Destroyer Armor near the center of the room and attack it. Once the meter on the bottom of the screen fills up, the armor will explode, killing the trolls and even Loki. Pick up Loki’s gear and go through the portal for a quick chat with Dr. Doom. Norm Stones: +15% XP, +30% credits.






Attilan // Royal Library Once the cutscenes are complete, you will find yourself in front of Uato, the Watcher. He saved you from Dr. Doom. Wasn’t that nice of him? With this being your new headquarters for the time being, explore the place.

Objective: Talk to Lilandra to get a shard of the M’Kraan Crystal. As you look around your new HQ, you will come across a Striking Upgrade, Body Upgrade, a Focus Upgrade, and a Sketch Book. Behind the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point, you’ll find a door to the Royal Court. Once inside, you will be met by Crystal who warns you about talking to Black Bolt, as his voice is extremely loud. She’ll then ask you to find out where the Ultimate Nullifier is kept. To solve Crystal’s question, go to Dr. Pym in the Royal Library. Next, talk to Colonel Fury and then Black Widow. Return to Crystal in the Royal Court and tell her the Ultimate Nullifier is on Muir Island. This room has a Sketch Book in it. To find it, look at your mini-map. Turn the camera so that the door is at 12 o’clock, just like a clock. The Sketch Book can be found at 9 o’clock. The room also has a number of people to talk to. Take some time and do so if you want... you won’t be given any new missions. Use the trivia computer and answer some questions. Below, you will find answers to the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.

In the Blue Area of the moon Breathe in the Terrigen Mist The Lethal Legion Operation: Rebirth Zarathos Were experimented on by the Kree His voice is so powerful it could level a mountain Makes a mini earthquake An alien named Galan Defeat the Fantastic Four Cyclops Kill the Avengers Vibranium Karen Page The merc with the mouth The One Destroyed half of Attilan The Kree Birds New York King Vladimir The Infinity Formula Invisible Girl The Crusher Ants Stark International Norrin Radd Romantically involved with Magneto It was devoured by Galactus Shi'ar prisoners Black Bolt To escape humans and their pollution Psyche Magnitron The Howling Commandos Yes and she's a young woman He violated a truce between the Asgardians and the Frost Giants Colossus throws Wolverine at an enemy Achmed el Gibar The Power Cosmic The Ultimate Nullifier To see the weakness in any item, person or plan Reed Richards Loyal only to Lilandra Namor Reed Richards Stone Shortening the handle Control fire, water, earth and air In a soundproof room With a special sign language Thor's hammer

Save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and then talk to Lockjaw in the Royal Library. He will teleport you to the Shi’ar Empire. Shi'ar Ship // Fighter Bay Aboard the Shi’ar ship, you’ll meet up with Corsair. He gives news that Deathbird has staged a coup, taking the throne from her sister, Lilandra. Corsair, offers to lend a hand for a little while. Near the start is a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Use it to save your game. Objective: Destroy the hyperdrive matrix in engineering. Objective: Save Princess Lilandra from her evil sister Deathbird. It won’t take much travel before you run into Shi’ar Soldiers. You can take their weapons and use them against the others. Clear the room of the enemies. When you reach a group of movable crates, move the center one out of there. Go up the stairs and kill the attackers in the vicinity. You will come across Iceman’s Simulator Disc. There are also two force fields that get activated by the enemy. They act like massive black holes, sucking you towards it. Fight the force and use the console to shut them down. Enter the Port Crew Quarters and use the Fighter Pit Controls to disable the force field. Kill the crew members and break everything in the area to collect more orbs and S.H.I.E.L.D. credits. Next, return to the main bay and enter the Starboard Crew Quarters. Do the same sort of thing that you did on the other side and pick up the Striking Upgrade. Go back to the main bay and head for the door on your mini-map. Shi’ar Power Core Corsair will leave you before you enter this area. He will, however, remain available via radio to help you through the level. Your job here is to destroy the hyperdrive matrix so that you stop the ship. Proceed forward and take out the groups of space soldiers. You will also see two guys take key cards to a secured door. As you go after the one to the right, you’ll run into Ultron’s Simulator Disc. Kill the guy with the key card and make your way to the other side. On the way, you’ll come across a Focus Upgrade. Kill the second guy to pick up the key card. Return to the two consoles next to the sealed door. Position a hero on each of the two green “X”s and use the consoles to open up the door. Save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Head towards the elevator and take out the enemies. Use the elevator and you’ll be taken to another area for a fight with Gladiator. This boss is a tough one to defeat, so don’t attack him immediately. Use someone quick to activate the four computer consoles around the room. This will make him vulnerable to attack. Be sure to block his eye beams, as they can do a lot of damage. If he gets the consoles turned back off, you’ll have to repeat the process. Do whatever you have to to kill the guy and pick up his gear. Imperial Mantle: +6 to Body, Focus, Strike. When Gladiator is killed, the hyperdrive matrix is destroyed. Optional Objective: Send a message using the antenna of the Shi’ar starship. Optional Objective: Disable the main guns of the starship. On your way out, pick up the Body Upgrade on your left. Kill the enemies and keep heading for the exit. Pick up the Sketch Book and use the Airlock Control to open up the door to take you to the Outer Hull. Outer Hull While on the Outer Hull, your camera will be in a fixed position again. You will run into two more bosses to take out: Starbolt and Warstar. Warstar will pop out of the floor in an ambush attack. Take him out first and then go after Starbolt, who has moved down the path a little bit. Pick up their gear and continue on. Shi’ar Battle Armor: Reflects 10% of melee damage. Starbolt’s Flame: 5 Fire damage to all melee attacks, +35% damage to all Fire Damage Powers.

Pick up the Strike Upgrade and Ulik’s Simulator Disc. Send a message with the antenna and make your way down the hull, taking out all of the big guns. Keep going and enter the door that shows up on your mini-map. Observation Deck Just in front of you, you will find a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. If you’ve lost a member of your team, revive them and save your game. As you walk down this hallway, you’ll come under attack. Among the attackers are Hussar and Neutron, who are from the Imperial Guard. Neither of these bosses are difficult to defeat. After the bosses are defeated, pick up the gear they leave behind. Spider-Man’s Harness: 4 Defense, +3 to Web Bullets. Hussar’s Whip: +25 Health per Knockout. After you have the gear, head further down the hallway. You will eventually run into Deathbird, the woman who started the coup. Although Deathbird isn’t known to be a great fighter, she will make you work for the victory. Since she prefers to be in the air, your heroes will have to rely on ranged attacks. Once Deathbird’s health bar drops quite a bit, the M’Kraan Crystal will appear in the center of the room. She will be bonded to the crystal, making her invincible. To break the bond, run up to the crystal and do a standard attack (nothing special). This will make her vulnerable to attack again, so finish her off. After the fight, pick up her gear and the Body Upgrade. Deathbird’s Feather: 5% Health Regeneration. To exit, use the beam in the center of the room. Science Section Once in the science section, continue forward. You’ll see a cutscene of Deathbird activating a self-destruction sequence for the ship. Objective: Stop Deathbird before she can destroy the Shi’ar starship. You will have just one minute to destroy the power nodes on the ship. Destroying a power node adds 30 seconds to your clock. The power nodes will show up on your mini-map as red “X”s. We recommend ignoring the general attackers, as you’ve got places to be and little time to spare. Head to your left and take out the first power node. Continue on, taking the paths and stairs to get the next. You will then meet Princess Lilandra, who is in a torture chamber. She’s not worried about her own health, but rather the ship’s condition. If you intend on saving Lilandra, you will have to do it now. First, destroy the third power node, adding thirty more seconds to your clock. Now, destroy the computer near her. It is one tough son of a gun, so use your powers to take it out. It will take a long time, so get to work. With the princess saved, it’s time to save the ship. Keep moving and take out the last node. Once that is done, take out the four lasers on your mini-map. With everything destroyed, Princess Lilandra will thank you for the job well-done. Ask her for a shard of the M’Kraan Crystal. She agrees, but you’ll have to go find the crystal. Explore the compound and you’ll find a console controlling force fields. Use the console to take down the force fields. Run down to the crystal and punch/kick it. A shard will break off for you, and you’ll automatically pick it up. Use the portal created by Lockjaw and return to Attilan. Attilan // Royal Library Back home, you will be greeted by Uatu, the Watcher. He’s quite happy about your success and will give you information on your next mission. Objective: Steal the Muonic Inducer from Galactus. There isn’t a whole lot to do here, but you can chat with others. In the Royal Court, Medusa is chained up. She has been corrupted by Dr. Doom. Crystal, Gorgon, and Triton are planning on confronting Dr. Doom in hopes of finding a cure for Medusa. When you’re ready to leave, talk to Lockjaw and teleport to Skrull Planet. On your way, Col. Fury will brief you on the mission ahead. Judging by what he says, the odds of survival don’t sound promising.

Skrull Planet // Sky Towers Once you’ve arrived on the planet, Colonel Fury will brief you just before your start off. Proceed down the hallway and you’ll run into a few bad guys. Keep going towards the red “X” on your mini-map. Here, Colonel Fury will tell you that a set of Magnetic Field Generators is nearby. They’re used to keep Galactus is safe. You’ll have to destroy them. Objective: Destroy the magnetic shield generators that protect Galactus. Destroy the first magnetic shield generator and proceed through the next door. You’ll run into a few attackers, so take them out and pick up Piledriver’s Simulator Disc. Turn around and using the mini-map, find the next room to enter. It’ll be a large room of enemies, wherein, you will find another Black Panther Action Figure (or XP). Keep going towards the red “X” on your map. Destroy the generator and the bad guys in there. Walk up the set of stairs. Enter the last large room to destroy the third generator. Once it’s destroyed, you will come under attack by a seemingly unlimited number of enemies. This is a way to pick up a lot of additional XP if you want to stick around. Otherwise, continue through the door on your mini-map. Aeronautics Once you’re in the Aeronautics, continue to the room ahead. Here, you’ll meet Super Skrull, Paibok, and Skrull Empress. Skull Empress will offer you a bargain: she will provide you with information critical to destroying Galactus if you open up the main hangar door so she can escape the destruction of the planet. Also, you will be given the chance to have one of the Skrull heroes (Paibok or Super Skrull) as a guide. Choose either one of the two. Either one will work fine. Head up the stairs and follow the path. Open the doors in front of you and kill the mobs of attackers. Keep on going, picking up the Focus Upgrade along the way. Use the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to save your game. Continue on and you’ll find a console to use. It controls the hangar door. The door to your left leads to a Strike Upgrade, while the door on the right takes you yo a Sketch Book. Keep going and you’ll be back in the hangar. Chat with Skrull Empress and you will learn that she lied about providing you with information. It was just a trick to do her work for her. You now must fight both of her heroes while she takes off. Together, these two make for a strong fight, so get rid of one of them soon and it’ll make the fight more manageable. Pick up the credits, orbs, and the gear. Ghost Rider’s Belt: 3 Defense, +2 to Fiendish Chains. Doctor Strange’s Armor: 3 Defense, +1 to Falteen Flame. Exit through the hangar doors to the Cityscape. Cityscape On the cityscape map, you’ll notice that the camera is in a fixed position again. Because of the narrow walkway, watch your step. On the path, you’ll find Ms. Marvel’s Simulator Disc. Pick it up after defeating the bad guys who are near it. Keep going down the path and you’ll find some drills belonging to Galactus. Destroy them to help save the planet. Optional Objective: Destroy the core drills of Galactus and save the Skrull Planet. Keep moving and pick up the Body Upgrade and Sketch Book you come across. Watch out for the red circles on the ground. There is a bomber that flies in the area, much like the helicopter from a few levels ago. Watch out or you’ll be toast. Keep moving along the catwalks, and you’ll eventually find the second big set of drills belonging to Galactus. Use ranged power attacks to take them out. When you get near the end of the path, you’ll have a brief conversation with Galactus. He’ll send additional attackers to take you out. Get rid of them and grab the Human Torch’s Simulator Disc. Move towards the door on your map and enter. Heights of Progress Once inside, go down the stairs and find the movable block on your left. Move it so that it’s in front of the ledge with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Jump up on the block and then up to the ledge. Pick up Dragonman’s Simulator Disc and then save your game. Go through the nearby doorway and continue down the hall. Creatures will break out of the walls and attack you. Defend yourself and continue down the hallway. Go room to room, disposing of the lab experiments. One room will contain a Skill Point. Pick it up and keep moving. After you pass a large steel grate for a path, you will find another boss to fight: Titannus. Titannus is a touch guy to defeat, but it’s doable. At times, he’ll be distracted by the computers, which he’d rather spend

his time destroying. Keep your distance from him if you can and pelt him with a series of ranged attacks. When he’s dead, pick up his gear. Helmet of Titannus: +50 Health, +10 Striking. Colonel Fury will radio you, reminding you to pick up the Muonic Inducer. Continue forward until you find two consoles with green “X”s on the floor in front of them. Using two heroes, activate the consoles to turn off the force fields opening two prison doors. The one on the right has another action figure in it. The one on the left has a Skrull scientist in it. He’ll give you a potion which increases your level by one. After you’re done, head through the door to face Galactus. World Devourer Once you enter this map, you’ll be greeted by Galactus.

Start running immediately. A cutscene of Galactus shooting down a building plays. Afterwards, find a nearby building (near Galactus) that forms a ramp. Run up it and go across a catwalk. Then, use the building that was shot down to make your way to another walkway, and you’ll eventually run into Silver Surfer. He offers to revive any of the heroes that you’ve already lost on this level. If you die in this level, you get to restart it. Silver Surfer will help you with the fight against the difficult fight against Galactus. When you gain control of your heroes, make your way to the three consoles stationed on the walkway. Activate each of them to make a mini-game pop up. This is where Silver Surfer will help out. Follow the on-screen button press instructions to cause damage to Galactus.

Galactus will then try and inflict damage on the heroes, so block it. Activate the consoles again for another mini-game. Keep doing this until Galactus ends up eating himself. Colonel Fury will radio in and thank Silver Surfer for his help. Pick up the gear and use the portal to get back to HQ. Attilan // Royal Library Back at headquarters, Uato, the Watcher expresses his admiration for what you have done. Your mission in space is done, so it’s time to head back to Earth. Talk to Lockjaw and he’ll send you to Earth. On the way to Earth, you’ll see a cutscene, which will tell you about all of the damage Dr. Doom has done to Earth. Armor of Galactus: Absorbs 10% of Damage and turns it into Energy.






Stark Tower It’s been a while since you’ve been to Stark Tower, and Dr. Doom has done a bit of a re-make. You have to get the place back up and running. Objective: Reactivate the power for Stark Tower. Objective: Defeat Dr. Doom by using the Muonic Inducer and the M’Kraan Crystal. Use your mini-map as a guide to locate the power consoles. They appear as red “X”s. Once they’ve all been turned on, Colonel Fury will be kidnapped by Doom Iron Man robots and taken to Iron Man’s lab. Objective: Save Nick Fury from Doom’s version of Iron Man. Follow Colonel Fury into the Iron Man lab. Inside, you’ll see him finishing off a Doom Iron Man. Dr. Pym tells him to give him a little time and he’ll have an EMP weapon up and running to take out the incoming army. Join Col. Fury in taking out the army. You’ve got three minutes to beat the crap out of Doom Iron Man robots until the EMP weapon is finished and working. Objective: Survive the onslaught of Doom’s Iron Men.

This is a pretty easy objective, frankly. Since they keep coming at you in bunches, use a radial attack. This can be quite effective. Once the three minutes has concluded, the EMP will get rid of most of the Doom Iron Men. Make your way back to the main section of Stark Tower and you’ll be briefed by Colonel Fury about Dr. Doom. Search the room for a Sketch Book, Body Upgrade, Focus Upgrade, and a Strike Upgrade. Find Dr. Hank Pym. He’s over where Wyatt Wingfoot used to be. Talk to him and he’ll ask you to find a magnetic dampener and a technical drawing. Optional Objective: Find the Magnetic Dampener and the manual in Stark Tower. The technical drawing can be found near Black Widow and Colonel Fury, while the magnetic dampener can be found right in front of the trivia computer. Return the two items to Dr. Pym and he’ll give you a device which he says will help you against any lightning attack by Dr. Doom. Go back to the trivia computer and answer the questions to get some additional experience points. You will earn 1250 XP for each correctly-answered question, except for the first one, which isn’t worth anything. Here are the answers to the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

Latveria An army of robots Mailman to the Fantastic Four Used in the original Human Torch The Zodiac 890 Fifth Avenue Captain Britain Cosmonaut Kidnap them and make them prisoners Ulysses Klaw Captain America Radioactive waste He framed Luke for a crime so he would go to jail Spider Woman Uru Doomstadt Yancy Street A former member of the X Men HYDRA Doctor Octopus Save his home planet from Galactus Reed Richards Iron Man Deadpool's manager She teleported the X Men to the Negative Zone with Cerebro Attacked Blade's mother Dr. Emil Erskine was killed Business partner Neurosurgeon Ghost Rider Metro College Stopped a tractor from crushing his sister Wearing special glasses The Weapon X Program that dealt with Wolverine It's clobberin' time His face is severely disfigured The man without fear Omaha, Nebraska Two minutes and thirty seven seconds HYDRA Stark Enterprises Bucky Foggy Nelson In a car accident Immune to magnetic attacks Crusher Hogan The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Mephisto An enforced monarchy

Save your game and ask Col. Fury to take you to Dr. Doom’s Castle.

Castle Doom // Castle 1 Once inside, Dr. Doom will have a brief chat with you. Continue forward in this room. Two sets of stone steps should appear as you continue forward. Use them to make your way through the castle. Continue down the paths and you’ll come to a long stone walkway, which seems like it goes on forever. Go down this and go through the exit to the Hall of Many Doors. This is a joke of a puzzle. Just go through the door you can in through. Next, you’ll have to take a leap of faith. Go down the stairs and hop into the pit in the center of the room. Proceed ahead and check the area around the two doors. One door has a Sketch Book near it. Next, examine the Doom statue. It’ll say “You must first acquire the Armor, Gauntlets, and Facemask of Doom. Upon returning here with them, you shall be deemed worthy to hold court with our Lord Doom.” How lovely?! Your objectives will now be updated... Objective: Find Doom’s gauntlets. Objective: Find Doom’s armor. Objective: Find Doom’s mask. With only one of the two doors in the room that works, walk through it and enter Doom’s Lair. Doom’s Lair All set? Walk into the next room. It’s a large library. Take out the enemies quickly. A lower level has health and energy stations, but it’s a little difficult to get back up with heroes that cannot fly. Keep going forward, room to room. You’ll find a movable bookcase that will open a secret room containing another Black Panther Action Figure (or XP) and a weapons cache. Daredevil’s Belt: 6 Defense, +2 to Extensive Strike. The second library that you run into has a movable bookcase that will open up a path to other areas of the castle. Go room to room, taking out the enemies. Pick up the Sketch Book and collect the S.H.I.E.L.D. credits and orbs from the barrels found along the way. As you proceed forward, you’ll find a S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Save your game and walk forward. Your next fight will be against Dark Colossus and Dark Captain America. Dark Captain America’s Shield Throw can stun your heroes, so take him out first. Once they’re killed, pick up the gear and kill the enemies that enter. Super Soldier Serum: +9% Health. Dark Steel: +25% to Defense. Run down to the red “X” on your mini-map and grab the gauntlets and the floor will fall from under you. Doom’s Dimension You land downstairs somewhere. Climb the stairs ahead of you and enter the Stairwell. You’ll be on another sidescrolling level. Go to your left, taking out the Doomsmen along the way. Save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point and enter the Dimensional Cavern. Walk forward for a chat with Dark Psylocke and Dark Cyclops. Neither of these dark X-Men are easy to kill. Dark Cyclops’ eye beams can do a lot of damage, so block them when you can. Take out Dark Psylocke and then Cyclops. Pick up the gear in the area and check out the weapons caches in the room. They contain goodies. Crimson Dawn:Invisible Woman’s Belt: 3 Defense, +1 to Kinetic Bolts. Storm’s Buckle: 3 Defense, +1 to Hail Storm. Make your way for the door and head for the next room. Inside, grab the Sketch Book on your left and then pick up Doom’s armor. You’ll be suddenly attacked. Defend yourself by killing the enemies. If you didn’t actually pick up the armor the first time around, do so and go out the new door nearby.

Doom’s Lab Once you’ve made it to the lab, Colonel Fury will tell you that Karnak believes the Ultimate Nullifier that Medusa has been looking for is located somewhere ahead. Go forward and take out Doom’s little soldiers. You’ll run into Doom Bots, which you encountered much earlier in the game. Go room to room. On the left, you’ll find a Sketch Book, while on the right, you’ll find the Ultimate Nullifier, which was unfortunately broken by Dr. Doom. Keep on going, and you’ll find another hallway in the middle to go through. Kill the doom bots. Up ahead, you will find tesla coil-lined hallways. They emit electricity, which will give you a good zap. This is similar to the wooden gates that went up and down earlier in the game. Spider-Woman’s Metabolic Aura is helpful in the situation, as at least one person in your team will likely be injured from the coils. Once you’re past the electrical charges, go forward to the next room. Clear the area of Doom Bots and save your game at the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. This next area gets a little tricky, as to go further, you need to get past a rolling path. The easiest way to get past this is to use the S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point to change up your team to a team of all fliers. It’s the surest way to get past this obstacle, as it could take you several attempts to get across this. Once you’re on the other side, kill the Doom Bots and go up the stairs and into the room. You’ll have another tesla coillined hallway to make your way through. This will take you into a large room with Odin trapped in a machine. You can’t destroy the machine without a weapon made by Dr. Doom. Optional Objective: Save Odin from Dr. Doom’s infernal contraption. As you walk behind the machine, you’ll be greeted by Dark Thor and Dark Spider-Man. We recommend taking out spidey as soon as you can. His various web attacks can be quite ugly for your team to overcome. If you have SpiderMan on your team, you may want to use his Web Shield as protection. Once he’s taken out, wipe the floor with Dark Thor and pick up his big hammer. Use it to free Odin from the machine. Valkyrie will take Odin back to Asgard. Kill the Doom Bots that enter the room. Pick up Dr. Doom’s mask and exit through the door. Castle 2 You’ve been here before, remember? A cutscene shows the Doom statue being activated by the three pieces you’ve picked up throughout the castle. The glass cases providing the Body Upgrades, Focus Upgrades, and Strike Upgrades will be broken. Use them to upgrade your heroes and save your game at the nearby S.H.I.E.L.D. Access Point. Climb the stairs near the Doom statue and enter the portal for THE BIG FIGHT. Doom’s Throne First of all, congratulations for making it this far. Once you’re inside, you’ll be greeted by Dr. Doom.

He’s not going to fight you all on his own. He’s recruited the Dark Fantastic Four, consisting of Dark Human Torch, Dark Invisible Woman, Dark Mr. Fantastic, and Dark Thing. Defeating one member of the Fantastic Four is hard enough, but all four is very tough. Separate them the best you can. If they all get you cornered/surrounded, you’re finished. Run up the stairs and use a ranged attack to pick off the Fantastic Four. Once the Fantastic Four are finished, Dr. Doom will begin to levitate, sending out a few green laser beams. They’re connected to computer consoles located throughout the room. Destroy one of the consoles and a member of the Fantastic Four will come back and attack. Kill the member and go on to the next. Keep going until all of the consoles are destroyed, along with the Fantastic Four. Quickly, make your way to Dr. Doom and follow the on-screen instructions to take away some of Dr. Doom’s powers. Now, you’ll have to take the fight to Dr. Doom on the ground. We recommend using ranged attacks. Dr. Doom will also have the members of the Fantastic Four to attack you, and they’ll continue to re-spawn once you kill them. Use the columns as places to hide behind. Shoot Dr. Doom with your ranged attacks and keep a good distance. The fight will take a while to win, so be patient and keep trying. Once Dr. Doom is dead, sit back and watch all of the cutscenes. You’ll learn how your actions affected the universe. Congratulations. Col. Fury is now unlocked. Feel free to play through the game on a more difficult level now.