How to download a program using ICSDK

You must first compile the program on the PC and then download it to the ... t to download the program into the robot through the serial port (“t” for “transmit”: it.
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How to download a program using ICSDK

All the using files must be in the same folder: NAME name.c encoder.c encoder.h audio gensine.cpp m.bat t.bat makefile sicburn.exe

TYPE C file file folder file file file File no extension exe file

Description the program written in C the encoder file to create the audio files if you want to use sound. it will generates an audio_data.c file includes the using audio files in wave format: audio1.wav, audio2.wav… tool to generate sine wave lookup table Do not change! File to compile the porgram Do not change ! File to download the program (old cartridges only) You must open it with a text editor and indicate the name of the program APPNAME=name the new sicburn.exe to burn the new cartridges

You must first compile the program on the PC and then download it to the robot through the serial port.

Using DOS Mode: You must first go to the right folder in DOS mode. 1. Open a DOS windows. 2. Then type: cd\ICSDK\samples\test1 (test1 or the name of the program) You should see: C:\ICSDK\samples\test1> 3. Then type: m to compile the program (“m” for “make”: it calls the m.bat file that compiles the program. This file should be in the same directory) You should see: C:\ICSDK\samples\test1>..\..\bin\nmake /nologo ..\..\bin\tulink -o test1.abs ..\..\lib\cartic3.lcf test1.o audio_data.o ..\..\lib\crt3.o ..\..\lib\iclib2.lib Toshiba Unified Linkage Editor (32) V2.0f Copyright(C) TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1993-1997 All rights reserved. ..\..\bin\tuconv -Fs24 test1.abs Toshiba Unified Object Converter (32) V1.2e Copyright(C) TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1993-1997 All rights reserved del test1.abs ..\..\bin\convic3 test1.s24 test1.ic3 Free memory: 46510 + 45679 + 65536 + 64371 = 222096 Used memory: 40048 bytes of ROM space del test1.s24 ..\..\bin\splitic3 test1.ic3 test1-l.bin test1-h.bin Splitting test1.ic3 -> test1-l.bin test1-h.bin del test1.ic3 C:\ICSDK\samples\test1>

4. a. if you are using old cartridge and old sicburn: Type: t to download the program into the robot through the serial port (“t” for “transmit”: it will download and burn the program on the cartridge of the dog) b. if you are using a new cartridge: You should copy the new sicburn.exe file in the same folder and type: sicburn –n test1 (test1 or the name of the program) You should see: C:\ICSDK\samples\test1>..\..\bin\nmake /nologo test_serial ..\..\bin\sicburn -1 -s -r test1 Ready to connect to ICybie, please reset SuperICybie now 5. Turn ON your robot. You should see the program writing in the DOS windows.

Using the m.bat and t.bat files: You can also directly double click on the m.bat file to compile the program and on the t.bat file to download the program (it will automatically open a DOS windows). These files must be in the same folder as the program. NOTE: t.bat works only for the old cartridges.

Using Context: You can also use the execute keys. Configure them as follow: F9 to compile the program: write m.bat in the execute field and select the capture console output option. F10 to download the program (only for old cartridges): write t.bat in the execute field. NOTE: if you are using new cartridges, you should use a dos windows at this state to download the program (as explained above).