Developing countries

these employees are highly intelligente and graduated, they have to waste their time and their talent, performing exhausting tasks for a low salary (wage).
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A An nggllaaiiss Î Advertising Î Globalization & Trade Î Developing countries & Social Issues

Globalization / Trade What is globalization Processus = process Traiter avec qqn : to deal with sb Travailleur sous payé : law-paid worker Main d’oeuvre : workforce, labour force Industrie d’Etat : State-owned industry Avoir droit à qqch : to qualify for sthg Prêt : loan => to make a loan obtenir un prêt : to secure a loan

prêt à 10% : a loan at 10 per cent

The definition of the globalization is very broad : Generally, it is describe as the process enabling financial markets to operate internationally, largely (en grde partie) as a result of (à la suite de ) deregulation and improved communication. But globalization could have more than just an economic impact. Indeed, it can also concern cultures (for instance with Erasmus, which goal is to support and develop student exchange) Globalization is a subject of debate between : Î An anti-globalization movement : they regard it as a surrender of power to the corporations, a means of keeping poorer nations in their place. - The relocation of firms belonging to rich countries increase the dominance of EU and EU across the globe : They relocate their firms in poorer countries in order to benefit from a cheap workforce. Thus they can sell their products with lower prices and be more competitive. But relocations can also lead to a rise in unemployment in these countries. Î Some other people think that globalization is not necessarily bad : it can even be the best way to beat poverty ( for instance with the technology transfer which help poor countries to develop). Call centers A lot of britannic call centers are situated in India because of cheap labour force. Althought these employees are highly intelligente and graduated, they have to waste their time and their talent, performing exhausting tasks for a low salary (wage). In addition, their working conditions are deplorable : * work by night * they work in the basement of the building * they are constantly watched * they have no break

Developing countries Developing countries are countries with a relatively low standard of living and an undeveloped industrial base Over ¾ of WTO members are developing countries (or least-developed countries). That’s why many WTO agreements contain special provisions (dispositions) for them, including : longer time to

implement agreements and commitments ( engagements), measures to increase their trading opportunities. The WTO recognises as least-developed countries those countries which have been designated as such by the United Nations The FAO ( food and agriculture organisation) was founded in 1945 with a mandate to raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to the better condition of rural population AIDS Î Poverty in developing nations contribute to the spread (diffusion) of the disease : - It limits public education about AIDS : weak educational systems and lack of informat° about HIV Some of those in developing countries do not know that they are infected with AIDS or even what the disease is. - It blocks the development of the purchase of AIDS medicines, even at drastically reduced prices. - Although over 90 percent of people with AIDS live in developing countries, it is estimated that 90 percent of the AIDS drugs are consumed by those in the developed world => drug companies have not been interested in marketing AIDS drugs to poor countries because these countries have low purchasing power. That’s why AIDS activists accused the pharmaceutical companies of putting profits before humanity. - Poor groups in developing countries run a higher risk of contracting AIDS because there is many injecting drug users and commercial sex workers. Î Solutions ? - National AIDS programs (NAPs) was created : He is adapted to the specific needs of these populations. His programs focus on the prevention of the sexual transmission of HIV and the transmission of HIV through blood and blood products, including injection drug use. - One of the few success stories in the fight against AIDS is Thailand, where the use of condoms is mandatory in brothels

Advertising Ö What is the aim of an ad campaign ? ¾ To launch a product: * communicate product characteristics * describe the features and the benefits of a product * to stimulate sales ¾ To maintain a brand awareness * to influence purchasing behaviour * to strenghten the loyalty of existing customers * to knock a competitor’s product Ö how ? An ad campaign can be based on different medium ( support => adervtising medium) : • bill postings • mailshot • tv commercials • trade exhibitions • jungles broadcasted on TV or radio AIDA :

A : Attract attention I : Stimulate the person’s interest

D : Create a desire for the benefits of a product A : Lead the consumer to go into action => buy Ö Why advertisers will always target the young ? A lot of people (older people) working in advertising feel ageism. Indeed, according to surveys : * Many brand think lifetime value is an important consideration. Moreover, in some sectors, brandswitching is infrequent (like bank accounts) * Young people have more important lifestages to get throught : first car, first child… Ö Non-commercial advertising campaign : antismoking campaigns • Get across the link between smoking and heart diseases to persuade smokers to give up • Make smokers aware about the damages caused bu tobacco on their health

Mots de liaison : • Sans tenir compte de : regardless of • Par suite de : As a result of • Quand même : All the same • D’ailleurs : besides • Notwithstanding : malgré • Cependant : However • D’où : Hence • En d’autre termes : In other words • Ou plutôt : or rather • De ce fait : thereby • Par conséquent : therefore Mots utiles : • l’émergence : emergence • a means of : un moyen de • ce qui a amené le __ à : causing the ____ to • des dizaines de : dozens of , about ten … • des centaines de : hundreds of • des milliers de : thousands of • des milliards de : millions of • mettre qqch en évidence : to hightlight • caractère (de qqch) => ex : à caractère commercial : of a commercial nature • compter parmi : to be counted among • susciter (débat): to trigger , to spark off • mettre en application : to implement • mettre en place : to put sthg in place / to establish sthg / to set up • faire passer (l’idée …) : to get accoss