ICC and Sustainable Development - Business Action for Sustainable

Influence the agenda and set priorities. Promote sustainable development in all aspects while giving full scope to business to play its full part. Recognize and ...
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ICC and Sustainable Development: From Stockholm to Johannesburg

BASD Meeting Norine Kennedy, USCIB October 9-10, 2001

Long road from Stockholm a International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Environment Commission `Working Party on Sustainable Development `ICC Business Charter for Sustainable Development `UNEP/FIDIC/ICC Environmental Management System Training Kit a Rio and subsequent CSD Meetings a MEA negotiations a UNEP a U.N. Global Compact

Preparations for WSSD a ICC Working Party on Sustainable Development 2002 Policy Team `Track policy developments and inform members `Look for opportunities to influence `Develop policy messages a Recognize and seek to influence multiple forums `UNCSD, UNEP, UNECE

Elements of ICC Advocacy aStatement to U.N. General Assembly 2000 aVision Statement aComments on Multistakeholder Dialogue Process

Objectives for WSSD advocacy a Influence the agenda and set priorities a Promote sustainable development in all aspects while giving full scope to business to play its full part a Recognize and support industry as an essential and influential participant in the pursuit of sustainable development; a Report industry achievements and expectations since Rio, identify gaps and challenges ahead; a Set out priorities for industry roles post-WSSD.

ICC 2002 Vision Statement • Useable in a variety of forums; • Balanced across environmental, economic and social aspects; • Forward looking policy recommendations, and where appropriate, industry roles, contributions and initiatives; • Multi-sectoral; • Aired through all relevant Commissions; • Consultation with national committees in developed and developing countries • Coordinated with other business group messages whenever possible.

Suggested Priority Areas of Vision Statement • Synergy of sustainable development and globalization • Attacking poverty • Fostering technology innovation and information access • Encouraging international cooperation and national implementation • Roles of Business and industry

Multistakeholder Dialogue recommendations aEstablish the Groundrules aSet Clear Objectives aFocus the discussion aUse Issue-based Formats aSchedule the sessions appropriately

What Next? aDecember completion of Vision Statement aComments on UNEP International Environmental Governance process aInvolvement in Prepcoms and multistakeholder dialogue sessions