G a l l i m a r d J e u n e s s e

specific vocabulary and rules,. - to learning ..... their way in life, by using the appropriate words to express their emotions. .... dummies and Charlotte is turned into.
16MB taille 2 téléchargements 690 vues
U G a l l i m a r d

J e u n e s s e


Books For Toddlers

0-3 year olds

Books for Toddlers

My Very First Books

By Mathilde BRÉCHET Ill. by Camille CHINCHOLLE

Tender and colourful board books to delight the little ones from 0 to 3. Ecologically responsible with a vegetable ink and cardboard from sustainable forest, and material respectful for the environment.

Books For Toddlers


My First Touch-and-Feel Book • 10 pages • 200 x 200 mm • 10,50€

From 9 months

Delightful board books with a foam padded cover and rounded corners, addressing directly to toddlers, and encouraging dialogue between adults and the little ones. new

No ë l

I Do Love Cuddles

I Do Love Christmas 8 pages • 250 x 250 mm • 15€

I Do Love Games

I Like The Night

My First Picture Book 48 pages • 230 x 230 mm • 14€

I Like Bedtime Stories

From 12 months

Flocking and embossing on the cover and on the inside pages. A first picture book to learn about nature, animals, seasons, but also emotions or forms with three little birds flying from page to page. A foam padded cover and soft touch lamination.

Books For Toddlers From birth

My First Cloth Book

From 9 months

My Little Library Books 12 pages • 90 x 90 mm Case 92 x 98 x 52 mm • 8,50€

4 titles • 8 pages • 175 x 230 x 45 mm • 15,50€ A soft cloth book in a lovely box with a ribbon: the perfect birth gift! new

0-3 year olds

4 attractive picture dictionaries with rounded corners in a pretty gift box.


An ideal format and an easy handling for small hands! Look, Baby!

A Kiss for Baby

November 2016

November 2016

From birth Fifi_Imagier_Couv.indd Toutes les pages

27/04/16 14:48

2 titles • Box 160 x 160 mm Book 8 pages • 90 x 90 mm • 15€

80 pages • 140 x 140 mm • 12,50€

A funny little book to hang to the stroller, and a soft blanket for the everyday walk.

Chouette, il pleut ! Je peux sortir mon parapluie.

Fifi_Imagier_Int.indd 10-11

27/04/16 14:45

Chaussures de fée pour petits pieds !

Let’s Go, Baby!

My First Little Suitcase

Fifi_Imagier_Int.indd 76-77

27/04/16 14:45

From 12 months

Suitcase with a scratch • 170 x 163 x 67 mm A board book 14 pages 154 x 152 mm and 9 cubes • 14,90€

Fifi’s Bath Book

©© Gallimard Gallimard Jeunesse Jeunesse 2016 2016 - ISBN - ISBN : 978-2-07-066574-7 : 978-2-07-066574-7

Box: 160 x 195 x 25 mm 8 pages • 145 x 140 mm • 9,90€

Goutte Goutte

Gallimard Jeunesse

© Gallimard Jeunesse 2016 • Isbn : 978-2-07-066574-7

Pâtés de de sable sable Pâtés

Off To The Farm, Baby!


Books For Toddlers

12,50 €

My First Buggy Books




ISBN : 978-2-07-059383-5

A joyful picture book with a foam padded cover, rounded corners, and solid pages for the youngest. Ecologically responsible with a vegetable ink and cardboard from sustainable forest.

l’imagier de f if i

Gallimard Jeunesse

A Cuddle for Baby

Fifi’s Picture Book

gues !! gues

Good Night, Baby!

Des images, de jolies couleurs, des phrases rigolotes, c’est l’imagier de fifi !

l’imagier de f if i

12 months

et bulles bulles dans dans l’eau l’eau !! et

Music & Sound Books My Little Sound Books

Illustrated by Marion BILLET or Elsa FOUQUIER* Cat, Du, Eng (UK+US), Fi, Frisian, Ger, Gr, Heb, It, Jp, Kr, No, Sp, Sw

12 pages • 150 x 150 mm • 6 sounds • 10 months to 3 years old • 10€

With more than 4 million copies sold worldwide, the Little Sound Books series keeps on growing with 3 new titles in Fall 2016! Original sounds and pictures. To be released in 2017: Mozart - The Nutckracker


Music & Sound Books





Rhymes of the World*

English Christmas Songs

The Magic Flute

My Musics to Dance

My Classical Musics

Instruments 1

Instruments 2

Instruments of the World 1

Instruments of the World 2

Music Notes


My Musics of the World

Daily Life

Farm Animals


In the countryside

My Pets

Honks and Horns

Baby Animals


Exotic Birds




Music & Sound Books Touch-and-feel Sound Books

1-3 year olds

Illustrated by Marion BILLET Cat, Du, No, Sp, Sw

4 titles • 10 pages • 165 x 165 mm • 5 sounds, 5 textures 12 months + • 13,50€ • Two new titles due in 2017

My Little Boxes

My Little Animals

My Colours

My Big Animals


Music & Sound Books

Five sounds and textures to awaken the senses of the little ones, from 12 months old.

My Cuddly Toys

Illustrated by Marion BILLET 2 boxes with 1 book and a toy

Box: Book 12 pages • 150 x 150 mm • 6 sounds • Toy: by the French brand Vilac • 12 months + • 19,95€

Two cute boxes to offer, including one of the most popular Little Sound Book illustrated by Marion Billet and a cute wooden toy by Vilac. Available soon: Instruments




Honks and Horns

By Magali LE HUCHE 6 titles • 24 pages • 185 x 210 mm • 16 sounds • 3+ • 13,50€ Basq, Cat, ChiC, Du, Fi, Ger, Gr, It, No, Sp, Sw


From New Orleans to Venice, Paco and his friends keep on discovering new music instruments and music genres! In each title, little fingers can press buttons and listen to 16 original sounds, all along the story, and learn to recognise the instruments. Over 200 000 copies sold already! new


Les gondoles se croisent sur le canal. Mais que jouent-ils ceux-là ? Du violoncelle, voyons !

Paco et Fonzy découvrent le son de la harpe et de la flûte. C’est si léger !


Magali Le Huche

Important, instructions à lire attentivement : - Pour enlever et mettre en place les piles, dévisser le couvercle du compartiment des piles avec un tournevis. Après remplacement, replacer le couvercle et le revisser. - Les piles ne doivent pas être rechargées. - Diff érents types de piles ou des piles neuves et usagées ne doivent pas être mélangés. - Les piles doivent être mises en place en respectant leur polarité. - Les piles usées doivent être enlevées du livre. - Les bornes d’une pile ne doivent pas être mises en court-circuit.



ISBN : 978-2-07-065838-1

13,50 €


www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75007 Paris - France Imprimé en Chine

Magali Le Huche

Illustré par Magali Le Huche Paco passe devant le cirque. Tiens, de la musique ! C’est la répétition pour le spectacle de ce soir !

l’orchestre et

Écoute le fifre, la clarinette, la trompette, le trombone, le tuba, le soubassophone, le banjo, le saxophone, la grosse caisse, la caisse claire, les cymbales et... 4 sons surprise !

16 musiques à écouter

la et

fanfare 16 musiques à écouter


Important, instructions à lire attentivement : - Pour enlever et mettre en place les piles, dévisser le couvercle du compartiment des piles avec un tournevis. Après remplacement, replacer le couvercle et le revisser. - Les piles ne doivent pas être rechargées. - Diff érents types de piles ou des piles neuves et usagées ne doivent pas être mélangés. - Les piles doivent être mises en place en respectant leur polarité. - Les piles usées doivent être enlevées du livre. - Les bornes d’une pile ne doivent pas être mises en court-circuit.

dès 3 ans

Gallimard Jeunesse Musique

odule sonore, ON ». Ce livre piles boutons AG 10

September 2016

PACO et la fanfare

coute la clarinette, le piano, le violon, contrebasse, le xylophone, le piccolo, célesta, le violoncelle, la flûte traversière, basson et... l’orchestre du Carnaval es animaux de Saint-Saëns !

September 2016

Une histoire à lire et 16 musiques à écouter ! Appuie sur l’icône et découvre les instruments de la fanfare.

13/05/16 16:05

Pour activer le module sonore, positionner sur « ON ». Ce livre fonctionne avec 3 piles boutons AG 10

Gallimard Jeunesse Musique

petits livres sonores MesMes petits livres sonores

www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75007 Paris - France Imprimé en Chine

ISBN : 978-2-07-065839-8


Paco & the Orchestra

Gallimard Jeunesse Musique

par Magali Le Huche

aco est très content ! Ce soir, il y a concert ans la forêt. Mais où sont donc les musiciens ? n route pour une balade tout en musique en malice !

Paco_Int_Vivaldi.indd 16-17

Paco & Vivaldi


PACO et l’orchestre

e et 16 musiques à écouter !

13/05/16 08:25

Paco & Mozart

13,50 €

Music & Sound Books

Paco_Int_mozart.indd 20-21

Mes petits livres sonores

Paco & the Brass Band

Sound Tales

Paco & Jazz Music

Paco & Rock Music

Et le troisième petit cochon se construisit une grande et solide maison de briques.

1 title • 24 pages • 185 x 210 mm • 16 sounds 3+ • 13,50€

new Ill. by Olivier TALLEC

The Three Little Pigs Listen to the three little pigs building their houses of straw, wood and bricks, and the wolf blowing them down. 16 sounds to read the famous tale in music, humorously. October 2016

À peine eut-il fini que le loup frappa à la porte. – Par les poils de mon menton, dit le petit cochon, tu n’entreras pas ! Mais le loup souffla tant et si fort que la maison s’envola !

Le petit cochon eut juste le temps de s’enfuir.

Music & Sound Books

1-3 year olds

new Timothée DE FOMBELLE Ill. by Benjamin CHAUD Music: Collective

Georgia Who is playing the violin on the other side of Georgia’s bedroom wall? Every night she listens to the music, until she discovers there is nothing on the other side... Yet, when she moves a brick in the wall, she meets with a mysterious violinist. A beautiful and poetic story by Timothée de Fombelle, the author of the best-seller Tobie Lolness, unveiling Georgia’s secret and dreams. 32 pages and a 60-minute CD 250 x 290 mm • 4+ • 24,90€ • November 2016

iques, Domitille et Amaury acques Prévert.

des arrangements élégants pour la première fois, poèmes de Prévert sique !

Séverin Millet

ux ont des ennuis • Inventaire • mortes • Tournesol • à tue-tête et à cloche-pied • au • Simple comme bonjour. Enfants du paradis rasseur).



Domitille et Amaury chantent Jacques Prévert

Jacques PRÉVERT • Ill. by Séverin MILLET Music by Marc DEMAIS Voices by DOMITILLE and AMAURY

Prévert Set To Music 15 poems by Jacques Prévert lavishly illustrated, set in music and sung by the duo Domitille & Amaury. Including “Le Cancre”, “Les Feuilles mortes” or “Chanson Bim-Bam”.

Illustré par Séverin Millet


A 60405


Gallimard Jeunesse Musique

du CD : près de 40 min de musique !


Gallimard Jeunesse Musique

48 pages and a 40-minute CD • 250 x 290 mm • 6+ • 24€ October 2016

26/07/2016 09:43

new Fanny JOLY • Ill. by Caroline HÜE Music by Pierre-Gérard VERNY

Superminouche Superminouche, is a diva. She grew up in a family of musicians, sings beautifully… and doesn’t want to listen to her parents! One day, she decides to leave and discover a fabulous place: the Operat. But be a catatrice, sorry a cantatrice, is not easy… A funny and jazzy picture book to share with the whole family. 36 pages and a 45-minute CD • 255 x 295 mm • 5+ • 24€ • June 2016

Music & Sound Books

cques Prévert illet

Domitille et Amaury chantent Jacques Prévert




My Little Sticker Pouches

Activities Eliott Pouches


By Marion BILLET • 3 pouches available • 127 x 180 mm 40 stickers + 1 set • 2+ • 3,50€ • June 2016


By Françoise DE GUIBERT and Olivier LATYK 2 pouches available • 127 x 180 mm • 40 stickers + 1 set 2+ • 3,50€ • June 2016

Rediscover Marion Billet's charming illustrations with these 40 removable stickers and their corresponding backgrounds. Farm animals, wild animals and musical scenes, everyone will find stickers to their taste!

2 pockets full of delightful stickers to explore Eliott's world further! With 40 removable stickers and 2 large double spreads to decorate, children will have plenty of fun.

Wild Animals Farm Animals


Little Trotro Pouches



At School

By Bénédicte GUETTIER • 4 pouches • 40 stickers Box: 130 x 180 mm • 2+ • 3,50€ Also available: Trotro's Bedroom • Trotro's Garden

At the Seaside

Trotro Boxes

By Bénédicte GUETTIER • 100 stickers 2 boxes available: 100 x 190 mm • 2+ • 5,90€

40 stickers to place on a Trotro’s bedroom or garden setting.

In a lovely drawer box to keep 100 stickers to create, decorate and have fun with all the family.

Trotro’s House

Trotro, Mum, Dad and Zaza

Trotro and his Friends

4 First Discovery Boxes of Stickers Collective • 100 stickers • Box: 100 x 190 mm • 3+ • 5,90€ 4 boxes available

In a lovely and yet sturdy match box, discover the pleasure to collect and stick the gorgeous hyperrealistic illustrations of the famous First Discovery series.


Little Bugs

Wild Animals

Farm Animals

Trotro At School

First Discovery Pouches

By Delphine BADREDDINE • 2 pouches available • 130 x 180 mm 3+ • 3,50€ • To be released: Wild Animals - Dinosaurs 4 large stickers pouches with a non-fiction content and a playful layout to have fun and enrich children knowledge through activities: silhouette and association games, wide double spreads to decorate, settings to complete, jigsaws, riddles...

Fruit and Vegetables

Farm Animals


2-10 year olds

Decorating My Fairy Tales 4 titles • 32 pages • 230 x 300 mm • 4+ • 7,90€

A series to play and discover the most famous tales with a text for two readers and large double spreads to colour and decorate. Including 150 removable stickers.

Comme chaque matin, Maman-ours prépara une bonne avec des céréales et du

pour le petit-déjeuner.

« Allons dehors cueillir des


To be published in 2017: Hansel and Gretel The Princess and the Pea

en attendant qu’elle refroidisse »,


proposa Bébé-ours. « Bonne idée », répondirent en chœur


Mais la bouillie était trop chaude.

Papa-ours et Maman-ours. Ils partirent donc, en laissant la





Raphaëlle MICHAUD

Mélanie COMBES

Goldilocks & The Three Bears

The Three Little Pigs

9 se résolurent à les perdre


se faufiler partout sans être vu, les entendit.

Comme la première fois, il décida d’aller ramasser des petits

, qui pouvait

de bon matin, mais la

Petit Poucet


d’entrée était fermée à double porte

tour. Il songea alors qu’il pourrait utiliser le morceau de de son déjeuner à la place des cailloux et se sentit rassuré.





Little Thumb

The Little Red Riding Hood

Games in the First Discovery series Box: 226 x 58 x 62 mm • 3+ • 9,90€

• 6 boxes with different types of games (from 2 to 5 players): memo, domino, lotto and jigsaw. • Each box contains 24 to 48 cards with attractive topics: wild animals, fruits, animal farm, animal hiding... • Hours of play for children while developing their sense of observation and association ability, and training their memory!

Jigsaw • 48 cards-jigsaw 1 or several players

Animal Babies

Where Do Animals Hide?

Lotto Game • 24 cards 2 to 4 players

Farm Animals


Memo Game • 48 cards 2 to 6 players

Domino set • 28 cards 2 to 4 players

Wild Animals



Lorsque l’argent fut dépensé, les

à nouveau. Mais même s’ils parlaient tout bas, le


Early Learning

An early learning series specifically designed for kids from 3 to 6 to help and accompany them. An adapted content developped in partnership with teachers to suit the needs and evolution of the child. Simple and playful exercises to progress step by step at home and on vacation! Por (BR), Ru, Slv, Tur

All the program

5 titles • 64 pages + stickers• 230 x 300 mm • 3 up to 6 • 6,90€


3 titles • 32 pages + poster • 230 x 300 mm • 3 up to 6 • 4,95€ 10

My learning pages for the Summer


3 titles • 40 pages • 145 x 190 mm • 3 up to 6 4,95€ • July 2016 40 detachable pages to cover all the programme while having fun! With games and exercises for the holiday, children will be ready for the Fall.


3 titles • 32 pages + stickers • 230 x 300 mm • 3 up to 6 • 4,95€

My learning pages for the whole year

3 titles • 40 pages • 145 x 190 mm • 3 up to 6 4,95€ • July 2016

Activity with coloured sticky labels • 3 titles

32 pages + 150 re-usable labels • 230 x 300 mm • 3 up to 6 • 5,50€

40 detachable pages to be used during the whole school year! Children will find colouring games, exercises, information and advice to go through the year with ease.

First Discovery

2-6 year olds

First Discovery Classic series • 94 titles • 24 to 30 pages Transparent pages: 4 to 8 • 175 x 150 mm Boardbooks Spiral bound • 2 to 4 year olds • 9€ Basq, Cat, ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Eng (NA, UE & CW), Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Slv, Sp (SP, LA), Th, Tur, Ro

Torch light • 34 titles • 24 to 30 pages

Transparent pages: 6 • 175 x 150 mm • Boardbooks Spiral bound • 2 to 5 year olds • 9€ Basq, Cat, ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Eng, Ger, Hu, It, Jp, Kr, Slv, Sp (SP, LA), Th, Tur, Ro To be published in Fall 2017: What Animals Eat

Tractors How Animals Sleep

A playful series to explore fascinating worlds. Thanks to its magical effect, the lamp reveals little by little thousands details hidden in the illustrations.

The Little Encyclopedia • 14 titles • 68 to 80 pages • Transparent pages: 4 to 6 • 187,5 x 225 mm Hardcover • Padded cover • Spiral bound • 3 to 6 year olds • 10,65€ • Basq, ChiS (PRC), Ger, Sp (SP), Slov new

A wealth of pictures to discover, become familiar with and recognise without ever growing tired, animated by spectacular transparent pages and complemented by lively, easy-to-read texts.

The Little Encyclopedia of Whys

The Little Encyclopedia of Hows October 2016

At School



Animal Life

80 pages - 5 acetates

80 pages - 6 acetates

80 pages - 4 acetates

68 pages - 4 acetates

New titles to answer children’s questions! A detailed content plus a quizz makes them the perfect tools to satisfy and sharpen children curiosity.

Torch light Encyclopedia • 4 titles • 68 to 80 pages • Transparent pages: 4 to 6 • 187,5 x 225 mm Hardcover • Padded cover • Spiral bound • 3 to 6 year olds • 11,70€ • ChiS (PRC), Eng (UE & CW), It, Ger, Sp (SP)

A simple concept for a spectacular effect, enhanced by a bigger format: use your magical lamp to discover all the secrets and hidden details in each illustration.

What Happens During the Night? 80 pages - 6 acetates

Life of our Ancestors


Small Animals

80 pages - 4 acetates

68 pages - 4 acetates

68 pages - 4 acetates


First Discovery

A non-fiction series for the youngest readers that has remained a must in every child's library worldwide for over 20 years, thanks to the magic double-sided acetates now available in a chunky boardbook format.

Explore series! • 4 titles available • 18 pages • 210 x 250 mm • 4+ • 14,90€

To be released in Fall 2017: Dinosaurs - The Human Body Earth and Sky



A new range of animated books which takes the young readers into the magic world of My First Discovery, with a wealth of animations for a playful reading full of surprises. Discover the secrets and the marvels of the animal kingdom, our planet or the world of transportation in the most spectacular way! Nature

Transportation Means

October 2016

October 2016


First Discovery


My First Picture Dictionary

108 pages • 200 x 246 mm • Hardcover • 2 to 5 year olds • 15€ Du, Eng (NA), Ger, It, Ru, Sp (SP), Th

My First Picture Dictionary

A series which allows children to discover and recognise the world around them thanks to delightful and realistic illustrations.

5 titles available: My First Picture Dictionary - Animals Nature - Everyday Life - Transports

First Discovery Treasuries

30 pages • 210 x 250 mm • Hardcover • 2+ • 20€ Eng (NA), Ger, Sp (SP)

Treasury of the Human Body

A wealth of animations, as simple as effective, for a playful reading full of surprises: holes, flaps, pull-thetabs and transparent pages. Easy to handle for small hands, that develops the coordination of movements, the sense of observation and imagination.

3 titles available: Treasury of the Human Body - Treasury of Nature - Treasury of Colors

Non Fiction

4-16 year olds

Non Fiction The Animated World

4-7 year olds

6 titles • 12 pages • 230 x 200 mm • 9,90€

A series of animated non-fiction books, for children from 4 to 7 years old. The dynamic interaction between the informative text and a wealth of animations (flaps, wheels, leaflets) entice the children to dive into a subject, while cheerful and accessible illustrations develop and feed his curiosity.

Big illustrations to watch!



Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by KIKO

Emmanuelle KECIR-LEPETIT Ill. by Marta ORZEL

Savannah Animals


In the savannah, daily life is dangerous for the birds and herbivors. When the giraffe is drinking by the pond, or the antelopes browsing in the plains, they are easy preys for the predators. A book to learn to recognise the animals and learn about their habits.

"Hoist the colours!" Slick and fierce, the pirates come alongside a merchant ship, holding spices, sugar or gold from the Americas. Respectful of the Pirate Code, they only fear their Captain and hurricanes. October 2016

October 2016

Mathilde BRÉCHET Ill. by Ingela. P. ARRHENIUS

Jean-Baptiste DE PANAFIEU Ill. by Nathalie CHOUX

Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by Julie MERCIER

Emmanuelle KECIR-LEPETIT Ill. by Vincent MATHY





Non Fiction


6-10 year olds

9 titles • 20 pages • 250 x 250 mm • 14,90€

ChiS, It

A series of animated non-fiction books for children from 6 to 10 years old, playful and educational. A narrative text, full of life and accessible, explains everyday life as if you were there! Full-page illustrations in a colourful and witty style, with a wealth of details to observe, reach for the child’s humour and imagination. new

new Jean-Christophe FOURNIER Ill. by Aurex VERDON

Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by Julien CASTANIE

Fantastic Human Body

Earth, Endangered Planet

October 2016

April 2017

Non Fiction


Anne-Sophie BAUMANN Ill. by Vincent MATHY

Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by Simone MASSONI

Christophe CHAFFARDON Ill. by KIKO

Brigitte COPPIN Ill. by Deborah PINTO

The Building Site

Paris Through the Ages


Living in a Castle

Anne-Sophie BAUMANN Ill. by Elsa FOUQUIER

Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU Ill. by Guillaume PLANTEVIN

Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by Olivier LATYK

Welcome to the Riding-School

At the Time of First Men

On Board the Pirate Ship



4 titles • 96 pages • 135 x 184 mm • 10+ • 9,90€ • February 2017

A new series to discover 40 international and emblematic figures from the music, sport, politics or mythologic worlds! A funny but informative content full of anecdotes which will delight children and parents alike.




Hervé GUILLEMINOT Ill. by Jérôme MASI

Jean-Michel BILLIOUD Ill. by ALMASTY

Sandrine MIRZA Ill. by LE DUO

40 Greek Myths

40 Pop Stars

40 Soccer Players

40 Peace Makers

Album Majeur


THE BEATLES Militantisme





Né en 1962, dissous en 1970

« sgt. pepper’s » Costumes psychédéliques pour la pochette du chef-d’œuvre de la pop musique

lennon /mc cartney


Lieu d’Origine



Lassés des concerts, les Beatles s’enferment en studio à partir de 1966, pour ne produire que des albums. Ils vont dépasser les « albums à 45 tours » pour créer de vrais albums conceptuels et novateurs, dont le symbole parfait est Sgt. Pepper’s… (1967).

Ce titre est le plus repris au monde : à ce jour on en connaît 3 000 versions ! Album Majeur

sélection cd

1966 Revolver 1967 Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

1970 The White Album 2000 et 2015 1 et 1+ (compilations)


9:HSMARA=Z]]^Y\: www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr

Apprends à programmer avec A58894

ISBN 978-2-07-058894-7

Bien qu’il soit totalement non-violent, Martin Luther King subit des arrestations, des menaces et des agressions. Il meurt assassiné à 39 ans.

Né le 15 janvier 1929, à Atlanta

lincoln memorial

Mort assassiné le 4 avril 1968, à Memphis

Il parle devant le Lincoln Memorial qui évoque l’abolition de l’esclavage.

le boycott des bus

i have a dream

nobel 1964

Ce conflit commence par l’arrestation de Rosa Parks, une femme noire qui a refusé de laisser sa place à un homme blanc. Il dure plus d’un an et débouche sur une victoire de Parks et King : l’interdiction de toute ségrégation dans les bus.

La marche sur Washington du 28 août 1963 se termine par l’illustre discours de Martin Luther King : I have a dream (« Je fais un rêve »), qui dit son espoir de connaître une Amérique unie, fraternelle et respectueuse des droits de tous.

King atteint le sommet de sa popularité quand, en 1964, à seulement 35 ans, il devient le plus jeune lauréat du prix Nobel de la paix.

Magic Makers


Droits civiques aux États-Unis, non-violence



60 pages • 140 x 200 mm • 8+ • 9,95€ • August 2016


à programmer avec

Crée tes JEUX et tes animations !

Through step-by-step programming workshops, Magic Makers reveals the secrets of computer code in order to develop new games or imagine a new digital universe. This book is the best tool to accompany kids – and parents – in using Scratch: - from creating ones profile online and


n’as besoin agination !



Lieu d’Origine


es pas à pas et ermet de réaliser rogrammer.

Pasteur de l’Église baptiste



ssin automatique, une histoire, usieurs niveaux…

I have a dream est retransmis en direct à la télévision.


les débuts

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison et Ringo Starr : quatre garçons dans le vent

1968 Eat to the Beat



Le pasteur Martin Luther King est l’un des principaux dirigeants du mouvement noir américain pour les droits civiques (droit de vote) et contre l’oppression raciale. En 1955, il organise le boycott des bus de Montgomery et, en 1963, il prend la tête de la grande marche pacifiste sur Washington pour l’emploi et la liberté. Couronnées de succès, ses actions non-violentes conduisent aux lois progressistes de 1964 et 1965 qui abolissent les principales discriminations raciales.


Le succès des Beatles, c’est une alchimie de talents et de contextes. Garçons doués et très bien entourés (George Martin : producteur, Brian Epstein : manager), ils ont su saisir chaque tendance (pop, psychédélisme, rock…) pour en tirer la quintessence.

album concept



Il est considéré comme l’un des plus grands orateurs du xxe siècle.



Si l’histoire de la musique ne devait retenir qu’un groupe pop, ce serait évidemment les Beatles. Pourquoi évidemment ? Parce qu’aucun autre groupe ne s’est autant imposé comme phare d’une génération. Les Beatles ont tout apporté : chansons, vidéos, films, dessins animés, style de vie, look, conscience sociale et politique, culture au sens large. Ils ont donné le tempo des 60’s et influencé des courants artistiques bien au-delà. Ils lèguent près de 200 chansons que l’on continuera longtemps à écouter, disséquer et apprécier.



Signature commune de John et de Paul sur près de 200 chansons !

C’est la ville-emblème des Beatles, celle dont chaque rue semble se souvenir du groupe.

idement au langage er tes propres jeux !



30/06/2016 14:50

understanding the software's specific vocabulary and rules, - to learning how coding works to implement ones own ideas and projects thanks to the software. - More, every children can share his experience among the Scratch community, bring answers to their friends, and have fun playing with code!

Non Fiction


avec Scratch. mations !

9,95 €

4-16 year olds

Non Fiction

The Small Picasso Museum • by Béatrice FONTANEL 32 pages • 195 x 260 mm • 8-12 year olds • 19,90€

Who was Picasso? Béatrice Fontanel tells his Odyssey to the young readers. From the dilapidated workshop where the young Spanish was painting with an empty stomach, to the world-famous artist, there was many steps in his life and extravagant pirouettes in his art. But Picasso was not only a painter, he also was a sculptor, an engraver, a poet, a poet's friend, a designer of decors and of ballet costumes, a ceramic artist, a perpetual inventor and a hard worker. He touched every creation materials with his golden fingers. Most of the time, he was surrounded by dogs, cats, monkeys or goats. This book gives us an overview of each of his sparkling faces. A chronological and thematical approach of Picasso's multi-facetted work. The set contains: large reproduction of Guernica

the book

portraits of Picasso

30 stickers to be sticked on the walls of a portable museum

Non Fiction


a poster lithographies of the bulls

a sketchbook of drawings

Do Not Mix Up... by Emma STRACK, ill. by Guillaume PLANTEVIN 140 pages • 190 x 260 mm • 8+ • 17,90€ Du, Eng, Ger, It, Ru, Vt Aux beaux jours, la guêpe et l’abeille bourdonnent dans le jardin. Munies de six pattes et de deux paires d’ailes chacune, les deux cousines volent et se posent, guidées par le parfum des fleurs ou du pique-nique. Le récit est joli mais, en cas de menace, gare à leur dard !



Guêpe ou abeille, seule la femelle peut piquer. À l’extrémité de son abdomen, elle dispose d’un aiguillon, le dard, connecté à des glandes produisant du venin.


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• insecte • insecte • insecte • insecte CLASSE CLASSE • 20 •000 20 000 • 15 000 • 15 000 NOMBRE D’ESPÈCES NOMBRE D’ESPÈCES •végétarienne •végétarienne (nectar (nectar produit produit par les parfleurs) les fleurs) • frugivore • frugivore et volontiers et volontiers carnivore carnivore ALIMENTATION ALIMENTATION • sa pilosité • sa pilosité • franche • franche distinction distinction entreentre l’abdomen l’abdomen et leet le SPÉCIFICITÉ SPÉCIFICITÉ corps, corps, d’où d’où l’expression l’expression « taille « taille de guêpe de guêpe » » • solitaire • solitaire ou sociale ou sociale • solitaire • solitaire ou sociale ou sociale VIE SOCIALE VIE SOCIALE • production • production de cire, de cire, miel miel et gelée et gelée royale royale • chasse • chasse les insectes les insectes pourpour nourrir nourrir ses larves ses larves ACTIVITÉ ACTIVITÉ • elle•assure elle assure 80 %80 de%lade pollinisation la pollinisation des des • excellent • excellent insecticide insecticide naturel naturel INTÉRÊT INTÉRÊT espèces espèces végétales végétales dansdans le monde le monde


Si la guêpe peut piquer plusieurs fois, l’abeille n’a qu’un essai et cette unique piqûre provoquera sa mort. En effet, lorsqu’elle pique l’abeille perd son dard et les muscles de son abdomen sont arrachés avec lui.

Alors que la ruche où vivent les abeilles est constituée de cire, le guêpier est fait de bois mâché et autres fibres.

A graphic miscellany to stop confusing bees and wasps, noodles and pasta, bacterium and virus, and eventually master the delicate art of precision...

La pluie tombe dru et le vent souffle violemment. Un tourbillon naît dans l’atmosphère, grossit et devient fou. Il emporte tout sur son passage : des branches, des arbres entiers et même des maisons. Quand une tornade ou un cyclone sévit, tous aux abris ! On se réfugie alors dans la partie la plus solide d’un bâtiment, loin des fenêtres.

En cas En de caspiqûre de piqûre de guêpe de guêpe ou ou PourPour produire produire 1 g de 1 gmiel, de miel, il faut il faut Les insecticides Les insecticides sontsont d’abeille, d’abeille, placer placer la zone la zone piquée piquée 7 500 7 500 fleurs fleurs ! L’abeille ! L’abeille peutpeut en en responsables responsables la disparition de lade disparition soussous une une source source chaude chaude (eau,(eau, butiner butiner 250250 par heure. par heure. des abeilles. des abeilles. MaisMais elleselles souffsouff rentrent sèchesèchecheveux), cheveux), puispuis soussous une une de l’appauvrissement aussiaussi de l’appauvrissement source source froide froide avant avant de désinfecter. de désinfecter. du milieu du milieu naturel naturel : moins : moins fleurs à butiner, moins de flde eurs à butiner, c’estc’est moins de ressources survivre. de ressources pourpour survivre.



CONTRAIRE_30juilletok.indd 70

Si une tornade peut se former sur terre et sur mer (il s’agit alors d’une trombe marine), un cyclone a besoin d’une mer à 26° C minimum sur 60 m de profondeur. C’est pour cela qu’ils n’existent que sous les tropiques.

• insecte • 20 000 •végétarienne (nectar produit par les fleurs) • sa pilosité


NATURE • phénomène orageux SOURCE • cumulo-nimbus DIMENSIONS • 100 m de diamètre FORMATION • extension du haut vers le bas MOUVEMENT • spiralaire VITESSE DE DÉPLACEMENT • quelques dizaines de kilomètres par heure VITESSE DES VENTS • jusqu’à plus de 400 km/h DURÉE • quelques minutes

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Le tourbillon de la tornade peut mesurer quelques centaines de mètres de diamètre. Pour le cyclone tropical, il se compte en kilomètres.

VIE SOCIALE • solitaire ou sociale ACTIVITÉ • production de cire, miel et gelée royale INTÉRÊT • elle assure 80 % de la pollinisation des espèces végétales dans le monde


27 27

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GUÊPE • insecte • 15 000 • frugivore et volontiers carnivore • franche distinction entre l’abdomen et le corps, d’où l’expression « taille de guêpe » • solitaire ou sociale • chasse les insectes pour nourrir ses larves • excellent insecticide naturel

CYCLONE • perturbation atmosphérique • océan • 300 à 1 000 km de diamètre • aspiration du bas vers le haut • spiralaire • 20 à 25 km/h d’est en ouest • 118 à 250 km/h en moyenne • de quelques heures à quelques jours


En Amérique tropicale, un cyclone est appelé ouragan (1) . On utilise le mot typhon (2) quand le phénomène gagne le nord-ouest du Pacifique. Dans l’hémisphère sud c’est un cyclone (3).

Dans l’hémisphère Nord, le sens de rotation du cyclone est inverse à celui des aiguilles d’une montre. Dans l’hémisphère Sud, il suit le sens des aiguilles d’une montre.

En cas de piqûre de guêpe ou Pour produire 1 g de miel, il faut Le centre du cyclone apparaît cyclone porte unen d’abeille, placer la zone piquée Chaque 7 500 fleurstropical ! L’abeille peut en noir surune les source imageschaude satellite(eau, nombutiner qui lui est propre. Le premier sous 250 par heure. car ilsècheest dépourvu depuis nuage. cheveux), sous une de l’année commence par un A, Il s’agit de l’œil du avant cyclone le suivant par B, etc. Le nom source froide deet désinfecter. représente son unique zone attribué est alternativement « calme ». féminin et masculin.

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Les insecticides sont responsables de la disparition des abeilles. Mais elles souffrent aussi de l’appauvrissement du milieu naturel : moins de fleurs à butiner, c’est moins de ressources pour survivre.

71 27

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Through 60 duos of items we usually mix up, divided in 6 chapters (animals, food, nature, clothes, health and everyday items), this smart book is full of fascinating details, all at once geographical, physical, historical, statistical, biological and so on. An identity sheet defines the key elements of each item of the pair. Captions and zooms develop some anatomical, original or semantic distinctions.

Non Fiction

4-16 year olds


280 pages • 160 x 220 mm with folded jacket • 7+ • 19€ Fall 2017 We live in a world that displays an infinite number of colours, both in nature and in our human civilization. Through a large spectrum, this is a brilliant portrait of 120 shades. Conceived as a rainbow, from whites to pitch-black, it offers a poetic approach to colours and a chromatic approach to objects. Questionning our sensitivity and our knowledge, it invites us to look at our environment in a new way, through the prism of colours.

A fascinating voyage throughout the world of colours and shades, in a unique graphic style, altogether playful, didactic and poetical.

” 17

Non Fiction

A solid block of colour on the right page is illustrated on the left page by a vegetal, animal, mineral, human or everyday life item. The colour is identified thanks to the object it is named after. We all know the cardinal red, the carmine red or safran red. But do you know why flamingoes are pink or the moon is white? If you don't, the short and smart texts will tell you the story!



2-5 year olds


Les Drôles de Petites Bêtes

By Antoon KRINGS 60 titles • 32 pages • 195 x 195 mm • 6,20€ • 3+ Cat, ChiS (PRC), Cz, Gr, Jp, Kr, Por (BR), Ru, Slv, Sp

Funny Little Bugs

6,20 € Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr



Antoon Krings

6,20 € Gallimard Jeunesse GibouléesGallimard Jeunesse Giboulées





Antoon Krings


6,20 € Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr

08/06/2016 10:44

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Nora, Pupil of the Opera

Antoon Krings


Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées

08/08/2016 16:35

With her ballerina and her pink tutu, Nora is a sweet heart. You should see her trotting down the opera avenue and exercising on her tiptoes, humming a melody. But one day, distracted and her nose up in the air, she stumbles on a sewer cover and falls into the void! She ends up in a filthy rat family! Fortunately she meets with a kind, nice and shy musician who will help her out. Three little musical notes and they become friend for life. Let the show begin! October 2016

Antoon Krings


Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées

16/08/2016 09:21 DDPB25 cesar_COUV.indd 1

Mireille l’abeille


Antoon Krings

Antoon Krings

César le lézard

Léon le bourdon

Les Drôles de Petites Bêtes

Les Drôles de Petites Bêtes

Les Drôles de Petites Bêtes

Mireille l’abeille Antoon Krings

Characters 6,20 € Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées www.gallimard-jeunesse.fr


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Antoon Krings

With over 50 characters, the Funny Little Bugs’ garden is a world full of colours, both entertaining and developmental. A successful property with nearly 17 million copies sold worldwide, a TV series and a large range of merchandising products available.

Nora petit rat de l’Opéra

Cover and layout newly revamped!

16/08/2016 09:44

César le lézard

Léon le bourdon

DDPB gardes.indd 2

In the same series: tales, gift books and activities also available!

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Lou Little Wolf

DDPB gardes.indd 2

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By Antoon KRINGS Gr

DDPB gardes.indd DDPB2 gardes.indd 2

7 titles • 28 pages • 195x195 mm • 3+ • 6,20€ A series with gorgeous illustrations by Antoon Krings, the author of the popular Funny Little Bugs series. A young hero who turns the classic figure of the wolf upside down.

Loup Little Wolf and the Kite

2 ddni.sedrag BPDD

DDPB gardes.indd 2

Already published: Lou Little Wolf and the Shepherdess Lou Little Wolf and the Big Bad Wolf Lou Little Wolf and the Bees Lou Little Wolf is Jealous Lou Little Wolf at the Wolf Cub School Lou Little Wolf Protects his Forest

DDPB gardes.indd 2


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Today it is windy! The perfect day to fly a kite! Lou is very resourceful: twine, pieces of wood, an old shirt and... the kite is flying! But Lou gets hung up and takes off! Marie-Lou attempts to hold him back grabbing his pants but takes off in turn. Both little wolves hover in the sky just like birds while grand-wolf is looking for his old shirt... where on earth could it be? 24/05/16 DDPB gardes.indd 2 14:18

August 2016 DDPB gardes.indd 2

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To be published March 2017: Lou P'tit Loup Goes on an Adventure

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By Vincent CUVELLIER, Ill.by Ronan BADEL 13 titles • 28 pages •175 x 205 mm • 3+ • ChiS (PRC), Du, Ger, Hu, Ro, Sp

Emile is not stubborn. He is really, really stubborn. His numerous whims and fancies always create comical situations, familiar to every parent. Vincent Cuvellier knows how to capture the spirit of the children’s world in his texts. Along with the brilliant illustrations by Ronan Badel, it is the perfect recipe to delight kids as well as their parents.

Today children go back to school. Emile has to choose an after-school activity he wants to practice this year. He browses the list and declares that he chooses: Ballet! Yes, Emile wants to do Ballet but not any ballet. He wants to do ballet boxing... 28 pages • 175x205 • 3+ • 6€ • February 2016

Emile Goes on an Adventure Emile decides to go on an adventure: he stuffs his bag with everything necessary. His mission is very serious… but what if he eats his favorite lunch to take strength before going on an adventure, and what if he rests a little bit…

Already published: Emile Wants a Bat Emile is Invisible Emile Wants a Cast Emile Throws a Party Emile Disguises Himself Emile is Cold Emile Has a Nightmare Emile and the Others Emile Invites a Friend Over Emile, It's 7 o'clock Emile Takes out the Trash Emile And the Boxing Dance Emile Goes on an Adventure

28 pages • 175x205 • 3+ • 6€ • September 2016

Alex Sanders

The Piratosaur

ans la collection :


Alex Sanders

The Piratosaur and The Martians



Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées

12,90 €

Le Piratosaure et les Martiens

et les Martiens

ISBN : 978-2-07-060340-4

By Alex SANDERS 8 titles • 36 pages • 215 x 255 mm 3+ • 12,90€

Panic on the Piratosaure’s island ! Dozen of flying saucers are landing. The invaders are coming from Goldak planet and they’ll soon become Piratosaure best friend as their laser beam change everything into gold unless they are having too much trouble understanding each other…

Gallimard Jeunesse Giboulées

05/08/2016 09:17

September 2016

Already published: The Piratosaur, King of Pirates - ... Against the Monsters - ... and Barbedur's Ghost … and the Yeti of Gold Mountain - ... and the Chupikawas Indians - … and the Castle of the 7 Samurais



Emile and the Boxing Dance



2-5 year olds

By Françoise de GUIBERT, Ill. by Olivier LATYK

Eliott is a happy and mischievous little tiger children can easily identify with. Far from the traditional clichés and in a modern environment, his adventures, simple everyday life, are designed to accompany children and help them find their way in life, by using the appropriate words to express their emotions.

Stand Alone Titles new



Eliott Picture Dictionary

Eliott’s School

Both creative and playful, Eliott picture book explores children key situations allowing them to enrich their vocabulary and helping them to recognize the world around them. Gaming sections provide this book with interactivity!

A beautiful large format picture book with flaps and folders. Dialogues and informative captions help parents and child get ready for their first year in pre-school and discover the daily activities.

48 pages • 220 x 220mm • 2+ • 11,50€ September 2016

14 pages + flaps • 255 x 315 mm 5+ • 15,90€ • Cat

To be published in May 2017: Eliott Goes Shopping

Picture Books • 8 titles • 20 pages, 5 flaps • 182 x 205 mm • 2+ • April 2016

Eliott at the Playground

Eliott Loves Gardening

To be published in March 2017: Eliott on Easter Holidays - Eliott and His Little Sister


A playful and shared reading with flaps inviting small hands to explore the story. Boardbooks for 2-4+: a format easy to handle, resistant with rounded corners.

Picture Books By Bénédicte GUETTIER

31 titles • 24 pages • 180 x 190 mm • 2+ ChiS (PRC), It

Trotro is a little donkey full of energy. He is discovering the world with plenty of enthusiasm, trying to reach a certain autonomy when faced with new situations Trotro stories are told with a sweet humour aimed at children who will identify with him. Children will feel both joy and anger, pain and tenderness.

Trotro is sleeping

Trotro tidies up his room

In the same series: Boardbooks, Giftbooks and activities, stickers available.

Novelty Books

All Ages

Novelty Books



A Mysterious Little Wood

The Blue Garden

A poetical discovery of a mysterious little wood and of its inhabitants, until the sun sets and night arrives with its starry sky, created by Susumu Shingu, a renowned Japanese artist and the author of monumental sculptures, exhibited worldwide.

At night the garden looks different. Little-by-little, I can see it it the darkness. Strange silhouettes wake up in the bushes. What is this creature with shiny eyes? Is it really the wind that makes the leaves move? A gorgeous discovery of the garden at night, by a talented new young artist.

9 spreads with pop-ups • 225 x 225 mm • 5+ • 25€ Jp, It

7 spreads with pop-ups • 212 x 196 mm • 5+ • October 2017


The Little Prince Deluxe Pop-Up Book The ultimate edition of this universal chef-d'œuvre, with 1 million copies in print. An elegant, faithful and clever adaptation of the integral text and illustrations, that restitutes the poetical and literary qualities of the work and reinforces its meaning and emotion. 64 pages • 180 x 250 mm • 6+ • 25€ Rights sold in 24 languages

Jean-Baptiste de PANAFIEU, Patrick GRIES

Pierre-Marie VALAT

Skeletons Stories

Animal Carnival

Spectacular, mysterious and elegant: animals as you never saw them before! A unique and surprising family album to observe and compares skeletons, and better understand the fascinating story of evolution and of life.

15 exciting and sturdy press-out masks, ready to wear and to play with, for parties, games or even to decorate a room. Inside each mask there is a description of the character and behaviour of the animal portrayed

34 pages • 285 x 285 mm • 13+ • 24,90€ Ger, It

15 pages • 212 x 196 m • 9,90€ • 5+ Eng (NA)

Novelty Books



Picture Books new



Victor COUTARD Ill. by Pooya ABBASIAN

Vincent CUVELLIER Ill. by Aurélie GUILLEREY

Vincent CUVELLIER Ill. by Charles DUTERTRE


A Tree As A Friend

Children Are Naughty

A striking episode in the life of Nina Simone, one of the greatest jazz performers, who, during her first concert at 12, stood up and refused to play when her mum was forced to sit at the back of the room. An incident that contributed to her later involvement in the civil rights movement, poetically and powerfully retold in a black & white picture book.

An ecological and poetical text by an engaged author; a perfect way to learn the essential roles of each element of our planet, and how to preserve them. The colourful and dreamlike style of Pooya Abbasian’s illustrations brings dynamism and humour to this environmentally engaged picture book.

Children are naughty and parents are nice. Some children bite and don’t share their toys, some of them fight and make lots of noise. Let’s remember that parents were young once too! But were they as nice back then?

The First Time I Was Born

36 pages • 217 x 269 mm • 6+ • 14,90€ Eng, It, Sp(La) • English translation available

64 pages • 230 x 290 mm • 3+ • 18€ September 2016 • ChiS

28 pages • 225 x 245 mm • 6+ • 11,80€ Eng (W), It, Sp (LA) English translation available for evaluation

Full of tenderness and humour, each spread evokes a "first time", a big or small step, a discovery or an experience that progressively build the moving story life of a girl, from being born to giving birth. Almost 39,000 copies sold in France. 104 pages • 200 x 200 mm • 4+ • 17€ ChiS (PRC), Ger, Hu, It, Kr, Sp (SP), Th English excerpts available • Recommended by the French Ministry of Education

Illustrated Fiction


Clément FABRE

Our Dads’ Secret Meetings A story about long lasting friendship, with illustrations that pay tribute to children’s imagination. Every friday afternoon, Stéphanie’s, Amélie’s and Clément’s dads have been meeting since ever. But what are they doing during these mysterious meetings? Are they a rock band? Are they spies uncovering machiavellian plots? Are they superheroes fighting aliens and monsters?

Alexandra GARIBAL Ill. by Fred BENAGLIA

A Dog Of The Cities On the street lives an abandoned dog, a red dog, the colour of anger and blood. One day, a little girl comes and plays next to it, without chasing it, without kicking it. Will they be able to tame each other ? A powerful and poetical picture book about abandonment and the strength of friendship.

Bernadette GERVAIS

Bernadette GERVAIS

One, Two, Three, House


A gorgeous counting book, exploring the house and its inhabitants step by step with the beautiful illustrations of Bernadette Gervais. A large square format with highgloss inside paper which will delight the young readers. 24 pages • 255 x 255 mm • Boardbook • 3+ 15€

Bernadette Gervais' witty illustrations offer an ABC book full of surprises, with a host of animals lending a part of their anatomies to the shape of a letter: C is the scarab's paw, G is the elephant's trunk, M is the camel's hump… An original and imaginative way to look at the alphabet! 56 pages • 240 x 320 • 6+ • 15€

32 pages • 282 x 215 mm • 5+ • 13,50€ September 2016 English translation available for evaluation

32 pages • 223 x 223 mm • 4+ • 13,90€

Thierry LAVAL

Two riddle boardbooks, with 4 jigsaw pieces that give the solution at the end of each title, once assembled. 12 pages • 160 x 160 mm • Boardbook • 3+ • 9,90€ • September 2016

new Claude HELFT lll. by AKI

Fanny JOLY Ill. by Fred BENAGLIA

Three Little Cats

I Want My Dummies Back!

One is bossy, Two is creative, Three is bright. They play, dream, quarrel and think, like all siblings do, along ten burlesque cartoon-like stories. Three characters all at once cute and wacky, but above all very endearing! In the company of other animals and even humans, curiosity, pleasure, shyness, fear and dream take the lead, to learn how to grow up and live together. 40 pages • 185 x 220 • 3+ • 13,50€ • Ru

Charlotte just LOVES her dummies. She has many, all over the house and cannot live without one in her mouth. Until the day the whole family decides they are fed up with those beloved dummies and Charlotte is turned into the victim of a burlesque conspiracy! 28 pages • 217 x 269 mm • 3+ • 14€ Sp (W)


The Mystery Of The Salad Holes

The Enigma Of The Lost Caterpillar

The mole is investigating: who made holes in the salad? The turtle, the hedgehog, the rabbit or the slug? The guilty one is none of them!

The frog, the sparrow, the guineapig and the mole are confronted to a new enigma: what happened to the caterpillar? This time, there is no guilty party...

Illustrated Fiction

2-7 year olds new


Véronique OVALDE Ill. by Laurent MOREAU

The Pink Suitcase

The Jungle Book

Upon his birth, Benjamin received all sorts of nice presents. Blankets, toys, sleepers… even a swing! But nobody really understood when grandma came with her own present: a suitcase, for a baby, really? And pink on top of that?

This strong and philosophical retelling of a timeless tale by a renowned author, enhanced by magnificent and powerful illustrations, sheds a new light on the jungle and its dangers, men and their madness, and the choice between the forest and civilisation that Mowgli has to decide upon.

32 pages • 170 x 240 mm • 6+ • 13,50€ Eng (W), It, Pol, Vt English translation available for evaluation

Alexandra PICHARD

Francesco PITTAU

Dearest Bill

Help, A Monster!

"Thank you for your letter, I think we will get along well. I, too, like to play ping pong and watch TV."A quirky correspondence between two unusual pupils: Oscar the little ant and Bill the nice octopus.

Four red and threatening tentacles are breathlessly and pitilessly chasing a gang of four kids, throughout the city and the countryside! The monster finally gets very close to them, terrifying the kids: "Help, the monster is arriving!" But the monster is just the Monster of Tickles!

44 Pages • 205mm x 285 mm • 3+ • 14,50€ Eng (NA), Kr, Tur

28 pages • 165 x 237 mm • 3+ • 12€ October 2016

32 pages • 250 x 308 mm • 5+ • 14€





I Know A Bear

Polarman, a daily life superhero, lives in Iqaluit, in the Canadian Great North. Every day, he helps isolated persons, takes care of children, saves animals… When our heroin discover Polarman on Internet, she decides to marry him! A surprising and humorous story, based upon a real character!

"I know a bear that comes from far away. From a place he calls the Land of the Bears". This touching, hopeful story that reads like a modern classic, ever so gently poses questions about life in the zoo versus life in the wild. With spare language and gorgeous illustrations, Mariana Ruiz Johnson reminds young readers that being a good listener is what makes for a good friend.

40 pages • 217 x 269 mm • 6+ • 13,90€ October 2016

28 Pages • 250 x 250 mm • 4+ • 12,70€ ChiC (W ex PRC), ChiS (PRC), Eng (NA), Kr, Sp (LA) English translation available for evaluation


Béatrice FONTANEL Ill. by Marc BOUTAVANT

Séverine VIDAL Ill. by Amélie GRAUX

Bogueugueu, Friends, School and I

June & Jo, Memories

The adventures of Bogueugeu and of his school mate Ferdinand, illustrated with great wittiness. Four stories of friendship and a delightful chronicle of life at school, full of realistic yet funny details. A humorous and sensitive evocation of handicap and a thoughtful approach to the notions of tolerance and difference.

Nobody can separate June and Jo because Jo is June's true best friend even if he is imaginary. One day, they decide to take a look at old photo albums. Jo gets lost in his memories: what has he really experienced? Are his memories only stories that June told him? What a mishmash! Can memories get lost like a bunch of keys?

168 pages • 150 x 210 mm • 7+ • 13,50€ ChiC, ChiS, Heb, It, Kr

28 pages • 170 x 200 mm • 4+ • 6,50€


Séverine VIDAL Ill. by Amélie GRAUX


Martin ZELLER Ill. by Vincent CAUT

Martin ZELLER Ill. by Vincent CAUT

June & Jo, The Laugh Of The Urchins

Nice Cat, Wicked Cat

Pablo And The Ugly Naughty Scribble

Pablo And The Chameleon House

In the world of strokes, everything is kept in order, well illustrated. But sometimes, we are allowed to scribble. Pablo, helped by Trobo the blue robot, finds right strokes, leaning strokes and even round strokes... and all that to create and to better design. But when the Ugly Naughty Scribble turns up, he always leaves a huge mess behind him...

With his friend Trobo the Robot, Pablo goes to Square City in a magical shop where they buy new colours and shapes in order to create new objects. While they are drawing a huge bouquet of flowers, they meet a sad little chameleon who lost his house. They decide to help him. Pablo knows where to bring him: the Zoo! But this is not that simple...

June and Jo discover that all of us do not laugh for the same reasons. Something that makes one laugh does not make the other laugh. From there, the two friends start asking themselves existential questions about the laugh of the urchins, of the rocks, of the sardinas… but anyway, what make them both laugh out loud is June’s dad question: "Which Jo?" 28 pages • 170 x 200 mm • 4+ • 6,50€ September 2016

Follow Tim and Tom, two endearing cats with very different characters all along the day! In the role of "mister perfection", Tim, always impeccable, from its whiskers to its pads. In the role of the "fur ball", uncontrollable and a blundering idiot, Tom. The day of two inseparable brothers, full of humour and based on the game of opposites. 40 pages • 190 x 225 mm • 4+ • 12,20€ October 2016

26 pages • 210 x 250 mm • 5+ • 9€

26 pages • 210 x 250 mm • 5+ • 9€

Illustrated Fiction




Les enfants loups - garous

By Hélène GAUDY Ill. by Marion DUVAL 32 pages • 142 x 190 mm Full-colour illustrations • 6+ • 4,90€

The modern and almost normal life of werewolf twins! Lubin and Lou the twins and their family are werevolves and recently moved into a new house, closer to civilisation, a real challenge for the family. A new series of captivating novels for every child dreaming of having a nice werewolf friend! new


My First 100 Days At School By Mathilde BRÉCHET, ill. by Amandine LAPRUN 32 pages • 142x190 mm • Full-colour illustrations 6+ • 4,90€

For beginner readers, stories full of humour, with cheerful illustrations and texts conceived in cooperation with pedagogic advisors. At the end of each title, two double-spreads with games and questions.

re en CP ! nissa est dans e a l’air super. derrière la fenêtre ?




ISBN 978-2-07-058929-6



je commence à lire niveau

4,90 €


4,90 €

l’avis�du�conseil� pédagogique ﹕�



28/06/2016 11:00 FCPL-100-premiers-Jours-T2_COUV.indd Toutes les pages

30/06/2016 10:20

Lice Alert! The Teacher Scratches Her Head!

Arthur is starting elementary school, he is delighted, but his mind is not really at ease. Fortunately, Anissa, his kindergarten mate, is in the same class! And the teacher looks like an Indian with her plaits. But who is this white ghost behind the window?

Stupor in the classroom: Ms Shepherd scratches her head. For sure, she must have lice. Immediate action is needed. Arthur and his mates must get rid of the lice that took residence in her plaits.



Mathilde Bréchet • Amandine Laprun

Arthur en est sûr : dans la cour vit un terrible monstre gluant... Il faut prévenir les copains. Les récrés vont devenir un enfer !



4 3

Une série pleine d’humour, à la portée de tous les apprentis lecteurs !

je commence à lire niveau

ISBN 978-2-07-058933-3


The Big Secret

The Fight

The Birthday

The Countess of Monsacapoux


l’avis�du�conseil� pédagogique ﹕�

4,90 €


4,90 €



The extraordinary adventures of Zélie, an heroin half-witch half-princess, and of her she-dog, Poison. Since her parents' divorce, Zélie lives half-time with her mother and halftime with her father, as many children. With a slight difference... her mother, Tempétarouste, is a fanciful and messy witch, and her father, Philippe-Henri, is a supermaniac prince. new



Hurrah For School! Even If I Am A Bit Afraid...


eine d’humour, les apprentis lecteurs !



ande de CM2 fait la loi. pains en ont assez rée et petits pois ! faut les ratatiner !

ISBN 978-2-07-058930-2

By Nathalie KUPERMAN Ill. by Amélie GRAUX 32 pages • 142 x 190 mm Full-colour illustrations • 6+ • 4,90€

Une série pleine d’humour, à la portée de tous les apprentis lecteurs !

Amandine Laprun

Under The Moon


La maîtresse se gratte la tête… C’est sûr, elle a des poux ! Arthur et ses copains ont un super plan pour s’en débarrasser...

e d’humour, apprentis lecteurs !


A New Home

14 11 114 124

114 123

Mathilde Bréchet • Amandine Laprun



ISBN 978-2-07-058928-9

A Big Bad Wolf


mandine Laprun




Between Twilight and Dawn


30/06/2016 10:40

FCPL-100-premiers-Jours-T4_COUV.indd Toutes les pages

28/06/2016 10:49

Panic In The Dining Hall! The Catapult Gang

Fright At School! The Dreadful Monster That Sticks

In the dining hall, a gang of older pupils lays down the law. Arthur and his mates are fed up with receiving mashed potatoes and green peas. They decide upon a plan to thwart them.

Arthur is certain about this: a terrible sticky monster hides on the playground... He has to alert his mates. The breaks are going to turn nightmarish!


6 and up

By Fanny JOLY, ill. by Ronan BADEL • 32 pages • 142 x 190 mm Black & white illustrations • 8+ • 6,20€ • Cat, Sp (W), Tur, Vt The cheerful adventures of Angèle, nicknamed Cucu la Praline, a little girl who rebels against her two terrible brothers and solves plenty of mysteries. "I am Angèle Chambar, and I love: dressing myself in pink, candies, ice creams, and Machouillou my cuddly lion who follows me everywhere. I hate: my nickname, Cucu la Praline. My brothers gave me this horrible nickname but I have character. I’m not going to make it easy for them!" In each title, three tender and funny episodes that will reconciliate naughty brothers with their adorable younger sister.

By François PLACE • 32 pages • 142 x 190 mm • Full-colour illustrations • 8+ The nautical adventures of Lou Pilouface, hectic, tender and funny, on board of the ship of her uncle Boniface, with a bunch of unforgettable characters.

new The Ghost of Monte-Cristo

Lou Pilouface and her friend Anastasia are on holiday on the Riviera. But here comes Manolo, a young boy with a monkey on his shoulder, asking for help from Captain Pilouface. Our friends head for a legendary castle for an appointment with a ghost!

A Stowaway Passenger

The Kidnapping of the Parrot

“Holly whale’s pee!”, the furious Captain Boniface exclaims when he discovers the unexpected sailor who boarded his tugboat: his niece, the unruly Lou Pilouface. Once out at sea, the ship gets a distress call. Whad did happen to this phantom ship?

A drama is playing aboard the Tiramisu, a magnificent liner under way to New York City: foul people kidnapped the parrot of Pamela Diva, the famous singer and the mother of Lou, and are now demanding a ransom. Lou and Anastasia investigate.

Panic in the Bayou

The Skeleton Carnival

Not a drop of spicy sauce left aboard! Ticho the cook is horrified! Only Grandma Dynamite has the secret of the recipe but she lives far away, in Louisiana. Here they are, heading South! Alas, when they arrive, Grandma is missing! The crew sets on her search. But watch out for the alligators floating around...

The tugboat accosts in New Orleans on the eve of the Carnival. Pamela Diva gives a great concert. What a night! But a thief sneaks into the cabin of Nelson O’Nelson III, the captain of the Syracuse, and steals the precious content of his safe. How to find the real culprit during the carnival?

The God of Thunder

Storm on the Atlantic

What a disaster! The golden statue of Katatrak, the god of thunder, has been stolen from the museum. The thieves fled in a boat. "To your stations!" Captain Pilouface shouts. Lou and Anastasia jump on board for a wild chase in the heart of Amazonia.

Spidi the Sailor is homesick and the doctor recommends an immediate repatriation to his hometown Marseille. The crew sets sails for the other side of the ocean! But a storm arises, and on top of it, their sworn enemies are waiting for them. Troubles are on the horizon...



Christophe Mauri

By Christophe MAURI,, ill. by Aurore DAMANT 64 pages • 135 x 190 mm • Full-colour illustrations • 8+ • 6,20€ • October 2016 Warm and hilarious, the compelling adventures of a modern royal family that dodges protocol and aims for a normal life. A family as endearing as it is original with heartfelt relationships, with the humour and wit of Christophe Mauri, enhanced by joyful illustrations. new 26


At this year’s summer Olympic Games our kingdom lost to the one next door so dad changed the rules and decreed that royal family members could, in fact, compete. That’s how Dad, Mum, Louis Junior and I, Alice end up at a chalet at the bottom of the slopes for the Winter Olympics. We make quite an impression at the opening ceremony! We all applaud as Dad attemps the ski jump and put all our hopes on Mum for the queens' race. And the whole family participates in the last event, the relay. Go for gold!!

Holidays in a Pop-up Château

The royal subjects are protesting under the castle windows. They have enough of the endless rain which had not let up for weeks, and are calling for some sun. Dad promises good weather across the realm and crosses his fingers. The next day we, Dad, Mum, Louis Junior my little brother and I, Alice, leave on vacation incognito. We have a lot of fun camping at the beach like any other family and of course we enter the sand castle contest…


Go for Gold!

Series Mathieu Hidalf • By Christophe MAURI

9+ • Gr, It, Pol, Ru, Sp (W), Srb

A five-volume inventive series set in Astria, – an imaginary Middle-Age-like kingdom – based upon an original idea: a series of contracts between an exasperated father and his clever but mischievous son. The hero, Mathieu Hidalf, as unbearable as he is charming, cannot wait to be a grownup. Impatient and egoistic, but smart and

The First Challenge of Mathieu Hidalf 256 pages

Mathieu Hidalf and the Ghostly Thunderbolt 336 pages

resourceful, he uses the means of the adults to fulfill his goals as a child, and mysteriously finds himself involved into the destiny of Astria. A magical universe full of imagination and with a suspenseful plot, set on the background of an intriguing and pitiless struggle between Astria and the fearsome and mysterious Estaffes brothers.

Mathieu Hidalf and the Bramble Spell

Mathieu Hidalf and the Battle of Dawn

The Last Ordeal of Mathieu Hidalf

384 pages

320 pages

544 pages


8 and up

Jean-Philippe Arrou-Vignod Series Detectives At School • By Jean-Philippe ARROU-VIGNOD 9+ • Hu, Pol, Tur, Ir

Three smart students, P.P. Cul Vert, Rémi and Mathilde, an eccentric old history teacher and a sinister school: a little incident and hop!, everything suddenly becomes strange and mysterious. A trip to Venice, a stay in England, a flashlight searching the empty classrooms at night or a treasure hunt, as

many events that are at the heart of our friends’ wildest adventures! Lots of humour, action and energy plus a large dose of selfderision for these seven stories, which have sold over 1,8 million copies as individual titles, and 48,000 copies as bind-ups as of July 2016 in France alone.

Detective At School, Bind-up 1

Detective At School, Bind-up 2

Detective At School, His Majesty P.P. 1st

3 stories: The Teacher Has Disappeared - Investigation At School - P.P. Cul-Vert, Private Detective

3 stories: On the Track of the Salamander - P.P. Cul-Vert and the Mystery of the Loch Ness The Club of the Inventors

1 story

400 pages

384 pages

224 pages

Series the Jean-Something Family • By Jean-Philippe ARROU-VIGNOD

10+ • Pol, Ru, Srb, Vt

The French Cheaper By The Dozen, partly inspired by the author’s own childhood, a hilarious family of six boys in the Sixties, with a wellorganized Mum, a champion of do-it-yourself Dad, a few friends with an overwhelming imagination and a handful of exasperating cousins. The six stories, first published individually, have sold in France almost 500,000 copies and the bind-up of of the first five stories, has sold 92,000 copies as of July 2016 in France alone.

A Fine Bunch of Bananas

A Jolly Tasty Family Bind Up

1 story

5 stories: The Sweet Omelette - The Flying Camembert - The Goldfish Soup - Chocolate Holidays - The Icing on the Cake

160 pages • Pol, RU

336 pages • Pol, Ru, Vt



Trilogy: Black Cat • By Yann DARKO • 10+ Who is Black Cat? A dangerous criminal? A dispenser of justice? The Archduke, the cruel Lord of the Two-Mists city is promising an always higher reward for capturing him, dead or alive. The last volume of a humorous and thrilling trilogy set in imaginary Middle-Ages, adventures full of twists and turns, awarded the Tam-Tam Prize.

The final battle begins for Black Cat, the young dispenser of justice. The troops of Prince Viktar and of the perfidious Archduke aim at conquering the Kingdom, assisted by an army of warrior rats! Only the capital still resists. The Queen entrusts a difficult mission to Black Cat and his best friend: to put out of action the spy, as elusive as a ghost, who has been mocking her soldiers and informing the ennemies for days... Will Black Cat manage to catch him and help save the Kingdom? new



The Secret of Frightmount Tower

The Castaway of the Cursed Island

The Furrows of the Devil

256 pages

256 pages

288 pages

The Mystery of Daedalus When the Gods of Olympus plays Holmes and Watson... The famous architect Daedalus has been killed, and there is no shortage of suspects! The inventor of the labyrinth where the Minotaur was confined, Daedalus has made a lot of enemies. Only Hermes, the smartest god, wants to discover the truth, even if he has to descend into Hells to find it...

• By Richard NORMANDON

Helped by Eros, his chubby and nonchalant nephew, he travels from Crete to Africa, via Sicily, Greece and Italy, and questions his fellow gods. Appolo, Hephaistos, Hades and Aphrodite, all of them could have held something against the architect. What were they doing the night Daedalus was murdered? And what was Daedalus doing in a remote African village? Who was he hiding from? 176 pages • 10+


10 and up

Gallimard Jeunesse First Novel Competition In Spring 2012, Gallimard Jeunesse, in cooperation with the radio station RTL and the culture magazine Télérama, organised a First Novel Competition on the occasion of its 40th anniversary, opened to all those who dream of writing for young adults. The Winter Fiancés, the first volume of The Girl Who Walked Through Mirrors, a fantasy tetralogy, was unanimously chosen by the jury. The operation was renewed in 2015, and this time, a striking uchronia came out, Blood Never Forgets, the first volume in a trilogy, The Mysteries of Larispem.

Trilogy: The Mysteries of Larispem • By Lucie PIERRAT-PAJOT • 13+

Winner 2015

1. Blood Never Forgets

mysterious blood ability, are plotting to get back to power. Prowlers, automaton sabotages, an indecipherable book... Three destinies are crossing: Liberty, an outstanding mechanic, Carmine, a talented butcher apprentice, and Nathanaël, an orphan with a mysterious past, are going to get caught in the heart of this plot and see their lives drastically disrupted. A captivating novel in a fluid style, that reveals a new great and promising author. 272 pages • Vol. 2 due in 2017

Trilogy: The Girl Who Walked Through Mirrors By Christelle DABOS • 12+ • Hu, Ru, Sp (LA & NA)

1. The Winter Fiancés 528 pages Grand prix de l’Imaginaire 2016 English excerpt available

2. The Missing Ones of the Moonlight Embassy 528 pages

Vol. 3 due in 2017

Winner 2012

An incredible completely new and coherent post-apocalytic universe, in which the original Earth has become a burning nucleus and people have settled on the numerous Arks surrounding this nucleus, each developped under the leadership of an immortal Family Spirit. A deceptively fragile and moving heroine is going to reveal the strength of her personality, although trapped into an incomprehensible situation by an array of complex characters. An indisputable page-turner, with a wealth of twist-andturns, multiple developments and narrative details, now turning into a cross-over best-seller, with over 107,000 copies sold of the first two volumes, out of which over 16,000 copies sold of the first volume in the Gallimard pocket book series for adults, as of August 2016. In the own words of the author: “A small clumsy maid finds herself engaged to a big man as cold as ice: are they going to be able to compromise in a world where appearances are so deceptive?”



Larispem, 1899. In the independant City-State of Larispem, the butchers are now the dominant caste, after a revolution that chased the aristocracy from power. It is dedicated to equity between the citizens and to the cult of progress, personified by Jules Vernes, its leader, and Michèle Lancien, the President.Whilst great festivities are on to celebrate the new century, the shadow of a secret society hangs over the city: the aristocrats, inspired by Louis d'Ombreville and gifted with a



The Tree and The Fruit

Run Billie

By Jean-François CHABAS

By Claire LOUP

An essential but terrible topic: how does someone become a battered woman? How can we prevent it? A short but powerful novel told by two voices: a woman torn apart between her life as a battered wife and her role as a mother; her daughter who will, at all costs, protect her little sister from their violent father and their depressive mother while fighting to find her place.

A puzzle that draws the portrait of a young girl who lost her landmarks in success, a tense narrative, full of suspens and psychological acuity. A police intrigue built as a polyphonic novel with a variety of voices and stylistic devices such as letters, questionings, songs, diaries...

1980, Portland, Oregon. Jewel does not understand. Where is Mum gone? Will she have to stay with Dad, from now on? She is frightened with this prospect. But Esther must not feel it. Esther is her little sister, she has to protect her. In fact, Mum is at the psychiatric hospital. Because Dad hurts her. Because Dad terrorises them. As Jewel grows up, she understands, little by little, that her father is evil, but that other people on earth deserve to be loved and are worth fighting for. With this short narrative, as devastating as an uppercut, Jean-François Chabas makes us dive into the intimacy of a family in the grip of a violent man, but who appears as irreproachable in public: a daily ordeal, well-hidden. A terrible and upsetting questioning for all of us, on a taboo issue.

Run Billie is a rock band who reached the top of glory within a few months. The night of their first show in a major Parisian venue, on the eve of a great tour, Billie, the 21-year-old singer, disappears. Inspector Luka Prajnik, in charge of the investigation, hears every close relatives one after another: the other members of the band, among whom her boyfriend, her mother, her sister and her childhood friend, Joshua. Had Billie enemies? Or did she deliberately disappear to run away from pressure? Had Adèle Polgakov a hard time reconciling her personal life and her persona as Billie, the lead singer? Had she a double life? What was she hiding? The investigation reveals a fragile young woman who kept a lot of secrets, such as an epistolary relation with her first love, or the never-ending search of her Russian father. 336 pages • 13+ • April 2016

128 pages • 13+ • March 2016

Keep Your Mouth Shut A critical issue of adolescence, handled with a great delicacy: becoming aware of being homosexual, and the rejection it often causes. During a Sunday family lunch, Amande, a single woman in her thirties, realises that the atmosphere is still more tensed and icy than usual. Abruptly,here comes the revelation: Thomas, her 15 year-old nephew, the only person she feels close


to among her keen, kissed a boy. His parents are horrified, and his grandfather slaps him in the face. This is how Amande decides, as much for Tom as for herself, to write about a determining episode of her adolescence. Since this is her own life that replays with this slap: at 15, in the nineties, she fell in love with a girl... 98 pages • 13+ • January 2016


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Double Fault


An original almost taboo subject: the life of young top level athletes. Abuse of power and rivalry make for an upsetting psychological drama, with a deep and acute psychological analysis of the relationship between two brothers and their father: rivalry, love/hate, control. Since an early age, the father of Ulysses and his older brother, Ludovic, has been their tennis coach. He has only had one thing in mind: to make them champions whatever the cost. His encouraging a fierce rivalry forces them to excel, and

Golden Valley

Gaël Aymon

Gaël Aymon

Maximilian is 17 and is off to spend his summer vacation with his parents, expatriates living in the very trendy Golden Valley neighborhood of Yangon, Myanmar. When he first arrives he is overwhelmed by the hot humid weather and deeply bored, until he

The Suitcases

Approx. 176 pages • 13+ • November 2016

• By Gaël AYMON

A novel set in Burma that plays with clichés and mixes political, societal, familial and psychological intrigue together with young love, which makes for intense reading. An unusual and original setting: the universe of the international “Golden” youth of one of the world’s poorest countries.

Sève Laurent-Fajal

draw out the better of the two until the day when, at 14, Ulysses cracks after an injury and decides to throw it all in. He wants a normal life, going to school, reading books, dating girls. His father humiliates him but does not try to dissuade him. From that point on, he focuses on Ludo. Two years later it turns to disaster. Ludo collapses in the middle of a game and ends up in a coma. The family is ripped apart.

meets Brandon Zaw Naing, a wealthy westernized Burmese his age and his sister Dolly Mya Yi, a beautiful, intelligent, mysterious law student. Max and Dolly are strongly attracted to each other which leads to brief, intense and forbidden encounters. Then one day, Dolly reveals to Max that she is collaborating with a newspaper on an article that is trying to link both of their fathers to massive uncontrolled urbanisation and the construction of a hydroelectric dam. Max is about to discover what lies behind his respectable father’s lucrative activities... 192 pages • 14+ • September 2016


A sensitive and vibrant first novel about a 15-year-old girl’s search for her identity which reveals the secret of her origins. A realistic and endearing female protagonist, a plot that skillfully blends an historical event, the Holocaust, family secrets and a love story. Fifteen-year-old Sarah, lives alone with her mother. She knows nothing of her father. On a class trip to Auschwitz she sees, behind glass, suitcases that belonged to some of the deportees. She is quite upset by a name written in chalk on one of the cases: Levin. This leads to

her asking herself about her roots. Who is her father, what happened to him? Does she have a family somewhere with Jewish origins? When she finally feels she is ready to ask her mother, who has always been very reticent about the subject, she has an accident that leaves her in a coma. Encouraged by her foster family and with the help of Jerome, a boy in her class who becomes her first love, and her history teacher, Sarah sets in search of her past... 320 pages • 13+ • September 2016





marge à ne pas mordre (7mm)

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13 and up

Who’s Who Chairman Antoine GALLIMARD

President Hedwige PASQUET

EDITORIAL DIRECTION Christine BAKER Editorial Director, Gallimard Jeunesse Colline FAURE-POIRÉE Editorial Director, Giboulées imprint

EXECUTIVE EDITORS (BUYING ONLY) Alice LIÈGE Young Children’s Books Paule du BOUCHET Music and So Thomas DARTIGE Non-Fiction, Characters & Tie-in licenses Thierry LAROCHE Fiction & Graphic Novels

FOREIGN RIGHTS (SELLING ONLY) Anne BOUTELOUP Foreign Rights Director Fiction, Picture Books, TV Tie-in licenses, Pénélope property [email protected] Marie BRUN Foreign Rights Manager First Discovery, Early Learning, Giboulées imprint and Toddlers Books [email protected] Alizée DABERT Foreign Rights Manager Non fiction, Music & Sound Books [email protected] Marie MAUCLAIRE Foreign Rights & Administration Assistant [email protected] Bianca COLLEONY covering for Aurélia STEMMLER Production Manager [email protected] [email protected]

OUR MAIN SUB-AGENTS GRAPHIC NOVELS (ALL TERRITORIES) Sylvain COISSARD [email protected] Seibel Publishing Services Patricia SEIBEL [email protected]

EUROPE BULGARIA Nika Literary Agency, Vania KADIYSKA [email protected] HUNGARY DS Budapest, Margit GRUBER [email protected] ROMANIA, BALKAN STATES & POLAND Livia Stoia Agency, Livia STOIA [email protected] RUSSIA Anastasia Lester Agency, Anastasia LESTER [email protected] TURKEY Kalem Literary Agency, Göksun Bayraktar [email protected]

ASIA CHINA Bardon Chinese Media Agency, Jian-Mei WANG [email protected] & Carrie DING [email protected] JAPAN Motovun Tokyo, Mari KOGA [email protected] & Akiko MIEDA [email protected] SOUTH KOREA Sibylle Books Agency, Young Sun CHOI [email protected] RIGHTS SOLD: ABBREVIATIONS Unless otherwise specified, the rights granted are world rights. In case only the number of languages is specified, the list of the rights sold in available upon request.

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Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse 5, rue Gaston-Gallimard 75328 Paris Cedex 07