History C066 Final Exam terms and Ids

("Soviet Union")/Russian Federation. "Socialism in one country." Russian Civil War, 1917-1921. The Whites v. The Reds. The Red Army. The Third International.
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History C066 Final Exam terms and Ids NB: The two biggest events we dealt with in this half of the course were WWI & WWII. The only battles and treaties that you need to know are listed here. However, as we have discussed in the course, the significance of these wars did not lie only in the actual battles fought, and you are expected to know the material covered in lectures. Note, too, that you should understand what is meant by each of the section headings below; knowing all of the ID terms will not always be enough

The "new imperialism" Stanley & Livingston "The White Man's Burden" Europe at the end of the 19th century Franco-Prussian War Third French Republic Bismarck The alliance system Austria-Hungary Kaiser William II "cordial entente" "triple entente" "central powers" The 2nd international World War I (the "14-18 war") June of 1914 – assassination of the Archduke Ferdinand of Austria St. Petersburg/Petrograd/Leningrad/St. Petersburg Invasion of Belgium Trench warfare Battle of Verdun. The "home front" Treaty of Versailles Alsace-Lorraine U.S. President Woodrow Wilson's 14 points

The Russian Revolution Bolshevik party Lenin (including his text in the reader, and his ideas as discussed in class) Trotsky Stalin Soviets "Bread, land, and Peace"; "All power to the Soviets" "October revolution" Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: 12/6/1917 Leninism Dictatorship of the Proletariat Know the differences between Marxism/Communism/MarxistLeninism, and between Russia/USSR ("Soviet Union")/Russian Federation "Socialism in one country." Russian Civil War, 1917-1921 The Whites v. The Reds The Red Army The Third International (Comintern) - 1919 Stalinism Forced famine in the Ukraine Kulaks Collectivization Purges under Stalin Gulags

Totalitarianism Fascism Nazism (See the section on Stalinism as well) Benito Mussolini Il Duce Blackshirts March on Rome Spanish Civil War "Popular Front" (in France and Spain) Franco Anarchists International Brigades

Anschluss (Annexation of Austria) Nuremberg Laws Kristallnacht. (the night of breaking glass.) Munich Conference. Appeasance Hitler-Stalin pact. Maginot Line Vichy France Marechal Petain "Fortress Europe" Operation Barbarossa

Anti-Semitism Pogroms Weimar Republic and the rise of Nazism Spartacist Revolt (See also, "socialism in one country") Hyperinflation Adolf Hitler. "Mein Kampf" Brownshirts/ The SA National Socialism and the Nazi Party Enabling act The Gestapo Führer of the Third Reich World War II NB: For WWII, the only battles you need to know are Pearl Harbor (which wasn't a battle per se), Stalingrad, and D-Day; you should also know what happened at Dresden, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki. But you need to know the fates of the different nations of Europe during and after the war, including Poland, Russia, Czechoslovakia, . Blitzkrieg

Holocaust/Shoah Einsatzgruppen "The Final Solution" Wannsee Conference Concentration camps/Death camps. Auschwitz/Birkenau/Buna/Treblinka Battalion 101 of the Order Police Allied policy towards attacking death camps during WWII Collaboration Winston Churchill Charles de Gaulle Nuremberg Trials War Crimes (and the issues that their prosecution raised) Nazi refugees. Josef Mengele. Refugee problems, post-WWII. Post-War Europe: The Iron Curtain Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan The United Nations German Democratic Republic; Federal Republic of Germany

"Satellite States". Tito (Yugoslavia) NATO The Warsaw Pact Western Europe, 1950-1999 Rise of the Welfare State Co-Determination (Germany) Paris, 1968 Unification – the Euro Decolonization 1948 – INDIA independence 1961 – Algeria FLN 10.17.1961 – Algerian demonstration in Paris Life behind and beyond the Iron Curtain: "Prague Spring"-1968 Alexander Dubček Socialism with a human face Leonid Brezhnev Brezhnev Doctrine Lech Walesa "Solidarność" (Solidarity, in Poland) Lenin Shipyards – Gdansk Mikhail Gorbachev Glasnost Perestroika 11/9/1989 – opening of the borders of East Germany Berlin Wall – esp. its demolition in 1989 "Velvet Revolution" Vačlav Havel Attempted coup d'état in the USSR, 1991 Boris Yeltsin Disbanding of the USSR Russian Federation

Today's Europe The Euro Fragmentation of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia Slobodan Milosevic Bosnia, Kosovo