How to get the best of your 1275 engine

pIscons (fI om Mini Sp,1res). l also scuck just that . along with the plus-O.08 inch .... ManY peopte have qui ed me about problems they re having wi,h ge,,;ng new ...
5MB taille 2 téléchargements 375 vues

TEcH W ords and photography by Keith Calver

OurM iniguru Keith Celvershow s vou how to getthe bestoutorthe 1275 engine w jthoutbreaking the ba'nk .

ascmonchwe sa ,w whaccan be achIevedfrom a998cc engineona budgec.Thismonch we'Ie looking atmalingthe mostcom monly cransplancedA-Series- che l275moIe encertainingon thecheap. Someone recenclysaid co me ''of couIse.che old MiniIsn'cIeally capable ofkeepingup wIth modein daycraf c''. lI, aughed.chen poincedoucche one ching

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mea Lncche Miniwaswhee yand had un1m pIessivebrakes IsLaId he muscbe chinkingaboucdrum bIakes.nocche splend1danchorsallM;nIsgocfrom I985 onwards, buc whee y Ihadco agree on,W hacche enginesneedco dealwich mosccIL 3ffic IsexcracoIque;som ech:ng chac'sdif culcco gecfrom , 3smallmocor.





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n eededcodragtheMiniI ncomoderniy. achange ofseacs,ascheor;glnalsaremc

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I'A Ve neW PI., .ne,rOM ,.. .les,'.PPer-hPe Pi5tOn5 ThCY'rerObUStIYmade, S On , I '^'sPareS- ,3m m bOre 5l USing a SpeCialaluM iniuM altoy thatcontainsa m uch higherthan usuafsilicone con,en,,w;,h a sI;pperdes;gn

borechebI ocmo,, cve bi g aus edtolightenthepistonswhileretai ningmaximums,reng,handreduc;ngdrag.I17seng;nesarebecom;ng w hole lot rarer and m ore expensive these days,so we need ,o make che mosco(,hem .m ;n;spares;sdo;n

,css,n pIe. and cIy oucsome new 73n m diamecer pIscons(fIom MiniSp,1res). lalsoscuck Ini 3REI3 ioad-burneicam.oneofche ALlscialian cam grindsdeveloped by Giah, am Russellco maxIn isecoIque, a Ie, asonably modied hea .d and Scage I I