Door 1

Sep 13, 2015 - information collected to write an article on the class blog (EE). ... A2 → Peut écrire une série d'expressions et de phrases simples reliées par des ... Picture division (top/bottom – left, right-hand corner – middle) ... Lesson 14.
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Life Online 2C

“What impact does life online have on young people’s everyday life?” -

Social networking Mobile technologies Online gaming Virtual reality Cyber-bullying / predators

Lesson Lesson 1 13/09/2015

Lesson 2 15/09/2017

Lesson 3 18/09/2017

Document Audio recording “What do they use the internet for?”

Final project: Collect information about your classmates’ use of information technologies (EOI) and use the information collected to write an article on the class blog (EE). B1 : Peut résumer avec une certaine assurance une source d'informations factuelles sur des sujets familiers courants et non courants dans son domaine, en faire le rapport et donner son opinion.

Descripteurs intermédiaires : A2 peut poser des questions, répondre à des questions et échanger des idées et des renseignements sur des sujets familiers B1  peut communiquer avec une certaine assurance sur des sujets familiers habituels A2  Peut écrire une série d'expressions et de phrases simples reliées par des connecteurs B1  Peut écrire des textes articulés simplement sur une gamme de sujets variés


Topic and objectives



Brainstorming « The Internet » vocabulary

Have a look at the mindmap online and copy it down in your copybook. Learn 2nd verse of the poem. Worksheet 1 (social media) Learn 3rd verse of the poem.

Listen to the recording and pick out keywords. CO

Audio recording “What do they use the internet for?”

Recap Expressing goal Expressing comparison Correction worksheet 1  social media Picture description + survey Expressing quantity Recap survey Picture division (top/bottom – left, right-hand corner – middle) STEP 1  3 viewings + note-taking STEP 2  Share the information you’ve got STEP 3  write an account of what you’ve understood Worksheet 3 (autonomous work with computers)

Read the survey and write 4 sentences using the expressions seen in class. Learn the 4th verse of the poem


Recap  Teens’ addiction to the number of likes  popular / ashamed / embarrassed / concerned / worried Positive use of twitter  find compliments in the different messages.

Worksheet 4: highlight all the words related to compliments Learn lesson.


Vocab test


Picture “US teens today”


Lesson 4 20/09/2018 Lesson 5 22/09/2017

Picture “US teens today”


Video “teens obsess over number of likes”


Extra lesson 25/09/2017 Lesson 6 27//09/2017

Audio “Teens and social media” Video “teens obsess over number of likes” Text “Teen uses twitter to compliment friends”

Lesson 7

Door 1



CE → Compréhension écriteCO → Compréhension orale EE → Expression écrite EOI → Expression orale en interaction EOC → Expression orale en continu

Learn all the lessons from the beginning of the year.




Life Online 2C 29/09/2017

Lesson 8 02/10/2017 Lesson 9 04/10/2017

Text “Teen uses twitter to compliment friends”


EE Text “Multi-function phones”



Lesson 10 06/10/2017


Lesson 11 09/10/2017


Lesson 12 11/10/2017 Lesson 13 16/10/2017 Lesson 14 18/10/2017

Door 1


Video “This is Sarah”



Article / published / to fight cyberbullying / to make them feel + adj. TASK classify the compliments into 2 categories (physical capabilities / personality) Correction vocab test TASK  GROUP WORK: choose one tweet and record yourself GROUP WORK  pick out all the figures and say what they correspond to. Imagine the questions that were asked to get these answers. How to ask a question  WH questions / Yes-no questions? Recap how to ask a question Correction ex. 1-2-3 p. 22 Revision present simple / be+ing FINAL TASK (part 1)  Collect information about your classmates’ use of information technologies and use the information collected to write an article on the class blog. Pair work  STEP 1/2/3.  Dangers of posting inappropriate pictures online. FINAL TASK (part 1)  Collect information about your classmates’ use of information technologies and use the information collected to write an article on the class blog. FINAL TASK (part 2)  Write an article about your classmates’ use of new technologies

CE → Compréhension écriteCO → Compréhension orale EE → Expression écrite EOI → Expression orale en interaction EOC → Expression orale en continu

about people in the class.

Faire signer la correction et le contrôle de vocabulaire 1-2-3 p. 22

Write 4 different questions you want to ask your classmates about new technologies.

Revise for test