Defense of Rorke's Drift

involvement in ten melee combats a unit is ... after five melee combats and may recover to fatigued status .... Game Theory should appear in every 2nd issue.
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Defenseof Rorke'sDrift Zulu Deployment Historiqly, th€ Zulu apPloehen ftom thesuth in theee& betwen ent sæ mes t md 9, tha sPept to the ver ud st wk at thc Hospibl before cmtinuing murd lo ffetùcnordù Designarcthe l9 hexes dæ $ù1h of the rmp8tl bclvæn éntrùe hæs 1 ùd 9 s dtrs@ dc 0 ùd dlow Zùlu mov€mentthse on ùrB 0 (4:m). A dic rclI millipùed by ien dctermims the nmber of mit! which deploy ftôm ùy oné impi. Subsqkûdy, *hen rifl€ uit! &send from Oskùbq8 mou' tlin thcy mly alcr themâptuotrgh bnê O or sp€nd one um in th€ Force Display box€sbcforc dcploying in mthcr Dne. The Zr 6 night hav. qossed the BUITûloRivq àt s diffcrcnr spot Md thcn ryproæhed the missionstarionfrom ! differ6r e8tc. On tm l, èæh Ztnu impi dêployslo mlximum stæking linil! in 3y The Zùls didr't know exædy whÂl ùcy would Iind d Rorkct D.if! sd ùcir Itrstsv€ep pat th€mi$im sded æ a bliêf rc.amaisme bcfor€ lhe ssâulr ùcgù. More ag8rasive ætiviry ùd beu.r.oordinarion @uld hôvc tiven ih€ inilial ssâull greÂtêrimpel. One ûm 1, all Zùlu hits deploy otr rhc map bcgiming in fltrM@ ùeù t md @ntinuing in nmêricd squencé. Differènt rêgimênt! dcploy in 3cpùareùea ard eæh hex in e ue. mut be fiUed with ! stek of rwo Zulu ùits tcfore @tinùing deploymot in ùE nexi

Zulu Firearms Thê dêligûer @Eædy stlt r ihat the Zùlù for@sst Rorke'sD.ift hâdnotpatdcipdld in loring ûc Brirish urh Rcsin@r eerpmmt ll Isudù*m Phich prc' vidêdûè Zllu wir,\hmdIeds of.ines (ûd two anilleF/pieet. Thezulù inpiÊ csiry' in8 .iflB @ùld hàve r sretêr (ôr lesscr) Roll onè die twiæ e&h Îm to detq mirc etrætivaê$ of Zùlu rifle itre. Thé

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fist resull i! the nMber of Zulu rifle ftr. anacksvhich ræeivê r +1 bdu on ihc initial die rcll to .letarminepotatial coùal1i6 fton sipd lûê. The s@nd dic rou detmifts tlF mqimM nmbq of rifle hits *hich r@ivc . +l bonusonthc dierol b deremine th€ rsuh of the hir Deploy l0 Zulù rifle ùits ù Bnipqs on tM @. A muimM of 10.ifle ùit6 c4 go up or