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systems which gives rise to residual first-order Doppler effects usually taking the form ... conditions for the laser beams) the two systems perturb each other in a ...
TABLE C.2.i Accurate Measurements' (with Assignments)2 of Several Os O Lines at 10.4 um. OS. Isotope. Nearby CO2. Laser Line. P(24). P(22). 192. 192. 192.
equations are easier to understand and simpler to solve in the mo- mentum representation ... used to write down automatically the corresponding susceptibilities. Furthermore a ..... 8 - Density matrix elements between energy-momentum states.
in our laboratory with argon lasers. fold (18). From such measurements it is possible to me can be ..... with the electrons and give rise to the hyperfine structure. .... Another approximate rule is due to the Various analyses of the data have been m
Thus, we have started a new stabilization scheme for CO2 lasers for which the short term and the long term .... ammonia, the inversion splitting, in that case, is.
accuracies between 1 kHz and 50 Hz (ov/v = 2 X 10-12)(12). The rovibrational analysis of the vz band of Os !604 has been performed by several groups in ...
conditions of collimated and matched beams, with R ... Reference 4 contains asymptotic formulas for ... parisons makes it attractive to consider a new series of.
turated absorption signal corresponds a change in the index of refraction of the gas that we shall call sa- turated dispersion and whose third-order simplified.
u(, e) = V16,49c5p [(6x + 1.) (–2]. Vint.) – ese | 16-7, * ... matrix elements between levels a and b and a third level c divided by a detuning) and where VỊ is either.
over peaks, curvature-induced shift, shift result- ing from the asymmetry .... the argon gain curve. One of the .... A line shape including many of these factors in ... a negative slope for the ..... ponent because of the hyperfine predissociation.25
... interaction constant : A--2.76 kHż. Finally let us note that the ratio of A and c. is quite close to be 0.127 as could be anticipated. dig. KNX susituous. DENGAN.