
PRAJNANAGHANA: mass of consciousness. PRAJNA-SAKTI: power of consciousness. PRAKAMYA: unhampered will. PRAKASA: luminosity. PRAKRITI: Nature ...
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GLOSSARY NOTE: This includes only those Sanskrit terms for which the English equivalents are not indicated simultaneously (or almost simultaneously) with their first occurrence in the text. A ABHASA: reflection ABHEDA: without difference ABHIMANA: ego-centred attachment ABHYASA: spiritual practice ACHARYA: preceptor ADAMBHITVA: unpretentiousness ADHAMA-UDDHARAKA: uplifter of the downtrodden ADHIBHAUTIC: elemental ADHIDAIVIC: celestial ADHYATMIC: spiritual ADVAITA: non-duality ADVAITA-NISHTHA: establishment in the state of non-duality AGNI: fire AGNI-ASTRA: fire-missile AGNIHOTRA: a fire-offering AHAM: “I” or the ego AHAM BRAHMA ASMI: I am Brahman AHANGRAHA UPASANA: meditation in which the aspirant identifies himself with Brahman AHANKARA: egoism AHIMSA: non-violence AISVARYA: divine powers AJNA CHAKRA: centre of spiritual energy between the two eyebrows AJNANA: ignorance AKHANDA EKARASA: the one undivided Essence AKARTA: non-doer AKASA: ether AKASAMATRA: ether only AKHANDA: indivisible AKHANDAKARA: of the nature of indivisibility AMALAKA: phyllanthus emlica, Indian gooseberry AMRITA: nectar AMRITA PUTRA: nectar’s son AMSA: part ANADI: beginningless ANAHATA: mystic sounds heard by Yogins ANANDAGHANA: mass of bliss ANANDAMAYA: full of bliss ANANTA: infinite ANANYA BHAKTI: exclusive devotion to the Lord



ANASAKTA: unattached ANATMA: not-Self ANITYA: transitory ANNAMAYA KOSHA: food sheath, the gross physical body ANTARGATA: immanent ANTARIKA: internal ANTAR-INDRIYA: internal sense-organ ANTARJYOTIS: inner Light ANTARMUKHA VRITTI: introspective thought-current ANTARVAHA SARIRA: the subtle body of a Yogi by which he accomplishes entry into the bodies of others ANUBHAVA: spiritual realisation ANUBHAVA-GURU: preceptor who has had pesonal spiritual realisation ANUSANDHANA: enquiry into the nature of Brahman ANVAYA: the positive aspect APANA: the down-going breath APANCHIKRITA: non-quintuplicated APAS: water APAVADA-YUKTI: employment of the logical method of negation ASABDA: soundless ASAMPRAJNATA SAMADHI: superconscious state where the mind is totally annihilated ASANA: bodily pose ASANGA: unattached ASHRAMA: hermitage ASHTA: eight ASHTAVADHANA: doing eight things at a time ASTI-BHATI-PRIYA: same as Satchidananda, the eternal qualities inherent in Brahman ASTRA: a missile invoked with a Mantra ASUBHA: inauspicious ASUDDHA: impure ASUDDHA MANAS: impure mind ASVANI MUDRA: a Hatha Yogic Kriya ATMA(N): the Self ATMA-DRISHTI: the vision of seeing everything as the Self ATMA-JNANA: Knowledge of the Self ATMAKARA: pertaining to Atman ATMA-SAKSHATKARA: Self-realisation ATMA-SAKTI: Soul-power AVASTHA: state AVICHHINNA: continuous AVIDYA: nescience AVINASI: imperishable AVYAKTA: unmanifest



B BAHIRMUKHA VRITTI: the outgoing thought-current BAHIR-VRITTI: same as above BAHIR-VRITTI-NIGRAHA: restraint of the outgoing thought-current BAHYA-VRITTI-NIGRAHA: same as above BHAJANA: devotional singing BHAKTA: devotee BHAKTI YOGA: the Yoga of devotion BHASTRIKA PRANAYAMA: a type of breathing exercise BHAVA(NA): attitudinal feeling BHAVA-SAMADHI: supeconscious state attained by devotees through intense divine emotion BHEDA BUDDHI: the intellect which divides BHOGA: enjoyment BHOKTRITVA: the stage of being an enjoyer BHRANTIMATRA: mere illusion BHUTAJAYA: control over the elements BHUTA-SAKTI: the power of the element BRAHMACHARI(N): celibate BRAHMACHARYA: celibacy BRAHMAKARA VRITTI: thought of Brahman BRAHMA LOKA: the world of Brahma, the four-headed Creator BRAHMAN: the Absolute Reality BRAHMANA: member belonging to the priestly caste BRAHMA NADI: same as Sushumna BRAHMA-NISHTHA: one who is established in the Knowledge of Brahman BRAHMANUBHAVA: Self-realisation BRAHMIN: Same as Brahmana BUDDHI: intellect C CHAITANYA: pure consciousness CHAKRA: centre of spiritual energy CHANCHALA: wavering CHANCHALATA: tossing of the mind CHARANAMRITA: water sanctified by the feet of a Deity or of a holy man CHATAK: a bird CHELA (Hindi): Disciple CHIDGHANA: mass of consciousness CHINMAYA: full of consciousness CHINTANA: thinking CHIRANJIVI: one who has gained eternal life CHIT-MATRA: consciousness alone CHIT-SVARUPA: of the very form of consciousness



CHITTA: subconscious mind CHITTA-SUDDHI: purity of mind D DAMA: restraint of the sense-organs DAMBHA: hypocrisy DANA: charity DARPA: vanity DARSANA: vision DEHADHYASA: attachment to the body, identification with the body DEHATMA-BUDDHI: the intellect that makes one identify with the body DEVA: a celestial being DEVATA: a Deity, also the Lord DHAIRYA: courage DHARANA: concentration DHARMA: righteous conduct; characteristic DHRITI: spiritual patience DHYANA: meditation DHYANA YOGA: the Yoga of meditation DINABANDHU: friend of the poor and the helpless, God DOSHA: defect DOSHA-DHRISHTI: the vision that perceives defects DRISHTI: vision DRISHTI-SRISHTI VADA: the theory that the world exists only so long as it is perceived DURA-DRISHTI: distant vision DVAITA: dualism E EKADASI: the eleventh day of the Hindu lunar fortnight EKAGRA: one-pointed EKAGRATA: one-pointedness of mind G GANIKA: prostitute GHRINA: ill-will GUNA: quality GURU: preceptor H HATHA YOGA: the Yoga of physical perfection HIRANYAGARBHA: Cosmic mind HITA: astral tubes near the heart



I IDA NADI: the psychic nerve-current which flows in the left nostril INDRIYA: sense-organ ISVARA: Lord, God J JAALA: jugglery, illusion JAGADGURU: world-preceptor JAGAT: world JAGRAT: waking state JALANDHARA BANDHA: a Hatha Yogic exercise JAPA: repetition of the Name of the Lord JIVA: the individual soul JIVANMUKTA: one who is liberated in this life JIVASRISHTI: creations of the individual soul such as egoism, mine-ness, etc. JIVATMA(N): the individual soul JNANA: knowledge of the Self JNANA-BHUMIKA: plane of knowledge JNANAGNI: fire of spiritual knowledge JNANA-INDRIYAS: organs of knowledge or perception JNANA YOGA: the Yoga of knowledge JNANA YOGI(N): one who practises the Yoga of Knowledge JNANI(N): the sage of wisdom K KALA-SAKTI: Divine Mother manifesting as Time KALPA: a period of 432,00,00,000 years KALPANAMATRA: lying only in imagination KAMA: desire, lust KAMANA: longing KANDAMULA: roots and tubers KARANA SARIRA: the causal body or the seed body KARIKA: commentary KARMA: action operating through the Law of Cause and Effect KARMA-INDRIYAS: organs of action KARMA YOGI(N): one who practises the Yoga of selfless service KASHAYA: a subtle influence in the mind produced by enjoyment, hidden Vasana KEVALA ASTI: pure Existence KIRTAN: singing the Lord’s Name KRIYA: Hatha Yogic exercise KRODHA: anger KSHAMA: forgiveness KSHATRIYA: member belonging to the ruling caste



KULA-KUNDALINI: same as Kundalini KUMBHAKA: retention of breath KUNDALINI: the primordial cosmic energy located in the individual KUTASTHA: the rock-seated, unchanging Brahman L LAKSHANA: characteristic LAKSHYA: goal LAYA: absorption LILA: divine sport LILA-VILASA: the splendour of divien sport LINGA SARIRA: the subtle body, the astral body LOBHA: covetousness LOKA-KALYAN(A): good of the world M MADA: pride MADHUKARI BHIKSHA: alms collected from door to door like a bee collecting honey from flower to flower MAHABHEDA: a Hatha Yogic Kriya MAHARAJA: emperor MAHARSHI: great sage MAHATMA: great soul MAHAVAKYA: (Lit.) Great sentence; Upanishadic declarations, four in number, expressing the identity between the individual soul and the Supreme Soul MAHAVAKYANUSANDHANA: enquiry into the truth of the Mahavakyas MALA-VASANA-RAHITA: free from impurities and subtle desires MANO-MANDIR: temple of mind MANAS: mind MANDALA: region, sphere MANIPURA CHAKRA: centre of spiritual energy in the region of the navel MANONASA: annihilation of the mind MANTRA: incantation MANTRA SIDDHI: psychic power acquired through repetition of Mantra MARGA: path MATRA: unit; alone MATSARYA: jealousy MAUJA (Urdu): sweet will MOUNA: silence MAYA: the illusory power of Brahman MAYURASANA: the peacock pose MITHYA-DRISHTI: the vision that the universe is unreal MITHYATVA-BUDDHI: the intellect that considers this world as unreal MOHA: delusion



MOKSHA: liberation MUDRA: a type of exercise in Hatha Yoga MUKTI: liberation MULA AVIDYA: primal ignorance MULA BANDHA: a Hatha Yogic exercise MULADHARA CHAKRA: centre of spiritual energy located at the base of the spinal column MUNI: an ascetic MURKHA: foolish N NADA: a mystic sound NAIYAYIKAS: followers of the Nyaya school of Indian philosophy NAMA: name NAVA RIDDHIS: the nine minor spiritual powers NETI, NETI: not this, not this NIDIDHYASANA: profound meditation NIRABHIMANATA: free from ego-centred attachment NIRABHIMANI: one who is devoid of Abhimana NIRAKARA: formless NIRAVAYAVA: without limbs NIRBIJA-SAMADHI: Samadhi wherein the Bija or seeds of Samskaras are fried by Jnana NIRGUNA: without attributes NIRGUNA BRAHMAN: the impersonal, attributeless Absolute NIRODHA: suppression NIRVANA: liberation NIRVIKALPA: without the modifications of the mind NIRVIKARA: unchanging NIRVISHAYA: without object NISCHAYATMIKA: with firm conviction NISHKAMA: without desire NISHKRIYA: without action NISHTHA: meditation, establishment (in a certain state) NISSANKALPA: devoid of thought or imagination NIVRITTI: renunciation NIYAMA: observances NYAYA: logic O OM(KARA): the sacred syllable symbolising Brahman OM TAT SAT: a benediction, a solemn invocation of the Divine blessing



P PADMASANA: the lotus pose PARAMAHAMSA: the fourth or the highest class of Sannyasins PARAMANANDA: supreme bliss PARAMATMA(N): the Supreme Soul PARAM DHAMA: the Supreme Abode (Brahman) PINGALA NADI: the psychic nerve-current which flows in the right nostril PITRILOKA: the world of manes PRABHU: Lord PRACHARANA: A Hatha Yogic Kriya PRADAKSHINA: circumambulation PRAJNA: Chaitanya associated with the causal body in the deep sleep state PRAJNANAGHANA: mass of consciousness PRAJNA-SAKTI: power of consciousness PRAKAMYA: unhampered will PRAKASA: luminosity PRAKRITI: Nature, the primitive non-intelligent principle PRAMANA: proof PRANA: the vital force, the life-current PRANAVA: same as OM PRANAVA DHVANI: the cosmic sound of OM PRANAYAMA: control of breath PRAPANCHA VISHAYA: worldly objects PRARABDHA: destiny PRASAD: anything consecrated by being offered to God or to a saint PRATIPAKSHA BHAVANA: entertaining a counter-idea PRATISHTA: reputation, fame PRATYAGATMA: Inner Self, Brahman PRATYAHARA: abstraction or withdrawal of the senses from their objects PRATYAKSHA: direct perception PRAVAHA: flood-tide PREMA: affection PRITHVI: earth PUJA: worship PUNDIT: a learned man PURITAT NADI: one of the astral tubes or subtle passages in the body R RAGA-DVESHA: attraction and repulsion, like and dislike, love and hatred RAGA-RAGINIS: melodic structures in music RAJA: king RAJASIC: passionate, active RAJA YOGA: the Yoga of meditation RIDDHIS: minor spiritual powers



RISHI: a seer of Truth RUPA: form S SABDA: sound SABDA-BHEDA: difference in sound SABDA BRAHMAN: sound-form of Brahman SABDA-JAALA: jugglery of words SABHA: assembly SADHAKA: spiritual aspirant SADHANA: spiritual discipline SADHU: a righteous man; a Sannyasin SAGUNA: with attributes SAHAJA: natural SAHAJANANDA: state of bliss that has become natural SAHAJA PARAMANANDA: state of absolute bliss that has become natural SAHAJAVASTHA: superconscious state that has become natural and continuous SAHASRARA: centre of spiritual energy at the crown of the head SAKSHI: witness SAKTI: power, potency SAKTI-CHALANA: a Hatha Yogic Kriya SAMA: calmness of mind induced by eradication of Vasanas SAMA-BHAVA: feeling of equality SAMADHANA: mental balance SAMADHI: the state of superconsciousness where Absoluteness is experienced SAMA-DRISHTI: equal vision SAMANYA: ordinary SAMBHAVI MUDRA: a Hatha Yogic Kriya SAMSARA: the wheel of transmigration, cycle of birth and death SAMSKARA: impression in the subconscious mind SAMYAG-DARSANA: unclouded vision SAMYAG-JNANA: Supreme knowledge SAMYAMA: concentration, meditation and Samadhi SAMYAVASTHA: the state of equanimity SANDHYA: the daily worship of offering oblations to the Sun-God thrice a day—at sunrise, noon and sunset SANGRAHA BUDDHI: the intellect that wants to accumulate and possess SANKALPA: thought, imagination SANKALPAMATRA: existing in thought only SANKHYA: system of Indian philosophy founded by Kapila Muni SANNYASI(N): renunciate, monk SANTA-SIVA-ADVAITA: peaceful, auspicious, non-dual Brahman SANTI: peace SAPTA SVARA: the seven notes of the Indian scale of music SARA VASTU: true substance, real entity



SARVA: all, everything SARVANGASANA: a Yogic pose SARVATMA BHAVA: feeling the one Self in all SASTRAS: scriptures SATAVADHANA: doing hundred things at a time SATCHIDANANDA: Existence-Absolute, Knowledge-Absolute, Bliss-Absolute; Brahman SATGURU: a true preceptor SATSANGA: company of the wise SAT SANKALPA: pure will SATTVIC: pure SATYA: truth SAVIKALPA: with modifications SAVITARKA SAMADHI: Samadhi with argumentation SEVA: service SIDDHANTA: established doctrine SIDDHASANA: a meditative pose SIDDHI: major psychic power; perfection SIRSHASANA: the topsy-turvy pose SIVOHAM: a Vedantic assertion meaning “I am Siva (the Absolute)” SLOKA: verse SMRITI: memory SOHAM: a Vedantic assertion meaning “I am He (Brahman)” SPHURANA: vibration. bursting forth SRAADDHA: an annual ceremony when oblations are offered to the manes SRADDHA: faith SRUTI: musical refrain STHULA AVIDYA: gross ignorance STOTRAS: verses of praise SUBHA: auspicious SUDDHA: pure SUDDHA MANAS: the pure mind SUDDHA SANKALPA: pure will SUDDHI: purity SUKHA: happiness SUKHASANA: the comfortable pose SUKSHMA: subtle SUKSHMA SARIRA: the subtle body, the astral body SUSHUMNA: the psychic nerve-current that passes through the spinal column and through which the Kundalini is made to rise through the practice of Yoga SUSHUPTI: the deep sleep state SUTRADHARA: the wire-puller, God SVABHAVA: innate nature SVADHYAYA: reading of scriptures SVAPNA: dreaming state SVARA-SADHANA: science of breath SVARODAYA: same as above



SVARUPA: essential nature SVARUPA-LAKSHANA: distinguishing marks of the essential nature of Brahman T TADANA: a Hatha Yogic Kriya TAIJASA: Chaitanya associated with the astral body in the dream state TAMASIC: dull TANMATRAS: subtle elements TAPA: burning TAPAS: penance TAPASYA: practice of penance TARPANA: libation of water for gratifying the manes TATTVA: principle, Reality TATTVA-JNANA: knowledge of Brahman TAT TVAM ASI: That Thou Art TIRTHA: place of pilgrimage usually containing a bathing place TIRTHA-YATRA: pilgrimage TITIKSHA: endurance TRATAK(A): steady gazing TRIKALA JNANA: knowledge of the three periods of time TRIPHALA: three fruits used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine TRIVENI: the place where three holy rivers meet TUL(A)SI: the Indian holy basil plant TURIYA: superconscious state TUSHNIMBHUTA AVASTHA: a neutral state of the mind TYAGA: renunciation U UDBODHAKA: stimulus, awakener UDDIYANA: a Hatha Yogic exercise for raising the diaphragm UDDIYANA BANDHA: same as above UDGITHA: sonorous prayer prescribed in the Chhandogya Upanishad to be sung aloud UNMANI AVASTHA: mindless state of Yogins UPADHI: limiting adjunct UPAHITA CHAITANYA: pure consciousness associated with Upadhis, the individual soul UPASAKA: worshipper UPASANA: worship URDHVARETAS: a Yogi in whom the seminal energy flows upwards to the brain and is stored up as Ojas Sakti or spiritual energy UTSAHA: cheerfulness, enthusiam



V VAIRA-BHAKTI: constant and intense thought of God induced by hatred and enmity VAIRAGYA: dispassion VAISESHIKA: system of Indian philosophy founded by Kanada Rishi VAK-INDRIYA: the organ of speech VAKYA: sentence VARUNA-ASTRA: water-missile VASANA: latent subtle desire VASTU: substance, entity VAYU: air VEDA: the revealed scripture of the Hindus containing the Upanishads VEDANTA: (Lit.) end of the Vedas; the school of thought based primarily on the Vedic Upanishads VIBHU: all-pervading VICHARA: enquiry VIDEHAMUKTA: one who has attained disembodied Salvation VIJATIYA-VRITTI-TIRASKARA: casting aside of alien thoughts, i.e., thoughts other than those of God VIJNANAMAYA KOSHA: the intellectual sheath VIJNANAVADA: subjective idealism VIKALPA: fancy VIKARA: modifications or change VIKSHEPA: tossing of mind VIRAT: macrocosm; the Lord in His form as the manifested universe VIRAT-VISVARUPA-DARSANA: the vision of the Lord’s cosmic form VISESHA: special VISHAYA: sense-object VISHAYAKARA-VRITTI: the flow of objective thinking VISHAYA-VRITTI-PRAVAHA: the continuous thought-current of worldly objects VISISHTADVAITA: the doctrine of conditioned non-dualism VISTARA: expansion VISVA: Chaitanya associated with the gross body in the waking state VIVARTA: illusory appearance, apparent variation, superimposition VIVEKA: discrimination VRATA: religious vow VRITTI: a wave of thought, a modification of the mind VYAKARANATMAKA: grammatical VYANJAKA: indicative, manifesting VYAPAKA: all-pervading VYAVAHARA-RAHITA: devoid of worldly activity VYAVAHARIC: worldly VYAVASAYATMIKA: with resolution and determination



Y YAJNA: sacrifice YAMA: self-restraint YOGA: (Lit.) union; union of the individual soul with the Supreme Soul; any course which makes for such union YOGABHRASHTA: one who has fallen from the high state of Yoga YOGAMAYA: the power of divine illusion YOGA SADHANA: the spiritual discipline of Yoga YOGI(N): one who practises Yoga; one who is established in Yoga YONI-MUDRA: the Mudra in which one closes the ears, eyes, nose and mouth with the thumbs and fingers of the hands to enable one to hear the Anahata sounds