Correction – book p39 1. I didn't know that so many American towns

I have never eaten Cajun food. I have. I went to a Cajun restaurant last week. 4. Miami is in the United States but many people speak Spanish in the street and in.
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Correction – book p39 1. 2. 3. 4.

I didn’t know that so many American towns had French names. Neither did I. This is the first time I have taken a boat on the Mississippi. I have never eaten Cajun food. I have. I went to a Cajun restaurant last week. Miami is in the United States but many people speak Spanish in the street and in public places. (Yet = pourtant) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It’s the first time I’ve smoked at school! I have never been to NY and yet I love it! My father wants to know why I didn’t do my homework. Did you know that the French teacher will be absent at the end of January. English students can’t fight with their teachers and neither can French students.

A school in Harlem Who? It’s about Emmanuel Kostakis, the principal of a local junior high school. What? It’s about disadvantaged children in Harlem. Where? In Harlem (a borough of Manhattan) When? Probably 5-10 years ago. Why? Kostakis has helped create a good school with an excellent reputation in a very difficult area.

I didn’t know it was so different between the different boroughs of Manhattan. I didn’t know there were so many different races in Harlem. I didn’t know there were so many problems in Harlem.