CV J.-R. Bourguet

Dec 30, 1984 - Answering queries that may have results in the future : A case study in food ... FRaQuE : A Framework for Rapid Query Processing Evaluation, ...
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December 30th, 1984 La Teste de Buch, France

R ESEARCH A SSOCIATE French, English, Italian

Scienze Politiche Viale Mancini 5 07100 Sassari, Italy

Tel : (39) (32) 75 64 18 07 Fax : (39) (0) 79 22 89 66




M Curriculum Year 2010 Year 2008 Year 2007

– PhD in Computer Science at the University of Montpellier. – Engineer in Cognitive Informatics at ENSC. – MSc in Cognitive Science at the University of Bordeaux.

M Research Themes Lines Arguments Reasonings Arbitrations

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Natural Language Processing. Preference-based Argumentation Frameworks. Representation and Reasoning in Description Logics. Decision support Systems applied to Logistics.

EMPLOYERS 2012-2014 2010-2011 2007-2010 2006-2010

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University of Sassari Political Science Department (UNISS). University of Montpellier Arts and Science Division (UM3). French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA).



M Proceedings Year 2014

– TROvE : a Graphical Tool to Evaluate OWL Reasoners, J.-R. Bourguet, L. Pulina, ORE’14, CEUR-WS 1207, pp. 30-35.

M Journal Year 2013

– An artificial intelligence-based approach to deal with argumentation applied to food quality in a public health policy, J.-R. Bourguet, R. Thomopoulos, M.-L. Mugnier, J. Abécassis, Expert Systems with Applications, 40 (11), pp. 4539-4546.



M Teaching Assistantships SupAgro

– Databases, 1st and 2nd year Master’s degree.


– Webpage design, 1st year Bachelor’s degree.

Electronic portfolio on


Contribution to the methods of argumentation for decision making : Application to arbitration within the cereal industry

M Abstract The objective of our work is to design a theoretical and methodological framework enabling decision support within a model of knowledge representation, illustrated by a case study from the cereal industry. The basis of our approach is the use of argumentation systems presented in AI literature. We propose a method for determining the similarities between two argumentation systems, in order to unify these abstract, preference-based argumentation frameworks. A contextual preferencesbased argumentation framework is proposed (the preferences and the attacks between arguments have a contextual validity), methods of aggregations between attacks and preferences and the mergence between contexts are investigated in terms of consistency between the collectively accepted arguments. Consistency is obtained when such sets do not contain conflicts in terms of information conveyed and conclusions and/or decisions supported by their arguments. Our approach is based on three common trend of argumentation. Firstly, we propose a nested view of argumentation that meets the expectations of the ”micro” trend, which attempts to define the internal structures of the argument. Secondly, we propose to generate attacks between arguments, based on the actions they support or reject. This allows us to investigate the concerns of the ”macro” trend in the treatment of relationships between arguments in view of calculated collective acceptability. Finally, we investigate some aspects of the ”rhetoric” trend, to determine the definition of audiences giving contextual strength to the argument and generating preferences. This last aspect allows us to establish such contextual recommendations. The entire approach, illustrated through situational examples and an application case, is included in an argumentation-based arbitration model, which in turn is implemented in a formalism of knowledge representation and reasoning (the conceptual graphs).

M Context Started Defended Issued by Directors

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November 1st, 2007 December 16th, 2010 University of Montpellier R. Thomopoulos, M.-L. Mugnier, L. Amgoud and J. Abécassis

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Juliette Dibie-Barthélemy, Senior Lecturer, AgroParisTech Jacky Montmain, Professor, Ecole des Mines Xavier Rouau, Research Director, INRA Leila Amgoud, Senior Researcher, CNRS Marie-Laure Mugnier, Professor, University of Montpellier Rallou Thomopoulos, Research Scientist, INRA

M Jury Reviewers Examiner Advisers

M Prints Notice Poster

– Contribution aux méthodes d’argumentation pour la prise de décision, December 16th 2010, University of Montpellier. – Arbitrage Argumenté, July 25th 2010, CEPIA days, Hohwald.

PUBLICATIONS M Journal Year 2014 Year 2013

Year 2010

– Monitoring Semantic Similarity Scores, A. Sow, J.-R. Bourguet, submitted to Journal of Web Semantics. – An artificial intelligence-based approach to deal with argumentation applied to food quality in a public health policy, J.-R. Bourguet, R. Thomopoulos, M.-L. Mugnier, J. Abécassis, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 40, Issue 11, pp. 4539-4546. – Answering queries that may have results in the future : A case study in food science, R. Thomopoulos, J.-R. Bourguet, B. Cuq, A. Ndiaye, Knowledge-Based Systems, Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 369-496.

M Proceedings Year 2014 Year 2013

Year 2012

Year 2011

Year 2010 Year 2009

Year 2008

– TROvE : a Graphical Tool to Evaluate OWL Reasoners, J.-R. Bourguet, L. Pulina, ORE’14, CEUR-WS 1207, pp. 30-35. – FRaQuE : A Framework for Rapid Query Processing Evaluation, J.-R. Bourguet, L. Pulina, ORE’13, CEUR-WS 1015, pp. 53-60. – An experimental evaluation of tools for Ontology-Based Data Access, J.-R. Bourguet, G. Cicala, L. Pulina, A. Tacchella, RCRA’13, Proc. RCRA’13. – OBDA and Intermodal Logistics : Active Projects and Applications, J.-R. Bourguet, G. Cicala, L. Pulina, A. Tacchella, RR’13, LNCS 7994, pp. 210-215. – Metodi innovativi per il supporto alle decisioni riguardanti l’ottimizzazione delle attività in un terminal container, J.-R. Bourguet, E. Giunchiglia, M. Maratea, L. Pandolfo, L. Pulina, S. Sacone, S. Siri, RiCeRcA’13, Proc. RiCeRcA’13. – A Reduction-Based Approach for Solving Disjunctive Temporal Problems with Preferences, J.-R. Bourguet, M. Maratea, L. Pulina, AI*IA’13, LNCS 8249, pp. 445456. – Efficient DTPP solving with a reduction-based approach, J.-R. Bourguet, M. Maratea, L. Pulina, IPS’13, Proc. IPS’13, pp. 101-106. – Un modèle d’argumentation pour l’aide à la décision dans les filières céréalières, J. Fortin, R. Thomopoulos, J.-R. Bourguet, J. Abécassis, P. Buche, CIAG’12, pp. 117-126. – Supporting Argumentation Systems by Graph Representation and Computation, J. Fortin, J.-R. Bourguet, M.-L. Mugnier, R. Thomopoulos, IJCAI’11 (GKR), LNCS 7205, pp. 119-136. – An artificial intelligence-based approach for arbitration in food chains, R. Thomopoulos, J.-R. Bourguet, J. Abécassis, CIGR’11, Proc. CIGR’11, pp. 9-14. – Towards a unified model of preference-based argumentation, J.-R. Bourguet, L. Amgoud, R. Thomopoulos, FoIKS’10, LNAI 5956, pp. 326-344. – Contribution aux comparaisons formelles des modèles de préférence en argumentation, J.-R. Bourguet, L. Amgoud, R. Thomopoulos, MFI’09, Proc. MFI’09, pp. 81-92. – Modelling a dynamic process in the conceptual graph model : extension needed ?, J.-R. Bourguet, B. Cuq, A. Ndiaye, R. Thomopoulos, ICCS’08, CEUR-WS 354, pp. 49-56.


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Framework for Rapid Query Processing Evaluations Tool for Rapid OWL Reasoner Evaluation Lexical and Ontological Pattern in Grasping ORiented and labelled graph Builder for Instantaneous Translation in Sparql



M Languages and Programs C/C++ JAVA





Shell Unix LaTex