Dynamic Model

These prescribed variables and the undriven variable α lead to a simple semi-inverse system. G. S. Mg(x ( ) x ) f( ) σ α σ α α. = −. −. = q q no term of torques.
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Walking with a Double Support Phase Sylvain Miossec and Yannick Aoustin

October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Five link biped’s diagram Seven generalized coordinates Four actuators.

xt, yt



Leg 2

G2 d3 d4

Leg 1 G4


a y x


Under actuated in Single Support: Five useful generalized coordinates



October 14-15, Metz, 2004


Over actuated in double support Three useful generalized coordinates

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Dynamic Model A(q ) X + H (q, q ) = DΓ Γ + D1 R1 + D2 R2 The tip of the stance legs does not move d j ( X ) = const V j = D j (q )T X = 0 ( j = 1,2) V = D (q )T X + H (q, q ) = 0 j

October 14-15, Metz, 2004



Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Definition of a Reference Motion (1/3) Single support phase Objectif: To take into account of the under actuation δ i ,SS (α ) = ai 0 + ai1α + ai 2α 2 + ai 3α 3 + ai 4α 4 (i = 1,...,4)

These prescribed variables and the undriven variableα lead to a simple semi-inverse system no term of torques

October 14-15, Metz, 2004

σ = − Mg( xG ( α ) − xS ) σ COM of α = f (α ) the Biped

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Definition of a Reference Motion (2/3) σ

Angular momentum σ =

Passive Impact


∑ k =1

 f k ( δ i )δ k + f 5 ( δ i )α

 +−X  − ) = D1 ( q )I R + D2 ( q )I R A( q ) = ( X 1 2

If the reference trajectories are exactly tracked a new formulation of the impact: + −

α = bα

October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Definition of a Reference Motion (3/3) The double support phase

δ i , DS (α ) = ai 0 + ai1α + ai 2α 2 + ai 3α 3 (i = 1,2) The biped is over-actuated: it is possible to use the absolute time

α DS ( t ) = a0 + a1t + a2t 2 + a3t 3 Optimization process to obtain a cyclic reference motion with single and double support October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Control of α DS in Double Support Control law

α max ( α ,α ) if α ( α ) − α c ( α ) < 0 ⎧ ⎪  α = ⎨ α min ( α ,α ) if α ( α ) − α c ( α ) > 0 ⎪  ) if α ( α ) − α c ( α ) = 0 ⎩α c ( α ,α Minimal ground reaction

Constraints Maximal friction

⎧ Rïy ≥ Rïy ,min ( i = 1,2 ) ⎪ ⎨− f max Rïy ≤ Rix ≤ f max Rïy ( i = 1,2 ) ⎪ (j=1,...,4) ⎩−Γ max ≤ Γ j ≤ Γ max

Maximal torque October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Two simplex problems

After several manipulations

 α mini ( α ,α ) = min  α ⎧  α ,R2 x ⎪ ⎪ E( α ) α + F( α ,α ) + G( α )R2 x + P ≤ 0 ⎪ ⎨ ⎪  α max ( α ,α ) = max  α  ⎪ α ,R2 x ⎪ E( α ) α + F( α ,α ) + G( α )R2 x + P ≤ 0 ⎩

combining reference motion, dynamic problem and constraints October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

representative results (1/2) Converging motion starting from null velocity

Cyclic motion

October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

representative results (1/2) Convergence in one step

Poincaré map at the beginng of double support phase October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Poincaré map at the beginng of single support phase

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

An Example of Motion

Starting from a stopped position October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots

Conclusion • An Efficient control law in double support for stabilization of the walk of a biped. • Determination of the one step convergence. • It is possible to start from a stooped position. • Perspective: commutation between different cyclic motions to start, to walk or to stop... October 14-15, Metz, 2004

Workshop on Humanoid and Legged Robots