GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info

GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info geocaching comments. Enter coordinates. (like 37 23.516 -122 02.625, but it's flexible). Decimal ...
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GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info

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GPS Coordinate Converter, Maps and Info Enter coordinates

45.00296083132883 3.778513669 (like 37 23.516 -122 02.625, but it's flexible)

Convert and Map Decimal Degrees (WGS84) Latitude Longitude 45.002961 3.778514 Degrees, Minutes & Seconds Latitude Longitude N45 00 10 E3 46 42 GPS Latitude N 45 00.178

Longitude E 3 46.711


X 561356

Y 4983574

Imagerie ©2010 DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, IGN-France, Données cartographiques ©2010 Tele Atlas -

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CONVERT COORDINATES BOOKMARKLET Convert GPS Coords Drag the link above to your browser's link bar or right-click it to bookmark it. You can use this link to simply get to this site quickly OR if you highlight GPS coordinates on any web page and use this link from your bookmarks or link bar, it'll enter in those coordinates for you. Try it! geocaching comments
