
Fint of ail, this project is one of the oldest associative projects of the 2011 eN class. It startcd in Novcmber 2008. 1 prescnted rnyself to Mr. Covo witb an initial ...
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Associative Project 2009/2010

AJexandre 010f5500 CN2011


Concept Presentation


ISG Gourmet is an association that gives l.§.Q §!u4ç!'t5 tbe opportuoity to discover IJt~~ 1fJ.-~be gastronomie and wincry wealtb of Franc~~àifferent event5 planned aU year long. We also bad tbe ambition to build partoersbips with restaurants, cooks and entrepreneurs in the activity of wine mak.iog or particular disbes from various French regions.



The team

Alexandre Olofssoo Fomalbaut Vieux-Rocbas Olivia Laski Carole Pozzuoli Gérard Dex3nt


President and Founder





The project's story

Fint of ail, this project is one of the oldest associative projects of the 2011 eN class. It startcd in Novcmber 2008. 1 prescnted rnyself to Mr. Covo witb an initial project of a culina ry cl ub within the school. T his project originall)' ~Ianned to organize dinncrs in famous restauraots such as "'Taillevent" or "Apicius" wit h the advantage of ha\'iog a lower-priced menu. However, the project was submitted with a few changes. Later in the


the tca m Wtl§ created, and du ring the month of Marcb, we ail went to tbe "Salon des Vignerons Independants" to find sOnle potentia1llartners or sponsors. \Vc foun d three partoers (rom different French regions. Then, we creatcd a commercial offer, a three-bottle package in a wooden box, lhat we would seU fo r 34 Eu_ros (see picture). Unfortunately, with the economic crisis of the time, we dido" sel! the ta rgeted number of IlToducts and stopped th e projcct.








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The official business exercise startcd in October 2009 witb tbe schooPs iotegr ation weekcod.


Projects o(the business exercise 09/ 10 \Vine bottle sales: During tbe weekend of October I f, 2009, we sOld 20 bottles of wine to the BOE for a D amouDt of 120 euros. Tbis mission -had u:1: ôif~o promote tbe association and make our company koowo to ISG students. l'he otber, SO wines boUles wcre sold during tbe montbs of October and Novembe r to ISG'! s tu d~ ts. This operation brougbt in sales revenue of 500 Euros, resulting .!Q. a totall)rofi u 0 Euros. ~

The two wines sold were:

Chateau L alande-Labatut 2004 (Bordeaux Red wi_ne)

Chatea u Lala nde-Labatut 2008 (Bordeaux Rosé wine)

The gros.~ revenue for this event was 70 Euros with a cost of 95 Euros. So, tbere was a regrettable 1055 of 25 Euros, maioly due to the fael that sorne studeots didn ' t pay the cntry as indicstcd.



As we already staled previously, our eJsociation's treasury is positive. Wit l}t8~ 1 gross revenue of 1200 euros and a total b~t of 215 Euros, the re5ults allow us to engagr SjiOssibly in a final event for ISG"s..studenl this year.



This associative project was difficult to manage in terms of human relations, but allowed us to sec how things cao work in reality ratber than in tbeory. ln faet, wc ean will try to offer ISG school ft last say that the conclusion, for the moment, is positive. event to show tbat gastronomy ÜJ France is a really impol-hmt cultural point to keep in mind and remind ~ the studenls, both French and foreign. Lastly, we contioue to belie,,-c ga.dronomy still has ft lot of opportunities in terms of business, today and tomorrow.



ISG Prep School Party in VH buildine - 29 January 2010 : Prep Scbool Director, Mr. Phillipot and the second-ycar prep s t ~'tt..Va lentina Mareuse organized a party consisting of a private coocert and wine df5ëi~ in our Victor Hugo building. Our association participated iD the event by preseoting tbree differcot wincs; Jaja de Jau 2008 Syrab (Red wioe), Jaja de Jau 2008 Sauvignon (White wine) and the rosé from the previous operation.

prof.... Wc sold 96 boUles of wioe, grossing"revenue of 630 Euros and a &en cfit of 240 Euros, ­ coabliog us to cover the totality of tb; bsnk':s costs for tbe year.

Grand MarDier DiDDer- 24 Marcb 2010:


Wc organized ..ÎAt partnersh ip with the fa mous liquar company GRAN D MA RN1ER a great event ioside the ISG bu~i.tJ.l.ota's Street. In fact, the Amhassador of the brs od, Alexandre Lechat, m su~r bis company and ail ils international aspects ct1 th an b --&o a conference, and then wit h the twent)' students present, he invited us to taste Grand Marnier and various cocktails made with this a!cobol. This event was a great SUCCe5S. The associatioo al50 offered a huge buffet of apl)etizcr:s of ail kjn ~ ,