Houlgate 2007 information pack v3

o. Sat 9h00 – 12h15 o. Sat 20h30—22h00 (younger children may go to bed earlier) o ... Many beds are bunk beds—you may prefer to bring a cot just in case ... Laura Simmons; Anna Thorley; David Thorpe; Heather Thorpe; Rebekah Thorpe; ...
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How to get there (journey time from Versailles approx 2hrs ) Take the A13/E05 [towards Rouen] Near Rouen, continue on A13 [89.16km], following the sign E46 E402: La Maison Brûlée, Le Havre, Caen Exit at junction no 29: Cabourg, Dives, Houlgate and carry on the D400 [6.49km] In Dives-sur-Mer carry on the D513 [1.51km] Enter Houlgate on the Rue des Bains [670m] Turn right onto Impasse Evangélique Houlgate at traffic lights, passing to the right of the old railway track!

Recreation There will be plenty of time for fun and recreation: You can use the sports ground, play areas, picnic area, volleyball and table tennis facilities on site. Walking and bathing are within easy reach. Other activities (paying) in Houlgate are: crazy golf, horse riding, tennis, rock-climbing …. You can also visit the surrounding area (Côte Fleurie in Normandie), Dday beaches, Bayeux tapestry and museums, Honfleur harbour, Mont Saint Michel, Dives-sur-Mer), …


3 days of fun, learning and fellowship Friday 25 May 19.00 - Monday 28 May 14.00 CPCV Normandie 4 passage Evangélique (also called 4 impasse Evangélique ) 14510 HOULGATE

Our Speaker Canon David MacInnes and his wife Clare will be with us for the weekend; David, now retired, was previously the Rector of St.Aldate's Church in Oxford and is a great preacher, speaker and church leader known especially in healing ministry.

What is this weekend all about ? As our church grows, it is harder to get to know everyone – there are lots of unfamiliar faces, children whom we can’t connect to parents, people we don’t see so often…. And so a social event like this weekend is an essential and necessary part of getting to know each other and enjoying each other’s company. But even more, it’s about getting closer to God – taking time out to worship, to pray, to learn, to enjoy the beauty of His creation and to be re-created, perhaps even to receive some specific healing. The Living God will be among us, touching and strengthening people of all ages. Pray that God will pour out His blessings!!

Programme Friday 25 May 17h00 onwards 19h00 20h30 22.00

Arrive and settle into rooms MEAL Introductory Meeting: orientation, worship, brief talk Free time/bed

Saturday 26 May 08.00 09.00 10.30 11.00 – 12.15 12.30 14.00 16.30 17.00 - 18.45 19.00 20.30 22.00

Breakfast Worship & SESSION 1 (David MacInnes) Coffee Prayer groups Lunch Free afternoon Tea Worship & Prayer/sharing Meal Worship & SESSION 2 (David MacInnes) Free time/bed

Sunday 27 May 08.00 09.00 10.30 11.00 – 12.15 12.30 14.00

Breakfast Worship & SESSION 3 (David MacInnes) Coffee Prayer groups Lunch Free afternoon

16.30 17.00 - 18.45 19.00 20.30

Tea Worship & SESSION 4 (David MacInnes ) Meal Home-grown Entertainment

Monday 28 May 08.00 09.00 10.30 11.00 – 12.15 12.30 14.00

Breakfast Worship & SESSION 5 (David MacInnes) Coffee FAMILY COMMUNION Lunch Departure

Children & Young People Coordinator: Rachel Johnston, formerly on the staff of St.Michael's Paris. This programme is available at these times o Sat 9h00 – 12h15 o Sat 20h30—22h00 (younger children may go to bed earlier) o Sun 9h00 – 12h15 o Sun 17h00 – 18h45 o Mon 9h00 – 10h30

What should I bring? All your usual weekend equipment! Sheets are provided, bring your own towels etc. Parents of children under 2 should bring a cot Many beds are bunk beds—you may prefer to bring a cot just in case Bible Musical instruments, plus the necessary accessories (music stands, jacks etc) Come prepared for the home-grown entertainment & bring anything needed

Who’s Coming? Kevin Bodsworth; Carol Bodsworth; Nicholas Bodsworth; Christopher Bodsworth Emilie Bodsworth; Richard Cheeseman; Karen Cheeseman; Nicolas Cheeseman; Catherine Fourel; Leonie Fourel; Joanna Fourel; Oscar Fourel; Philippe Galley; Christina Galley; Thomas Galley; Marion Galley; Dominique Grelet; Angela Grelet; Johanne Grelet; Richard Hoyland; Anne Hoyland; Philip Hoyland; Hugo Hoyland; Rachel Johnston; Paul Kenchington; Clare Kenchington; Nicholas Kenchington; Toby Kenchington; Alan Kendall; Karen Kendall; Zac Kendall; Ezra Kendall; Buki Kogbe; Funmi Kogbe; Anne-Marie Laidet; Vincent Laudinat; Jane Laudinat; Anne Laudinat; Philippe Laudinat; Emma Laudinat; Hélène Laudinat; Claire Laudinat; Janet Leclere; David Logan; Christine Logan; Peter John Logan; Tim Longman; Jo Longman; David MacInnes; Claire MacInnes; William Morris; Tania Morris; Sam Morris; Jake Morris; Max Morris; Phoebe Morris; Tim Norman; Vanessa Norman; Samuel Norman; Edern Ollivier; Raymond Raphael; Juliette Raphael; Ramona Raphael; Peter Raphael; Gerry Raymond; Mark Richards; Marianne Richards; Paul Simmons; Maggie Simmons; Claire Simmons; Laura Simmons; Anna Thorley; David Thorpe; Heather Thorpe; Rebekah Thorpe; Joshua Thorpe; Aurea Tiberghien; Anne Tiberghien; Paul Tiberghien; Tony Whitbread; Jacqui Whitbread; Andrew Wiles; Prisca Wiles; Ian Wray; Tracey Wray; Ben Wray; Naomi Wray; Bethany Wray