COMPREHENSION - Theatre En Anglais

MR PEGGOTTY: I could wish myself, you see, that our little Em'ly was in a fair way of being married. I could wish to see her hitched to a honest man as had a ...
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COMPREHENSION (ONE) MR PEGGOTTY: I could wish myself, you see, that our little Em'ly was in a fair way of being married. I could wish to see her hitched to a honest man as had a right to defend her. I don't know how long I may live, or how soon I may die; but I know that if my boat was capsized, any night, in a gale of wind in Yarmouth waters here, and was to see the town-lights shining for the last time over the rolling sea as I couldn't make no head against, I could go down quieter for thinking "There's a man ashore there, iron-true to my little Em'ly, God bless her, and no wrong can touch my Em'ly while so be as that man lives. (Advancing behind Emily as the song ends). Now don't you go a crying sea-salt tears my littl’un. QUESTIONS :(A) In english, using one or two whole sentences explain the following words and their imagry : 1) 2) 3)

hitched iron-true sea-salt tears

(B) Is Mr Peggoty : a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Honest A liar Jealous Anxious Solid Weak True