Electrical Library Preface Getting Started Basic Tasks ... .fr

Sep 26, 2000 - Preface. The CATIA Version 5 Electrical Library is a new generation product which is dedicated to ... Version 5, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario demonstrating how to use key ... CATIA V5 is launched.
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Electrical Library Preface Getting Started Basic Tasks Workbench Description Customizing Glossary Index

© Dassault Systèmes 1994-2000. All rights reserved.

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Preface The CATIA Version 5 Electrical Library is a new generation product which is dedicated to define electrical devices, place and connect them. It also allows the creation and management of catalogs of wires and electrical devices such as connectors, electrical equipments, etc. The CATIA - Electrical Library offers the following main functions: electrical behavior definition on parts and assemblies electrical properties and attributes edition mechanical assembly of electrical devices optimization electrical wire references generation in the catalog interactive access and navigation within electrical catalogs electrical catalogs customizing access to V4 Electrical library. As a scalable product, CATIA Version 5 Electrical Library can be used in cooperation with other current or future companion products of the next CATIA generation such as CATIA - Electrical Wire Routing, CATIA - Electrical Harness Installation and CATIA - Electrical System Functional Definition. Using This Guide More Information

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Using This Guide

Using This Guide This guide is intended for the user who needs to become quickly familiar with the CATIA Electrical Library Version 5 product. The user should be familiar with basic CATIA Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. To get the most out of this guide, we suggest you start reading and performing the step-by-step tutorial "Getting Started". The next sections deal with the more detailed capabilities of the product.

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More Information

Where to Find More Information Prior to reading this book, we recommend that you read the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide. Certain conventions are used in CATIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications.

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Conventions Certain conventions are used in CATIA, ENOVIA & DELMIA documentation to help you recognize and understand important concepts and specifications. The following text conventions may be used: The titles of CATIA documents appear in this manner throughout the text. File -> New identifies the commands to be used. The use of the mouse differs according to the type of action you need to perform. Use this mouse button, whenever you read Select (menus, commands, geometry in graphics area, ...) Click (icons, dialog box buttons, tabs...) Double-click Shift-click Ctrl-click Check (check boxes) Drag Drag and drop (icons onto objects, objects onto objects) Drag Move Right-click (to select contextual menu)

Graphic conventions are denoted as follows: indicates the estimated time to accomplish a task.

indicates a target of a task. indicates the prerequisites. indicates the scenario of a task. indicates tips indicates a warning.

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indicates information. indicates the end of a task. indicates functionalities that are new or enhanced with this Release. Enhancements can also be identified by a blue-colored background in the left-hand margin.

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Getting Started

Getting Started Before getting into the detailed instructions for using CATIA - Electrical Library Version 5, the following tutorial provides a step-by-step scenario demonstrating how to use key functionalities. You should be familiar with the basic commands common to all workbenches. These are described in the CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide. Using Electrical Part Design Defining a Single Connector Defining a Connector Connection Point Entering Electrical Assembly Design Workbench Accessing Data through a Catalog Connecting Electrical Devices Electrifying an Element Within the Assembly Inserting the New Electrical Part All together, this task should take about 20 minutes to complete.

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Entering the Electrical Part Design Workbench

Using the Electrical Part Design Workbench This task explains how to set up the environment to work with CATIA - Electrical Library. CATIA - Electrical Library includes two workbenches: the Electrical Assembly Design workbench the Electrical Part Design workbench. You will start with working in the Electrical Part Design workbench to electrify a standard part as an electrical connector.. Open the PrtStd.CATPart document. 1. Choose the Electrical Part Design item from the Start -> Equipments & Systems menu. The Electrical Part Design workbench is displayed with the part.

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Entering the Electrical Part Design Workbench

Defining a Single Insert Connector This task explains how to electrify a standard part as a connector. The document is already open from the previous task.

1. Define this part as a single insert connector using this icon You are prompted to select the part.


2. Click the part either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Connector Definition dialog box opens:

3. Save the document with another name: PartStd2.CATPart for example. This document now contains an electrical connector that you will insert later in the Product.

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Entering the Electrical Part Design Workbench

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Defining a Connector Connection Point

Defining a Cavity Connection Point This task explains how to add a connection point to the connector in order to insert it into a cavity of an equipment. The document is still open from the previous task.

1. Define the Cavity Connection Point using this icon You are prompted to select a device. 2. Click the part itself. The dialog box opens:

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Defining a Connector Connection Point

Enter CConnectionPoint in the Name field for example. Select the back face as Representation: Face Select the Placement Constraints as follows: the contact: Point.1

the coincidence: Face

The OK button becomes available. Press OK to validate your choice. 3. Save the document as PartStd2.CATPart for example. This document now contains an electrical connector, with its connection point, that you will insert in the Product. See the last task.

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Entering Electrical Assembly Design Workbench

Entering the Electrical Assembly Design Workbench You will now work in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. CATIA V5 is launched. A CATProduct document is displayed. 1. Choose the Electrical Assembly Design item from the Start -> Equipments & Systems menu. The Electrical Assembly Design workbench is displayed and ready to use.

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Accessing Data Through a Catalog

Accessing Data Through a Catalog This task explains how to import electrical devices into a CATProduct document using a catalog. The devices to be imported are: an equipment: EquipmentDA4 two single connectors: SingleConnectorDF56L and SingleConnectorDF56R 1. Click the Catalog Browser icon

to open the CatalogOfDevices.catalog.

The dialog box opens:

If necessary, use the Open icon to browse another catalog and select the CatalogOfDevices.catalog from the samples folder. 2. Double-click the Electrical Devices: the folder content is displayed. 3. Double-click the Equipments: the folder content is displayed. 4. Select the EquipmentDA4, drag and drop it onto the Product1 in the specification tree.

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Accessing Data Through a Catalog

The equipment is imported: it is composed of three cavities.

5. Repeat the steps 2 to 4 for the other devices. The result looks like this:

6. Close the Catalog Browser. Note that when you insert a device into a product, you can take advantage of CATIA - Assembly capabilities to constrain the device within the digital mock-up, profiting therefore by the associativity. For more information, refer to Using Assembly Constraints

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Connecting Electrical Devices

Connecting Electrical Devices This task explains how to connect the electrical devices previously imported. 1. Select the Connect Electrical Devices icon single insert connectors. You are prompted to select a connector.

to connect together the two

2. Select the SingleConnectorDF56L front face as shown below:

You are prompted to select another connector. 3. Select the SingleConnectorDF56R front face as shown below:

The connectors are connected together. it's the first selected object that moves to the second one's location an electrical connection has been created together with mechanical constraints.

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Connecting Electrical Devices

The mechanical constraints are added to the specification tree:

to place the 4. Select the Connect Electrical Devices icon again SingleConnectorDF56R in the first cavity of the equipment. You are prompted to select a connector. 5. Select the SingleConnectorDF56R face as shown below:

You are prompted to select another connector. 6. Select the EquipmentDA4 face as shown below:

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Connecting Electrical Devices

The DF56R connector is connected to the selected cavity of the equipment. it's the first selected object that moves to the second one's location the DF56L connector moves together with the DF56R connector owing to the mechanical constraints.

The coincidence and surface constraints are added to the specification tree:

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Electrifying an Element Within the Assembly

Electrifying an Element Within the Assembly This task explains how to import a non electrified element into the CATProduct document then to electrify it within the assembly. 1. Import the element using the catalog. To do so: Click the Catalog Browser to open the icon CatalogOfDevices.catalog. The dialog box opens:

Double-click the Standard Parts: the folder content is displayed Double-click the Parts: the folder content is displayed Select the FillerPlugStd, drag and drop it onto the Product1 in the specification tree. The filler plug, not yet electrified, is imported. Close the Catalog Browser. 2. Double-click to activate Product1. It's in the context of this product only that the part will be electrified. The reference remains NOT electrified. 3. Click the Define Filler Plug icon to electrify the FillerPlugStd. You are prompted to select a product. 4. Select the FillerPlugStd (FillerPlugStd.1) product. The dialog box opens:

5. Enter FillerPlugElec in the Instance name field and click OK.

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Electrifying an Element Within the Assembly

Note that it is the instance of the filler plug imported in the assembly which is electrified and not the reference. 6. Click the Define Cavity Connection Point icon . You are prompted to select an electrical device. 7. Select the filler plug either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Cavity Connection Point Definition dialog box opens:

8. Enter CaCnxPnt in the Name field. 9. Click the back face as Representation.

10. Define the Placement Constraints as follows: Select the point as Contact

Select the back face as Coincidence

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Electrifying an Element Within the Assembly

11. Click OK to validate. The cavity connection point (CaCnxPnt) is added to the specification tree.

12. Now connect the filler plug into the equipment using this icon You are prompted to select an electrical connector. 13. Select the filler plug back face. 14. Click the bottom of the equipment middle cavity.

The filler plug is now connected into the equipment.

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Inserting the New Electrical Part

Inserting the Electrical Part Newly Defined This task shows you how to add the previously electrified part to the product. 1. Select the Existing Component icon . You are prompted to select the product in which you want the component to be inserted. 2. Select Product1. The dialog box opens:

3. Select the file saved in the previous task: PrtStd2.CATPart. The PrtStdElec is added to the specification tree and the geometry.

4. Click the Connect Electrical Devices icon You are prompted to select a connector.


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Inserting the New Electrical Part

5. Select the new connector back face, i.e. the representation of the cavity connection point you've created, as shown below:

You are prompted to select another connector. 6. Select the representation of the Equipment DA4 third cavity, i.e. the face as shown below:

The connector is connected to the equipment. it's the first selected object that moves to the second one's location. The result looks like this:

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Basic Tasks

Basic Tasks The Basic Tasks section explains and illustrates how to create various kinds of features. The table below lists the information you will find. Using Electrical Library Defining Electrical Devices Defining Electrical Connection Points Connecting/Disconnecting Devices Using Catalogs Working with Wires Interoperability

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Using the Electrical Library

Using the Electrical Library This task explains how to set up the environment to work with CATIA - Electrical Library. CATIA - Electrical Library includes two workbenches: the Electrical Assembly Design workbench the Electrical Part Design workbench.

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Entering the Workbench

Entering the Electrical Assembly Design Workbench The Electrical Assembly Design workbench allows you to create electrical assemblies in CATProduct documents. CATIA V5 is launched. A CATProduct document is displayed. 1. Choose the Electrical Assembly Design item from the Start -> Equipments & Systems menu. The Electrical Assembly Design workbench is displayed and ready to use.

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Entering the Electrical Part Design Workbench

Using the Electrical Part Design Workbench The Electrical Part Design workbench is used to define electrical connectors or to electrify standard parts as electrical devices. CATIA V5 is launched. A CATPart document is displayed. 1. Choose the Electrical Part Design item from the Start -> Equipments & Systems menu. The Electrical Part Design workbench is displayed with a CATPart document.

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Defining Electrical Devices

Defining Electrical Devices These functionalities are available in both the Electrical Assembly and Part workbenches. They are used to electrify a product or a part depending on the context. As a result, the product itself, the instance or the reference will get an electrical behavior: When you open a CATPart document and you electrify the part, it is the reference which will be electrified. If you insert this part in an assembly, all the occurrences will be electrified. When you open a CATProduct document containing a CATPart, if you double-click to activate the product of the part or the part, and electrify it, the result is similar: you have electrified the reference and all the occurrences will be electrified. As a consequence, you will have to save the part. On the other hand, if the product is activated and you select the product of the part, it is only this instance of the part which will be electrified. The reference remains NOT electrified. This rule applies for all the devices. Equipment: Click this icon and select the part or product to be electrified as an equipment. Connector: Click this icon and select the part or product to be electrified as a connector. Filler Plug: Click this icon and select the part or product to be electrified as a filler plug. Contact: Click this icon and select the part or product to be electrified as a contact. Shell: Click this icon and select the part or product to be electrified as a shell.

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Defining an Equipment

Defining an Equipment This task explains how to electrify a standard part as an equipment. Let's see two different cases to illustrate: first, when an instance of the product is electrified, i.e. only this instance has electrical behavior. If you insert the part in another assembly, it won't be electrified. then, when the reference is electrified, i.e. all the instances of the part will get the electrical behavior. Electrifying an Instance... Open the BasicTasks.CATProduct document. It contains several standard parts. 1. Click the Define Equipment icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 2. Click the EquipmentStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Define Equipment Part dialog box opens:

3. Enter EquipmentElec in the Instance name field. 4. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated. The part is not modified.

Electrifying the Reference...

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Defining an Equipment

Open the ElectrifyReference.CATProduct document. 1. Double-click to activate the EquipmentToBeElectrified document 2. Click the Define Equipment icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 3. Click the EquipmentToBeElectrified either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Equipment Part Definition dialog box opens:

4. Enter EquipmentElectrified in the Part Number field. 5. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated. The part has been modified.

An equipment allows bundle connection points, terminations and cavities as well as the following components connected into a cavity through a cavity connection point: connector shells single insert connectors, studs, terminal blocks, terminal strips contacts filler plugs.

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Defining an Electrical Connector

Defining an Electrical Connector This task explains how to electrify a standard part as an electrical connector. The BasicTasks.CATProduct document is still open. 1. Click the Define Connector icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 2. Click the ConnectorStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Define Connector dialog box opens:

3. Select the desired Type of connector using the combo:

The different types available are: Single Insert Connector: connector male or female Stud: connector receiving bundle segments External Splice: connector receiving bundle segments from different geometrical bundles Terminal Strip: connector with electrical termination strips Terminal Block: connector receiving bundle segments, each bundle segment wire being connected to a termination Internal Splice: connector used between wires belonging to the same bundle segment.

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Defining an Electrical Connector

4. Enter ConnectorElec in the Instance name field. 5. Enter the Number of Termination to be defined onto the connector. The electrical terminations are used to connect wires, using CATIA - Electrical Wire Routing. 6. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

A single insert connector allows one cavity connection point, one connector connection point, bundle connection points, terminations and cavities as well as the following components connected into a cavity through a cavity connection point: contacts filler plugs. A stud allows one cavity connection point, bundle connection points and terminations. An external splice allows bundle connection points and terminations. A terminal strip allows one cavity connection point, bundle connection points and terminations. A terminal block allows one cavity connection point, bundle connection points and terminations. An internal splice only allows terminations.

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Defining a Filler Plug

Defining a Filler Plug This task explains how to electrify a standard part as a filler plug. The BasicTasks.CATProduct document is still open. 1. Click the Define Filler Plug icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 2. Click the FillerPlugStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Define Filler Plug dialog box opens:

3. Enter FillerPlugElec in the Instance Name field. 4. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

A filler plug only allows a cavity connection point.

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Defining a Contact

Defining a Contact This task explains how to electrify a standard part as a contact. The BasicTasks.CATProduct document is still open. 1. Click the Define Contact icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 2. Click the ContactStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Define Contact dialog box opens:

3. Enter ContactElec in the Instance Name field. 4. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

Note that a termination is automatically created when defining the contact.

A contact allows bundle connection points, one cavity connection point and one termination.

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Defining a Shell

Defining a Shell This task explains how to electrify a standard part as a shell. 1. Click the Define Shell icon . You are prompted to select a part or a product. 2. Click the ShellStd either in the specification tree or in the geometry. The Define Connector Shell dialog box opens:

3. Enter ShellElec in the Instance Name field. 4. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

A connector shell allows one cavity connection point, bundle connection points, terminations and cavities as well as the following components connected into a cavity through a cavity connection point: single insert connectors, studs, terminal blocks contacts filler plugs.

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Defining Electrical Connection Points

Defining Electrical Connection Points These functionalities are available in both the Electrical Assembly and Part workbenches. Cavity: Click this icon and select the device where you want to define a cavity. Termination: Click this icon and select the device where you want to define a termination. Connector Connection Point: Click this icon and set the placement constraints for the connection point. Bundle Connection Point: Click this icon and set the placement constraints for the connection point. Cavity Connection Point: Click this icon and set the placement constraints for the connection point.

file:///E|/Www/ADGdocR5/ElbEnglish/elbug.doc/src/elbugbt0300.htm [09/26/2000 10:32:46]

Defining a Cavity

Defining a Cavity This task explains how to define a cavity on an electrical device. 1. Click the Define Cavity icon


The Cavity Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select the electrical device where you want the cavity to be defined. 3. Enter a value in the IdNumber field. Note that the IdNumber must be unique. 4. Select a Representation, for example a pocket, a pad, a face... 5. Optionally, place a Contact constraint, for example a surface or a point. 6. Optionally, place a Coincidence constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. 7. Optionally, place a Orientation constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. The orientation is used to constrain the rotation i.e. the third degree of liberty. 8. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

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Defining a Cavity

For more information about the constraints placement, refer to Using Assembly Constraints.

A cavity is allowed on: equipments connector shells single insert connectors.

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Defining a Termination

Defining a Termination This task explains how to define a termination on an electrical device. 1. Click the Define Termination icon


The Termination Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select the electrical device where you want the termination to be defined. 3. Enter a value in the IdNumber field. Note that the IdNumber must be unique. 4. Optionally select a Representation, for example a pocket, a pad, a face... 5. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

A termination is allowed on: equipments connector shells single insert connectors, studs, external splices, terminal strips, terminal blocks, internal splices contacts.

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Defining a Termination

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Defining a Bundle Connection Point

Defining a Connector Connection Point This task explains how to define a connector connection point on a connector. 1. Click the Define Connector Connection Point icon


The Connector Connection Point Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select the electrical device where you want the connector connection point to be defined. 3. Enter a value in the Name field. 4. Select a Representation, for example a pocket, a pad, a face... 5. Optionally, place a Contact constraint, for example a surface or a point. 6. Optionally, place a Coincidence constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. 7. Optionally, place a Orientation constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. The orientation is used to constrain the rotation i.e. the third degree of liberty. 8. Click OK to validate.

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Defining a Bundle Connection Point

The specification tree is updated.

For more information about the constraints placement, refer to Using Assembly Constraints. A connector connection point is only allowed on single insert connectors.

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Defining a Connector Connection Point

Defining a Bundle Connection Point This task explains how to define a bundle connection point on a device. 1. Click the Define Bundle Connection Point icon


The Bundle Connection Point Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select the electrical device where you want the bundle connection point to be defined. 3. Enter a value in the Name field. 4. Select a Representation, for example a surface or a point... 5. Set a Point constraint: select a point. This point will possibly be used as bundle segment extremity. 6. Set a Initial Condition constraint: select a plane or an axis. This plane or axis will possibly be used to orientate the bundle segment. 7. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

For more information about the constraints placement, refer to Using Assembly Constraints.

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Defining a Connector Connection Point

A bundle connection point is allowed on: equipments connector shells single insert connectors, studs, external splices, terminal strips, terminal blocks contacts.

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Defining a Cavity Connection Point

Defining a Cavity Connection Point This task explains how to define a cavity connection point on a device. 1. Click the Define Cavity Connection Point icon


The Cavity Connection Point Definition dialog box opens:

2. Select the electrical device where you want the cavity connection point to be defined. 3. Enter a value in the Name field. 4. Select a Representation, for example a pocket, a pad, a face... 5. Optionally, set a Contact constraint, for example a surface or a point. 6. Optionally, set a Coincidence constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. 7. Optionally, set an Orientation constraint, for example a surface, a line or an axis. The orientation is used to constrain the rotation i.e. the third degree of liberty. 8. Click OK to validate. The specification tree is updated.

For more information about the constraints placement, refer to Using Assembly

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Defining a Cavity Connection Point


A cavity connection point is allowed on: connector shells single insert connectors, studs, terminal strips, terminal blocks filler plugs contacts.

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Connecting/Disconnecting Devices

Connecting/Disconnecting Electrical Devices These functionalities are only available in the Electrical Assembly workbench. Connecting: Click this icon and select the devices you want to connect. Disconnecting: Click this icon and select the devices you want to disconnect .

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Connecting devices

Connecting Electrical Devices This task explains how to connect the electrical devices. What Connection to What Component... Device/Component Connection





Cavity Connection Point

Shell Single Insert Connector Stud Terminal Block Terminal Strip Contact Filler Plug

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment


Cavity Connection Point

Single Insert Connector Stud Terminal Block Contact Filler Plug

Cavity Connection Point



Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment


Cavity Connection Point

Contact Filler Plug


Single Insert Connector

Connector Connection Point Connector Connection Point Single Insert Connector Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

External Splice

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

Terminal Strip

Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell Single Insert Connector

Bundle Connection Point

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment


Terminal Block


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Connecting devices Filler Plug

Cavity Connection Point


Equipment Shell Single Insert Connector

Bundle Segment

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Connection Point

Equipment Shell Single Insert Connector Stud Terminal Block Terminal Strip Contact External Splice

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment Extremity

Bundle Segment

When you create an electrical connection between two devices: the electrical signal continuity is ensured between the connected components if placement constraints have been defined on connection points, the mechanical assembly constraints are automatically created. 1. Select the Connect Electrical Devices icon You are prompted to select the first device.

to connect the two devices.

2. Select the first device face as shown below:

You are prompted to select another device. 3. Select the second device face as shown below:

The devices are connected together. it's the first selected object that moves to the second one's location an electrical connection has been created together with mechanical constraints. The mechanical constraints are added to the specification tree:

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Connecting devices

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Disconnecting devices

Disconnecting Electrical Devices This task explains how to disconnect electrical devices. 1. Select the Disconnect Electrical Devices icon You are prompted to select the first device. 2. Select the first device as shown below:

You are prompted to select another device. 3. Select the second device as shown below:

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to disconnect devices.

Disconnecting devices

The devices are disconnected. The electrical connection is deleted. The mechanical constraints are deleted in the geometry and the specification tree:

You can shift the connectors using the compass.

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Disconnecting devices

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Storing a Device

Using Catalogs This functionality is available in both the Electrical Assembly and Part workbenches. Storing a Device: Click this icon, select the catalog and the family of interest. Open a Catalog: Click this icon to get access to the Catalog Browser.

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Storing a device

Storing a Device This task explains how to store electrical devices into a catalog. You can store both electrical parts or products. A CATIA session is running. 1. Open the Demo.catalog document. It is made up of: a chapter: Electrical Devices a family: Contacts

2. Open the ContactXJ220Elec.CATPart document.

3. Click the Store a Device icon


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Storing a device

The Device Storage dialog box opens:

4. Use the Browse... button to select the catalog: Demo.catalog. 5. Select the Contacts family using the combo list. 6. You can also check the Use catalog/electrical objects predefined mapping if it has been defined in the Tools-> Options. The device must also be electrified as a reference (not an instance). Refer to Mapping Definition. 7. Click OK to validate.

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Using the Catalog Browser

Using the Catalog Browser This task explains how to import electrical devices into a CATProduct document using a catalog. The devices to be imported are: an equipment: EquipmentDA4 two single connectors: SingleConnectorDF56L and SingleConnectorDF56R 1. Click the Catalog Browser icon

to open the CatalogOfDevices.catalog.

The dialog box opens:

If necessary, use the Open icon to browse another catalog and select the CatalogOfDevices.catalog from the samples folder. To know more about the Catalog workbench, refer to Using Catalogs. 2. Double-click the Electrical Devices: the folder content is displayed. 3. Double-click the Equipments: the folder content is displayed. 4. Select the EquipmentDA4, drag and drop it onto the Product1 in the specification tree.

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Using the Catalog Browser

The equipment is imported: it is composed of three cavities.

5. Repeat the steps 2 to 4 for the other devices. The result looks like this:

6. Close the Catalog Browser. Note that when you insert a device into a product, you can take advantage of CATIA - Assembly capabilities to constrain the device within the digital mock-up, profiting therefore by the associativity. For more information, refer to Using Assembly Constraints

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Working with Wires

Working with Wires Creating the Wire References interactively Creating a Catalog Creating the Wire References Using a Macro CSV File Description Editing the Electrical Properties

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Creating Wires interactively

Creating the Wire Reference Interactively This task explains how to create the wire reference. Open a new product document. 1. Click the Define Wire icon . You are prompted to select the root product 2. Select Product1. The dialog box opens:

3. Fill up the parameters of interest: enter a value in the Part Number field enter a value in the Section field enter a value in the Diameter field enter a value in the Bend Radius field enter a string in the Color field. 4. Click OK to validate.

Remember: a wire reference is defined in a CATProduct document and there is only one wire per document the selected product must be the root product it must have no children.

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Creating Wires interactively

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Catalog Creation

Creating a Catalog You first need to create the catalog. Refer to Using Catalogs for more information. Create a new document of CatalogDocument type. 1. Choose the New item from the File menu. The New dialog box opens.

2. Click OK to validate. The Catalog workbench is displayed.

3. Select the Add Family icon then Chapter.1 in the specification tree. The Families are used to classify the different types of wires such as: power, video etc.

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Catalog Creation

The Family Definition dialog box opens:

4. Enter Power Wires in the Name field and click OK. The Power Wires family is added to the specification tree. 5. Select this icon to create keywords then click Power Wires in the specification tree. The Keywords allow you to display the properties of the stored components such as section, diameter, bend radius etc. The Keyword Creation dialog box opens.

6. Enter Section in the name field. 7. Choose the Type of your keyword for example Area. It can be a basic type (string, real etc.) or a magnitude (length, volume, area etc.) Remember that the magnitudes are in MKS units. 8. Save the document. At the creation of the Family, a keyword is defined by default: Name. It corresponds to the identifier of the stored component (PartNumber).

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Wires Creation in Catalog

Creating the Wire References The wires reference creation will be done using a VisualBasic macro (.CATScript extension). This macro calls an Electrical Library method. This method needs two arguments: the catalog in which the wire references will be stored a neutral file in which the wires references are described (CSV file defined in Excel). Copy the following files in your c:\Temp from the samples folder and uncheck the Read-only attribute: CreateWires.CATScript WiresDefinition.csv CatalogOfWires.catalog If you work on Unix platform, make sure you modify the paths consequently in the CreateWires.CATScript document. The script below is given as an example of the macro: Wires creation and storage in catalog Language="VBSCRIPT" Sub CATMain() 'Definition of input data 'WARNING: Define the absolute path of the inputs '(csv file and catalog) csvFile = "c:\Temp\ListOfWires.csv" catalogfile = "c:\Temp\CatalogOfWires.catalog" 'Open Catalog Dim Catalog As Document Set Catalog = CATIA.Documents.Open(catalogfile) 'Get the "ElectricalLibrary" workbench Dim Wkb As Workbench Set Wkb = Catalog.GetWorkbench("ElectricalLibrary") 'Create the wires references and store them in the catalog Wkb.CreateWiresIntoCatalog csvFile, catalogfile End Sub

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Wires Creation in Catalog

A CATIA session is running. In order to launch the macro: 1. Select the Tools -> Macro -> Macros... item. The dialog box opens:

2. Select the External File item in the Macro in: combo box. 3. Click the Select button and choose the CATScript file. 4. Edit it and update the csvFile and catalogfile variable with the corresponding paths, if need be. 5. Then run it! Once the macro performed, the result looks like this: if a mapping has been defined, the Table tab will display this information.

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Wires Creation in Catalog

Two views are available: the Preview tab shows the wire references with a graphical representation

the Table tab displays the wire references attributes.

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CSV File Description

CSV File Description To know more about Catalog, refer to CATIA - Infrastructure User's Guide. 1. Open the WiresDefinition.csv to see the structure.

The PartNumber and the Filename tags are mandatory. The PartNumber corresponds to the wire reference identifier. The Filename is the name of the document (CATProduct) containing the wire reference that will be created. The Family tag lets you specify the family in which the wire reference will be stored. It is not mandatory and if not defined, the wire reference created will be stored in the first family associated to the wire type according to the mapping defined in a preceding step. Don't forget to update them with a valid path! As a wire has no geometrical representation, the Icon tag allows you to associate a picture (bmp, jpg). Smaller is the picture and faster will be the load of the catalog document! The other tags correspond to the attributes of the wire type. The order of the tags does not matter. The .csv file is either a text file (with columns separated by a comma or a semi-colon) or an Excel file (with cells separated by a comma or semi-colon) saved in the .csv format.

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Electrical Properties Edition

Electrical Properties Edition The wires contained in the catalog have properties which can be edited. Open the Wire01.CatProduct generated when running the macro in the previous task. 1. Right-click the PN-AMP-0012A product in the specification tree and select the Properties item.

The Properties dialog box opens:

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Electrical Properties Edition

2. Modify the properties according to your need and click OK to validate.

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Interoperability CATIA - Electrical Library works together with both: CATIA - Electrical Wire Routing (EWR) CATIA - Electrical System Functional Definition (EFD). With CATIA - Electrical Wire Routing Within Electrical Wire Routing workbench, Electrical Library is used to resolve the wires. Refer to Accessing Wires Definition From Catalog With CATIA - Electrical System Functional Definition Electrical System Functional Definition takes advantage of Electrical Library for the mapping between functional equipments and connectors to V4 library parts. It consists in the definition of the corresponding physical components for functional equipments or connectors. This is done in EFD. The V4 libraries access is defined in the Tools -> Options menu. Moreover, a compatibility can be established between functional and physical components in order to reduce the list of physical components available for a functional component. The compatibility sets a relation between the External Reference attribute of the functional component and the Part Number attribute of the physical component. These relations are stored in a compatibility table, in csv format. 1. Select the Tools -> Options menu. The Options dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Equipments & Systems in the left-hand box. 3. Click the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. 4. Click the Electrical Library Access tab.

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It lets you define: the library names and their location in the upper frame the location of the compatibility table if it exists (for example: c:\Temp) 5. To add a library in the list, click the corresponding button. The dialog box opens:

6. Enter the library name and path then click OK to validate. 7. You can delete or modify the library access, using respectively the Remove or Edit button. 8. To gain access to the compatibility table, enter its path in the Compatibility Storage Path field. Let's see its structure:

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In this sample, the functional equipment which External Reference is ExtRefEqt is compatible with three physical equipments which PartNumber are PN1, PN2, PN3. For more information about the interoperability with CATIA - Electrical System Functional Definition, refer to Mapping Functional Components to Physical Parts The Electrical Library Access can be set by the administrator. In this case it can also be locked. To get more information about the Administration Mode in CATIA, refer to CATIA Infrastructure User's Guide

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Workbench Description

Workbench Description The Electrical Library Version 5 application window looks like this:

Menu Bar Toolbars

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Menu Bar

Menu Bar The Menu Bar and most of the items available in CATIA - Electrical Library workbenches are the standard ones. The different commands and tools are described in CATIA - Infrastructure Version 5. For more information, refer to the CATIA Menu Bar section.

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Electrical Library Toolbars This section describes the various icons available in the Electrical Library workbenches. The toolbars are located on the right in the default set-up except for the Catalog Browser, the Measure and the Update icons which are located in the horizontal bottom toolbar. Electrical Part Design Toolbars

Electrical Assembly Design Toolbars

Have also been added to both the workbenches:

See Creating Wire Reference See Inserting a New Part See Inserting Existing Components See Defining an Equipment See Defining a Shell See Defining a Connector

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See Defining a Filler Plug See Defining a Contact See Defining a Cavity See Defining a Termination See Defining a Bundle Connection Point See Defining a Connector Connection Point See Defining a Cavity Connection Point See Connecting Devices See Disconnecting Devices See Storing a Device See Update See Measure Between... See Measure Item... See Measure Inertia... See Using a Catalog, Using Catalogs See Apply Material

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Connecting/Disconnecting Devices

Customizing Before you start your first working session, you can customize the way you work to suit your habits. This is done using Tools -> Options from the menu bar then the Equipments & Systems -> Electrical Assembly Design page . This type of customization is stored in permanent setting files. Settings will not be lost if you exit your session. Mapping Definition Electrical Library Access

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Mapping Definition

Mapping Definition In order to valuate the keywords automatically when the devices are stored in the catalog with their properties, you need to define a mapping between keywords of each family and the attributes of the component type. A CATIA session is running. 1. Select the Tools->Options command. The Options dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Equipments & Systems in the left-hand box. 3. Click the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. 4. Click the Electrical Library tab.

The tab lets you: define the current catalog using the Browse... button customize the mapping between the catalog and the electrical objects define the keyword attributes. 5. Associate an electrical type to the currently selected Family.

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Mapping Definition

Use the combo list to select the corresponding type.

6. Define for each keyword the corresponding reference attribute. The result looks like this: Use the combo list to select the corresponding attribute.

7. Click OK to validate the options.

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Mapping Definition

The mapping definition can be set by the administrator. In this case it can also be locked. To get more information about the Administration Mode in CATIA, refer to CATIA Infrastructure User's Guide

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Electrical Library Access

Electrical Library Access Electrical System Functional Definition takes advantage of Electrical Library for the mapping between functional equipments and connectors to V4 library parts. It consists in the definition of the corresponding physical components for functional equipments or connectors. This is done in EFD. The V4 libraries access is defined in the Tools -> Options menu. Moreover, a compatibility can be established between functional and physical components in order to reduce the list of physical components available for a functional component. The compatibility sets a relation between the External Reference attribute of the functional component and the Part Number attribute of the physical component. These relations are stored in a compatibility table, in csv format. 1. Select the Tools -> Options menu. The Options dialog box is displayed. 2. Click Equipments & Systems in the left-hand box. 3. Click the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. 4. Click the Electrical Library Access tab.

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Electrical Library Access

It lets you define: the library names and their location in the upper frame the location of the compatibility table if it exists (for example: c:\Temp) 5. To add a library in the list, click the corresponding button. The dialog box opens:

6. Enter the library name and path then click OK to validate. 7. You can delete or modify the library access, using respectively the Remove or Edit button. 8. To gain access to the compatibility table, enter its path in the Compatibility Storage Path field. Let's see its structure:

In this sample, the functional equipment which External Reference is ExtRefEqt is compatible with three physical equipments which PartNumber are PN1, PN2, PN3. For more information about the interoperability with CATIA - Electrical System Functional Definition, refer to Mapping Functional Components to Physical Parts The Electrical Library Access can be set by the administrator. In this case it can also be locked. To get more information about the Administration Mode in CATIA, refer to CATIA Infrastructure User's Guide

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Electrical Library Access

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Glossary B bend The minimum bend radius allowed for the bundle segment: it corresponds to the radius maximum torsion possibly applied to a wire according to its physical characteristics. bundle A document containing wires bundle A geometrical subdivision of a bundle. segment Also called segment or BNS (V4) bundle Sub-element used to place the bundle segment extremity on the electrical connection component (except on filler plug and internal splice). A bundle connection point point does not have an equivalent in the functional world.

C cavity

Sub-element allowing one associated component amongst: shell, connectors (single insert connector, stud, terminal strip, terminal block), contact, filler plug. an electrical connection can be defined between a cavity and a cavity connection point. A cavity has an equivalent in the functional world only when the cavity is associated to a contact: the ContactPoint. cavity Sub-element allowing the connection into a cavity. This connection corresponds to connection an assembly relation. All the electrical components allow a cavity connection point point except the equipment, the external and internal splices). A cavity connection point does not have an equivalent in the functional world. connect Establishes peculiar constraints between two electrical objects: the electrical signal continuity is ensured between the connected components. if connection points have been defined, the mechanical assembly constraints are automatically created. connector Basic term grouping six connector types each of them with specific capabilities: single insert connector, stud, external slice, terminal strip, terminal block, and internal splice. A connector has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector. connector Sub-element allowing the connection with another connector connection point. This connection connection corresponds to an assembly relation. Only the single insert connectors point use the connector connection point. A connector connection point does not have an equivalent in the functional world. contact Electrical component used a termination and a cavity. cvs file A text file used for data exchange between CATIA V4 and V5

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D diameter Corresponds to the diameter of the wire together with the insulation. disconnect Deletes the electrical connection between two electrical components.

E electrical Peculiar reactions of a component bound to additional rules adapted to the behavior electrical domain. electrical A product or a part with an electrical behavior component electrical Constraint existing between two electrical objects. Allows connection relations as connection well as assembly constraints. electrical An electrical unit which accomplishes a specific function. Consists of equipment, system connectors and signals. Described in a CATProduct document. electrify Act to add electrical behavior to an existing component which becomes an electrical component. If the component is a reference, it becomes an electrical reference. As opposed, electrifying an instance only add an electrical behavior to this reference, but doesn't in any case modify the reference. equipment An electrical device with one or more associated components: connectors, shells, contacts, filler plugs, placed in cavities. An equipment can also comprise terminations and bundle connection points. An equipment has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional equipment. external Electrical connector receiving bundle segments from different geometrical bundles. splice It comprises bundle connection points as well as terminations. An external splice has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector.

F filler plug

Electrical component used to block up an unused cavity.

I instance

internal splice

Designation of reference placed in a context, i.e. in design mode. An instance can have additional characteristics that do not belong to the reference. (for example, the instance of a wire has a length attribute in an assembly context when its reference doesn't out of this context. As opposed, see reference. Electrical connector used between wires belonging to the same bundle segment. It comprises terminations. An internal splice does not have an equivalent in the functional world.

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M mapping

An operation that consists to assign to every keywords of each chapter the corresponding attributes of the wire component type.

P pin An electrical termination properties Attributes of a component that define its electrical, mechanical, etc. characteristics.

R reference

Component model corresponding to the definition of a real object. A reference can be stored in a catalog. In the electrical context a reference corresponds either to a CATPart document being electrified or to a CATProduct document which root product is being electrified. As opposed, see instance.

S section segment shell

Corresponds to the section of the wire together with the insulation. See bundle segment. An electrical device with one or more associated components: connectors, contacts, filler plugs, placed in cavities. A shell can also comprise terminations, bundle connection points and only one cavity connection points. A shell does not have an equivalent in the functional world. signal A logical connection between two or more components. May be of the following types: ground, shielding, video, power, command or grouped. single Electrical connector male or female. It comprises terminations and/or cavities which insert can receive contacts. Also bundle connection points, only one connector connector connection point and only one cavity connection point. A single insert connector has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector. store (a Place an electrical component into a catalog family. device) stud Electrical connector receiving bundle segments with one or more wires connected through a termination. It comprises only one cavity connection point as well as bundle connection points / terminations pairs. A stud has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector.

T terminal block

Electrical connector receiving bundle segments, each bundle segment wire being connected to a termination. It comprises bundle connection points as well as terminations. A terminal block has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector.

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terminal strip

Electrical connector comprising a strip of terminations. Each strip can receive bundle segments with one or more wires connected through a termination. It comprises only one cavity connection point as well as bundle connection points. A terminal strip has an equivalent in the functional world: the functional connector. termination Sub-element ensuring the electrical signal conduction between any type of electrical component except the filler plug. It is indissociable from the electrical component and corresponds to a contact crimped into a cavity . A termination has an equivalent in the functional world: the ContactPoint. Also called pin.

W wire

Electrical wire: physical object corresponding to a signal (several wires can correspond to a signal) A wire reference is characterized by properties such as: section, diameter, bend radius, color, lineic mass, etc.

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Index B bend radius bundle connection point

C catalog CATScript cavity cavity connection point connect connector connector connection point contact csv file

D diameter disconnect

E electrical behavior electrical connection electrify equipment external splice

F filler plug

I instance internal splice

M macro mapping

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R reference

S section shell single insert connector store stud

T terminal block terminal strip termination

W wire

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