HPLC Fittings

47320-10N Male Nut Fitting, PEEK, Part Knurled & Flat. 1-piece, finger tight or wrench. 10-32, Natural,. 12mm Combihead, 22mm Total Length, 8mm Length.
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HPLC Fittings “CombiHeads” Can be Finger Tightened or Wrenched • Easy, Convenient, Very Useful • Made of PEEK • Holds pressure up to 5,000 psi At Last, HPLC fittings that make sense. These all purpose fittings can hold PEEK or Stainless Steel tubing at high pressures. What makes these fittings so great is they can be “started” by hand and for the final quarter turns you can use an open end wrench or the Valve Tool for great seals. These fittings are most appreciated when it comes time to take them off. Removal is easy-hand-loosen then use a wrench or our Valve Tool for the final quarter turns.

CombiHead with 1/4” Hex and Knurled Head Cat. No. 47320-25

CombiHead with 5/16” Flat and Knurled Head Cat. No. 47320-10N

Using a CombiHead Male Nut with Hex and Knurled Head on the back of an injector is only one place where these fittings are very useful

Cat. No. 47320-25 47320-26 47320-10N 47320-11N

46090-V1 46030-01

Description Male Nut Fitting, PEEK, 1-piece, finger tight or wrench. 8mm Hex/Knurled head 28mm total length. 14mm thread length. 10-32, Natural Male Nut Fitting, PEEK, 1-piece, finger tight or wrench. 8mm Hex/Knurled head 28mm total length. 14mm thread length. 10-32, Natural 10/pk Male Nut Fitting, PEEK, Part Knurled & Flat. 1-piece, finger tight or wrench. 10-32, Natural, 12mm Combihead, 22mm Total Length, 8mm Length Male Nut Fitting, PEEK, Part Knurled & Flat. 1-piece, finger tight or wrench. 10-32, Natural, 12mm Combihead, 22mm Total Length, 8mm Length 10/pk ValveTool, with 1/4" opened slip on and 5/16" flat wrench. Wrench Open End (Flat) , 1/4 and 5/16". For more information visit www.mtc-usa.com

MTC • MicroSolv Technology Corporation World Headquarters 1 Industrial Way West, Bldg E, Eatontown, NJ 07724 USA Ph. 1-732-578-1777 Fx. 1-732-578-9777 www.mtc-usa.com Email: [email protected]

European Operations dba Disruptive Technologies 3 Allee des camellas, 94440 Villecresnes, France Ph. +33 (0)6 98 64 98 81 Fx. +33 (0)1 72 70 38 10
