Wher you have enrc'eo a nove. re BLACK lrgil begins lo ilash. Indicaling lhal lho compuE ... claim a draw yor.irs€ll,. 2.6Nowgame. ' To starl a new game, press ...
2MB taille 8 téléchargements 362 vues




4.1 TAKEBACK 4.2 Chângjng sides;move suggesltons 4.3 Interfupl 4.4 INFORMAÎION EVALUATE 4.5INFORMATONDEPTH 4 6 INFORMATIONMOVE 4 7 NONAUTO:specratopeningsi praywrthâ friend 4 8 SOUND

1. Thêgameof Dames 1.1Moving themen 1 2 Captures 1.3Queens 1.4 Theendoflhegame 2. cettingstarted 2.1 Balteries 2.2 Makingmoves 2.3 Speciatmoves 2.4 tltegatmoves 2.5 came signats 2.6 Newgame

5. Settingupandvertfytng 5.1 Seflingup a speciatposition 5.2 Vedtytngâ position 6. Technicatdelaits 6.1 Thetongtem memory 6.2TheACLkey 6.3 Carcandmalflenance 6.4 Techn|Cal specrJrcattons 7. Troubleshootingguide

3. Lèvetsotskitl 3.1 Chânging rhetevel




o ooo

o "r' Ë ft

"9 o

.P o .9

o o o



to plâythe nextmovelor you, pressng t whenthec0mpuler islhink nginlerruplslhelhought

Presslo turncomputer on Pressto lurncomputer ol{ andslorepositionin mem- 9

SWAPSIDE Allowsyouto pây Blackupthe

3. INFORMATION Showsmoveunderconsid. 10. Piecekeys MOVE erairon;quick rnovesug. geslrof 4 INFORMATION Showsdepthol search DEPT}I

INFORMATIONShowshowwellyouare ÉVALUATE oorng 6 SOUND

Presslo lurnsoundoll oron


Retracts lhe lasrmove(up

8. PI-AY

Execulenextmoveipress ng thiskeywhenil s your lUrncauseslne compLtler


White/BlackmenandOueens; usedto verifyandset!p board Allowsyouto setup a special positon. pieces addorremove

12. NEWGAMEPressto restarlat the nitia posI on 1 3 . LEVEL

Seleclpâyinqstrenglh 1010)

NONAUTOPressoncelo lorcethecomPulerfo acceplmoveswilhout replyrng lo them;pressa sec ondt me to returnio norrnal

LitIhts 15 SensorBoard

Eachsquarehasa sensor piecemovethâtregisters menl(i.e,whenyoupress a preceoownon a sqarel


Indicates SETUPhasbeen prcssedonce; wnenonj piecescan be addedor removedlrcm the board


Indicales a moveis being


Whenlit,lhe computer accepts moveslrornbolh sideswilhoutreplying


Indicates whencomputeris provdinglnfomationonlhe depihof search,poslion evalualron or displâyngthe moveunderconsideration


Indicâlssthatthê MANk€yhas b€onpressedwhsn ssttingup orverilying a posillonorwhen a rnanis involved intakingback


Indicates thaltheQue€n key hasbeenprcssedwhensetlingup or verifying a position orwhêna Queenis involved in laking back a move

22.WhiteiBlack Showssideto rnoveiwhenlh€ computeris thinking, the correspondng lighttlashes;aso lsed lo showcolorof pieces whensettingup or ve lyinga

23.Boardllghls Indicâtemovesiâlsousedlo


ve ty boardposition, sel lhe levelolskill andshowinlormalronon dêpth,evaluâtion ând moveunderconsderation Damespiececompanment ACLswitch(inbaseol set) Batterycornparlment

INTRODUCTION Your Saitek CompactDamescompuleris an pocketeleclronicgame lt usesthe easy-to-use, làrêslr cpn\or Iec\noogy ârd ellicent. o!, powereeclro_cs.Tho corrpuleràulorêticêl regislercyour movesand uses20 lightson lhe edgeoftheboardtoindcateilsownmoves.The Dênesplayrrgp-ogrd^l s varysrrolg al ic lop eve in 1987itwâsthe WorldComputerDames - yerit alsohasâ beginner's level.and champion n'ne eves lo s-il no" adva..edplayers batteries and ls I operaleson threeAtuAl\,43/R6 onq le'r r.errorvheepsû oosniorol an gâmelor up lo 18 monlhs. nteffupred

havelhe men on lhe sideneareslyouand can makethelirsl move. 1.1 Movingthemen ioMardontoân âdlacenl Al menmovediagonally square.Eachside lhereforehâsa choiceol nine onemove nrovesonthe iùsl p ay. Playa lernâtes, (seeiig.1). pertLrln l.2Caplures lvlef are capturedby theshon leap diagonâlly toMard orbackward overan adjacenlenemy beyond. man to an empty squarelmmedialely manis removedlromlhe boad. ThecaptLrred

[/o o |1a. o ecapluecaloerède nalrr'i'lhe permils.Capturing is compulsory.The situâtion playercanchoosebelweenalernalive câpt!res Eachsidehas20 menlhalareplacedonthedark w-er rhe-Jrberol .rlÊrcaplu'ed.n àcaquence the ts the sarne otheMise the largesl caplure squâresot the first lour fowsol eachsrde,-t'e l,gn..oo'ed-ren (Whla)Lloserrlo voJ bec"o,e1 ll allprnahi_goneor sequence'rJqI objectol ihe gameis lo caplureall the opposing morecapluresa ludhercaptureis possible, then mer (renoverheml.orr l\e board)o o bloc. this must be made. In llg. 2, While has lwo lhem so lhal theyarê unable10rnove. Hemusichoose posslbecaptures(49 40or49-38). 1. THEGAMEOF DAMES

yo|]normaly When playingagansrthecornputer


49-38aslhisalsoâllowsrhecaflureotthê enemy In lig. 3, oneof manycaptures€quencas lo be man on 33. Once at 29 he mustcontinuelhe consideÉdby Whileis shownby the dottêdline. lârgeslcapturesoquenceviâ squâre18 and27. Th s sequence is illegal,as il leavesonemanon 23, Thocoffscllongù sequencg,shown by lhg ll âplayeroverlooks a captLi€andmakesânolher solidline,capturesall men. move,theopponenlcâneifterdemanda correcton or l€tlhe mov€ stand.You'corpuler never Capturedm€nâre removedfromlhe boad only overlookspossib€captur€sand Inssts lhal ya- aller the capluresequôncehasb6encompleled. complel€the correctmulliplecapturesequence. Fig.4showsa sequ€ncool Oue€ncaplores,The manat 23 cannotbe takenbecause29 hâs not TheblackOueenwillnowiallto lhe 1.3Oueens beenremoved. Whena mânafirvssatthe asirowontheopposite manon 23, side ol the board it becomesa Oueen.R€place lhe manwilha QueenOiece.ll lhe oiecearrives 1.4Thêond of the game atlhe opposilesideas a resultof acapture,he Thê w nnêrol the gameis the oô€whoseoppo' muslcomplete allposs,ble câptures as â man,ano nenleitherhas no more plecesorwhosepieces is not promol€d. are blocksdandhaveno mors lggalmoves, A Oueonmovesandcepruresdiagonâlly forwa.ds o'backwerds ânynumberotgquares. TheOueen canjumpoverandcaplureany€nêmypiêceon a diagonalprovided th6reis oneor moresquareson lhêolhêr sdeofthe capluredmanto landon. The largesi capluressquenc€must âlwaysbê chosen. A Ousênrnaychangel.on onediagonallo anolherduringa capturesequence.

A gameis consid€red a dfawwh€nonêsidshas onêOueenonly andlhs othersidêhasthreêor l€ssQueensanda win is nol achiêved wilhin10 (Nolelhatin lhissituation you thecomputerallows lo conlinuôplayingil youwish.)



Ouickslsrt 1. PressGO10switchon lhe compll€r. 2. Selup pieces-while piecesclosesl lo you. 3. PTeSSNEWGAME. 4. Enlerrnovssas described below. 5. PressSTOPto swichthecomput€r ofi.

yourcomput€r Sometimes mayappearlobe pay ingirregularlywhen in lacl yougel sltich.alwayschsck lirstlo see'l anolher captures possible.ll in doubl, youcan always idenlrfylhs lorqeslcapUreseqJerceby dsk1g lhecomputer(pressPLAY). 2.2Makingmoves To makea move,pressdown onlhepieceyouw|sh 2.l Battedes lo movellhisis ils 'FROM square)lhenplaceiton Ihe corroLle' requiresth ee slandardANl3F6 ls desrinâriorsquare (lhe IO sqLare)and AA batteries,Werecommend the useoiâlkaline pressdownagain. Eachrimeyoup'essa prece batteries.âs lhey provideà longerplayrnglrm6. youshouldhêârashon beep.llyouchangeyoul Removethocoverol lhe batlerycomparlmenl and mind beforêputlingthe pisce down,replaceit insenlhs batteriesas shownin iig. 5. witha press on its FROMsquare. Whenyou I rsl switchthe computefon,the tights Wher youhaveenrc'eoa BLACKlrgil llashsequentially. PressNÊWGAME. begins lo ilash.Indicalinglhal lho compuE isworkrng on 'ls reply Whenilhas dscidedwhat Nolei ll al any time you encounter diiticuliies in to play,itindicatesthe horizontalrow andvenical gelling lle compulerlo rêspoldlo yoJr Îlovês. columnolthe piecelhecompuler wishesto move youmayclea ils ne'nol by pressingthe ac_ Pressthepi€cedown nitssquare.Th€computel hey for à l€w seconosto r€set Ine compuler nowshowsyoJ wherelhe p,ecemuslgo. Move {âclivalethis keyât therearol lhe cornputer wth lhe pece lo lhe squars indicâted and press a pointsdobject,e.g.a paperclip). il downlo complete the move. 49

2.3Specialmoves Promollon:A manautomaticâllybêcomesa Queên when il reâchesthe otherside, unless has lurthercaolures. Capluæ3:To makea caplur€,pr€ssdownon ths capturingpiece,jumpovsr$ecâpluredmanand pr€ssdown âgain. Now remove lhe captur€d pigcê (lhercE no ne€dro pr€ssrh€ captur€o pi6cesquare). Fora multiplecapturc,nowjump overthe next pieceandpressagain. CompulercapturesworkIn lhe sameway,llmul. liple capluresare possiblê, lhe lightsindicatethe movesof lhe capluringpieceunttlall poss|ble caotu@shavebeencomolot€d,

2.4lllegalmoves ll you attemptlo mak€ an illegalmove,the computer sounds an sfior beep and rsj€clslho move. You can checkthat the movehas been reject€dbylookingalyourcolorlight,n/hich rsmains on. This indicalesil is slill yourtum lo movê. Wh€n you do nol col|eclly cûmplstea multiple caplur€sequence,lhê computerkêeps lhê FRO[,4 squa'es laÎlps or. To corecl the move, replacothepieceswh€rslhsywsrcandprsssthg FROMsquaÉ. You maynowreslartyourmove. 2.SGamesignala Wheneithersidewins,yourcompuier beepsiour limesin a row.Yourcompulsris nolfamiliârwilh lhe draw (by lhrge-loldrepetilnn rule or b, insufficient malerial)so il lhis occursvou must claima draw yor.irs€ll,

lf a Qusencânêapturê lwo pi€cês,separated by lwo or moresquafes on lhs 3ame diagona il musl jump over lhê lirsl piece and land 2.6Nowgame ' immgdiatelyadjacentto the next piece bêfole To starl a newgame,presst{EW GÂlrE whenit is continuing ths capturs5êqu6nceyourlurnto move. Thel€v€lsgtlingremainsuncnangeo_ Where a captureis lollowedby a changein direqion,the Oueenmusl land on lhe souare common lo bolh diâgonals belorecontinJing thê move.(SeeTig.4.)



i) I



Thenextsixlevelsaretorlournamenl play:

Wh6nplayingagainstthe compuleryou mayset ilsl€velolskilllosuilyoufplayingabilily.Therêare 11leveis, Th€ lirstfourarsdesigned lor câsuatplayandthe âveraqerêsponse line on eachlevels as loltows.

4 5 6 7 8 9


Àverag€responsetlme per |novo

0 1 2 3


8 minulestorthe€nlaregame 15 minuleslorthe snliregame 65 movssin 60 mihutes 65 movesin 90 minutes 50 movesin 90 minutes 50 movesin 120minutes

The astis a specialleveli 10

2 secondsper move 5 secondsper move

In theselevels(sxcept0) the computer|s pro grâmmedlo try lo anlicipateveriousmovssvou mrghlmak€and lo câlrJlalê tls rssponses fo' eachotthemwhileyouarelhinkang. Thusyoumay veryottel g€tanInstantresponseroyou.noves. Th6 abovelrm€s âre averag€dlor nonrnstanl movessolhal lhe compulgrgêneraly playstâster ov€ra largsnumberol moves, Ptêassnotethat lhs âveragetime on Indvdualmovesatsode. oeids or lhe siâge of lhe gamea,rdi^e tacticdl complextlyoi lhe cufienlposilion.

Inlinite Level lTfe corrputêrgoeson lhinkrngunlil you inlerruplit (bypressing PLAY)or it runsout positions of memory. In complical€d this can take manydays,

3.1Changlngthe l€vel WhenyoulirstpressLEVÊLthecomput€r be€ps, andlighlsontherightol theboardindicetewhich levelis sel. PrsssLEVELrepsatêdry unlhrhetight cofiespondslothe levelyou wanl,Thelevelmay bechangedatlh€ b€ginning oratanylimê du ng a game (butonlywhenit is yourlurn lo move). ll yousloppressing LEVEL.atlertwosecondslhe compulerassumesyou-havetinishêdselecting lhe level. lt lhenbeepsand returnsto normel.



4.2Changingsides; movesuggestions All the thingswe haveseensofarare enoughlo ll you wishto changesides(i.e.coors) with the give you counless hours of peasurewithyour compuler,pr€ss PLAY insleâdol makirgyour move.ThecompulerplaysthenextrnoveToryou compute YoJ cal plâyslraigl-lgaÎles aqansl youcango on playinglor the otherside. and correclmislakesand adjustthe levelol skilllo malchyour needs. But thereâre many other liirgs lhe conprter cân do lhal nake rl eve'r Youcar cha,gesdes as otter as yor,Ike during morciun to !se. Thischaplerdêâlswiththese thecoursêoiâgame.You cân ev€npressPLAY atlerevêry nove âîd rrâkelhecompJterplayan lealuresindivdually. e,lire garre againsl.lsell. The PLAY key is especiallyusefu whenyoLrneedhelpandwanl 4.1TAKÊBACK the computerto suggestamovefor you,orwhen When I is youriurnio moveyou maylakeback you wish lo identify ihe argestcaptureseqlence. (erâse) lhe âsl one.Iwoo evel up lo sx py (moves)by pressing TAKE BACKeachI me.The yoLrwanltoplayBlâckuptheboard,pressNEW computerlightslheTAKE BACKlamps andshows ll GAME, SWAPSIDESand PLAY.Yourcomputer you wTicTpeceto nove:pressrlârd prckI ut. Then rl shows you wl-ich câplureoprecesto rnakesthelirstmoveas Whiteis playngdownthe replace,iJany(pressthemon theirsquares), with two lampsior the squareand two for the piece (WHITEor BLACK,OUEENor À,4AN). Finallylt 4.3lnlefiupt is thinking(WHITEor BLACK showsrrre FFO[4squârêolhe piÊceol he mov€. Whenthecomputer lig"l flasiingl you rray llerupl ir by pressing Presst dow'):ll'e TAhEBACKlampgoeso,rt ll andplay yoL gel strck. first p.esslhe sqLarêsindicaleo PLAY.Thiscalsesit to stopcomputinq unlillhe TAKE BACKlampgoesout,thencheck the bestmoveil hasloundso lar. wherethe piecesare (secion5.2). 52

4.4lnformalion evaluale You cen see who is winningaccordingto lhe ifyoupressINFORMATION compuler EVALUATE whilelhecomputer islhlnkngaboutitsmove.The evalualion is display€d on lhe rowol lampsat the bollon ol lhe board. Fromlhe playersporrl ol viewlhe iunherlo lhe rightlhe lampis,the betler the posilion.see table. Lamp



verybadposllion(iorlhe ussr) signilicanlly lessmen ofie manless positionâlly bad slightyinferiorposilion s ightlybettsrposition posltionally good onemanmorelhanthêcomputer manymenmorethanlhe computer verygoodposition


lhe compLterhas calcrrlared so far. One ol lhs lampsto the righlol lhe boardshowsthe number (lrcm 1'10,whsre10 means l0 or more). 4.6Informalionmove To seew'at nove lhe corpLler rs corsiderinç press INFORMATION MOVE. The coordinaie lâmpsllash firs h€FBOMsquâreandlhenlhsTO squareallernalely. 4.7Nonaulo:speclalopening9;plâywlthâ tri€nd YoJr compJle.hasâ speoallunclion |hâtâllows you 10 enlermoves or to lorcethe compulerlo playâ cenan continuar'on. PrsssNONAIJTO. yournaynowentermovesatwill The compuler kêopslrackoflhê boardposlionandmakessure egal.Torêlumlo normalplay thatlhemovesare pfessNONAUTO a secondlime.

Would you liketo lry a specialopening? The lalesltheory?PressNEWGAMEandsetuplh€ lren.useNONAUTO'oplaylhe specdlrrovê!. 4.5lntormationdepth Whileyour computers lhinking,yoLrcan press thenturnoll NONAUTOandplayon agansl lh€ INFORMATION DEPTHloseehowmaîyplydeep 53

NONAUTOis usefuwhenyouareplayingâgarne boardposlion, (lf the posilionyou want to sel with a friend ThecompJter aclsdsa relereeard up contajnsonlya fewpieces,pressNEWGAME ensLresll'âr all captures a.e 'ully colp,eleo after pressingSET tlP to clearthe boârdol all Eachside can evenask ior advlceby pressing pieces.) 4.8Sound li lhe compul€asbeepsa'e d stractrngyou or olhers duing a game, lurn off the soundby pressrng SOUND.Pressi19 lhe keyagairrrtrs itbackon (youheâra beepconfirning-hE). Watc. lhe indrcâto'Lqfls and pressnen â.|d keys carelullywhenplayingwilhoutsound.

- To removee piece:presstdownonils current squafeandremoveit fromlhe board. - To moveâ piece:pressit downon itscuffent square,rnove it 10 its new positionand press it downagain, - Toadda newpiècê:pr€sstheappfopriats pieco keyand pressthenewpieceon an emptysquare.


Atler yo(] havesetup thepieces,ssl€cllhecolor to move by pressing WHITEQUEENor BLACK QtjEEN. ThenpressSETUP again lo relurn1o nofmal,ltis agoodideato alwayscheckthêcolor to move (WHITEor BLACKlamps)andverifythe posilion(see 5.2)altersetlingup a posilon.Do nol enterillegalposiUonsas this will produce 5.l Setling up â specialposition results. ll yoLwsh lo sel up â spÊciâlposironnrslpress unpredlctable SETUP.ThePOSITION you arnpwilllight Llpand upaposition wllhaWhileQuêên on rnaylove, addorremov€piecesfroî lhecurren- Exampie:Set squarenumber3, a Whiteman of 10, a Black h ths chapleryoJ lêarnhowro set Jp posrlons for iurtherânâlysisand play,how to veriTythe bodrdpositionar ary time.andhowlo chec(thal movesaTetegat.


Oueenon 45, and a Blackrnan oi 44, and il rs White's lum to mov€. First pr€ss SET UP (POSITION lamplights up) and NEWGAMElo clearth€board. PressWlllTE OUEENândpress thê WhiteQueenon square3, WHITEMAN and prêsstheWhitemanon 10,BLACKOUEENand lhsBackQJesnor 45.BLACKMANand lrr€B ack manon44. NowpressWHITEOUËÊNto lell th€ computerthatit is whit€s turnto movg,thonSET UPlo linish(POSITION lampgoesout).

lânps will 0o oul.andtl"sWHITE/BLACK laÎlps willindicalewhoselurnit s. 6. TECHNICALDETAILS

6.1Thê long.termmemory yoLlo irlorLpt a gane al YoLr conpLleraLlows âmove)by anysiage (êvenwhen il iscomputing pressrngsToP.Play|sstoppedal ûat poinland remembatlerypow€rconssNsd Thecomputer be'sthe posiliorârd alltheseitirgsandresu1]es 5.2Verllylnga posltion playwhenyou press GO. Wlh a lreshsel ot ll yoLr-psellhe menor lor otherreasonsare not alkdlinebatl€riestheposilonis relâinsdfor up lo sure lhat lh6 board posilion is corecl, lhe 18 monlhs. compulershowsyou lhe properlocation ol each piece. 6.2The AC L key ll lhe computerlocks dp becauseol static To ve ly lhe boad positionprcssthe MAN or dischargsor someother reason.pressSTOP QTEENpiecekey ol €ith€r side whenil is your andthenuseapenc or someohershàn object turnlo mov9, The la'np lor lhâl color ârd iype topressthe for ACLkeyinlhebaseollhecabinei ol pieceI'gl'ls Jp. andth€ larnpson th€ srde ol a fewseconds.Thisrcsêtsthecompu€f, tie boa'd come on lo show you whêrelhe ircl ol thosspiecesislocâtsd.Pressth€piecelet ageinto seeil thereare any morepiocesol that kindon th€ boafd. Wh€nlh€ comput$ linds no more ollhs oiscesseleclêd,lheDiecêcoordinate

6.3Careandmainlenance Yourcomp.reridpreLi,onelnronrcdêvice Do nol sublectii lo roughhandlingor exposeI to erlrele lemperaure\o noinnÊ. Do 'lorusa cl'erricaldganrslo c aa- rhê sêl ds lhese .îay damagelhe plastc. Neverleâveweâk or dead balle.esi_ r'p rr I ac lhÊy"1aylêakard céuce dârnage. 6.4Technicalspecifications 6301Y Processor speed: 8 MHz

16Kbyles 256by'les 18 months LEDlamps: 28 ted 17 Powerconsumpton: 90mw Baiieriesrequlrement: 3 AA,AlV3,or F6 Dimensions: 1l2x 135x21mm Weghl:

0.25kg(wilhoutbatter es)

Sailekreservesrhe riqhilo maketechnicalchângês wilhout notlcêinlhe intêrêstolproEress.

guide T.Troubleshooting l,lost problemsare causedby weak or impropery nsenedbafieries.Beioretry ng anythngelse, checklhe batleres,andii necessary, re insertor replacelhem.



PressACL in the baseol lhe computerlorfiveI secolos w lh à prn.paoeachp or sin 'aroqecl Chech batlery ofienlaton

PressACL iori ve

2. All lamps ighl up togelher

staticd schârge


3. Computer'freezes in the middleoTa game 4. Computermakes illegalmove or computercheats


PressACL forlive

Batlerles weak

Replacebatteries Makesureyo! knowruesl useplecekeysto confirmwhere lhepiecesare,thenTAKEBACK andro verifvthe ooslions. [,4ake the compulelsmove,and usethepiece keys to contim position(seeseclion5.2) Seesection6.2 ls I yourlum? Checkthe co or lamps ijse lh€ piecekeystoconfirmwhere the p eces are;prcssPLAY to et the computerplâythe longesl capruresequenceroryou usepiecekeysio conlirm posilioniTAKE BACKâslar as neededandreplaylhe oârne


Thepiecesare of tre

5. Computer doesnol your move accept in lhe middleof a gâme

locksup Cornputer Thernoveis illega Thereis a onger

ikea Queen 7. Computerdoesnïplay T.I WHITEoTBLACK comPUting

PressPLAYIoslartit; t lhe NON AUTO amp s on, read seclion4-7

posstB|.E SY1lllPTOMS causEs pr z2 WHITE BLACK Ths computeris still lamptlashlng thinkingiIn complex

8. Computeris

positlonslt maytake manytlmeslonger than the average resDonsetime The6oundis ofi

9. Lampsdo not come Lampdead on '10.Boârd square Faullycontacts; presseachsquare or key does not respond in tumto verify correctlywhen boardcontacts; press€d,or lamps theproperlamps do nol comeon shouldllgt|tup witha b€ep correcly

WHAT YOU SHOULD DO Verfy the level, checksectlon3.1; to interrupt the thinklngprocess press PLAY PressSOUNOagain

your Conguli ServlceCêntre your Consull SeMc€Centre

game. WehopeyouenioyyourSaltêkCompact Êleçtronic Dames


1990SaitekLld. à HongKong nlêdin HongKong

P/N418610-33100 Art.No.661 0690 59