G a l l i m a r d J e u n e s s e

Oct 8, 2015 - Cat, Du, Eng (UK), Fi, Frisian, Ger, Gr, Heb, It,. Jp, Kr .... A little boy who lost his dad builds the links of souvenir on an invented .... on Holidays.
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Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75328 Paris Cedex 07

J e u n e s s e



Sept. 2015

By Magali LE HUCHE Basq, Cat, Du, Fi, Ger, Gr, It, No, Sp, Sw

Discover the entertaining and musical world of Paco and his friends! A new series with lively stories to read and 16 sounds to listen to!

Already published

3 + • 4 titles • 24 pages • 16 sounds • €13,50 • 185 x 210 mm

First two titles of the series.

Music & Sound Books


Press and listen

A delightful bestiary to entertain children and parents in helping them recognise music instruments one by one, before listening to them altogether.


Discover music by following Paco and his friends!

Paco and Rock Music Paco arrives in London full of dreams and of rock music! He decides to record his first music album and sets in search of his musicians. What a great atmosphere in the recording studio! Acoustic, electric and bass guitares, drums, keyboard, harmonica, choir, piano and saxophone: all these instruments will make the youngests dance with additional funny sounds!

Paco and the Orchestra


Paco and the Brass Band Paco and Jazz Music Paco is now in New Orleans, the city of jazz music! He is about to give his first concert in a jazz club. Saxophone, clarinet, trumpets, bass, piano, gipsy guitare, violin, drums... Let's swing and dance!

Music & Sound Books Touch-and-Feel Sound Books

1-3 year olds Nov. 2015

By Marion BILLET

A new development for the bestselling series My Little Sound Books! Tactile pages with textures to touch and sounds to listen to, to awaken all the senses of the little ones. 10 months + • 2 titles • 14 pages • 5 sounds • 5 textures • €13,50 • 165 x 165 mm To be published in 2016: My Big Animals • My Colours new

5 textures to touch


My Little Animals

My Cuddly Toys

My Little Sound Books

5 sounds to find and listen to

Sept. 2015

By Marion BILLET Cat, Du, Eng (UK), Fi, Frisian, Ger, Gr, Heb, It, Jp, Kr, No, Sp, Sw

Two new titles this Fall in this beloved and worldwide bestselling series. More than 3,3 millions copies sold since 2009 and the undisputed leader in the market. To be published in 2016: My Musics to Dance, by Marion BILLET Animals' Rhymes and Rhymes: 1, 2, 3, by Elsa FOUQUIER

10 months to 3 years old • 16 titles • 12 pages 6 sounds • €10,10 • 150 x 150 mm new

My Classical Musics


My Musics of the World

My Little Sound Books all around the world!







Music & Sound Books


0-3 year olds

Books For Toddlers My Very First Books

By Mathilde BRÉCHET Illustrated by Camille CHINCHOLLE

An enticing range to enchant toddlers

Nov. 2015

A series for the little ones from 0 to 3 in several novelty formats, ecologically responsible.

Books For Toddlers


A charming, affective and modern art and design created by a young talented illustrator, Camille Chincholle.

My First Buggy Books

Box: 160 x 160 x 40 mm • Book: 90 x 90 mm 8 pages • €15

A tiny but solid boardbook to hang on Baby's buggy. A sweet and tender cuddly toy for babies. An attractive little box to keep baby’s treasures and souvenirs.

In the same series: From birth

From 1

From 9 months

From birth



My First Cloth Books My First Touch-and-Feel Books • My Little Library My First Little Suitcase

Let's go, my baby!

Off to the farm, my baby!

Nov. 2015

Des brindilles

La mousse Les feuilles mortes

My First Picture Book

Les champignons

Une plume

From 12 months

La pluie Les trois oiseaux avaient chacun leur nid maintenant. Lili avait un nid de plumes très douillet. Lulu avait un nid de mousse très coquet. Quant à Léon, c’est dans un nid de brindilles qu’il dormait.

230 x 230 mm • 48 pages • €13,50 Following three small characters and discovering a lot of topics, from nature to everyday life. A foam padded cover, lively colours, round corners and soft touch lamination. The fresh and colourful world of Camille Chincholle in a large picture book.

Au bord de l’étang, les feuilles des arbres prenaient leurs couleurs d’automne : jaune, orange et rouge feu.

Léon et le crabe devinrent très vite bons amis. Ils s’amusaient beaucoup, surtout quand ils jouaient à deviner des formes sur le sableou dans la mer. Essaie, toi aussi !

Un ovale Une croix

Une lune

Un rond

Un losange

Un triangle

Un cœur Un carré

Un rectangle Une étoile

Illustrated Fiction

2-7 year olds

Picture Books new Le jour suivant, la bataille est déjà engagée. Émile et Gillie mettent la maison sens dessus dessous.


Annalisa BOLLINI

Who Stole the Soap?

Publication date: October 8th, 2015 32 pages • 215 x 235 mm • 5+ • €12,50 


If My Dad Was Still There... A little boy who lost his dad builds the links of souvenir on an invented and perfect day. He is happy to do with Dad what they used to love: telling secrets and tender words, teasing each other, talking about Mum, about his friends... in other words, spending a special day with Dad. Poetical, sensitive and funny, a comfort for children who experience the loss of a close relative. Much more than a book about mourning, it is all about love and faith in the future. Publication date: Septembre 10th, 2015 56 pages • 200 x 280 mm 7+ • €13 



Au solfège, j’apprenais qu’une blanche valait deux noires, et le soir dans le bus, je devais céder ma place.

J’aurais pu leur en vouloir, ou pire, les croire : Nous n’étions que des demi-hommes sur un immense clavier d’ivoire.

Bernadette GERVAIS



Nina "Dream, my baby dream..." Nina Simone, one of the greatest jazz performers, was used to sing a lullaby to help her daughter to sleep. But that night, Lisa can't fall asleep. So Nina tells her a story. The one about a little pianist who, during her first concert, stood up and refused to play when her mum was forced to sit at the back of the room. Publication date: October 15th, 2015

40 pages • 217 x 269 mm • 6+ • €14,90 €

Beyond the anecdot, a picture book that deals with racial segregation in the US, before Martin Luther King.

An ABC picture book that invites a host of animals to lend a part of its anatomy to the design of a letter. Thus: • C as the scarab's paw; • G as the elephant's trunk; • M a the camel's hump; • O as the snail's mouth. Bernadette Gervais' witty illustrations offer an alphabet full of surprises. A very different way of seeing the alphabet which encourages to play with letters and pictures. Publication date: October 29th, 2015 56 pages • 240 x 220 mm • 6+ • €15 €


Illustrated Fiction

A poetic story told with delicate and embroidered illustrations.

Gillie is a little rubber whale living in a bathroom. Everything would be fine if it was not for the stirring Barban family with whom it has to share the room. All the more since a mysterious soap lover steals them every single day. Émile, the youngest child of the family investigates. And who does he run into? Gillie! Who would rather die than return its precious loot: so, war it is! But when Émile understands that Gillie stole those soaps in order to fulfill her lifelong dream, they ultimately become best friends in the world.

Picture Books new


Chosen and introduced by Muriel BLOCH Ill. by Violaine LEROY

Tales of Luda From Brothers GRIMM'S Tale Ill. by Juliette BINET

The Devil's Three Golden Hairs

Illustrated Fiction


Once upon a time a very poor woman gave birth to a little boy. He was born with the mark of good fortune and predicted to marry the King's daughter at the age of 18. One day, the King discovers the prediction and puts all his efforts on breaking the destiny... The delicacy and refinement of Juliette Binet's illustrations give a whole new dimension and a mysterious lightness to this tale full of charm. Publication date: October 15th, 2015

56 pages • 195 x 256 mm • 7+ • €14,50 €


Martin ZELLER Ill. by Vincent CAUT

Pablo and the Ugly Naughty Scribble In the world of strokes, everything is kept in order, well illustrated. But sometimes, we are allowed to scribble. Pablo, helped by Trobo the blue robot, finds right strokes, leaning strokes and even round strokes... and all that to create and to better design. But when the Ugly Naughty Scribble turns up, he always leaves a huge mess behind him... Publication date: August 27th, 2015 32 pages • 210 x 250 mm • 5+ • €9 €

When was it? Still, a long time ago! There was a dog living in the taiga. Living all alone, without anyone. Well... this is not good at all. To live alone, that’s bad. Living alone is boring. Here is the bored dog, going away, looking for a friend... Luda, a Russian artist, had her own and deep way to collect tales wherever they came from: Africa or Central Asia, the High North or the Far East... She was the spokeperson (and the scriptperson) of many nations. She was guided by a powerful desire to know, to find the why and how of all things. Her friend Muriel Bloch introduces, in this book, some of her most beautiful tales, poetically illustrated by Violaine Leroy. Publication date: October 15th, 2015

144 pages • 195 x 255 mm • 8+ • €18 €

The first picture book by David Ivar, singer of the Herman Dune Band. new

Based on the lyrics of a song by Herman Dune David IVAR Ill. by Marion HANANIA

Where the Hell did they Come From? "Maybe they came from the water? From the deep dark sea? From the river by the crater? Where the hell did they come from?" Strange beings, whose coloured skulls recall the characters of the Mexican day of the Dead, inhabit the pages of this album. A dive into the rich and mysterious universe of the Herman Dune Band... Publication date: September 9th, 2015 48 pages • 223 x 223 mm • 6+ • €14,90 €

2-7 year olds

Illustrated Fiction

Misha ne savait pas quand c’était apparu. Depuis qu’elle était toute petite, ça ne l’avait jamais quittée.


Timothée DE FOMBELLE Ill. by Éloïse SCHERRER

The Black Hole

We'll never know why it happened that night but the greatest moments in life always come by surprise... Publication date: October 22th, 2015 48 pages • 223x 223 mm • 7+ • €14,50 €


The Tinyminis: The New Home Once upon a time were the Tinyminis, five small persons a few millimeters high. A major gust of wind just swept their twigs and mosses huts. A treasure hunt thus begins to find their mini-beds, mini-chairs, mini-books... under a blade of grass, into a flower petal, close to the snail or the ladybug, until they find a cosy tree stump which will become their new home! Anne du Chastel has designed, produced and staged herself this wonderful miniature world. She sets and macro shoots her creations and compositions herself.


Publication date: October 1st, 2015 Arthur MILLER Ill. by Sandrine BONINI

32 pages • 250 x 308 mm • 3+ • €14 €

Jane's Blanket On her birth, little Jane received a really soft blanket which became her cuddly toy. She claimed it to sleep, to play, and never left it. But Jane grew up, day after day, and her blanket got spent, shrank, became a rag... Jane sometimes left it for several days, grew away from it, and found it back over a grief.

Published in France on the occasion of Arthur Miller’s 100th anniversary.

Until a summer evening, when Jane found a bird on her window sill pulling the threads one after the other! First horrified, little Jane understood that she had to let her cherished blanket go for a new life.

Poupée emprunte un canoë-cosse pour traverser les flaques.

Publication date: October 1st, 2015

48 pages • 216 x 268 mm • 5+ • €14,90 € Text rights with the Wylie Agency.

The one and only children book written by Arthur Miller for his daughter, a sweet beautiful bedtime story.

Frida la tortue ne peut s’empêcher de lire la page envolée du journal, avant de poursuivre les recherches.

An incredible miniature universe like never seen before... prodigious with precision, beauty and poetry.


Illustrated Fiction

Misha tries to remember when it first appeared. It was there from the very beginning. Since her childhood it never left her. Even when everything seemed to go so well. Even when everything was so beautiful and the sky so pure around her. It was there. And no one ever noticed it. Misha tried indifference. Silence. Anger. But nothing really changed. Until the night Misha sets off as a warrior against the Black Hole.


2-5 year olds A series with gorgeous illustrations by Antoon Krings, the author of the popular Funny Little Bugs series. A young hero who turns the classic figure of the wolf upside down.

By Antoon KRINGS

Lou Little Wolf


Picture Books • 5 titles • 28 pages • 195 x 195 mm • 3+




Lou Little Wolf at the Wolf Cub School

Lou Little Wolf and the Shepherdess

Lou Little Wolf and the Big Bad Wolf

Lou Little Wolf and the Bees

Lou Little Wolf is Jealous

August 2015

September 2013

March 2014

August 2014

March 2015


By Françoise de GUIBERT Illustrated by Olivier LATYK

Eliott is a happy and mischievous little tiger children can easily identify with. Far from the traditional clichés and in a modern environment, his adventures, simple everyday life, are designed to accompany children and help them find their way in life, by using the appropriate words to express their emotions.

Picture Books • 4 titles • 20 pages, 5 flaps • 182 x 205 mm • 2+ • May 2015

Eliott Cooks With His Dad It is raining. Eliott stays at home to cook with his dad. Sugar, flour, chocolate and 3 eggs… everything you need to bake a good cake.

Eliott Isn’t Tired Tonight, Eliott is not tired. He is too hot, he is thirsty and his blanket requests a bedtime story. But it is very late now, it's time to sleep!


Eliott Prepares Christmas Christmas is approaching. Eliott chooses the tree and decorates it. But time passes very slowly... He watches the snow falling, draws Santa Claus, opens the window of the advent calender, waiting for the 24th of December to come!

Eliott Goes on Holidays Hooray! Holidays! After quite a journey with mum, Eliott will eventually find Grandpa and Grandma. He will have fun at the sea!


Large format

1 title • 14 pages, with flaps 255 x 315 mm • 5+

Eliott’s Birthday Today, it is Eliott's birthday. He has invited all his friends: Coco, Caspar and Chaïma. Balloons, the cake and sweets are ready. Hurry! the doorbell is ringing!

Oct. 2015

Eliott is Invited to Sleepover Tonight Eliott sleepovers at his friend's. Toothbrush, pijamas, cuddly... Ready! Eliott and his friend have so much fun together that when his dad comes in the morning to pick him up, he does not want to leave.

Eliott’s School A beautiful large format picture book with flaps and folders. Dialogues and informative captions help parents and child get ready for their first year in pre-school and discover the daily activities.

First Discovery First Discovery novelty books

2-6 year olds

Ideals gift books for the younger with hours of fun and discovery.

Explore series! • 18 pages • 210 x 250 mm • €14,90 • Age: 4+

Oct. 2015

A new range of animated books which takes the young readers into the magic world of My First Discovery, with a wealth of animations for a playful reading full of surprises. Discover the secrets and the marvels of the animal kingdom and of our planet in the most spectacular way! Two attractive encyclopedic themes to be published in October 2015: Animals • Earth and Sky




Sept. 2015

Games in the First Discovery series 4 Boxes with different types of games (from 2 to 5 players) : a memo, a domino, a lotto and a jigsaw.

Lotto Game

Domino set

Each box contains from 24 to 48 cards with attractive topics : wild animals, fruits, animal farm, animal hiding… Hours of play for children while developing their sense of observation and association ability, and training their memory!

Animal Farm • 24 cards and 4 boards Upcoming Lotto: Dinosaurs

Fruits • 28 cards

Jigsaw Memo Game

Wild animals • 48 cards (24x2)

Where Do Live Animals? 48 cards-jigsaw (24 matching pairs) Upcoming Jigsaw: Animal babies

First Discovery


The Animated World

4-7 years old • 2 titles

12 pages • 230 x 200 mm To be published in 2016: Seasons • Circus new

A dynamic interaction between the text and the young reader that entice him to dive into a subject.


Large double spreads full of information with a wealth of animations: flaps, wheels, leaflets...

Firemen Follow the firemen all day long and you'll understand how they manage to be always ready to save lives!

Cheerful and accessible illustrations to develop and feed the curiosity of children.

Flaps to unfold!

6-10 years old • 7 titles

Sept. 2015

18 pages • 250 x 250 mm To be published in Fall 2016: The Human Body • Cars



Sept. 2015

new Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU Nathalie CHOUX


Non Fiction


Anne-Sophie BAUMANN Vincent MATHY


The Building Site


From digging the foundations, to masonry and connecting buildings to electricity or water networks, The Building Site enlights every construction step. Machines, jobs and know-how are explained and precisely illustrated for the pleasure of the eyes and to respond to the curiosity of little builders.

Board on a space rocket and discover our solar system, find out more about a trip on the Moon and the scientific experiences carried out on Mars. This non-fiction album will delight the space enthusiastics!

Follow a young Triceratops in the Cretaceous and discover a wide range of dinosaurs species, their daily life, and the other animals living among them.

Big illustrations to watch!

Rights sold: Dutch, Italian // Already published: On Board the Pirate Ship • At the Time of First Men • Welcome to the Riding-School • Living in a Castle • Paris Through the Ages

Building My Little World

4-7 year olds

2 titles • 4 spreads + 8 folders • 230 x 300 mm

Sept. 2015

A clever book to unfold, that transforms into 4 settings to play with, and that contains tons of informations. Each flap describes the environment and the book can be read in a classic way, and when you're ready, you can unfold it at 360o to create 4 settings and play with the removable stickers, the cardboard characters and the papertoys.



The Garage

The Riding-School

Unfold your book to build your own Garage or Riding-School, and play with the stickers, characters and papertoys.

Non Fiction project

Fall 2017

The Book of Colour and Shades by CRUSCHIFORM

For all ages from 7 • 256 pages • 180 x 250 mm Intended retail price: €19

2-16 year olds

Subject to coedition

A fascinating voyage throughout the world of colours and shades, in a unique graphic style, altogether playful, didactic and poetical.

Crushiform Cruschiform is a design studio's at the crossroad between art, graphism, illustration and typography founded by Marie-Laure Crushi. She works with cultural reviews, fashion magazines, children's book publishers, music bands and luxury brands.

By the same author

Full Spead Ahead! 60 pages • 255 x 310 mm 8+ • €19,50  Publication date: March 2013 ChiS (PRC), DU, Eng, Ger, It, Kr, Por (Br)

We live in a world that displays an infinite number of colours, both in Nature and in our human civilization. Through a large spectrum, this is a brilliant portrait of 120 shades. Conceived as a rainbow, from whites to pitch-black, it offers a poetic approach to colours and a chromatic approach to objects. Questionning our sensitivity and our knowledge, it invites us to look at our environment in a new way, through the prism of colours. A solid block of colour on the right page is illustrated on the left page by a vegetal, animal, mineral, human or everyday life item. The colour is identified thanks to the object it is named after. We all know the cardinal red, the carmine red or safran red. But do you know why flamingoes are pink or the moon is white ? If you don't, the short and smart texts will tell you the story!

Trompe L'Oeil 64 pages • 260 x 320 mm 6+ • €19,50 Publication date: October 2013

Non Fiction



Single Titles and Sets

Nov. 2015

Do Not Mix Up... by Emma STRACK, illustrated by Guillaume PLANTEVIN 8+ • 144 pages • 190 x 260 mm • €16,90 • November 2015 A fascinating book which will delight the entire family! Funny and rich texts to put an end to some preconceived notions. Brilliant and graphic illustrations in a high-end book for a perfect gift!

A graphic miscellany to stop confusing bees and wasps, noodles and pasta, pistols and revolvers and eventually master the delicate art of precision...



Il fait chaud. Dans le jardin, les abeilles et les papillons butinent de fleur en fleur tandis que les oiseaux gazouillent et que la fourmi s’efforce de transporter une graine vers la fourmilière. Tout est calme quand, soudain, un insecte sauteur et énergique jaillit de l’herbe verte.

SAUTERELLE CLASSE • insecte sauteur HABITAT • surtout en zone tropicale, parmi la végétation ALIMENTATION • omnivore TAILLE • 1-13 cm de long SPÉCIFICITÉS • apte au vol, active de nuit COULEUR • verte, en général

Non Fiction


CRIQUET • insecte sauteur • au sol, parmi la végétation • herbivore • 1-7 cm de long • apte au vol • marron, en général

Look out! A wasp! No, that's a bee! Nice parka! No, that's an anorak! Which is in the North: Arctic or Antartic?


Through 60 duos of items we usually mix up, divided in 6 chapters (animals, food, nature, clothes, health and everyday items), this smart book is full of fascinating details, all at once geographical, physical, historical, statistical, biological and so on. Les antennes du criquet sont plus courtes que son corps alors que chez la sauterelle, les antennes sont plus longues que le corps de l’insecte.

Si le criquet se nourrit d’herbes et de plantes, la sauterelle mange de tout, notamment des mouches et des papillons.

En France, la sauterelle que l’on rencontre est généralement verte et le criquet marron. Mais il existe aussi des sauterelles de couleur marron et des criquets verts !


Le bruit émis par ces insectes, la stridulation, est produit par le frottement des élytres (ailes antérieures) chez la sauterelle, alors que le criquet frotte ses fémurs postérieurs pour chanter.

Chez la sauterelle, le tympan est situé sur le tibia de la première patte. L’organe auditif du criquet est placé sur l’abdomen.

On reconnaît la sauterelle femelle à sa tarière, un organe qui lui permet de pondre et d’enfouir ses œufs. Pas de tarière chez la femelle criquet qui se différencie du mâle par sa grande taille.

An identity sheet defines the key elements of each item of the pair. Captions and zooms develop some anatomical, original or semantic distinctions.


An enticing book to enrich our vocabulary and to look at the world more wisely and accurately.



La pluie tombe dru et le vent souffle violemment. Un tourbillon naît dans l’atmosphère, grossit et devient fou. Il emporte tout sur son passage : des branches, des arbres entiers et même des maisons. Quand une tornade ou un cyclone sévit, tous aux abris ! On se réfugie alors dans la partie la plus solide d’un bâtiment, loin des fenêtres.

TORNADE NATURE • phénomène orageux SOURCE • cumulo-nimbus DIMENSIONS • 100 m de diamètre FORMATION • extension du haut vers le bas MOUVEMENT • spiralaire VITESSE DE DÉPLACEMENT • quelques dizaines de kilomètres par heure VITESSE DES VENTS • jusqu’à plus de 400 km/h DURÉE • quelques minutes


Le tourbillon de la tornade peut mesurer quelques centaines de mètres de diamètre. Pour le cyclone tropical, il se compte en kilomètres.

Si une tornade peut se former sur terre et sur mer (il s’agit alors d’une trombe marine), un cyclone a besoin d’une mer à 26° C minimum sur 60 m de profondeur. C’est pour cela qu’ils n’existent que sous les tropiques.

CYCLONE • perturbation atmosphérique • océan • 300 à 1 000 km de diamètre • aspiration du bas vers le haut • spiralaire • 20 à 25 km/h d’est en ouest

ice cream

• 118 à 250 km/h en moyenne • de quelques heures à quelques jours


En Amérique tropicale, un cyclone est appelé ouragan (1) . On utilise le mot typhon (2) quand le phénomène gagne le nord-ouest du Pacifique. Dans l’hémisphère sud c’est un cyclone (3).

Dans l’hémisphère Nord, le sens de rotation du cyclone est inverse à celui des aiguilles d’une montre. Dans l’hémisphère Sud, il suit le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.

Le centre du cyclone apparaît en noir sur les images satellite car il est dépourvu de nuage. Il s’agit de l’œil du cyclone et représente son unique zone « calme ».

Chaque cyclone tropical porte un nom qui lui est propre. Le premier de l’année commence par un A, le suivant par B, etc. Le nom attribué est alternativement féminin et masculin.

C’est froid et c’est bon quand il fait chaud. À la fraise ou à la vanille, en pot ou en cornet, à l’eau ou à l’italienne, une ou deux boules… trois pour les gourmands, les glaces font partie de nos desserts préférés. Mais que l’on choisisse un sorbet ou une glace à la framboise, déguste-t-on la même chose ?




GLACE • crème glacée • produit laitier

• Orient (Chine) • eau, fruits et sirop de sucre (parfois du jaune d’œuf) • – 18 °C • peu calorique • 67 kcal (2 boules fraise)

• lait, crème et sucre • – 18 °C • calcium • 113 kcal (2 boules chocolat)





Les premières glaces étaient sans doute des sorbets, très appréciés dans l’Antiquité. Servies à la cour d’Alexandre le Grand, au ive siècle av. J.-C., elles étaient composées de fruits et de miel, le tout placé dans un récipient entouré de neige pour glacer le mélange.

La glacière est une sorte de caisson refroidi pour garder des aliments au frais. La sorbetière est l’appareil qui permet de faire prendre les sorbets et les crèmes glacées.

On les déguste souvent au dessert, mais il existe aussi des sorbets « salés ». Au basilic, au yahourt – pimientos ou avocat – voire à l’huile d’olive, il y en a pour tous les goûts.

En moyenne, les Français consomment 6 l de glaces et sorbets chaque année, loin derrière les Norvégiens et leurs 13 l de glace par an et par personne.

Le vacherin, la profiterole et la pêche Melba sont des desserts glacés. Cette dernière a été créée en 1894 par le cuisinier français Auguste Escoffier, en hommage à la cantatrice d’opéra australienne Nelly Melba.

Parfois, manger une glace peut induire une douleur aux dents. Une hypersensibilité qui mérite de choisir une brosse à dents souple et d’éliminer les aliments acides, avant d’aller voir le dentiste !


Non Fiction

2-16 year olds


Nov. 2015

The Small Picasso Museum by Béatrice FONTANEL 8-12 year olds • 32 pages • 250 x 308 mm A chronological and thematical approach of Picasso's multi facetted work. A hands-on experience with an elegant set containing a book, facsimiles and a small portable museum.

Pablo Picasso

The set contains a pocket of facsimiles evoking the life and work of the artist, a sketchbook of drawings, portraits of the artist in the form of a photomaton leaflet, litographies of the bulls, a poster, a large format reproduction of Guernica, as well as over forty removable stickers to be fixed on the walls of a small portable museum in order to imagine one's own Picasso exhibition!

the reproduction of Guernica

the book


the sketchbook the poster

Who was Picasso? From his birth in Malaga, Spain, in 1881, to his death in Mougins, a Provencal village in 1973, Pablo's life looks a bit like Ulysses'. Béatrice Fontanel tells his Odyssey to the young readers. From the dilapidated workshop where the young Spanish was painting with an empty stomach, to the world-famous artist, there was many steps in his life and extravagant pirouettes in his art. But Picasso was not only a painter, he also was a sculptor, an engraver, a poet, a poet's friend, a designer of decors and of ballet costumes, a ceramic artist, a perpetual inventor and a hard worker. He touched every creation materials with his golden fingers. Most of the time, he was surrounded by dogs, cats, monkeys or goats. This book gives us an overview of each of his sparkling faces.

The Small Museum: to create one's own exhibition with the removable stickers

Pendant toute la dictature du général Franco, Guernica a été conservée à New York. Après sa mort et lorsque l’Espagne est devenue un pays démocratique, Guernica, à la demande de Picasso, a été transférée à Madrid, au musée de la Reine Sofia.

Picasso peignant Guernica dans l’atelier des Grands-Augustins, 1937 Dans un coin de l’atelier, une femme prend des photos des étapes du travail. C’est Dora Maar, artiste et nouvelle amie de Picasso. Ces clichés aideront le peintre à engendrer l’une de ses toiles les plus connues au monde.

Lorsque la France a été occupée par les Allemands, lors de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, des officiers nazis s’invitaient chez Picasso. Voyant sur une table une photo de Guernica, l’un d’eux demanda : « C’est vous qui avez fait cela ? » Picasso répond : « Non… vous. »


Guernica contre la guerre En Espagne, c’est la guerre civile ! Les « Le spectateur doit être républicains se battent contre les natioarraché de sa torpeur, nalistes et le général Franco. Le 26 avril secoué, pris à la gorge, 1937, les avions allemands, alliés de Franco, qu’il prenne conscience bombardent Guernica. La petite ville est détruite. du monde dans lequel Picasso est révolté et décide de composer un tableau. Il commence par une suite de dessins il vit et pour cela, préparatoires qu’il pose au pied de la vaste toile il faut d’abord vierge. Il dit à l’un de ses visiteurs : « Je voudrais qu’ils l’en sortir… » montent se placer tout seuls dans la toile en grimpant comme des cafards. » Il sait le travail qui l’attend : peindre l’angoisse et la destruction de l’humanité.

Guernica, 1937 La toile est si grande, (3,50 m de haut sur 8 m de large) qu’il a fallu l’incliner en arrière pour la faire tenir dans l’atelier de la rue des Grands-Augustins. Picasso n’arrivait à peindre en haut qu’avec un très long pinceau, monté sur une échelle. (Dans ta pochette)


Oiseau en cuivre, 1961 Depuis sa petite enfance, Picasso a toujours aimé les oiseaux. Il lui arrivait même d’emporter des pigeons à l’école et de les installer dans son pupitre pour les dessiner…

1945 - 1973

La Colombe et la chouette Après la guerre, Picasso adhère au parti communiste. Une de ses « Tout le monde veut colombes est choisie pour l’affiche de congrès mondial de la Paix. comprendre la peinture, Les oiseaux ont toujours eu une grande place dans son œuvre, surtout mais pourquoi les pigeons, les hiboux et les chouettes, symboles de la sagesse dans le personne n’essaye monde antique, animal fétiche à la déesse Athéna. Dans la Bible, la colombe de comprendre est aussi celle qui vient prévenir Noé lorsque le niveau de l’eau a baissé, après la catastrophe du Déluge. Quelques années plus tard, le peintre construira même le chant des un pigeonnier dans sa maison pour oiseaux ? » ses petits amis. Il écoute leur doux roucoulement, les observe se pavaner ou battre des ailes… puis les dessine d’un trait léger, comme une plume. 

Picasso derrière un masque de chouette, 1957 « À Antibes je travaillais souvent tard dans la nuit, et les cris de la chouette, unique locataire de la tour démantelée, me tenaient seuls compagnie… Puis un jour, blessé, l’auteur de ces cris s’est fait connaître. J’ai pu le tenir dans ma main. Il est devenu mon ami… »

Le Visage de la paix, 1951 A la fin de la guerre, Picasso a rencontré une jeune fille, Françoise Gilot qui devient sa compagne. Avec elle, il a deux enfants : un garçon Claude et une fille Paloma… la colombe en espagnol.


Non Fiction



Fiction Erik L'HOMME

Nov. 2015

Trilogy: Dragon-Earth A captivating adventure anchored in a mystic and archaic reality. A sustained rhythm, a fluid writing, well-constructed characters with whom the reader will easily identity by a best-selling author with a total 913 000 copies sold in France alone. new

2. The Prophecy of the Snow Queen

Victor DIXEN


The hectic finale of a great heroic-fantasy saga! 3. Spells of the Wind For Aegir Bear-Skin, Sheylis the sorceress apprentice, and Doom the bard, time has come for the final fight. The rebel armies are already besieging the capital city of Dragon-Earth. If they manage to capture the city, gone would be the peace initiated by the Dragon-King. The whole kingdom would swing under the control of the terrible cult of the Skull.



Guided by Gaan, the old blind sorcerer, the three teenagers are to uncover the secret of the magical connection between them and face the destiny chosen for them by the gods. 250 pages • 10+

Already Published Rights sold : Portuguese (Brazil) English sample available

A fascinating fresco vividly mingling Legend and History, the Nordic legend of the Berserkers and the early 19th century with its wars and unfair society. Blonde, a strong heroine who challenges the definitions of the feminine gender. An elusive enemy who questions traditional fears: what does Death represents if there is no one to fear it? A narration perfectly controlled, rhythmed and evocative, built as a succession of letters sent by Blonde to the Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, fascinated by all the stories she carries inside her.

By the same author

The Book of the Stars Over 721 000 copies sold in France alone. Translated in 26 languages.

A breathless stalking and a legendary duel.

1- The Breath 2- The Song of Stones of the River 208 pages Publication date: August 28th, 2014

1- Qadehar 2- The Lord the Sorcerer Sha

3- The Shadow's Face

224 pages Publication date: February 12th, 2015

Blonde has learnt to live with the Curse of the Bear, which turns her into a legendary being, half woman, half animal. Yet, when her lover Gaspard is kidnapped by the mysterious Snow Queen, this seems to be the end of the fairytale. With Andersen as her only ally, Blonde sets off on a frantic quest to save her missing love and counter the diabolical schemes of the Queen. But is there a link between the monstruous origins of the Berserkers' daughter and this mysterious sovereign who pulls the strings of a dreadful plot?


Janv. 2016 Marion MULLER-COLARD

Bouche cousue During a Sunday family lunch, Amande, in her thirties and a single woman, realizes that the atmosphere is still more tensed and icy than usual. Abruptly, here comes the revelation: Thomas her 15-year old nephew, the only person she feels close to among her keen, kissed a boy. Her parents are horrified, and their grand-father slaps him in the face. This is how Amande decides, as much for Tom as for herself, to write about a determining episode of her adolescence. Since this is her own life that replays with this slap : at 15, in the nineties, she herself fell in love with a girl… Approx. 96 pages - 13+

Publication date: August 20th, 2015

400 pages • 13+

Already Published Rights sold : Portuguese (Brazil) English sample available

1. The Curse of Goldilocks Publicationthdate: August 22 , 2013 400 pages • 13+

7 and up

Fiction Christelle DABOS

Trilogy: The Girl Who Walked Through Mirrors



6 a

5 4

7 Appartements de Farouk 6 Gynécée 5 Jetée-Promenade 4 Opéra familial 3 Thermes 2 Jardins suspendus 1 Salle du conseil ministériel 0 Ambassade du Clairdelune


Unlikely romances. Old-fashioned atmospheres. Enigmas hiding behind enigmas. Animated objects... Here comes The Girl Who Walked Through Mirrors...

2 1 0

a Intendance

b Hôtel de police A universe full of wonder and magic, in which people have c Manufacture Hildgarder & cie settled on the numerous Arks now floating around the Earth, each under the leadership of an immortal Family Spirit.


A deceptively fragile and moving heroine, trapped by a host of complex characters, reveals her strong personality. An indisputable page-turner, carried by a subtle sens of psychology and wonder and an elegant fluent style. A wealth of twist-and-turns, multiple developments and narrative details, by a new talented voice.

Ophélie lives on the peaceful Ark of Anima. Behind her affectionate old animated scarf, her myopic glasses and her clusy hands, she hides two singular talents: she is a Reader, able to see the past of objects just by touching them. Her second talent: she is able to move from one place to another by walking through mirrors. One day, the Deans of Anima, the women in charge of governing the Ark on behalf of Artemis, the Family Spirit, decide to marry her to Thorn, an unknown and hostile man from the powerful Clan of the Dragons on the Ark of the Pole. The wedding is to take place one year later, but in-between, Ophélie has to follow her fiancé to the Citacielle, the capital city of the Ark of the Pole, the Family Spirit of which is Lord Farouk, the brother of Artemis.

Already Published 1. The Winter Fiancés Under the disguise of Mime the mute servant, Ophélie undergoes painful trials and gets acquainted with the hostile atmosphere of the Citacielle and the deadly rivalries between the clans of the Pole: the Dragons, the Mirages, the Web, the Illusionists, the Chroniclers, the Nihilists. She also understands she is the center of a cruel plot: on the occasion of her marriage, the Ceremony of the Donation will take place, allowing the exchange of talents between the two spouses, adding the Reader talent of Ophélie to the Chronicler memory of Thorn, thus enabling him to translate the Book of Lord Farouk nobody has ever been able to decipher. Thorn eventually has to reveal the identity of Ophélie and introduce her at the Court of Lord Farouk.

29/08/15 18:00

An unforgettable heroine, an abounding universe... the start of a great fantasy saga!


Le Monde

Christelle Dabos compels recognition with her powerful imagination. The architect of a fascinating and complex world she carries with a subtle sens of wonder. Télérama

The Girl Who Walked Through Mirrors now stands on the same shelf as Harry Potter. A voyage to the crossroad of many worlds.

Publication date: • June 6th, 2013

528 pages • 14+ • Short extract in English available


To be published 2. The Missing Ones of the Moonlight Ambassy


Nov. 2015

Once officially introduced, Ophélie discovers the political plots and tensions that hide behind the social whirl of the Court. Between the arrival of her Anima family on the Pole and the demands of Farouk, Ophélie has no choice, but to rely upon Thorn, her enigmatic fiancé. When the Ambassador Archibald disappears, the Anima Reader has to call on her talents in order to investigate. A mission that leads her much further than planned, to the heart of a truth more fearsome than what she had ever imagined... 550 pages approx. • 14+

Winner of the Gallimard Jeunesse First Novel Competition


GF_Passe_Miroir2_interieur.indd 8-9


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