Grid Server Console Commands - DigiGrids

show info [show info]: Show server information (e.g. startup path). - -- show version [show version]: Show server version. - -- show threads [show threads]: List ...
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Grid Server Console Commands

Aurora-Sim Grid Server Console Commands.

Voici la liste des commandes du server d'utilisateur Aurora-Sim. Cette liste concerne la Version actuelle d'Aurora-Sim à savoir: Aurora-e6ed37ba8-2011-05-19.

Aurora.Server # help

Help Sets (tapez le help + le nom pour obtenir plus d'infos à ce sujet). 1. -- Help Set: set 2. -- Help Set: show 3. -- Help Set: reload 4. -- Help Set: force 5. -- Help Set: stats 6. -- Help Set: save 7. -- Help Set: load 8. -- Help Set: delete 9. -- Help Set: grid 10. -- Help Set: fix 11. -- Help Set: create 12. -- Help Set: reset 13. -- Help Set: clear 14. -- Help Set: login

help options - -- help [help]: Get a general command list - -- quit [quit]: Quit the application


Grid Server Console Commands

- -- shutdown [shutdown]: Quit the application

help set - -- set log level [set log level [level]]: Set the console logging level - -- set timer script interval [set timer script interval]: Set the interval for the timer script (in minutes). - -- set region flags [set region flags [Region name] [flags]]: Set database flags for region

help show - -- show info [show info]: Show server information (e.g. startup path). - -- show version [show version]: Show server version - -- show threads [show threads]: List tracked threads - -- show uptime [show uptime]: Show server startup time and uptime - -- show queues [show queues [full]]: Shows the queues for the given agent (if full is given as a parameter, child agents are displayed as well). - -- show stats [show stats]: Show statistical information for this server. - -- show digest [show digest ]: Show asset digest. - -- show region [show region [Region name]]: Show details on a region. - -- show presences [show presences]: Shows all presences in the grid

help reload - -- reload config [reload config]: Reloads .ini file configuration

help force - -- force GC [force GC]: Forces garbage collection.

help stats


Grid Server Console Commands

- -- stats report [stats report]: Returns a variety of statistics about the current region and/or simulator

help save - -- save archive [save archive]: Saves an Aurora Archive. - -- save iar [save iar []]: Save user inventory archive (IAR). - -- save iar withoutassets [save iar withoutassets []]: Save user inventory archive (IAR) withOUT assets. This version will NOT load on another grid/standalone other than the current grid/standalone! - -- save avatar profile [save avatar profile ]: Saves profile and avatar data to an archive. - -- save avatar archive [save avatar archive [] []]: Saves appearance to an avatar archive archive (Note: put "" around the FolderName if you need more than one word. To save to the database ensure the name ends with .database. Snapshot is a uuid of the a snapshot of this archive. IsPublic should be a 0 or 1. IsPublic and Snapshot are only saved when saving to the database. )

help load - -- load archive [load archive]: Loads an Aurora Archive. - -- load iar [load iar []]: Load user inventory archive (IAR). - -- load avatar profile [load avatar profile ]: Loads profile and avatar data from an archive. - -- load avatar archive [load avatar archive ]: Loads appearance from an avatar archive archive.

help delete - -- delete asset [delete asset ]: Delete asset from database


Grid Server Console Commands

help grid - -- grid clear regions [grid clear regions]: Clears all regions from the database. - -- grid clear down regions [grid clear down regions]: Clears all regions that are offline from the database. - -- grid clear region [grid clear region [RegionName]]: Clears the regions with the given name from the database. - -- grid send alert [grid send alert ]: Sends a message to all users in the grid. - -- grid send message [grid send message ]: Sends a message to a user in the grid. - -- grid kick user [grid kick user ]: Kicks a user from the grid.

help fix - -- fix inventory [fix inventory]: If the user's inventory has been corrupted, this function will attempt to fix it.

help create - -- create user [create user [ [ [ []]]]]: Create a new user.

help reset - -- reset user password [reset user password [ [ []]]]: Reset a user password.

help clear - -- clear default inventory [clear default inventory]: Clears the Default Inventory stored for this grid.


Grid Server Console Commands

help login - -- login level [login level ]: Set the minimum user level to log in. - -- login reset [login reset]: Reset the login level to allow all users. - -- login text [login text ]: Set the text users will see on login.
