eShop Master

1 Enter the company name. 2 Enter the e-shop contact first and last name. 3 Enter the e-shop e-mail contact. 4 Enter the e-shop phone contact. 5 Enter the ...
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eShop Master™ User Guide

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

Copyright Note The information contained in this document is the property of RealScale Technologies and is supplied without liability for errors and omissions. No part may be reproduced or used except as authorised by contract or other written permission. It is permitted to reproduce this document when it is supplied in an electronic portable document format and then only in relation to the original product for which it is intended. The copyright and all restriction on reproduction and use apply to all media in which the information may be placed. The Company reserves the right to alter without notice: the specification, design, price or conditions of supply of any product or service. © RealScale Technologies, 2001 All rights reserved Ref: RealScale Technologies — eShop Master™ use/01 Issue: 1/2001

Trademarks © 2001 RealScale Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. RealScale Technologies, i-Cluster™, eShop Master™, RealScale, the RealScale Technologies Inc. corporate logo, are trademarks of RealScale Technologies Inc. and its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information is subject to change without notice, in equipment design as engineering or manufacturing methods warrant.

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Contents 1 About this guide ............................................................... 5 Overview ............................................................................... 5 Who should use this User Guide ................................................... 5 Guide organization .................................................................. 5 Icons .................................................................................... 6

2 Installation ......................................................................... 7 Overview ............................................................................... 7 The architecture ..................................................................... 7 Frequently asked questions ........................................................ 8 Requirements ....................................................................... 12 Requirements before installing eShop Master™ ................................................. 12 Minimum required hardware ...................................................................... 12

Installation of eShop Master™ .................................................... 13 The quick start setup Wizard .................................................... 14

Step 1 - e-shop general information .............................................................. 14 Step 2 - connection parameters ................................................................... 15 Step 3 - general e-shop design .................................................................... 16 Step 4 - homepage design ......................................................................... 17 Step 5 - general e-shop parameters .............................................................. 19 Today’s Activities window .......................................................................... 21

3 Getting started ................................................................ 23 Overview ............................................................................. 23 Starting eShop Master™ ........................................................... 23 The Menu bar ....................................................................... 24

File Menu ............................................................................................. 24 Edit Menu ............................................................................................. 25 View Menu ............................................................................................ 25 Layout Menu ......................................................................................... 26 Shop organization Menu ............................................................................ 26 Orders Menu ......................................................................................... 27 Settings Menu ........................................................................................ 27 Analysis Menu ........................................................................................ 28 ? Menu ................................................................................................ 28

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The Toolbar ......................................................................... 28 Setup instructions .................................................................. 30

4 e-shop look & feel........................................................... 31 Overview ............................................................................. 31 Choose your e-Shop design ...................................................... 32

Choose the colour of your e-shop ................................................................. 33 Choose the storefront appearance of your e-shop .............................................. 34 Choose the navigation tool of your e-shop ...................................................... 35 Choose the margin headings of your e-shop .................................................... 36 Choose the appearance of the main part of your e-shop ...................................... 37 Preview your e-Shop appearance .................................................................. 37 Preview your basket ................................................................................. 38

Choose your Homepage design ................................................. 38 Choose the homepage appearance ............................................................... 39 Choose the appearance of each zone ............................................................. 39 Preview your homepage appearance .............................................................. 40

Choose your lane design .......................................................... 41 Choose the appearance of your lane .............................................................. 41 Preview your lanes appearance .................................................................... 43

Choose your goods datasheet design .......................................... 44

Preview your goods datasheet appearance ...................................................... 44

Choose your discount design .................................................... 45

Choose a discount layout ........................................................................... 46 Choose the default icon for your discount ....................................................... 47 Preview the appearance of your discount ........................................................ 47

5 e-shop organisation ....................................................... 49 Overview ............................................................................. 49 Create product datasheets ....................................................... 49

Import product datasheets ........................................................................ 51 Create a new product ............................................................................... 52 The General box ................................................................................. 54 The Description box ............................................................................. 55 The Variable characteristics box .............................................................. 56 The Delivery zones exceptions box ........................................................... 60

Create a category .................................................................. 61


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Build e-shop architecture ........................................................ 63

Customize the presentation of the list of items ............................................... 64 Create the different levels of your e-shop ....................................................... 65 Create a New Level ............................................................................. 66 Create a sub-level. .............................................................................. 67 Change the name of the level ................................................................. 67 Insert a description of the level ............................................................... 67 Insert an image to illustrate a level .......................................................... 68 Insert goods into a level ........................................................................ 69 Delete a level ........................................................................................ 70 Remove goods ....................................................................................... 71 Preview a level ....................................................................................... 71

Assign a discount to an item .................................................... 72

Create a new discount .............................................................................. 73 The general parameters of your discount .................................................... 73 The options of your discount .................................................................. 74 Link Products & Discount ........................................................................... 75 Delete a discount .................................................................................... 76 Modify a discount ................................................................................... 76 Preview a discount .................................................................................. 76

6 e-shop parameters ......................................................... 77 Overview ............................................................................. 77 Set default currency ............................................................... 78 Set delivery zones .................................................................. 79 Set shipping fees ................................................................... 80

Create a new shipping fee ......................................................................... 81 Assign a fee to a product or to the basket ...................................................... 82 Some worked examples: ........................................................................... 82

Set taxes ............................................................................. 84

Create taxes ......................................................................................... 85 Delete taxes .......................................................................................... 85 Link taxes and products ............................................................................ 86

Set the payment methods ........................................................ 87 Set information ..................................................................... 88

About us .............................................................................................. 89 Company details ..................................................................................... 90 Sales conditions ..................................................................................... 91 Payment methods ................................................................................... 92

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Set messages ........................................................................ 93

Set the order confirmation message ............................................................. 93 Set the orders limit message ...................................................................... 94 Set the orders notification message ............................................................. 95

7 e-shop publication .......................................................... 97 Overview ............................................................................. 97 Save your e-shop configuration ................................................. 97 Publish your e-shop ................................................................ 98

8 e-shop orders management .......................................... 99 Overview ............................................................................. 99 Retrieve orders ..................................................................... 99 View orders ........................................................................ 101 View the list of orders ............................................................................ 101 View the details of the orders ................................................................... 102

Print orders ........................................................................103 Export orders ......................................................................104

9 e-shop statistics ........................................................... 105 Overview ............................................................................105 Web server statistics for e-shop ...............................................105 Sales statistics .....................................................................106

Glossary ............................................................................ 109 Index .................................................................................. 115


Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

About this guide

1 About this guide 1 Overview As a part of ACR’s patented i-Cluster™ Series, the eShop Master™ is a totally new generation of dedicated e-commerce provisioning platform. The eShop Master™ allows the creation and the management of a complete on-line shop with elaborated product datasheets, price listing, applicable taxes, shopping cart and shipping functions. This Guide is designed to help you establish your e-shop quickly and efficiently to reach the e-commerce community. It gives step-by-step instructions for building your e-shop.

Who should use this User Guide This user guide is for the e-merchant who wants to build an e-shop. The guide assumes that you have a general knowledge of Windows®, web browsing and e-commerce.

Guide organization chapter 1 - ‘About this guide’. chapter 2 - ‘Installation’ gives information about eShop Master™ architecture, the hardware requirements, describes how to install eShop Master™ and how to use the quick start setup Wizard. chapter 3 - ‘Getting started’ describes the Menu and Tool bars. chapter 4 - ‘e-shop look & feel’ describes how to customize your e-shop Web site and helps in the selection of appropriate templates for your site, homepage, lanes, goods datasheet and discount design.

eShop Master

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About this guide

chapter 5 - ‘e-shop organisation’ describes how to organize your e-shop by creating the levels (departments, divisions) and product datasheets. chapter 6 - ‘e-shop parameters’ describes how to set the management parameters of your e-shop, such as the applicable taxes, default currencies, delivery zones and shipping functions and how to customize the different messages and information available in your e-shop. chapter 7 - ‘e-shop publication’ describes how to save and publish your e-shop. chapter 8 - ‘e-shop orders management’ describes how to receive and print order information, how to sort and process the orders and how to export your data into other applications. chapter 9 - ‘e-shop statistics’ details the statistics of your e-shop such as web server statistics, basket content statistics,...

Icons Note - This draws the reader’s attention to important information. Tip - This is a helpful suggestion.


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User Guide


2 Installation Overview

2 This chapter describes the concept of the eShop Master™, provides hardware requirements before installing the application, reports the installation procedure and the quick start setup Wizard for eShop Master™.

The architecture The eShop Master™ application is one of a number of service appliances embedded in dedicated distributed Web servers. A number of these service appliances can be clustered together and are known as i-Cluster™ Series on the Web. Let’s explore the i-Cluster’s architecture, it’s organization and the way your actions manage your e-shop using the eShop Master™ interface. Based on RealScale Technologies unique RealScale™ architecture, the iCluster™ has been conceived to address the rising need for a ‘customizable’ e-shop, needing neither detailed background knowledge in computer science, nor a large financial investment from (you) the future owner. An important innovation is that your e-shop is not really in your computer, (it is in your dedicated Web server). Of course, you have the eShop Master™ interface on your computer to communicate with it, but the real e-shop, — the one you’re going to use to trade with, — is located somewhere on the Web in your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) site.

Information flow between the ISP & you

eShop Master

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Advantages: •

You don’t have to invest in an expensive computer to hold your e-shop.


You don’t have to invest in an expensive internet-connection to cope with the trade demand your e-shop will certainly generate.


Your e-shop is hosted on a dedicated fault tolerant server for optimized reliability and availability.


You don’t have to keep your internet line opened continuously. The orders you receive are stored on your ISP’s dedicated eShop Master™ appliance server, — the system allows you to retrieve new orders ondemand.

Frequently asked questions How many steps are involved in building my e-shop, and what information do I need to supply? The eShop Master™ application is a Client/Server application built around a simple principle: - you can build and run your e-shop in as few as only 5 steps. See ‘Setup instructions’ in chapter 3. How do I obtain a Merchant ID? A Merchant ID is mandatory if you wish to accept on-line-payment by credit card for goods you are offering. Ask your bank to obtain your Merchant ID. How do I configure and setup my e-commerce site? Use the eShop Master™ wizard-like interface supplied on CD to guide you in every aspect of service setup and operation. Choose what you want and the wizard does it.


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User Guide


What are the eShop Master™ key features? •

Step-by-step guide.


Intuitive and friendly interface with previews and rich selection of templates.


Easy and quick modification process: flexible and direct access to all pages and sections.


Quick data entry and editing for multiple items.


Comprehensive order management.


Feedback on sales information to improve customer care.


Multiple purchases in the shopping-cart.


Supports multi-currency, multi-language and price variations.


Facilities to apply quantity or season discounts and make special offers easily.


Elaborated product and services datasheets creation.


Company Profile page: address and contact details.


Marketing pages to promote your business.


Dynamic and customizable product catalogue: featuring a Web page and graphic for each product or service offered.


Customizable purchase order forms.


Advanced search engine to facilitate product feature searches.


Is the i-Cluster™ Series e-commerce appliance service secure? Through the innovative i-Cluster™ Series appliance provisioning platform, your e-shop is hosted on secure servers that utilize the industry’s standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption. RealScale Technoligies first “single SSL license per bay” insures all the transactions are highly secured, guaranteeing confidential data transfer. Can I change my e-shop once I have built it? Yes, you can change and update your e-shop at any time from any location.

eShop Master

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How will I know when someone has placed an order? You can retrieve orders by a ‘click-of-the-mouse’ using the same process as you would for retrieving mail from your Web browser mailbox. You also have the option of setting automatic download of new orders. What are the limits of the e-shop? The eShop Master™ appliance is neither limited in term of articles nor in terms of simultaneous connections. Can I use photographs of my articles? Yes, gather them, scan them if necessary. Store them in a folder so that you can go and pick them up when necessary. Can I sell articles by batch? Certainly, normal trading practices apply when negotiating with your customers. A few of my articles have variable characteristics, can I charge special prices? Identify these articles and fix their price variation as a function of their characteristics. Do I need to provide warranty conditions? It is not obligatory, but it is strongly recommended If I have an existing product database, is it compatible with the eShop Master™ application? Yes, look at the organization of the products array in the eShop Master™ interface: you can build an array of your products on the same model to create all your products rapidly with any editor in a TXT or CSV format.


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What currency can I use for my trade? Most currency options are available, you have to set this in the software.


Can I invoice several types of shipping? Yes, you can define several types of shipping. Will the shipping price vary as a function of the articles or not? Yes, you can set the price depending of the weight of the article (for example tariff 1 for heavy products, tariff 2 for light articles, ...) Which form will the shipping fees have, percentage of articles value, or fix amount, or both? You can define the shipping fee amount as a percentage or/and a fixed value of any ordered article or you can associate the fee with the basket of goods purchased.

eShop Master

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Requirements It is mandatory that you have the following system setup ready before installing the eShop Master™ software.

Requirements before installing eShop Master™ Before installing your eShop Master™ you must first ensure that a number of preconditions exist. •

A computer


An internet connection


An e-mail address


A registered e-merchant account given to your ISP

Minimum required hardware The minimum hardware configuration recommended for eShop Master™ software is:



standard PC with Intel® Celeron™ or Pentium® processors 500 Mhz


64 Mb RAM


100 Mb free disk space


4x CD ROM minimum


Modern Graphics adapter card allowing 1024 x 768, 256 colours or better.


56K Internet connection




Windows® 98

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User Guide


Installation of eShop Master™ 1

Insert the CD-ROM ‘ACR eShop Master™ Software Installation’ into your PC’s CD drive.


With Windows® Explorer, select the CD-ROM and click on Setup.exe.


At the Welcome message of the Install Shield, press Next>.


At install type selection, select Typical then click Next>.


At Program Folder Selection, click Next>.


At next message ‘Ready to start copying files’, press Next>.


When Install Shield has finished copying files, if the message below appears, press Yes, then when the installation has finished press Yes for license.


When the MDAC 2.5 installation has finished, press Finish.


When the Install Shield has finished, press Finish.


A short-cut icon has been placed on your desktop. eShop Master

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The quick start setup Wizard There are 5 steps that help make creating a store a quick and simple task. The Wizard leads you through a series of screens that create the basic statements of your e-shop. These are: • step 1 — e-shop general information window • step 2 — Connection parameters window • step 3 — General e-shop design window • step 4 — HomePage design window • step 5 — General e-shop parameters window Use the quick start setup procedure by clicking on the eShop Master™ quick start icon installed on your PC ‘desktop’ display.

Step 1 - e-shop general information The first window of the Wizard is shown below.


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This window allows you to insert that you want your customers to see. You can modify and complete this information during the e-shop setting parameters - see Set information in chapter 6.


Key in the information requested about you, in the dialog box fields: 1 Enter the company name. 2 Enter the e-shop contact first and last name. 3 Enter the e-shop e-mail contact. 4 Enter the e-shop phone contact. 5 Enter the address (line 1 & 2, zip code and city). 6 Select the country by clicking on the down arrow. When you are finished entering all the information, press the Next>> button to proceed to step 2.

Step 2 - connection parameters The second window of the Wizard is shown below.

This window allows you to insert the connection parameters for your e-shop.

eShop Master

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Key in the requested information, in the dialog box fields: 1

e-shop domain name (i.e.


login - this is the login that will be used to publish the e-shop. This will be used to build the look & feel and the architecture of the e-shop, set the e-shop parameters, publish the e-shop and retrieve the orders.


password - enter the password.


Merchant ID - This parameter is not mandatory. You only need to set it if you are authorized to take on-line payment by credit card.


Smtp Host - enter your mail server address (this can be provided by your ISP).

When you have finished entering all the information, press the Next>> button to proceed to step 3.

Step 3 - general e-shop design The third window of the Wizard is shown below.

This window allows you to select basic parameters for your e-shop design. You can modify this information during the building of your e-shop look & feel - see Choose your e-shop design in chapter 4.


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User Guide


Select the basic parameters of your e-shop: 1

Type the name of your e-shop (Mandatory).


Choose the company logo (if you have one prepared at this time). Click on the


icon to choose a logo. This will display an Open window

where you can select and preview a suitable logo. 3

Define the type of navigation to use in your shop. There are 3 templates available (tabs, dropdown list or hyperlinks). Choose one by clicking on it.


Choose your e-shop colourset. There are 12 templates available. These templates will give your store its basic look. Select one by clicking on it.


Choose your e-shop background by selecting one of the available templates.

When you have made your selections, press the Next>> button to proceed to step 4.

Step 4 - homepage design The fourth window of the Wizard is shown below.

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This window allows you to choose an illustration for your homepage. You can modify this information during the building of your e-shop look & feel - see Choose your homepage design in chapter 4. Select the basic parameters of your homepage: 1

Choose the illustration for your homepage (if you have one prepared at this time). Click on the

icon to the right of Illustration. This will

display a Open window where you can select and preview a suitable illustration for your homepage. 2

Below the heading Company Slogan type a sentence. The objective of this sentence is to attract and hold the interest of your customers.


Click the yes or no checkbox to display or omit the picture. By default the picture will be displayed left and the text right in the zone#1 - for more details see ‘Choose the appearance of each zone’ - chapter 4.

When you have made your selections, press the Next>> button to proceed to step 5.


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Step 5 - general e-shop parameters The fifth window of the Wizard is shown below.


This window allows you to choose the management parameters of your e-shop (currency, shipping fee, taxes and payment methods). You can modify this information during the setting of your e-shop parameters - see chapter 6. Choose the general parameters of your e-shop:

eShop Master


Shop currency — Choose the default e-shop currency by clicking on the down arrow.


Shipping fee — Choose the default e-shop shipping fee.


Taxes — Choose the default e-shop taxes.


Payment methods — Select a payment method from the Payment methods list (on the left) by highlighting it. Click on the Add>> button. The selected payment method is now displayed in the available payment methods list (on the right).

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When you have made your selections, press the Finish! button to proceed to the Today’s Activities window. When you have completed your selection it is a good idea to click on the ‘Previous’ button to check back through previous steps (4 through 1 to see if you have missed anything) before returning to click on the ‘Finish!’ button. Remember, — when you click the ‘Finish’ button, your quick start settings are saved for the next time you open your e-Shop.


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Today’s Activities window Finally you are presented with the Today’s Activities window. This is a short cut route to the eShop Master™ which you normally select from the menu bar.

e-shop design — allows you to customize the look & feel of your e-shop — See chapter 4. Goods management — allows you to create a product datasheet. See ‘Create product datasheets’ in chapter 5. Shop architecture — allows you to create the levels of your e-shop. See ‘Build e-shop architecture’ in chapter 5. Discounts management — allows you to create discounts. See ‘Assign a discount to an item’ in chapter 5. Retrieve Orders — allows you to retrieve all the e-client orders. See chapter 8. Publish — allows you to publish the web shop onto the e-shop module of the i-Cluster™ Series. See chapter 7.

eShop Master

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User Guide

Getting started

3 Getting started Overview This chapter describes how to start eShop Master™, describes the Menu bar and Tool bar, and shows the steps to build your e-shop.


Starting eShop Master™ Start the eShop Master™ by double-clicking on the eShop Master icon installed on your PC ‘desktop’ display. After a brief delay, the e-shop database is loaded and the main page of your e-shop is displayed. This window is designed to enable you to customize your e-shop. Before starting to use the eShop Master™ application, you should familiarize yourself with the Menu bar and general Tool bar features - see the ‘Menu bar’ and ‘Tool bar’ paragraphs.

eShop Master

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Getting started

The Menu bar The menu bar displays all the list of commands available for building your e-shop.

File Menu Menu entry


Toolbar button


New shop

Create a new shop


Open an existing e-shop


Delete the current e-shop


Save the current e-shop

Save As

Save the e-shop with a new name


Display the properties of the e-shop (name, number of products and lanes, last publication date and size)


Publish your e-shop


Close the eShop Master™

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User Guide

Getting started

Edit Menu Menu entry

Toolbar button



Cut to the Windows® clipboard


Copy to the Windows® clipboard


Paste from the Windows® clipboard


View Menu Menu entry

eShop Master


Tool bar

Display/hide the tool bar

Status bar

Display/hide the status bar


Display/hide the Today’s Activity window


Display/hide the wizard


Browse your e-shop

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Getting started

Layout Menu This menu allows you to customize the look & feel of your e-shop. See e-shop look & feel - chapter 4. Menu entry



button Shop

Choose the global e-shop design


Choose the homepage design


Choose the lane design

Goods datasheet

Choose the goods datasheet design


Choose the discount design

Shop organization Menu This menu allows you to organize your e-shop: create the levels (departments, divisions) and the product datasheets, stack the products in the different departments and assign a discount to different goods. See ‘eshop organization’ - chapter 5. Menu entry


Toolbar button


Shop architecture

Build the different levels of the e-shop


View the goods datasheets


Import a list of product datasheets


Choose goods category


Link goods and discounts

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User Guide

Getting started

Orders Menu This menu allows you to retrieve, view and print orders and also to export your data into other applications for archiving. See ‘e-shop orders management’ - chapter 8. Menu entry

Toolbar button



Retrieve the orders from your ISP




View the whole list of orders


Export data


Settings Menu This menu allows you to set the management parameters of your e-shop, such as currencies, applicable taxes, delivery zones and shipping fees. You can also customize the different messages and give additional information to your e-clients. See ‘e-shop parameters’ - chapter 6. Menu entry

eShop Master



Set the default currency

Delivery zones

Set the delivery zones for the items


Customize the e-shop’s information


Set the order confirmation, limits and notification

Payment methods

Set the payment methods

Shipping fees

Set the shipping fees


Set the applicable taxes

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Getting started

Analysis Menu This menu allows you to view Web server and sales statistics for your e-shop. See ‘e-shop statistics’ - chapter 9. Menu entry


eShop statistics

Displays Web server statistics for the e-shop

Operations reporting

Displays e-shop sales statistics

? Menu This menu displays the AbouteShop Master window, which shows the version of your eShop Master™.

The Toolbar The toolbar displays the more commonly used options. A full list can be shown in the dropdown listing when you click on the appropriate menu option. The toolbar contains buttons that allows access to a feature without navigating the menu system. Save button — Use this button to save what your are doing, at any time you desire. We recommended that you save your data frequently and always before you close your e-shop. Cut button — Use this button to cut the desired information from your application to the Windows® clipboard for importing/pasting to another application. Remember each ‘cut’ process overwrites any previous information in the clipboard - so you should import/paste it before you ‘cut’ any more information. Copy button — Use this button to copy the information to the Windows® clipboard for importing/pasting later. Remember each ‘copy’ process overwrites any previous information in the clipboard - so you should import/paste it before you ‘copy’ any more information. Paste button — Use this button to paste what you have just copied to the clipboard.


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Getting started

Retrieve button — Use this button to retrieve your orders from your ISP. e-shop design button — Use this button to view your e-shop design. The displayed window allows you to define the style of your web site. Level button — Use this button to view your e-shop’s organisation. The displayed window allows you to create new products and levels, to create the e-shop architecture and finally to link goods with categories. Product button — Use this button to view the list of goods available in your e-shop. The displayed window allows you to create, delete and import items. Discount button — Use this button to view the discount available in your e-shop. The displayed window allows you to create and delete discounts and assign a discount to a list of items. Publish button — Use this button when you have configured or reconfigured your e-shop site to upload the changes to your ISP hosted server.

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Getting started

Setup instructions The eShop Master™ interface is a Client/Server application built around a simple principle: — you can build and run your e-shop in as few as 5 steps. •

Step 1 — Open the eShop Master™ application.


Step 2 — Choose the look & feel of your e-shop (see chapter 4).


Step 3 — Create your e-shop organization (see chapter 5).


Step 4 — Set the e-shop parameters (see chapter 6).


Step 5 — Publish your e-shop (see chapter 7).

Follow this point-by-point setup instructions for a minimum (first time) configuration e-shop. You can add the details later using the application features provides in this guide.


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User Guide

e-shop look & feel

4 e-shop look & feel Overview This chapter presents a step-by-step description of how to customize the look & feel of your e-shop. This is done by using a friendly and intuitive interface with previews and a rich selections of templates that RealScale Technologies has already designed for you. The design of your e-commerce site is a very important step in the building of your e-shop. You have to choose very carefully the appearance of your e-shop, selecting the appropriate pictures and texts. Your objective is to attract and hold the interest of a maximum of customers. They are five main steps to customize your e-shop Web site: • • • • •

eShop Master

Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose

your your your your your

global e-shop design homepage design lane design goods datasheet design discount design

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e-shop look & feel

Choose your e-Shop design This feature enables you to build and design your e-shop Web site including the general layout, colour, banner margin and navigation. From the front page, select the Layout menu and click on Shop.


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User Guide

e-shop look & feel

Choose the colour of your e-shop The Site Colour feature enables you to define a colour template and a background image.



Choose one of the templates shown on the left. View the template chosen by clicking on the

button located on the top right

of the screen. 2

You can change the colours by clicking the

icon situated below

the colour templates. 3

eShop Master

Choose a colour by clicking on the colour map on the left. Click on one of the sections in the miniature version of the page on the right to change that section’s colour.

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e-shop look & feel


To accept the colours, click on Apply.


Check the Do you want a picture background ? box. If you answer yes to this question, click on the

icon to select an image. This will

display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable background picture.

Choose the storefront appearance of your e-shop The Store layout feature enables you to define the shop title, to choose its colour and placement and to choose a picture banner and a logo.



Change the shop name by clicking on the box situated below Display your shop’s name and key in the name of your shop.


You can change the font by clicking on the font box.


You can change the size by clicking on the size box.

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User Guide

e-shop look & feel


Change the colour by clicking on the box. Choose a colour and click OK.

icon to the right of the shop


Choose the justification of the title (right, centre or left justified) by choosing one of the three icons below the colour icon.


Click the yes check box to display your shop’s name.


Check the Display your banner box to display a banner and click on the folder icon to choose an image. This will display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable banner.


Check the Display your logo box to display a logo and click on the folder icon to choose an image. This will display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable logo.


Click on the Align left or Align right radio button to position the logo.

Choose the navigation tool of your e-shop The Shop navigation feature enables you to define the type of navigation bar to use, the colour of the text for a ‘selected’ tab and the position of the search.

eShop Master


Choose one of the navigation styles by clicking on it, so it becomes highlighted with a red border.


Change the colour of the selected tab by clicking on the Text colour (selected). Choose a colour and click on OK.

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icon next to



e-shop look & feel


Click on the icon next to Text colour (unselected tab) and choose a colour. Click on OK to accept.


And click on the Yes or No radio buttons to display (or not) the search tool in the navigation bar.

Choose the margin headings of your e-shop The Margin details feature enables you to define the style of the margin headers of your e-shop.



Choose a style of margin headers by clicking on one of the three options below the heading Choose the style of your margin headings. It will become highlighted with a red border.


Choose a justification for the headers by clicking on one of the icons, to the right of Headers.


Choose a colour for the text by clicking on the icon to the right of the justification icons. Choose a colour and click on OK.


Choose the justification of the content text by clicking on one of the justification icons to the right of Content.


Choose a colour for the text by clicking on the icon to the right of the content justification icons. Choose a colour and click on OK.

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e-shop look & feel


Click on the Yes or No radio button to the right Search tool in margin question. You can choose to have the search tool in the header or margin. If you have chosen to have the search tool in the header, then select Yes to place the search tool in the margin, the search tool option in ‘headers’ will be switched off.

Choose the appearance of the main part of your e-shop The Main part feature enables you to choose the title justification, the colour of the text and the colour of the links.



Choose the justification of the title by clicking on one of the icons to the right of Title alignment.


You can change the text colour by clicking on the Text colour. Choose a colour and click on OK.

icon to the right of


You can change the links colour by clicking on the Links colour. Choose a colour and click on OK.

icon to the right of

Preview your e-Shop appearance Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices. This activates a real preview of what your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.

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e-shop look & feel

Preview your basket Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices. This activates a real preview of the basket your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.

Choose your Homepage design This feature enables you to define your homepage and zone(s) layout. From the front page, select the Layout menu and click on Homepage.


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e-shop look & feel

Choose the homepage appearance The HomePage layout feature enables you to choose a model as a base for the homepage.

4 1

Choose a model by clicking on one of the three options. It will become highlighted with a red border.


When you click on the radio button for Model 1, zone #2 and zone #3 will be greyed out.


When you click on the radio button for Model 2, zone #3 will be greyed out.


When you click on the radio button for Model 3, you have to choose the style for each zone.

Choose the appearance of each zone The zone #(1,2 or 3) feature enables you to choose the zone style, the text’s font and size, the justification of the text and to select an image to display.

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e-shop look & feel


Starting with zone #1 - Click on one of the picture icons, to select the display of this zone. For example: picture left and text right, text left and picture right, without text or without picture.


Below the heading Enter selected text, click on the down arrow to select a font type. To the right of this, select the down arrow to select a font size.


In the box to the right of the font size, type a sentence to display.


Choose the justification of the text by clicking on one of the icons situated below the font type. This icon will become hightlighted with a red border.


Click on the

icon, to the right of Insert selected picture. This will

display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable image. Choose an image and click on OK. This image will now be displayed in the box to the right of the folder icon. 6

Complete additional Zone boxes, depending on your choices made in the HomePage layout box. This zone will be organized as you complete the Zone boxes.

Preview your homepage appearance Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices. You can also click on the

button located on the top right of

the screen to see a larger view. This activates a real preview of what your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.


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e-shop look & feel

Choose your lane design This feature enables you to design the lanes of your e-shop. From the front page, select the Layout menu and click on Lanes.


Choose the appearance of your lane The Page Top Layout feature enables you to choose a layout for the lanes in your e-shop. The way the goods are listed will change depending on the view selected.

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e-shop look & feel


Choose a layout by clicking on one of the styles listed below the heading Top Page Layout. It will become hightlighted with a red border. Use the scroll-bar to see all the choices available.

The Page Bottom Layout feature enables you to choose to show goods in list or column form.



Click on the View list radio button, situated below ‘Goods view’ heading to view items in list form.


Click on the View column radio button to view items in column list. Choose the number of columns to show.

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e-shop look & feel


Select the Yes or No radio button situated to the right of the ‘Display icons’ heading to display (or not) the icons of the goods.

Preview your lanes appearance Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices. You can also click on the

button located on the top right of


the screen to see a larger view. This activates a real preview of what your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.

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e-shop look & feel

Choose your goods datasheet design This feature enables you to design the goods datasheet of your e-shop. From the front page, select the Layout menu and click on Goods datasheet.

Choose a goods datasheet style by clicking on one of the styles listed below the heading Available styles. It will become hightlighted with a red border.

Preview your goods datasheet appearance Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices. You can also click on the

button located on the top right of the

screen to see a larger view. This activates a real preview of what your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.


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e-shop look & feel

Choose your discount design This feature enables you to design the discount layout and to choose an icon to highlight that the product is discounted. From the front page, select the Layout menu and click on Discount.


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e-shop look & feel

Choose a discount layout The Discount layout feature enables you to choose a layout for the discount. The text font, size and colour will be chosen, as will be the background colour. The justification of the text will also be chosen.



Choose a font by clicking on the box to the right of the Text heading.


Choose a size by clicking on the down arrow in the size box.


Click on one of the justification icons situated below the text size box and choose the alignment of the text in the product datasheet. It will become highlighted with a red border.


icon to the right of the Text colour heading. Choose a Click on the colour and click on OK.


Click on the icon to the right of the Background colour heading. Choose a colour and click on OK.

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e-shop look & feel

Choose the default icon for your discount The Default icon feature enables you to pick a default icon to be displayed next to the product name to highlight that it is on discount.



Check the Display your icon box to display a icon and click on the folder icon to choose an image for your discount. This will display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable discount icon.


You can also chose a icon in the ‘available icons’ box.

Preview the appearance of your discount Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices as a ‘datasheet’ preview. You can also click on the

button located on the top right of the

screen to see a larger view. Click on the

button located on the top right of the screen to

see the results of your choices as a ‘Goods list’ preview. This activates a real preview of what your customer will see. By clicking this button, you will see a copy of your e-site, through your own internet browser.

eShop Master

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e-shop look & feel


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User Guide

e-shop organisation

5 e-shop organisation Overview This chapter presents a step-by-step description of how to organize your e-shop. This is done by using the intuitive e-shop architecture with previews. This step enables you to create the levels (departments, divisions) and product datasheets of your e-shop, to ‘receive’ the products and to stack them in the different departments. You can also assign a discount to the different goods. They are 4 possible steps to create the structure of your e-shop: • • • • •


Create new goods one by one Create new goods by batch (import them) Link goods with categories Create the e-shop architecture Link goods and discounts

Create product datasheets This feature enables you to create product datasheets one by one or by batch using a pre-formatted file. Open the ‘Goods’ window by: • choosing Goods View from the Shop organisation menu or • selecting

eShop Master

from the toolbar.

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e-shop organisation

This window enables you to: • Display a datasheet list by clicking on the


• Display the details of a product by clicking on the button.

• Create a new product by clicking on the • Delete an existing product by clicking on the • Import goods by clicking on the


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User Guide

e-shop organisation

Import product datasheets eShop Master™ allows you to create product datasheets in a efficient way. You can import existing goods lists created with any editor in a ‘.TXT’ or ‘.CSV’ format. The file you import MUST have all the following columns in the same order: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011-

Reference Article name Category Short description Long description Icon Picture Other view Zoom Price Maximum quantity


Once you have created a .CSV or .TXT file that contains all the desired columns, you can begin to import the goods. 1

Click the

button. The Shop Organisation Goods Import window

is displayed.


eShop Master

Click on the Browse button. This will display an Open window where you can choose a file to import.

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e-shop organisation


The file name is now displayed in the box to the right of the browse button and the list of the items in the file displayed in the Import Preview box.


Click on

situated to the right of the filename box. Once the

import has finished, click on OK in the confirmation box. 5

Finally check that all information is in the right place, by clicking on the button. You have to set the delivery zone for each product by clicking on Shop organisation>Goods>View>Detail mode.

Create a new product eShop Master™ allows you to create products one by one. 1

Click on the

button to create a new product.


Enter the name for the item and click on OK (or Cancel to abort). The new item is now in the ‘Available goods’ list.


Double-click on the item added or click on

button. The

details list for this item will be displayed.


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The displayed window enables you to complete the description of the new item, like: • • • • • • • •

eShop Master

Name Price Reference Category Description Inserting images Setting variable characteristics Choosing delivery zones exceptions

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e-shop organisation

The General box The General box enables you to specify the general parameters of an item.

Name - the item’s name If you want to change the item’s name, key it in and click anywhere else to validate the changes. Price - the item’s price Click on the box to the right of ‘Price’ and enter a price. Click anywhere else to validate. The money displayed here is the one you will have chosen before (or the default one). To change it, go to ‘Settings > currency’. If your products have variable characteristics (e.g. colour, size, ...), use the ‘variable characteristics’ tool - described later in this chapter.

The system will display that your product is XXX (Currency). Matching between variable characteristics & price/reference changes is done using the Variable characteristics tool, - described later in this chapter. Category - the item’s category This tool enables you to link a product with a category. 1 To reach an existing category, scroll the category list. You will see the list of the existing categories. 2 Select the one you want by clicking on it. 3 Click the OK button to validate. If the category doesn’t exist, click on Modify categories button. The Goods category window will be displayed. This screen enables you to create/modify a category. We’ll describe this later.


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e-shop organisation

The Description box The Description box enables you to describe and illustrate an item.

You can insert several types of image of the products you sell.


Short — short description of the product You can key in a short description of the item. Validate by clicking anywhere else. Long — long description of the product Key in the suitable text in the ‘Long Description’ field. Validate by clicking anywhere else. Images — pictures to illustrate the item The following types of images can be associated with a product: • Icon: This image will be displayed in the Shop Architecture window. • Picture: This is the one that illustrates the product. • Zoom: This image is an alternative larger or smaller view of the product. • Other views: This image is an alternative view of the product. For example, inserting an icon is done by following steps: 1

Click the


This will display an Open window where you can select and preview a suitable image.


Select an image and click on OK to validate your choice.

button to the right of Icon to choose the icon.

This image will now be displayed in the box to the right of the folder.

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e-shop organisation

The Variable characteristics box If your product needs to be defined in several ways, (for example a shirt in 3 sizes and different colors), the Variable characteristics box enables you to set these characteristics.

Create option To create the product’s variable characteristics (3 maximum), enter the option’s name for each variable characteristic. 1


Click on the Create option button. The Options definition window appears.

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e-shop organisation



Key in the name in the Option 1 box (e.g. color).


Click the Validate button to validate or Delete to delete the name of the option.


Type the first type of your option in the Content box (e.g. blue).


Validate by clicking on the Add button.


Repeat step 2 to 5 above for options 2 or 3.


Once this is done, click OK to validate, otherwise click Cancel.

For example, if your variable characteristics are the size and the color of your article, enter in the ‘option1’ field, the name ‘size’ and the first size of your article in the ‘content’ field, then in ‘option 2’ the name ‘color’ and the name of the colour in the ‘content’ field. It is possible to set only one variable characteristic & leave the options 2&3 empty. Your product will have only one variable characteristic.

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e-shop organisation

The option’s columns (1, 2 or 3) that you have added are now displayed along the top of the Goods characteristics list. New article Creating a new article is done by the following steps: 1

Select an item by clicking on the blue arrow to the left side of the item. (it is displayed in reverse video).


Click on the New article button to link product to the characteristics. The Articles parameters window will be displayed.


Key in the Reference (e.g. M1), Price (e.g. 100) and Quantity max (e.g. 100) in the different boxes.


Use the scroll-bar to select product Availability (e.g. Available).


Scroll the option list (1,2 or 3) and select the one you want by clicking on it.


Click the Create button to validate or Cancel to abort.

Now the Goods characteristics list displays the variable characteristics of your product.


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e-shop organisation

Modify article Modifying an article is done by the following steps:

eShop Master


Select an item by clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the item. (it is displayed in reverse video).


Click on the Modify article button to modify the characteristics. The Articles parameters window will be displayed.


Change parameters by clicking on the box situated to the right of the parameter.


Click on the Modify button to validate or Cancel to abort.

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e-shop organisation

Delete article Deleting an article is done by the following steps: 1

Select an item by clicking on the blue arrow to the left of the item. (it is display in reverse video).


Click the Delete article button to delete the article.

The Delivery zones exceptions box The box headed Delivery zones exceptions enables you to select the countries you won’t deliver the product.


Click on the down arrow next List of countries box.


Select a country and click on the Add>> button. The country you selected is now displayed in the right hand window, under the heading Exceptions.


To remove a country in your exception list, click on the button to validate the transport name.


The different zones defined in Settings Delivery zones are displayed in the Delivery zones list. (see ’Delivery zones’ for more information).


Click on the

button. The list will display all possible

combinations for zone and transport for the selected shipping fee name. 7

Select a line in the array displayed on the bottom part of the window (it will be hightlighted).


Enter the shipping fee amount as a percentage and/or a fixed value of any ordered article for the selected combination.


Click on the


button to assign the shipping fee value.

10 Repeat steps 8 & 9 above for each combination. Finally you have to link the shipping fee with the basket and/or with the individual products purchased.

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e-shop parameters

Assign a fee to a product or to the basket 1

Select a shipping fee in the Shipping fees list (left part of the window). It will be hightlighted.


Click the Assign to basket check box to associate the fee with the basket of goods purchased or click the Assign to products check box to link the fee with the products purchased.


Select one or several products in the products data list (right part of the window) by clicking on the item’s check box.


Click on Validate to validate your choice.

Your selected products are now linked to the shipping fee you checked.

Some worked examples: Example: 1 A customer ordered 3 articles: — A, B, C. Shipping fee for A is 2 € Shipping fee for B is 10 • + 5 % of B value (45 • ). Shipping fee for C is 8 • , C is in discount (- 25 %) The total shipping fee is: 2 • for A (10 • + 2.25 • ) = 12.25 • for B 8 • for C (this shipping fee is a fixed value, the discount has no effects) Total shipping fee :


2 • + 12.25 • + 8 • = 22.25 •

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e-shop parameters

Example: 2 A customer orders 3 articles, — D, E, F. Shipping fee for D is 10% of article’s value. D is in discount, (-20%). [D value is 60 • ]. Shipping fee for E is 5% of article’s value. D is in discount, (-15%). [E value is 50 • ]. Shipping fee for F is 6 • . F is in discount, (-10%) [F value is 200 • ]. Shipping fee for D: Shipping fee for E: Shipping fee for F: Total shipping fee:

eShop Master

((60 • - (60 • * 20%)) * 10% = 4.8 • ((D value - discount value) * shipping percentage). ((50 • - (50 * 15%)) * 5% = 2.125 • ((E value - discount value)* shipping percentage). 6 • (no matters of discount, because the shipping fee is a fixed value)


4.8 • + 2.125 • + 6 • = 12.925 • = 12.92 • (rounded down).

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e-shop parameters

Set taxes This feature enables you to create and delete a tax and to assign a tax to an item. Open the ‘Settings Taxes’ window by choosing Taxes from the Settings menu. The displayed window will enable you to define the type and rate or value of the taxes you will apply to your items. You can create as many taxes as you want, but you can assign only 3 taxes to your goods.

Use this dialog window to:



Create a new tax


Delete a tax


Link your items and your taxes

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e-shop parameters

Create taxes eShop Master™ allows you to create the available taxes with a friendly interface. 1

In the Tax 1 box, add a name for the tax in the Name text box.


Set the tax amount or rate in the Amount text box.


Set the nature (percentage or fixed value) of the tax by clicking on the appropriate radio button.


Press the

button to validate the new tax. The name of the tax will

appear in the tax list in the box above the ‘new’ button. 5

Repeat steps 1 to 4 above for tax 2 and tax 3.

You can now link these taxes with the items. - see ‘Link taxes and products’ below.


Delete taxes eShop Master™ allows you to delete a tax very easily and quickly. 1

To delete a tax, select a tax by clicking on the tax list in the box above the ‘delete’ button. (it displays in reverse video).


Then click on the

button to delete it. The selected tax has been


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e-shop parameters

Link taxes and products eShop Master™ allows you to link a tax to an item in a very efficient way. 1

Select the tax you created before.


Click on the


Select one or several item(s) by checking the box to the left of the item(s) (it displays in reverse video).


Click OK to validate or Cancel to abort.

button to display the Products List window.

To select all the products at the same time, click the button. To unselect all products, click the


Your selected items and taxes are now linked.


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e-shop parameters

Set the payment methods This feature allows you to set the payment methods available in your e-shop. Open the Settings Payment methods window by choosing Payment methods from the Settings menu. The ‘Payment methods’ checkbox window is displayed and the payment methods you selected in the wizard are checked. Different payment methods are available: •

reservation only (no payment)


payment by cheque - cheque on delivery - cheque order


credit card payment - credit card number by phone - credit card number by fax - credit card number by mail - credit card on-line


If you provided a ‘merchant ID’ in the eShop Master™ installation, the ‘Credit Card On-line’ option is checked.


Check additional payment checkbox options if required.

You can add information for each payment method by clicking on the Add information on payment methods button. See ‘Set information’ paragraph.

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e-shop parameters

Set information This feature allows you to give useful information to your customers about your e-shop, details about your company, the sales conditions or payment methods in use in your e-shop. Open the Settings information window by choosing Information from the Settings menu. Use this settings option to record/view information with dialog box tab headers: • • • • 88

About us Company details Sales conditions Payment methods Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

e-shop parameters

About us This is the place to put general information about your company that you want your customers to see, — such as a company mission statement or brief company history/background. You may also see information that you have entered during the eShop Master™ installation. You can click on the button in the status bar to select other prewritten text from the displayed ‘Pick up Text’ selection window. 1

From the Information window, click on the About us button to display the dialog box.


Enter details as appropriate.


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e-shop parameters

Company details This is the place to put information about your company that you want your customers to see, — such as your company address, phone/fax numbers, merchant ID, domain name, e-mail address etc. You may also see information that you entered during the eShop Master™ installation. You must enter data in all the information fields in the form presented in this dialog box.



From the Information window, click on the Company details button to display the dialog box.


Enter details in all the data fields to complete the form.

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e-shop parameters

Sales conditions This is the place to put any pre-conditions on sales, and any other helpful information such as, — goods return procedures, complaints procedures etc. that you want your customers to see. You may also see information that you have entered during the eShop Master™ installation. You can click on the button to select other pre-written text from the displayed ‘Pick up Text’ selection window. 1

From the Information window, click on the Sales conditions button to display the dialog box.


Enter details as appropriate.


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e-shop parameters

Payment methods This is the place to put details about payment methods you provide to your customers. You may also see information that you have entered during the eShop Master™ installation. You can click on the appropriate

button associated with each

‘Method payment’ box to select other pre-written text from the displayed ‘Pick up Text’ selection window. 1

From the Information window, click on Payment methods to display the dialog box.


Enter details the appropriate data fields to complete the form.

Click on the Select payment methods button. The Settings payment methods window will be displayed. This screen enables you to set the payment methods you wish to use. See Set the payment methods paragraph.


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e-shop parameters

Set messages This feature allows you to set the orders messages that you wish your customers to receive when they order from your e-shop. Use this settings option to record/view messages with dialog box tab headers: • Order confirmation • Order limits • Order notification Open the Settings messages window by choosing Messages from the Settings menu. The Order Confirmation dialog box is displayed as the default. You can select any one of the following with a click on one of the button at the top of the page.

Set the order confirmation message This window enables you to view or change the text of the order confirmation message that your customers will receive.

An example text of what you can display to your customer is provided. You can replace it by overwriting it.

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e-shop parameters

Set the orders limit message Click on the Order limits button to set and display the message your customers will see on their screen, if they exceed the maximum orderable quantity.

This is set in Shop organisation > Goods > View> Details mode > Quantity max (variable characteristics).

An example text of what you can display to your customer is provided. You can replace it by: •

Overwriting it


Replacing it with another previously written text by pressing the button (.doc or .txt format).


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e-shop parameters

Set the orders notification message Click on the Order Notification button to set/change the method and timing of messages about customer orders sent to you from your server.


You will receive an order advice each time a customer orders in your e-shop. This advice will contain the amount and the destination city of the order. The system must have your e-mail address (the one entered at installation) whatever option you choose. You can however, change it by overwriting it.

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e-shop parameters


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User Guide

e-shop publication

7 e-shop publication Overview This chapter describes how to save and publish your e-shop. After this step, your e-shop is ready to receive customer orders.

Save your e-shop configuration Now that you have create your e-shop by customizing the look & feel of your e-shop, setting the e-shop organization and parameters, it’s time to save it on your computer. 1

Save your e-shop by choosing Save As or Save from the File menu.


The Save window is displayed. Enter the name for your e-shop (i.e. myshop.shp) and click OK to validate (or Cancel to abort).


A copy of your e-shop will now exist on your computer. This version is visible only locally on your PC (not on your public e-shop server), until you send it using the

eShop Master

‘publish’ button.

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e-shop publication

Publish your e-shop This feature enables you to publish the previously designed web shop with eShop Master™, onto the e-shop module of the i-Cluster™ Series (i.e. Publish your e-shop by: •

choosing Publish from the File menu or



from the toolbar.

The login window is displayed:


Enter your merchant name and password defined in the Step 2 of the Wizard - chapter 2.


In the Domain field enter your shop URL (e.g. then click OK to validate (or Cancel to abort).


Wait for all files to be transferred and the message ‘Publication finished’. Click on the Close button to close the ‘notice’ window.


Now, you can open a web browser, Internet Explorer or Netscape. In the address field enter The e-shop previously designed appears on the web browser.

After you have first published your e-shop, every modification you make will create a NEW version. This NEW version is visible only locally on your PC (not on your public e-shop server), until you send it again using the


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User Guide

e-shop orders management

8 e-shop orders management Overview You are now ready to receive orders after your e-shop has been designed and launched. To deal with these orders, we have provided you with a comprehensive order management feature. Four types of order management are available: • • • •

Retrieve orders Print orders View orders Export orders

Retrieve orders This feature allows you to retrieve all the e-Client orders. Retrieve ‘Orders’ by: • choosing Retrieve from the Orders menu, or • selecting


from the toolbar.

The Login window is displayed.


eShop Master

Enter your merchant name and password set in ‘The quick start setup Wizard - chapter 2.

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e-shop orders management


In the Domain box, type your URL (for example then click OK to validate (or Cancel to abort).


While the orders are being retrieved, you may see the ‘Retrieving orders’ window displayed.

When your new orders have been extracted, they appear with


This window enables you to : •

View the complete order details by clicking on the status of the order becomes


button. The status of the order



Notify the customer that his order has been received by clicking on the button. The status of the order becomes . The e-client will receive an e-mail message confirming that his order has been successfully placed at the e-shop. (see Set the order confirmation message in chapter 6 to view the content of the e-mail).


Export the whole list of orders by clicking on the


Archive one or several orders by clicking on the the order becomes



View the orders list by clicking on the becomes

button. The

button. button. The status of


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e-shop orders management


Delete the selected order by clicking on the



Print the currently displayed orders by clicking the


The ‘Retrieve order’ window is not displayed when there are no new orders.

View orders The e-merchant can view all the retrieved orders with their status by choosing View from the Orders menu. For more details about status and available functions see the Retrieve orders paragraph.

View the list of orders The Headers feature available by clicking on the

button allows you to

only view the headers of the different orders with their status.

8 The displayed window shows the following columns: • • • • • • • •

eShop Master

N° — the order’s number Status — the order’s status Date — the date of the order Amount — order’s amount (VAT and shipping fee included) Taxes — amount of tax for the selected order Shipping — amount of the shipping fee for the highlighted order Name — customer’s name e-mail — e-mail address of the e-client.

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e-shop orders management

View the details of the orders The Details feature, available by clicking on the

button, allows you to

view the details of the selected order in the order list. You can also view the details of an order by double clicking on it.

The displayed window shows: • • • • •


the billing contact the shipping contact the details of the order (item, reference, price, quantity,...) the payment method the total amount (with and without VAT, taxes and shipping)

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

e-shop orders management

Print orders This feature allows you to get a printout of the currently displayed orders list. Print ‘Orders’ by: • choosing Print from the Orders menu, or • selecting

from the toolbar.

The orders are printed out on a form using a standard style layout.


eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02


e-shop orders management

Export orders This feature allows you to export the list of orders present at the date. Export ‘Orders’ by: • choosing Export from the Orders menu, or • selecting

from the toolbar.

The Export window is displayed.

Choose the destination folder your orders are to be exported to. Then click the Save button to validate (or Cancel to abort). Exported order files are in ‘csv’ format.


Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

e-shop statistics

9 e-shop statistics Overview The statistics feature hosted on eShop Master™ allows the e-merchant to improve customer care and to define marketing strategies. Two type of statistics are available: • Web server statistics for e-shop • e-shop sales statistics

Web server statistics for e-shop Open the ‘Web Server Statistics’ window by choosing eShop statistics from the Analysis menu. This window displays the Web Server Statistics for your e-shop.


eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02


e-shop statistics

Sales statistics Open the ‘Web Server Statistics’ window by choosing Operations reporting from the Analysis menu. This window shows:



which product is the most sold (with quantity).


which product is the least sold (with quantity).


the buyer with the most expensive order (with value and average price).


which products have not been sold.


Use the down arrow to select the From and To dates of the statistic period. An example calendar tool is shown here.

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

e-shop statistics


Select the dates you want by clicking on them.


Click on the Validate button to validate your selection. The ‘sales statistics’ are now displayed for the defined period.


eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02


e-shop statistics


Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide


Glossary G L O S S A R Y

B Browser A Client program (software) that is used to look at various kinds of Internet resources. For example: Internet Explorer or Netscape.

D Domain name The unique name that identifies an Internet site. Domain Names always have 2 or more parts, separated by dots. The part on the left is the most specific, and the part on the right is the most general. For example:

E e-mail Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another via computer. E-mail can also be sent automatically to a large number of addresses.

H Homepage The web page that your *browser is set to use when it starts up. HTTP see ‘Hypertext Transfer Protocol’.

eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02



Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) A standard protocol for transferring files on the World Wide Web. Internet Service Provider (ISP) An ISP is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site Buildinging and hosting. An ISP has the equipment and the telecommunication line access required to have points-of-presence on the Internet for the geographic area served.

I ISP see ‘Internet Service Provider’.

M Merchant ID A merchant ID is mandatory if you wish to accept on-line payment by credit card for goods you are offering. Ask your bank to obtain your Merchant ID.

P Password A short string of characters, knowledge of which is required to gain access to some resource. Protocol A formal description of message formats and the rules required to accomplish some tasks.


Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide


R RealScale™ architecture The RealScale™ Architecture is an innovative Network Centric architecture for appliance provisioning (as opposed to current IT Centric architectures). In this innovative Network Centric architecture, appliances can be installed and maintained in a similar manner to the way Service Providers currently implement and operate their telecom networks. The RealScale™ Architecture enables: •

appliance provisioning over a distributed network to hundred of thousands of potential application consumers and in a cost effective, controlled “network centric” manner.


the ability to separate the physical deployment and management location.


the flexibility to deploy the platform where it can be serving the subscriber best, thereby enables the Service Providers to decongest their network core.

S Secure Socket Layer (SSL) A protocol to provide a secure environment for electronic commerce and communications. SSL provides three levels of security server authentification: •

verification of the identity of the server using a certificate.


encryption, which ensures the privacy of client-server communications by encrypting the data scream.


integrity, which verifies that the contents of the message arrive at their destination in the same form as they were sent.

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) A protocol* used to transfer electronic mail between computers. SMTP see ‘Simple Mail Transfer Protocol’.

eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02




Software Software is a general term for the various kinds of programs used to operate computers and related devices. (The term hardware describes the physical aspects of computers and related devices). SSL see ‘Secure Socket Layer’.

T Template A template is a form, mold, or pattern used as a guide to making something.

U Uniform Resource Locator (URL) An address format used by Internet communications protocols such as the *Hyper Text Transfert Protocol (HTTP) popularized by the World Wide Web. URLs typically identify the type of service required to access an item, its location on an Internet host and the file name or item name on that machine. Example : URL see ‘Uniform Resource Locator’.

W Web server A network device that stores and serves up any kind of data file, including text, graphic images,... Its stored information can be accessed via Internet.


Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide


Wizard This is an utility within an application that helps you easily use the application to perform a particular task. For example, the eShop Master™ “wizard” within the i-Cluster™ Platform would lead SME’s through the steps of producing different types of dedicated e-commerce web sites. World Wide Web (www) A hypertext-based information service providing access to multimedia, complex documents and database via Internet. www see ‘World Wide Web’.

eShop Master

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02





Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide


Index A Analysis Menu E-shop statistics 28 Operations reporting 28 Architecture 7

C Category Description 61 Name 61 Create Discount 73 New level 66 New product 52 Shipping fees 81 Sub-level 67

D Delete Discount 76 Level 70 Delivery zones Set 79 Discount Delete 76 General parameters 73 Modify 76 Options 74 Preview 76 Discount design Default icon 47 Discount layout 46 Preview 47

E E-shop architecture 63 Assign a discount 72 Create a sub-level 67 Create discount 73 Create new level 66 Delete a discount 76 Delete a level 70 Link products & discounts 75 Modify discount 76 Remove goods 71 View details button 64

eShop Master

View list button 64 View small icon button 64 E-shop configuration Save 97 Save as 97 E-shop design 32 Main part 37 Margin details 36 Preview 37 Shop navigation 35 Site colour 33 Storefront layout 34 E-shop look & feel Discount design 45 E-shop design 32 Goods datasheet design 44 Homepage design 38 Lane design 41 E-shop orders management 99 Export orders 104 Print orders 103 Retrieve orders 99 View orders 101 E-shop parameters 77 About us 89 Assign fee to basket 82 Assign fee to product 82 Company details 90 Create taxes 85 Currency 78 Delete taxes 85 Delivery zones 79 Link taxes & products 86 Payment methods 92 Sales conditions 91 Set information 88 Set messages 93 Set order confirmation message 93 Set order limit message 94 Set order notification message 95 Set payment methods 87 Shipping fees 80 Shipping fees examples 82 Taxes 84 E-shop publication 97 e-shop statistics 105 sales 106 web server 105

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Edit Menu Copy 25 Cut 25 Paste 25 Export Orders 104

F File Menu Delete 24 New shop 24 Open 24 Properties 24 Publish 24 Quit 24 Save 24 Save as 24

G Goods datasheet design Preview 44

H Homepage design 38 Homepage appearance 39 Preview 40 Zone appearance 39

I Information About us 89 Company details 90 Payment methods 92 Sales conditions 91 Set 88 Installation 13

L Lane design 41 Lane appearance 41 Preview 43 Layout Menu Discount 26 Goods datasheet 26 Homepage 26 Lanes 26 Shop 26 116

Level Create 66 Delete 70 Description 67 Image 68 Insert goods 69 Name 67 Preview 71 Link Products & discount 75

M Menu ? 28 Analysis 28 Edit 25 File 24 Layout 26 Orders 27 Settings 27 Shop organisation 26 View 25 Menu bar 24 Messages Order confirmation 93 Order limit 94 Order notification 95 Set 93 Modify Discount 76

O Orders Export 104 Print 103 Retrieve 99 View 101 View list of orders 101 Orders Menu Export 27 Print 27 Retrieve 27 View 27

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User Guide




Payment methods Set 87 Preview Discount design 47 Goods datasheet design 44 Homepage design 40 Lane design 43 Level 71 Print Orders 103 Product datasheet Category 54 Create 49 Create category 61 Create option 56 Delete article 60 Delivery zones exceptions box 60 Description box 55 General box 54 Icons 55 Import 51 Long description 55 Modify article 59 Name 54 New article 58 Price 54 Short description 55 Variable characteristics box 56

Save E-shop configuration 97 Set Delivery zones 79 Information 88 Messages 93 Order confirmation message 93 Order limit message 94 Order notification message 95 Payment methods 87 Shipping fees 80 Taxes 84 Settings Menu Currency 27 Delivery zones 27 Information 27 Messages 27 Payment methods 27 Shipping fees 27 Taxes 27 Setup instructions 30 Shipping fees Create 81 Examples 82 Set 80 Shop organisation Menu Discount 26 Goods>category 26 Goods>import 26 Goods>view 26 Shop architecture 26 Starting eShop Master™ 23

Q Questions Frequently asked 8

R Remove Goods 71 Requirements 12 Before installing eShop Master 12 Hardware 12 Retrieve Orders 99

eShop Master


T Taxes Create 85 Create a tax 84 Delete 85 Delete a tax 84 Link products and taxes 84 Link twith products 86 Set 84 Today's Activities window 21

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02



Toolbar 28 Copy button 28 Cut button 28 Discount button 28 Level button 28 Paste button 28 Product button 28 Publish button 28 Retrieve button 28 Save button 28

V View Details of the orders 102 Orders 101 View Menu Browse 25 Guide 25 Status bar 25 Tool bar 25 Wizard 25

W Wizard 14 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5


14 15 16 17 19

Ref: PS-TMEM0103EN-02

User Guide

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