FlawLESS - NCM ELSA France

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Magazine of The European Law Students’ Association of Nantes – France ELSA NANTES FlawLESS

Magazine de l’association européenne des étudiants en droit de Nantes N°1 Juin- Septembre 2010


© Clément Thomas

A Vision of ELSA


By Oscar Lema Bouza

The Year of Change

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1

© Clément 1 Thomas



Déclaration philosophique d'ELSA adoptée le 12 Octobre 1992 à Bruxelles ▶Vision / Vision A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity. Un monde juste dans lequel la diversité culturelle et la dignité humaine seront respectées.

▶ Purpose / But To contribute to legal education, to foster mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers. Contribuer à l'enseignement juridique, favoriser la compréhension mutuelle et promouvoir la responsabilité des étudiants en droit et des jeunes juristes.

▶ Means / Moyens To provide opportunities for law students and young lawyers to learn about other cultures and legal system in a spirit of critical dialogue and scientific co-operation. Fournir aux étudiants en droit et aux jeunes juristes la possibilité de découvrir d'autres cultures et systèmes juridiques dans un esprit de dialogue critique et de coopération scientifique. To assist law students and young lawyer to be internationally minded and professionally skilled. Aider les étudiants en droit et les jeunes juristes à développer un esprit international et des qualités professionnelles. To encourage law students and young lawyers to act for the good of society. Encourager les étudiants et jeunes juristes à agir pour le bien de la société.

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1





© Clément Thomas

Edito ....................................................................................................... 4 ELSA Nantes, 2000-2004 ...................................................................... 6 ELSA… What else? ............................................................................... 7 ELSA – a way to broaden your views and your horizon ...................... 8 German ELSA experience ................................................................... 10 My ELSA Romania experience ........................................................... 12 My ELSA Portugal experience ............................................................ 14 ELSA Spirit by ELSA Istanbul ........................................................... 15 The Final IFP Conference Intellectual Property 2010 in Munich ....... 16 Following the right STEP .................................................................... 18 A trainee at the United Nations in Bonn ............................................. 19 Présentation des « Study Visits » ........................................................ 20 ELSA France : The Year of Change ................................................... 21 Festival Pop and Europe .................................................................... 23 Gene thieves and bio-pirats ................................................................. 24 2010, année de la bioéthique ............................................................... 26 L‟avocat français et la mondialisation ................................................. 28 Free movement of persons – Union Citizenship ................................. 30 Search for the truth .............................................................................. 34 Toi aussi, fais partie de l'International Legal Research Group on Freedom of Speech (1/06/2010 - 3/04/2011) !!! ................................. 35 Le droit au théâtre n‟est pas qu‟une revendication ! ........................... 36 Eur@dioNantes : « L'auberge espagnole sur les ondes » ! ................. 37 Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Edito ELSA en France renvoie à un prénom féminin, partout en Europe ELSA renvoie à la plus grande association d’étudiants en Droit au monde ! The European Law Students’ Association, l’association européenne des étudiants en Droit, fondée en 1981 par des étudiants d'Autriche, de Hongrie, de Pologne et de l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, regroupe en effet 30 000 étudiants en Droit, dans plus de 200 universités et dans 42 pays d'Europe ! ELSA est une association politiquement neutre, elle a pour objectif de favoriser et d'intensifier la coopération entre les étudiants en droit, les praticiens et les universitaires de différents pays, Alexandra Maupas Présidente d‟ELSA Nantes impliquant ainsi les étudiants dans la réflexion juridique et contribuant à la formation des jeunes juristes. Elle possède un statut consultatif notamment à l'UNESCO (Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture), à l'ECOSOC (Conseil économique et social des Nations unies) et un statut d'observateur à l'Organisation mondiale de la Propriété intellectuelle. Elle coopère aussi avec toutes les institutions européennes et les étudiants en Droit, membres d‟ELSA, peuvent postuler pour faire partie des délégations. ELSA a trois activités principales : le STEP, les Activités académiques ainsi que les Séminaires et Conférences. Le STEP c‟est le « Student Trainee Exchange Programme », il s‟agit d'un programme d‟échanges de stages professionnels de courte durée et connaît un grand succès auprès des étudiants. Ce programme permet à des étudiants en Droit d'autres pays de se familiariser avec le système juridique du pays d'accueil, dans le cadre d'un stage, en général payé.

Les Activités académiques regroupent les parrainages d‟étudiants étrangers, l'organisation de groupes de recherches débouchant sur une publication du travail réalisé mais aussi des concours de plaidoirie, et notamment le célèbre EMC² (ELSA Moot Court Competition) en lien avec l‟Organisation mondiale du Commerce. Des « L@w Events » sont également organisés, se caractérisant par des visites aux cabinets d‟avocats pour se familiariser avec leur travail et discuter de cas précis. Enfin, en 2010, à l‟occasion des 60 ans de la Convention européenne des Droits de l‟Homme, ELSA en partenariat avec le Conseil de l‟Europe, organise un concours d‟essais et de photographies sur l‟impact de cette Convention sur la vie des citoyens européens. Enfin, les Séminaires et Conférences permettent aux juristes de différentes formations de discuter et de s'informer sur des sujets juridiques variés et ainsi d'acquérir une meilleure culture générale et une meilleure connaissance des systèmes internationaux. Il s‟agit d‟une part de conférences portant sur des thèmes juridiques, intégrant souvent des problématiques relatives aux droits de l'homme ou aux politiques européennes. D‟autre part, il s‟agit de l‟ « International Focus Programme », à savoir un sujet d‟actualité choisi pendant trois ans, donnant lieu à des conférences partout en Europe sur ce sujet. Fin avril a eu lieu à Munich, à l‟Office européen des brevets, la dernière série de conférences sur la propriété intellectuelle et désormais, de 2010 à 2013, le sujet IFP est le droit de la santé, d‟où plusieurs articles liés à ce domaine dans ce magazine. Enfin, de nombreuses

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1


ELSA NANTES « Law Summer Schools », universités d‟été, ont lieu en Europe de juin à septembre, organisées par ELSA portant sur un thème d‟actualité sous forme de conférences et de groupes de travail notamment. ELSA est d‟abord gérée par un bureau ELSA International basé à Bruxelles et un groupe national ELSA dans chaque pays qui ensuite s‟occupe des groupes locaux. ELSA Nantes fait partie des groupes locaux ELSA en France créés il y a dix ans. Cependant, nous sommes en France dans une situation exceptionnelle puisque depuis six ans il n‟y a plus de bureau ELSA Nantes et surtout depuis trois ans il n‟y a plus de bureau ELSA France. J‟ai connu ELSA lors de mon séjour ERASMUS d‟un an à Munich et la restauration d‟ELSA Nantes était un projet qui me tenait à cœur depuis un an, surtout que je suis en Master 2 de Droit économique international et communautaire et élue au Conseil universitaire des Relations internationales. Je compte désormais faire d‟ELSA Nantes, avec l‟aide du nouveau bureau, un modèle et un moteur pour la reconstruction d‟ELSA France. Ceci permettra aux étudiants en droit de France de prendre part à cette association internatio-

FlawLESS nale au vu de son ouverture d‟esprit et de toutes les opportunités qu‟elle offre. ELSA Nantes a créé son site internet www.elsa-nantes.fr pour vous tenir au courant de ses activités et va même avoir un magazine radio mensuel chez Eur@dioNantes ! D‟autres réunions seront organisées pour vous donner l‟occasion de rencontrer le bureau d‟ELSA Nantes, de vous renseigner davantage sur cette association et j‟espère d‟en faire partie ! Ce magazine sera publié tous les deux mois, n‟hésitez pas à nous contacter pour en faire partie ! De nombreux articles ont été spécialement écrits pour vous, étudiants de Nantes et de France, par des étudiants en Droit de toute l‟Europe, pour vous présenter cette association peu connue chez nous, ses activités, ses valeurs et ses objectifs ! Des étudiants de groupes ELSA d‟Europe mais aussi des étudiants français qui ont hâte de s‟investir dans cette association et de lui donner une nouvelle dynamique ! Des propositions de visites d‟études nous sont déjà parvenues de Padoue et d‟Athènes et nous sommes impatients de concrétiser tous ces projets ! Je les remercie pour leur contribution et je vous souhaite une bonne lecture !

Dear ELSA Network, As you know ELSA France is among the only inactive groups of the ELSA Network, this had a consequence over all local groups and ELSA in France is not known by the students anymore. This newspaper intends to present this association to our students in Nantes, in France and even abroad. We would like to thank all the writers for their wonderful articles and their contribution to recreate a dynamics here! A special thank to ELSA Germany who supported us since the beginning of our ELSA adventure! An other special thank to Kostas Leimonis, from ELSA Athens who found the delirious name of this newspaper, « fLAWless » is indeed our ideal for the reconstruction of ELSA in France. Two new groups ELSA have just been created in Lille and Rennes, and we hope other students will be motivated in France to do so. Our magazine will be published each two months and if you would like to write an article inside, in French or English, it would be a great honor for us! More information can be found on our website www.elsa-nantes.fr about our activities and our board. See you soon to the next ELSA event! ELSA Nantes Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




ELSA Nantes, 2000-2004 Elsa : ce nom sonne bien et invite déjà à en savoir plus à son sujet, n’est-ce pas ? En tout cas cela a été mon 1er sentiment à son égard ! Son côté international attirait également mon attention. Il a ensuite suffi d’une étincelle… enfin disons d’un peu de persuasion de la part de quelques amis qui se lançaient dans l’aventure, et je les ai suivi… pour une histoire de plus de 3 ans ! Que dire de cette expérience ?

J‟ai assisté à la naissance d‟ELSA Nantes en 2000 et participer à ses projets pendant plusieurs années, avant qu‟elle n‟entre malheureusement en hibernation… ! Christophe Yhuel Cette expérience Trésorier d‟ELSA Nantes 2003-2004 s‟est traduite avant tout par des rencontres : avec les autres membres d‟ELSA Nantes (dont certains sont toujours des amis proches) ou d‟ELSA en France et en Europe et plus largement avec le monde étudiant. Toutes ces rencontres faites au travers des activités menées ont été très enrichissantes. Elles m‟ont permis d‟avoir une meilleure appréhension du monde universitaire, et de ne pas être qu‟un simple étudiant « consommateur » de l‟enseignem ent donné, mais d‟essayer de faire vivre un peu notre faculté. On reproche souvent à la fac d‟être un univers sans âme. Des associations comme ELSA apportaient justement à l‟université ce qui lui man-

quait : un peu de « lien social et une dimension internationale unique. ELSA, via tous les projets qu‟elle propose de mettre en œuvre grâce à ses dimensions nationale et européenne, permet ainsi tout un tas de rencontres, de connections entre les juristes en herbe, le monde universitaire et le monde du travail. ELSA c‟est comme une famille et partout où vous allez en Europe, vous serez toujours bien accueilli. Au palmarès d‟ELSA Nantes figure notamment la victoire nationale au concours de plaidoirie organisé en 2001 et ce pour sa 1ère participation ! À la clef pour les vainqueurs, des stages au Conseil Constitutionnel, à la Cour de Cassation et au Conseil d‟État, ils avaient même diné avec Simone Veil (présidente du jury)… rien que ça ! Cette association possède un potentiel énorme et je me réjouis que le groupe nantais renaisse de ses cendres. Je félicite d‟avance ses nouveaux responsables, qui vont j‟en suis persuadé faire du super boulot ! Enfin j‟espère que de nombreux groupes français suivent ce sillage tracé par ELSA Nantes. Bon courage à tous !

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




ELSA… What else? ELSA is a lot more than a Network that comprises 41 national groups, more than 200 local groups and around 30,000 students from all over Europe! ELSA is a big family in which, once you enter, will never leave you alone, and will be a place not just to acquire Law-related knowledge and skills, but also to meet some of the best friends you will ever make, and with whom you will like to spend a lot of your free time. But, what makes ELSA different from any other association? I would say there are many answers to that question actually, but I will focus on three. In the first place, on the studies side, ELSA allows you to improve your skills on lawrelated issues, Óscar Lema Bouza Président d‟ELSA Internasuch as Human tional 2010-2011 Rights, Intellectual Property, or Maritime Law, for instance, with top lecturers from all over Europe, as well as to bridge theory and practice, thanks to initiatives like the ELSA Moot Court Competition (EMC2) on WTO Law and STEP, the Student Trainee Exchange Programme. Secondly, ELSA has professional advantages. You can gain experience, thanks to the abovementioned STEP, and contacts, in the many events held throughout the Network. But also, becoming an active member, either as a member of an Organizing Committee or as an officer, means working in the closest possible way you will find when getting out of the University, and into the labour market. The third, and probably most important thing that ELSA can give anyone, is friendship. With ELSA you know you will never be alone in Europe. You can travel almost anywhere, and always have a bed, lunch, or just help and company from fellow ELSA members, and that is priceless. Regarding my personal experience, I joined ELSA in my third year of studies of Law and Business Administration in the

University of Corunna, Spain. Back then, I didn‟t really have any reason to spend more time at the university than just the courses. So this Network came like a fresh breath of air, which kept me motivated and looking forward to the next week, because the next event was closer, and I would be able to see again the many friends I had made during the previous one, as well as to go out and have a lot of fun with them. I became involved first on the Local Level, and then, for two years and a half (one and a half as a treasurer, and one as president) on the National Level. At the last International Council Meeting, I have been elected as President of ELSA International 2010/2011, so I will be moving to the ELSA House in Brussels with other six fellow Board Members, to work for the whole Network during thirteen months, starting with transition, which will take place in July. One of the goals included in my action plan was to work on inactive groups, in order for them to become a big asset to the Network. Among them, I believe ELSA France can become, again, a very big and active National Group. I have the experience of ELSA Spain, which was almost totally inactive only a year ago and is now soaring, getting more and more local groups, and organizing many activities on the local, national, and international level. For this, I would like to encourage ELSA Nantes, as the keystone to be laid, in order to start growth in France, and I hope that fLAWless is just the beginning of a long and beautiful story. Allez ELSA Nantes! Allez ELSA France! Allez les elsiens!

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




ELSA – a way to broaden your views and your horizon Being international, being open minded and happily being involved in the beauty of the difference between cultures, countries, people… I can not help myself but to think that back in 1981 the founding fathers of the European Law Students’ Association had these words as a motivation to create a student network that in the past 29 years of its existence grew to be the largest law student organization with almost 30 000 members in 41 countries at over 200 universities.

When I started my career in ELSA I was just an average law student on the University of Montenegro that wanted to get some extra knowledge about different issues that Mirko Dukovic were discussed on Vice-Président d‟ELSA local panels orgaInternational 2009-2010 nized by ELSA. What I didn‟t expect is to be charmed by a unique spirit that ELSA brought to every event, emphasizing opportunities to catch some of the internationality in the European part of its name. Legal education, practice, exchange, network were the words I read on the ELSA banner and decided to get to know the international platform that ELSA offers. Once you start and once you join the joyride you cannot let it go easily. After a few years of work as an officer for the Student Traineeship Exchange Programme I understood that ELSA showed me completely new opportunities and definitely taught me something I would have never learned in my university courses and that is why I took the last step in the ELSA career before joining our Alumni organization ELS – I became VP STEP of ELSA International. Full time job for the amazing network we are part of.

The vision of our association is for sure something that gave us motivation for years to work and provide students with new opportunities in ELSA. If you doubt in the vision of a just world in which there is a respect for human dignity and cultural diversity you should definitely participate in one of the many international events that are organized all over Europe. If you feel that you need good advice in what kind of law you should specialize in, different law schools, seminars and conferences will give you a hint as we always aim to give our members the opportunity to attend lectures where professionals will give you some depth to their respective field of law. In case you are searching for a traineeship you should know that ELSA is providing many traineeship possibilities in different countries within different type of employers such as law firms, companies, banks, universities, NGOs, institutions etc.

EU Studies fair organized by European Voice

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




And if you wonder how does it look like ing or simply organizing some of the acting as a lawyer in a court, attending greatest events during your studies. court hearings and defending different opinions, search for a moot court competition organized by Once I read ELSA or if you that the greatare especially est journey is interested in the distance WTO law, don‟t between forget that ELpeople. If the SA is proud to author of this organize the quote indeed largest worldreferred to the wide competifact that people tion in this field are different 2 – the EMC . If and that differyou just want to ences makes a write an essay gap between and join many people, then I Study Visit ELSA Prague and ELSA Georgia other students would say that from all over Europe in our essay and phoELSA‟s existence makes this journey to competition “Our Rights, Our Freeshorter as it shows completely new persdoms” let us know and we will be happy to pectives, teaches you to enjoy different help you submitting your essay or photo cultures and to spread your wings of knowmade by your local group. Step up with us ledge and share it with your friends all and join an amazing network by participatover Europe.

ISMM in Prague

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




German ELSA experience In the romantic German city of Heidelberg, located in the southwest of Germany about 140 kilometer northeast of Strasbourg, up to seven people live a life of excitement, little sleep and hard work. Those people, the national board of ELSA Germany, work full time and take a one year break from their studies to dedicate their lives to the largest network of law students in the world – ELSA.

Besides the international board, and parts of the board of ELSA Poland, the board of ELSA Germany is the only board in the network that works full time for Martin Vogel ELSA. Directeur de la Presse d‟ELSA Allemagne Currently, four of 2009-2010 the maximum seven spots are taken: Barbara Sandfuchs serves as President, Laura Schmitt as Secretary General and commissionary contact for STEP, Aileen Conrad as Treasurer while Marje Mülder holds the position of Vice President for Seminars and Conferences. The four ladies in Heidelberg are supported by a team of twelve directors, who‟re not living in Heidelberg but also work hard for the development of ELSA. While Thomas Öller (Director for Marketing) and Kim-Julia Zamljen together with Patrik Hoffmann (Directors for Academic Activities)1 cover positions of the board that also can be taken as fulltime jobs in Heidelberg, the other nine directors support in different areas such as Training or Public Relations2. The team bonds during the two or three national board team weekends, the national meetings or spontaneous visits to Heidelberg.

After the national board gets elected at the national council meeting (NCM), the veterans and the new-elects meet for one transition week, where the new board is introduced to the little secret of the work in Heidelberg. August 1st, 0.00 a.m., the term of the board starts. For the next 365 days, its members are the first contact for their different branches whenever a problem occurs. The apartments, where the board lives, are paid by ELSA Germany. Additionally to their area of responsibility, each board member gets some of the 43 local groups3 as coaching groups.



All position holders as of May 2010. While Vice Presidents get elected, directors are appointed by the national board. 2

During their year in office, the board members visit each local group numerous times and check back with the local boards for questions, problems or ideas. This way, the national board stays in contact with the locals – and also learns a lot about working on board of German trains. The board has a very important task during the first weeks in office: Visits to the General Partners of ELSA Germany. 23 law firms, one insurance company and two financial service companies currently support ELSA Germany and help to an annual budget of about 150,000 EUR. Of course, all board members stay alert during the year to look for potential new sponsors.

43 local groups and more than 6,000 members make ELSA Germany the largest national network within ELSA

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




After a few weeks, the first national meetJust as fast as the board members found ing is on the agenda. During the national themselves doing the impossible, the officers meeting (NOM), the board members are responsible for the different work shops for the first time. About 200 people attend a NOM, while the fall edition is often the first national meeting for lots of local officers who are highly interested in learning more about their tasks on the local level. Besides the fact that the national board members have to be the first ones in the workshops, they Aileen Conrad, Barbara Sandfuchs, Laura Schmitt, Marje Mülder also have the tough duty of being the last ones to second national council meeting comes up. leave the parties at night. A year has gone by, a new national board “Monday: Coaching Visit and Local Counwill be elected. During the winter NCM, cil Meeting Düsseldorf; Tuesday: meeting the spring NOM and the time in between, with patrons in Frankfurt; Wednesday and the board members have talked to their Thursday Coaching Visit and Freshers possible successors, and found new nomiEvent, Würzburg; Friday: meeting with nees for the elections at the summer NCM. potential sponsor, Frankfurt; After the elections, the last Friday night until Sunday: four days in office seem to fly by local groups visit us in Heideland suddenly a year living for berg” – just another week for ELSA is already over. When President Barbara Sandfuchs. the term ends on July 31st, Countless hours spent for EL23.59 a.m., tears of sadness by SA, just as another 1200 kilothe old board mix with the meters by train. If Berlin or tears of joy and excitement of Hamburg are on the schedule, the new board. travelling easily adds up to 3000 kilometers in a week. Still, Still, the alumni are not lost for you can‟t see all the daily work the network, but stay as Directhat she does not include in her tors in the national board team, calendar: answering e-mails, join the trainers pool to pass attending board meetings and their knowledge on to the telephone conferences with “next generations” of ELSA trainers, local groups or the inmembers or join the Alumni ternational board. Nevertheless, association EAD. her ELSA spirit is high: “ELSA is the best way to develop yourself. But all of them have something in comYou start by doing the necessary, proceed mon: A year of living a life of excitement, with the possible, and suddenly you will meeting new people and gaining priceless find yourself doing the impossible.” experiences – a life of ELSA. Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




My ELSA Romania experience After 3 years of about his/her future by exchanging expecollege, besides rience with foreign students. thinking about At the beginning of my ELSA path I was what doing next, very delighted to participate in several Seyou start looking minars and Conferences, as I acknowlback and evaedged that being a jurist means much more luate your than being a good Law student. After being achievements part of the Organizing Committees of such and your whole events, attending Mood Court Competistudent life. I can tions and working in several teams, I reasay that my stulised that my student life has changed and Adina Ponta Trésorière d‟ELSA Roumanie dent life was that ELSA can really motivate oneself in very different using his/her maximum potential. Moreoafter entering ELSA Cluj-Napoca, my ELver, besides new friends, new pictures and SA Local Group. Before being an ELSA unforgettable memories, national events member, my student life was limited to bring you a life experience you could not attending lectures, spending afternoons at gain in any another way. the library or in coffee shops and spending The moment I really understood what the the nights outdoors. ELSA Spirit really means, was after particELSA offered me not only the opportunity ipating in several international events. ELto meet new people and visit places world SA Romania made a habit out of organiswide, but also, the most important thing ing quality international events, such as from my point of view, opened my mind Summer Schools, International Confeand showed me new possibilities of develrences, Regional Rounds of EMC2 and one oping myself both as a human and as a ICM. student. Nowadays, in Romania there are Attending the 1st edition of the “Banking few teenagers attracted by the idea of joining a NGO as volunteering did not exist at all in our parents‟ youth and, until now, it has not been developed enough to reach the stage of “common” among young people. I think the most relevant factor is not the experience you gain inside the association, but the things you discover about yourself. Firstly, ELSA showed me that there are many more possibilities for a student to develop besides just attending lectures, learning books by heart or writing exams. Through international traineeships and international Study Visits one can indeed enrich his/her vision about life and Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1 12

ELSA NANTES and Finance Law” summer school gave me the opportunity to have the first contact with the international level of ELSA and, as I continued my activity within the organization, it helped me a lot to already know most of the people I met with afterwards at other international events.

FlawLESS Trainers ELSA Romania” took place this spring in Cluj-Napoca and formed the new trainer‟s generation of ELSA Romania, thanks to Tiago Moreira Alves, Trainer ITP and thanks to another opportunity ELSA gives to the Local/National Groups: the ELSA Development Foundation. We try to emphasise the importance of training sessions on various topics, both for the members‟ personal development and for gaining ELSA experience. One thing we are really grateful for is the support we receive from our alumni. Beside the financial support, they are always ready to help with their advice and experience by leading us, participating with us in our events and giving us a lot of trainings. Some of them are also ELS members so they can share even more the true ELSA spirit within these events.

After assuming the position of Treasurer ELSA Romania, the international level of ELSA and international events gained more and more importance for me. ELSA Romania had a good start as host of international events and continues to maintain the same standards: 2010 brings a 2nd edition of the “Banking and Finance Law” summer school that started last year and continues with “Law is better than War”, which is already at its 7th edition and an International Conference on the topic “Energy Markets and Antitrust Law”. Moreover, after the experience of an ICM organised by ELSA Bucharest, ELSA Cluj-Napoca took the responsibility of organising for the 3rd time in the last 4 years a Regional Round of the EMC2. The National Boards encourage the participation of ELSA members to international events and all the more the organisation of international events, as well as searching and Andrei Suse, Diana Bere, Timo Kortesoja, Didona Elena, Adina Milea, Adina Ponta, Mircea Rosu applying for STEP. For me, the greatest ELSA experience and All in all, I can say that every former ELthe best way to feel the ELSA Spirit is SA member, even after finishing his/her through participating in International term in office and or after graduation conCouncil Meetings. An ICM is the best tinues to involve in projects, to give trainpossible way to understand the vision of ings or to participate in events because ELSA and gain the needed ELSA expeafter having the ELSA experience in colrience in order to improve your work for lege, a student can‟t leave it all behind and the Local or National Group. look forward as if it didn‟t happen. As a National Group, ELSA Romania has I wish you good luck and you will be alits own Trainer‟s Pool, the last “Train The ways welcome to attend our events! Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




My ELSA Portugal experience In the end of 2005, I became an ELSA member, and consequently, started to be part of the biggest law students‟ association in the World. The possibility to, be in contact with other European Francisco Pegado countries, to Président d‟ELSA Portugal access to exchange programs, to participate in international conferences and meetings, to know different persons, to invest in my legal education were some of my motivations to be member and to be more active in ELSA. In nowadays, it‟s very important, for a law student, know what happens in our society, and this implies be in contact with other countries, have a international perspective, meet other types of thinking, search cultural diversity, understand the reasons for which major decisions are taken at European Union and other international treaties, and be in ELSA is a great advantage. Be in this network gave me the opportunity to know different realities of mine, with ELSA I won more skills by organizing events and trainings that I had, because, I had to approach and contact with teachers in a different way, could create and develop relationships with companies and institutions and I had to take responsibility for the events that I organized. I‟m finishing my second year as president of a local group, in Universidade Católica Portuguesa, and I can say that it was a personal and professional very good experience, because we have a special way to

work in team, and we have organize activities that are completely different from the activities organized by other law students‟ associations. In the board, I‟m the only one responsible for my area, and this principle this principle applies to all areas on a board, which implies much organization and planning. The perspective and the opportunity of organizing international activities, gives us the possibility of knowing ourselves, to gain immense knowledge in addition to the contacts we have established. When we started working on ELSA, we have some special advantages, including the support of a network of 30 000 persons, which gives us many participants, as well as people with immense experience that can give us trainings very important for our activities, and essential support other officers of ELSA. In Portugal, we have seven local groups, and they normally organize Moot Court competitions, good conferences with important speakers, visits to major law firms and one Model United Nations every year. We are making efforts in the preparation of local boards for the organization of international events, through trainings and motivation and we had some results. In the first week of August we will have a summer school about The Rediscoveries of the Sea. We and our local groups have a big pleasure to welcome you in our country, because we are known for our tourism, which gives us the opportunity to show you fantastic places and our social and legal reality. We hope to see you in Portugal or in an ELSA event !

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ELSA Spirit by ELSA Istanbul Hi everyone from sunny İstanbul, Turkey! I have been involved ELSA since the second year of the Law Faculty, 2004. I gained my first ELSA experience as an O.C member of the 2nd Gizem Ersun Présidente d‟ELSA Istanbul Law School on 2008-2009 Mergers & Acquisitions on local level in İstanbul. The following year I was appointed as a director of Vice President of Seminars and Conferences, then a year later I was the Vice President of Seminars and Conferences and finally last year I was the President of ELSA Istanbul. In the mean time I also was a member of the Human Rights of Istanbul Province Estate on behalf of ELSA Istanbul. Now I graduated from the university and doing my practice in an international law firm. But I never quit ELSA! I still trying to participate in international events and trying to lead my local group as a member of control commission. In this article I don‟t wanna write about how successful we are. We all know that we are the biggest Law student association, and we know how successful people we are! What I would like to write a short essay about ELSA SPRIT!! ELSA may provide you to enhance your knowledge and skills that will assist you in personal development. But it is not just an international student organization. It is more than that! When you participate in any ELSA events you can realize that you are not just attending a semi-

nar/conference/law school/study visit/moot court. You are attending an event which is totally alive!!! Every event has its own soul!! The academic programmes -which are academically powerful-, social programmes where you can learn everything about history, art, architecture, maybe some geography and it is obvious that u have a great time with an handsome/beautiful guides, gala balls where you can see everyone in fatally gorgeous clothes, different night events where you can be a legendary in ELSA network;) .People are extremely work hard to keep all of these events alive. And they are always good at that. Although In these organizations you have a chance to meet lots of lovely people from all over the word!! This is the best side of ELSA!! You have always a place in these people‟s heart. No matter how far away from each other, believe me these friendships are forever. No matter what you can always keep in touch. I know that i have already a room in more than 15 countries.  What a nice feeling ha? New traditions, different opinions, foods, music, dance (which i like the most after traditional drinks) and of course “Traditional Drinks”... ELSA put all of these differentials and makes a harmonization! Or the other name is ELSA SPRIT!! Always alive, always fresh, always friendly, always full of fun and always full of peace!!! This is the thing that always keeps us together no matter what and binds us more deeply. And yeah!! Are you still asking what ELSA is? Hope to see you soon in any international ELSA event soon !!

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The Final IFP Conference Intellectual Property 2010 in Munich The “E” in ELSA stands for “European”, and this is actually what our association is all about: connecting law students from all over Europe, make them work together, live together, have fun together, get to know each other and finally and at the best become friends. The International Focus Programme (IFP) is certainly one of the best examples to implement these essential objectives. The International Focus Programme (IFP)

Lena Mischau Secrétaire Général d‟ELSA Munich

The IFP is an academic programme of ELSA providing a specific legal topic the whole ELSA network concentrates on for a period of three years.

Within this framework, numerous events such as conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures are taking place on the regional, national and on the international level in particular. As the theme of the last three years, “Intellectual Property”, will be replaced this summer with “Health Law”, it was finally time to summarise the results achieved and to determine the progress we have made with respect to this essential topic. Therefore, ELSA Munich had the honour to arrange for the Final IFP Conference on Intellectual Property 2010 in Munich, which marked the end and highlight of the last years` IFP. The Final IFP Conference on Intellectual Property 2010 in Munich

More than 90 law students and young lawyers from 20 different European states have participated in the conference from 27th April to 2nd May 2010 and enjoyed an academic programme at the highest stage as well as one week full of ELSA spirit. With more than twelve lectures, four workshops and one panel discussion held by some of the most renowned experts in this field within the premises of the European Patent Office, our participants were provided with a broad insight into the various facets of IP and the newest developments. Moreover, they had the chance to learn more about the work of a lawyer referring to IP in practice during the visit of three internationally working law firms. Apart from the academic programme, the participants discovered Munich`s most beautiful sites during a sightseeing tour as well as the local culture during a traditional Bavarian evening. Besides, they had the chance to discover Munich´s nightlife. The highlight of the social programme was the great

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Gala Ball in a gorgeous pavilion located beside a small lake within the English Garden, the biggest park of Munich.

The Organisation During the last eight months, it had been the main goal of ELSA Munich and of the Organising Committee in particular to make this conference come true. We started with a bunch of young students who took responsibility for various issues such as finances or logistics. In the end they developed into an Organising Committee OC Members of about 25 people. Being Head of OC and

FlawLESS responsible for the academic programme, it was primarily my responsibility to coordinate the Organising Committee in general and to take care of the organisational part as a whole. In our preparations, we were assisted by the European Patent Office, our sponsors, our academic advisor Prof. Dr. Michael Lehmann and of course by our patrons Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Papier, the 8th President of the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany, and Dr. Beate Merk, Bavarian Minister of Justice and Consumer Protection, who was so kind as to officially welcome us on the first night of the conference in the Bavarian Palace of Justice. All in all, the Final IFP Conference on Intellectual Property was a unique experience not only for the participants, but for every single member of the Organising Committee as well. Due to this Conference we have learned a lot about Intellectual Property as such, but also how to build a team and how to work in the long term – qualities, students hardly have the chance to experience in their daily lives. In conclusion I can say that there certainly are numerous of good ways to explore the “E” in ELSA, meaning its international, its European character. However, for me it is doubtless that one of the very best options is to participate in an international conference – or maybe even to organize one by yourself!

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Following the right STEP Pascal Gomez, Vice-Président STEP d‟ELSA France 2003-2005 Partie prenante d'ELSA, l'activité STEP (Students Trainee Exchange Programme) offre de réelles possibilités aux adhérents d'ELSA de découvrir voire d'approfondir leurs connaissances de systèmes juridiques européens pouvant être relativement différents de notre système juridique ainsi que de nos valeurs et concepts. Comment cela fonctionne t il?

En tant que membre d'ELSA, vous avez la possibilité de remplir un ELSA CV y indiquant vos compétences juridiques et linguistiques (élément ô combien important) et ensuite de candidater à un stage proposé par l'un des groupes locaux étrangers. En fonction des profils recherchés, la mise en concurrence peut être plus ou moins grande. Une fois sélectionné, le candidat est contacté par le groupe local d'accueil qui organisera son séjour de la meilleure des manières, papiers si nécessaire, logement, démarches etc. Mais STEP n'est pas seulement ça. Pour tous les étudiants et étudiantes français(es) partis en STEP lorsque j'étais en charge de cette activité au sein d'ELSA France, ces moments furent inoubliables, certains ayant même prolongé l'aventure

par un séjour plus long dans leur pays d'accueil, notamment en y étudiant. Cela permet également de tisser des liens entre groupes locaux et d'organiser des échanges plus généraux sur nombre de thèmes. Il faut dire que les groupes locaux ELSA font tout leur possible et plus afin de mettre le/la stagiaire dans les meilleures conditions, notamment en les faisant participer régulièrement à leurs activités. Le réseau français d'ELSA a ainsi accueilli des étudiants/tes sur Paris, Lyon et Rouen, tandis que certains/nes sont partis en Finlande et en Italie. Ces destinations ne sont qu'un petit échantillon des lieux où vous pourriez effectuer un stage « abroad ». Si j'ai donc un conseil à vous donner, prenez contact avec votre VP STEP local afin qu'il vous explique the whole thing.

La « STEP Newsletter » est publiée chaque mois et renouvelée dès qu’il y a de nouvelles offres de stages. Vous la trouverez en ligne sur le site d’ELSA International : http://www.elsa.org/traineeships/availabletraineeships.html

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A trainee at the United Nations in Bonn “Assisting law students and young lawyers to be internationally minded and professionally skilled” is one of the three means developed by ELSA to achieve its vision, namely, “A just world in which there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity.” I can definitely relate to this philosophy, having, throughout my Law studies, followed courses in European and International law with an ambition at an international legal career.

Having comternational and European Environmental pleted my underLaw in Paul Cézanne University, Aix en graduate studies Provence, France. Having completed the at the University study part of the course, I am now in Bonn, of Nantes Germany, doing an internship in the United (France) which Nations. More precisely, I am working in focused on Eurothe Secretariat of the Convention on the pean Union and Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild International law, Animals (CMS). The CMS is I engaged myself an intergovernmental treaty, concluded in a double under the aegis of the United Nations EnviAlexandre Ghafari course thanks to ronment Programme, concerned with the Directeur des Droits de the twin city staconservation of wildlife and habitats on a l‟Homme d‟ELSA Nantes tus between global scale. Working in the United NaNantes and Cardiff (Wales, UK). I spent tions allows you to work with colleagues one year in Cardiff, preparing a LLM in with many different nationalities and variEuropean Legal Studies. During my 3 ous backgrounds. Social interaction with years in Nantes, I had already developed a the other interns is really like a continuahuge interest in meeting students from all tion of the Erasmus experience. Working around the world, having been involved in in the United Nations has given me the a local association which helps foreign opportunity to be surrounded by highly students to get settled, and having played qualified professionals, who share the an active role in the „buddy system‟, which same ideals as me. This is already turning pairs a foreign student with a French stuout to be, without a doubt, an unforgettable dent. However, my own year abroad in and very valuable experience. Cardiff was no comparison to what I had I am very pleased to see that ELSA is compreviously experienced. I met great people ing back in the whole France and that local from Africa to Asia, America to Europe. groups are being created all over France. It And the best part is that these great people will without any doubt be a great success, became real friends. as law students were really asking for an In parallel with the LLM, I was also association like ELSA. Having fun, makenrolled in a first year of Master of Enviing new friends, learning and improving ronmental law in Nantes University, the legal skills are example of what ELSA can environment being my passion. give you. I would also like to underline the As a natural continuation, I am currently importance of the STEP program. Being enrolled in a second year of Master of Inmember of ELSA allows you to have Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1 19

ELSA NANTES access to a lot of internship offers all over the world. ELSA through its excellent reputation has interesting partnerships with big lawyers companies and international institutions. If you should retain only two pieces of advice from this presentation of me, it is that I strongly advise you to spend time studying abroad and then pursuing an in-

FlawLESS ternship in a European/International organization. Being member of ELSA is a perfect way to achieve your legal ambitions while discovering new cultures and having fun. As for me, I am now really looking forward to meet ELSA Bonn and find again the great ELSA spirit !

Présentation des « Study Visits » Salut tous les amis de Nantes ! Je m’appelle Pierpaolo Cavagnero, je suis le Vice-Président Séminaires et Conférences d’ELSA Padova ! Récemment nous avons décidé avec ELSA Nantes de planifier une « Study Visit » entre nos groupes pour l’année prochaine. Mais qu’est que c’est en effet une « Study visit » ? C‟est pas du tout facile de donner une définition de « Study Visit » ! Cela fait partie de nombreuses activités et événements du domaine « Séminaires and Conférences », Pierpaolo Cavagnero Vice-Président Sémile Study Visit (SV) naires et Conférences c‟est un voyage orde ELSA Padoue ganisé entre deux groupes locaux ELSA, qui peut être fait dans la forme d‟un échange. Il y a de différents types de « Study Visit » - bilatéral ( quand 2 groupes ELSA se visitent réciproquement) - multilatéral ( plus de 2 groupes ELSA se visitent réciproquement); - unilatéral ( seulement un groupe ELSA visite un autre groupe ELSA) En outre, le « Study Visit » peut être national ( un groupe local visite un autre groupe local du même pays) ou international ( où 2 groupes ELSA de deux pays différents, se visitent réciproquement).

Le but principal d‟une « Study Visit » est celui de partager la culture et la vie ELSA du pays d‟accueil avec des étudiants qui viennent d‟un pays étranger. En effet, pendant la « Study Visit » on doit chercher à donner à nos hôtes un point de vue de tout ce que notre ville peut leur offrir ! Un autre motif important d‟organiser la « Study Visit » est celui d‟attirer et de recruter de nouveaux membres dans votre groupe ELSA, en montrant vos hôtes dans votre faculté et en organisant des événements culturels qui peuvent attirer l‟attention d‟autres étudiants. La première chose à faire dans l‟organisation d‟une « Study Visit » est de choisir les périodes des voyages, en prenant en considération surtout les dates d‟examens de l‟autre groupe ELSA; la communication constante sera donc essentielle. Moi et tout le bureau d‟ELSA Padova on est vraiment excités par ce nouveau projet et j‟espère pouvoir vous connaitre dès qu‟on peut !

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ELSA France : The Year of Change ELSA Lille ainsi qu’ELSA Rennes viennent de se créer, répondant à une réelle volonté des étudiants de France de faire partie de l’ « ELSA Network » et d’autres étudiants en Droit, notamment de Tours veulent aussi créer un groupe local ELSA. Parmi les groupes créés il y a dix ans, ELSA Paris demeure, ELSA Nantes et ELSA Lyon viennent de renaître !

Le projet ELSA Tours L'engagement étudiant consiste à mener à bien des projets initiés par des étudiants au profit d'autres étudiants. Cet engagement étudiant est, selon moi, indispensable à l'enseignement du droit Je suis étudiant en 3ème année de Licence de droit public et j'ai découvert ce qu'était l'engagement étudiant cette année à travers l'Association Tourangelle des Étudiants en Bastien Lebrun Droit. Cette dernière Etudiant à Tours est en contact avec d'autres associations destinées à l'organisation de projets pour les étudiants en droit et c'est ainsi que j'ai eu connaissance d'ELSA, qui a particulièrement attiré mon attention. En effet, il est intéressant de proposer aux étudiants en droit de Tours d'assister à des conférences internationales de professionnels et professeurs de grande renommée, sur des questions juridiques actuelles et qui auront été organisées par d'autres étudiants d‟Europe, de pouvoir participer à des concours de plaidoirie en lien avec l‟Organisation mondiale du commerce. Aussi, dans le cadre du STEP, il est important de pouvoir offrir aux étudiants en droit

la possibilité d'effectuer un stage à l'échelle internationale. C'est ainsi que j'envisage de créer, avec un groupe d'autres étudiants en droit de mon université, une antenne d'ELSA à Tours. J'ai parlé de ce projet à quelques étudiants en droit, dont certains sont très intéressés par le droit international ou communautaire ! Ces étudiants seraient ravis de s'investir dans l'aventure ELSA et de contribuer à la création d‟un groupe local ELSA Tours. Nous avons donc déjà réfléchi à l'organisation de certains projets. Nous avons commencé à rechercher des thèmes pour les conférences. Nous souhaitons également démarcher un maximum de professionnels qui nous fassent part de leurs offres de stages. Enfin, nous essayerons d‟avoir des partenariats avec d‟autres groupes ELSA d‟Europe pour effectuer des « study visits » ! Ces projets nous tiennent déjà beaucoup à cœur et nous avons hâte qu'ils aboutissent. Une Assemblée générale devrait très prochainement avoir lieu et l'été sera riche en projet d'évènements.

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Welcoming ELSA Lille Lille at the cross roads of Europe defines a city deeply embedded in international exchange within a dense matrix of cultural exchanges including an ever increasing flux of European workers and students …!

Emilie Ball Présidente d‟ELSA Lille

Nestled between Brussels the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, this city welcomes many foreign students for the most parts through the Erasmus exchange program in its major universities and schools.

For this reason the faculty of law of the university of Lille 2, responded enthusiastically to the perspective of creating a local group within the framework of the European law students association. This will enable many of the local students that have already developed a taste for human rights

and international exchange to practice and develop this towards the organization of activities for law students of other European countries. A response to the creation of this local antenna has already be overwhelmingly positive and the students together with a few teachers are getting geared to help with the organization of such activities This defines a real opportunity for law students specialized in European union law to practice their organizations skills within a framework particularly well suited to the choice of their study topics. Hence the students the law faculty of Lille are delighted of the creation of ELSA Lille and are looking forward to it‟s future events and actions!

ELSA Lyon C’est avec grand plaisir que la nouvelle équipe d’ELSA Lyon se met en place et reprend le plus ancien groupe local d’ELSA France. Après quelques années d’absence, nous ravivons la flamme de ce groupe local créé en 1985 ! A partir de la formation elsaienne tradiXIXème siècle et a mis en place un fameux tionnelle, Lyon particoncours de plaidoirie, à faire pâlir les cipait à la Revue Adélyens ! Mais ELSA, association en d‟Elsa France et la avance sur son temps, coordonnait aussi distribuait dans les des conférences juridiques. C‟est ainsi facultés de droit lyonqu‟en 2000 des Elsaiens réfléchissaient naises, le siège social déjà sur l'épineuse question de «L‟avocat d‟ELSA France était et la garde à vue »… ! même à Lyon pendant Il va sans dire que la tâche sera rude mais quelques années ! ELnous essaierons de faire aussi bien voire Anne-Constance SA Lyon a organisé mieux que nos chers anciens ! Une seule Bardou des groupes de rechose est sûre, l‟année sera riche et nous SGén. ELSA Lyon cherche sur des sujets avons hâte de partager avec vous cette exjuridiques tels que le droit pénal au périence ! Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1 22



Festival Pop and Europe – A truly fitting contribution to Europe Week 2010 There is more to Europe than simply politics and on the evening of the 7th of May, the Rennes branch of the Youth European Parliament proved it with a lively and enterCassandra Fernandes taining music Fondatrice d‟ELSA Rennes festival. Not Présidente d‟ELSA Rennes only that, but on Saturday the 8th they also gave us an educated insight into the other wonders of Europe, such as the ERASMUS program which allows students to experience life and education in a country different to their own as well as financial aid opportunities thanks to various local, national and international organizations which all shows that mobility is integral to European integration. The Youth European Parliament (YEP) is a non-partisan international organization divided into national committees in 32 countries all over the European Union. Its principal objective is to create a bridge between young people and the European Institutions through the organization of simulations of actual parliamentary sessions in high schools. The YEP of Brittany is an independent association pursuing the same goals set by the French YEP but at a more local level. The YEP takes no political stances and its only goal is to allow the people that make up the future of Europe the opportunity to freely discuss European issues. The 2010 YEP committee in Brittany is made up of a mix of students ranging

from the Political Institute of Rennes as well as the Law faculty of the University of Rennes 1 to the languages school at Rennes 2. In organizing this event, they took up-and met- the challenge of selling the „sexy‟ side of Europe. Fear not, it is not all about EU law, elections and a Parliament in Strasbourg but rather an enticing cauldron of musical tastes, literary diversity and multilinguism. Stir them all together and you had „Pop and l‟Europe‟. It was a wonderful opportunity to discover Celtic music thanks to Polish group, Danar as well as Klesmer dances (and boy, did we dance!)and other various traditional jewish dances thanks to the Beigal Orkestra and finally a delightful dash of German Rock by the Hatchets on the Friday evening. With French-style pastries and crepes, a lot of help from high school volunteers and the lovely music, it was undoubtedly a great night. As if this was not enough, we satisfied your culturel apetite on Saturday the 8th with conferences given by esteemed professors and experts on various aspects of Europe such as the media and the movement of young people around Europe, among other topics. Finally, plenty of information was provided on funding for young people wishing to travel, study abroad or embark on projects of their own. To finish off a fantastic weekend the House of Europe‟ the central office at Rennes concerned with all European projects organized a presentation of Europe via stalls and more music from Danar, on Sunday, Europe Day, the 9th of May. At the end of all that, people were certainly a lot more attracted to the sexiness of Europe than they were just a few days before!

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Gene thieves and bio-pirats The New Era Crimes

Let us admit it, in the long catalogue of 'classic' crimes are now added crimes committed with new Marilena Zidianaki technological Vice-présidente Séminaires et tools, emerging Conférences d‟ ELSA Grèce and expanding 2010-2011 so rapidly and vigorously that the legislators may fail to regulate on time unless they keep their wits about them. Some decades ago, for example in '60s, bank-theft or fraud appeared in very specific forms, which gradually turned out to be old-fashioned nowadays due to the changes brought by the great technological evolution. It is evident, though, that criminals do not fail to keep up with the new inventions. In fact, their improvisation goes hand in hand with the technological breakthroughs. Among the most interesting new-era crimes are the so-called gene-theft and biopiracy. The first one concerns the theft of human genes whereas the latter is about natural resources and so far mainly about the flora of developing countries. In the following lines, there are few highlights one needs to know before searching for further details. DNA-Theft: Nonconsensual Gene Appropriation

condition? This is not a science fiction scenario, it is a rather brand-new type of crime called gene-theft. Apart from being a crime, gene-theft is also a burning issue for bioethics. Thus, it is correctly believed that such conduct is an unethical invasion of human privacy1. However, it is true that in many countries DNA-theft is not criminalized. In USA, regulation varies from state to state and actually only in eight states there are currently criminal or civil prohibitions on such nonconsensual appropriation of genetic materials2. In 2006 Great Britain also criminalized the taking of DNA without consent at the urging of the Human Genetics Commission3. If identity theft has been concerning us for all these years, then it is high time we were more and more on the alert for gene-theft. Why is it so? It is reported that for fees as low as $175, DNA laboratories will provide a wide range of tests on genetic samples recovered from common objects. In other words, anyone possessing enough spare cash and determination can have a stranger‟s genes analyzed without permission4. After all, genetic appropriation can be conducted for purposes like proving infidelity, challenging paternity, learning the medical secrets of potential lovers and in-laws, employment discrimination and so on. It is believed that the damage of DNA-theft can be as devastating as identity theft and maybe even more. It is of the greatest fears that criminals may one day acquire the capability to copy DNA of innocent people and deposit it at crimes scenes, endangering the blameless and undermining a key tool of forensic investigation5.

Have you ever imagined that somebody would steal your hairbrush or coffee cup in order to acquire your genetic material and gain more information about your medical Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1



Bioprospecting: The High-Class Piracy Bio-piracy is a term describing the ways that corporations from the developed world claim ownership of or take unfair advantage of the genetic resources and traditional knowledge and technologies of developing countries6. It emerged as a counterattack of the developing countries against the corporations which were complaining about intellectual piracy7 conducted by developing countries. However, the original term, used by academia and the supporters of commercialization of traditional medicines, is “bioprospecting”, which involves searching for, collecting, and deriving genetic material from samples of biodiversity that can be used in commercialized pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or chemical processing end products8. The problem of bio-piracy was meant to be solved in 1991 with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) which has embodied the principles of compensated bioprospecting globally9,10. Compensated bioprospecting involves obtaining prior informed consent from the source country, sharing benefits11, and promoting sustainable use of biodiversity. Where indigenous knowledge holders are involved, efforts are made to recognize and protect their rights. Nevertheless, during the past two decades there have been some interesting and widely known cases concerning bio-piracy, like “The Neem Tree”, “The Enola Bean”, “Basmati Rice” and “The Maya people's Pozol drink”, showing that the consequences of breaking the new rules12 have not effectively deterred some nations from bio-piracy. One of the most interesting recent cases13 is that of Van Roosmalen, a dutch researcher in Brazil14 who was eventually released from prison. Food For Thought To sum up, both gene-theft and bio-piracy seem to be in urgent need of regulation nowadays. Gene-theft has to be dealt with

FlawLESS in the national level whereas bio-piracy should better be faced in the international level, for it usually involves more than one country. Besides, not only gene-theft is a matter of bioethics but also the fairness of bioprospecting contracts has been a subject of ethical debate15. Overall, gene-theft and bio-piracy seem to share common aspects while they are two completely different phenomena.

1Appel, Jacob M. 'Gene-nappers,‟ like identity thieves, new threat of digital age, The New Haven Register, Nov. 5, 2009 2See also Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 3Womack, Sarah. Report urges ban on secret DNA tests, The Daily Telegraph, May 22, 2002 4Appel, Jacob M. 'Gene-nappers,‟ like identity thieves, new threat of digital age, The New Haven Register, Nov. 5, 2009 5Appel, Jacob M. 'Gene-nappers,‟ like identity thieves, new threat of digital age, The New Haven Register, Nov. 5, 2009 6Dutfield, Graham , What is biopiracy? www.canmexworkshop.com/documents/papers/I.3.pdf



7Intellectual piracy is a political term. The assumption behind it is that the copying and selling of pharmaceuticals, music CDs and films anywhere in the world is intellectual piracy irrespective of whether the works in question had patent or copyright protection under the domestic laws. 8Pan, Peter G, bioprospecting: issues and policy considerations http://www.oha.org/pdf/bioprospecting/legs/Peter_G_Pan.pdf 9Known informally as the Biodiversity Convention, is an international legally binding treaty that was adopted in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992 .USA is not a party of this treaty. Check out the official webpage http://www.cbd.int/ 10Check out the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/011/i0510e/i0510e.pdf 11Benefits can take various forms, from royalties to negotiated advance and milestone payments, capacity building, facilities and equipment transfer, personnel training, sharing of research, and other forms. 12http://www.actionbioscience.org/biodiversity/gollin.html (here you can find the consequences) 13For the African cases have a look http://www.ghanaweb.com/public_agenda/article.php?ID=5062


14http://www.scidev.net/en/agriculture-andenvironment/bioprospecting/editorials/biopiracy-requiresreasoned-treatment.html 15Eberlee, John (2000), Assessing the Benefits of Bioprospecting in Latin America

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2010, année de la bioéthique La première interrogation remis également un rapport relative à la bioéthique est rédigé par Jean Léonetti. Le apparue avec l'utilisation des Conseil d'Etat a également puéléments du corps et de l'emblié une étude sur la révision de bryon humain. la loi de bioéthique. Enfin, Le Comité consultatif national l'Assemblée nationale avait d'éthique pour les sciences de créé une mission d'information le vie et de la santé fut crée en – comme ce fut le cas pour les 1983. lois de 1194 et celle de 2004 – Olivier Sigman En 1989, Guy Braibant, pour Président d‟ELSA Paris 2007/2008 qui a remis son rapport début Juriste en santé le Conseil d'Etat remet un 2010 rédigé par Jean Léonetti. Site internet: http://droitavant-projet de loi relatif "aux medecine.over-blog.com De tous ces rapports, de nomsciences de la vie et aux droits breux éléments préfigurent le de l'homme" qui suscitera pressions, résisprojet de loi qui devrait être déposé au tances et obstructions. cours de l'année 2010 si le calendrier parS'en suit Michel Rocard qui chargea Noëlle lementaire le permet. Lenoir, en octobre 1990, d'une étude approfondie de tous les aspects majeurs du Par cet article, cinq axes seront brièvement droit et des pratiques en vigueur dans les rappelés: la recherche sur l'embryon, l'aspays étrangers. En juin 1991, elle remit son sistance médicale à la procréation, l'anorapport « Aux frontières de la vie : une nymat et la gratuité du don, les diagnostics éthique biomédicale à la français ». anténataux et les greffes. L'Office parlementaire d'évaluation des choix scientifiques et technologiques Sur le premier, il est désormais possible de (OPECST) par la voix du sénateur Frank faire régresser des cellules différenciées en Sérusclat, rendit publique en 1992 sa récellules pluripotentes. Il n'en reste pas flexion intitulée Sciences de la vie et moins que des milliers d'embryons surnudroits de l'homme : bouleversement sans méraires ne sont plus l'objet d'un projet contrôle ou législation à la française. Le parental. La possibilité offerte aux couples Parlement se saisit du texte dès 1990 pour d'accepter l'accueil par un autre couple n'a que les lois dites de bioéthique finissent pas eu un franc succès. Les rapports remis par être publiées le 29 juillet 1994. vont pour certains vers le maintien d'une interdiction ou l'encadrement d'une dérogaLa révision de ces lois a eu lieu en août tion (mission parlementaire, OPECST et 2004 par une seule loi intitulée de bioéEtats généraux), pour d'autres vers une thique. La révision de cette loi est prévue levée de l'interdiction (Conseil d'Etat et dans les 5 ans soit en 2009. C'est à cette Agence de la biomédecine) période que l'OPECST remis son rapport sur l'évaluation de la loi. S'en est suivie Sur l'assistance médicale à la procréation, pour la première fois des états généraux la question récurrente est celle de l'accès: mêlant spécialistes et profanes, membres l'âge des parents biologiques, la notion de de la société civile formés à ce sujet et couple y afférent (mariés, un homme et émettant leurs propres réflexions. La bioéune femme? avec une durée de vie comthique n'est plus en ce XXIème Siècle une mune?), l'incapacité médicale à procréer. affaire de spécialistes car elle concerne On peut certainement, surtout avec le derl'humanité entière. Ces Etats Généraux ont nier avis 110 du CCNE, savoir que l'interMagazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1



diction de la gestation pour autrui sera maintenue. Sur le troisième point très sensible de l'anonymat, il est prévisible d'élargir l'accès aux données non identifiantes sauf pour l'Agence de la biomédecine. Sur la gratuité, autre principe fondateur du don, des réflexions ont été menées pour l'indemnisation des donneuses d'ovocytes du fait des conséquences de la stimulation ovarienne mais si une telle indemnisé devenait forfaitaire pour le don d'ovocyte, cela ne reviendrait-il pas à donner un prix à un ovocyte ? S'agissant d'un élément du corps, comment serait alors justifiée la gratuité du don d'organes ? Sur les diagnostics anténataux, avec l'avis du CCNE, les rapports abordent soit une liste indicative de maladie, soit l'inclusion de la trisomie 21 et une évaluation du dispositif du DPI-HLA couramment et de manière néfaste appelé dans les médias « bébé médicament » Enfin, sur les greffes dont la France se trouve toujours en pénurie, avec l'éclairage donné par le séminaire organisé récemment par l'UNESCO à l'Académie de médecine, des pistes tendent vers une augmentation des donneurs à cœur arrêté. Une question reste posée au sujet du consentement présumé, implicite ou explicite. Une initiative fut récompensée par la ministre de la santé dans le cadre du concours pour les droits des usagers dans le système de santé. La clause de révision est également au cœur des discussions. Cinq années durée prévue dans la loi - peuvent être trop longues ou trop courtes pour prendre en considération une avancée technique. L'Agence de la biomédecine serait donc l'organe prévenant, par un rapport, le Parlement sur la discussion au vu d'un nouveau fait intéressant les sciences de la vie et de la santé.

FlawLESS La révision devrait intervenir au cours de cette année pour ne pas laisser les idées novatrices des rapports et notamment celles recueillies des citoyens à de lointains passés. Cette révision sera également le moment - très certain – de ratifier la Convention d'Oviedo. La loi de santé publique sera également révisée en même temps et des interactions – tout comme en 2004 – seront indissociables.

Sources: *Agence de biomédecine, bilan d'application de la loi de bioéthique du 6 aout 2004 *Conseil d'Etat, étude: La révision des lois de bioéthique *Office Parlementaire d'Evaluation des Choix Scientifiques et Technologiques, l'évaluation de l'application de la loi n°2004-800 du 6 août 2004 relative à la bioéthique (rapport n°1325 Assemblée nationale, 13ème législature; rapport n°107 Sénat) *Etats Généraux de la Bioéthique, rapport intégral *Mission d'information sur la révision des lois de bioéthique, rapport d'information n°2235 (Assemblée nationale, 13ème législature) *Sénat: documents de travail, série Législation comparée, L'anonymat du don de gamètes (n°186, septembre 2008) & L'accès à l'assistance médicale à la procréation (n°193, janvier 2009) *Comité consultatif national d'éthique pour les sciences de la vie et de la santé: Avis n° 90 Accès aux origines, anonymat et secret de la filiation, 24 novembre 2005; avis n°105 Questionnement pour les états généraux de la bioéthique, 9 octobre 2008; Avis n°107 Avis sur les problèmes éthiques liés aux diagnostics anténatals : le diagnostic prénatal (DPN) et le diagnostic préimplantatoire (DPI), 15 octobre 2009 et avis n°110 Problèmes éthiques soulevés par la gestation pour autrui (GPA), 1er avril 2010

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L’avocat français et la mondialisation La mondialisation est un phénomène multidimensionnel né avant même la guerre froide. Il se manifeste par des transformations économiques de grande ampleur et la diffusion planétaire des modes de production et de consommation capitalistes. La mondialisation touche tous les aspects de la société et nécessairement le droit. Qu’en est-il en particulier de la profession d’avocat ?

Les avocats forment une les réseaux de cabiprofession ancienne nets d‟avocats et les ayant pour mission esinstances d‟arbitrage sentielle d'assurer l'assisen matière commertance en justice et ayant ciale internationale, le «pouvoir et devoir de les Etats ne jouant conseiller la partie et de qu‟un rôle présenter sa défense sans d‟accompagnateur. Vincent de Bonnafos et Marine Fardeau Etudiants en Master 2 Droit Comparé Appliqué, l'obliger » (article 412 du A côté de ce droit Université Paul Cézanne Aix-Marseille III Code de procédure citransnational, il vile). L‟avocat est sousemble y avoir tout mis à certaines règles essentielles telles un ensemble du droit des Etats qui conque le secret professionnel et la confidenserve un caractère éminemment national. tialité qui s‟imposent à lui tant en matière C‟est le cas des affaires qui ne présentent judiciaire que dans le domaine du conseil. pas d‟élément d‟extranéité, comme noDans ce contexte de mondialisation, il nous tamment le mariage de deux nationaux, ou est donné de constater une scission du les transactions concernant les immeubles. droit. Il semblerait de plus en plus qu‟il y Nous plaçons notre étude dans le cadre ait deux niveaux distincts d‟appréhension mondial, transnational. La question que du droit. D‟un côté, il est possible de disnous nous proposons d‟évoquer brièvetinguer une matière commerciale qui s‟est ment est celle de la qualification juridique internationalisée, voire transnationalisée, et de la prestation rendue par la profession de l‟autre, un droit national qui d‟avocat. En effet, cette qualification est s‟intéresserait à des affaires purement insujette à polémique. ternes. D‟un côté, les organisations internationales Certains auteurs vont même plus loin dans telles que l‟Organisation mondiale du cette vision d‟un droit à deux vitesses, commerce (OMC) et l‟Union européenne évoquant un droit transnational. Les élé(UE) tendent à considérer l‟activité de conments de ce droit transnational se trouvent seil juridique comme un service marchand. dans les coutumes formées par l‟action des De l‟autre, de nombreux avocats et auteurs Etats, dans les règles issues de la pratique estiment qu‟un élément supplémentaire lié contractuelle des entreprises, les sentences à la déontologie, au souci de satisfaction arbitrales rendues en matière internatiodu client, empêche la qualification de nale. l‟activité de l‟avocat comme un service Les principaux acteurs de ce droit transnamarchand. tional sont les entreprises multinationales, Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1 28

ELSA NANTES L‟intervention de l‟UE en matière de prestations de service est d‟une actualité brûlante, elle a entendu les encadrer juridiquement dans le cadre du marché intérieur, par le biais d‟une directive relative aux services. Cette directive a pour objectif de lever les obstacles à la libre circulation des services dans l'UE. Elle devait être transposée par les Etats membres dans leur droit interne au 28 décembre 2009. Le 33e considérant de la directive fait ressortir l‟étendue de son champ d‟application : sont visés les services concernant une grande variété d‟activités, dont les services de conseil juridique et fiscal. Dans l‟arrêt Reyners du 21 juin 1974, la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes (CJCE) avait déjà pris cette direction en estimant que des activités telles que la consultation et l‟assistance juridique, ou la représentation et la défense des parties en justice dans le cadre d‟une profession libérale comme celle d‟avocat n‟étaient pas susceptibles de constituer une dérogation au principe de liberté d‟établissement. Cette conception marchande de l‟activité exercée par l‟avocat est dénoncée par une partie importante de la profession. Les mots de Dominique de La Garanderie, bâtonnier du barreau de Paris en 1998, résument clairement cette position : « En aucun cas nous ne voulons banaliser et confondre l'exercice de notre profession avec les « prestations de service » ». En effet, la profession d‟avocat est associée à une forte dimension déontologique qui tend à différencier l‟exercice de cette profession avec une quelconque prestation de service marchand. Face à ce constat d‟internationalisation et de mondialisation de la pratique du droit, les cabinets issus de la tradition de Common Law ont su s‟adapter. Notamment, du fait de leur tradition juridique, les avocats anglo-américains sont davantage des businessmen et par conséquent leur pratique du droit est davantage adaptée aux circonstances économiques.

FlawLESS Deux types de cabinets d‟avocats angloaméricains doivent être mentionnés : les cabinets classiques et les réseaux multidisciplinaires. Ces deux types de cabinet se sont spécialisés dans le droit des affaires et ont une stratégie internationale. Ils sont ainsi capables d‟accompagner les entreprises pour toutes leurs opérations commerciales et leurs investissements dans presque tous les pays du globe. Toutefois, leurs approches diffèrent. Ainsi, les cabinets ou « Big five » inquiètent l‟ordre de la profession d‟avocat en raison des méthodes de Common Law qu‟ils emploient y compris dans les affaires francofrançaises qui leur sont soumises. Cela les différencie des avocats des réseaux qui sont essentiellement fiscalistes et s‟inscrivent dans une perspective plus «.nationale.» que leurs collègues angloaméricains. Ces derniers semblent importer leur culture, leur processus de décision et sont donc, plus que les réseaux, des vecteurs de la pénétration en France des pratiques de Common Law, notamment dans la rédaction des contrats. Face à la concurrence des cabinets angloaméricains qui dominent le domaine du droit des affaires, on peut se demander si l‟affiliation d‟avocats français à un réseau est de nature à affaiblir le droit français ou si, comme l‟affirme Juri-Avenir, les réseaux peuvent être «.les vecteurs du développement du droit français à l‟international.». Le rapport Nallet, publié en 1998, soulignait l'importance de ces réseaux interdisciplinaires et pointait les avantages de l'interdisciplinarité qui offre une mutualisation des compétences et des spécialités susceptible d'améliorer la qualité de la prestation juridique et permet aux cabinets « de lutter à armes égales avec leurs véritables compétiteurs que sont les cabinets anglosaxons plus encore que les grands réseaux ».

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Free movement of persons – Union Citizenship This article will give us the chance to refer to a very essential topic of the European Law, the Union Citizenship. Then, we will try to make a compendious overview via six basic case studies of the European Court of Justice.

I. Introduction

Kostas Leimonis Trésorier d‟ELSA Athènes Rédacteur en Chef du magazine « De jure » (ELSA Athènes)

The numbers inside the parenthesis refer to the corresponding paragraphs of the European Community –EC – Treaty. The differences between the EC Treaty and the Lisbon Treaty regarding our issue are negligible!

Definition in Art. 17 (1) EC: “Citizenship of the Union is hereby established. Every person holding the nationality of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union. Citizenship of the Union shall complement and not replace national citizenship.” Articles 17-22 EC, the provisions on Union Citizenship, were introduced by the Maastricht Treaty (which entered into force in 1993). Thus, they were added to the Treaty considerably later than fundamental freedoms. The Union Citizenship complements them and sometimes overlaps with them. While the fundamental freedoms only apply to economically active individuals (workers, selfemployed, service – providers and –receivers), the Union Citizenship applies to everybody, irrespective of his or her economic activity.

 Art.2 EU: one of the objectives of the EU is to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of the nationals of its Member States through the introduction of a citizenship of the Union.  Articles 17-22 EC (“Every person holding the nationality of a Member State shall be a citizen of the Union”)

B. Rights  Article 17 (2): Union Citizens enjoy the rights conferred by the Treaty (e.g. prohibition of discrimination, Articles 12, 13)  Charter of Fundamental Rights (becomes binding after the ratification of the Lisbon Treaty. ECJ already refers to the Charter in its decisions.)  Article 18: Right to move and to reside freely within the EU territory  Article 19: Right to vote and to stand as a candidate as far as the municipal elections and those of the EP are concerned.  Article 20: Diplomatic or consular protection  Article 21: Right to petition the EP and the European Ombudsman and to address the institutions in every language of the EU.

C. Direct Effect of Article 18 (1) EC II. Provisions A. Legal Provisions  Preamble of EU Treaty: establishment of a citizenship “common to the nationals of their countries”.

For almost ten years, it was not clear whether Article 18 (1) conferred any additional rights upon European citizens. Initially, it was believed that the Union citizenship was only of symbolic value. But in Baumbast, the ECJ developed the view

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ELSA NANTES that Article 18 (1) does actually grant additional rights to European Citizens. Within the system of fundamental freedoms, the freedom of movement is only granted to economically active persons. Article 18 (1), on the other hand, grants a movement and residence right that is not conditional of an economic activity of the citizen. In Baumbast, the ECJ held that Article 18 (1) has direct effect. Thus, Mr Baumbast could rely directly on the provision in order to defend these rights against a Member State.

D. Preconditions for the enjoyment of and restrictions on the rights of free movement and residence The right to free movement and residence is not unconditional. The right may be limited by the Member States by: The requirement to have comprehensive health coverage The requirement to have sufficient resources so as to not become an unreasonable burden on the public finances of the host Member State Public order Certain degree of integration into the (former) community (Bidar Case)

E. Entitlement to certain social advantages In its decisions on the freedom of movement and residence, the ECJ developed the principle that Union citizens are entitled to certain social advantages on the same terms as nationals if they are lawfully residents. They are protected from both direct and indirect discrimination. Historically, Union Citizenship was developed after the free movement provisions. Many rights – such as the entitlement to certain social advantages – were first developed under the umbrella of the free movement provisions, namely workers. The ECJ extended these rights to all EU citizens, irrespective of their economic activity.

III. Cases 1. C-413/99, Baumbast [2002] Facts: Mr Baumbast, a German national, resided in the UK. He and his family were granted residence permits for five years, from 1990 to 1995. Mr Baumbast was employed and later self-employed in the UK, later he worked for a German company in China and Lesotho. He and his family enjoyed comprehensive health coverage in Germany. In 1996, the UK refused to renew the permit, claiming that Mr. Baumbast was neither a worker nor had a general right of residence. Question emerged: Does an EU citizen who no longer enjoys a right of residence as a migrant worker in the host Member State enjoy there a right of residence by direct application of Article 18 (1) EC? – YES Findings of the Court: - A citizen of the European Union enjoys a right of residence by direct application of Article 18 (1) EC in a host Member State. - The exercise of that right is subject to the limitations and conditions referred to in that provision. The host Member State may require that he is fully insured and has sufficient resources so that he does not become an unreasonable burden on the public finance of the host Member State. Both conditions were met by Mr. Baumbast. 2. C-138/02, Collins [2004] Facts: Mr. Collins was born in the US and possessed both the US and the Irish citizenship. He studied in the UK for a semester and worked ten months in part – time jobs in the UK between 1978 and 1981. In 1998 he returned to the UK in order to find a job and subsequently claimed a jobseeker‟s allowance. This was refused on the grounds that he could not be regarded as habitually resident in the UK, thus no close – enough link to the UK labour market existed. Question emerged: Is Mr. Collins entitled to the jobseeker‟s allowance even though he has been out of the UK labour market for 17 years? – NO

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ELSA NANTES Findings of the Court: - As no link can be established between the job-search and his habitual work in the UK 17 years earlier, Mr. Collins cannot be considered as a worker. His situation is comparable to somebody who is looking for his first job in another Member State, a situation not covered by the right to residence for the first three months of seeking work. - The Court found that it was legitimate for a Member State to grant a jobseeker‟s allowance only after it had been possible to establish that a genuine link existed between the person seeking work and the employment market of the State. 3. C – 200/02, Zhu and Chen [2004] Facts: Ms. Chen, a Chinese national, had travelled to Northern Ireland to give birth to her second child. The child received the Irish nationality according to the Irish constitution (but not the British nationality). They subsequently moved to Cardiff and applied for a long-term residence permit. Ms. Chen had sufficient financial means to support herself. Question emerged: Is the child, who is a national of a Member State, and her mother, a national of a nonmember State, entitled to a residence permit? – YES Findings of the Court: A young minor, who is a national of a Member State, is covered by appropriate sickness insurance and is in the care of a parent who is a third-country national having sufficient resources for that minor not to become a burden on the public finances of the host Member State, has a right to reside for an indefinite period in that State. In such circumstances, those same provisions allow a parent who is that minor‟s primary career to reside with the child in the host Member State. 4. C – 85/96, Maria Martinez Sala v Freistaat Bayern [1998] Facts: Ms. Martinez Sala, a Spanish national, lived in Germany, partly without a residence permit. In 1993she gave birth to a

FlawLESS child and applied for a child-raising allowance. The application was dismissed by Bayern on the grounds that she did not have German nationality, a residence en titlement or a residence permit at the time of her application. Questions emerged: - Does a benefit such as a child – raising allowance, which is automatically granted to persons fulfilling certain objective criteria, without any individual and discretionary assessment of personal needs, fall within the scope of (former) Community (now:Union) law as a social advantage? YES - Can a Member State require nationals from other Member States to produce a formal residence permit – which German nationals are not obliged to have – in order to receive a child-raising allowance? – NO Findings of the Court: - The child-raising allowance is a social advantage within Article 7 of Regulation 1612/68, thus within the scope of the EC Treaty. - Thus, Ms. Martinez Sala may base a claim for the allowance on the principle of non – discrimination - (Former) Community (now: Union) law precludes a Member State from requiring nationals of other Member States authorized to reside in its territory to produce a formal residence permit issued by the national authorities in order to receive a child-raising allowance, whereas that Member State‟s own nationals are only required to be permanently or ordinarily resident in that Member State. 5. C-209/03, Bidar [2005] Facts: Mr Bidar, a French national, entered the UK accompanying his mother who was to undergo medical treatment there. He lived with his grandmother, as her dependant, and completed his secondary education. He started studying in London and applied for financial support. He received assistance with respect to tuition fees, but his application for financial assistance to cover his maintenance costs, in the form of a student loan, was rejected on the ground that he was not settled in the UK.

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ELSA NANTES Questions emerged: Whether in the form of subsidised loans or of grants, fall within the scope of application of the Treaty for the purposes of the prohibition of discrimination laid down in the first paragraph of Article 12 EC? YES - What are the criteria that a national court must apply to determine whether the conditions of granting assistance to cover the maintenance costs of students are based on objective considerations regardless of nationality? Findings of the Court: - Article 12 EC must be interpreted as precluding national legislation which grants students the right to assistance covering their maintenance costs only if they are settled in the host Member State, while precluding a national of another Member State from obtaining the status of settled person as a student even if that national is lawfully resident and has received a substantial part of his secondary education in the host Member State and has consequently established a genuine link with the society of that State. - It is a legitimate aim that an applicant for assistance needs to demonstrate a certain degree of integration into the society of that State (a “genuine link” to the host Member State needs to exist). After Bidar, some critics argued that the ECJ had gone too far in broadening the scope of the Union citizenship provisions, especially in regard to the access to social advantages. The social protection systems of some Member States, it was argued, would be endangered by “social tourism” if they could not limit access to social advantages in some form. 6. C-158/07, Förster [2008] Facts: Ms. Förster, a German national settled in the Netherlands where she enrolled for training as a primary school teacher, which she finished in 2004. As she also held jobs until June 2003 she was to be treated equally to students of Dutch nationality in regard to social advantages. Therefore, she

- Does assistance provided to students lawfully resident in the host Member State, was paid a maintenance grant by the Dutch authorities. But after June 2003 she ceased to be a “worker” and the Dutch authorities requested Ms. Förster to repay the money she had received for the second half of 2003. Under Dutch law, non-workers gain the right to a maintenance grant only after five years of residence. Question emerged: Is a Member State allowed to give a maintenance grant to an individual only after five years of residence in the country? – YES Findings of the Court: - The objective of the 5- years rule is to limit maintenance grants to students who have integrated to a certain degree to the Member State‟s society. - The 5-years rule is not disproportional. In Bidar, UK law required not only a minimum period of residence, but also that the student is (legally) established in the UK. But this status of being established has not been made accessible for a student under UK law: for a non-British student, the requirement was virtually impossible to meet. Thus, the requirement was contrary to EC law. In Förster , on the other hand, the requirement of residence can well be met by a non-Dutch student. Therefore it is not contrary to EC law. Indicative bibliography:   

 

Friedl Weiss, Free Movement of Persons, 02/2009, University of Vienna Publications Skandamis N., European Law, European Law I, Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2003 Sutton, The institutions of the EEC: How development cooperation policy is formulated, Dublin, 1976 Arnull A., The European Union and its Court of Justice, Oxford, 1999 http://curia.europa.eu/ (online, available

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Search for the truth Ray Krone spent ten years on the death row – innocent. ELSA Munich invited the U.S. American in the framework of a nationwide series of lectures.

The first day in prison, Ray Krone asked himself three questions: Did I lock my car? Who will feed my dog? And who is going to replace me at the Thomas Wittmann Président d‟ELSA Munich important soft2009-2010 ball game? But soon he would be restored to freedom anyway, he thought, as he has nothing to do at all with the murder of the young waitress. However, everything took much longer than he expected. At first it were only days, then weeks, months and finally years. In the end it has been ten years, which he spent on the death row of a prison in the U.S. state of Arizona. He was sentenced to death – for a crime, he has never committed. Release after ten years The first time he heard of the crime imputed to him was in the courtroom. In a bar in Phoenix, Arizona, the body of a waitress was found. The murderer stabbed her eleven times and bit her in the neck and the left chest. During the investigations the police encountered the 35-year-old mailman Ray Krone, who was a frequent guest of the bar. The teeth traces on the chest of the body seemed to match with his denture. In 1992, the trial started against him. A short time later the jury found him guilty of murder and the judge sentenced him to death.However, in spring 2002 a DNA analysis proved that the spittle on the clothes of the victim did not originate from

Ray Krone, but from another detained man. When Ray Krone was dismissed from Arizona State Prison because of proven innocence, he had already spent ten years in jail. Initiative against Death Penalty Ray Krone came to Munich at the invitation of the European Law Student‟s Association of Munich to report about his experience since he was already touring through Germany to report on this subject on the suggestion of the “Initiative against Death Penalty”, which organised the logistic part of the tour. As a local partner ELSA Munich was responsible for the organisation on the ground. In this regard, ELSA made the premises available, provided for proper advertising and took care about the media coverage. Besides, we have provided a reasonable accomodation and meals for the speakers as Ray Krone was accompanied by three more American citizens affected. Nevertheless, the students showed so much interest as the event burst at the seams that all the effort was worth the trouble. Appeal to the students Imagine, you are sentenced to death for a crime you have never commited, spending ten or twenty years behind bars. Over 130 people, who faced their execution, have been released from prison by reason of innocence. Ray Krone was the 100th prisoner whose innocence has been proven. He ended his presentation with a demanding request to the students: “Perhaps one day you have yourself somebody like me sitting in front of you at the courtroom, but please, keep up and search for the truth”.

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Toi aussi, fais partie de l'International Legal Research Group on Freedom of Speech (1/06/2010 - 3/04/2011) !!! Si tu t'intéresses aux droits de l'homme, au droit européen et au droit constitutionnel, si tu n'as pas encore de plans pour l'année prochaine, si tu n'as jamais participé à un projet d'ELSA et ainsi à un projet international,- t'es un candidat idéal ! Nous cherchons des participants pour ce projet international qui engage des étudiants en droit de toute l'Europe ! Le projet "International Legal Research Group" est Barbara Marlewska ELSA Gdañsk un projet lancé par ELSA International s'adressant aux groupes locaux ELSA dans tous les pays d'Europe. Notre LRG se spécialisera dans un sujet lié à la liberté d'expression, un sujet d'actualité toujours aussi fascinant et omniprésent dans notre culture. Le projet entend toucher les sujets de la haine raciale et religieuse, la liberté d'information et des médias ainsi que les limites de cette liberté; bref - tout ce dont la réalité européenne se compose aujourd'hui

et qui influence notre esprit citoyen. Notre action, menée sous l'égide du Conseil d'Europe, vise à promouvoir le savoir dans le domaine des droits de l'homme ainsi que le principe d'égalité en Europe. Les participants, au sein d'assemblées internationales, travailleront en s'appuyant sur la liberté d'expression dans des environnements sociaux différents, par exemple la politique ou les médias publics. La méthodologie de cette étude est quelconque; de plus - la diversité des techniques de recherche est souhaitable ! On peut utiliser des livres, Internet, des systèmes d'information de loi, et tout ce que vous vient à l'esprit ! Les résultats du travail de l'ILRG seront dévoilés pendant International Council Meeting a Poznañ (Pologne), au début du mois avril 2011 et publiés dans la presse juridique. Nous vous invitons tous à participer à l'International Legal Research Group ! Pour postuler, veuillez me contacter !

Coordinator of the International Legal Research Group "Freedom of Speech" [email protected]

Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Le droit au théâtre n’est pas qu’une revendication ! La procédure d’une audience est d’une théâtralité étonnante : des costumes à la scénographie, tout est clairement défini, chacun tient son rôle - bien que certains aient sans doute préféré un autre casting. Et quelle prouesse oratoire que celle de la plaidoirie ! Au delà de la différence fiction/réel qui les distingue la justice et le spectacle vivant entretiennent des similitudes singulières.

Sur le campus nantais, Droit et spectacle vivant se côtoient géographiquement : non loin des amphis, à proximité de l‟arrêt de tram Facultés, le TU Stéphanie Lepage est un théâtre Chargée des relations unique en France, avec les publics unigrand ouvert aux versitaires étudiants. S‟il y a quelques théâtres universitaires en France, le TU est une rareté. Soutenu par l‟Université de Nantes et par plusieurs collectivités, il est le seul a être labellisé au niveau national. Ainsi en sa qualité de scène conventionnée il propose un projet artistique professionnel d‟envergure nationale et internationale. Tout au long de la saison, des artistes, chorégraphes, metteurs en scène, comédiens, danseurs ou encore musiciens, habitent le TU et le campus. C‟est dans cette interaction, dans cet être ensemble que sont créés des spectacles parfois plébiscités par la suite dans toute la France. Il suffit de pousser les portes du TU pour satisfaire votre curiosité et deve-

nir le trait d‟union entre la création de savoirs et la création artistique. Droit et spectacle vivant se côtoient aussi thématiquement : les arts de la scène se vivent ici et maintenant tout en vous proposant d‟être Ailleurs. Aller au théâtre, c‟est ouvrir sa fenêtre sur le monde et sur d‟autres points de vue. Et généralement, de sa fenêtre, on ne reste pas inactif, immobile ou encore insensible à ce qu‟on voit. Aller au théâtre, c‟est aussi réagir à ce que disent, à ce que montrent les artistes de notre manière de vivre. Loin d‟être réservée aux littéraires, la sortie au théâtre s‟adresse à tous, c‟est une manière de participer à la vie de la cité et d‟en discuter le sens tout comme le droit à son endroit. Fort de ces constats le TU-Nantes et ELSA Nantes inaugurent cette année un partenariat complice pour se rapprocher encore un peu plus les uns des autres. Ensemble, nous vous conseillons dans votre parcours de spectateur, questionnons les rapports entre théâtralité et droit ou encore élaborons des débats autour de thématiques de la saison 2010 / 2011 du TU : le corps, la mémoire, le parricide, l‟utopie, les territoires, etc. Bref, soyons ensemble acteurs du Droit au TU !

Le TU Nantes www.tunantes.fr - 02 40 14 55 14 Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1




Eur@dioNantes : « L'auberge espagnole sur les ondes » ! Genèse d'une radio résolument européenne Après avoir invité des étudiants étrangers dans son émission matinale sur Jet Fm, radio Laurence Aubron locale nantaise, Directrice d‟antenne Laurence Aubron, d‟Eur@dioNantes journaliste, a eu envie de créer une antenne pleinement européenne, une radio qui parle d'Europe en européen dans le texte et qui laisse de côté son nombril franco-français. En 2006, l'association de radio européenne nantaise est créée et Euradionantes arrive sur les ondes en 2007. Premier objectif : être une radio-école, un projet unique associant formation et pratique, sur un créneau inédit, le journalisme européen de proximité. La radio et ses journalistes formateurs accueillent ainsi chaque année deux promotions de jeunes étudiants en journalisme qui composent une rédaction multiculturelle. En ce moment, Clare d'Angleterre, Nereira d'Espagne, Zsuzsanna de Hongrie, Rita d'Allemagne officient à l'antenne... Au total, une soixantaine de jeunes a vécu ce stage singulier où l'on apprend à travailler autrement. Un côté tour de Babel À Euradionantes, le français est la langue étrangère commune à chacun, les jeunes le parlent avec leurs accents, ils décryptent

l'actualité locale avec un œil européen, ou vice-versa. Sur le 101.3FM et sur www.euradionantes.eu on vous promet l'Europe vue d'une autre oreille. A l'opposé d'une vision technocratique de l'Union européenne. La proximité commence avec une part importante de programmes proposés par des bénévoles, faisant d'Euradionantes, une radio citoyenne. Ces « europhiles » parlent de l'Europe sous l'angle de l'écologie, de la pop scandinave, du cinéma espagnol, en passant par la philosophie ou l'architecture... Parfois, les émissions sont diffusées en VO sans sous-titre, on écoute de l'italien, du portugais, de l'allemand, de l'anglais. C'est là un autre des objectifs affichés par la station européenne : décomplexer la pratique des langues. D'ailleurs chaque jour, dans « English for everyone » l'antenne est animée en anglais par des Anglais. Bientôt une petite soeur ? Aujourd'hui Euradionantes s'est fixé une nouvelle ambition : se reproduire. Créér une nouvelle radio-école dans une autre ville d'Europe. Plusieurs projets sont à l'étude mais de nombreuses questions doivent être résolues : quel statut juridique pour ce réseau radiophonique d'un nouveau genre, afin que soit notamment respectée la ligne éditoriale de la radio ? Un cas pratique de diversité européenne.

Eur@dioNantes sur le 101.3FM à Nantes et dans sa région, et sur www.euradionantes.eu. Pour plus de renseignements, [email protected]. Magazine of The European Law Students‟ Association of Nantes - n°1


Informations pratiques Pourquoi adhérer ? -

Pour pouvoir postuler aux offres de stages à l’étranger (STEP) ;


Pour participer aux conférences d’ELSA en Europe et aux universités d’été et d’automne à tarif préférentiel ;


Pour faire de la radio, programme mensuel ELSA Nantes chez Eur@dioNantes, la radio européenne basée à Nantes ;


Pour participer aux spectacles du TU suivis de débats juridiques à tarif réduit ;


Pour visiter les cabinets d’avocats de Nantes, se familiariser avec leur travail et certains cas juridiques précis ;


Pour participer aux concours d’essais en partenariat avec le Conseil de l’Europe ;


Pour participer aux Study Visits : ELSA Nantes rend visite en mars à ELSA Padova, au programme visite culturelle de Vérone, Venise, Padoue, conférences et soirées internationales ;


Pour parrainer et être parrainé par un étudiant de la faculté de Droit ;


Pour avoir des tickets à tarif réduit pour les soirées internationales ;


Pour faire partie de la plus grande association d’étudiants en Droit au monde et partager une expérience unique !

Comment adhérer ? -

L’adhésion se fait d’abord en ligne sur notre site internet puis est finalisée par le paiement en espèces ou par chèque à ELSA Nantes. Nous avons une boîte postale à l’accueil de la Faculté de Droit de Nantes !

Montant de l’adhésion : 6 euros par an

fLAWless n°2

Octobre 2010

ELSA Nantes Faculté de Droit et des Sciences politiques Chemin de la Censive du Tertre - B. P. 81307 44313 NANTES CEDEX 3 Mél. : [email protected] [email protected] Site : http://www.elsa-nantes.fr Photos : Clément Thomas Rédacteur en chef et mise en page : Alexandra Maupas

La Tour LU Nantes