Sur le plan des 3 instances de l'inconscient freudien
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Déterminisme biologique
Organisation neuronale
Fonctionnement des circuits nerveux
Outils de communication Partage de résultats de recherche (veille informationnelle), de liens, etc.
Environnement favorable à la vie humaine
Maîtriser sa respiration
Techniques pour atteindre cette plénitude corporelle (qui comprend une hiérarchisation des informations et stimuli) ex: yoga, massages, sophrologie
Nécessité d'un bien-être spirituel (l'homme est censé se positionner par rapport aux diverses idéo proposées par la société et ses semblables) Interaction intersubjective Microcosme social
Apprentissages des codes sociaux de comportement Démocratie
Régimes politiques
Etat autoritaire Etat totalitaire
Institutions d'enseignement (=de programmes)
Déterminants sociaux
Ecologie cognitive
Processus d'engrammation Acquisition d'une conscience collective, connaissance de son propre passé
Grandes tendances des idéologies politiques
Libéralisme Socialisme
Société Religions monothéistes Religions et spiritualité
Religions polythéistes Autres avatars de la spiritualité
Behaviorisme Ecologie comportementale Information Communication et publicité
Bifurcations towars chaos. Allee effect and catastrophic extinction. 2) Species interactions. ⢠Competition can result in coexistence or exclusion. Paradox of the ...
simplest procedure to obtain a unique out- come. .... 4: the objective is to get as close as possible to ..... search contract N0001 4-88-K-0751, and a grant from the ...
sleepiness, cataplectic attacks and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep phenomena, such as sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations (American Academy ...
Nov 27, 2007 - This paper discusses the idea of cognitive tools for learning. ..... encouraged the learner to progress through such conceptual stages without.
Jun 14, 2011 - This article may be used for research, teaching and private study ...... Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. (4th Technical Rev. ed.). .... A. W. Kruglanski (Eds.), Social psychology: Handbook of basic principles ...
Nov 11, 2012 - Figure 22: On the left (a) Delaopt representation of a tubular bio-structure; (d) of a DCIS bio-structure. .... Molecular, Cellular. â Cytology ...
Jun 14, 2011 - ... ... the statistical analysis. ... 2011 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business ..... explaining why we found no correlation.
de ville, au méthane, au propane et au butane. □ Utilisation dans la cuisine, au camping, sur le bateau… □ Alimentation électrique 230 V~/12 V ou. 12 V DC.
differential equations taking into account realistic temporal delays and AMPA, ...... may serve as baseline to define the elementary neural circuits mobilized by ...
Preprint: To appear in Cognitive Science, 18, 87-122, 1994. 1. Representations in ... across the internal mind and the external envi- ronment. The basic ... sent to Jiajie Zhang, Department of Psychology, The Ohio ... ent cognitive behaviors.
This paper presents a theoretical account of the sequence and duration of eye fixation during a number of simple cognitive tasks, such as mental rotation,.
gradient and curvature extraction, end stop, and corner detection, among others. ...... of the space, where neurons reactive to different locations coded for differ-.