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IIC London Congress Provisional technical and social programme and list of posters – see page 3

Restoring a landmark Renovating Frank Lloyd Wright’s iconic Guggenheim Museum

Listings See the back page for full listings, including conferences, courses and job vacancies

No.6, June 2008

Steps need to be taken to fight climate change...

Students working on textiles at the Huaca Malena Museum in Asia, Peru

Sam Parkinson

Students help Peruvian museums affected by earthquake

John Parkinson

These pictures from a National Trust historic house in England show a nightmare scenario for conservators everywhere: the moment when a freak weather event impacts dramatically on our cultural heritage. According to some climate change experts, extreme weather events such as floods and storms look set to become more common – something which will bring new challenges for those tasked with caring for our collections, historic houses and heritage sites. IIC invites you to attend the event Dialogues for the New Century: round table discussions on the conservation of cultural heritage in a changing world, which will be held in London during the IIC Congress. A distinguished panel will explore the effects that global climate change is having on cultural heritage, and discuss how we can adapt to meet the coming challenges. See page 6 for further details.

Calke Abbey, a National Trust property in the UK, suffered damage to furnishings and collections after a freak storm in June 2007 caused flash flooding in the area.

The effects of the devastating earthquake that hit Peru last August were described by Rommel Angeles Falcón, Director of the Huaca Malena Museum, in issue 2 of News in Conservation (October 2007). The original article was followed by a plea for conservators to donate their time, expertise, materials and funds. That plea was answered earlier this year, when Camille Myers Breeze, a textile conservator based in Massachusetts, took a group of North American conservation students to Peru, where they began an intensive week of conservation at a donated work space in the Museo de Sitio Huallamarca in Lima. They were joined at the museum by students and conservators from Peru. Ms Breeze says, “We stabilised and mounted twelve textiles from Huaca Malena and Huallamarca. At the same time we prepared a new exhibition for the Huaca Malena Museum featuring more than forty textiles, mummies and mummified heads conserved by us over the last five years.” She has been running courses in Peru for conservation students, in association with the Huaca Malena Museum, for five years; this year, however, their assistance was more valuable and timely than ever. Peggy Whitehead, a student on the course, described it as “an opportunity to give where

there is a real need.” Another trip to Peru is planned for January 2009; if you would like information about participating, please contact Camille Myers Breeze at [email protected]. Peggy Whitehead, a conservation student, working on textiles from Peruvian museums

News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008


Members’ news

This issue marks the completion of News in Conservation’s first year in print. I can hardly believe that the time has gone so fast – it seems like only yesterday that we were planning the first issue and wondering how the newspaper would develop over the following numbers! Since then, we have published many interesting articles, news stories and interviews, on subjects as diverse as earthquake mitigation in museums, the development of an Estonian accreditation scheme, the reconstruction of a thirteenth-century Italian crucifix, and conservation in Antarctica. Thanks must go to all whose hard work has made News in Conservation possible, including David Leigh, Graham Voce, Jerry Podany and the IIC Council – and last (but by no means least) all the IIC members who have written articles or sent in news stories and photographs.

New IIC Fellows

This issue marks the completion of News in Conservation’s first year in print This anniversary is a time for looking forward as well as back, so I would like to take the opportunity to ask all of you: how would you like to see News in Conservation develop over the next year? Do we have the right balance of articles? Are there other features that you would like to see included? Please contact me at [email protected] with your comments and suggestions. News in Conservation is your newspaper, and we would like to see it reflect the full range of interests of the IIC membership. With that in mind, we are inviting you to join the team as a volunteer news or picture editor. This is a great opportunity to keep in touch with conservation news from around the world, as well as to get involved with IIC publications. More details can be found in the advertisement on the back page of this issue. Preparations for the IIC London Congress are continuing apace, and the technical and social programmes are now in the process of being finalised. You will find the provisional programme, including lists of speakers and poster presentations, printed opposite, and I hope they will whet your appetite for what promises to be a stimulating congress. In particular, I’d like to draw your attention to the round table event Climate Change and Museum Collections, which will be taking place on the Wednesday evening during the Congress. Christina Rozeik Editor


Congratulations to Nigel Bamforth, Betty Engel, Alan Farancz, Helen Hughes, Masako Koyano, William Lindsay, Mervin Richard and Marjorie Shelly, who have been recently elected as Fellows of IIC. Profiles of the new Fellows will appear in a future issue of News in Conservation, and on the IIC website.

People on the move... As part of an institutional reorganization, aimed at defining the relative roles of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and its parent foundation, Paul Schwartzbaum, IIC Fellow and Council member has been appointed the Chief Conservator and Technical Director for International Projects of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Leaving the position of Chief Conservator at the museum, a post he held for the last 21 years, he will now be freer to concentrate on the conservation and museum construction needs of the Guggenheim’s extensive non-New York based programs. These include the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, where he will be based, and the other world-wide Guggenheim museums, especially the Guggenheim’s extensive new museum building project in Abu Dhabi. He continues to play a significant role in the ongoing restoration of the Guggenheim’s landmarked Frank Lloyd Wright Museum, scheduled for completion in September 2008 and featured in this issue of News in Conservation.

John Winter and John Ashurst It is with great regret that we note the recent deaths of John Winter FIIC and John Ashurst. John Winter, Conservation Scientist in the Department of Conservation and Scientific Research at the Freer Gallery of Art and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, passed away on 24 March. Born in Nottinghamshire in 1936, John studied chemistry at Cambridge and Manchester Universities, before joining the staff of the Technical Laboratory of the Freer Gallery of Art in 1971. A distinguished career in conservation science followed, including groundbreaking studies of East Asian paintings and pigments. John Winter was also very active in many professional conservation organisations. He served terms as VicePresident and President of IIC, coordinated various working groups of ICOM’s Committee for Conservation, and was on the editorial board of Reviews in Conservation. He served as a dedicated abstractor for Art and Archaeology Technical Abstracts for over 30 years and in recent years represented the IIC on the AATA Editorial Board. Professor John Ashurst passed away at home peacefully on 19 May, after losing the struggle with secondary cancer. An exceptional conservation architect, with a rare practical understanding of materials and a passionate interest in history, John was at the forefront of the lime revival in the UK. He was an authority on stone conservation and lime based materials, as well as a gifted writer, lecturer and artist. Among his many publications were Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone (with Frank Dimes, 1990) and Conservation of Ruins (2007). John was responsible for establishing the Heritage Conservation degree course at Bournemouth University. He was instrumental in the development of the English Heritage Training Centre at Fort Brockhurst, which continues at West Dean College as the Building Conservation Masterclasses. These training courses are an important part of his legacy and will carry on to influence future conservation work. Fuller obituaries will be published on the IIC website in the near future.

IIC 2008 London Congress, Provisional Programme Sunday 14th September 16:00 Registration opens: Museum of London 18:00 Welcome reception: Museum of London


Monday 15th September 09:00 Registration continues 10:00 Coffee 11:00 Opening Ceremony 11:45 Forbes Prize Lecture: David Bomford 12:30 Lunch


Stephanie Fundel, Rainer Drewello, Sven Hoyer and Barbara Kügel Isabelle Brajer

17:00 17:30 18:30

Discussion Session ends Reception: The British Museum and Hadrian exhibition

Session 1 Chaired by Jonathan Ashley-Smith 14:00 Renata Peters and Approaches to access: factors Devorah Romanek and variables 14:20 Joel Taylor and Representation and intervention: May Cassar The symbiotic relationship of conservation and value 14:40 Will Shank and Giving contemporary murals a longer Debra Hess Norris life: the challenges for muralists and conservators 15:00 Rosa Lowinger and The conservation and relocation of a Andrea Morse monumental petrachrome mural: Helen Lundeberg’s The History of Transportation 15:20 Discussion 15:30 Break 16:00 Roberto Nardi Conservation for presentation: a key for protecting monuments

Tuesday 16th September

How do fragmentary images affect us?

Values and opinions of the general public on wall paintings and their restoration: a preliminary study

Session 2 Chaired by Paul Marcon 09:00 Catherine Magee Creating pre-bracketed exhibits and Greta Hansen 09:20 Stephen P. Koob, ‘Botanical wonders’: the conservation Scott Fulton and and exhibition of the Harvard glass Susan Rossi-Wilcox flowers 09:40 Tiarna Doherty, The transport and display of icons Bruce Metro and from Saint Catherine’s Monastery Rita Gomez 10:00 Jessica S. Johnson Access for native people and the public: exhibits at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian 10:20 Discussion 10:30 Break

News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008 11:00



Nobuyuki Kamba, Hiroshi Wada, Masahiko Tsukada, YoshihiroTakagi and Ken Imakita Michal Lukomski, Lukasz Lasyk, Lukasz Bratasz and Roman Kozlowski Maria Papadimitriou and Elpida Vamvakari

Measurement and analysis of the global transport environment for packing cases for artifacts Vibration as a hazard during the transportation of canvas paintings Risk assessment during art loan and transportation at the Byzantine and Christian Museum of Athens

12:00 Discussion 12:30 Lunch Meeting for students Session 3 Chaired by David Saunders 14:00 Joyce H Townsend, The benefits and risks of anoxic display Jacob Thomas, for colorants Stephen Hackney and Andrew Lerwill 14:20 Agnes W. Brokerhof, Optimum access at minimum risk: the Margrit Reuss, dilemma of displaying Japanese Fiona MacKinnon, woodblock prints Frank Ligterink, Han Neevel, Farideh Fekrsanati and Graeme Scott 14:40 Naoko Sonoda and Between conservation and access: Shingo Hidaka implementation of integrated pest management at the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan 15:00 Valerie Blyth and Dangerous liaisons Clair Battisson 15:20 Discussion 15:30 Break 16:00 David Thickett Presentation in original contexts via microclimates 16:20 Nigel Blades, Optimising drying strategies to reduce May Cassar and down times for actively-used flood Phillip Biddulph. damaged historic buildings 16:40 David Watkinson and SS Great Britain: conservation and Matthew Tanner access - synergy and cost 17:00 Discussion 17:30 Session ends

Wednesday 17th September

Thursday 18th September

Session 4 Chaired by Jerry Podany 09:00 Panagiota Manti and Improving access to collections for Jane Henderson sampling 09:20 Paul Gardener, The influence of access to the artist on Aviva Burnstock and the conservation of Allen Jones’ works Ana Vasconcelos from the 1960s 09:40 Spike Bucklow Stories from a building site 10:00 Helen Shenton Public engagement with conservation at the British Library 10:20 Discussion 10:30 Break 11:00 Posters 11:20 Meeting of IIC Regional Groups representatives 12:30 Lunch 13:00 AATA presentation

Session 6 Chaired by Aviva Burnstock 09:00 Bonnie Clark A preservation decision tree for enabling current and long-term access at Library and Archives Canada 09:20 Juergen Vervoorst New conservation opportunities in a world of digitization and access 09:40 Katy Lithgow, Prioritising access in the conservation of Sarah Staniforth and National Trust collections Paul Etheridge 10:00 Amber Xavier-Rowe, Power to prioritize: applying risk and Claire Fry and condition information Bethan Stanley 10:20 Discussion 10:30 Break 11:00 Diane Gwilt The collection care and access project: balancing demands on collections 11:20 Susan Breen, Conservation and access: exploring Helen Brett and developments in the loan of paintings Rebecca Hellen from Tate’s collection. 11:40 Eva Salomonsen An evaluation and preservation project at the National Museum of Denmark: management and presentation 12:00 Discussion 12:30 Lunch

Session 5 Chaired by Agnes Brokerhof 14:00 Jonathan C.Y. Tse, The fireboat Alexander Grantham: an Evita S.Yeung, and accessible artifact Shing-wai Chan 14:20 Evangelia Kyriazi and Conserving the Lesvos Petrified Forest Nickolas Zouros 14:40 Siobhan Watts, Science revealed: the hidden story of Dave Abbott, objects David Crombie, Angus Gunn and Annemarie LaPensée 15:00 Libby Sheldon Access to technical analysis: visualising the invisible 15:20 Discussion 15:30 Break 16:00 Alison Lister and Unlimited access: safeguarding historic Jo Banks textiles on open display in public buildings in the UK 16:20 Elizabeth Pye The benefits of access through handling outweigh the risks 16:40 Irit Narkiss and Close encounters: enabling access to Helena Tomlin museum collections 17:00 Discussion 17:30 Session ends 18:15 Climate Change and Museum Collections: IIC round table event, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square

Session 7 Chaired by Hans-Christoph von Imhoff 14:00 Sandra Smith Access at any cost? Strategies to maintain conservation standards and expertise in the V&A 14:20 Andrew Thorn Access denied: restricted access to indigenous cultural sites 14:40 Chris Caple Preservation in situ: the future for archaeological conservators? 15:00 Discussion 15:15 Break 15:45 Julian Bickersteth, Conserving and interpreting the historic Fiona Tennant and huts of Antarctica Sarah Clayton 16:05 Mary Greenacre Tyntesfield: conservation and the volunteer 16:25 Discussion 16:30 Keck Award, Hon Fellowship, 2010 Venue 17:30 Session ends 18:30

Conference dinner on Thames riverboat

Friday 19th Whole-day excursions and half-day trips Farewell Reception: Victoria & Albert Museum

Provisional list of poster presentations E. Artetxe, M. Barandiaran, M. I. Maguregui The conservation of handcoloured photographs: working between painting and photography conservation Honório Nicholls Pereira The city as art : requalification project of the historic centre of Cachoeira Kaori Fukunaga, Yuichi Ogawa, Shin'ichi Hayashi and Iwao Hosako Terahertz spectroscopy, a new non-invasive technique for art material analysis Ian Geraghty Frames, plinths and vitrines in contemporary art Ana Calvo, Maria Aguiar Art and religion; a challenging relationship for the conservator Monika Bogdanowska, Martin Taylor Enhancing cultural accessibility through provision of tools for extending knowledge Beate Kozub, Nel Jastrzebiowska The new conservation workshop in the Auschwitz-Birkenau state museum Bika Daphne The preservation system of cultural property in Greece: could a collection condition survey be a reality? The case of the sculpture collection in the National Archaeological Museum of Athens

Elizabeth Neville The book as a museum

M. Chimenti, A. Felici, MR. Lanfranchi, P. Lauri, R. Vacca The restoration campaign in the main apse of the Basilica of Santa Croce

Sarah Bashir, Saya Honda, Neil MacLeod, Fumi Matsushima Inside Flat Time Ho - archiving and preserving the work of visionary artist John Latham

Rusu Dorina, Ioanid Ghiocel, Ioanid Auirelia, Marian Totolin, Neamtu Iordana Conservation of fragile organic supports by means of protective coating in HF plasma

Yvonne Szafran, Anne Woollett A website devoted to Lucas Cranach the Elder’s painting technique. Eun-Jin Kim Alternative backing method for Kiefer’s ‘Melancholia’. Eve Graves, Eleanor Bradshaw, Emily Brenan, Rebecca Chisholm, Sophie Harman, Tina Kelly, Peter McElhinney, Yi Yi Wu Reading the bumps – conservators reveal the stories behind anthropological drawings Victoria Marsland, Fiona Macalister, Rhian Tritton Conservation and access for filming Llamas Pacheco, Rosario; Reina de la Torre, Abraham Technical study, conservation process and protection on an art piece made on High Density Fiberboard (HDF): limiting damages produced by transporting, exhibition and packaging

Helen Ganiaris and Dean Sully Presenting conservation: a collaboration between the Museum of London and UCL Institute of Archaeology Ellbieta Modzelewska, Agnieszka Lelkiewicz-Laudy Visualization of historic objects using application of latest micro and macro scale technologies Stuart McDonald Aircraft as visitor attractions Maria Veronica Silva P., Jose Balmes, Francisco Gonzalez-Vera Conservation of artwork on paper of Museum of the Solidarity Salvador Allende in Chile Kamani Perera Preservation for long-term access in developing countries

Ingrid G. Matheson Fragile art in high school hallways – The Wennesland Beat art collection

Yashiho Kikkawa, Chie Sano Analysis for preservation of historical remains on paper in Japan

Carla Bartolomucci, Caterina Giannattasio Accessibility and quality of the fruition in the conservation project

Helen Lloyd Conservation for Access – a toolkit to promote sustainability

Harriet Woolmore Kelvingrove New Century project, lighting strategy - safe access

Carmen Marian Access to archeological textiles by conservation - from discovery to display

Maria Geba, Adriana Ioniuc, Doina Veronica Manea, Cristina Marta Ursescu, Angelica Olaru, Nicoleta Vornicu, Cristina Bibire Assessment of the state of conservation of cultural and historical heritage protein items

Sharon Penton The Ducretet Inductor Coil: conserving change

Catherine Nunn The treatment of an unlined 18th-century British painting in Australia Fran David Ethical access to human remains held at the Science Museum.

Özge Gençay Üstün, Charlotte Eng The limitations of handheld XRF analyzers as a quantitative tool for measuring heavy metal pesticides on art objects

Karen te Brake-Baldock INCCA - International Network for the Conservation of Contemporary Art

Elena G. Shishkova History of the development of the restoration of graphic art works in Russia

Eddy S. T. Leung, Evita S. Yeung, Shing-wai Chan Finding the missing: wall tiles transfer for Kom Tong Hall

Alaina Schmisseur Protecting heritage for the future: conservation and reburial at Catalhoyuk, Turkey

David Kerr, Kate Kidd Ideas that shaped the world. John Murray Archive – the preservation challenge Marzenna Ciechanska Conservation, restoration and reconstruction of the wallpapers in China Rooms in Wilanow Palace in Warsaw, Poland Cathy Collins, Roy Marchant Outdoor sculpture at the NGA M. R. Nilforoushan On the cause of deterioration of Tahkt Jamshid stones conserved with Portland cement


News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008

Pamela Jerome, Angel Ayón and Paul Schwartzbaum describe the

New York •

process of examining, documenting and restoring one of New York’s most famous landmarks.

© The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, photographed by David Heald

Restoration and facilities enhancement of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum under restoration.

Commencing at the end of 2004, for the first time since its opening to the public in 1959, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is the object of an in-depth exterior rehabilitation. Combined with a simultaneous renovation of our building’s technical facilities, this comprehensive project will not only contribute significantly to the long term survival of this extraordinary Frank Lloyd Wright landmark museum, but also guarantee the correct exhibition and preservation of works of art in the stewardship of our foundation. A group of dedicated preservation professionals are working on this project which is scheduled for completion in


September of 2008, on time and within its almost $30,000,000 budget. Over the past fifty years, the building had developed a pattern of cracking, particularly on the “gunite” walls (Wright’s early use of sprayed, lightweight “concrete”). The cracks, many of which date from the original construction, were becoming more and more unsightly as the building aged. A dozen paint layers, vestiges of numerous cosmetic repainting campaigns, led to tearing, blistering, detachment, and localized loss of exterior finishes. During the winter, condensation would occur along the edges of the interior walls and on the metallic surfaces of skylights and single-

glazed window frames and doors. Condensation aggravated corrosion of the reinforcing steel within the concrete. The first phase of the project concentrated on analyzing and understanding the causes of the deterioration observed, and devising appropriate repairs to address the pathologies. Our methodology stressed preserving and documenting the historical fabric, and accomplishing the necessary repairs as unobtrusively as possible. Innovative technical solutions were often required. Every attempt was made to retain the integrity of the building as an icon of modern architecture and a designated landmark. Our greatest challenge was balancing the needs of preserving this unique architectural monument

© The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, photographed by David Heald

© The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York, photographed by David Heald

News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008

with the requirements of a functioning world-class museum that houses equally important art masterpieces. An in-depth research of the Museum’s original design and construction documentation, including copies of the Taliesin archive housed at the Getty Research Institute was carried out as well as an exhaustive laser survey, using the most advanced technology. This produced a 3-D digital model for analyzing the building’s movement and AutoCAD drawings of all surfaces. The condition of the exterior finishes was scrupulously surveyed before the paint layers were removed, documenting cracks, spalls, open joints, failing repairs and delaminating concrete. Structural and climatic sensors were installed and monitored over an 18-month period. Numerous non-destructive analyses were performed. At some locations, probes revealed ongoing or incipient corrosion of embedded steel members: rebar (reinforcement bar), welded-wire mesh, and vertical T-shaped steel beams. Significantly, in terms of structure, field evidence revealed that, at the level of the 6th (top) floor Rotunda walls, the horizontal steel rebar was discontinuous between the vertical steel Ts. Here the walls are twice the height of those of the lower ramps, and larger-sized steel Ts were required. These however, were installed without increasing the thickness of the 5-inch shotcrete (sprayed, compacted concrete), thus leaving insufficient room for the horizontal reinforcing to pass continuously in front of and behind the Ts as originally designed. This discontinuity, among other factors, explains the degree of cracking and movement measured on these walls. More than two years of condition assessment and field documentation, monitoring, exploratory probes, nondestructive evaluation and analysis of the building’s envelope and structure concluded that, despite all of the visible indications of deterioration, the Guggenheim was after all in reasonably good condition. Structural interventions were necessary only on the 6th floor Rotunda walls. However, extensive repair of exterior cracks, exposure and treatment of corroding steel, recoating etc. was required to prevent continued humidity infiltration and thus to ensure the preservation of the building. After extensive on-site testing to evaluate comparative products and establish protocols for the treatment of spalls and cracks, MAPEI’s line of modified cementatious patching and flexible crack fillers was selected. The original precast fascia at the cornice of the 4th floor of the Monitor Building had its coatings removed and its spalls and cracks treated in a similar fashion. Vertical joints are being re-sealed and a new MAPEI elastomeric coating is being applied to all concrete surfaces. Concealed structural repairs have been carried out on the interior face of the 6th floor Rotunda walls, including the installation of carbon fiber reinforcement. In conjunction with the restoration of the exterior shotcrete and concrete surfaces, necessary mechanical and glazing upgrades, funded by the City of New York, will greatly improve the interior environmental conditions. To this end, all single-glazed window units and skylights are being replaced with custom thermally-broken systems and insulating glass units with profiles closely based on the original Wright design. Interventions are also being implemented to avoid condensation along the interior wall

edges which will decrease the potential for interior moisture infiltration and the likelihood of corrosion. The project team includes WASA/Studio A (Wank Adams Slavin Associates LLP) as the preservation architect, collaborating with Robert Silman Associates, structural engineers; Integrated Conservation Resources, conservation scientists; Atkinson Koven Feinberg Engineers, M/E/P engineers; and William B. Rose and Associates, exterior envelope specialist. Additional members of the team include Eng. Ippolito Massari, humidity specialist, the Paratus Group, client representative, and an in-house Guggenheim team. The project has been made possible through the generous support of Peter B. Lewis, the Board of Trustees

of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation and the City of New York. Additional support has been provided by the State of New York and the MAPEI Corporation.

Author biographies Pamela Jerome, AIA is a registered architect. She is Partnerin-Charge of Preservation with WASA/Studio A, a New York City-based architecture and engineering firm, and an Adjunct Associate Professor at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. She is a board member of US/ICOMOS and the US/ICOMOS liaison to the APT board. Ms Jerome is vice president of ICOMOS’s International Scientific Committee on Earthen Architectural Heritage, expert member for ICOMOS’s ISC 20th Century Heritage, and an elected coordinator of ICOMOS’s Scientific Council. Her expertise is in masonry conservation and waterproofing. Angel Ayón, an Associate for Preservation at WASA, is the Project Architect for the restoration of the Guggenheim Museum. He is trained and experienced in Architecture and Historic Preservation in both his native Havana and New York City. Mr Ayón holds a professional degree in Architecture and a Masters in Architectural Conservation from Havana’s Higher Polytechnic Institute and a Post-Graduate Certificate in Conservation of Historic Buildings and Archaeological Sites from Columbia University in New York. Paul Schwartzbaum is Chief Conservator of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, NY and the Peggy Guggenheim Collection, Venice. Certificate in Conservation, Conservation Center, MA (Art History) NYU Institute of Fine Arts 1972. Chief Conservator ICCROM, Rome 1976-1987. Winner 1986 Aga Khan Award for Architecture “Restoration of bomb-damaged Dome of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem”. Member of the Vatican commission for the restoration of Michelangelo’s frescoes, Sistine Chapel. Director San Xavier Mission Church Conservation Project, Tucson. Chief technical consultant for construction of Guggenheim Museums worldwide, including the Frank Gehry Bilbao Museum, Berlin, Las Vegas, Abu Dhabi; and the Museo Picasso Malaga.

Probes revealed corrosion of the embedded steel T-shaped beams

Detail before restoration, showing the cracks that the building had formed in response to thermal movement

Angel Ayon of WASA/Studio A

Mock-up of treatment of severe cracking on 6th ramp

Pamela Torres

Detail of the museum exterior during removal of the cocoon

Paul Schwartzbaum

The distinctive and iconic exterior of Frank Lloyd Wright’s building


News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008

IIC News

Associates, New Jersey • James M. Reilly, Director, Image Permanence Institute, Rochester, New York • Professor Cristina Sabbioni, Research Director, Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, CNR (Italy) and Coordinator of EC Noah’s Ark Project • Sir Nicholas Serota, Director, Tate

IIC 2008 London Congress – Conservation and Access Booking is already well under way for what will be a varied, informative and important conference, demonstrating a breadth and variety of issues indicated by the Congress’s contemporary title. The focus of the Congress will be the role of conservation in the presentation and protection of the world’s cultural heritage. The 44 papers and 41 poster presentations will explore the ways that conservation professionals engage in the worldwide sharing of art and heritage, whether through people going to see that heritage or the heritage itself travelling the globe. The locations where the contributing conservators are trying to improve access are truly global, extending from St Catherine’s Monastery to the Antarctic. The approaches vary from practical experimentation and implementation to philosophical analysis, yet a common theme of risk assessment and management can be detected. As with all IIC Congresses, one of the attractions will be a series of evening events, which will allow delegates to meet fellow conservation professionals socially. There will be an ice-breaker to welcome everyone on the Sunday evening at the Museum of London; a grand reception at the British Museum, complete with a private viewing of the Hadrian exhibition and a new conservation exhibition; and a farewell reception at the V&A Museum on the Friday. On Wednesday evening there will be the linked IIC event – not part of the Congress programme – on Climate Change, described below. In addition, whole-day excursions and half-day visits have been arranged to allow those attending to take full advantage of the heritage venues illustrating conservation work in and around London. Delegates will also receive free two-week passes to National Trust and English Heritage properties. The main venue for the Congress will be the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, which is in the heart of London, hard by Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament and Whitehall, making the Congress easy to get to by public transport, as well as being ideally situated as a base for exploring other parts of London and its environs.

There will also be a Trade Fair for those attending to browse, meet and perhaps buy from the leading suppliers in the field. On Thursday evening the Congress Dinner will be on board a Thames river boat, which will sail down river to Greenwich and back as the Thames riverside lights up. Online booking is available, together with full details from the Congress section of the IIC web-site (


Membership renewal in a changing IIC, 2008–2009

congress). There will be a further update in the August issue of News in Conservation. We very much look forward to seeing you there!

Congress programme The provisional programme of papers, speakers and posters has been included on pages 2 and 3 of this issue of News in Conservation. Please note that this programme is subject to final confirmation.

Climate Change and Museum Collections: a round table discussion 17 September 2008, 6.15 pm – 7.30 pm Sainsbury Wing Theatre, National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London As part of a new initiative, Dialogues for the New Century: round table discussions on the conservation of cultural heritage in a changing world, IIC invites you to join a discussion on the implications of climate change and its effects upon cultural heritage, particularly historic house and museum collections. The earth’s changing climate has implications that go far beyond dramatic storms and rising sea levels to shifts in migratory patterns and habitats, as well as possible increased health risks from pollutants. Ultimately, these variations in weather patterns will affect the long-term preservation of the cultural treasures which we enjoy and which inspire us, all over the globe. The threats that come with climate change also put at risk delicate and fragile treasures within our museums and historic house collections that may not have previously required environmental control, but which may soon find such efforts necessary. To remain effective, maintenance arrangements for many historic buildings, public monuments and archaeological sites will require adapting; and those collections protected by environmental systems may be at greater risk if such systems are not updated and expanded in capacity. However, change comes at a cost and energy-wasteful solutions, often the norm, may in turn directly contribute to those very climatic changes that they are trying to mitigate. The development of more efficient, affordable, and environmentally sustainable systems is now more important than ever. At this round table discussion – to be held on the Wednesday evening of the IIC 2008 London Congress – IIC has gathered renowned experts to explore the effects that global climate change is having on cultural heritage. Participants will include: • Sarah Staniforth, Historic Properties Director, The National Trust (Round table Moderator) • Professor May Cassar, Director, Centre for Sustainable Heritage, University College London and AHRC/EPSRC Programme Director for Science and Heritage • Michael C. Henry, Principal Engineer/Architect with Watson & Henry

This issue of News in Conservation marks the publication’s first full year and by all indications it has been a great success. Fresh, full of interesting news and relevant to the professional lives of each IIC member, NiC reflects the commitment IIC has made to provide meaningful and up-to-date services to our members. There is more change to come, through the website and through ever more exciting programming. All of this is made possible by your direct involvement and your membership of IIC. We will be asking you to renew your membership later on in this article by filling in the renewal form enclosed with this issue. But first we want to remind you why you should renew. Let’s take a look at what you actually get each year as a member of IIC: • Studies in Conservation: the pre-eminent journal in our field, published quarterly. • Reviews in Conservation: the leading and cutting edge journal reflecting in its readable overviews the latest thinking in conservation and research, published annually. • News in Conservation: a lively, full-colour newspaper presenting the latest information and news about conservation worldwide, as well as updates about IIC. News in Conservation, and its complementary web pages have rapidly established themselves as the listing of choice for worldwide conservation meetings, seminars and courses, while we also advertise appointments, internships and fellowships, and publications for sale. • The IIC Congresses: a significantly reduced attendance fee is offered to IIC members for the foremost international conservation gathering every two years. • Publications: IIC Members benefit from reduced prices for past IIC publications. But that’s not all. Over the last twelve months much has been achieved to enhance this substantial set of benefits. We have added: • free online downloads of back issues of Studies in Conservation, from number 1 of Volume 1, available only to members on the IIC website. • the forthcoming re-launch of the already useful and informative IIC website, with more up-to-the-moment information, important and relevant news, job opportunities, international events and an interactive, stimulating ‘newsblog’. …plus some new IIC initiatives: • the Travelling Scholarship, which has been made possible through the generosity of the Gabo Trust for Sculpture Conservation; details of the next round of this award soon • the IIC/Society for Imaging Science & Technology Image Permanence Award, in association with Hewlett Packard. • the IIC Student Award in Seismic Mitigation of Cultural Heritage • and the new series of round table discussions: Dialogues for the New Century: round table discussions on the conservation of cultural heritage in a changing world. The first in this series of public and professional round tables will take place on Wednesday 17 September in conjunction with the IIC 2008 London

Congress and will focus on climate change and the care of museum collections. Don’t miss it! This is an exciting time to be a member of IIC, and we welcome your subscription renewal for 2008 – 2009. We look forward to your continuing to take part in a changing and dynamic IIC! Subscriptions are due for renewal on 1 July. Subscription rates are as advised on the renewal form, at the levels notified in the previous issue of News in Conservation: Students £19, Individuals £47, Fellows £68 and Institutions £160. Personal members (Fellows, Individuals and Students) should receive a renewal form with this News in Conservation. Institutions will receive an invoice separately. No renewal form is enclosed if you have already paid your subscription for 2008–09, if you pay your subscription by standing order (UK members only – reminder already sent), or if your subscription is paid by someone else. Remember that this is your opportunity to support others less able to afford belonging to IIC by contributing to the Professional Development Fund. Your donation will be most welcome and put to very good use. To contribute to the fund, please use the renewal form enclosed with News in Conservation or contact the IIC office to make a separate payment. The easiest – and cheapest – way to pay your subscription is by paying online at simply go to the IIC website, where you will find a link to the membership renewal form in the Membership section. You can, of course, choose to post or fax the enclosed form to the IIC office with your payment. If you do, remember that we accept MasterCard and Visa (but cannot accept Visa Electron). We can also accept personal cheques and bank drafts drawn on a UK bank. If you have a problem with paying by any of these methods, or if you want to pay in US Dollars, please contact the IIC office.

IIC Fellowship: a new process and how to apply Fellowship of IIC is open to all members who are actively engaged in the profession of conservation. IIC fellowship is one of the most highly regarded ways that those in conservation acknowledge their peers. IIC’s Council keeps the process of election to IIC’s fellowship under constant review, and has agreed a new process which allows an electronic element to the nomination process while retaining the existing checks and balances that ensure a fair and professional process is in place. The new process is also available from the membership section of the IIC website. Potential Fellows may be: • practising conservators and restorers • scientists and technologists working in the field of conservation • conservation educators • other persons, whether technical, curatorial or administrative, who have made an important contribution to the profession of conservation. Potential Fellows are normally expected to have been personal members of IIC for five years and to have been active in the conservation profession for at least ten years. For conservators, this can include up to three years of a training or apprenticeship period under teachers of recognized ability. For other applicants, the ten-year period can include up to three years of postgraduate study towards a relevant higher degree or diploma. Fellows must be able to demonstrate

News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008 commitment to the profession and to show that they keep up to date with relevant developments. Indicators include publications, voluntary service to conservation organisations, participation in conferences and training events, membership of other relevant professional bodies, and accreditation by a national organisation. The Fellowship application process

One of your colleagues who is already a Fellow may suggest that you apply, and offer to act as your Nominating Fellow (see below); however, potential Fellows do not necessarily have to wait to be invited and can seek nomination by an IIC Fellow. A Nominating Fellow, namely a Fellow in good standing with the IIC, can nominate a member of the IIC for Fellowship status by following these two simple steps: I The Nominating Fellow should first ensure that the candidate: 1 is in agreement with being nominated 2 is a current member of IIC (though exceptions will be considered) 3 has been in the field for at least ten years and has made sufficient contribution to the profession to be deserving of the status of IIC Fellow The Nominating Fellow should also ensure that four other IIC Fellows have agreed to support the nomination and know that they may be asked for their views on the candidate by Council. II The Nominating Fellow, in co-operation with the candidate, should then provide by email to the IIC Office, using the downloadable Fellowship Nomination Form available from the Membership section of the IIC website, the following: 1 The name, status, affiliation and full contact details of the candidate; 2 The names and electronic contact details or postal address of four Supporting Fellows whose support the Nominating Fellow has assured and can attest to; 3 A brief statement, written by either the Nominating Fellow or the candidate, not exceeding 200 words, summarising the candidate’s contribution to conservation; 4 The candidate’s current CV. In circumstances when it proves difficult or impossible to use email for the nomination form and/or the CV, hard copies of the nomination form can be requested from the IIC Office and when completed can be submitted by fax or post. The IIC office will be happy to assist the Nominating Fellow and the candidate in the process of nomination, including, if required, checking the current Fellowship

status of IIC members. (An effort should first be made however to confirm this by searching the membership list on the IIC website.) Once the nomination has been approved by Council it is sent for ballot to all IIC Fellows. Successful candidates will be notified as soon as possible and will be asked to provide a summary biography and a photograph for News in Conservation and for the IIC website.

IIC Council’s outreach policy starts in Vienna Eager to make more of the “International” in IIC’s title, Council has set a precedent by holding one of its thrice-yearly meetings outside London, in Vienna, with plans to visit other cities and other regional IIC groups in future years. For two days, 8 and 9 May 2008, Council met at the Conservation Department of the University of Applied Arts in the heart of Vienna, very kindly hosted by Dr Gabriela Krist, Head of Department and IIC Council member. A highlight of the Vienna meeting was a reception on Thursday 8 May, when Council members were welcomed by members of the Board of IIC-Austria and other local conservators and Institute staff and students. This demonstrated one of the benefits of Council meetings outside London: providing an ideal opportunity to meet representatives of regional and national Groups and get to know each other better. Following the meeting, members of Council were taken to see current work by staff and students in the Institute, and also visited the conservation facilities of the Kunsthistorisches Museum and the Museum of Applied Art. IIC is most grateful to the Institute of Applied Arts and to IIC-Austria for their hospitality and for facilitating this meeting. One of the important items on the agenda at the IIC Council meeting itself was a discussion on the relationship between IIC and the various IIC regional and national groups. IIC groups have come into existence at various times over the fifty-eight years of IIC’s existence; some have subsequently taken on their own separate identities, while others retain the name of IIC in their title. Greater collaboration and synergy with IIC itself was explored with representatives of the Board of IIC-Austria and will be further discussed with representatives of all the national and regional groups during a dedicated session at the IIC London Congress, on Wednesday 17 September. Another topic addressed at the IIC Council meeting was the adoption of globally equitable membership rates by IIC. A positive decision for action on this was taken and will be reported soon.

Members of the Board of IIC-Austria with members of IIC Council, local conservators and Institute staff and students.

Reviews in Conservation Number 8 recently published

Reviews in Conservation number 8 (2007) has now been sent out to members. The issue includes literature reviews on a wide range of topics related to conservation, including Australian Aboriginal bark paintings, the chemistry of East Asian lacquer, nineteenthcentury synthetic organic dyes, the properties and uses of animal glues in conservation, and the pigments lead white and vivianite.

Call for papers

The Editorial Advisory Board and Editors of Reviews in Conservation invite preliminary submissions for forthcoming issues. IIC’s peer-reviewed journal is devoted to the literature of conservation; contributions are welcomed on a range of topics, including (but not limited to) conservation treatments, materials, scientific research, technical art history, analytical techniques, historiography of conservation, training and ethics. For more information about preliminary submissions (including author guidelines), please contact the Editors, Fi Jordan and Marika Spring, at [email protected] or consult the Publications section of the IIC website. The Editors welcome preliminary submissions throughout the year. The deadline for the 2009 issue is 1 September 2008. Unless special arrangements have been made with the Editors, drafts should be written in English.

IIC Spanish Group/Grupo Español The IIC Spanish Group (GE-IIC) has enjoyed a period of intense activity during the past year. The current Council was elected while the General Assembly met last June, and now consists of: Pilar Ineba (President), Jorge García (Vice-President), Charo Fernández (Secretary), Ana Monereo (Treasurer), Ana Laborde (Executive Secretary) and Emma García (Webmaster). At the end of November 2007, the Group’s Third International Congress was held in Oviedo, in collaboration with the History of the Art Faculty at Oviedo University. The theme of the congress was “Infallible conservation: from theory to reality”. We aimed to promote presentations that argued, with methodical and scientific rigour, the need to engage with cultural heritage through the medium of prevention, study, planning and pursuit of priorities. Therefore, we invited professionals involved in the conservation of cultural heritage to contribute under the following themes:

• Prevention of natural and accidental risks; emergency planning; • Planning, previous and ongoing research in restoration projects; • Preventing risks in temporary exhibitions; treatments influenced by this. The daily technical sessions were followed by round table discussions intended to allow debate and reflection on the earlier presentations, including theory as well as practice. The congress was very well attended, attracting more than 300 professionals and students. The presentations have been published in a book, which can be bought through the GE-IIC website. Our recent publication Guía de Buenas Prácticas sobre Tratamiento de los Bienes Culturales en Exposiciones Temporales, Propuesta de Sistematización de Procedimientos de Gestión y Conservación (Guide to best practice in the treatment of objects in temporary exhibitions: a proposal for the systematisation of management and conservation procedures) has had a great reception. It began as the write-up of a first meeting organised last year in the Centro Cultural de España in Mexico City and was presented at the Reina Sofía Museum in Madrid on 14 December 2007, in collaboration with ICOM-Spain, to a large group of professionals from institutions and businesses in the sector with the objective of completing the document for publication during 2008. The main project for this year is the production of an online journal, Notebooks of the IIC Spanish Group, in an open format. It will be published annually and will contain articles on research, treatments, training and literature reviews. Various GE-IIC working groups have also been developed: Contemporary Art, Altarpieces, Preventive Conservation, Stone and Photography. The Contemporary Art group is organising an annual meeting in the Reina Sofía Museum. The Altarpieces group is holding biennial single-subject courses in collaboration with the University of Valencia. The Preventive Conservation group meets annually in the Guggenheim-Bilbao Museum and the Stone and Photography groups are still in the process of being formed. The Reina Sofía Museum, GE-IIC and the company C.T.S. Spain have collaboratively organised a series of annual technical lectures so that experts from different fields can present their research in Spain. The first of these, on the subject Del bario al oxalato: sistemas inorgánicos para la consolidación y la protección de obras de arte en piedra y pintura al fresco (Barium oxalate: Inorganic systems for the consolidation and protection of works of art on stone and fresco paintings) was given by Professors Mauro Matteini and Sabino Giovannoni of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence on 9 March 2007. Another technical encounter was held on 22 February 2008 on the theme Disolventes, soluciones acuosas y nuevos polímeros para la restauración (Solvents, aqueous solutions and new polymers for restoration), by Dr Paolo Cremonesi and Dr Leonardo Borgioli. For more information, see or e-mail [email protected].


News in Conservation No. 6, June 2008 Calls for Papers Standards in the science of conservation and restoration of historic monuments 23–25 April 2009 Berlin, Germany Submit abstracts by: 30 August 2008 Incredible Industry: preserving the evidence of industrial society 24–27 May 2009 Copenhagen, Denmark Submit abstracts by: 1 September 2008

Meetings and Conferences Study and serendipity: testimonies on artists' practice 12–13 June 2008 Glasgow, UK

Conservation in context: projects, money, deadlines, science and heritage projects in conservation 25 July 2008 London, UK XIII International Symposium on Luminescence Spectroscopy 7–11 September 2008 Bologna, Italy 11th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry 7–11 September 2008 Rome, Italy Conservation of wet organic archaeological materials 11–13 September 2008 Brandenburg an der Havel, Germany IIC 2008 Congress: conservation and access 15–19 September 2008 London, UK

Dyes in history and archaeology 8–11 October 2008 Istanbul, Turkey

Historic buildings, parks and gardens 11 November 2008 London, UK

Practical insect pest management 17–18 June 2008 London, UK

Preserving photographs in a digital world 16–21 August 2008 Rochester NY, USA

Conservation: an act of discovery (10th Conference of the International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics) 20–26 October Palermo, Italy

Conservation and restoration of vernacular furniture 14–15 November 2008 Amsterdam, Netherlands

Digital photography 24–25 June 2008 London, UK

Practical leather conservation course 10–12 September 2008 Northampton, UK

Digital heritage: VSMM 2008 20–26 October Limassol, Cyprus Salt weathering on buildings and stone sculptures 22–24 October 2008 Copenhagen, Denmark In situ monitoring of monumental surfaces 27–29 October 2008 Florence, Italy

Latest research into painting techniques of Impressionists and Postimpressionists 12–13 June 2008 Cologne, Germany

Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy 2008 conference 18–21 September 2008 Champion PA, USA

Moulds and dust in libraries, archives and museums: conservation, health and legal implications 3 November 2008 London, UK

Structural analysis of historic construction 2–4 July 2008 Bath, UK

ICOM-CC triennial meeting, 2008 22–26 September 2008 New Delhi, India

Costume colloquium: a tribute to Janet Arnold 6–9 November 2008 Florence, Italy

Optical Coherence Tomography for examination of art 3–5 July 2008 Torun, Poland

14th International symposium on biodeterioration and biodegradation 6–11 October 2008 Messina, Italy

8th European conference on research for protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage 10–12 November 2008 Ljubljana, Slovenia


Mobile Analytics for Heritage Conservation: the 2008 Conservation Science Annual 17–18 November 2008 Somerset NJ, USA Standards in the science of conservation and restoration of historic monuments 23–25 April 2009 Berlin, Germany Incredible Industry: preserving the evidence of industrial society 24–27 May 2009 Copenhagen, Denmark Forum for the Conservation and Restoration of StainedGlass Windows 1–3 June 2009 New York NY, USA

Courses, Seminars and Workshops Indo-Persian paintings workshop 16–20 June 2008 London, UK

Deacidification of paper 25–26 June 2008 London, UK Conservation and preservation of photographs 3–5 July 2008 London, UK Giltwood frame and object restoration workshop 30 June–4 July 2008 London or Oxford, UK Lapis lazuli: fact and fiction 8 July 2008 London, UK Identification of paper 7–8 July 2008 London, UK Laser scanning in the heritage field 15 July 2008 Liverpool, UK Integrated Pest Management 22 July 2008 London, UK Aqueous cleaning methods for textile conservators 12–13 August 2008 Melbourne, Australia

Permanent Yellow, Irgazine Red, Heliogen Blue and co. 12 September 2008 Munich, Germany Canvas for the 21st century 12 September 2008 London, UK Illuminated manuscripts past, present and future: conservation and restoration 24–27 September 2008 Valencia, Spain Introduction to laser cleaning in conservation 29–30 September 2008 Liverpool, UK Adhesives for natural history specimens 8 October 2008 London, UK

For more information about these conferences and courses, see the IIC website: